#novice__beginner__tyro__tiro__initiate  someone new to a field or activity
  supertype:  #unskilled_person__unskilledperson  a person who lacks technical training
  subtype:  #abecedarian  a novice learning the rudiments of some subject
  subtype:  #apprentice__learner  works for an expert to learn a trade
     subtype:  #printer's_devil__printer'sdevil  an apprentice in a printing establishment
  subtype:  #greenhorn__cub__rookie  an awkward and inexperienced youth
  subtype:  #lubber__landlubber__landsman  an inexperienced sailor; a sailor on the first voyage
  subtype:  #neophyte__newcomer__fledgling__fledgeling__starter__entrant  any new participant in some activity
     subtype:  #enlistee__recruit  any new member or supporter (as in the armed forces)
  subtype:  #tenderfoot  an inexperienced person (especially someone inexperienced in outdoor living)
  subtype:  #trainee  someone who is being trained
     subtype:  #cadet__plebe  a military trainee (as at a military academy)
        subtype:  #midshipman  a temporary rank held by young naval officers in training

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