#fictional_character__fictionalcharacter__fictitious_character__character  an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story); "she is the main character in the novel"
  subtype:  #Argonaut  #Emile  #protagonist  #Houyhnhnm  #Little_John  #Little_Red_Ricing_Hood  #Rodya_Raskolnikov  #Robin_Hood  #Robinson_Crusoe  #Rumpelstiltskin  #Shylock  #Tristan  #Iseult  #Scaramouch  #Sweeney_Todd  #Walter_Mitty  #Yahoo
  instance:  #Aladdin  #Babar  #Beatrice  #Beowulf  #Bluebeard  #James_Bond  #Paul_Bunyan  #John_Henry  #Cheshire_cat  #Chicken_Little  #Cinderella  #Colonel_Blimp  #Dracula  #Don_Quixote  #El_Cid  #Fagin  #Sir_John_Falstaff  #Father_Brown  #Faust  #Frankenstein  #Frankenstein's_monster  #Goofy  #Gulliver  #Hamlet  #Captain_Horatio_Hornblower  #Iago  #Inspector_Maigret  #Kilroy  #King_Lear  #Lilliputian  #Philip_Marlowe  #Wilkins_Micawber  #Mother_Goose  #Mr._Moto  #Othello  #Pangloss  #Pantaloon  #Perry_Mason  #Peter_Pan  #Pierrot  #Pluto.fictional_character  #Huckleberry_Finn  #Tarzan_of_the_Apes  #Tom_Sawyer  #Uncle_Tom  #Uncle_Sam  #Sherlock_Holmes  #Simon_Legree  #Sinbad_the_Sailor  #Snoopy  #Ali_Baba  #King_Arthur  #Sir_Galahad  #Sir_Gawain  #Guinevere  #Sir_Lancelot  #Merlin
  supertype:  #imaginary_being__imaginarybeing__imaginary_creature__imaginarycreature  a creature of the imagination
     supertype:  pm#imaginary_spatial_entity__imaginaryspatialentity  e.g., a cartoon character
        supertype:  pm#imaginary_entity__imaginaryentity  an entity that has been imagined
           supertype:  pm#entity_playing_some_role  e.g., an agent, an owner
              supertype:  pm#entity  something that can be "involved" in a situation
                 supertype:  pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else  any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type
              supertype:  pm#thing_that_can_be_seen_as_a_relation  usable as relation type
                 supertype:  pm#thing_playing_some_role  category to classify things according to roles/viewpoints; classification under this category is application-dependant
                    supertype:  pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else  any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type

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