#subclass_Archosauria__Archosauria  a large subclass of diapsid reptiles including: crocodiles; alligators; dinosaurs; pterosaurs; plesiosaurs; ichthyosaurs; thecodonts
  supertype:  class__clas  (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
  member of:  class_Reptilia
  member:  archosaur__archosaurian__archosaurian_reptile  extinct reptiles including: dinosaurs; plesiosaurs; pterosaurs; ichthyosaurs; thecodonts
  member:  genus_Saurosuchus__Saurosuchus  early archosaurian carnivore
  member:  genus_Proterochampsa__Proterochampsa  early archosaurian carnivore
  member:  order_Crocodylia__Crocodylia__Crocodilia__order_Crocodilia  crocodiles; alligators; caimans; gavials
     member:  crocodilian_reptile__crocodilianreptile__crocodilian  extant archosaurian reptile
     member:  family_Crocodylidae__Crocodylidae  true crocodiles
        member:  genus_Crocodylus__Crocodylus__Crocodilus__genus_Crocodilus  type genus of the Crocodylidae
           member:  crocodile  large voracious aquatic reptile having a long snout with massive jaws and a body covered with bony plates; of sluggish tropical waters
        member:  genus_Tomistoma__Tomistoma  a genus of Malayan crocodiles
           member:  false_gavial__falsegavial__tomistomaschlegeli  crocodile of southeast Asia similar to but smaller than the gavial
     member:  family_Alligatoridae__Alligatoridae  alligators; caimans
        member:  genus_Alligator  type genus of the Alligatoridae
           member:  alligator  either of two amphibious reptiles with shorter broader snouts than crocodiles
        member:  genus_Caiman  caimans
           member:  cayman__caiman  alligator-like reptile of Central and South America having a more heavily armored belly
     member:  family_Gavialidae__Gavialidae  gavials
        member:  genus_Gavialis__Gavialis  type genus of the Gavialidae
           member:  gavial__Gavialis_gangeticus  large fish-eating Indian crocodilian with a long slender snout
  member:  order_Ornithischia__Ornithischia  extinct terrestrial reptiles having birdlike pelvises: armored dinosaurs (thyreophorans); bone-headed and horned dinosaurs (marginocephalians); duck-billed dinosaurs (euronithopods)
     member:  ornithischian_dinosaur__ornithischiandinosaur__ornithischian  herbivorous dinosaur with a pelvis like that of a bird
     member:  genus_Pisanosaurus  primitive ornithischian dinosaur found in Argentina; early Triassic
        member:  pisanosaur__pisanosaurus  primitive dinosaur found in Argentina
     member:  genus_Staurikosaurus  primitive ornithischian dinosaur found in Brazil
        member:  staurikosaur__staurikosaurus  primitive dinosaur found in Brazil
     member:  suborder_Thyreophora__Thyreophora__thyreophoran  armored dinosaurs: stegosaurs and ankylosaurs
        member:  armored_dinosaur__armoreddinosaur  dinosaurs having bony armour
        member:  genus_Stegosaurus  quadrupedal armored herbivore of the Jurassic and Cretaceous
           member:  stegosaur__stegosaurus__stegosauru__Stegosaur_stenops  herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur with a row of bony plates along its back and a spiked tail probably used as a weapon
        member:  genus_Ankylosaurus  armored herbivorous dinosaurs of the Cretaceous
           member:  ankylosaur__ankylosaurus  having the back covered with thick bony plates; thought to have walked with a sprawling gait resembling a lizard's
           member:  Edmontonia  heavily armored and highly spiked dinosaur with semi-upright posture
     member:  suborder_Marginocephalia__Marginocephalia__marginocephalian  includes bone-headed (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs
        member:  suborder_Pachycephalosaurus  bone-headed dinosaurs; late Cretaceous
           member:  bone-headed_dinosaur  bipedal herbivorous dinosaurs with bony crowns
        member:  suborder_Ceratopsia__Ceratopsia  horned dinosaurs
           member:  ceratopsian__horned_dinosaur  any of several four-footed herbivorous horned dinosaurs with enormous beaked skulls; of the late Cretaceous in North America and Mongolia
           member:  family_Ceratopsidae__familyceratopsidae__Ceratopsidae  American ceratopsian dinosaurs
           member:  genus_Protoceratops  small horned dinosaurs
           member:  genus_Triceratops  genus of herbivorous horned dinosaurs
              member:  triceratops__triceratop  huge ceratopsian dinosaur having three horns and the neck heavily armored with a very solid frill
           member:  genus_Styracosaurus  genus of horned dinosaurs
              member:  styracosaur__styracosaurus__styracosauru  an unusual ceratopsian dinosaur having many large spikes around the edge of its bony frill and a long nose horn; late Cretaceous
           member:  genus_Psittacosaurus  most primitive genus of horned dinosaurs; early Cretaceous
              member:  psittacosaur__psittacosaurus  primitive dinosaur actually lacking horns and having only the beginning of a frill; long hind and short front limbs; may have been bipedal
     member:  suborder_Euronithopoda__Euronithopoda__euronithopod__Ornithopoda__suborder_Ornithopoda  widespread group including duck-billed dinosaurs and their early relatives (hadrosaurs; trachodon; iguanodon)
        member:  ornithopod_dinosaur__ornithopod  bipedal herbivorous dinosaur
        member:  family_Hadrosauridae__Hadrosauridae  duck-billed dinosaurs; upper Cretaceous
           member:  hadrosaur__hadrosaurus__hadrosauru__duck-billed_dinosaur  any of numerous large bipedal ornithischian dinosaurs having a horny duck-like bill and webbed feet; may have been partly aquatic
           member:  genus_Anatotitan  genus of large duck-billed dinosaurs; late Cretaceous
              member:  anatotitan  one of the largest and most famous duck-billed dinosaurs
           member:  genus_Corythosaurus  genus of duck-billed dinosaurs of late Cretaceous
              member:  corythosaur__corythosaurus__corythosauru  duck-billed dinosaur with nasal passages that expand into a crest like a hollow helmet
           member:  genus_Edmontosaurus  duck-billed dinosaurs of Canada
              member:  edmontosaurus__edmontosauru  duck-billed dinosaur from Canada found as a fossilized mummy with skin
        member:  genus_Trachodon  a reptile genus of the suborder Euronithopoda
           member:  trachodon__trachodont  large duck-billed dinosaur of the Upper Cretaceous
        member:  family_Iguanodontidae__Iguanodontidae  iguanodons
           member:  genus_Iguanodon  type genus of the Iguanodontidae
              member:  iguanodon  massive herbivorous bipedal dinosaur with a long heavy tail; common in Europe and North Africa; early Cretaceous
  member:  order_Saurischia__Saurischia  extinct terrestrial reptiles: theropods (carnivorous); sauropods (herbivorous)
     member:  saurischian_dinosaur__saurischiandinosaur__saurischian  herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur having a three-pronged pelvis like that of a crocodile
     member:  suborder_Sauropodomorpha__Sauropodomorpha  gigantic herbivorous dinosaurs having huge bodies with long necks and small heads: Prosauropoda and Sauropoda (apatosaurus; diplodocus; titanosaurs)
        member:  suborder_Prosauropoda__Prosauropoda  the earliest known dinosaurs
        member:  suborder_Sauropoda__Sauropoda  any of the sauropod dinosaurs
           member:  sauropod_dinosaur__sauropod  very large herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic and Cretaceous having a small head a long neck and tail and five-toed limbs; largest known land animal
           member:  genus_Apatosaurus__genus_Brontosaurus  large quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaurs with very long neck and tail; late Jurassic
              member:  apatosaur__apatosaurus__brontosaur__brontosaurus__thunder_lizard__thunderlizard__Apatosaurus_excelsus  huge quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur common in N. America in the late Jurassic
           member:  genus_Barosaurus  huge quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur; late Jurassic
              member:  barosaur__barosaurus  5-story-tall dinosaur
           member:  genus_Diplodocus  a reptile genus of the suborder Sauropoda
              member:  diplodocus  huge quadrupedal herbivore with long neck and tail; of late Jurassic in western N. America
           member:  family_Titanosauridae__Titanosauridae  herbivorous dinosaurs of the Cretaceous
              member:  genus_Titanosaurus__Titanosaurus  genus of herbivorous dinosaurs flourishing during the Cretaceous in South America
                 member:  titanosaur__titanosaurian  amphibious quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur with a long thin neck and whiplike tail; of the Cretaceous mostly in the southern hemisphere
                 member:  genus_Argentinosaurus  enormous dinosaur of the middle Cretaceous found in Argentina
                    member:  argentinosaur  huge herbivorous dinosaur of Cretaceous found in Argentina
              member:  genus_Seismosaurus__Seismosaurus  genus of large herbivorous dinosaurs of Cretaceous found in western North America
                 member:  ground-shaker__seismosaur  huge herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous found in western North America
        member:  suborder_Theropoda__Theropoda  carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs with short forelimbs; Jurassic and Cretaceous
           member:  theropod_dinosaur__theropod__bird-footed_dinosaur  any of numerous carnivorous dinosaurs of the Triassic to Cretaceous with short forelimbs that walked or ran on strong hind legs
           member:  suborder_Ceratosaura  primitive saurischian dinosaurs
              member:  genus_Ceratosaurus  primitive saurischian carnivorous dinosaurs
                 member:  coelophysis__coelophysi  one of the oldest known dinosaurs; late Triassic; cannibalistic
              member:  ceratosaur__ceratosaurus  primitive medium-sized theropod; swift-running bipedal carnivorous dinosaur having grasping hands with sharp claws and a short horn between the nostrils; Jurassic in North America
              member:  genus_Coelophysis  late Triassic carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs
           member:  suborder_Carnosaura__Carnosaura  largest carnivorous land animals ever known
              member:  carnosaur  large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur having huge claws
              member:  genus_Tyrannosaurus  includes a single species
                 member:  tyrannosaur__tyrannosauru__Tyrannosaurus_rex  large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur having enormous teeth with knifelike serrations; may have been a scavenger rather than an active predator; Upper Cretaceous; North America
              member:  genus_Allosaurus__genus_Antrodemus  carnivorous dinosaur of North America; late Jurassic
                 member:  allosaur__allosaurus  late Jurassic carnivorous dinosaur; similar to but somewhat smaller than tyrannosaurus
           member:  genus_Compsognathus  a reptile genus of Theropoda
              member:  compsognathus__compsognathu  very small bipedal carnivorous dinosaur of the late Jurassic in Bavaria
           member:  genus_Herrerasaurus  primitive theropod found in Argentina; early Triassic
              member:  herrerasaur__herrerasaurus__herrerasauru  a kind of theropod dinosaur found in Argentina
           member:  genus_Eoraptor  primitive theropod found in Argentina; early Triassic
              member:  eoraptor  a theropod dinosaur of the genus Eoraptor
           member:  family_Megalosauridae__Megalosauridae  megalosaurs
              member:  genus_Megalosaurus  type genus of the Megalosauridae
                 member:  megalosaur__megalosaurus  gigantic carnivorous bipedal dinosaur of the Jurassic or early Cretaceous in Europe
           member:  suborder_Ornithomimida__Ornithomimida  lightly built medium-size theropods
              member:  ornithomimid  lightly built medium-sized dinosaur having extremely long limbs and necks with small heads and big brains and large eyes
              member:  genus_Struthiomimus  small toothless saurischian dinosaurs; upper Cretaceous of Canada
                 member:  struthiomimus__struthiomimu  small light-boned toothless dinosaur resembling an ostrich in size and proportions
              member:  genus_Deinocheirus  a reptile genus of Ornithomimida
                 member:  deinocheirus  lightly built medium-sized theropod with long limbs and neck
           member:  suborder_Maniraptora__Maniraptora  advanced theropods including oviraptorids and dromaeosaurs and possibly even modern birds
              member:  maniraptor  advanced carnivorous theropod
              member:  oviraptorid  advanced carnivorous theropod
              member:  genus_Velociraptor  advanced carnivorous theropod
                 member:  velociraptor  small active carnivore that probably fed on protoceratops; possibly related more closely to birds than to other dinosaurs
              member:  family_Dromaeosauridae__Dromaeosauridae  swift-running bipedal dinosaurs
                 member:  dromaeosaur  a kind of maniraptor
                 member:  genus_Deinonychus  advanced bipedal carnivorous dinosaur
                    member:  deinonychus__deinonychu  swift agile wolf-sized bipedal dinosaur having a large curved claw on each hind foot; of the Cretaceous
                 member:  genus_Utahraptor  advanced bipedal carnivorous dinosaur
                    member:  utahraptor__superslasher  large (20-ft) and swift carnivorous dinosaur having an upright 15-in slashing claw on each hind foot; early Cretaceous
              member:  genus_Mononychus  authorities disagree over whether to classify the genus as bird or dinosaur
                 member:  Mononychus_olecranus  75-million-year-old turkey-sized long-legged fossil found in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia having birdlike fused wrist bones and keeled breastbone and a long tail resembling a dinosaur's; short 3-inch-long forelimbs end in a single claw instead of wings; classification as bird or dinosaur is in dispute
  member:  order_Pterosauria__Pterosauria  extinct flying reptiles: pterosaurs
     member:  pterosaur__flying_reptile  extinct flying reptile of the Jurassic and Cretaceous having a birdlike beak and membranous wings supported by the very long fourth digit of each forelimb
     member:  family_Pterodactylidae__Pterodactylidae  a reptile family in the order Pterosauria
        member:  genus_Pterodactylus__Pterodactylus  a reptile genus of Pterodactylidae
           member:  pterodactyl  extinct flying reptile
  member:  order_Thecodontia__Thecodontia  extinct terrestrial reptiles having teeth set in sockets; of the late Permian to Triassic
     member:  thecodont_reptile__thecodontreptile__thecodont  presumably in the common ancestral line to dinosaurs and crocodiles and birds
  member:  order_Ichthyosauria__Ichthyosauria  extinct marine reptiles: ichthyosaurs
     member:  ichthyosaur  any of several marine reptiles of the Mesozoic having a body like a porpoise with dorsal and tail fins and paddle-shaped limbs
     member:  family_Ichthyosauridae__Ichthyosauridae  later ichthyosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous; widely distributed in both hemispheres
        member:  genus_Ichthyosaurus  type genus of the Ichthyosauridae
           member:  ichthyosaurus__ichthyosauru  ichthyosaurs of the Jurassic
        member:  genus_Stenopterygius  a reptile genus of Ichthyosauridae
           member:  stenopterygius__Stenopterygius_quadrisicissus  an ichthyosaur of the genus Stenopterygius
  member:  order_Sauropterygia__Sauropterygia  extinct marine reptiles: plesiosaurs; nothosaurs
     member:  suborder_Plesiosauria__Plesiosauria  any of the plesiosaurs
        member:  genus_Plesiosaurus  a reptile genus of suborder Plesiosauria
           member:  plesiosaur__plesiosaurus  extinct marine reptile with a small head on a long neck a short tail and four paddle-shaped limbs; of the Jurassic and Cretaceous
     member:  suborder_Nothosauria__Nothosauria  a suborder of Sauropterygia
        member:  genus_Nothosaurus  a genus of Nothosauria
           member:  nothosaur  extinct marine reptile with longer more slender limbs than plesiosaurs and less completely modified for swimming

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