#price__cost__toll  value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something: "the cost in human life was enormous"; "the price of success is hard work"; "what price glory?"
  supertype:  thing_that_can_be_seen_as_a_function (pm)  value
  subtype:  death_toll__deathtoll  the number of deaths resulting from some particular cause such as an accident or a battle or a natural disaster
  subtype:  monetary_value__price__cost  the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold): "the fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver"; "he puts a high price on his services"; "he couldn't calculate the cost of the collection"
     subtype:  average_cost__averagecost  total cost for all units bought (or produced) divided by the number of units
     subtype:  marginal_cost__incremental_cost__incrementalcost__differential_cost  the increase or decrease in costs as a result of one more or one less unit of output
     subtype:  expensiveness__expensivenes  the quality of being high-priced
        subtype:  costliness__dearness  the quality possessed by something with a great price or value
        subtype:  sumptuosity__lavishness__luxury__sumptuousness__sumptuousnes  the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive
     subtype:  assessment  the market value set on assets
        subtype:  tax_assessment__taxassessment  the value set on taxable property
     subtype:  inexpensiveness__inexpensivenes  the quality of being affordable
        subtype:  modestness__reasonableness__moderateness  the property of being moderate in price; "the store is famous for the reasonableness of its prices"
        subtype:  bargain_rate__bargainrate__cheapness__cut_rate__cutrate__cut_price__cutprice  a price below the standard price
     subtype:  cost  the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor
        subtype:  disbursal__expense__disbursement  amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible (as opposed to capital expenditures)
           subtype:  business_expense__trade_expense__tradeexpense  ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in a taxpayer's business or trade
              subtype:  organization_expense  the cost (over a period of five years) of organizing a new corporation or partnership
              subtype:  promotional_expense__promotionalexpense  the cost of promoting a product
           subtype:  interest_expense  interest paid on loans
           subtype:  lobbying_expense  expenses incurred in promoting or evaluating legislation; "many lobbying expenses are deductible by a taxpayer"
           subtype:  medical_expense__medicalexpense  amount spent for diagnosis or treatment or prevention of medical problems
           subtype:  moving_expense  the cost of moving your residence from one location to another
           subtype:  operating_expense__operatingexpense__operating_cost__operatingcost__overhead__budget_items  the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
           subtype:  personal_expense  the cost of personal or family living; "some personal expenses are tax deductible"
        subtype:  capital_expenditure__capitalexpenditure  the cost of long-term improvements
        subtype:  payment  a sum of money paid
           subtype:  royalty  payment to the holder of a patent or copyright or resource for the right to use their property; "he received royalties on his book"
           subtype:  bonus__bonu__incentive  an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output
              subtype:  dividend.bonus  a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus)
              subtype:  sales_incentive__salesincentive  remuneration offered to a salesperson for exceeding some predetermined sales goal
              subtype:  bunce__windfall__gravy__godsend  a sudden unexpected piece of good fortune
           subtype:  overpayment.payment  a payment larger than needed or expected
           subtype:  underpayment.payment  a payment smaller than needed or expected
           subtype:  subscription.payment  a payment for consecutive issues of a newspaper or magazine for a given period of time
           subtype:  regular_payment__regularpayment  a payment made at regular times
              subtype:  wage__pay__earnings__remuneration__salary  something that remunerates; "wages were paid by check"; "he wasted his pay on drink"; "they saved a quarter of all their earnings"
                 subtype:  combat_pay  extra pay for soldiers engaged in active combat
                 subtype:  double_time  a doubled wage (for working overtime)
                 subtype:  found  food and lodging provided in addition to money; "they worked for $30 and found"
                 subtype:  half-pay  reduced wage paid to someone who is not working full time
                 subtype:  living_wage  a wage sufficient for a worker and family to subsist comfortably
                 subtype:  merit_pay__meritpay  extra pay awarded to an employee on the basis of merit (especially to school teachers)
                 subtype:  minimum_wage__minimumwage  the lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay; determined by contract or by law
                 subtype:  pay_envelope__payenvelope__pay_packet__paypacket  wages enclosed in an envelope for distribution to the wage earner
                 subtype:  sick_pay  wages paid to an employee who is on sick leave
                 subtype:  strike_pay  money paid to strikers from union funds
                 subtype:  take-home_pay  what is left of your pay after deductions for taxes and dues and insurance etc
              subtype:  stipend  a sum of money allotted on a regular basis; usually for some specific purpose
                 subtype:  prebend  the stipend assigned by a cathedral to a canon
              subtype:  annuity  income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments; "his retirement fund was set up to be paid as an annuity"
                 subtype:  annuity_in_advance  an annuity paid in a series of more or less equal payments at the beginning of equally spaced periods; "rent payable in advance constitutes an annuity in advance for the landlord"
                    subtype:  rent  a regular payment by a tenant to a landlord for use of some property
                       subtype:  ground_rent__groundrent  payment for the right to occupy and improve a piece of land
                       subtype:  rack_rent  an extortionate rent
                 subtype:  ordinary_annuity  an annuity paid in a series of more or less equal payments at the end of equally spaced periods
                 subtype:  reversionary_annuity__survivorship_annuity  an annuity payable to one person in the event that someone else is unable to receive it
                 subtype:  tontine  an annuity scheme wherein participants share certain benefits and on the death of any participant his benefits are redistributed among the remaining participants; can run for a fixed period of time or until the death of all but one participant
              subtype:  installment_plan__installmentplan__installment_buying__installmentbuying__time_plan__hire-purchase  a system for paying for goods by installments
              subtype:  disability_check__disability_payment  a monthly payment made to someone who has become disabled and is unable to work
              subtype:  pension__retirement_check__retirement_benefit__retirement_fund  a monthly payment to someone who is retired from work
           subtype:  blood_money__bloodmoney  paid to a hired murderer
           subtype:  recompense.payment  payment or reward (as for service rendered)
              subtype:  allowance.recompense__adjustment  an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit"
                 subtype:  cost-of-living_allowance  an allowance for changes in the consumer price index
                 subtype:  depreciation_allowance  an allowance for loss due to depreciation
                 subtype:  deduction__discount  an amount or percentage deducted
                    subtype:  trade_discount__tradediscount  a discount from the list price of a commodity allowed by a manufacturer or wholesaler to a merchant
                 subtype:  seasonal_adjustment  a statistical adjustment made to accommodate predictable fluctuations as a function of the season of the year; "seasonal adjustments for housing starts must be made in mid-winter"
              subtype:  compensation  something given to recompense for loss or injury
                 subtype:  overcompensation  excessive compensation
                 subtype:  workmen's_compensation__workmen'scompensation  compensation for death or injury suffered by a worker in the course of his employment
                 subtype:  reimbursement  compensation paid (to someone) for damages or losses or money already spent etc.; "he received reimbursement for his travel expenses"
                    subtype:  allowance.reimbursement  a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses
                       subtype:  travel_allowance  a sum allowed for travel
                          subtype:  mileage  a travel allowance at a given rate per mile traveled
                    subtype:  breakage  reimbursement for goods damaged while in transit or in use
                    subtype:  costs__cost  pecuniary reimbursement to the winning party for the expenses of litigation
                 subtype:  emolument  compensation received by virtue of holding an office or having employment (usually in the form of wages or fees); "a clause in the U.S. constitution prevents sitting legislators from receiving emoluments from their own votes"
                 subtype:  blood_money.compensation__bloodmoney  compensation paid to the family of a murdered person
                 subtype:  damages__amends__indemnity__restitution__redress__redres  a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury
                    subtype:  relief.damages  (law) redress awarded by a court; "was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?"
                    subtype:  actual_damages__compensatory_damages__general_damages  (law) compensation for losses that can readily be proven to have occurred and for which the injured party has the right to be compensated
                    subtype:  nominal_damages  (law) a trivial sum (usually $1.00) awarded as recognition that a legal injury was sustained (as for technical violations of a contract)
                    subtype:  punitive_damages__exemplary_damages__exemplarydamage__smart_money__smartmoney  (law) compensation in excess of actual damages (a form of punishment awarded in cases of malicious or willful misconduct)
                       subtype:  double_damages  twice the amount that a court would normally find the injured party entitled to
                       subtype:  treble_damages  three times the amount that a court would normally find the injured party entitled to
                    subtype:  atonement__expiation__satisfaction  compensation for a wrong; "we were unable to get satisfaction from the local store"
                 subtype:  counterbalance__offset  a compensating equivalent
                 subtype:  reparation  compensation exacted from a defeated nation by the victors
           subtype:  refund.payment  money returned to a payer
              subtype:  rebate__discount  a refund of some fraction of the amount paid
                 subtype:  rent-rebate  (British) a rebate on rent given by a local government authority
           subtype:  conscience_money  payment made voluntarily to reduce guilt over dishonest dealings
           subtype:  support_payment__supportpayment  a payment made by one person for the support of another
              subtype:  palimony  support paid by one half of an unmarried partnership after the relationship ends
              subtype:  alimony__maintenance  court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated
              subtype:  child_support__childsupport  court-ordered support paid by one spouse to the other who has custody of the children after the parents are separated
           subtype:  reward.payment  payment made in return for a service rendered
              subtype:  bounty__premium  payment or reward (esp from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military
              subtype:  honorarium  a fee paid for a nominally free service
              subtype:  blood_money.reward__bloodmoney  a reward for information about a murderer
              subtype:  guerdon  a reward or payment
              subtype:  meed  (archaic) a fitting reward
           subtype:  bribe__payoff  payment made to a person in a position of trust to corrupt his judgment
              subtype:  hush_money  a bribe paid to someone to insure that something is kept secret
              subtype:  kickback  a commercial bribe paid by a seller to a purchasing agent in order to induce the agent to enter into the transaction
              subtype:  payola  a bribe given to a disc jockey to induce him to promote a particular record
              subtype:  soap.bribe  money offered as a bribe
           subtype:  residual  (often plural) a payment that is made to a performer or writer or director of a television show or commercial that is paid for every repeat showing; "he could retire on his residuals"
           subtype:  benefit.payment  financial assistance in time of need
              subtype:  cost-of-living_benefit  a benefit that goes to anyone whose money receipts increase automatically as prices rise
              subtype:  death_benefit__deathbenefit  insurance or pension money payable to a beneficiary of a deceased
                 subtype:  advance_death_benefit__advancedeathbenefit  a percentage of death benefits paid directly to policy holders having a short life expectancy (usually 6 months)
                    subtype:  viatical_settlement  cash derived from sale of an insurance policy by a terminally ill policy holder
              subtype:  disability_benefit  insurance benefits paid in case of disability
              subtype:  sick_benefit__sickness_benefit  (British) money paid (by the government) to someone who is too ill to work
              subtype:  fringe_benefit__perquisite__perk  an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right); "a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job"
                 subtype:  apanage__appanage  any customary and rightful perquisite appropriate to your station in life
                 subtype:  pourboire__gratuity__tip__bakshish__bakshis__bakshi__backsheesh  a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)
                    subtype:  Christmas_box  (British) a present given at Christmas for services during the year
           subtype:  lump_sum  a complete payment consisting of a single sum of money
           subtype:  final_payment__finalpayment__payoff  the final payment of a debt
           subtype:  remittance__remittal__remission__remitment  a payment of money sent to a person in another place
           subtype:  repayment__quittance  payment of a debt or obligation
           subtype:  token_payment__tokenpayment  a small payment made in acknowledgement of an obligation
           subtype:  penalty  a payment required for not fulfilling a contract
              subtype:  retribution.penalty__requital  a justly deserved penalty
              subtype:  forfeit.penalty__forfeiture  a penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something; "the contract specified forfeits if the work was not completed on time"
              subtype:  fine__mulct__amercement  money extracted as a penalty
                 subtype:  library_fine__libraryfine  fine imposed by a library on books that overdue when returned
           subtype:  pittance  an inadequate payment; "they work all day for a mere pittance"
           subtype:  insurance_premium__insurancepremium__premium  payment for insurance
           subtype:  installment  a payment of part of a debt; usually paid at regular intervals
           subtype:  down_payment__deposit  a partial payment made at the time of purchase; the balance to be paid later
              subtype:  security_deposit__margin  the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
           subtype:  deferred_payment__credit  arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
           subtype:  cash__immediate_payment__immediatepayment  prompt payment for goods or services in currency or by check
        subtype:  ransom_money__ransom  money demanded for the return of a captured person
        subtype:  cost_overrun  excess of cost over budget; "the cost overrun necessitated an additional allocation of funds in the budget"
        subtype:  cost_of_living  average cost of basic necessities of life (as food and shelter and clothing); "a rise in the cost of living reflects the rate of inflation"
        subtype:  borrowing_cost__borrowingcost  the cost of borrowing something
        subtype:  distribution_cost  any cost incurred by a producer or wholesaler or retailer or distributor (as for advertising and shipping etc)
        subtype:  handling_cost__handling_charge  the cost of handling (especially the cost of packaging and mailing an order)
        subtype:  marketing_cost__marketingcost  the cost of marketing (e.g., the cost of transferring title and moving goods to the customer)
        subtype:  production_cost  combined costs of raw material and labor incurred in producing goods
        subtype:  replacement_cost__replacementcost  current cost of replacing a fixed asset with a new one of equal effectiveness
        subtype:  reproduction_cost__physical_value  cost of reproducing physical property minus various allowances (especially depreciation)
        subtype:  unit_cost  calculated cost for a given unit of a product
        subtype:  terms__term__price__damage  the amount of money needed to purchase something; "the price of gasoline"; "he got his new car on excellent terms"; "how much is the damage?"
           subtype:  bid_price__bidprice  (on the stock exchange) the price at which a broker is willing to buy a certain security
           subtype:  closing_price__closingprice  (on the stock exchange) the price of the last transaction completed during a day's trading session
           subtype:  asking_price__selling_price__sellingprice  the price at which something is offered for sale
              subtype:  offer_price  (on the stock exchange) the price at which a broker is willing to sell a certain security
              subtype:  upset_price__upsetprice  (in an auction) the minimum price at which a seller of property will entertain bids
              subtype:  list_price  the selling price of something as stated in a catalogue or price list
           subtype:  factory_price__factoryprice  price charged for goods picked up at the factory
           subtype:  purchase_price  the price at which something is actually purchased
           subtype:  support_level__supportlevel  (on the stock exchange) the price at which a certain security becomes attractive to investors
        subtype:  price.cost  cost of bribing someone: "they say that every politician has a price"
        subtype:  opportunity_cost__opportunitycost  cost in terms of foregone alternatives
           subtype:  cost_of_capital__capital_cost__capitalcost  the opportunity cost of the funds employed as the result of an investment decision; the rate of return that a business could earn if it chose another investment with equivalent risk
           subtype:  carrying_cost__carrying_charge  the opportunity cost of unproductive assets; the expense incurred by ownership
        subtype:  portage.cost  the cost of carrying or transporting
        subtype:  charge  the price charged for some article or service; "the admission charge"
           subtype:  carrying_charge  charge made for carrying an account or for merchandise sold on an installment plan
           subtype:  depreciation_charge  an amount periodically charged to expense or against revenue in compensation for depreciation of property
           subtype:  undercharge.charge  a price that is too low
           subtype:  overcharge  a price that is too high
              subtype:  extortion.overcharge  an exorbitant charge
           subtype:  fare.charge  the sum charged for riding in a public conveyance
              subtype:  airfare  the fare charged for traveling by airplane
              subtype:  bus_fare__busfare__carfare  the fare charged for riding a bus or streetcar
              subtype:  cab_fare__cabfare__taxi_fare  the fare charged for riding in a taxicab
              subtype:  train_fare__trainfare  the fare charged for traveling by train
                 subtype:  subway_fare  the fare charged for riding a subway train
           subtype:  fixed_charge__fixedcharge  a periodic charge that does not vary with business volume (as insurance or rent or mortgage payments etc.)
              subtype:  cover_charge__covercharge  a fixed charge by a restaurant or night club over and above the charge for food and drink
              subtype:  interest  a fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed; "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage?"
                 subtype:  compound_interest  interest calculated on both the principal and the accrued interest
                 subtype:  simple_interest__simpleinterest  interest paid on the principle alone
              subtype:  fee  a fixed charge for a privilege or for professional services
                 subtype:  anchorage.fee  a fee for anchoring
                 subtype:  cellarage.fee  a charge for storing goods in a cellar
                 subtype:  commission.fee  a fee for services rendered based on a percentage of an amount received or collected or agreed to be paid (as distinguished from a salary); "he works on commission"
                 subtype:  docking_fee__dockingfee__dockage  a fee charged for a vessel to use a dock
                 subtype:  drop-off_charge  a fee added for returning a rented car to a location different from the one where it was rented
                 subtype:  entrance_fee__admission__admission_charge__admissioncharge__admission_fee__admissionfee__admission_price__admissionprice__price_of_admission__entrance_money  the fee charged for admission
                 subtype:  legal_fee__legalfee  a fee paid for legal service
                    subtype:  refresher.legal_fee  (British) a fee (in addition to that marked on the brief) paid to counsel in a case that lasts more than one day
                 subtype:  licensing_fee__licensingfee__license_fee__license_tax  a fee paid to the government for the privilege of being licensed to do something (as selling liquor or practicing medicine)
                 subtype:  lighterage.fee  the fee charged for carrying goods in lighters
                 subtype:  lockage.fee  a fee charged for passage through a lock in a canal or waterway
                 subtype:  mintage.fee  fee paid to a mint by the government for minting a coin
                 subtype:  moorage  a fee for mooring
                 subtype:  origination_fee  a fee charged to a borrower (especially for a mortgage loan) to cover the costs of initiating the loan
                 subtype:  pipage  a fee charged for the use of pipes
                 subtype:  poundage.fee  a fee charged for the recovery of impounded animals
                 subtype:  retainer.fee__consideration  a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone
                 subtype:  seigniorage  charged by a government for coining bullion
                 subtype:  toll  a fee levied for the use of roads or bridges (used for maintenance)
                 subtype:  tuition  a fee paid for instruction (especially for higher education); "tuition and room and board were more than $25,000"
                 subtype:  wharfage  a fee charged for the use of a wharf
              subtype:  due.fixed_charge  a payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership); "the society dropped him for non-payment of dues"
           subtype:  agio__agiotage__premium__exchange_premium  a fee charged for exchanging currencies
           subtype:  demurrage.charge  a charge required as compensation for the delay of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure
           subtype:  installation_charge  the charge for installing something
           subtype:  porterage.charge  the charge for carrying burdens by porters
           subtype:  poundage.charge  a charge based on weight measured in pounds
           subtype:  charge_per_unit__rate  amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis; "a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5"
              subtype:  pay_rate__payrate__rate_of_pay  amount of money received per unit time; "women's pay rate is lower than men's"
                 subtype:  time_and_a_half  a rate of pay that is 1.5 times the regular rate; for overtime work
              subtype:  payment_rate__paymentrate__rate_of_payment__repayment_rate__repaymentrate__installment_rate__installmentrate  the amount of money paid out per unit time
              subtype:  tax_rate__taxrate  rate used to calculate tax liability
              subtype:  interest_rate__rate_of_interest  the percentage of a sum of money charged for its use
                 subtype:  discount__discount_rate__bank_discount  interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan
                    subtype:  bank_rate  the discount rate fixed by a central bank
                 subtype:  discount_rate  (US) the rate of interest set by the Federal Reserve that member banks are charged when they borrow money through the Federal Reserve System
                 subtype:  prime_interest_rate  the interest rate on short-term loans that banks charge their commercial customers with high credit ratings
                 subtype:  vigorish__usury  an exorbitant or unlawful rate of interest
              subtype:  freight_rate__freightrate__freight__freightage  the charge for transporting something by common carrier; "we pay the freight," or "the freight rate is usually cheaper"
              subtype:  rate_of_depreciation__depreciation_rate  the rate at which the value of property is reduced; used to calculate tax deduction
              subtype:  rate_of_exchange__exchange_rate  the charge for exchanging currency of one country for currency of another
              subtype:  excursion_rate__excursionrate  a reduced rate for a round-trip ticket
              subtype:  footage.charge_per_unit  a rate of charging by the linear foot of work done
              subtype:  linage__lineage  a rate of payment for written material that is measured according to the number of lines submitted
              subtype:  room_rate  the rate charged daily for a hotel room
           subtype:  water-rate__waterrate  (Brit) rate per quarter for water from a public supply
           subtype:  surcharge  an additional charge (as for items previously omitted or as a penalty for failure to exercise common caution or common skill)
              subtype:  single_supplement  a surcharge added to the cost per person when traveling alone
           subtype:  service_charge__servicecharge  a percentage of a bill (as at a hotel or restaurant) added in payment for service
              subtype:  corkage  a charge added at a restaurant for every bottle of wine served that was not bought on the premises
           subtype:  stowage  the charge for stowing goods
           subtype:  tankage.charge  the charge for storing something in tanks
        subtype:  cost_per_day
     subtype:  free
     subtype:  monetary_unit  a monetary unit
        subtype:  sterling  British money; especially the pound sterling as the basic monetary unit of the UK
        subtype:  dollar  the basic monetary unit in many countries; equal to 100 cents
           subtype:  Australian_dollar__AUD  $("AUD" added)$ the basic unit of money in Australia and Nauru
           subtype:  Bahamian_dollar  the basic unit of money in the Bahamas
           subtype:  Barbados_dollar  the basic unit of money in Barbados
           subtype:  Belize_dollar  the basic unit of money in Belize
           subtype:  Bermuda_dollar  the basic unit of money in Bermuda
           subtype:  Brunei_dollar  the basic unit of money in Brunei
           subtype:  Canadian_dollar  the basic unit of money in Canada
           subtype:  Cayman_Islands_dollar  the basic unit of money in the Cayman Islands
           subtype:  Dominican_dollar  the basic unit of money in Dominica
           subtype:  Fiji_dollar  the basic unit of money in Fiji
           subtype:  Grenada_dollar  the basic unit of money in Grenada
           subtype:  Guyana_dollar  the basic unit of money in Guyana
           subtype:  Hong_Kong_dollar  the basic unit of money in Hong Kong
           subtype:  Jamaican_dollar  the basic unit of money in Jamaica
           subtype:  Kiribati_dollar  the basic unit of money in Kiribati
           subtype:  Liberian_dollar  the basic unit of money in Liberia
           subtype:  New_Zealand_dollar  the basic unit of money in New Zealand
           subtype:  Singapore_dollar  the basic unit of money in Singapore
           subtype:  Taiwan_dollar  the basic unit of money in Taiwan
           subtype:  Trinidad_and_Tobago_dollar  the basic unit of money in Trinidad and Tobago
           subtype:  Tuvalu_dollar  the basic unit of money in Tuvalu
           subtype:  USD__United_States_dollar  $("USD" added as key)$ the basic unit of money in the United States
              subtype:  Eurodollar  a United States dollar deposited in a European bank and used as an international currency to finance trade
           subtype:  Zimbabwean_dollar  the basic unit of money in Zimbabwe
        subtype:  Euro  the basic monetary unit of most members of the European Union (introduced in 1999)
        subtype:  franc  the basic monetary unit in many countries; equal to 100 centimes
           subtype:  Belgian_franc  the basic unit of money in Belgium
           subtype:  Benin_franc  the basic unit of money in Benin
           subtype:  Burundi_franc  the basic unit of money in Burundi
           subtype:  Cameroon_franc  the basic unit of money in Cameroon
           subtype:  Central_African_Republic_franc  the basic unit of money in the Central African Republic
           subtype:  Chadian_franc  the basic unit of money in Chad
           subtype:  Congo_franc  the basic unit of money in the Congo
           subtype:  Djibouti_franc  the basic unit of money in Djibouti
           subtype:  French_franc__FF  $("FF" added)$ the basic unit of money in France
           subtype:  Gabon_franc  the basic unit of money in Gabon
           subtype:  Ivory_Coast_franc__Cote_d'Ivoire_franc  the basic unit of money in the Ivory Coast
           subtype:  Luxembourg_franc  the basic unit of money in Luxembourg
           subtype:  Madagascar_franc  the basic unit of money in Madagascar
           subtype:  Mali_franc  the basic unit of money in Mali
           subtype:  Niger_franc  the basic unit of money in Niger
           subtype:  Rwanda_franc  the basic unit of money in Rwanda
           subtype:  Senegalese_franc  the basic unit of money in Senegal
           subtype:  Swiss_franc  the basic unit of money in Switzerland
           subtype:  Togo_franc  the basic unit of money in Togo
           subtype:  Upper_Volta_franc__Burkina_Faso_franc  the basic unit of money in Burkina Faso
           subtype:  Guinean_franc  the basic unit of money in Guinea
        subtype:  fractional_monetary_unit__subunit  a monetary unit that is valued at a fraction (usually one hundredth) of the basic monetary unit
           subtype:  cent  a fractional monetary unit of several countries
           subtype:  centesimo  a fractional monetary unit of several countries: Panama and Italy and Uruguay and Chile
           subtype:  centimo  a fractional monetary unit of Venezuela and Costa Rica and Equatorial Guinea and Paraguay and Spain
           subtype:  centavo  a fractional monetary unit of several countries: El Salvador and Sao Tome and Principe and Brazil and Argentina and Bolivia and Colombia and Cuba and the Dominican Republic and Ecuador and El Salvador and Guatemala and Honduras and Mexico and Nicaragua and Peru and the Philippines and Portugal
           subtype:  centime  a fractional monetary unit of several countries: France and Algeria and Belgium and Burundi and Cameroon and Chad and the Congo and Gabon and Haiti and the Ivory Coast and Luxembourg and Mali and Morocco and Niger and Rwanda and Senegal and Switzerland and Togo and Upper Volta
              subtype:  Algerian_centime  100 centimes equal 1 dinar
              subtype:  Haitian_centime  100 centimes equal 1 gourde
           subtype:  fils  a fractional monetary unit in Bahrain and Iraq and Jordan and Kuwait and Southern Yemen and Yemen; equal to one thousandth of a dinar
           subtype:  sen  a fractional monetary unit of Japan and Indonesia and Cambodia; equal to one hundredth of a yen or rupiah or riel
           subtype:  ore.fractional_monetary_unit  a monetary subunit in Denmark and Norway and Sweden; 100 ore equal 1 krona
           subtype:  piaster  a fractional monetary unit in Egypt and Lebanon and Sudan and Syria
           subtype:  penny  a fractional monetary unit of Ireland and the United Kingdom; equal to one hundredth of a pound
           subtype:  paisa  a fractional monetary unit in Bangladesh and India and Nepal and Pakistan
        subtype:  Afghan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in the Republic of Afghanistan
           subtype:  afghani  the basic unit of money in Afghanistan
           subtype:  pul  100 puls equal 1 afghani
        subtype:  Argentine_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Argentina
           subtype:  austral  the basic unit of money in Argentina; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Thai_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Thailand
           subtype:  baht__tical  the basic unit of money in Thailand
           subtype:  satang  100 satangs equal 1 baht
        subtype:  Panamanian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Panama
           subtype:  balboa  the basic unit of money in Panama; equal to 100 centesimos
        subtype:  Ethiopian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Ethiopia
           subtype:  birr  the basic unit of money in Ethiopia; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Venezuelan_monetary_unit  monetary unit of Venezuela
           subtype:  bolivar  the basic unit of money in Venezuela; equal to 100 centimos
        subtype:  Ghanian_monetary_unit  monetary unit of Ghana
           subtype:  cedi  the basic unit of money in Ghana
           subtype:  pesewa  100 pesewas equal 1 cedi
        subtype:  Costa_Rican_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Costa Rica
           subtype:  Costa_Rican_colon__colon  the basic unit of money in Costa Rica; equal to 100 centimos
        subtype:  El_Salvadoran_monetary_unit  monetary unit in El Salvador
           subtype:  El_Salvadoran_colon__colon  the basic unit of money in El Salvador; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Brazilian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Brazil
           subtype:  cruzeiro  the basic unit of money in Brazil; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Gambian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Gambia
           subtype:  dalasi  the basic unit of money in Gambia
           subtype:  butut__butat  100 bututs equal 1 dalasi
        subtype:  Algerian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Algeria
           subtype:  Algerian_dinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Algeria
        subtype:  Bahrainian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Bahrain
           subtype:  Bahrain_dinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Bahrain; equal to 1,000 fils
        subtype:  Iraqi_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Iraq
           subtype:  Iraqi_dinar__iraqidinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Iraq; equal to 1,000 fils
        subtype:  Jordanian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Jordan
           subtype:  Jordanian_dinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Jordan; equal to 1,000 fils
        subtype:  Kuwaiti_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Kuwait
           subtype:  Kuwaiti_dinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Kuwait; equal 1,000 fils
           subtype:  Kuwaiti_dirham__dirham  worth one tenth of a Kuwaiti dinar; equal 100 fils
        subtype:  Libyan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Libya
           subtype:  Libyan_dinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Libya
           subtype:  Libyan_dirham__dirham  100 dirhams equal 1 dinar
        subtype:  Southern_Yemeni_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Southern Yemen
           subtype:  Southern_Yemeni_dinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Southern Yemen
        subtype:  Tunisian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Tunisia
           subtype:  Tunisian_dinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Tunisia
           subtype:  Tunisian_dirham__dirham  100 dirhams equal 1 dinar
           subtype:  millime  1,000 millimes equal 1 dinar
        subtype:  Yugoslavian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Yugoslavia
           subtype:  Yugoslavian_dinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Yugoslavia
           subtype:  para  100 para equal 1 dinar
        subtype:  Moroccan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Morocco
           subtype:  Moroccan_dirham__dirham  the basic unit of money in Morocco; equal to 100 centimes
        subtype:  United_Arab_Emirate_monetary_unit  monetary unit in the United Arab Emirates
           subtype:  United_Arab_Emirate_dirham__dirham  the basic unit of money in the United Arab Emirates; equal to 1,000 fils
        subtype:  Vietnamese_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Vietnam
           subtype:  dong  the basic unit of money in Vietnam
           subtype:  hao  10 hao equal 1 dong
        subtype:  Greek_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Greece
           subtype:  drachma  the basic unit of money in Greece
           subtype:  lepton.Greek_monetary_unit  100 lepta equal 1 drachma
        subtype:  Sao_Thome_e_Principe_monetary_unit  monetary unit on Sao Tome e Principe
           subtype:  dobra  the basic unit of money on Sao Tome e Principe
        subtype:  Equatorial_Guinea_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Equatorial Guinea
           subtype:  epkwele  the basic unit of money in Equatorial Guinea
        subtype:  Cape_Verde_monetary_unit  monetary unit on Cape Verde
           subtype:  Cape_Verde_escudo__escudo  the basic unit of money on Cape Verde; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Portuguese_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Portugal
           subtype:  Portuguese_escudo__escudo  the basic monetary unit of Portugal; equal to 100 centavo
           subtype:  conto  1 conto equals 1,000 escudos
        subtype:  Hungarian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Hungary
           subtype:  forint  the basic unit of money in Hungary
           subtype:  filler.Hungarian_monetary_unit  100 filler equal 1 forint
           subtype:  pengo  formerly the basic unit of money in Hungary until it was replaced by the forint in 1946
        subtype:  Haitian_monetary_unit  the monetary unit in Haiti
           subtype:  gourde  the basic unit of money in Haiti
        subtype:  Paraguayan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Paraguay
           subtype:  guarani  the basic unit of money in Paraguay; equal to 100 centimos
        subtype:  Dutch_monetary_unit  monetary unit in the Netherlands
           subtype:  guilder__gulden__florin  the basic unit of money in the Netherlands; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Surinamese_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Suriname
           subtype:  gulden__guilder__florin  the basic unit of money in Suriname; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Peruvian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Peru
           subtype:  inti  the basic unit of money in Peru
        subtype:  Papuan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Papua New Guinea
           subtype:  kina  the basic unit of money in Papua New Guinea
           subtype:  toea  100 toea equal 1 kina
        subtype:  Laotian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Laos
           subtype:  kip  the basic unit of money in Laos
           subtype:  at  100 at equal 1 kip
        subtype:  Czech_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Czech Republic
           subtype:  koruna  the basic unit of money in Czech Republic
           subtype:  haler__heller  100 halers equal 1 koruna
        subtype:  Slovakian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Slovakia
           subtype:  koruna.Slovakian_monetary_unit  the basic unit of money in Slovakia
           subtype:  heller__haler  100 halers equal 1 koruna
        subtype:  Icelandic_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Iceland
           subtype:  Icelandic_krona__krona  the basic unit of money in Iceland
           subtype:  aurar__eyrir  100 aurar equal 1 krona
        subtype:  Swedish_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Sweden
           subtype:  Swedish_krona__krona  the basic unit of money in Sweden
        subtype:  Danish_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Denmark
           subtype:  Danish_krone__krone  the basic unit of money in Denmark
        subtype:  Norwegian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Norway
           subtype:  Norwegian_krone__krone  the basic unit of money in Norway
        subtype:  Malawian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Malawi
           subtype:  Malawi_kwacha__kwacha  the basic unit of money in Malawi
           subtype:  tambala  100 tambala equal 1 Kwacha
        subtype:  Zambian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Zambia
           subtype:  Zambian_kwacha__kwacha  the basic unit of money in Zambia
           subtype:  ngwee  100 ngwee equal 1 kwacha
        subtype:  Angolan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Angola
           subtype:  kwanza  the basic unit of money in Angola
           subtype:  lwei  100 lwei equal 1 kwanza
        subtype:  Myanmar_monetary_unit  monetary unit in the Union of Myanmar (Burma)
           subtype:  kyat  the basic unit of money in Myanmar
           subtype:  pya  100 pyas equal 1 kyat
        subtype:  Albanian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Albania
           subtype:  lek  the basic unit of money in Albania
           subtype:  qindarka__qintar  100 qindarka equal 1 lek
        subtype:  Honduran_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Honduras
           subtype:  lempira  the basic unit of money in Honduras; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Sierra_Leone_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Sierra Leone
           subtype:  leone  the basic unit of money in Sierra Leone; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Romanian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Romania
           subtype:  leu  the basic unit of money in Romania
           subtype:  ban  100 bani equal 1 leu
        subtype:  Bulgarian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Bulgaria
           subtype:  lev  the basic unit of money in Bulgaria
           subtype:  stotinka  100 stotinka equal 1 lev
        subtype:  Swaziland_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Swaziland
           subtype:  lilangeni  the basic unit of money in Swaziland; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Italian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Italy
           subtype:  Italian_lira__lira  the basic unit of money in Italy; equal to 100 centesimi
        subtype:  British_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Great Britain
           subtype:  British_pound__pound__pound_sterling__poundsterling__quid  the basic unit of money in Great Britain; equal to 100 pence
           subtype:  British_shilling__shilling__bob  a former monetary unit in Great Britain
        subtype:  Turkish_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Turkey
           subtype:  Turkish_lira__lira  the basic unit of money in Turkey
           subtype:  piastre__piaster  100 kurus equal 1 lira
           subtype:  asper  20 aspers equal 1 kuru
        subtype:  Lesotho_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Lesotho
           subtype:  loti  the basic unit of money in Lesotho
           subtype:  sente  100 sente equal 1 loti
        subtype:  German_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Germany
           subtype:  Deutsche_Mark__mark__Deutschmark  the basic unit of money in Germany
           subtype:  pfennig  100 pfennigs equal 1 Deutsche Mark
        subtype:  Finnish_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Finland
           subtype:  markka  the basic unit of money in Finland
           subtype:  penni  100 penni equal 1 markka
        subtype:  Mozambique_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Mozambique
           subtype:  metical  the basic unit of money in Mozambique; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Nigerian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Nigeria
           subtype:  naira  the basic unit of money in Nigeria
           subtype:  kobo  100 kobos equal 1 naira
        subtype:  Bhutanese_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Bhutan
           subtype:  ngultrum  the basic unit of money in Bhutan
           subtype:  chetrum  100 chetrums equal 1 ngultrum
        subtype:  Mauritanian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Mauritania
           subtype:  ouguiya  the basic unit of money in Mauritania
           subtype:  khoum  5 khoums equal 1 ouguiya
        subtype:  Tongan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Tonga
           subtype:  pa'anga  the basic unit of money in Tonga
           subtype:  seniti  100 seniti equal 1 pa'anga
        subtype:  Macao_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Macao
           subtype:  pataca  the basic unit of money in Macao
           subtype:  avo  100 avos equal 1 pataca
        subtype:  Spanish_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Spain
           subtype:  peseta  the basic unit of money in Spain; equal to 100 centimos
        subtype:  Bolivian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Bolivia
           subtype:  boliviano  the basic unit of money in Bolivia; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Nicaraguan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Nicaragua
           subtype:  cordoba  the basic unit of money in Nicaragua; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Chilean_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Chile
           subtype:  Chilean_peso__peso  the basic unit of money in Chile; equal to 100 centesimos
        subtype:  Colombian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Colombia
           subtype:  Colombian_peso__peso  the basic unit of money in Colombia; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Cuban_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Cuba
           subtype:  Cuban_peso__peso  the basic unit of money in Cuba; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Dominican_monetary_unit  monetary unit in the Dominican Republic
           subtype:  Dominican_peso__peso  the basic unit of money in the Dominican Republic; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Guinea-Bissau_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Guinea-Bissau
           subtype:  Guinea-Bissau_peso__peso  the basic unit of money in Guinea-Bissau; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Mexican_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Mexico
           subtype:  Mexican_peso__peso  the basic unit of money in Mexico; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Philippine_monetary_unit  monetary unit in the Philippines
           subtype:  Philippine_peso__peso  the basic unit of money in the Philippines; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Uruguayan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Uruguay
           subtype:  Uruguayan_peso__peso  the basic unit of money in Uruguay; equal to 100 centesimos
        subtype:  Cypriot_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Cyprus
           subtype:  Cypriot_pound__pound  the basic unit of money in Cyprus; equal to 100 cents
           subtype:  mil.Cypriot_monetary_unit  a Cypriot monetary unit equal to one thousandth of a pound
        subtype:  Egyptian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Egypt
           subtype:  Egyptian_pound__pound  the basic unit of money in Egypt; equal to 100 piasters
        subtype:  Irish_monetary_unit  monetary unit in the Republic of Ireland
           subtype:  Irish_pound__punt__pound  the basic unit of money in Ireland; equal to 100 pence
        subtype:  Lebanese_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Lebanon
           subtype:  Lebanese_pound__pound  the basic unit of money in Lebanon; equal to 100 piasters
        subtype:  Maltese_monetary_unit  monetary unit on Malta
           subtype:  Maltese_lira__lira  the basic unit of money on Malta; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Sudanese_monetary_unit  monetary unit in the Sudan
           subtype:  Sudanese_pound__pound  the basic unit of money in the Sudan; equal to 100 piasters
        subtype:  Syrian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Syria
           subtype:  Syrian_pound__pound  the basic unit of money in Syria; equal to 100 piasters
        subtype:  Botswana_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Botswana
           subtype:  pula  the basic unit of money in Botswana
           subtype:  thebe  100 thebe equal 1 pula
        subtype:  Guatemalan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Guatemala
           subtype:  quetzal  the basic unit of money in Guatemala; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  South_African_monetary_unit  monetary unit in South Africa
           subtype:  rand  the basic unit of money in South Africa; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Iranian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Iran
           subtype:  Iranian_rial__rial  the basic unit of money in Iran
           subtype:  Iranian_dinar__dinar  100 dinars equal 1 rial
        subtype:  Omani_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Oman
           subtype:  riyal-omani__riyalomani  the basic unit of money in Oman
           subtype:  baiza  1,000 baiza equal 1 riyal-omani
        subtype:  Yemeni_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Yemen
           subtype:  Yemeni_dinar__dinar  the basic unit of money in Yemen; equal to 100 fils
        subtype:  Cambodian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Cambodia
           subtype:  riel  the basic unit of money in Cambodia; equal to 100 sen
        subtype:  Malaysian_monetary_unit  monetary unit is Malaysia
           subtype:  ringgit  the basic unit of money in Malaysia; equal to 100 sen
        subtype:  Qatari_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Qatar
           subtype:  Qatari_riyal__riyal  the basic unit of money in Qatar
           subtype:  Qatari_dirham__dirham  100 dirhams equal 1 riyal
        subtype:  Saudi_Arabian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Saudi Arabia
           subtype:  Saudi_Arabian_riyal__riyal  the basic unit of money in Saudi Arabia
           subtype:  qurush  20 qurush equal 1 riyal
        subtype:  Russian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Russia
           subtype:  ruble__rouble  the basic unit of money in Russia
           subtype:  kopek__kopeck__copeck  100 kopecks equal 1 ruble
        subtype:  Indian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in India
           subtype:  Indian_rupee__rupee  the basic unit of money in India; equal to 100 paise
        subtype:  Pakistani_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Pakistan
           subtype:  Pakistani_rupee__rupee  the basic unit of money in Pakistan; equal to 100 paisas
           subtype:  anna  a former copper coin of Pakistan
        subtype:  Mauritian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Mauritius
           subtype:  Mauritian_rupee__rupee  the basic unit of money in Mauritius; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Nepalese_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Nepal
           subtype:  Nepalese_rupee__rupee  the basic unit of money in Nepal; equal to 100 paisas
        subtype:  Seychelles_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Seychelles
           subtype:  Seychelles_rupee__rupee  the basic unit of money in Seychelles; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Sri_Lankan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Sri Lanka
           subtype:  Sri_Lanka_rupee__rupee  the basic unit of money in Sri Lanka; equal to 100 cents
              subtype:  cent  a fractional monetary unit of several countries
        subtype:  Indonesian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Indonesia
           subtype:  rupiah  the basic unit of money in Indonesia; equal to 100 sen
        subtype:  Austrian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Austria
           subtype:  schilling  the basic unit of money in Austria
           subtype:  groschen  100 groschen equal 1 schilling
        subtype:  Israeli_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Israel
           subtype:  shekel  the basic unit of money in Israel
           subtype:  agora.Israeli_monetary_unit  100 agorot equal 1 shekel
        subtype:  Kenyan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Kenya
           subtype:  Kenyan_shilling__kenyanshilling__shilling  the basic unit of money in Kenya; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Somalian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Somalia
           subtype:  Somalian_shilling__shilling  the basic unit of money in Somalia; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Tanzanian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Tanzania
           subtype:  Tanzanian_shilling__shilling  the basic unit of money in Tanzania; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Ugandan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Uganda
           subtype:  Ugandan_shilling__shilling  the basic unit of money in Uganda; equal to 100 cents
        subtype:  Ecuadoran_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Ecuador
           subtype:  sucre  the basic unit of money in Ecuador; equal to 100 centavos
        subtype:  Guinean_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Guinea
        subtype:  Bangladeshi_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Bangladesh
           subtype:  taka  the basic unit of money in Bangladesh; equal to 100 paisas
        subtype:  Western_Samoan_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Western Samoa
           subtype:  tala  the basic unit of money in Western Samoa
           subtype:  sene  100 sene equal 1 tala
        subtype:  Mongolian_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Mongolia
           subtype:  tugrik__tughrik  the basic unit of money in Mongolia
           subtype:  mongo  100 mongo equal 1 tugrik
        subtype:  North_Korean_monetary_unit  monetary unit in North Korea
           subtype:  North_Korean_won__won  the basic unit of money in North Korea
           subtype:  chon  100 chon equal 1 won
        subtype:  South_Korean_monetary_unit  monetary unit in South Korea
           subtype:  South_Korean_won__won  the basic unit of money in South Korea
           subtype:  chon.South_Korean_monetary_unit  100 chon equal 1 won
        subtype:  Japanese_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Japan
           subtype:  yen  the basic unit of money in Japan; equal to 100 sen
        subtype:  Chinese_monetary_unit  the monetary unit in the People's Republic of China
           subtype:  yuan__kwai  the basic unit of money in China
           subtype:  jiao  10 jiao equal 1 yuan
           subtype:  fen  100 fen equal 1 yuan
        subtype:  Zairese_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Zaire
           subtype:  zaire  the basic unit of money in Zaire
           subtype:  likuta  100 likuta equal 1 zaire
        subtype:  Polish_monetary_unit  monetary unit in Poland
           subtype:  zloty  the basic unit of money in Poland
           subtype:  grosz  100 groszy equal 1 zloty

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