#order_Charadriiformes__Charadriiformes  large diverse order of aquatic birds found along seacoasts and inland waters: shorebirds and coastal diving birds; most feed on anima life
  supertype:  #animal_order  the order of animals
  member of:  #class_Aves
  member:  #suborder_Charadrii__Charadrii  shorebirds: plovers; sandpipers; avocets; phalaropes; coursers; stone curlews
     member:  #shorebird__shore_bird__shorebird__limicoline_bird__limicolinebird  any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries
     member:  #family_Charadriidae__Charadriidae  plover family
        member:  #plover  any of numerous chiefly shorebirds of relatively compact build having straight bills and large pointed wings; closely related to the sandpipers
        member:  #genus_Charadrius__Charadrius  type genus of the Charadriidae: plovers
           member:  #piping_plover__Charadrius_melodus  small plover of eastern North America
           member:  #killdeer_plover__killdeer__kildeer__Charadrius_vociferus  American plover of inland waters and fields having a distinctive cry
           member:  #dotterel__dotrel__Charadrius_morinellus__Eudromias_morinellus  rare plover of upland areas of Eurasia
        member:  #genus_Pluvialis__Pluvialis  golden plovers
           member:  #golden_plover  plovers of Europe and America having the backs marked with golden-yellow spots
        member:  #genus_Vanellus__Vanellus  Eurasian lapwings
           member:  #lapwing__green_plover__greenplover__peewit__pewit  large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs
        member:  #genus_Arenaria__Arenaria  turnstones
           member:  #turnstone  migratory shorebirds of the plover family that turn over stones in searching for food
     member:  #family_Scolopacidae__Scolopacidae  sandpiper family: sandpipers; woodcocks; snipes; tattlers; curlews; godwits; dowitchers
        member:  #sandpiper  any of numerous usually small wading birds having a slender bill and piping call; closely related to the plovers
        member:  #genus_Aphriza__Aphriza  a genus of Scolopacidae
           member:  #surfbird__Aphriza_virgata  sandpiper-like shorebird of Pacific coasts of North and South America
        member:  #genus_Actitis__Actitis  a genus of Scolopacidae
           member:  #European_sandpiper__Actitis_hypoleucos  a variety of sandpiper
           member:  #spotted_sandpiper__spottedsandpiper__Actitis_macularia  common North American sandpiper
        member:  #genus_Erolia__Erolia  a genus of Scolopacidae
           member:  #least_sandpiper__leastsandpiper__stint__Erolia_minutilla  smallest American sandpiper
           member:  #red-backed_sandpiper__dunlin__Erolia_alpina  small common sandpiper that breeds in northern or arctic regions and winters in southern United States or Mediterranean regions
        member:  #genus_Tringa__Tringa  a genus of Scolopacidae
           member:  #greenshank__Tringa_nebularia  large European sandpiper with greenish legs
           member:  #redshank__Tringa_totanus  a common Old World wading bird with long red legs
           member:  #yellowlegs  either of two North American shorebird with yellow legs
        member:  #genus_Calidris__Calidris  a genus of Scolopacidae
           member:  #pectoral_sandpiper__jacksnipe__Calidris_melanotos  American sandpiper that inflates its chest when courting
           member:  #grayback__knot__Calidris_canutus  sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and winters in the S hemisphere
           member:  #curlew_sandpiper__Calidris_Ferruginea  Old World sandpiper with a curved bill like a curlew
        member:  #genus_Crocethia__Crocethia  a genus of Scolopacidae
           member:  #sanderling__Crocethia_alba  small sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and migrates south along sandy coasts in most of world
        member:  #genus_Bartramia__Bartramia  a genus of Scolopacidae
           member:  #upland_sandpiper__upland_plover__Bartramian_sandpiper__Bartramia_longicauda  large plover-like sandpiper of North American fields and uplands
        member:  #genus_Philomachus__Philomachus  ruffs
           member:  #Philomachus_pugnax__ruff  common Eurasian sandpiper; male has an erectile ruff in breeding season
        member:  #genus_Heteroscelus__Heteroscelus  tattlers
           member:  #Polynesian_tattler__Heteroscelus_incanus  tattler of Pacific coastal regions
        member:  #genus_Catoptrophorus__Catoptrophorus  willet
           member:  #willet__Catoptrophorus_semipalmatus  large North American shorebird of eastern and Gulf coasts
        member:  #genus_Scolopax__Scolopax  type of the Scolopacidae: Old World woodcocks
           member:  #Eurasian_woodcock__Scolopax_rusticola  short-legged long-billed migratory Old World woodcock
        member:  #genus_Philohela__Philohela  American woodcocks
           member:  #American_woodcock__woodcock_snipe__Philohela_minor  small long-billed American woodcock; prized as a game bird
        member:  #genus_Gallinago__Gallinago__Capella__genus_Capella  snipes
           member:  #whole_snipe__wholesnipe__common_snipe__Gallinago_gallinago  common snipe of Eurasia and Africa
           member:  #Wilson's_snipe__Gallinago_gallinago_delicata  American snipe
           member:  #great_snipe__greatsnipe__woodcock_snipe__Gallinago_media  Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe
        member:  #genus_Limnocryptes__Limnocryptes  snipe
           member:  #jacksnipe__half_snipe__Limnocryptes_minima  a small short-billed Old World snipe
        member:  #genus_Limnodromus__Limnodromus  dowitchers
           member:  #dowitcher  shorebird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe
        member:  #genus_Numenius__Numenius  curlews
           member:  #curlew  large migratory shorebirds of the sandpiper family; closely related to woodcocks but having a down-curved bill
        member:  #genus_Limosa__Limosa  godwits
           member:  #godwit  large wading bird that resembles a curlew; has a long slightly upturned bill
     member:  #genus_Himantopus__Himantopus  major one of two genera of stilts; similar to avocets but with straight bills
        member:  #Himantopus_stilt__stilt__stiltbird__longlegs__stilt_plover__stiltplover  long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons
        member:  #black-necked_stilt__Himantopus_mexicanus  stilt of southwestern United States to northern South America having black plumage extending from the head down the back of the neck
        member:  #black-winged_stilt__Himantopus_himantopus  stilt of Europe and Africa and Asia having mostly white plumage but with black wings
        member:  #white-headed_stilt__Himantopus_himantopus_leucocephalus__himantopushimantopusleucocephalu  stilt of the southwest Pacific including Australia and New Zealand having mostly white plumage but with black wings and nape of neck
        member:  #kaki__Himantopus_novae-zelandiae  blackish stilt of New Zealand sometimes considered a color phase of the white-headed stilt
     member:  #genus_Cladorhyncus__Cladorhyncus  one of two genera of stilts; similar to avocets but with straight bills
        member:  #Australian_stilt__stilt  long-legged three-toed wading bird of brackish marshes of Australia
        member:  #banded_stilt__Cladorhyncus_leucocephalum  web-footed Australian stilt with reddish-brown pectoral markings
     member:  #family_Recurvirostridae__Recurvirostridae  long-legged shorebirds
        member:  #genus_Recurvirostra__Recurvirostra  type genus of the Recurvirostridae: avocets
           member:  #avocet  long-legged web-footed black-and-white shorebird with slender upward-curving bill
     member:  #family_Haematopodidae__Haematopodidae  oystercatchers
     member:  #family_Phalaropidae__Phalaropidae  phalaropes
        member:  #phalarope  small sandpiper-like shorebird having lobate toes and being good swimmers; breed in the arctic and winter in the tropics
        member:  #genus_Phalaropus__Phalaropus  type genus of the Phalaropidae: phalaropes
           member:  #red_phalarope__redphalarope__Phalaropus_fulicarius  phalarope of northern oceans and lakes
        member:  #genus_Lobipes__Lobipes  a genus of Phalaropidae
           member:  #northern_phalarope__Lobipes_lobatus  breeds in arctic regions of Old and New worlds; large flocks often seen far out at sea
        member:  #genus_Steganopus__Steganopus  a genus of Phalaropidae
           member:  #Wilson's_phalarope__Steganopus_tricolor  breeds on the northern great plains of Canada
     member:  #family_Glareolidae__Glareolidae  Old World shorebirds: pratincoles and coursers
        member:  #genus_Glareola__Glareola  type genus of the Glareolidae: the pratincoles
           member:  #pratincole__glareole  Old World shorebird with long pointed wings and short legs; closely related to the coursers
        member:  #courser  swift-footed terrestrial plover-like bird of southern Asia and Africa
        member:  #genus_Cursorius__Cursorius  coursers
           member:  #cream-colored_courser__creamcoloredcourser__Cursorius_cursor  courser of desert and semidesert regions of the Old World
        member:  #genus_Pluvianus__Pluvianus  coursers
           member:  #crocodile_bird__crocodilebird__Pluvianus_aegyptius  African courser that feeds on insect parasites on crocodiles
     member:  #family_Burhinidae__Burhinidae  large wading birds resembling the plovers: stone curlews
        member:  #genus_Burhinus__Burhinus  type genus of the Burhinidae: stone curlews
           member:  #stone_curlew__stonecurlew__thick-knee__thickknee__Burhinus_oedicnemus  large-headed large-eyed crepuscular or nocturnal shorebird of the Old World and tropical America having a thickened knee joint
  member:  #suborder_Limicolae__Limicolae  term used in some classifications for migratory shorebirds; coextensive with the Charadrii
  member:  #genus_Haematopus__Haematopus  oystercatchers
     member:  #oystercatcher__oyster_catcher  black-and-white shorebird with stout legs and bill; feed on oysters etc.
  member:  #coastal_diving_bird  gull family; skimmer family; jaeger family; auk family
  member:  #suborder_Lari__Lari  gulls; terns; jaegers; skimmers
     member:  #family_Laridae__Laridae  gull family: gulls and terns
        member:  #larid  long-winged web-footed aquatic bird of the gull family
        member:  #genus_Larus__Larus  type genus of the Laridae
           member:  #mew_gull__mewgull__sea_mew__Larus_canus  the common gull of Eurasia and northeastern North America
           member:  #great_black-backed_gull__black-backed_gull__cob__larusmarinu  white gull having a black back and wings
           member:  #herring_gull__herringgull__Larus_argentatus  large gull of the northern hemisphere
           member:  #laughing_gull__blackcap__pewit__pewit_gull__pewitgull__Larus_ridibundus  small black-headed European gull
        member:  #genus_Pagophila__Pagophila  a genus of Laridae
           member:  #ivory_gull__ivorygull__Pagophila_eburnea  white arctic gull; migrates as far south as England and New Brunswick
        member:  #genus_Rissa__Rissa  a genus of Laridae
           member:  #kittiwake  small pearl-gray gull of northern regions; nests on cliffs and has a rudimentary hind toe
        member:  #subfamily_Sterninae__subfamilysterninae__Sterninae  terns
           member:  #tern  small slender gull having narrow wings and a forked tail
           member:  #genus_Sterna__Sterna  a genus of Sterninae
              member:  #sea_swallow__seaswallow__Sterna_hirundo  common tern of Eurasia and America having white black and gray plumage
     member:  #family_Rynchopidae__Rynchopidae  coextensive with the genus Rynchops: skimmers
        member:  #genus_Rynchops__Rynchops  type genus of the Rynchopidae: skimmers
           member:  #skimmer  gull-like seabird that flies along the surface of the water with an elongated lower mandible immersed to skim out food
     member:  #family_Stercorariidae__Stercorariidae  jaegers and skuas:
        member:  #jaeger  rapacious seabird that pursues weaker birds to make them drop their prey
        member:  #genus_Stercorarius__Stercorarius  type genus of the Stercorariidae: jaegers
           member:  #parasitic_jaeger__parasiticjaeger__arctic_skua__Stercorarius_parasiticus  a variety of jaeger
        member:  #genus_Catharacta__Catharacta  skuas
           member:  #skua__bonxie  gull-like jaeger of northern seas
  member:  #family_Alcidae__Alcidae  web-footed diving seabirds of northern seas: auks; puffins; guillemots; murres; etc.
     member:  #auk  black-and-white short-necked web-footed diving bird of northern seas
     member:  #genus_Alca__Alca  type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill
        member:  #razorbill__razor-billed_auk__Alca_torda  black-and-white North Atlantic auk having a compressed sharp-edged bill
     member:  #genus_Plautus__Plautus  a genus of Alcidae
        member:  #little_auk__dovekie__plautusalle  small short-billed auk abundant in arctic regions
     member:  #genus_Pinguinus__Pinguinus  great auk
        member:  #great_auk__greatauk__Pinguinus_impennis  large large flightless auk of rocky islands off North Atlantic coast; extinct
     member:  #genus_Cepphus__Cepphus  a genus of birds including: guillemots
        member:  #guillemot  small black or brown speckled auks of northern seas
     member:  #genus_Uria__Uria  murres
        member:  #murre  black-and-white diving bird of northern seas
     member:  #puffin  any of two genera of northern seabirds having short necks and brightly colored compressed bills
     member:  #genus_Fratercula__Fratercula  puffins
        member:  #Atlantic_puffin__Fratercula_arctica  common puffin of the North Atlantic
        member:  #horned_puffin__Fratercula_corniculata  N Pacific puffin
     member:  #genus_Lunda__Lunda  puffins
        member:  #tufted_puffin__Lunda_cirrhata  N Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye

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