Semantic classification of some information security related concepts

Dr Ph. MARTIN, 2011dec-2014jan-2016dec-2019march

This file is in construction. Its concepts specialize the
top-level information security related concepts represented in this other file.
The representations are written in the FL notation.

Table of contents

1.  Short typology of security related concepts
2.  Formalization of security attributes and requirements
3.  Other representation stuff
4.  Other projects
5.  Modelisation examples of the 6/09/2012

1.  Short typology of security related concepts

thing  >  thing_playing_some_role  {( entity  situation )} ;

security_related_thing   <  thing_playing_some_role,  //warning: may lead to not see some pbs
  > {( security_related_entity  security_related_situation )}
    (security_related_agent   //= thing_agent_of_a_security_supporting/threatening_process
       > (security_supporting_thing  >  threat  vulnerability  risk)
         (security_threatening_thing >  fail-safe_thing)
    (security_related_object  //= thing_object_of_a_security_supporting/threatening_process
       > thing_object_of_security_supporting_process
    { invulnerable_thing  vulnerable_thing }; //avoid using! Instead, represent things as
            // object of one or several kinds of security_threatening_process (see below)

  security_related_entity  < entity,
    >  { (security_related_attribute  < attribute_or_quality_or_measure,
            > (assurance_level___degree_of_security_strength  < security_supporting_thing)
                 >  #accessibility  #integrity  #dependability  {#dangerousness  #safeness}
                    dependancy_or_information_security_attribute #confidentiality.discreetness
              )  //avoid using! Instead, represent things as object of one or several
                 // subkinds of security_supporting_process (see below)
         (security_related_description  < pm#description,  //description_content/medium
            > security_supporting_regulation  security_policy  security_model
              security_principle  security_measure_description
              security_evaluation_result_description  security_supporting_skill_qualification
              (security_protocol  < #protocol)   //pm: to check
                 > computer_security_policy_language  security_supporting_programming_language)
                 > firewall )
         (security_related_physical_object  <  physical_object,
            > (security_supporting_physical_object  < security_supporting_thing)
              (security_threatening_physical_object < security_threatening_thing)
         (security_related_agent_entity <  pm#causal_entity,
            > {security_related_organisation  security_related_individual}
              (security_supporting_agent_entity  < security_supporting_thing )
              (security_threatening_agent_entity < security_threatening_thing)
              //avoid using! Instead, represent such things as agent of one or several kinds
              // of security_supporting_process or security_threatening_process (see below)

  security_related_situation  < situation,
    >  {( (security_related_state  < state,
             > {#safety.state  #danger.state}  #insecurity.feeling
          (security_related_process  < process,
             > (process_object_of_a_security_supporting/threatening_process  //avoid using!
                  > (process_typically_object_of_a_security_supporting/threatening_process
                       > communication)
               (security_threatening_process  < security_threatening_thing,
                  > process_threatening_the_security_of_a_communication  //avoid using?
                    // := `a process agent of a threatening with object a communication'
               (security_supporting_process   < security_supporting_thing,
                  > risk_management_process  security_evaluation
                       > applying_the_principle_of_least_privilege
                       > {discretionary_access_control  mandatory_access_control
                         {role-based_access_control  user-based_access_control}
                       :=> "roots of trust for the process should not be changed"
                       > trusted_authentication  trusted_integrity_support
                       > supporting_confidentiality   supporting_integrity
                         supporting_availability  supporting_interoperability
                           >  (authentication
                                 > (trusted_authentication  < trusted_process) )

2.  Formalization of security attributes and requirements

      attribute of: (a quantum_of_information ?qi1, object of: (a storage, place: a place ?place, time: ?t1)),
      < state,  //???
      := [?qi1 = (?qi2, object of: (a storage, place: ?place, time: (?t2 > ?t1))]      //, p4
      < (non-modification   <  boolean),
      object of:  checking_the_integrity_of_a_quantum_of_information_between_two_given_dates 
                     definition: "task aimed to prevent the unauthorized/accidental 
                                  modification/deletion of a certain quantum of 
                                  information stored in a certain repository";

authenticated_process (?p)
  //:= (a process  attribute: authenticity_of_a_process),
  := (a process object of: an ?authenticating_action);

evita_flashing  < authenticated_process,
                attribute: authenticity_of_a_process,
                object of: an ?authenticating_action;

   authenticity  < state,
     > authenticity_of_the_origin_of_data
       (authenticity_of_a_process (?p) 
          := [?p  object of: an ?authenticating_action]  //, p 9
          > (evita#Authenticity_1
              := (every (active_braking, agent: (a car  driver: a person), 
                                         trigger: some enviroment_information ?ei),
                    must have for precondition:
                        [?ei  type: origin_authentic content_authentic time_authentic]
         /* (evita#Authenticity_102
               := (every (gateway recipient of:
                           (a flashing_command,  
                      object of: (a sending  from: an ECU ?e1, to: an ECU ?e2,
                                             via: ?g),
                must have for precondition:
                   [?ff  object of: an access_control] //Evita 3.2.4, p35r45
         */ (evita#Authenticity_102
               := (every (ECU  recipient of: (a flashing_command  part: a code ?c))
                     must be agent of: (a authentication 
                                         object: (the organisation  author of: ?c),
            // := every ECU  type: evita#authenticated_artefact_102        //oui
            // := every ECU  attribute: evita#Authenticity_attribute_102; //non

          evita#authenticated_artefact_102 (?a) < artefact,
             :=  (an artefact ?a 
                    recipient of: (a evita#authenticated_process_101l //e.g., flashing_command
                                      part: a code ?c))
                    must be agent of: (a authentication 
                                         object: (the organisation  author of: ?c),
          evita#authenticated_process_101 (?a) < process,  //flashing_command as action
            := (a process  

          evita#authenticated_description_101 (?d) < description,  //as message

//if expert writes a rule, the rule must be true and as general and precise as possible //=> expert must correct/add in higher rules (even those of libraries) what he discovers in // lower rules ; example for article : information on trust -> top-level rules // autre exemple: flashing_command used for another embedded system : insert "niveau" before EVITA //?x "marked as sensitive" <= ?x may be object of: (an attack result: disaster according to ?sensitiveMarker) any relation from a process ?w, that is marked as sensitive by "someone authorised to do so" ?sensitiveMarker, must be checked by 'a checker ?ca trusted by ?sensitiveMarker' at least for a property ?prop on '?w or related to ?w' > (any writing ?w of a description ?d by an agent ?a with initiator ?requester, into a location ?l marked as sensitive by "someone authorised to do so" ?sensitiveMarker, must be checked by 'a checker ?ca trusted by ?sensitiveMarker' at least for a property ?prop on '?w or related to ?w' //?d, ?a, ?l, ... > buffer overflow protection rule here, > (any writing ?w of ?d by ... into ?l marked as ... must be checked by ?ca BEFORE ?w at least for a property ?prop on '?w or related to ?w' so that ?w authorised by ?a //??? > (any writing ?w of a MESSAGE (?d part: a code, part: (?authorshipOfCode proof of: [?d author: ?x]) //YR: verifier si preuve d'integrite egalement ? by an agent ?a with initiator ?requester into a MICRO-CONTROLER ?l=?a marked as ... must be checked by ?ca BEFORE ?w at least for property ?prop ON ?x //e.g. ?x est en liste blanche so that ?w authorised by ?a //??? > any FLASHING_COMMAND ?w of a MESSAGE (?d part: a code, part: (?authorshipOfCode proof of: [?d author: ?x]) by an ECU ?a with initiator ?requester into an ECU ?l=?a marked as sensitive by CARMAKER ?sensitiveMarker must be checked by an ECU ?a WITH INITIATOR ?requester before ?w at least for property ?prop ON ?x //e.g. ?x est en liste blanche so that ?w authorised by ?a //??? ) ) ) writing < process; flashing_command < writing of code ; ECU < micro-controler, part of: a car ; CARMAKER authorised to do attribute trust to any part of a car ; //our method/software should be able to detect contradictions between security rules, // e.g., chiffrement vs. signature
access_control definition: "controlling and selectively authorizing access of subjects to objects", subtask: 1..* supporting_authentication, > {discretionary_access_control mandatory_access_control role-based_access_control} {role-based_access_control user-based_access_control} (evita#Access_101 := (every sending ?s, //=============== 1st version every (ECU , recipient of: (?s agent: an agent ?sender, object: a flashing_command ?fc), part: (a code, for: ?fc) ) must be agent of: (an access_control object: [?sender may be agent of: (a sending, object: ?fc)] )); := (every (sending ?s, //=============== 2nd version agent: an agent ?sender, object: a flashing_command ?fc, recipient: (an ECU ?ecu, part: (a code, for: ?fc)) ) precondition: (?ecu trusted_by: ?ecu, agent of: (an access_control object: [?sender may be agent of: ?s] )) ) ); (every (sending ?s //======== Some more general stuff ========= 3.2.4, p 35 agent: an agent ?sender, object: a flashing_command ?fc, recipient: (an ECU ?ecu, part: (a code, for: ?fc)) ) precondition: [an agent ?a trusted_by: ?ecu, agent of: (an access_control object: [?sender may be agent of: ?s] result: (?message_s_isAllowed object of: (a comm, agent: ?a, to: ?ecu), object of: (a verif_I+O, agent: ?ecu) ) )) ]); //==================== More generic versions ====================================== I+O_verified_sending_where_recipient_does_the_verification (?s) := (a sending ?s agent: an agent ?sender, object: a message ?message, recipient: an agent ?recipient, postcondition: [?recipient agent of: (a I+O_verification object: [?message from: ?sender] object: [?message not_modified...] )]); verified_sending ( ?vs) := (a sending ?vs agent: an agent ?sender, message: a message ?message, recipient: an agent ?recipient, attribute: ?prop, (post-)condition: OR{ [?recipient prop: ?x ?y ?z, agent of: (a verification parameter: ?prop, object: [?message from: ?sender] object: [?message not_modified...] )] [an agent ?a != ?recipient, trusted_by: ?recipient, prop: ?x ?y ?z, agent of: (a verification parameter: ?prop, object: [?message from: ?sender] object: [?message not_modified...] result: (?message_s_isVerified message of: (a verified_sending parameter: (prop2 result of: (propGen param: ?x)) ) )) }); [every flashing_command must be object of: (a verified_sending param: propGen_I_techX_then_O)]; ECU_223 prop: x_412 y_66; propGen > propGen_I_techX_then_O propGen_O_tech_Y; propGen_I_techX_then_O := (a propGen param: ..., result: ... );

3.  Other representation stuff

//note: to allow copy-pasting, Yves should send Ph. the doc. sources 

//======== typology of attack goal and attack tree
      goal: (. attack_goal
                 > (harming
                      > harming_an_individual  ....
            )_[any->a; a<-any]

any thing_that_is_at_high_risk_of_being_object_of_security_threatening_process
  has been object of: (a security_evaluation,  result: "high risk"),
  should be object of: (a trusted_authentication
                            subprocess: ...
                            tool: ...
  should be object of: (a trusted_integrity_support
                            subprocess: ...
                            tool: ...

//org. plus simple (-redondante)? cf. apd. p. 64..., 69... attack tree

//======== other :

2.5) pb. organisation semantique // p. 125 :
  > (gsr-1
       name:  preventing_malicious_modifications_on_the_environment_representation,
       descr: "preventing_attackers_from_feeding_wrong_information_to_gateways" //spec?
       > (gsr-1.3
            name:  authenticating_messages_sources
            descr: "authenticating_changes_sent_from_other_cars and authenticating_sensors"
            > (gsr-1.3.1  < trusted_authentication,
                 name:  enforce_trusted_authentication

authenticating__message-sources  :=
 < authentication_of_a_message_source
   object: (?s  source of: a message)

4.  Other projects

I) security for my knowledge-base cooperation approach

II) Adapt our results about cars to source code ? ...
    yes, especially II.1 since high-level ... methodology

5.  Modelisation examples of the 6/09/2012

  > (security_supporting_process/technique
      > (security_supporting_process_against_a_certain_attack_model
          counterbalance of: some security_defeating_process_for_a_certain_kind_of_attacker
           part: ...
        (password_encoding  input: a password,  output: an encoded_password,
          > (password_encoding_without_salting  support: an OS,
               output: (an encoded_password  object of: a precomputed_enumeration_attack)
            (authentication_encoding_with_salting  parameter: a salt_data,
                input: an encoded_password,   output: an acceptation_or_not
        (password_encoding  input: a password,  output: an encoded_password)
      > (enumeration_attack  object: an encoded_password ?ep,
           > (precomputed_enumeration_attack
                duration_ratio: attack_pwd_hash_lookup_table_duration_computation
                                  length(?salt parameter of: (a password_encoding_with_salting ?pes
                                                                      output: ?ep),
                                  hash_length_used_by_this_os(?os support of: ?pes)
              //  >  precomputed_enumeration_attack_taking_6_months
        (security_defeating_process_for_a_certain_kind_of_attacker   //attack model
           > (security_defeating_process_by_amateur_hacker
                support: (a disc volume: (a volume less than: 1000 Gb)
                > ...
  instance: (my_overall_process_that_run_my_system
               security_support: some security_supporting_process_against_a_certain_attack_model,
               support: (a system duration: 10 years,
                                  part: (a disc length: 500Mb), software: an OS,
               part: (a sending_data_to_micro_controler_by_server
                         max_retry: 10,
                         duration: (a duration less than: 10s),
                         part: (... part: (a password_encoding
                                               duration_ratio: (a value less than 6 mo?x)

//see if bugs can be automatically found by examining the graph of the code or its test results

(def_function attack_pwd_hash_lookup_table_duration_computation
              (?pwd_length ?salt_length ?hash_length) :=
   (* (pwd_hash_lookup_table_duration_ratio_computation ?pwd_length ?salt_length ?hash_length)
      (+ (duration_of_encoding_of (authentication_encoding_with_salting  ...)

(def_function attack_pwd_hash_lookup_table_duration_ratio_computation
              (?pwd_length ?salt_length ?hash_length) :=
   (/ (+ ?pwd_length ?salt_length) ?hash_length)

================ 11/01/2013

generation, par nous, de
1) code à nous
2) explications (+ code détection d'erreurs)
              pour deboggage du code ou,
     si intrusion, debogagge de règles|modèle|spec. de sécurité
3) code de 'debogage pour test cases sur code non généré par nous' ???

security (Design) Pattern //for J2EE chris steel
component-based softwre engineering + security + odel-driven

  > protection minimale necessaire  //

 > design patter
     comp générique 
         comp / env
           code généré

reference monitor
  input: (modification  pre  post 
             output: ok