Function sumo#property_fn (dl#agentive_physical_object -> sumo#set) maps an agent to the set of objects owned by the agent type: pm#unary_function_type class of functions requiring a single argument; if R is functional, then if R(x -> y) and P(x -> z) then y=z type: pm#total_valued_relation_type when there exists an assignment for the last argument position of the relation given any assignment of values to every argument position except the last one; note that declaring a relation to be both a total_valued_relation and a single_valued_relation means that it is a total function supertype: pm#owner_of__ownerof (pm#causal_entity,?) supertype: pm#attributive_relation__attributiverelation (*) like pm#binary_relation, this type mostly exists to categorize what cannot be categorized elsewhere supertype: pm#relation_playing_a_special_role (*) this type permits to categorize relations according to their roles ; this is a traditional but quite subjective way of categorizing relations >part of: pm#relation__related_thing__relatedthing___related_with type for any relation (unary, binary, ..., *-ary) and instance of pm#relation_type