#unpleasant_person__disagreeable_person  a person who is not pleasant or agreeable
  supertype:  unwelcome_person__unwelcomeperson__persona_non_grata  a person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome
  subtype:  aggravator__annoyance  an unpleasant person who is annoying or exasperating
  subtype:  alienator  an unpleasant person who causes friendly people to become indifferent or unfriendly or hostile
  subtype:  bete_noire__anathema  a detested person; "he is an anathema to me"
  subtype:  asshole__bastard__dickhead__shit__mother_fucker__motherfucker__prick__son_of_a_bitch__SOB  (obscene) insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
  subtype:  dullard__bore  a person who evokes boredom
     subtype:  fuddy-duddy__fuddyduddy__stuffed_shirt  (informal) a bore
     subtype:  windbag__gasbag  talks a great deal about uninteresting topics
     subtype:  nudnik__nudnick  (Yiddish) someone who is a boring pest
     subtype:  platitudinarian  a bore who makes excessive use of platitudes
  subtype:  cold_fish  an aloof unemotional person
  subtype:  weirdo__creep__weirdie__weirdy__spook__schmuck  someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric
  subtype:  critic.unpleasant_person  someone who frequently finds fault or makes harsh and unfair judgments
     subtype:  carper__niggler  someone who constantly criticizes in a petty way
     subtype:  nitpicker  someone who makes small and unjustified criticisms
     subtype:  roaster.critic  a harsh or humorous critic (sometimes intended as a facetious compliment); "the honoree gave his roasters as good as he got"
  subtype:  cynic__faultfinder  someone who is critical of the motives of others
     subtype:  detractor__disparager__depreciator__knocker  one who disparages or belittles the worth of something
        subtype:  defamer__maligner__slanderer__vilifier__libeler__backbiter__traducer  one who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel
        subtype:  hatemonger  one who arouses hatred for others
        subtype:  muckraker__mudslinger  one who spreads real or alleged scandal about another (usually for political advantage)
  subtype:  egotist__egoist__swellhead  a conceited and self-centered person
     subtype:  bragger__braggart__boaster__blowhard__line-shooter__vaunter  a very boastful and talkative person
     subtype:  egomaniac  an abnormally egotistical person
     subtype:  show-off__exhibitionist  someone who deliberately behaves in such a way as to attract attention
        subtype:  hotdog__hot_dog__hotdog  someone who performs dangerous stunts to attract attention to himself
        subtype:  poseur__poser  a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not
           subtype:  poseuse  a woman poseur
     subtype:  know-it-all__know-all  (informal) someone who thinks he knows everything and refuses to accept advice or information from others
     subtype:  megalomaniac  a pathological egotist
     subtype:  miles_gloriosus__milesgloriosu  a braggart soldier (a stock figure in comedy)
     subtype:  popinjay.egotist  a vain and talkative person (chatters like a parrot)
  subtype:  grabber  an unpleasant person who grabs inconsiderately
  subtype:  grouch__grump__crank__churl__crosspatch  a bad-tempered person
     subtype:  crabby_person__crab  a quarrelsome grouch
     subtype:  hothead__fire-eater  a belligerent grouch
     subtype:  misanthrope__misanthropist  someone who dislikes people in general
        subtype:  misogynist__woman_hater  a misanthrope who dislikes women in particular
  subtype:  incubus.unpleasant_person__incubu  someone who depresses or worries others
  subtype:  joker__turkey  a person who does something thoughtless or annoying; "some joker is blocking the driveway"
  subtype:  fiend__monster__devil__demon__ogre  a cruel wicked and inhuman person
     subtype:  demoniac  someone who acts as if possessed by a demon
  subtype:  oppressor  a person of authority who subjects others to undue pressures
     subtype:  authoritarian__dictator  behaves like a tyrant
        subtype:  Big_Brother  an authoritarian leader
        subtype:  martinet__disciplinarian__moralist  someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms
           subtype:  stickler  someone who insists on something; "a stickler for promptness"
     subtype:  meanie__meany__unkindperson  a person of mean disposition
     subtype:  switcher__whipper  a person who administers punishment by wielding a switch or whip
     subtype:  persecutor__tormentor__tormenter  someone who torments
        subtype:  pest__blighter__cuss__pesterer__gadfly  a persistently annoying person
           subtype:  nudnik__nudnick  (Yiddish) someone who is a boring pest
        subtype:  tantalizer__tantaliser  someone who tantalizes; a tormentor who offers something desirable but keeps it just out of reach
        subtype:  witch-hunter__witchhunter  someone who identifies and punishes people for their opinions
     subtype:  torturer  someone who inflicts severe physical pain
        subtype:  flogger__scourger  a torturer who flogs or scourges (especially an official whose duty is to whip offenders)
  subtype:  pain_in_the_neck__pain__nuisance  a bothersome annoying person; "that kid is a terrible pain"
  subtype:  pawer  a person who handles or caresses in a clumsy or over-familiar manner
  subtype:  barbarian__peasant__churl__Goth__tyke__tike  a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement
  subtype:  pharisee  a self-righteous or sanctimonious person
  subtype:  prima_donna  a vain and temperamental person
  subtype:  prude__puritan  a person excessively concerned about propriety and decorum
  subtype:  rotter__rat__skunk__stinker__stinkpot__bum__puke__crumb__lowlife__scum_bag__so-and-so  a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible; "only a rotter would do that"; "kill the rat"; "throw the bum out"; "you cowardly little pukes!"
  subtype:  flouter__mocker__jeerer  someone who jeers or mocks or treats something with contempt or calls out in derision
  subtype:  common_scold__scold__scolder__nag__nagger  someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault
     subtype:  harridan  a scolding (even vicious) old woman
  subtype:  selfish_person__selfishperson  a person who is unusually selfish
     subtype:  dog_in_the_manger  someone who prevents you from enjoying something that they themselves have no need for
     subtype:  egocentric__egoist  a self-centered person with little regard for others
     subtype:  exploiter__user  a person who uses something or someone selfishly or unethically
     subtype:  hog  a person regarded as greedy and pig-like
     subtype:  monopolist__monopolizer  someone who monopolizes the means of producing or selling something
     subtype:  narcissist__narcist  someone in love with themselves
     subtype:  opportunist__self-seeker  a person who places expediency above principle
        subtype:  backscratcher.opportunist  someone who is willing to trade favors or services for mutual advantage
        subtype:  carpetbagger  an outsider who seeks power or success presumptuously; "after the Civil War the carpetbaggers from the north tried to take over the south"
        subtype:  hustler__wheeler_dealer__wheelerdealer__operator  (informal) a shrewd or unscrupulous person who knows how to circumvent difficulties
           subtype:  wire-puller  one who uses secret influence (i.e. pulls wires or strings) for his own ends
        subtype:  timeserver  one who conforms to current ways and opinions for personal advantage
  subtype:  sneerer__scorner  a person who expresses contempt by remarks or facial expression
  subtype:  snob__prig__snot  a person regarded as arrogant and annoying
  subtype:  snorter.unpleasant_person  someone who expresses contempt or indignation by uttering a snorting sound
  subtype:  unpleasant_woman__disagreeable_woman  a woman who is an unpleasant person
     subtype:  old_bag__oldbag__bag  an ugly or ill-tempered woman; "he was romancing the old bag for her money"
     subtype:  cow.unpleasant_woman  a large unpleasant woman
     subtype:  cunt__bitch  a woman who is thoroughly disliked; "she said her son thought Hilary was a bitch"
     subtype:  dragon__tartar  a fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman
     subtype:  frump__dog  a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman; "she got a reputation as a frump"; "she's a real dog"
     subtype:  she-devil__shedevil  a cruel woman
     subtype:  shrew__termagant  a scolding nagging bad-tempered woman
        subtype:  virago  a noisy or scolding or domineering woman
     subtype:  vixen__harpy__hellcat  a malicious fierce-tempered woman
  subtype:  parvenu__upstart__nouveau-riche__nouveauriche  a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class
     subtype:  social_climber__climber  someone seeking social prominence by obsequious behavior
        subtype:  lion-hunter.social_climber__lionhunter  someone who tries to attract social lions as guests
     subtype:  junior  term of address for a disrespectful and annoying male; "look here, junior, it's none of your business"
  subtype:  upstart  an arrogant or presumptuous person
     subtype:  wise_guy__smart_aleck__smartaleck__wiseacre__wisenheimer__weisenheimer  an upstart who makes conceited, sardonic, insolent comments
  subtype:  vulgarian  a vulgar person (especially someone who makes a vulgar display of wealth)
     subtype:  ribald  a ribald person; someone who uses vulgar and offensive language
     subtype:  slob__sloven__pig__slovenlyperson  a coarse obnoxious person
        subtype:  litterer__litterbug__litter_lout  a person who litters public places with refuse
        subtype:  slattern__slut__slovenly_woman  a dirty untidy woman
  subtype:  whiner__complainer__moaner__sniveler__crybaby__grumbler__squawker  a person given to excessive complaints and crying
  subtype:  louse__worm__insect__dirt_ball  has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect

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