#torchlight light from a torch or torches supertype: #visible_light__visiblelight__light__visible_radiation__visibleradiation (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation; "the light was filtered through a soft glass window" supertype: #actinic_radiation__actinic_ray__actinicray electromagnetic radiation that can produce photochemical reactions supertype: #electromagnetic_radiation__electromagneticradiation__electromagnetic_wave__electromagneticwave__nonparticulate_radiation radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric charge supertype: #radiation the physical phenomenon of radiating energy in the form of waves or particles supertype: #physical_phenomenon a natural phenomenon involving the physics of matter and energy supertype: #natural_phenomenon__naturalphenomenon all non-artificial phenomena supertype: #phenomenon any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning supertype: sumo#process__proces__physicalsituation intuitively, the class of things that happen and have temporal parts or stages; examples include extended events like a football match or a race, actions like pursuing and reading, and biological processes; sumo#process is not identical to pm#situation because an instance of pm#situation is not necessarily an instance of sumo#physical supertype: pm#situation something that "occurs" in a real/imaginary region of time and space supertype: pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type supertype: pm#process_or_process_description supertype: pm#processing_thing supertype: pm#thing_playing_some_role category to classify things according to roles/viewpoints; classification under this category is application-dependant supertype: pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type supertype: sumo#physical__physical_thing an entity that has a location in space-time; locations are themselves understood to have a location in space-time; click here for more details on the identical category sowa#physical_thing supertype: pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type
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