#revel__revelry  unrestrained merrymaking
  supertype:  #merrymaking__jollification  boisterous celebration
  subtype:  #spree__fling  a brief indulgence of your impulses
  subtype:  #binge__bust__tear__bout  an occasion for excessive eating or drinking; "they went on a bust that lasted three days"
     subtype:  #piss-up  (British) vulgar expression for a bout of heavy drinking
  subtype:  #carouse__carousal__bender__toot__booze-up__boozeup  revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party
  subtype:  #debauch__orgy__debauchery__saturnalia__riot__bacchanal__bacchanalia__drunken_revelry__drunkenrevelry  a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
  subtype:  #whoopee  noisy and boisterous revelry

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