#pteridophyte__nonflowering_plant  plants having vascular tissue and reproducing by spores
  supertype:  vascular_plant__tracheophyte  green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms
  member of:  division_Pteridophyta
  subtype:  fern  any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores
     subtype:  pecopteris  Carboniferous fossil fern characterized by a regular arrangement of the leaflets resembling a comb
     subtype:  filmy_fern__filmyfern__film_fern  any fern of the genus Hymenophyllum growing in tropical humid regions and having translucent leaves
     subtype:  bristle_fern__bristlefern__filmy_fern__filmyfern  any fern of the genus Trichomanes having large pinnatifid often translucent fronds; most are epiphytic on tree branches and twigs or terrestrial on mossy banks
        subtype:  hare's-foot_bristle_fern__Trichomanes_boschianum  a variety of bristle fern
        subtype:  Killarney_fern__Trichomanes_speciosum  large stout fern of extreme western Europe
        subtype:  kidney_fern__Trichomanes_reniforme  large fern of New Zealand having kidney-shaped fronds
     subtype:  osmund__flowering_fern__floweringfern  any fern of the genus Osmunda: large ferns with creeping rhizomes; naked sporangia are on modified fronds that resemble flower clusters
        subtype:  royal_fern__royalfern__royal_osmund__royalosmund__king_fern__ditch_fern__ditchfern__French_bracken__Osmunda_regalis  large deeply rooted fern of worldwide distribution with upright bipinnate compound tufted fronds
        subtype:  interrupted_fern__interruptedfern__Osmunda_clatonia  North American fern having tall erect pinnate fronds and a few sporogenous pinnae at or near the center of the fertile fronds
        subtype:  cinnamon_fern__fiddlehead__fiddlehead_fern__Osmunda_cinnamonea  New World fern having woolly cinnamon-colored spore-bearing fronds in early spring later surrounded by green fronds; the early uncurling fronds are edible
     subtype:  crape_fern__crapefern__Prince-of-Wales_fern__Prince-of-Wales_feather__Prince-of-Wales_plume__Leptopteris_superba__Todea_superba  New Zealand with pinnate fronds and a densely woolly stalks; sometimes included in genus Todea
     subtype:  crepe_fern__crepefern__king_fern__Todea_barbara  fern of rain forests of tropical Australia and New Zealand and South Africa
     subtype:  curly_grass_fern__curlygrassfern__curly_grass__curlygras__Schizaea_pusilla  rare small fern of northeastern North America having numerous slender spiraling fronds and forming dense tufts
     subtype:  pine_fern__Anemia_adiantifolia  fern of Florida and West Indies and Central America with rhizome densely clad in grown hairs
     subtype:  climbing_fern  any of several ferns of the genus Lygodium
        subtype:  creeping_fern__Hartford_fern__Lygodium_palmatum  delicate fern of the eastern United States having a twining stem and palmately-lobed sterile fronds and forked fertile fronds
        subtype:  climbing_maidenhair_fern__climbing_maidenhair__snake_fern__snakefern__Lygodium_microphyllum  tropical fern widespread in Old World; naturalized in Jamaica and Florida
     subtype:  scented_fern__scentedfern__mohriacaffrorum  sweetly scented African fern with narrow bipinnate fronds
     subtype:  aquatic_fern__aquaticfern__water_fern__waterfern  ferns that grow in water
        subtype:  clover_fern__pepperwort  any of several water ferns of the genus Marsilea having four leaflets
           subtype:  common_nardoo__nardoo__nardo__Marsilea_drummondii  Australian clover fern
           subtype:  water_clover__waterclover__Marsilea_quadrifolia  water fern of Europe and Asia and the eastern United States distinguished by four leaflets resembling clover leaves
        subtype:  pillwort__Pilularia_globulifera  European water fern found around margins of bodies of water or in wet acid soil having small globose sporocarps
        subtype:  regnellidium__Regnellidium_diphyllum  small latex-containing aquatic fern of southern Brazil
        subtype:  floating-moss__Salvinia_rotundifolia__Salvinia_auriculata  free-floating aquatic ferns
        subtype:  mosquito_fern__floating_fern__Carolina_pond_fern__Azolla_caroliniana  small free-floating aquatic fern from the eastern United States to tropical America; naturalized in western and southern Europe
        subtype:  floating_fern__water_sprite__watersprite__ceratopterispteridioide  aquatic fern of tropical America often used in aquariums
        subtype:  Ceratopteris_thalictroides__floating_fern  pantropical aquatic fern
     subtype:  adder's_tongue_fern__adder's_tongue__adder'stongue  ferns with fertile spikes shaped like a snake's tongue
        subtype:  Ophioglossum_pendulum__ribbon_fern  epiphytic fern with straplike usually twisted fronds of tropical Asia and Polynesia and America
     subtype:  grape_fern__grapefern  a fern of the genus Botrychium having a fertile frond bearing small grapelike clusters of spore cases
        subtype:  common_moonwort__moonwort__Botrychium_lunaria  of America and Eurasia and Australia
        subtype:  daisyleaf_grape_fern__daisyleafgrapefern__daisy-leaved_grape_fern__Botrychium_matricariifolium  of North America and Eurasia
        subtype:  leathery_grape_fern__Botrychium_multifidum  European fern with leathery and sparsely hairy fronds
        subtype:  rattlesnake_fern__rattlesnakefern__Botrychium_virginianum  American fern whose clustered sporangia resemble a snake's rattle
     subtype:  flowering_fern__floweringfern__Helminthostachys_zeylanica  Australasian fern with clusters of sporangia on stems of fertile fronds
     subtype:  giant_scrambling_fern__Diplopterygium_longissimum  large scrambling fern forming large patches to 18 feet high; Pacific region and China
     subtype:  umbrella_fern__fan_fern__fanfern__Sticherus_flabellatus__Gleichenia_flabellata  large Australasian fern with fanlike repeatedly forked fronds; sometimes placed in genus Gleichenia
     subtype:  polypody  any of numerous ferns of the genus Polypodium
        subtype:  licorice_fern__Polypodium_glycyrrhiza  fern having rootstock of a sweetish flavor
        subtype:  gray_polypody__resurrection_fern__Polypodium_polypodioides  fern growing on rocks or tree trunks and having fronds grayish and scurfy below; Americas and South Africa
        subtype:  leatherleaf__leathery_polypody__coast_polypody__coastpolypody__Polypodium_scouleri  stiff leathery-leaved fern of western North America having ovate fronds parted to the midrib
        subtype:  rock_polypody__rock_brake__American_wall_fern__Polypodium_virgianum  chiefly lithophytic or epiphytic fern of North America and east Asia
        subtype:  common_polypody__adder's_fern__adder'sfern__wall_fern__golden_maidenhair__golden_polypody__sweet_fern__sweetfern__Polypodium_vulgare  mat-forming lithophytic or terrestrial fern with creeping rootstocks and large pinnatifid fronds found throughout North America and Europe and Africa and east Asia
     subtype:  bear's-paw_fern__Aglaomorpha_meyeniana  epiphytic fern with large fronds; Taiwan and Philippines
     subtype:  strap_fern__strapfern  fern with long narrow strap-shaped leaves
        subtype:  Florida_strap_fern__cow-tongue_fern__hart's-tongue_fern  common epiphytic or sometimes terrestrial fern having pale yellow-green strap-shaped leaves; Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Uruguay
        subtype:  Central_American_strap_fern__narrow-leaved_strap_fern__Campyloneurum_augustifolium  fern with shorter and narrower leaves than Florida strap fern; Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Argentina
     subtype:  Drynaria_rigidula__basket_fern  giant epiphytic or lithophytic fern; Asia to Polynesia and Australia
     subtype:  lecanopteris  any of several bizarre ferns of the genus Lecanopteris having swollen hollow rhizomes that provide homes for symbiotic ants
     subtype:  snake_polypody__snakepolypody__Microgramma-piloselloides  epiphytic ferns with long rhizomes; tropical America
     subtype:  climbing_bird's_nest_fern__Microsorium_punctatum  tropical Africa to Australasia and Polynesia
     subtype:  golden_polypody__serpent_fern__serpentfern__rabbit's-foot_fern__Phlebodium_aureum__Polypodium_aureum  tropical American fern with brown scaly rhizomes cultivated for its large deeply lobed deep bluish-green fronds; sometimes placed in genus Polypodium
     subtype:  staghorn_fern  any of various tropical ferns of the genus Platycerium having large flat lobed fronds often resembling the antlers of a stag
        subtype:  South_American_staghorn__Platycerium_andinum  fern of Peru and Bolivia
        subtype:  common_staghorn_fern__elkhorn_fern__elkhornfern__platyceriumbifurcatum__Platycerium_alcicorne  commonly cultivated fern of Australia and southeastern Asia and Polynesia
     subtype:  felt_fern__tongue_fern__Pyrrosia_lingua__Cyclophorus_lingua  east Asian fern having fronds shaped like tongues; sometimes placed in genus Cyclophorus
     subtype:  Solanopteris_bifrons__potato_fern  small epiphytic fern of South America with tuberous swellings along rhizomes
     subtype:  grass_fern__grassfern__ribbon_fern__Vittaria_lineata  epiphytic fern found in lowland forests of tropical America
     subtype:  spleenwort  any of various chiefly rock-inhabiting ferns of the genus Asplenium
        subtype:  black_spleenwort__blackspleenwort__Asplenium_adiantum-nigrum  spleenwort of Europe and Africa and Asia having pinnate fronds and yielding an astringent
        subtype:  ebony_spleenwort__ebonyspleenwort__Scott's_Spleenwort__Asplenium_platyneuron  common North American fern with polished black stripes
        subtype:  black-stem_spleenwort__black-stemmed_spleenwort__blackstemmedspleenwort__little_ebony_spleenwort  fern of tropical America: from southern United States to West Indies and Mexico to Brazil
        subtype:  walking_fern__walkingfern__walking_leaf__walkingleaf__Asplenium_rhizophyllum__Camptosorus_rhizophyllus  ferns having lanceolate fronds that root at the tip
        subtype:  maidenhair_spleenwort__Asplenium_trichomanes  small rock-inhabiting fern of northern temperate zone and Hawaii with pinnate fronds
        subtype:  green_spleenwort__greenspleenwort__aspleniumviride  small often many-crowned fern with slim green fronds; widely distributed in cool parts of northern hemisphere
        subtype:  mountain_spleenwort__Asplenium_montanum  a spleenwort of eastern North America
        subtype:  wall_rue_spleenwort__wall_rue__Asplenium_ruta-muraria  small delicate spleenwort found on a steep slope (as a wall or cliff) of Eurasia and North America
        subtype:  Bradley's_spleenwort__Asplenium_bradleyi  a spleenwort of eastern to southern United States
        subtype:  lobed_spleenwort__lobedspleenwort__Asplenium_pinnatifidum  a spleenwort of eastern and southern United States
        subtype:  lanceolate_spleenwort__Asplenium_billotii  a spleenwort of western Europe
     subtype:  bird's_nest_fern__Asplenium_nidus  tropical Old World or Australian epiphytic fern frequently forming tufts in tree crotches
     subtype:  Asplenium_scolopendrium__hart's-tongue__hart's-tongue_fern__Phyllitis_scolopendrium  Eurasian fern with simple lanceolate fronds
     subtype:  scale_fern__scalefern__scaly_fern__scalyfern__Asplenium_ceterach__Ceterach_officinarum  small European fern with chaffy leathery fronds
     subtype:  Schaffneria_nigripes__Asplenium_nigripes__Scolopendrium_nigripes  a fern of the genus Schaffneria
     subtype:  scolopendrium  a fern thought to resemble a millipede
     subtype:  hard_fern  any of several ferns of the genus Blechnum
        subtype:  deer_fern__Blechnum_spicant  fern with erect fronds of Europe and western North America; often cultivated for deer browse
     subtype:  doodia__rasp_fern  any fern of the genus Doodia having pinnate fronds with sharply dentate pinnae
     subtype:  chain_fern__chainfern  a fern of the genus Woodwardia having the sori in chainlike rows
        subtype:  Virginia_chain_fern__Woodwardia_virginica  North American fern
     subtype:  tree_fern  any of numerous usually tropical ferns having a thick woody stem or caudex and a crown of large fronds; found especially in Australia and New Zealand; chiefly of the families Cyatheaceae and Marattiaceae but some from Polypodiaceae
        subtype:  silver_tree_fern__sago_fern__black_tree_fern__Cyathea_medullaris  showy tree fern of New Zealand and Australia area having a crown of much-pinnated fronds with whitish undersides
        subtype:  soft_tree_fern__Dicksonia_antarctica  of Australia and Tasmania; often cultivated; hardy in cool climates
        subtype:  Scythian_lamb__Cibotium_barometz  Asiatic tree fern having dense matted hairs sometimes used as a styptic
        subtype:  thyrsopteris__Thyrsopteris_elegans  a terrestrial tree fern of South America
        subtype:  angiopteris__angiopteri__giant_fern__giantfern__Angiopteris_evecta  highly variable species of very large primitive ferns of the Pacific tropical areas with high rainfall
     subtype:  davallia  any fern of the genus Davallia; having scaly creeping rhizomes
        subtype:  hare's-foot_fern  either of two ferns of the genus Davallia having a soft gray hairy rootstock
           subtype:  Canary_Island_hare's_foot_fern__Davallia_canariensis  fern of the Canary Islands and Madeira
           subtype:  Australian_hare's_foot__Davallia_pyxidata  a hare's-foot fern of the genus Davallia
        subtype:  squirrel's-foot_fern__ball_fern__Davalia_bullata__Davalia_bullata_mariesii__Davallia_Mariesii  feathery fern of tropical Asia and Malaysia
     subtype:  hay-scented_fern__hayscentedfern__hay-scented__hayscented__scented_fern__scentedfern__boulderfern__Dennstaedtia_punctilobula  fern of eastern North America with pale green fronds and an aroma like hay
     subtype:  pasture_brake__pasturebrake__bracken__brake__Pteridium_aquilinum  large coarse fern often several feet high; essentially weed ferns; cosmopolitan
     subtype:  bracken__Pteridium_esculentum  fern of southeastern Asia; not hardy in cold temperate regions
     subtype:  false_bracken__falsebracken__Culcita_dubia  resembles Pteridium aquilinum; of Queensland Australia
     subtype:  shield_fern__buckler_fern__bucklerfern  any of various ferns of the genera Dryopteris or Polystichum or Lastreopsis having somewhat shield-shaped coverings on the sori
        subtype:  broad_buckler-fern__broadbucklerfern__Dryopteris_dilatata  European shield fern
        subtype:  Goldie's_fern__Goldie's_shield_fern__goldie's_wood_fern__Dryopteris_goldiana  North American fern with a blackish lustrous stipe
        subtype:  soft_shield_fern__Polystichum_setiferum  European shield fern cultivated in many varieties
     subtype:  wood_fern__wood-fern  any of various ferns of the genus Dryopteris
        subtype:  fragrant_cliff_fern__fragrant_shield_fern__fragrant_wood_fern__Dryopteris_fragrans  fern or northern Eurasia and North America having fragrant fronds
        subtype:  male_fern__Dryopteris_filix-mas  fern of North America and Europe whose rhizomes and stalks yield an oleoresin used to expel tapeworms
        subtype:  marginal_wood_fern__evergreen_wood_fern__leatherleaf_wood_fern__Dryopteris_marginalis  North American fern with evergreen fronds
        subtype:  mountain_male_fern__Dryopteris_oreades  a fern of the genus Dryopteris
     subtype:  lady_fern__Athyrium_filix-femina  most widely grown fern of the genus Athyrium for its delicate foliage
        subtype:  Alpine_lady_fern__Athyrium_distentifolium  a lady fern with deeply cut leaf segments; found in the Rocky Mountains
     subtype:  glade_fern__gladefern__silvery_spleenwort__silveryspleenwort__narrow-leaved_spleenwort__Athyrium_pycnocarpon__Diplazium_pycnocarpon  North American fern with narrow fronds on yellowish leafstalks
     subtype:  Cyrtomium_aculeatum__holly_fern__hollyfern__polystichumaculeatum  tropical Old World fern having glossy fronds suggestive of holly; sometimes placed in genus Polystichum
     subtype:  bladder_fern__bladderfern  any fern of the genus Cystopteris characterized by a hooded indusium or bladderlike membrane covering the sori
        subtype:  brittle_bladder_fern__brittlebladderfern__brittle_fern__brittlefern__fragile_fern__fragilefern__Cystopteris_fragilis  delicate fern widely distributed in North America and European having thin pinnatifid fronds with brittle stems
        subtype:  mountain_bladder_fern__Cystopteris_montana  fern of rocky mountainous areas of hemisphere
        subtype:  bulblet_fern__bulbletfern__bulbletbladderfern__berry_fern__berryfern__cystopterisbulbifera  North American fern often bearing bulbils on the leaflets
     subtype:  silvery_spleenwort__silveryspleenwort__Deparia_acrostichoides__Athyrium_thelypteroides  fern with elongate silvery outgrowths enclosing the developing spores
     subtype:  oak_fern__oakfern__Gymnocarpium_dryopteris__Thelypteris_dryopteris  bright blue-green fern widely distributed especially in damp acid woodlands of temperate northern hemisphere
     subtype:  limestone_fern__limestonefern__northern_oak_fern__Gymnocarpium_robertianum  yellow-green fern of rocky areas of northern hemisphere
     subtype:  ostrich_fern__ostrichfern__shuttlecock_fern__shuttlecockfern__fiddlehead__Matteuccia_struthiopteris__Pteretis_struthiopteris__Onoclea_struthiopteris  tall fern of northern temperate regions having graceful arched fronds and sporophylls resembling ostrich plumes
     subtype:  hart's-tongue_fern__hart's-tongue__Olfersia_cervina__Polybotrya_cervina__Polybotria_cervina  tropical American terrestrial fern with leathery lanceolate fronds; sometimes placed in genus Polybotrya
     subtype:  sensitive_fern__sensitivefern__bead_fern__Onoclea_sensibilis  beautiful spreading fern of eastern North America and eastern Asia naturalized in western Europe; pinnately divided fronds show a slight tendency to fold when touched; pinnules enclose groups of sori in beadlike lobes
     subtype:  Christmas_fern__canker_brake__dagger_fern__evergreen_wood_fern__Polystichum_acrostichoides  North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance-shaped fronds
     subtype:  holly_fern__hollyfern  any of various ferns of the genus Polystichum having fronds with texture and gloss like holly
        subtype:  Braun's_holly_fern__prickly_shield_fern__Polystichum_braunii  North American fern whose more or less evergreen leathery fronds are covered with pale brown chafflike scales
        subtype:  northern_holly_fern__Polystichum_lonchitis  evergreen European fern widely cultivated
        subtype:  western_holly_fern__westernhollyfern__Polystichum_scopulinum  North American fern
     subtype:  leatherleaf_fern__leatherleaffern__leather_fern__leatherfern__tendayfern__Rumohra_adiantiformis__Polystichum_adiantiformis  widely distributed fern of tropical southern hemisphere having leathery pinnatifid fronds
     subtype:  Tectaria_cicutaria__button_fern  Jamaican fern having round buttonlike bulbils
     subtype:  Indian_button_fern__Tectaria_macrodonta  fern of tropical Asia having round buttonlike bulbils
     subtype:  woodsia  any fern of the genus Woodsia
        subtype:  rusty_woodsia__rustywoodsia__fragrant_woodsia__oblong_woodsia__Woodsia_ilvensis  a common rock-inhabiting fern of northern temperate regions having rusty-brown stipes and lanceolate pinnate fronds
        subtype:  Alpine_woodsia__northern_woodsia__flower-cup_fern__Woodsia_alpina  slender fern of northern North America with shining chestnut-colored stipes and bipinnate fronds with usually distinct marginal sori
        subtype:  smooth_woodsia__Woodsia_glabella  rock-inhabiting fern of Arctic and subarctic Europe to eastern Asia
     subtype:  oleander_fern__Oleandra_neriiformis__Oleandra_mollis  tropical fern having leathery fronds resembling oleander; found from Asia to Polynesia
     subtype:  sword_fern__swordfern  any of several tropical ferns having more or less sword-shaped fronds including one from which the Boston fern developed
        subtype:  Boston_fern__Nephrolepis_exaltata__Nephrolepis_exaltata_bostoniensis  a sword fern with arching or drooping pinnate fronds; a popular houseplant
        subtype:  basket_fern__toothed_sword_fern__toothedswordfern__Nephrolepis_pectinata  tropical American fern cultivated for its finely divided grayish-green foliage; West Indies and southern Mexico to Peru and Brazil
     subtype:  leather_fern__leatherfern__goldenfern__Acrostichum_aureum  stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides
     subtype:  maidenhair_fern__maidenhair  any of various small to large terrestrial ferns of the genus Adiantum having delicate palmately branched fronds
        subtype:  common_maidenhair__Venushair__Venus'-hair_fern__southern_maidenhair__Venus_maidenhair__Adiantum_capillus-veneris  delicate maidenhair fern with slender shining black leaf stalks; cosmopolitan
        subtype:  American_maidenhair_fern__five-fingered_maidenhair_fern__Adiantum_pedatum  hardy palmately branched North American fern with divergent recurved branches borne on lustrous dark reddish stipes
        subtype:  Bermuda_maidenhair_fern__Bermuda_maidenhair__Adiantum_bellum  delicate endemic Bermudian fern with creeping rootstock
        subtype:  brittle_maidenhair_fern__brittle_maidenhair__brittlemaidenhair__Adiantum_tenerum  tropical American fern with broad pinnae; widely cultivated
           subtype:  Farley_maidenhair_fern__Farley_maidenhair__Barbados_maidenhair__glory_fern__gloryfern__adiantumtenerumfarleyense  named for a country house in Barbados where it was discovered
     subtype:  annual_fern__Jersey_fern__Anogramma_leptophylla  small short-lived fern of Central and South America
     subtype:  lip_fern__lipfern  any of various terrestrial ferns of the genus Cheilanthes; cosmopolitan in arid and semi-arid temperate or tropical regions
        subtype:  smooth_lip_fern__Alabama_lip_fern__Cheilanthes_alabamensis  southeastern United States to northern Mexico and Jamaica
        subtype:  wooly_lip_fern__woolylipfern__hairy_lip_fern__hairylipfern__Cheilanthes_lanosa  small North American evergreen fern whose stipes and lower frond surfaces are densely wooly
        subtype:  southwestern_lip_fern__Cheilanthes_eatonii  lip fern of Texas to Oklahoma and Colorado and Arizona and Mexico having tall erect tufted fronds
     subtype:  lace_fern__Cheilanthes_gracillima  small tufted fern of northwestern America
     subtype:  bamboo_fern__Coniogramme_japonica  fast-growing sturdy Japanese fern; cultivated for their attractive broad dark-green pinnate fronds
     subtype:  rock_brake  dwarf deciduous lithophytic ferns
        subtype:  American_rock_brake__American_parsley_fern__Cryptogramma_acrostichoides  rock-inhabiting fern of northern North America growing in massive tufts and having fronds resembling parsley
        subtype:  European_parsley_fern__mountain_parsley_fern__Cryptogramma_crispa  fern of Europe and Asia Minor having short slender rhizome and densely tufted bright green fronds resembling parsley
     subtype:  hand_fern__Doryopteris_pedata  tropical American fern with coarsely lobed to palmatifid fronds
     subtype:  cliff_brake__cliffbrake__rock_brake  any of several small lithophytic ferns of tropical and warm temperate regions
        subtype:  coffee_fern__Pellaea_andromedifolia  evergreen fern of California and Baja California
        subtype:  purple_rock_brake__Pellaea_atropurpurea  very short shallowly creeping North American fern usually growing on cliffs or walls and having dark glossy leaf axes
        subtype:  bird's-foot_fern__Pellaea_mucronata__Pellaea_ornithopus  cliff brake of California and Baja California having purple-brown leafstalks
     subtype:  button_fern__Pellaea_rotundifolia  fern of New Zealand and Australia having trailing fronds with dark green buttonlike leaflets
     subtype:  Pityrogramma_argentea__silver_fern  fern of southern tropical Africa having fronds with white undersides
     subtype:  silver_fern__Pityrogramma_calomelanos  tropical American fern having fronds with white undersides
     subtype:  golden_fern__Pityrogramma_calomelanos_aureoflava  tropical American fern having fronds with light golden undersides
     subtype:  gold_fern__Pityrogramma_chrysophylla  fern of West Indies and South America having fronds with bright golden-yellow undersides
     subtype:  brake.fern  any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants
     subtype:  Pteris_cretica  cultivated in many varieties as houseplants
     subtype:  spider_brake__spider_fern__Pteris_multifida  Asiatic fern introduced in America
     subtype:  ribbon_fern__spider_fern__Pteris_serrulata  fern of North Africa and Azores and Canary Islands
     subtype:  potato_fern__Marattia_salicina  large Australasian evergreen fern with an edible rhizome sometimes used as a vegetable by indigenous people
     subtype:  marsh_fern__marshfern__thelypterispalustri__Dryopteris_thelypteris  fern having pinnatifid fronds and growing in wet places; cosmopolitan in north temperate regions
        subtype:  snuffbox_fern__meadow_fern__Thelypteris_palustris_pubescens__Dryopteris_thelypteris_pubescens  fern of northeastern North America
     subtype:  christella  any of several tropical ferns of the genus Christella having thin brittle fronds
     subtype:  mountain_fern__Oreopteris_limbosperma__Dryopteris_oreopteris  common European mountain fern having fragrant lemon or balsam scented fronds
     subtype:  New_York_fern__Parathelypteris_novae-boracensis__Dryopteris_noveboracensis  slender shield fern of moist woods of eastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Dryopteris
     subtype:  Massachusetts_fern__Parathelypteris_simulata__Thelypteris_simulata  delicate feathery shield fern of the eastern United States; sometimes placed in genus Thelypteris
     subtype:  beech_fern__beechfern  any fern of the genus Phegopteris having deeply cut triangular fronds
        subtype:  broad_beech_fern__broadbeechfern__southern_beech_fern__Phegopteris_hexagonoptera__Dryopteris_hexagonoptera__Thelypteris_hexagonoptera  beech fern of North American woodlands having straw-colored stripes
        subtype:  long_beech_fern__narrow_beech_fern__northern_beech_fern__Phegopteris_connectilis__Dryopteris_phegopteris__Thelypteris_phegopteris  beech fern of North America and Eurasia
  subtype:  fern_ally  pteridophytes of other classes than Filicopsida
     subtype:  whisk_fern__whiskfern  chiefly tropical clump-forming plants of skeletal appearance resembling whisk brooms; lacking roots
        subtype:  skeleton_fork_fern__Psilotum_nudum  pantropical epiphytic or terrestrial whisk fern with usually dull yellow branches and minute leaves; America; Japan; Australia
     subtype:  horsetail  perennial rushlike flowerless herbs with jointed hollow stems and narrow toothlike leaves that spread by creeping rhizomes; tend to become weedy; common in northern hemisphere; some in Africa and South America
        subtype:  common_horsetail__field_horsetail__fieldhorsetail__Equisetum_arvense  of Eurasia and Greenland and North America
        subtype:  swamp_horsetail__swamphorsetail__water_horsetail__Equisetum_fluviatile  Eurasia; northern North America to Virginia
        subtype:  scouring_rush__rough_horsetail__roughhorsetail__Equisetum_hyemale__Equisetum_hyemale_robustum__Equisetum_robustum  evergreen erect horsetail with rough-edged stems; formerly used for scouring utensils
        subtype:  marsh_horsetail__marshhorsetail__Equisetum_palustre  scouring-rush horsetail widely distributed in wet or boggy areas of northern hemisphere
        subtype:  wood_horsetail__Equisetum_Sylvaticum  Eurasia except southern Russia; northern North America
        subtype:  variegated_horsetail__variegated_scouring_rush__Equisetum_variegatum  northern North America; Greenland; northern and central Europe
     subtype:  club_moss__clubmoss__lycopod  primitive evergreen mosslike plant with spores in club-shaped strobiles
        subtype:  shining_clubmoss__Lycopodium_lucidulum  a variety of clubmoss
        subtype:  alpine_clubmoss__Lycopodium_alpinum  a variety of clubmoss
        subtype:  fir_clubmoss__mountain_clubmoss__little_clubmoss__Lycopodium_selago  of northern Europe and America; resembling a miniature fir
        subtype:  ground_pine__Christmas_green  any of several club mosses having long creeping stems and erect branches
           subtype:  running_pine__runningpine__lycopodiumclavitum  a variety of clubmoss
           subtype:  ground_cedar__staghorn_moss__Lycopodium_complanatum  a variety of clubmoss
           subtype:  ground_fir__princess_pine__tree_clubmoss__Lycopodium_obscurum  a variety of clubmoss
           subtype:  foxtail_grass__foxtailgras__Lycopodium_alopecuroides  ground pine thickly covered with bristly leaves; widely distributed in barren sandy or peaty moist coastal regions of eastern and southeastern United States
        subtype:  spikemoss__spikemos__spikemos__littleclubmos  any of numerous fern allies of the genus Selaginella
           subtype:  meadow_spikemoss__basket_spikemoss__Selaginella_apoda  spikemoss forming dense mats; eastern North America
           subtype:  rock_spikemoss__dwarf_lycopod__dwarflycopod__Selaginella_rupestris  tufted spikemoss forming loose spreading mats; eastern North America
           subtype:  desert_selaginella__Selaginella_eremophila  prostrate spikemoss; California
           subtype:  resurrection_plant__rose_of_Jericho__Selaginella_lepidophylla  densely tufted fern ally of southwestern United States to Peru; curls up in a tight ball when dry and expands and grows under moist conditions
           subtype:  florida_selaginella__floridaselaginella__Selaginella_eatonii  occurs widely in Florida
     subtype:  quillwort  any of several spore-bearing aquatic or marsh plants having short rhizomes and leaves resembling quills; worldwide except Polynesia

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