#pathology  any deviation from a healthy or normal condition
  supertype:  ill_health__illhealth__unhealthiness__unhealthines__healthproblem  a state in which you are unable to function normally and without pain
  subtype:  acidosis  abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues
     subtype:  ketoacidosis__diabetic_acidosis  acidosis with an accumulation of ketone bodies; occurs primarily in diabetes mellitus
     subtype:  metabolic_acidosis  acidosis and bicarbonate concentration in the body fluids resulting either from the accumulation of acids or the abnormal loss of bases from the body (as in diarrhea or renal disease)
     subtype:  respiratory_acidosis__carbon_dioxide_acidosis  acidosis resulting from reduced gas exchange in the lungs (as in emphysema or pneumonia); excess carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid which increases the acidity of the blood
     subtype:  starvation_acidosis  acidosis in which the acidity results from lack of food which leads to fat catabolism which in turn releases acidic ketone bodies
  subtype:  alkalosis__alkalosi  abnormally high alkalinity (low hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues
     subtype:  metabolic_alkalosis__metabolicalkalosi  alkalosis resulting from hydrogen-ion loss or excessive intake of alkaline substances
     subtype:  respiratory_alkalosis__respiratoryalkalosi  alkalosis resulting from increased gas exchange in the lungs (as in hyperventilation associated with extreme anxiety or aspirin intoxication or metabolic acidosis)
  subtype:  ankylosis__ankylosi__anchylosis  abnormal adhesion and rigidity of the bones of a joint
  subtype:  arteriectasis__arteriectasi__arteriectasia  an abnormal distension of an artery
  subtype:  asynergy__asynergia  absence of coordination of organs or body parts that usually work together harmoniously
  subtype:  asystole__cardiac_arrest__cardiacarrest__cardiopulmonary_arrest__cardiopulmonaryarrest  absence of systole; failure of the ventricles of the heart to contract (usually caused by ventricular fibrillation) with consequent absence of the heart beat leading to oxygen lack and eventually to death
  subtype:  diverticulosis  presence of diverticula in the walls of the colon
  subtype:  flux.pathology  excessive discharge of liquid from a cavity or organ (as in watery diarrhea)
  subtype:  fluorosis__fluorosi  a pathological condition resulting for an excessive intake of fluorine (usually from drinking water)
  subtype:  gammopathy  a disturbance in the synthesis of immunoglobulins; proteins having antibody activity increase greatly in the blood
  subtype:  glossolalia  repetitive nonsense speech
  subtype:  angiopathy  any disease of the blood vessels or lymph ducts
     subtype:  angioma  a tumor consisting of a mass of blood or lymphatic vessels
        subtype:  hemangioma__haemangioma  benign angioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels; some appear as birthmarks
           subtype:  strawberry_hemangioma__strawberry_haemangioma  a congenital bright red superficial vascular tumor resembling a strawberry; tends to decrease in size during childhood
        subtype:  lymphangioma  benign angioma consisting of a mass of lymphatic vessels
        subtype:  spider_angioma__spider_nevus__vascular_spider  a dilation of superficial capillaries with a central red dot from which blood vessels radiate
     subtype:  angiitis  inflammation of a blood vessel or lymph duct
  subtype:  idiopathic_disease__idiopathy  any disease of unknown cause
  subtype:  aphagia  loss of the ability to swallow
  subtype:  stenosis__stricture  abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway
     subtype:  aortic_stenosis  abnormal narrowing of the aortic valve
     subtype:  enterostenosis  abnormal narrowing of the intestine
     subtype:  Laryngostenosis  abnormal narrowing of the larynx
     subtype:  pulmonary_stenosis  abnormal narrowing of the opening into the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle
     subtype:  pyloric_stenosis  narrowing of the pyloric sphincter that blocks the passage of food from the stomach into the duodenum
     subtype:  rhinostenosis__rhinostenosi  narrowing of the passages in the nasal cavities
     subtype:  mitral_stenosis__mitral_valve_stenosis  obstruction or narrowing of the mitral valve (as by scarring from rheumatic fever)
     subtype:  ureterostenosis__ureterostenosi  stenosis of the ureter
  subtype:  atherogenesis__atherogenesi  the formation of atheromas on the walls of the arteries as in atherosclerosis
  subtype:  ascites__ascite  accumulation of serous fluid in peritoneal cavity
  subtype:  azymia  absence of an enzyme
  subtype:  bacteremia__bacteriemia__bacteriaemia  transient presence of bacteria (or other microorganisms) in the blood
  subtype:  sclerosis__sclerosi__induration  any pathological hardening or thickening of tissue
     subtype:  disseminated_multiple_sclerosis__multiple_sclerosis__MS__disseminated_sclerosis  a chronic progressive nervous disorder involving loss of myelin sheath around certain nerve fibers
     subtype:  amyotrophic_lateral_sclerosis__amyotrophiclateralsclerosi__ALS__Lou_Gehrig's_disease  thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord; results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
     subtype:  arteriolosclerosis  sclerosis of the arterioles
     subtype:  arteriosclerosis__arterial_sclerosis__hardening_of_the_arteries__induration_of_the_arteries__coronary-artery_disease  sclerosis of the arterial walls
        subtype:  atherosclerosis__atherosclerosi__coronary_artery_disease  a stage of arteriosclerosis involving fatty deposits (atheromas) inside the arterial walls
        subtype:  arteriosclerosis_obliterans  a stage of arteriosclerosis involving closure of blood vessels
     subtype:  osteosclerosis  abnormal hardening or eburnation of bone
  subtype:  lipomatosis__lipomatosi  pathology in which fat accumulates in lipomas in the body
  subtype:  lithiasis__lithiasi  the formation of stones (calculi) in an internal organ
     subtype:  cholelithiasis  the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder
     subtype:  enterolithiasis__enterolithiasi  the presence of calculi in the intestines
     subtype:  nephrolithiasis__renal_lithiasis  the presence of kidney stones (calculi) in the kidney
        subtype:  nephrocalcinosis  renal lithiasis in which calcium deposits form in the renal parenchyma and result in reduced kidney function and blood in the urine
  subtype:  cartilaginification  abnormal formation of cartilage from other tissues; observed in some Orientals
  subtype:  cyst  a closed sac that develops abnormally in some body structure
     subtype:  dermoid_cyst__dermoidcyst  a cystic tumor (usually benign) with an epithelium-lined wall and a cavity containing other material
     subtype:  galactocele  a cystic tumor containing milk or a milky substance (especially in the mammary glands)
     subtype:  hemorrhagic_cyst__hemorrhagiccyst__blood_cyst__bloodcyst__hematocyst  a cyst containing blood
        subtype:  cephalhematoma__cephalohematoma  a collection of blood under the scalp of a newborn; caused by pressure during birth
     subtype:  hydatid  cyst filled with liquid; forms as a result of infestation by tapeworm larvae (as in echinococcosis)
     subtype:  nabothian_cyst__nabothiancyst__nabothian_follicle__nabothianfollicle  a cyst that forms in the nabothian glands of the uterine cervix
     subtype:  ovarian_cyst__ovariancyst  a cystic tumor (usually benign) of the ovary
     subtype:  ranula  a cyst on the underside of the tongue
     subtype:  sebaceous_cyst__sebaceouscyst__pilar_cyst__pilarcyst__wen__steatocystoma  a common cyst of the skin; filled with fatty matter (sebum) that is secreted by a sebaceous gland that has been blocked
        subtype:  chalazion__Meibomian_cyst  a small sebaceous cyst of the eyelid resulting when a Meibomian gland is blocked
  subtype:  endometriosis__endometriosi__adenomyosis__adenomyosi  the presence of endometrium elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus; causes premenstrual pain and dysmenorrhea
  subtype:  adhesion  abnormal union of bodily tissues; most common in the abdomen
     subtype:  symphysis.adhesion__symphysi  an abnormal adhesion of two or more structures
     subtype:  synechia  adhesions between the iris and the lens or cornea resulting from trauma or eye surgery of as a complication of glaucoma or cataract; can lead to blindness
        subtype:  anterior_synechia  adhesion between the iris and the cornea
        subtype:  posterior_synechia__posteriorsynechia  adhesion between the iris and the lens
  subtype:  hemochromatosis__hemochromatosi__iron-storage_disease__iron_overload__bronzed_diabetes  pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues; characterized by bronzed skin and enlarged liver and diabetes mellitus and abnormalities of the pancreas and the joints
     subtype:  classic_hemochromatosis__classichemochromatosi__idiopathichemochromatosi  inherited form of hemochromatosis
     subtype:  acquired_hemochromatosis  hemochromatosis resulting from repeated transfusions or from excessive intake of foods containing iron
  subtype:  infarct__infarction  localized necrosis resulting from obstruction of the blood supply
     subtype:  myocardial_infarction__myocardial_infarct__MI  destruction of heart tissue resulting from obstruction of the blood supply to the heart muscle
  subtype:  macrocytosis  the presence of macrocytes in the blood
  subtype:  fibrosis  development of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ
     subtype:  cystic_fibrosis__fibrocystic_disease_of_the_pancreas__pancreatic_fibrosis__mucoviscidosis  a congenital disease in which the pancreas and lungs and intestines become clogged with mucus
     subtype:  myelofibrosis__myelofibrosi  fibrosis of the bone marrow
  subtype:  malacia  a state of abnormal softening of tissue
     subtype:  osteomalacia  abnormal softening of bones caused by deficiencies of phosphorus or calcium or vitamin D
  subtype:  neuropathy  any pathology of the peripheral nerves
     subtype:  mononeuropathy  any neuropathy of a single nerve trunk
     subtype:  multiple_mononeuropathy  pathology of several individual nerve trunks
  subtype:  myopathy  any pathology of the muscles that is not attributable to nerve dysfunction
  subtype:  osteoporosis  abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones attributable to a lack of calcium; most common in postmenopausal women
  subtype:  priapism  condition in which the penis is continually erect; usually painful and seldom with sexual arousal
  subtype:  demineralization__demineralisation  abnormal loss of mineral salts (especially from bone)
  subtype:  pyorrhea__pyorrhoea  discharge of pus
  subtype:  uremia__uraemia__azotemia__azotaemia  accumulation in the blood of nitrogen-bearing waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine
  subtype:  azoturia  excess of urea in the urine
  subtype:  lesion  any visible abnormal structural change in a bodily part
     subtype:  tubercle  a swelling that is the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis
     subtype:  ulcer__ulceration  a circumscribed inflammatory and often suppurating lesion on the skin or an internal mucous surface resulting in necrosis of tissue
        subtype:  aphthous_ulcer  a blister on the mucous membranes of the lips or mouth or gastrointestinal tract
        subtype:  bedsore__pressure_sore__decubitus_ulcer__decubitusulcer  a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it (as in bedridden patients)
        subtype:  chancroid  infectious venereal ulcer
        subtype:  peptic_ulcer__peptic_ulceration  an ulcer of the mucous membrane lining of the alimentary tract
           subtype:  duodenal_ulcer  a peptic ulcer of the duodenum
           subtype:  gastric_ulcer__gastriculcer  a peptic ulcer of the stomach
        subtype:  canker  an ulceration (especially of the lips or living of the mouth)
        subtype:  noli-me-tangere  a cancerous ulcer of soft tissue and bone
        subtype:  noma  acute ulceration of the mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals; often seen in undernourished children
  subtype:  gangrene__sphacelus__slough  necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass
  subtype:  hyperbilirubinemia  abnormally high amounts of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood
     subtype:  hyperbilirubinemia_of_the_newborn__neonatal_hyperbilirubinemia  a common disorder that is usually due to immaturity of the liver; usually subsides spontaneously
  subtype:  palilalia  a pathological condition in which a word is rapidly and involuntarily repeated
  subtype:  reflux  an abnormal backward flow of body fluids
     subtype:  gastroesophageal_reflux__esophageal_reflux__oesophageal_reflux__oesophagealreflux  reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus
     subtype:  hepatojugular_reflux__hepatojugularreflux  a venous reflux occurring in congestive heart failure
     subtype:  ureterorenal_reflux  a backflow of urine from the ureter into the renal pelvis
     subtype:  vesicoureteral_reflux  a backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter
  subtype:  otorrhea  discharge from the external ear
  subtype:  rhinopathy  any disease or malformation of the nose
     subtype:  rhinostenosis__rhinostenosi  narrowing of the passages in the nasal cavities
     subtype:  rhinophyma__hypertrophic_rosacea__toper's_nose__toper'snose__brandy_nose__rum_nose__rumnose__rum-blossom__rumblossom__potato_nose__hammer_nose__copper_nose  enlargement of the nose with dilation of follicles and redness and prominent vascularity of the skin; often associated with excessive consumption of alcohol
     subtype:  rhinosporidiosis  fungal infection of the nose; often acquired while swimming
  subtype:  hydronephrosis  accumulation of urine in the kidney because of an obstruction in the ureter
  subtype:  atelectasis  collapse of an expanded lung (especially in infants); also failure of pulmonary alveoli to expand at birth
  subtype:  anoxemia  abnormally low oxygen content in arterial blood
  subtype:  coprolalia  an uncontrollable use of obscene language; often accompanied by mental disorders
  subtype:  autoimmunity  production of antibodies against the tissues of your own body; produces autoimmune disease or hypersensitivity reactions
  subtype:  dysfunction  (medical) any disturbance in the function of an organ or body part
     subtype:  erectile_dysfunction__male_erecticle_dysfunction__ED  impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis
     subtype:  paralysis__paralysi__palsy  loss of the ability to move a body part
        subtype:  akinesis__akinesia  motionlessness attributable to a temporary paralysis
        subtype:  alalia  paralysis of the vocal cords resulting in an inability to speak
        subtype:  cystoplegia__cystoparalysis  paralysis of the urinary bladder
        subtype:  diplegia  paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body
        subtype:  Erb's_palsy__Erb-Duchenne_paralysis  paralysis of the arm resulting from injury to the brachial plexus (usually during childbirth)
        subtype:  monoplegia  paralysis of a single limb
        subtype:  ophthalmoplegia  paralysis of the motor nerves of the eye
        subtype:  paresis__paresi  a slight or partial paralysis
           subtype:  paraparesis__paraparesi  a slight paralysis or weakness of both legs
        subtype:  paraplegia  paralysis of the lower half of the body (most often as a result of trauma)
        subtype:  hemiplegia__unilateral_paralysis  paralysis of one side of the body
        subtype:  quadriplegia  paralysis of both arms and both legs
  subtype:  sarcoidosis__sarcoidosi  a chronic disease of unknown cause marked by the formation of nodules in the lungs and liver and lymph glands and salivary glands
  subtype:  carotenemia  excess carotene in the blood stream; can cause the skin to turn a pale yellow-red color
  subtype:  stasis.pathology  an abnormal state in which the normal flow of a liquid (such as blood) is slowed or stopped
  subtype:  uropathy  any pathology of the urinary tract
     subtype:  kidney_disease__renal_disorder__renaldisorder__nephropathy__nephrosis  a disease affecting the kidneys
        subtype:  nephritis__Bright's_disease  an inflammation of the kidney
           subtype:  glomerulonephritis  nephritis marked by inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney; characterized by decreased production of urine and by the presence of blood and protein in the urine and by edema
        subtype:  nephrosclerosis__nephrosclerosi__nephroangiosclerosis  kidney disease that is usually associated with hypertension; sclerosis of the renal arterioles reduces blood flow that can lead to kidney failure and heart failure
        subtype:  polycystic_kidney_disease__PKD  kidney disease characterized by enlarged kidneys containing many cysts; often leads to kidney failure
        subtype:  polyuria  renal disorder characterized by the production of large volumes of pale dilute urine; often associated with diabetes
        subtype:  renal_failure__renalfailure__kidney_failure  inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance
           subtype:  acute_renal_failure__acuterenalfailure__acute_kidney_failure  renal failure associated with burns or other trauma or with acute infection or obstruction of the urinary tract
           subtype:  chronic_renal_failure__chronicrenalfailure__chronic_kidney_failure  renal failure that can result from a variety of systemic disorders
        subtype:  renal_insufficiency__renalinsufficiency  insufficient excretion of wastes by the kidneys
  subtype:  varicosis__varicosi  pathological condition of being varicose or having varicose veins
  subtype:  viremia__viraemia  the presence of a virus in the blood stream; "viremia spread the smallpox virus to the internal organs"
  subtype:  volvulus  abnormal twisting of the intestines (usually in the are of the ileum or sigmoid colon) resulting in intestinal obstruction

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