#spatial_property__spatialproperty__spatiality  any property relating to or occupying space
  supertype:  #property.attribute  a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class; "a study of the physical properties of atomic particles"
  subtype:  #dimensionality  the spatial property of having dimensions; "all matter has dimensionality"
     subtype:  #one-dimensionality__onedimensionality__linearity  the property of having one dimension
     subtype:  #two-dimensionality__twodimensionality__flatness__planeness__planenes  the property of having two dimensions
     subtype:  #three-dimensionality__threedimensionality__third-dimensionality__thirddimensionality  the property of having three dimensions
        subtype:  #cubicity  the property of resembling a cube
  subtype:  #contour__shape__form__configuration  any spatial attribute (especially as defined by outline); "he could barely make out their shapes through the smoke"
     subtype:  #keenness__sharpness__sharpnes  thinness of edge or fineness of point
        subtype:  #acuteness__acutenes  the quality of having a sharp edge or point
     subtype:  #dullness.contour__dulness__dulnes__bluntnes  without sharpness of edge or point
        subtype:  #obtuseness  the quality of lacking a sharp edge or point
     subtype:  #topography  the configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features
     subtype:  #lobularity  the property of having lobules
     subtype:  #concavity__concavenes  the property possessed by a concave shape
        subtype:  #hollowness.concavity  the property of having a sunken area
     subtype:  #convexity__convexness  the property possessed by a convex shape
        subtype:  #roundedness__roundednes__bulgines  the property possessed by a rounded convexity
           subtype:  #oblateness__ellipticity  the property possessed by a rounded shape that is flattened at the poles; "the oblateness of the planet"
     subtype:  #angularity  the property possessed by a shape that has angles
        subtype:  #rectangularity__oblongness  the property of being shaped like a rectangle
           subtype:  #orthogonality  the quality of lying or intersecting at right angles
           subtype:  #perpendicularity  the quality of being at right angles to a given line or plane (especially the plane of the horizon)
           subtype:  #squareness  the property of being shaped like a square
        subtype:  #triangularity  the property of being shaped like a triangle
     subtype:  #narrowing.contour  an instance of becoming narrow
        subtype:  #coarctation  (biology) a congenital narrowing of the aorta
        subtype:  #taper  the property possessed by a shape that narrows toward a point (as a wedge or cone)
           subtype:  #pointedness__pointednes  the property of a shape that tapers to a sharp point
           subtype:  #unpointedness__unpointednes  the property of having only a dull point if any
        subtype:  #bottleneck__constriction  a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel
     subtype:  #curvature.contour__curve  the property possessed by the curving of a line or surface
        subtype:  #curliness__curlines  of hair: a tendency to curl
        subtype:  #straightness.curvature  of hair: lack of a tendency to curl
     subtype:  #roundness__roundnes  the property possessed by a line or surface that is curved and not angular
        subtype:  #sphericity__sphericalness__sphericalnes__globularness__rotundity  the roundness of a 3-dimensional object
        subtype:  #cylindricality__cylindricalness  the roundness of a 3-dimensional cylinder
        subtype:  #circularity__disk_shape  the roundness of a 2-dimensional figure
           subtype:  #concentricity  the quality of having the same center (as circles inside one another)
           subtype:  #eccentricity.circularity  a circularity that has a different center or deviates from a circular path
     subtype:  #straightness  freedom from crooks or curves or bends or angles
     subtype:  #crookedness  having or distinguished by crooks or curves or bends or angles
  subtype:  #symmetricalness__symmetricalnes__correspondence__balance  (mathematics) an attribute of a shape; exact correspondence of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane
     subtype:  #geometrical_regularity__geometricalregularity__regularity  a property of polygons: the property of having equal sides and equal angles
     subtype:  #bilaterality__bilateralism__bilateral_symmetry__bilateralsymmetry  the property of being symmetrical about a vertical plane
     subtype:  #radial_symmetry__radialsymmetry  the property of symmetry about an axis; "the starfish illustrates radial symmetry"
  subtype:  #asymmetry__imbalance  (mathematics) a lack of symmetry
     subtype:  #geometrical_irregularity__geometricalirregularity__irregularity  an irregular asymmetry in shape; an irregular spatial pattern
     subtype:  #lopsidedness__skewness  an oblique or slanting asymmetry
     subtype:  #radial_asymmetry  the absence of symmetry about an axis
        subtype:  #directivity__directionality  the property of a microphone or antenna of being more sensitive in one direction than in another
     subtype:  #handedness__laterality  the property of using one hand more than the other
        subtype:  #ambidexterity__ambidextrousness  the property of being equally skillful with each hand
        subtype:  #left-handedness__lefthandednes__sinistrality  preference for using the left hand
        subtype:  #right-handedness__dextrality  preference for using the right hand
     subtype:  #footedness  the property of favoring one foot over the other (as in kicking a ball)
     subtype:  #eyedness  the property of favoring one eye over the other (as in taking aim)
  subtype:  #obliqueness__obliquenes  the property of being neither parallel nor perpendicular, but at a slanting angle

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