#traveler__traveller  a person who changes location
  supertype:  person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
  instance:  Marco_Polo
  subtype:  absentee  one that is absent or not in residence
     subtype:  AWOL  one who is away or absent without leave
     subtype:  defaulter.absentee  someone who fails to make a required appearance in court
     subtype:  exile__expatriate  voluntarily absent from home or country
        subtype:  refugee  an exile who flees for safety
           subtype:  displaced_person__displacedperson__DP__stateless_person__statelessperson  a person forced to flee from home or country
        subtype:  remittance_man  an exile living on money sent from home
     subtype:  truant__hooky_player__hookyplayer  one who is absent from school without permission
  subtype:  arriver__arrival__comer  someone who arrives (or has arrived)
     subtype:  early_bird.arriver__earlybird  a person who arrives early before others do
     subtype:  latecomer  someone who arrives late
     subtype:  newcomer  a recent arrival; "he's a newcomer to Boston"
  subtype:  astronaut__spaceman__cosmonaut  a person trained to travel in a spacecraft; "the Russians called their astronauts cosmonauts"
     subtype:  spacewalker  an astronaut who is active outside a spacecraft in outer space
     instance:  Neil_Armstrong__Armstrong  Yuri_Alekseyevich_Gagarin__Gagarin__Yuri_Gagarin  John_Herschel_Glenn_Jr.__Glenn__John_Glenn  Alan_Bartlett_Shepard_Jr.__Shepard__Alan_Shepard  Valentina_Vladmirovna_Tereshkova__Tereshkova__Valentina_Tereshkova
  subtype:  business_traveler  a traveler whose expenses are paid by the business he works for
  subtype:  toter__carrier  someone whose employment involves carrying something; "the bonds were transmitted by carrier"
  subtype:  fellow_traveller__companion__fellow_traveler  a traveler who accompanies you
  subtype:  entrant.traveler  someone who enters; "new entrants to the country must go though immigration procedures"
     subtype:  intruder__interloper__trespasser  someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission
        subtype:  boarder.intruder  someone who forces their way aboard ship; "stand by to repel boarders"
        subtype:  gatecrasher__unwelcome_guest  someone who gets in (to a party) without an invitation or without paying
        subtype:  infiltrator  an intruder (as troops) with hostile intent
        subtype:  invader__encroacher  someone who enters by force in order to conquer
        subtype:  penetrator  an intruder who passes into or through (often by overcoming resistance)
        subtype:  prowler__sneak__stalker  someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentions
        subtype:  pusher__thruster  one who intrudes or pushes himself forward
        subtype:  squatter  someone who settles on land without right or title
        subtype:  stranger__alien__unknown  anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found
           subtype:  foreigner__outsider  someone who is not a member of a group
              subtype:  transalpine  one living on or coming from the other side of the Alps from Italy
  subtype:  flier__flyer  someone who travels by air
  subtype:  follower.traveler  someone who travels behind or pursues another
     subtype:  pursuer.follower__chaser  a person who is pursuing and trying to overtake or capture; "always before he had been able to outwit his pursuers"
     subtype:  shadow.follower  an inseparable companion; "the poor child was his mother's shadow"
     subtype:  shadower__tail__shadow  a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements
  subtype:  alien__foreigner__noncitizen__outlander  a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country
     subtype:  au_pair  a young foreigner who lives with a family in return for doing light housework
        subtype:  au_pair_girl  a foreign girl serving as an au pair
     subtype:  deportee__exile  expelled from home or country by authority
     subtype:  gringo  a Latin American (disparaging) term for foreigners (especially Americans and Englishmen)
     subtype:  importee__import  an imported person brought from a foreign country; "the lead role was played by an import from Sweden"; "they are descendants of indentured importees"
     subtype:  metic  an alien who paid a fee to reside in an ancient Greek city
  subtype:  hosteller  a traveler who lodges in hostels: "a youth hosteller"
  subtype:  itinerant__peripatetic  a person who walks from place to place
     subtype:  Gipsy__Gypsy__Romany__Rommany__Bohemian  a member of a nomadic people originating in northern India and now living on all continents
        subtype:  gitana  a Spanish female Gypsy
        subtype:  gitano  a Spanish male Gypsy
  subtype:  messenger__courier  a person who carries a message
     subtype:  conveyer__conveyor  a person who conveys (carries or transmits); "the conveyer of good tidings"
     subtype:  dispatch_rider  a messenger who carries military dispatches (usually on a motorcycle)
     subtype:  herald__trumpeter  (formal) a person who announces important news; "the chieftain had a herald who announced his arrival with a trumpet"
     subtype:  bearer  a messenger who bears or presents; "a bearer of good tidings"
     subtype:  messenger_boy__messengerboy__errand_boy  a boy who earns money by running errands
        subtype:  page.messenger_boy__pageboy  a boy who is employed to run errands
     subtype:  process-server__processserver  someone who personally delivers a process (a writ compelling attendance in court) or court papers to the defendant
     subtype:  runner  a person who is employed to deliver messages or documents; "he sent a runner over with the contract"
  subtype:  migrant__migrator  traveler who moves from one region or country to another
     subtype:  departer__leaver__goer  someone who leaves
     subtype:  emigrant__emigre__emigree__outgoer  someone who leaves one country to settle in another
     subtype:  evacuee  a person who has been evacuated from a dangerous place
     subtype:  immigrant  a person who comes to country where they were not born in order to settle there
     subtype:  rusher.migrant  someone who migrates as part of a rush to a new gold field or a new territory
     subtype:  colonist__settler  a person who settle in a new colony or moves into new country
        subtype:  Pilgrim  one of the colonists from England who sailed to America on the Mayflower and founded the colony of Plymouth in New England in 1620
        subtype:  pioneer  one the first colonists or settler in a new territory; "they went west as pioneers with only the possessions they could carry with them"
           subtype:  bushman  a dweller in the Australian bush country
           subtype:  frontiersman__backwoodsman__mountain_man  a man who lives on the frontier
              instance:  Daniel_Boone__Boone  Christopher_Carson__Carson__Kit_Carson  David_Crockett__Crockett__Davy_Crockett
           subtype:  frontierswoman  a woman who lives on the frontier
              instance:  Martha_Jane_Burk__Burk__Burke__Martha_Jane_Burke__Calamity_Jane
           instance:  James_Bowie__Bowie  John_Chapman__Chapman__Johnny_Appleseed
        subtype:  sourdough.colonist  a settler or prospector (especially in western United States or northwest Canada and Alaska)
        subtype:  homesteader__squatter__nester  someone who settles lawfully on government land with the intent to acquire title to to it
        instance:  John_Endecott__Endecott__Endicott__John_Endicott  Anne_Hutchinson__Hutchinson  Peter_Minuit__Minuit__Minnewit__Peter_Minnewit  Miles_Standish__Standish__Myles_Standish  Roger_Williams__Williams  Edward_Winslow__Winslow
  subtype:  mover  someone who moves
     subtype:  advancer  someone who advances
     subtype:  ascender.mover  someone who ascends
        subtype:  mounter.ascender__climber  someone who ascends on foot; "a solitary mounter of the staircase"
     subtype:  coaster.mover  someone who coasts
     subtype:  descender.mover  someone who descends
        subtype:  abseiler  a person who descends down a nearly vertical face by using a doubled rope that is wrapped around the body and attached to some high point
     subtype:  hitter__striker  someone who hits; "a hard hitter"; "a fine striker of the ball"; "blacksmiths are good hitters"
        subtype:  slapper  a hitter who slaps with an open hand; "our father was the designated spanker in my family"
        subtype:  walloper.hitter  a very hard hitter
     subtype:  lunger  someone who moves forward suddenly (as in fencing)
     subtype:  puller  someone who applies force so as to cause motion toward herself or himself
        subtype:  wrester  someone who obtains something by pulling it violently with twisting movements
        subtype:  yanker__jerker  someone who gives a strong sudden pull
     subtype:  shover__pusher  someone who pushes
        subtype:  nudger  someone who nudges; someone who gives a gentle push; "he needs a regular nudger to keep him awake"
     subtype:  scrambler.mover  a rapid mover; someone who scrambles; "their quarterback was a good scrambler"; "scramblers can often unnerve a better tennis player"
     subtype:  transferer__transferrer  someone who transfers something
        subtype:  transferor  (law) someone who conveys a title or property to another
     subtype:  traverser  someone who moves or passes across; "the traversers slowly ascended the mountain"
  subtype:  passenger__rider  a traveler riding in a vehicle (a boat or bus or car or plane or train etc) who is not operating it
     subtype:  commuter  someone who travels regularly from home in a suburb to work in a city
        subtype:  straphanger.commuter  a commuter who uses public transportation
     subtype:  fare.passenger  a paying (taxi) passenger
     subtype:  hitchhiker  a person who travels by getting free rides from passing vehicles
     subtype:  stowaway  a person who hides aboard a ship or plane in the hope of getting free passage
     subtype:  straphanger  a standing subway or bus passenger who grips a hanging strap for support
  subtype:  pedestrian__walker__footer  a person who travels by foot
     subtype:  hiker__tramp__tramper  a foot traveler; someone who goes on an extended walk (for pleasure)
        subtype:  backpacker__packer  a hiker who wears a backpack
     subtype:  hobbler__limper  someone who has a limp and walks with a hobbling gait
     subtype:  jaywalker  a reckless pedestrian who crosses a street illegally
     subtype:  marcher  walks with regular or stately step
        subtype:  pivot_man__pivotman__pivot  the person in a rank around whom the others wheel and maneuver
        subtype:  wheeler  the man at the outermost end of the rank in wheeling
     subtype:  nondriver  a person who is not a driver
     subtype:  passerby__passer-by__passer  a person who passes by casually or by chance
     subtype:  rambler.pedestrian  a person who takes long walks in the country
     subtype:  saunterer__stroller__ambler  someone who walks at a leisurely pace
     subtype:  shuffler  someone who walks without raising the feet
     subtype:  staggerer__totterer__reeler  someone who walks unsteadily as if about to fall
     subtype:  stalker.pedestrian  someone who walks with long stiff strides
     subtype:  stomper__stamper__tramper  someone who walks with a heavy noisy gait or who stamps on the ground
     subtype:  strider  a person who walks rapidly with long steps; "he was such a strider that she couldn't keep up without running"
     subtype:  stumbler__tripper  a walker or runner who trips and almost falls
     subtype:  swaggerer  someone who walks in an arrogant manner
     subtype:  trudger__plodder__slogger  someone who walks in a laborious heavy-footed manner
     subtype:  waddler  someone who walks with a waddling gait; "fat waddlers who walk like pigeons"
     subtype:  wayfarer  walks from place to place
  subtype:  raftsman__raftman__rafter  someone who travels by raft
  subtype:  rider  a traveler who actively rides an animal (as a horse or camel)
     subtype:  hang_glider.rider__hangglider  a rider of a hang glider
     subtype:  horseman__equestrian__horseback_rider__horsebackrider  a man skilled in equitation
        subtype:  picador  the horseman who pricks the bull with a lance early in the bullfight to goad the bull and to make it keep its head low
        subtype:  broncobuster__buster  a person who breaks horses
        subtype:  fox_hunter__foxhunter  a mounted hunter who follows the hounds in pursuit of a fox
        subtype:  horsewoman  a woman horseman
        subtype:  jockey  someone employed to ride horses in horse races
        subtype:  postilion__postillion  someone who rides the near horse of a pair in order to guide the horses pulling a carriage (especially a carriage without a coachman)
        subtype:  roughrider  a horseman skilled at breaking wild horses to the saddle
     subtype:  pedaler__pedaller  a person who rides a pedal-driven vehicle (as a bicycle)
        subtype:  cyclist__bicyclist__bicycler__wheeler  a person who rides a bicycle
           instance:  Bernard_Hinault__Hinault  Eddy_Merckx__Merckx
        subtype:  unicyclist  a person who rides a unicycle
  subtype:  rider.traveler  a traveler who actively rides a vehicle (as a bicycle or motorcycle)
  subtype:  runner.traveler  someone who travels on foot by running
     subtype:  jogger  someone who runs a steady slow pace (usually for exercise)
  subtype:  scourer  someone who travels widely and energetically; "he was a scourer of the seven seas"
  subtype:  natator__swimmer__bather  a person who travels through the water by swimming; "he is not a good swimmer"
     subtype:  floater.natator  a swimmer who floats in the water
     subtype:  skin-diver__aquanaut  an underwater swimmer equipped with a face mask and foot fins and either a snorkel or an air cylinder
     subtype:  surfer__surfboarder  someone who engages in surfboarding
  subtype:  tourist__tourer__holidaymaker  someone who travels for pleasure
     subtype:  sightseer__excursionist__tripper  a tourist who is visiting sights of interest
  subtype:  transient.traveler  one who stays for only a short time; "transient laborers"
  subtype:  trekker  a traveler who makes a long arduous journey (as hiking through mountainous country)
  subtype:  visitor__visitant  someone who visits
     subtype:  caller__company  a social or business visitor; "the room was a mess because he hadn't expected company"
     subtype:  invitee__guest  a visitor to whom hospitality is extended
        subtype:  house_guest__houseguest  a guest entertained in your house
        subtype:  wedding_guest__weddingguest  a guest at a wedding
     subtype:  visiting_fireman  an important or distinguished visitor
  subtype:  voyager  a traveler to a distant land (especially one who travels by sea)
  subtype:  wanderer__roamer__rover__bird_of_passage  someone who leads a wandering unsettled life
     subtype:  nomad  a member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons
        subtype:  Bedouin__Beduin  a member of the a nomadic tribe of Arabs
        subtype:  Bushman  a member of the race of nomadic hunters and gatherers who live in southern Africa
        subtype:  Hun  a member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th century
        subtype:  Saracen  (historically) a member of the nomadic people of the Syrian and Arabian deserts at the time of the Roman Empire
        subtype:  Scythian.nomad__scythian  a member of the ancient nomadic people inhabiting Scythia
     subtype:  vagrant__drifter__floater  a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support
        subtype:  beachcomber  a vagrant living on a beach
        subtype:  sundowner.vagrant  (Australia) a tramp who habitually arrives at sundown
        subtype:  hobo__tramp__bum  a disreputable vagrant
           subtype:  dosser__street_person  someone who sleeps in any convenient place
     subtype:  vagabond.wanderer  a person who has no fixed home
  subtype:  journeyer__wayfarer  goes on a trip
     subtype:  pilgrim  someone who journeys in foreign lands

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