#organ  a fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function
  supertype:  body_part  any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity
  part:  lobe
  subtype:  ovipositor  egg-laying tubular structure at the end of the abdomen in many female insects and some fishes
  subtype:  ctene  comb-plate or locomotor organ consisting of a row of strong cilia whose bases are fused
  subtype:  wing  a movable organ for flying (one of a pair)
     subtype:  ala  a wing of an insect
     subtype:  forewing  either of the anterior pair of wings on an insect that has 4 wings
     subtype:  haltere__halter__balancer  either of the club-like rudimentary hind wings of dipterous insects; used for maintaining equilibrium during flight
     subtype:  pennon__pinion  wing of a bird
     subtype:  wing_case__elytron  either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings
  subtype:  invertebrate_foot__foot  any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebrates
     subtype:  tube_foot  tentacular tubular process of most echinoderms (starfish and sea urchins and holothurians) having a sucker at the end and used for e.g. locomotion and respiration
  subtype:  sucker.organ  an organ specialized for sucking nourishment or for adhering to objects by suction
     subtype:  cupule  a sucker on the feet of certain flies
  subtype:  stinger.organ  a sharp organ of offense or defense (as of a wasp or stingray or scorpion) often connected with a poison gland
     subtype:  aculeus__aculeu  a sharp-pointed process especially a sting of a hymenopterous insect
  subtype:  contractile_organ__contractileorgan__contractor  a bodily organ that contracts
     subtype:  muscle__musculus  one of the contractile organs of the body
        subtype:  skeletal_muscle  a muscle that is connected at either or both ends to a bone and so move parts of the skeleton
           subtype:  voluntary_muscle__voluntarymuscle  striated muscle that can be controlled voluntarily
           subtype:  abductor_muscle__abductor  a muscle that draws a part away from the median line
              subtype:  musculus_abductor_digiti_minimi_manus  the abductor muscle of the little finger
              subtype:  musculus_abductor_digiti_minimi_pedis  the abductor muscles of the little toe
              subtype:  musculus_abductor_hallucis  the abductor muscle of the great toe
              subtype:  musculus_abductor_pollicis  the abductor muscle of the thumb
           subtype:  adductor_muscle__adductor  a muscle that draws a part toward the median line
              subtype:  musculus_adductor_brevis  the short adductor muscle of the thigh
              subtype:  musculus_adductor_longus  the long adductor muscle of the thigh
              subtype:  musculus_adductor_magnus__great_adductor_muscle  the muscle that adducts and extends the thing
              subtype:  musculus_adductor_hallucis  the adductor muscle of the great toe
           subtype:  anconeous_muscle__anconeousmuscle__musculus_anconeus  the muscle that extends the forearm and abducts the ulna in pronation of the wrist
           subtype:  articular_muscle__articularmuscle  a muscle that inserts directly onto the capsule of a joint
              subtype:  musculus_articularis_cubiti  a small branch of the triceps that inserts into the capsule of the elbow joint
              subtype:  musculus_articularis_genus  the articular muscle of the knee
           subtype:  extensor_muscle__extensor  a skeletal muscle whose contraction extends or stretches a body part
              subtype:  musculus_quadriceps_femoris__quadriceps__quadriceps_femoris__quad  a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg
           subtype:  flexor_muscle__flexor  a skeletal muscle whose contraction bends a joint
           subtype:  deltoid_muscle__deltoidmuscle__deltoid__musculus_deltoideus  a large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and serving to abduct and flex and extend and rotate the arm
           subtype:  serratus_muscles__serratus  any of several muscles of the trunk
              subtype:  anterior_serratus_muscle__serratus_anterior__musculus_serratus_anterior__serratus_magnus  muscles that rotate the scapula and elevate the rib cage
              subtype:  posterior_serratus_muscle__serratus_posterior__musculus_serratus_posterior  skeletal muscle that draws the rib cage backward and downward
                 subtype:  serratus_posterior_inferior  a thin quadrilateral muscle at the junction of the thoracic and lumbar regions; acts to counteract the pull of the diaphragm on the ribs to which it is attached
                 subtype:  serratus_posterior_superior  a thin quadrilateral muscle of the upper and dorsal part of the thorax; acts to elevate the upper ribs
           subtype:  pectoral_muscle__pectoral__pectoralis__musculus_pectoralis__pecs  either of two large muscles of the chest
              subtype:  musculus_pectoralis_major__pectoralis_major__greater_pectoral_muscle  a skeletal muscle that adducts and rotates the arm
              subtype:  musculus_pectoralis_minor__pectoralis_minor__smaller_pectoral_muscle  a skeletal muscle that draws down the scapula or raises the ribs
           subtype:  intercostal_muscle__intercostalmuscle__intercostal__musculusintercostali  muscles between the ribs; they contract during inspiration
           subtype:  depressor_muscle__depressormuscle  any skeletal muscle that draws a part down
           subtype:  transversalis_abdominis__transversalisabdomini__transversalis__transversali__transversus__transversu__transversus_abdominis__transversusabdomini  a flat muscle with transverse fibers that forms the anterior and lateral walls of the abdominal cavity
           subtype:  latisimus_dorsi__latisimusdorsi__lat  a broad flat muscle on either side of the back
           subtype:  gluteus_muscle__gluteusmuscle__gluteus__gluteu__gluteal_muscle__glutealmuscle  any one of three large skeletal muscles that form the buttock and move the thigh
              subtype:  gluteus_maximus__gluteusmaximu  the outermost of the three gluteal muscles
              subtype:  gluteus_medius  the middle of the three gluteal muscles
              subtype:  gluteus_minimus__gluteusminimu  the innermost of the three gluteal muscles
           subtype:  musculus_sphincter_ani_externus  an external ring of striated muscle surrounding the anus
           subtype:  sura__calf  the muscular back part of the shank
           subtype:  gastrocnemius_muscle__gastrocnemiusmuscle__gastrocnemius__gastrocnemiu  the muscle in the back part of the leg that forms the greater part of the calf; responsible for the plantar flexion of the foot
           subtype:  psoas__psoa  either of two muscles of the abdomen and pelvis that flex the trunk and rotate the thigh
           subtype:  rhomboid_muscle__rhomboid  any of several muscles of the upper back that help move the shoulder blade
              subtype:  rhomboideus_major_muscle__rhomboideusmajormuscle__greater_rhomboid_muscle__musculus_rhomboideus_major  rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the spinal column
              subtype:  rhomboid_minor_muscle__lesser_rhomboid_muscle__musculus_rhomboideus_minor  rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the vertebral column and slightly upward
           subtype:  soleus_muscle__soleus  a broad flat muscle in the calf of the leg under the gastrocnemius muscle
           subtype:  peroneus  muscle of the lower leg that is involved in moving the foot
           subtype:  pterygoid_muscle__pterygoidmuscle  muscle descending from the sphenoid bone to the lower jaw
           subtype:  biceps  any skeletal muscle having two origins (but especially the muscle that flexes the forearm)
              subtype:  musculus_biceps_femoris__femoral_biceps  the biceps muscle of the thigh; it flexes the knee and rotates the leg laterally
              subtype:  musculus_biceps_brachii__biceps_brachii__biceps_humeri  a muscle that flexes and supinates the forearm
           subtype:  triceps__tricep  any skeletal muscle having three origins (but especially the triceps brachii)
              subtype:  musculus_triceps_brachii__triceps_brachii__tricepsbrachii  the skeletal muscle having three origins that extends the forearm when it contracts
           subtype:  axial_muscle__axialmuscle  a skeletal muscle of the trunk or head
           subtype:  musculus_sartorius__sartorius__sartoriu__sartorius_muscle__sartoriusmuscle  a muscle in the thigh that helps to rotate the leg into the sitting position assumed by a tailor; the longest muscle in the human body
           subtype:  musculus_scalenus__scalenus__scalene_muscle__scalenemuscle  any of four pairs of muscles extending from the cervical vertebrae to the second rib; involved in moving the neck and in breathing
           subtype:  sternocleidomastoid_muscle__sternocleidomastoidmuscle__sternocleidomastoid__sternocleido_mastoideus__musculus_sternocleidomastoideus  one of two thick muscles running from the sternum and clavicle to the mastoid and occipital bone; turns head obliquely to the opposite side; when acting together they flex the neck and extend the head
           subtype:  teres_muscle__teresmuscle__teres__tere  either of two muscles in the shoulder region that move the shoulders and arms
              subtype:  musculus_teres_major__teres_major__teresmajor__teres_major_muscle__teresmajormuscle  teres muscle that moves the arm and rotates it medially
              subtype:  musculus_teres_minor__teres_minor__teresminor__teres_minor_muscle__teresminormuscle  teres muscle that adducts the arm and rotates it laterally
           subtype:  musculus_tibialis__tibialis__tibialis_muscle  a skeletal muscle arising from the tibia; provides plantar flexion and inversion of the foot
              subtype:  tibialis_anticus__tibialis_anterior  a muscle running from the tibia to the first metatarsal and cuneiform bones
              subtype:  tibialis_posticus__tibialis_posterior  a deep muscle of the leg
           subtype:  musculus_trapezius__trapezius__trapeziu__trapezius_muscle__trapeziusmuscle__cowl_muscle  either of two flat triangular muscles of the shoulder and upper back that are involved in moving the shoulders and arms
           subtype:  facial_muscle  any of the skeletal muscles of the face
              subtype:  cheek_muscle__cheekmuscle__buccinator_muscle__musculus_buccinator  a muscle that flatten the cheek and retracts the angle of the mouth
              subtype:  platysma  either of two broad muscles located on either side of the neck and innervated by the facial nerve; extends from lower jaw to clavicle and is involved in moving the mouth and jaw
           subtype:  temporalis_muscle__temporal_muscle__temporalis__musculus_temporalis  muscle extending from the temporal fossa to the coronoid process of the mandible; acts to raise the mandible and close the jaws
        subtype:  antagonistic_muscle  a muscle that opposes the action of another; "the biceps and triceps are antagonistic muscles"
           subtype:  antagonist.antagonistic_muscle  a muscle that relaxes while another contracts
           subtype:  agonist  a muscle that contracts while another relaxes
        subtype:  ocular_muscle__eye_muscle__eyemuscle  one of the small muscles of the eye that serve to rotate the eyeball
           subtype:  abducens_muscle__lateral_rectus_muscle__lateral_rectus__rectus_lateralis  the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball outward
           subtype:  inferior_rectus_muscle__inferior_rectus__inferiorrectu__rectus_inferior__rectusinferior  the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball down and medially
           subtype:  medial_rectus_muscle__medial_rectus__rectus_medialis  the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball medially
           subtype:  superior_rectus_muscle__superior_rectus__rectus_superior  the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball upward and medially
        subtype:  rectus  any of various straight muscles
        subtype:  involuntary_muscle__involuntarymuscle__smooth_muscle  a muscle that contracts without conscious control and found in walls of internal organs such as stomach and intestine and bladder and blood vessels (excluding the heart)
           subtype:  myometrium  the smooth muscle forming the wall of the uterus
           subtype:  musculus_sphincter_ani_internus  an internal ring of smooth muscle formed by circular fibers of the rectum
        subtype:  anatomical_sphincter__sphincter__sphinctermuscle  a ring of muscle that contracts to close an opening
           subtype:  physiological_sphincter__physiologicalsphincter  a sphincter that is not recognizable at autopsy because its resting arrangement cannot be distinguished from adjacent tissue
              subtype:  cardiac_sphincter__cardiacsphincter  the valve between the distal end of the esophagus and the stomach; the physiological sphincter at the esophagogastric junction
           subtype:  anal_sphincter__sphincter_ani__sphincterani__musculus_sphincter_ani  the sphincter muscle of the anus
           subtype:  urethral_sphincter__musculus_sphincter_urethrae  a striated sphincter muscle that constricts the urethra
           subtype:  bladder_sphincter__bladdersphincter__musculus_sphincter_vesicae  the sphincter muscle of the urinary bladder; made up of a thickened muscular layer of bladder around the urethral opening
           subtype:  musculus_sphincter_ductus_choledochi  the smooth muscle sphincter of the common bile duct
           subtype:  musculus_sphincter_ductus_pancreatici  the smooth muscle sphincter of the main pancreatic duct
           subtype:  pupillary_sphincter__pupillarysphincter__musculus_sphincter_pupillae  a ring of smooth muscle surrounding the iris
           subtype:  pyloric_sphincter__pyloricsphincter__pyloric_valve__pyloricvalve__musculus_sphincter_pylori  the sphincter muscle of the pylorus that separates the stomach from the duodenum
        subtype:  tensor  any of several muscles that cause an attached structure to become tense or firm
           subtype:  tensor_tympani  a small muscle in the middle ear that tenses to protect the eardrum
  subtype:  primordium__anlage  an organ in its earliest stage of development; the foundation for subsequent development
  subtype:  vital_organ__vitals  a bodily organ that is essential for life
  subtype:  effector  an organ (a gland or muscle) that becomes active in response to nerve impulses
  subtype:  external_organ  an organ that is situated on or near the surface of the body
     subtype:  external_ear__outer_ear__outerear  the part of the ear visible externally
     subtype:  precordium  the external surface of the body overlying the heart and stomach
  subtype:  internal_organ__viscus  a main organ that is situated inside the body
     subtype:  viscera__entrail__innard  internal organs collectively (especially those in the abdominal cavity); "`viscera' is the plural form of `viscus'"
     subtype:  excretory_organ__excretoryorgan__urinary_organ__urinaryorgan  an organ that separates waste substances from the blood and discharges them
        subtype:  flame_cell__flamecell  organ of excretion in flatworms
        subtype:  kidney  either of two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine; urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder
     subtype:  gallbladder  a muscular sac attached to the liver that secretes bile and stores it until needed for digestion
     subtype:  liver  large and complicated reddish-brown glandular organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity; secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat; synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood; synthesizes vitamin A; detoxifies poisonous substances and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes
     subtype:  heart.internal_organ__pump__ticker  the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions pump blood through the body; "he stood still, his heart thumping wildly"
        subtype:  athlete's_heart  enlarged heart commonly found among athletes trained for endurance
        subtype:  biauriculate_heart  a heart (as of mammals and birds and reptiles) have two auricles
     subtype:  tummy__stomach__tum__breadbasket  an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestion
        subtype:  craw__crop  a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary maceration of food
        subtype:  rumen__first_stomach__firststomach  the first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant; here food is collected and returned to the mouth as cud for chewing
        subtype:  second_stomach__reticulum  the second compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
        subtype:  psalterium__omasum__third_stomach__thirdstomach  the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
        subtype:  abomasum__fourth_stomach  the fourth compartment of the stomach of a ruminant; the one where digestion takes place
     subtype:  respiratory_organ__respiratoryorgan  any organ involved in the process of respiration
        subtype:  branchia__gill  respiratory organ of aquatic animals that breathe oxygen dissolved in water
           subtype:  ctenidium  comb-like respiratory structure serving as the gill of certain mollusks
           subtype:  ceras__cera  one of the often brightly colored and branching hornlike structures on the back of the nudibranch (and other related mollusks) that serve as gills
           subtype:  external_gill  occurs in some mollusks and in tadpoles and other immature amphibians
        subtype:  lung  either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood
        subtype:  book_lung  organ in many arachnids containing many thin folds of membrane resembling the leaves of a book
     subtype:  intestine__bowel__gut  the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus
        subtype:  small_intestine__smallintestine  the longest part of the alimentary canal; where digestion is completed
           subtype:  duodenum  the part of the small intestine between the stomach and the jejunum
           subtype:  jejunum  the part of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum
           subtype:  ileum  the part of the small intestine between the jejunum and the cecum
        subtype:  large_intestine__largeintestine  beginning with the cecum and ending with the rectum; includes the cecum and the colon and the rectum; extracts moisture from food residues which are later excreted as feces
           subtype:  colon  the part of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum; it extracts moisture from food residues before they are excreted
              subtype:  megacolon  an abnormal enlargement of the colon; can be congenital (as in Hirschsprung's disease) or acquired (as when children refuse to defecate)
              subtype:  transverse_colon  the part of the large intestine that extends across the abdominal cavity and joins the ascending to the descending colon
              subtype:  ascending_colon__ascendingcolon  the part of the large intestine that ascends from the cecum to the transverse colon
              subtype:  descending_colon  the part of the large intestine that descends from the transverse colon to the sigmoid colon
              subtype:  sigmoid_colon__sigmoidcolon__sigmoid_flexure__sigmoidflexure  the s-shaped curve between the descending colon and the rectum
     subtype:  hindgut  the caudal part of the alimentary canal in vertebrate embryos
  subtype:  sense_organ__sensory_receptor__sensoryreceptor  an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation
     subtype:  lateral_line_organ__lateral_line__lateralline  sense organs of fish and amphibians; believed to detect pressure changes in the water
     subtype:  interoceptor__enteroceptor  any receptor that responds to stimuli inside the body
     subtype:  exteroceptor  any receptor that responds to stimuli outside the body
     subtype:  third_eye__thirdeye__pineal_eye  a sensory structure capable of light reception located on the dorsal side of the diencephalon in various reptiles
     subtype:  baroreceptor  a sensory receptor that responds to pressure
     subtype:  chemoreceptor  a sensory receptor that responds to chemical stimuli
        subtype:  tastebud__taste_bud__tastebud__gustatory_organ__gustatoryorgan  an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the tongue
        subtype:  carotid_body__carotidbody  located near the bifurcations of the carotid arteries; monitors oxygen content of the blood and helps control respiration
        subtype:  olfactory_organ__olfactoryorgan__nose  the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals; "he has a cold in the nose"
           subtype:  snout__neb  a long projecting or anterior elongation of an animal's head; especially the nose
              subtype:  proboscis.snout__probosci__trunk  a long flexible snout as of an elephant
           subtype:  rostrum__snout  beaklike projection of the anterior part of the head of certain insects such as e.g. weevils
           subtype:  hooter__beak__honker__nozzle__snoot__snout__schnozzle  (US) informal terms for the nose
           subtype:  conk  (British) informal term for the nose
           subtype:  hawk_nose  a nose curved downward like the beak of a hawk
           subtype:  proboscis__probosci  (informal) the human nose (especially when it is large)
           subtype:  pug_nose__pugnose  a short nose; flattened and turned up at the end
           subtype:  Roman_nose__hooknose  a nose with a prominent slightly aquiline bridge
     subtype:  thermoreceptor  a sensory receptor that responds to heat and cold
     subtype:  eye__oculu__optic__peeper  the organ of sight (`peeper' is an informal term for `eye')
        subtype:  oculus_dexter__OD  the right eye
        subtype:  oculus_sinister__OS  the left eye
        subtype:  simple_eye  an eye having a single lens
        subtype:  compound_eye  in insects and some crustaceans: composed of many light-sensitive elements each forming a portion of an image
     subtype:  ear  the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium
     subtype:  organ_of_hearing  the part of the ear that is responsible for sensations of sound
        subtype:  organ_of_Corti  the hearing organ of the inner ear; contains receptors that respond to sound waves
     subtype:  inner_ear__innerear__internal_ear__labyrinth  a complex system of interconnecting cavities; concerned with hearing and equilibrium
     subtype:  semicircular_canal  one of three tube loops filled with fluid and in planes nearly at right angles with one another; concerned with equilibrium
     subtype:  stretch_receptor__stretchreceptor  a receptor in a muscle that responds to stretching of the muscle tissue
  subtype:  lingua__tongue__glossa__clapper  a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity
  subtype:  speech_organ__vocal_organ__vocalorgan  any of the organs involved in speech production
     subtype:  articulator  a movable speech organ
        subtype:  lower_jaw__lowerjaw__mandible__mandibula__submaxilla__lower_jawbone__lowerjawbone__jawbone__jowl  the lower jawbone in vertebrates; it is hinged to open the mouth
           subtype:  lantern_jaw__lanternjaw  a long thin lower jaw
        subtype:  lingua__tongue__glossa__clapper  a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity
        subtype:  lip  fleshy folds of tissue as those surrounding the mouth
           subtype:  labium  any of the four lip-shaped folds of the female vulva
              subtype:  labia_majora__labiamajora  the two outer folds of the vulva
              subtype:  labia_minora__labiaminora  the two inner folds of the vulva
     subtype:  glottis__glotti  the vocal apparatus of the larynx; the true vocal folds and the space between them where the voice tone is generated
     subtype:  larynx__voice_box__voicebox  a cartilaginous structure at the top of the trachea; contains elastic vocal cords that are the source of the vocal tone in speech
  subtype:  crystalline_lens__lens  biconvex transparent body situated behind the iris in the eye; it focuses light waves on the retina
  subtype:  gland__secretory_organ__secretoryorgan__secretor__secreter  any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream
     subtype:  green_gland__greengland  one of a pair of glands (believed to have excretory functions) in some crustaceans near the base of the large antennae
     subtype:  silk_gland__serictery__sericterium  silk-producing gland of insects (especially of a silkworm) or spiders
     subtype:  exocrine_gland__duct_gland  a gland that secretes externally through a duct
        subtype:  oil_gland__oilgland  a gland that secretes oil
           subtype:  uropygial_gland__preen_gland  oil-secreting gland situated at the base of the tail in most birds
           subtype:  sebaceous_gland__sebaceousgland__sebaceous_follicle__sebaceousfollicle__glandulae_sebaceae__glandulaesebaceae  a cutaneous gland that secretes sebum (usually into a hair follicle) for lubricating hair and skin
              subtype:  Meibomian_gland__tarsal_gland  a long sebaceous gland that lubricates the eyelids; "bacterial infection of a Meibomian gland produces a stye"
              subtype:  Montgomery's_tubercle  one of the sebaceous glands on the areolae of the breast that lubricate the breast during breast-feeding
        subtype:  sweat_gland__sweatgland__sudoriferous_gland  any of the glands in the skin that secrete perspiration
           subtype:  apocrine_gland  a large sweat gland that produces both a fluid and an apocrine secretion; in human beings located in hairy regions of the body
           subtype:  eccrine_gland__eccrinegland  a small sweat gland the produces only a fluid; restricted to the human skin
        subtype:  lacrimal_gland__lachrymal_gland__lachrymalgland__tear_gland  any of the glands in the eyes that secrete tears
        subtype:  pancreas  a large elongated exocrine gland located behind the stomach; secretes pancreatic juice and insulin
        subtype:  Cowper's_gland__bulbourethral_gland__bulbourethralgland  either of two glands that discharge a component of seminal fluid into the urethra; homologous to Bartholin's gland in the female
        subtype:  cervical_glands_of_the_uterus__cervical_glands__glandulae_cervicales_uteri  mucus-secreting glands in the mucosa of the uterine cervix
        subtype:  digestive_gland__digestivegland  any gland having ducts that pour secretions into the digestive tract
        subtype:  salivary_gland  any of three pairs of glands in the mouth and digestive system that secrete saliva for digestion
           subtype:  parotid_gland__parotidgland  a large salivary gland that produces 50% of daytime saliva; in human beings it is located in front of and below each ear
           subtype:  sublingual_gland__sublingual_salivary_gland  a small salivary gland that produces mucin (the viscous component of saliva); in human beings it is located on either side of the mouth under the tongue
           subtype:  submaxillary_gland__submaxillary_salivary_gland__submandibular_gland__submandibulargland__submandibular_salivary_gland__mandibular_gland  a salivary gland inside the lower jaw on either side that produces most of the nocturnal saliva; discharges saliva into the mouth under the tongue
        subtype:  mammary_gland__mammarygland__mamma  milk-secreting organ of female mammals
           subtype:  dug  an udder or breast or teat
           subtype:  udder__bag  mammary gland of bovids (cows and sheep and goats)
           subtype:  tit__breast__bosom__knocker__titty  either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman
        subtype:  nabothian_gland__nabothiangland  one of many small glands of the uterine cervix that secrete mucus
        subtype:  vestibular_gland  a gland that opens into the vestibule of the vagina; secretions lubricate the vagina during coitus
           subtype:  Bartholin's_gland  either of the two posterior vestibular glands that secrete a lubricating mucus; homologous to Cowper's gland in the male
     subtype:  endocrine_gland__endocrinegland__ductless_gland  any of the glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream
        subtype:  thyroid_gland__thyroidgland__thyroid  located near the base of the neck
        subtype:  parathyroid_gland__parathyroidgland__parathyroid  any one of four endocrine glands situated above or within the thyroid gland
        subtype:  adrenal_gland__adrenalgland__adrenal__suprarenal_gland  either of a pair of complex endocrine glands situated near the kidney
        subtype:  prostate_gland__prostate  a firm partly muscular chestnut sized gland in males at the neck of the urethra; produces a viscid secretion that is the fluid part of semen
        subtype:  thymus_gland__thymus  a ductless glandular organ at the base of the neck that produces lymphocytes and aids in producing immunity; atrophies with age
        subtype:  pituitary_gland__pituitary__pituitarybody__hypophysi  the master gland of the endocrine system; located at the base of the brain
        subtype:  anterior_pituitary_gland__anterior_pituitary__adenohypophysis  the anterior lobe of the pituitary body; primarily glandular in nature
        subtype:  pars_distilis__pars_anterior  the anterior part of the anterior pituitary
        subtype:  pars_intermedia  a thin piece of tissue that has become part of the posterior pituitary
        subtype:  posterior_pituitary_gland__posteriorpituitarygland__posterior_pituitary__posteriorpituitary__neurohypophysis__neurohypophysi__pars_nervosa  the posterior lobe of the pituitary body; primarily glandular in nature
        subtype:  pineal_gland__pineal_body__epiphysis_cerebri__epiphysiscerebri__epiphysis__epiphysi  a small endocrine gland in the brain; situated beneath the back part of the corpus callosum; secretes melatonin
        subtype:  islands_of_Langerhans__isles_of_Langerhans__islets_of_Langerhans  cell clusters in the pancreas that form the endocrine part of that organ; secrete insulin and other hormones
        subtype:  adrenal_cortex__adrenalcortex  the cortex of the adrenal gland; secretes corticosterone and sex hormones
        subtype:  adrenal_medulla__adrenalmedulla  the medulla of the adrenal gland; secretes epinephrine
        subtype:  corpus_luteum  yellow endocrine tissue that forms in a ruptured Graafian follicle following the release of an ovum
        subtype:  gonad  a gland in which gametes (sex cells) are produced
           subtype:  ovary  one of usually two organs that produce ova and (in vertebrates) secrete estrogen and progesterone
           subtype:  ovotestis__ovotesti  hermaphroditic gonad that contains both testicular and ovarian tissue
           subtype:  testis__testicle__orchis__ball__ballock__bollock__nut  one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away"
              subtype:  undescended_testis__undescended_testicle__undescendedtesticle  a testis that fails to move into the scrotum as the male fetus develops; "undescended testicles have an increased risk for cancer"
  subtype:  organelle__cell_organ  a specialized part of a cell; analogous to an organ
     subtype:  cilium  hairlike projection from the surface of a cell; provides locomotion in free unicellular organisms
     subtype:  lysosome  an organelle found in the cytoplasm of most cells (especially in leukocytes and liver and kidney cells)
     subtype:  cell_nucleus__nucleus__nucleu__karyon  a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction
        subtype:  pronucleus  the nucleus of the ovum or sperm after fertilization but before they fuse to form the nucleus of the zygote
     subtype:  nucleolus__nucleolu__nucleole  a small round body of protein in a cell nucleus; nucleoli contain RNA and are involved in protein synthesis
     subtype:  mitochondrion__chondriosome  an organelle containing enzymes responsible for producing energy
        subtype:  sarcosome  a large mitochondrion in a striated muscle fiber
     subtype:  centriole  one of two small cylindrical cell organelles composes of 9 triplet microtubules; form the asters during mitosis
     subtype:  ribosome  organelle in the cytoplasm of a living cell that is composed of ribonucleic acid; "the ribosome is the site of protein synthesis"
  subtype:  end_organ__endorgan  a specialized structure at the peripheral end of some motor or sensory nerve fibers
     subtype:  end-plate__endplate__motor_end_plate__motorendplate  the flattened end of a motor neuron that transmits neural impulses to a muscle
     subtype:  osmoreceptor  sensory end organ that responds to changes in osmotic pressure
  subtype:  reproductive_organ__sex_organ__sexorgan  any organ involved in sexual reproduction
     subtype:  genitalia__genital_organ__genitalorgan__genitals__private_parts__privatepart__privates__crotch  external sex organ
        subtype:  pudendum  human external genital organs collectively especially of a female
        subtype:  female_genitalia__female_genitals__female_genital_organ  external female sex organs
           subtype:  minge  vulgar term for a woman's pubic hair or genitals
           subtype:  puss__cunt__pussy__slit__snatch__twat  obscene terms for female genitals
           subtype:  vulva  external parts of the female genitalia
        subtype:  male_genitalia__male_genitals__male_genital_organ__family_jewels  external male sex organs
     subtype:  female_internal_reproductive_organ  the reproductive organs of a woman
        subtype:  ovary  one of usually two organs that produce ova and (in vertebrates) secrete estrogen and progesterone
        subtype:  Fallopian_tube__uterine_tube__uterinetube  either of a pair of tubes conducting the egg from the ovary to the uterus
        subtype:  uterus__womb  a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females; contains the developing fetus
           subtype:  venter.uterus  (law) the womb; "`in venter' is legal terminology for `conceived but not yet born'"
     subtype:  male_internal_reproductive_organ  the reproductive organs of a man
     subtype:  male_reproductive_gland  the reproductive organs of a man
        subtype:  testis__testicle__orchis__ball__ballock__bollock__nut  one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens; "she kicked him in the balls and got away"
     subtype:  nipple__mammilla__mamilla__pap__tit  the small projection of a mammary gland
  subtype:  target_organ  (radiology) organ intended to receive the therapeutic dose of a radioactive substance
  subtype:  taret_organ__taretorgan  (endocrinology) organ most affected by a particular hormone
  subtype:  erectile_organ  an organ containing erectile tissue
     subtype:  clitoris__clit__button  a female sexual organ homologous to the penis
     subtype:  penis__peni__phallus__phallu__member  the male organ of copulation (`member' is a euphemism)
        subtype:  prick__cock__dick__shaft__pecker__peter__tool  obscene terms for penis
        subtype:  micropenis__microphallus  an abnormally small penis

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