#potato_wart_fungus__Synchytrium_endobioticum  fungus causing potato wart disease in potato tubers
  supertype:  #fungus  a parasitic plant lacking chlorophyll and leaves and true stems and roots and reproducing by spores
  member of:  #genus_Synchytrium__Synchytrium  simple parasitic fungi including pond scum parasites
     member of:  #family_Synchytriaceae__Synchytriaceae  a fungus family of order Chytridiales
        member of:  #order_Chytridiales__Chytridiales  simple aquatic fungi mostly saprophytic but some parasitic on higher plants or animals or fresh water fungi; sometimes placed in class Oomycetes
           member of:  #class_Chytridiomycetes__Chytridiomycetes  a class of mostly aquatic fungi; saprophytic or parasitic on algae or fungi or plants
              member of:  #subdivision_Mastigomycota__Mastigomycota__Mastigomycotina__subdivision_Mastigomycotina  fungi in which the spores and gametes are motile; in some systems placed in the Phycomycetes group with the Zygomycota
                 member of:  #division_Eumycota__Eumycota  true fungi; eukaryotic heterotrophic walled organisms; distinguished from Myxomycota (funguslike slime molds): comprises subdivisions Mastigomycotina; Zygomycotina; Ascomycotina; Basidiomycotina; Deuteromycotina (imperfect fungi)
                    member of:  #kingdom_Fungi__Fungi__fungus_kingdom  the taxonomic kingdom of lower plants

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