#personnel__force  group of people willing to obey orders; "a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens"
  supertype:  #organization__organisation  a group of people who work together
  subtype:  #armed_service__armedservice__military_service__service  a force that is a branch of the armed forces
     subtype:  #regular_army__regulararmy__army  an organization of military land forces
        subtype:  #host.regular_army__legion  archaic terms for army
           subtype:  #Sabaoth  (plural) hosts or armies; used in the book of Romans in the New Testament of the Bible: `Lord of Sabaoth'
        subtype:  #standing_army  a permanent army of paid soldiers
        subtype:  #Union_Army  the northern army during the American Civil War
        subtype:  #Continental_Army  the American army during the American Revolution
        instance:  #Confederate_Army  #United_States_Army__US_Army__U._S._Army
     subtype:  #navy__naval_forces  an organization of military naval forces
        subtype:  #United_States_Navy__US_Navy  the navy of the United States of America
     subtype:  #coastguard  a military service responsible for the safety of maritime traffic in coastal waters
     subtype:  #air_force__airforce  an organization of military air forces
        subtype:  #Air_Corps  previously the air division of the United States Army
        subtype:  #Royal_Air_Force__RAF  the airforce of Great Britain
        subtype:  #Luftwaffe  the German airforce
  subtype:  #military__armed_forces  the military forces of a nation
     subtype:  #military_reserve__reserve  armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergency
  subtype:  #paramilitary_organization__paramilitary  a group of civilians organized in a military fashion (especially to operate in place of or to assist regular army troops)
  subtype:  #police_force__police__constabulary__law  the force of policemen and officers; "the law came looking for him"
     subtype:  #gendarmerie__gendarmery  French police force; a group of gendarmes or gendarmes collectively
     subtype:  #Royal_Canadian_Mounted_Police  the federal police force of Canada
     subtype:  #New_Scotland_Yard__Scotland_Yard  the detective department of the metropolitan police force of London
     subtype:  #secret_police  a police force that operates in secrecy (usually against persons suspected of treason or sedition)
        subtype:  #Gestapo  the secret state police in Nazi Germany; known for its terrorist methods
     subtype:  #SS__Schutzstaffel  special police force in Nazi Germany founded as a personal bodyguard for Adolf Hitler in 1925; the SS administered the concentration camps
     subtype:  #posse_comitatus__possecomitatu__posse  a temporary police force
  subtype:  #private_security_force__security_force  a privately employed group hired to protect the security of a business or industry
  subtype:  #military_police  a military corps that enforces discipline and guards prisoners
     subtype:  #shore_patrol__shorepatrol  the military police of the navy
  subtype:  #work_force__workforce__manpower__hands__hand__men  the force of workers available
     subtype:  #full_complement__complement  number needed to make up whole force: "a full complement of workers"
        subtype:  #ship's_company__company  crew of a ship including the officers; the whole force or personnel of a ship
     subtype:  #shift  a group of workers who work for a specific period of time
        subtype:  #day_watch__daywatch__day_shift__dayshift  workers who work during the day (as 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
        subtype:  #evening_shift__eveningshift  workers who work during the evening (as 4 p.m. to midnight)
        subtype:  #night_shift__nightshift__graveyard_shift__graveyardshift  workers who work during the night (as midnight to 8 a.m.)
  subtype:  #patrol.personnel  a group that goes through a region at regular intervals for the purpose of security
     subtype:  #border_patrol  a group of officers who patrol the borders of a country
     subtype:  #harbor_patrol  patrol of officers who police a harbor area
  subtype:  #military_personnel__soldiery__troops  soldiers collectively
     subtype:  #horse.military_personnel__cavalry__horse_cavalry__horsecavalry  troops trained to fight on horseback: "500 horse led the attack"
     subtype:  #garrison  the troops who maintain and guard a fortified place
  subtype:  #rank_and_file.personnel__rankandfile  the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army); "the strike was supported by the union rank and file"; "he rose from the ranks to become a colonel"
  subtype:  #staff  personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task; "the hospital has an excellent nursing staff"; "the general relied on his staff to make routine decisions"
     subtype:  #office_staff__office  professional or clerical workers in an office; "the whole office was late the morning of the blizzard"
     subtype:  #research_staff  a group of associated research workers in a university or library or laboratory
        instance:  pm#KVO_group__KVO__kvo (pm)
     subtype:  #sales_staff__salesstaff  those in a business who are responsible for sales
     subtype:  #security_staff  those in an organization responsible for preventing spying or theft
     subtype:  #service_staff__maintenance_staff  those in a business responsible for maintaining the physical plant
     subtype:  #general_staff__generalstaff  military officers assigned to assist a senior officer in planning military policy
     subtype:  #headquarters_staff  military staff stationed at headquarters
  subtype:  #line_personnel  personnel having direct job performance responsibilities
  subtype:  #management_personnel  personnel having overall planning and direction responsibilities

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