#city__metropolis__urban_center__urbancenter a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city" subtype: #capital_city (pm) a seat of government instance: #Dunkerque #Durres #Oran #Constantine #Hamilton #Cordoba #Plovdiv #Mandalay #Douala #Kandy #Vina_del_Mar #Antofagasta #Punta_Arenas #Concepcion #Valparaiso #Lanzhou #Shanghai #Guangzhou #Nanchang #Nanning #Shenyang #Tianjin #Nanjing #Chongqing #Xian #Luoyang #Hangzhou #Taichung #Hong_Kong #Cali #Medellin #Cartagena #Kananga #Lubumbashi #Abidjan #San_Pedro_Sula #Santa_Ana.Salvador #Colon #Merida #Campeche #Cancun #Acapulco_de_Juarez #chihuahua #Juarez #Ciudad_Victoria #Culiacan #Durango #Guadalajara #Hermosillo #Leon.Mexico #Matamoros #Mazatlan #Mexicali #Monterrey #Oaxaca_de_Juarez #Orizaba #Puebla_de_Zaragoza #San_Luis_Potosi #Tepic #Tampico #Torreon #Tijuana #Tuxtla_Gutierrez #Veracruz #Villahermosa #Santiago_de_Cuba #Guantanamo #Santiago_de_los_Caballeros #San_Juan #Montego_Bay #Cotonou #Arhus #Aalborg #Bergen #Stavanger #Trondheim #Malmo #Lund #Goteborg #Uppsala #Aachen #Chemnitz #Dresden #Leipzig #Solingen #Weimar #Bonn #Cologne #Braunschweig #Dusseldorf #Essen #Frankfurt_on_the_Main #Halle-an-der-Saale #Hamburg #Hannover #Lubeck #Mannheim #Munich #Nuremberg #Rostock #Stuttgart #Wiesbaden #Wurzburg #Guayaquil #Espoo #Tampere #Corinth #Argos #Delphi #Mycenae #Sparta #Troy #Thebes #Thessaloniki #Sodom #Gomorrah #Tel_Aviv-Jaffa #Haifa #Jaffa #Byzantium #Pompeii #Herculaneum #Aquila_degli_Abruzzi #Naples #Messina #Bologna #Brindisi #Genoa #Cremona #La_Spezia #Milan #Pisa #Siracusa #Turin #Bari #Palermo #Firenze #Padua #Venice #Verona #Dubrovnik #Split #Banff #Calgary #Vancouver #Saint_John #Hamilton.port #Sudbury #Thunder_Bay #Montreal #Saskatoon #Graz #Linz #Salzburg #Innsbruck #Chittagong #Antwerpen #Bruges #Charleroi #Gent #Liege #Namur #Belo_Horizonte #Natal #Rio_de_Janeiro #Recife #Sao_Paulo #Lancaster #Manchester #Hull #Liverpool #Birmingham #Oxford.England #Cambridge #Brighton #Bristol #Leeds #Leicester #Newcastle-upon-Tyne #Pompey #Coventry #Gloucester.England #Reading #Sheffield #Winchester.England #Worcester.England #Cork #Galway #Limerick #Waterford #Aberdeen.Scotland #Glasgow #Newport.Wales #Swansea #El_Iskandriyah #Aswan #Giza #Memphis.Egypt #Luxor #Suez #Delhi #Calcutta #Bombay #Agra #Hyderabad #Chennai #Salem.India #Bandung #Medan #Semarang #Abadan #Mashhad #Isfahan #Shiraz #Tabriz #Qum #Persepolis #Basra #Mosul #Edirne #Babylon #Ur #Assur #Nineveh #Utica.Phoenicia #Nagoya #Osaka #Yokohama #Naha_City #Kyoto #Hiroshima #Sapporo #Kitakyushu #Fukuoka #Nagasaki #Aqaba #Zarqa #Kisumu #Mombasa #Nakuru #Bordeaux #Brest #Cannes #Dijon #Grenoble #Le_Havre #Lille #Lyon #Marseille #Nancy #Nantes #Nice #Orleans #Strasbourg #Toulouse #Versailles #The_Hague #Eindhoven #Nijmegen #Rotterdam #Leiden #Utrecht #Thorshavn #Incheon #Kwangju #Taegu #Pusan #Tarabulus #Saida #Sur #Benghazi #Blantyre #Zomba #Timbuktu #Casablanca #Fez #Marrakesh #Tangier #Auckland #Christchurch #Ibadan #Katsina #Lagos #Yerwa-Maiduguri #Zaria #Karachi #Lahore #Faisalabad #Arequipa #Cebu_City #Quezon_City #Cracow #Gdansk #Lodz #Lublin #Wroclaw #Braga #Porto #Papeete #Medina #Jiddah #Hargeisa #Cape_Town #Johannesburg #Kimberley #Durban #Bloemfontein #Soweto #Astrakhan #Cherepovets #Grozny #Kaluga #Kursk #Nizhnyi_Novgorod #Kazan #Leningrad #Murmansk #Nalchik #Novgorod #Perm #Rostov_na_Donu #Saratov #Smolensk #Ufa #Volgograd #Novosibirsk #Chelyabinsk #Omsk #Vladivostok #Gomel #Klaipeda #Kaunas #Donetsk #Chernobyl #Dneprodzerzhinsk #Dnepropetrovsk #Kharkov #Odesa #Sebastopol #Yalta #Almaty #Samarkand #Barcelona #Cadiz #Cartagena.port #Cordova #Granada #Jerez_de_la_Frontera #Leon.Spain #Malaga #Oviedo #San_Sebastian #Sevilla #Toledo.Spain #Zaragoza #Valencia.Spain #Nyala #Port_Sudan #Omdurman #Basel #Geneva #Lausanne #Zurich #Aleppo #Tabora #Sfax #Adana #Antalya #Istanbul #Bursa #Izmir #Jinja #Gulu #Dubai #Pittsburgh_of_the_South #Huntsville #Mobile #Selma #Anchorage #Tucson #Anaheim #Bakersfield #Berkeley #Beverly_Hills #Fresno #Long_Beach #Los_Angeles #Oakland #Pasadena #Riverside #San_Bernadino #San_Diego #San_Francisco #San_Jose.California #Santa_Ana.California #Santa_Clara #Colorado_Springs #Pueblo.Colorado #Bridgeport #New_Haven #Waterbury #Wilmington.Delaware #Fort_Lauderdale #Jacksonville #Miami #Miami_Beach #Orlando #St._Augustine #St._Petersburg #Tampa #Augusta.Georgia #Columbus.Georgia #Macon #Savannah #Windy_City #Decatur.Illinois #Peoria #Rockford #Evansville #Fort_Wayne #Gary #South_Bend #Davenport #Cedar_Rapids #Sioux_City #Kansas_City.Kansas #Wichita.Kansas #Lexington.Kentucky #Louisville #New_Orleans #Shreveport #Portland.Maine #Baltimore #Cambridge.Massachusetts #Springfield #Worcester.Massachusetts #Salem.Massachusetts #Ann_Arbor #Detroit #Flint #Grand_Rapids #Duluth #Minneapolis #Independence #Kansas_City.Missouri #Saint_Louis #Springfield.Missouri #Billings #Omaha.Nebraska #Las_Vegas #Reno #Manchester.New_Hampshire #Atlantic_City #Jersy_City #Newark #Bayonne #Camden #Paterson #Albuquerque #Buffalo #New_York #Binghamton #Niagara_Falls #Rochester.New_York_State #Schenectady #Syracuse #Utica.New_York_State #Charlotte #Durham #Greensboro #Winston-Salem #Fargo #Akron #Cleveland #Cincinnati #Dayton #Toledo.Ohio #Youngstown #Tulsa #Eugene #Portland.Oregon #Allentown #Erie #Chester #Philadelphia #Pittsburgh #Scranton #Newport.Rhode_Island #Charleston.South_Carolina #Sioux_Falls #Chattanooga #Knoxville #Memphis.Tennessee #Abilene #Amarillo #Beaumont #Brownsville #Corpus_Christi #Dallas #El_Paso #Fort_Worth #Houston #Laredo #Lubbock #Odessa #San_Antonio #Waco #Wichita_Falls #Burlington #Newport_News #Norfolk #Lynchburg #Portsmouth.port #Roanoke #Seattle #Spokane #Tacoma #Beckley #Clarksburg #Huntington #Morgantown #Parkersburg #Wheeling #Green_Bay #Milwaukee #Racine #Casper #Vatican_City #Cuidad_Bolivar #Maracaibo #Maracay #Valencia.Venezuela #Ho_Chi_Minh_City #Haiphong #Aden #Bulawayo part: #city_center #financial_center #civic_center #inner_city #medical_center supertype: #municipality.urban_area an urban district having corporate status and powers of self-government supertype: #urban_area__urbanarea a geographical area constituting a city or town supertype: #geographical_area__geographic_area__geographical_region__geographic_region a demarcated area of the Earth supertype: #region a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions" supertype: #location a point or extent in space supertype: pm#space point or extent in space supertype: pm#spatial_object__spatialobject object which as a direct spatial location, e.g., physical object, spatial region or shape supertype: sumo#object__entity_with_spatial_feature spatial object (space, location or physical object) or description medium/container (e.g., string, language, image); in a 4D ontology, an object is something whose spatiotemporal extent is thought of as dividing into spatial parts roughly parallel to the time-axis supertype: pm#entity something that can be "involved" in a situation supertype: pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type supertype: sumo#physical__physical_thing an entity that has a location in space-time; locations are themselves understood to have a location in space-time; click here for more details on the identical category sowa#physical_thing supertype: pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type supertype: cyc#partially_tangible__partiallytangible A subcollection of cyc#SpatialThing-Localized and cyc#TemporalThing. Each instance of cyc#PartiallyTangible has a tangible (i.e. material) part and a temporal extent (i.e. it exists in time). It might or might not also have an intangible part. For example, a particular copy of a book is made of matter, has temporal extent, and also has an intangible part: the information content of the text markings on its pages. supertype: pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type supertype: pm#individual__particular___supertype_of_1st_order_types all individuals (for concepts or relations) are implicitely or explicitely instance of that type supertype: pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type supertype: #component_part__componentpart__part__portion something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach" supertype: #relation an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together supertype: pm#thing_that_can_be_seen_as_a_relation usable as relation type supertype: pm#thing_playing_some_role category to classify things according to roles/viewpoints; classification under this category is application-dependant supertype: pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type supertype: #administrative_district__administrative_division__territorial_division__territorialdivision a district defined for administrative purposes supertype: #district__territory a region marked off for administrative or other purposes supertype: #region a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions"
#city has many specializing statements. Browse its subtypes, or click here for a search form or here to represent such an object.