#religious_doctrine__religiousdoctrine__church_doctrine__gospel__creed  the body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group
  supertype:  #doctrine__philosophy__school_of_thought__ism  a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school
  subtype:  #Nicene_Creed  a formal creed summarizing Christian beliefs; first adopted in 325 and later expanded
  subtype:  #tenet__belief__dogma  a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof
     subtype:  #article_of_faith__credendum  (Christianity) any of the sections into which a creed or other statement of doctrine is divided
  subtype:  #Immaculate_Conception  the Roman Catholic doctrine that the Virgin Mary was conceived without any stain of original sin
  subtype:  #Incarnation  the Christian doctrine of the union of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ
  subtype:  #real_presence  the Christian doctrine that the body of Christ is actually present in the Eucharist

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