#poem__verse_form__verseform  a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines
  supertype:  #literary_composition__literary_work  imaginative or creative writing
  part:  #line_of_poetry  #canto  #stanza  #verse_line  #poetic_rhythm  #rhyme
  subtype:  #abecedarius__abecedariu  a poem having lines beginning with letters of the alphabet in regular order
  subtype:  #Alcaic_verse__Alcaic  verse in the meter used in Greek and Latin poetry consisting of strophes of 4 tetrametric lines; reputedly invented by Alcaeus
  subtype:  #lay__ballad  a narrative poem of popular origin
  subtype:  #ballade  a poem consisting of 3 stanzas and an envoy
  subtype:  #blank_verse__blankverse  unrhymed verse (usually in iambic pentameter)
  subtype:  #elegy__lament  a mournful poem; a lament for the dead
  subtype:  #epic_poem__epic__epos  a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds
     subtype:  #Aeneid  an epic in Latin by Virgil; tells the adventures of Aeneas after the Trojan War; provides an illustrious historical background for the Roman Empire
     subtype:  #Iliad  a Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the siege of Troy
     subtype:  #Odyssey  a Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the journey of Odysseus after the fall of Troy
     subtype:  #Nibelungenlied  an epic poem written in Middle High German and based on the legends of Siegfried and Teutonic kings
     subtype:  #chanson_de_geste  Old French epic poems
     subtype:  #rhapsody  an epic poem adapted for recitation
     subtype:  #heroic_verse  a verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes; dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter
  subtype:  #free_verse__vers_libre  unrhymed verse without a consistent metrical pattern
  subtype:  #haiku  an epigrammatic Japanese verse form of three short lines
  subtype:  #lyric_poem__lyricpoem__lyric  a short poem of songlike quality
     subtype:  #ode  a lyric poem with complex stanza forms
        subtype:  #Horatian_ode__Sapphic_ode  an ode with several stanzas
        subtype:  #Pindaric_ode__Pindaric  an ode form used by Pindar; has triple groups of triple units
        subtype:  #choral_ode  ode sung by the chorus in classical Greek drama
  subtype:  #rondeau__rondel  a French verse form of 10 or 13 lines running on two rhymes; the opening phrase is repeated as the refrain of the second and third stanzas
     subtype:  #roundel.rondeau  English form of rondeau having three triplets with a refrain after the first and third
     subtype:  #rondelet  a shorter form of rondeau
  subtype:  #sonnet  a verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme
     subtype:  #Petrarchan_sonnet__Italian_sonnet  a sonnet consisting of an octave with the rhyme pattern abbaabba, followed by a sestet with the rhyme pattern cdecde or cdcdcd
     subtype:  #Shakespearean_sonnet__Elizabethan_sonnet__English_sonnet  a sonnet consisting three quatrains and a concluding couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab cdcd efef gg
     subtype:  #Spenserian_sonnet  a sonnet consisting of three quatrains and a concluding couplet in iambic pentameter with the rhyme pattern abab bcbd cdcd ee
  subtype:  #tanka  a form of Japanese poetry; the 1st and 3rd lines have five syllables and the 2nd, 4th, and 5th have seven syllables
  subtype:  #terza_rima__terzarima  a verse form with a rhyme scheme: aba bcb cdc, etc.
  subtype:  #verse__rhyme  a piece of poetry
     subtype:  #clerihew  a witty satiric verse containing two rhymed couplets and mentioning a famous person
     subtype:  #doggerel_verse__doggerel__jingle  a comic verse of irregular measure; "he had heard some silly doggerel that kept running through his mind"
     subtype:  #limerick  a humorous verse form of 5 anapestic lines with a rhyme scheme aabba
  subtype:  #versicle  a short verse said or sung by a priest or minister in public worship and followed by a response from the congregation
     subtype:  #sursum_corda  (Roman Catholic Church) a Latin versicle meaning "lift up your hearts"

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