#propriety__properness__correctitude  correct or appropriate behavior
  exclusion:  #improperness
  supertype:  #demeanor__demeanour__behavior__behaviour__conduct__deportment  behavioral attributes
  subtype:  #decorum__decorousnes  propriety in manners and conduct
     subtype:  #becomingness  the quality of being becoming
  subtype:  #appropriateness.propriety__appropriatenes__rightnes  appropriate conduct; doing the right thing
  subtype:  #correctness  conformity to social expectations
     subtype:  #political_correctness__politicalcorrectnes__political_correctitude__politicalcorrectitude  avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or insult people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against
  subtype:  #good_form  behavior that conforms to social conventions of the time; "it is not good form to brag about winning"
  subtype:  #priggishness__primness  exaggerated and arrogant properness
  subtype:  #modesty.propriety__reserve  formality and propriety of manner
     subtype:  #demureness  the trait of behaving with reserve and decorum
  subtype:  #seemliness__grace  a sense of propriety and consideration for others
  subtype:  #decency.propriety  the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality
     subtype:  #modesty  freedom from vanity or conceit
        subtype:  #primness__prudishness__prudishnes__Grundyism  excessive or affected modesty

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