#university  establishment where a seat of higher learning is housed, including administrative and living quarters as well as facilities for research and teaching
  supertype:  #establishment  a public or private structure (business or governmental or educational) including buildings and equipment for business or residence
  instance:  pm#Griffith_Uni_quarters_on_the_Gold_Coast_Campus (pm)
  subtype:  #Cambridge_University__Cambridge  a university in England
  subtype:  #Carnegie-Mellon_University  an engineering university in Pittsburgh
  subtype:  #city_university  an urban university in a large city
  subtype:  #Cooper_Union_for_the_Advancement_of_Science_and_Art__Cooper_Union  university founded in 1859 by Peter Cooper to offer free courses in the arts and sciences
  subtype:  #Cornell_University  a university in New York
  subtype:  #Harvard_University__Harvard  a university in Massachusetts
  subtype:  #Johns_Hopkins  a university in Baltimore
  subtype:  #MIT__Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology  an engineering university in Cambridge
  subtype:  #Oxbridge  (British) general term for an ancient and prestigious and privileged university (especially Oxford or Cambridge Universities)
  subtype:  #Oxford_University__Oxford  a university in England
  subtype:  #Paris_University__University_of_Paris__Sorbonne  a university in Paris; intellectual center of France
  subtype:  #Princeton_University__Princeton  a university in New Jersey
  subtype:  #redbrick_university  (British informal) a provincial British university of relatively recent founding; distinguished from Oxford and Cambridge Universities
  subtype:  #Stanford_University__Stanford  a university in California
  subtype:  #University_of_Chicago  a university in Chicago, Illinois
  subtype:  #Yale_university__Yale  a university in Connecticut

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