#trouble  an event causing distress or pain; "what is the trouble?"; "heart trouble"
  supertype:  happening__occurrence__natural_event__naturalevent  an event that happens
  subtype:  misfortune__bad_luck__badluck  unnecessary and unforeseen trouble
     subtype:  pity__shame  an unfortunate development; "it's a pity he couldn't do it"
     subtype:  misadventure__mishap__mischance  an instance of misfortune
        subtype:  accident  a mishap; especially one causing injury or death
           subtype:  collision  an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object; "three passengers were killed in the collision"; "the collision of the two ships resulted in a serious oil spill"
              subtype:  fender-bender  a collision between motor vehicles that produces minor damage
              subtype:  pileup  multiple collisions of vehicles
              subtype:  smash-up__smashup__smash  a serious collision (especially of motor vehicles)
           subtype:  crash.accident__wreck  a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles); "they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane"
           subtype:  accidental_injury__injury  an accident that results in physical damage or hurt
              subtype:  concussion.accidental_injury  injury to the brain caused by a blow; usually resulting in loss of consciousness
              subtype:  mutilation  an injury that deprives you of a limb or other important body part
                 subtype:  dismemberment__taking_apart  the removal of limbs; being cut to pieces
           subtype:  shipwreck.accident__wreck  an accident that destroys a ship at sea
              subtype:  capsizing  (nautical) the event of a boat accidentally turning over in the water
           subtype:  fatal_accident__fatalaccident__casualty  an accident that causes someone to die
        subtype:  near_miss  an accidental collision that is narrowly avoided
        subtype:  derailment  an accident in which a train runs off its track
        subtype:  ground_loop  a sharp uncontrollable turn made by an airplane while moving along the ground
        subtype:  puncture.misadventure  loss of air pressure in a tire when a hole is made by some sharp object
        subtype:  slip.misadventure__trip  an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall; "he blamed his slip on the ice"; "the jolt caused many slips and a few spills"
           subtype:  spill.slip__tumble__fall  a sudden drop from an upright position; "he had a nasty spill on the ice"
        subtype:  collapse.misadventure  a mishap caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in
           subtype:  cave_in__subsidence  the sudden collapse of something into a hollow beneath it
           subtype:  fiasco__debacle  a sudden and violent collapse
           subtype:  implosion.collapse  a sudden inward collapse; "the implosion of a light bulb"
              subtype:  gravitational_collapse__gravitationalcollapse  the implosion of a star resulting from its own gravity; the result is a smaller and denser celestial object
        subtype:  crash  (computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative; "the crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever since"
           subtype:  head_crash  (computer science) a crash of a read/write head in a hard disk drive (usually caused by contact of the head with the surface of the magnetic disk)
     subtype:  calamity__catastrophe__disaster__tragedy__cataclysm  an event resulting in great loss and misfortune; "the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity"; "the earthquake was a disaster"
        subtype:  act_of_God__force_majeure__forcemajeure__vis_major__vismajor__inevitable_accident__unavoidable_casualty__unavoidablecasualty  a natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events; "he discovered that his house was not insured against acts of God"
        subtype:  apocalypse  a cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil
        subtype:  kiss_of_death  something that is ruinous; "if this were known it would be the kiss of death for my political career"
        subtype:  plague.calamity  any large scale calamity (especially when thought to be sent by God)
     subtype:  adversity  a stroke of ill fortune; a calamitous event: "a period marked by adversities"
     subtype:  hardship  something that causes or entails suffering: "I cannot thinking it a hardship that more more indulgence is allowed to men than to women"- James Boswell; "the many hardships of frontier life"
     subtype:  knock  a bad experience; "the school of hard knocks"
  subtype:  affliction  a cause of great suffering and distress
     subtype:  calvary__martyrdom  any experience that causes intense suffering
     subtype:  tribulation__trial__visitation  an annoying or frustrating event; "his mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him"; "life is full of tribulations"; "a visitation of the plague"
        subtype:  fire.tribulation  a severe trial; "he went through fire and damnation"
     subtype:  curse__torment  a severe affliction
     subtype:  attack  a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition; "an attack of diarrhea"
        subtype:  anxiety_attack__anxietyattack  a sudden acute episode of intense anxiety and feelings of panic
        subtype:  ictus__ictu__seizure__raptus  a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease; "he suffered an epileptic seizure"
           subtype:  convulsion  violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles
              subtype:  clonus  convulsion characterized by alternating contractions and relaxations
              subtype:  epileptic_seizure__epilepticseizure  convulsions accompanied by impaired consciousness
                 subtype:  grand_mal__grandmal__generalized_seizure__generalizedseizure__epilepsia_major__epilepsiamajor  a seizure (or a type of epilepsy characterized by such seizures) during which the patient becomes unconscious and has convulsions over the entire body
                 subtype:  petit_mal__petitmal__epilepsia_minor__epilepsiaminor  a seizure (or a type of epilepsy characterized by such seizures) of short duration characterized by momentary unconsciousness and local muscle spasms or twitching
           subtype:  focal_seizure__focalseizure  transitory disturbance in motor or sensory function resulting from abnormal cortical activity
           subtype:  raptus_hemorrhagicus  seizure caused by a sudden profuse hemorrhage
        subtype:  touch.attack__spot  a slight attack of illness; "he has a touch of rheumatism"
        subtype:  apoplexy__stroke__cerebrovascular_accident__cerebrovascularaccident__CVA  a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain
           subtype:  ischemic_stroke__ischaemic_stroke__ischaemicstroke  the most common kind of stroke; caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain (as from a clot blocking a blood vessel)
           subtype:  hemorrhagic_stroke__hemorrhagicstroke__haemorrhagic_stroke  stroke caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain
        subtype:  paroxysm__fit  a sudden uncontrollable attack; "a paroxysm of giggling"; "a fit of coughing"
        subtype:  hysterics__hysteric  an attack of hysteria
        subtype:  occlusion  closure or blockage (as of a blood vessel)
           subtype:  laryngospasm  a closure of the larynx that blocks the passage of air to the lungs
           subtype:  embolism  occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus (a loose clot or air bubble or other particle)
              subtype:  air_embolism__airembolism__aeroembolism__gas_embolism__gasembolism  obstruction of the circulatory system caused by an air bubble as, e.g., accidentally during surgery or hypodermic injection or as a complication from scuba diving
              subtype:  fat_embolism__fatembolism  serious condition in which fat blocks an artery; fat can enter the blood stream after a long bone is fractured or if adipose tissue is injured or as a result of a fatty liver
              subtype:  pulmonary_embolism__pulmonaryembolism  blockage of the pulmonary artery by foreign matter or by a blood clot
           subtype:  thromboembolism  occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus that has broken away from a thrombus
           subtype:  thrombosis  the formation or presence of a thrombus (a clot of coagulated blood attached at the site of its formation) in a blood vessel
              subtype:  cerebral_thrombosis  a blood clot in a cerebral artery or vein
              subtype:  coronary_thrombosis__coronary  obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery by a blood clot (thrombus)
              subtype:  milk_leg__white_leg__whiteleg__phlegmasia_alba_dolens  painful thrombosis of the femoral vein in the leg following childbirth
              subtype:  phlebothrombosis__venous_thrombosis  thrombosis of a vein without prior inflammation of the vein; associated with sluggish blood flow (as in prolonged bedrest or pregnancy or surgery) or with rapid coagulation of the blood
           subtype:  coronary_occlusion  occlusion of a coronary artery caused either by progressive atherosclerosis or by a blood clot
        subtype:  heart_attack__heartattack  a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
     subtype:  bane__curse__scourge__nemesis__nemesi  something causes misery or death; "the bane of my life"
  subtype:  embarrassment.trouble  some event that causes someone to be embarrassed; "the outcome of the vote was an embarrassment for the liberals"
  subtype:  hell.trouble__blaze  a cause of difficulty and suffering; "war is hell"; "go to blazes"
  subtype:  onslaught  a sudden and severe onset of trouble
  subtype:  scandal__outrage  a disgraceful event
     subtype:  Watergate_scandal__Watergate  a political scandal involving abuse of power and bribery and obstruction of justice; led to the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974
  subtype:  interference__noise__disturbance  electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication
     subtype:  background_signal__background  extraneous signals that can be confused with the phenomenon to be observed or measured; "they got a bad connection and could hardly hear one another over the background signals"
        subtype:  background_noise__ground_noise  extraneous noise contaminating sound measurements that cannot be separated from the desired signal
           subtype:  surface_noise__surfacenoise  noise produced by the friction of the stylus of a record player moving over the rotating record
        subtype:  background_radiation  radiation coming from sources other than those being observed
     subtype:  crosstalk__XT  the presence of an unwanted signal via an accidental coupling
     subtype:  fadeout  a gradual temporary loss of a transmitted signal due to electrical disturbances
     subtype:  jitter  small rapid variations in a waveform resulting from fluctuations in the voltage supply or mechanical vibrations or other sources
     subtype:  atmospheric_static__atmosphericstatic__static__atmospherics  a crackling or hissing noise cause by electrical interference
        subtype:  radio_noise__radionoise  static at radio wavelengths

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