#obstructor__obstruction__obstructer__impediment__impedimenta  any structure that makes progress difficult
  supertype:  #physical_structure__structure__construction  a thing constructed; a complex construction or entity; "the structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons"
  subtype:  #bar.obstructor  an obstruction (usually metal) placed at the top of a goal; "it was an excellent kick but the ball hit the bar"
  subtype:  #barrier  a structure or object that impedes free movement
     subtype:  #bannister__banister__balustrade__balusters__baluster__handrail  a railing at the side of a staircase or balcony to prevent people from falling
     subtype:  #barricade  a barrier (usually thrown up hastily so as to impede the advance of an enemy); "they enemy stormed the barricade"
     subtype:  #breakwater__groin__groyne__mole__bulwark__seawall__jetty  a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away
     subtype:  #bulwarks__bulwark  a fence-like structure around a deck
     subtype:  #dike__dam__dyke__levee  a barrier constructed to contain the flow or water or to keep out the sea
        subtype:  #Aswan_High_Dam__Aswan_Dam__High_Dam  one of the world's largest dams on the Nile River in southern Egypt
        subtype:  #Hoover_Dam  a large dam on the Colorado River in Nevada
        subtype:  #milldam  dam to make a millpond to provide power for a water mill
        subtype:  #weir  a low dam built across a stream to raise its level or divert its flow
     subtype:  #fencing__fence  a barrier that serves to enclose an area
        subtype:  #backstop  a fence or screen (as behind home plate in baseball)
        subtype:  #chainlink_fence__chainlinkfence  a fence of steel wires woven into a diamond pattern
        subtype:  #hedgerow__hedge  a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes
           subtype:  #privet_hedge  hedge of privet plants
           subtype:  #windbreak  hedge or fence of trees designed to lessen the force of the wind and reduce erosion
        subtype:  #picket_fence__paling  a fence made of upright pickets
        subtype:  #rail_fence  a fence (usually made of split logs laid across each other at an angle)
           subtype:  #worm_fence__snake_fence__snake-rail_fence__Virginia_fence  rail fence consisting of a zigzag of interlocking rails
        subtype:  #stone_wall__stonewall  a fence built of rough stones; used to separate fields
           subtype:  #dry_wall__drywall__dry-stone_wall__drystonewall  a stone wall made with stones fitted together without mortar
        subtype:  #wall.fencing  a masonry fence (as around an estate or garden); "the wall followed the road"; "he ducked behind the garden wall and waited"
           subtype:  #party_wall__partywall  a wall erected on the line between two properties and shared by both owners
           subtype:  #retaining_wall__retainingwall  a wall that is built to resist lateral pressure (especially a wall built to prevent the advance of a mass of earth)
        subtype:  #weir.fencing  a fence or wattle built across a stream to catch or retain fish
     subtype:  #fender.barrier__wing  a barrier that surrounds the wheels of a vehicle to block splashing water or mud; "in England they call a fender a wing"
        subtype:  #mudguard__splashguard  a curved piece above the wheel of a bicycle or motorcycle to protect the rider from water or mud thrown up by the wheels
     subtype:  #grating  a barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking a passage but admitting air
        subtype:  #radiator_grille__grille  grating that admits cooling air to car's radiator
     subtype:  #hurdle  a light movable barrier that competitors must leap over in certain races
     subtype:  #movable_barrier__movablebarrier  a barrier that can be moved to allow passage
        subtype:  #chicane  a movable barrier used in motor racing; sometimes place before a dangerous corner to reduce speed as cars pass in single file
        subtype:  #door  a swinging or sliding barrier that will close the entrance to a room or building; "he knocked on the door"; "he slammed the door as he left"
           subtype:  #car_door__cardoor  the door of a car
              subtype:  #hatchback  a sloping rear car door that is lifted to open
           subtype:  #cargo_door__cargodoor  door used to load or unload cargo
           subtype:  #double_door  two vertical doors that meet in the middle of the door frame when closed
           subtype:  #fire_door  a fire-resistant door that can be closed to stop the spread of a fire
           subtype:  #French_door  a light door with transparent or glazed panels extending the full length
              subtype:  #French_window  a French door situated in an exterior wall of a building
           subtype:  #interior_door  a door that closes off rooms within a building
              subtype:  #bi-fold_door  an interior door
              subtype:  #folding_door__foldingdoor__accordion_door__accordiondoor  an interior door that opens by folding back in sections (rather than by swinging on hinges)
           subtype:  #screen_door__screen  a door that is a screen to keep insects from entering a building through the open door; "he heard the screen slam as she left"
           subtype:  #sliding_door__slidingdoor  a door that opens by sliding instead of swinging
              subtype:  #barn_door  the large sliding door of a barn
           subtype:  #swing_door__swingdoor__swinging_door  a door that swings on a double hinge; opens in either direction
              subtype:  #batwing  one of a pair of swinging doors (as at the entrance to a western saloon)
           subtype:  #trap_door  a hinged or sliding door in a floor or ceiling
        subtype:  #door.movable_barrier  a swinging or sliding barrier that will close off access into a car; "she forgot to lock the doors of her car"
        subtype:  #gate  a door-like movable barrier in a fence or wall
           subtype:  #head_gate  a gate upstream from a lock or canal that is used to control the flow of water at the upper end
           subtype:  #lock-gate  a gate that can be locked
           subtype:  #lychgate__lichgate  a roofed gate to a churchyard, formerly used as a temporary shelter for the bier during funerals
           subtype:  #portcullis  gate consisting of an iron or wooden grating that hangs in the entry to a castle or fortified town; can be lowered to prevent passage
           subtype:  #postern  a small gate in the rear of a fort or castle
           subtype:  #tailgate__tailboard  a gate at the rear of a vehicle; can be lowered for loading
           subtype:  #tail_gate  a gate downstream from a lock or canal that is used to control the flow of water at the lower end
           subtype:  #tollgate__tollbar  a gate or bar across a toll bridge or toll road which is lifted when the toll is paid
           subtype:  #turnpike  (from 16th to 19th centuries) gates set across a road to prevent passage until a toll had been paid
           subtype:  #turnstile  a gate consisting of a post that acts as a pivot for rotating arms; set in a passageway for controlling the persons entering
           subtype:  #wicket_door__wicket__wicket_gate  small gate or door (especially one that is part of a larger door)
           instance:  #Dipylon_gate__Dipylon
        subtype:  #hatch  a movable barrier covering a hatchway
           subtype:  #cargo_hatch__cargohatch  hatch opening into the cargo compartment
     subtype:  #railing.barrier__rail  a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports
        subtype:  #bar.railing  (law) a railing that encloses the part of the courtroom where the the judges and lawyers sit and the case is tried
        subtype:  #fife_rail  the railing surrounding the mast of a sailing vessel
        subtype:  #safety_rail__guardrail  a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety
        subtype:  #taffrail  the railing around the stern of a ship
     subtype:  #revetment  a barrier against explosives
     subtype:  #roadblock__barricade  a barrier set up by police to stop traffic on a street or road in order to catch a fugitive or inspect traffic etc.
     subtype:  #starting_gate__starting_stalls  a movable barrier on the starting line of a race course
  subtype:  #blockade  prevents access or progress
  subtype:  #closure__block__occlusion__stop__stoppage  an obstruction in a pipe or tube; "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"
     subtype:  #breechblock__breech_closer  a metal block in breech-loading firearms that is withdrawn to insert a cartridge and replaced to close the breech before firing
     subtype:  #plug__stopper__stopple  blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly
        subtype:  #bung__spile  a plug used to close a hole in a barrel or flask
        subtype:  #cork.plug  the plug in the mouth of a bottle (especially a wine bottle)
        subtype:  #drainplug  a removable plug for holding water in a tub or basin
        subtype:  #fipple  a wooden plug forming a flue pipe (as the mouthpiece of a recorder)
        subtype:  #tampion  plug for the muzzle of a gun to keep out dust and moisture
        subtype:  #tampon  plug of cotton or other absorbent material; inserted into wound or body cavity to absorb exuded fluids (especially blood)
           subtype:  #Tampax  (trade name) tampon used to absorb menstrual flow
        subtype:  #spigot__tap  a plug for a bunghole in a cask
     subtype:  #vapor_lock__vaporlock__vapourlock  a stoppage in a pipeline caused by gas bubbles (especially a stoppage that develops in hot weather in an internal-combustion engine when fuel in the gas line boils and forms bubbles that block the flow of gasoline to the carburetor)
  subtype:  #preventive__hindrance__hitch__preventative__encumbrance__interference  any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
     subtype:  #clog  any object that acts as a hindrance or obstruction
     subtype:  #speed_bump__speedbump  a hindrance to speeding created by a crosswise ridge in the surface of a roadway
  subtype:  #obstacle  an obstruction that stands in the way (and must be removed or surmounted or circumvented)
     subtype:  #hazard  an obstacle on a golf course
        subtype:  #sand_trap__bunker__trap  a hazard on a golf course
        subtype:  #water_hazard__waterhazard  hazard provided by ponds of water that the golfer must avoid
     subtype:  #stumbling_block__stumblingblock  any obstacle or impediment
     subtype:  #water_jump__waterjump  a pool or stream in a steeplechase or similar contest
  subtype:  #tumbler.obstructor  a movable obstruction in a lock that must be adjusted to a given position (as by a key) before the bolt can be thrown
     subtype:  #lever_tumbler__levertumbler__lever  a flat metal tumbler in a lever lock
     subtype:  #pin.tumbler  cylindrical tumblers consisting of two parts that are held in place by springs; when they are aligned with a key the bolt can be thrown

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