#natural_covering__naturalcovering__covering__cover  a natural object that covers or envelops; "the fox was flushed from its cover"
  supertype:  natural_object__naturalobject  an object occurring naturally; not made by man
  subtype:  scale.natural_covering  a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
     subtype:  fish_scale  scale of the kind that covers the bodies of fish
     subtype:  squama  a protective structure resembling a scale
        subtype:  alula__calypter  scale-like structure between the base of the wing and the halter of a two-winged fly
  subtype:  mollusc_shell__molluscshell__shell  the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc
     subtype:  scallop_shell__scallopshell  a shell of a scallop
     subtype:  oyster_shell  a shell of an oyster
     subtype:  phragmocone__phragmacone  the thin conical chambered internal shell (either straight or curved) of a belemnite
     subtype:  seashell  the shell of a marine organism
     subtype:  clamshell  the shell of a clam
  subtype:  test.natural_covering  a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
  subtype:  body_covering  any covering for the body or a body part
     subtype:  pelt__hide__skin  body covering of a living animal
     subtype:  feather__plume__plumage  the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
        subtype:  down_feather__down  soft fine feathers
           subtype:  duck_down  down of the duck
              subtype:  eiderdown  down of the eider duck
           subtype:  goose_down__goosedown  down of the goose
           subtype:  swan's_down  down of the swan
           subtype:  plumule  down feather of young birds; persists in some adult birds
        subtype:  aftershaft  a supplementary feather (usually small) on the underside of the base of the shaft of some feathers in some birds
        subtype:  contour_feather__contourfeather  feathers covering the body of an adult bird and determining its shape
        subtype:  bastard_wing__bastardwing__alula__spurious_wing  tuft of small stiff feathers on the first digit of a bird's wing
        subtype:  marabou  downy feathers of marabou storks used for trimming garments
        subtype:  hackle  long slender feather on the necks of e.g. turkeys and pheasants
           subtype:  saddle_hackle__saddle_feather  a long narrow feather on the back (saddle) of a domestic fowl
        subtype:  flight_feather__pinion__quill__quill_feather__quillfeather  any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird
           subtype:  primary_feather__primaryfeather__primary__primaryquill  one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing
           subtype:  tail_feather  feather growing from the tail (uropygium) of a bird
              subtype:  sickle_feather  one of the long curved tail feathers of a rooster
        subtype:  scapular  a feather covering the shoulder of a bird
     subtype:  protective_covering  tough natural covering of some organisms
        subtype:  armour__armor  tough more-or-less rigid protective covering of an animal or plant
        subtype:  scute  large bony or horny plate as on an armadillo or turtle
        subtype:  sclerite  hard plate or element of the exoskeleton of some arthropods
        subtype:  clypeus  a shield-like plate on the front of an insect's head
     subtype:  tegument__skin__cutis__cuti  a natural protective covering of the body; site of the sense of touch; "your skin is the largest organ of your body"
        subtype:  investment  outer layer or covering of an organ or part or organism
           subtype:  pellicle  thin protective membrane in some protozoa
        subtype:  thick_skin__thickskin  skin that is very thick (as an elephant or rhinoceros)
        subtype:  skin_graft  a piece of skin taken from a donor area and surgically grafted at the site of an injury or burn
        subtype:  buff  bare skin; "swimming in the buff"
        subtype:  dewlap  a hanging fold of loose skin on an elderly person's neck
        subtype:  prepuce  a fold of skin covering the tip of the penis
        subtype:  foreskin__prepuce  a fold of skin covering the tip of the clitoris
        subtype:  scalp  the skin that covers the top of the head; "they wanted to take his scalp as a trophy"
        subtype:  hangnail__agnail  a loose narrow strip of skin near the base of a fingernail; tearing it produces a painful sore that is easily infected
     subtype:  exuviae  cast-off skins or coverings of various organisms during ecdysis
     subtype:  hair  dense growth of hairs covering the body or parts of it (as on the human head); helps prevent heat loss; "he combed his hair"
        subtype:  pelage__coat  growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal
           subtype:  fur.pelage  dense coat of fine silky hairs on an mammals e.g. cat or seal or weasel
              subtype:  underfur__undercoat  thick soft fur lying beneath the longer and coarser guard hair
           subtype:  wool.pelage__fleece  outer coat of especially sheep and yaks
        subtype:  guard_hair__guardhair  coarse hairs that form the outer fur and protect the underfur of certain mammals
        subtype:  mane  long coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal's neck
           subtype:  encolure  the mane of a horse
        subtype:  forelock.hair__foretop  a lock of a horse's mane that grows forward between the ears
        subtype:  beard  hairy growth on or near the face of certain mammals
        subtype:  body_hair  short hair growing over a person's body
        subtype:  lanugo  the fine downy hair covering a human fetus; normally shed during the ninth month of gestation
        subtype:  head_of_hair__mane  growth of hair covering the scalp of a human being
        subtype:  cowlick  a tuft of hair that grows in a different direction from the rest of the hair and usually will not lie flat
        subtype:  hairdo__hair_style__coiffure  the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)
           subtype:  beehive.hairdo  a hairdo resembling a beehive
           subtype:  haircut.hairdo  the style in which hair haw been cut
              subtype:  brush_cut__brushcut  a short haircut with hairs standing up like a brush
              subtype:  crew_cut__flattop  a closely cropped haircut; usually for men
              subtype:  Mohican_haircut__Mohican  haircut in which the head is shaved except for a band of hair down the middle of the scalp
           subtype:  Afro  a rounded thickly curled hairdo
           subtype:  bang  a fringe of banged hair (cut short squarely across the forehead)
           subtype:  bob.hairdo  a hair style for women and children; a short haircut all around
           subtype:  wave.hairdo  a hairdo that creates undulations in the hair
              subtype:  finger_wave  a wave made with the fingers
              subtype:  permanent_wave__permanentwave__permanent__perm  a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
           subtype:  braid__plait__tress__tres  a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
              subtype:  queue  a braid of hair at the back of the head
              subtype:  pigtail  a braid of hair on either side of the face
           subtype:  chignon  a roll of hair worn at the nape of the neck
           subtype:  pageboy  a smooth hair style with the ends of the hair curled inward
           subtype:  pompadour  a hair style in which the front hair is swept up from the forehead
           subtype:  ponytail  a hair style that draws the hair back so that it hangs down in back of the head like a pony's tail
           subtype:  scalp_lock__scalplock  a long tuft of hair left on top of the shaven head
           subtype:  thatch  hair resembling thatched roofing material
        subtype:  curl__lock__ringlet__whorl  a strand or cluster of hair
           subtype:  sausage_curl__sausagecurl  a fat sausage-shaped curl
           subtype:  forelock  a lock of hair growing (or falling) over the forehead
              subtype:  quiff  a prominent forelock (especially one brushed upward from the forehead)
           subtype:  crimp  a lock of hair that has been artificially waved or curled
              subtype:  pin_curl__pincurl  a curl of hair made by dampening a strand of hair and curling it and holding the curl with a clip or bobby pin
              subtype:  spit_curl__kiss_curl  a spiral curl plastered on the forehead or cheek
           subtype:  dreadlock  one of many long thin braids of hair radiating from the scalp; popularized by Rastafarians
        subtype:  face_fungus__beard__whiskers  the hair growing on the lower part of a man's face
           subtype:  fuzz  the first beard of an adolescent boy
           subtype:  Imperial_beard__imperial  a small tufted beard worn by Emperor Napoleon III
           subtype:  beaver.face_fungus  a full beard
           subtype:  sideburn__burnside__mutton_chop__side-whiskers  beard grown down the side of a man's face in front of the ears (especially when the rest of the beard is shaved off)
           subtype:  goatee  a small chin beard trimmed into a point; named for its resemblance to a goat's beard
        subtype:  mustache__moustache  an unshaved growth of hair on the upper lip; "he looked younger after he shaved off his mustache"
           subtype:  soup-strainer__toothbrush  (informal) slang terms for a mustache
           subtype:  mustachio__moustachio__handle-bars  a large bushy moustache (with hair growing sometimes down the sides of the mouth)
           subtype:  walrus_mustache__walrusmustache  a bushy droopy mustache
        subtype:  pubic_hair__pubichair__bush__crotch_hair  hair growing in the pubic area
           subtype:  minge  vulgar term for a woman's pubic hair or genitals
        subtype:  eyebrow__brow__supercilium  the arch of hair above each eye
        subtype:  eyelash__lash__cilium  any of the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids
     subtype:  headful  a covering over the surface of your head; "a headful of tight curls"; "a headful of lice"
     subtype:  epicranium  the muscle and aponeurosis and skin covering the cranium
     subtype:  exoskeleton  the exterior protective or supporting structure or shell of many animals (especially invertebrates) including bony or horny parts such as nails or scales or hoofs
        subtype:  carapace__shell__cuticle  hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
           subtype:  cuticula  the outer body wall of an insect
  subtype:  sheath.natural_covering__case  an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part
     subtype:  theca  outer sheath of the pupa of certain insects
     subtype:  lorica  a hard protective sheath as secreted by certain protoctists e.g.
     subtype:  medullary_sheath__medullarysheath__myelin_sheath  a layer of myelin encasing (and insulating) the axons of medullated nerve fibers
     subtype:  neurolemma__neurilemma  thin membranous sheath around a nerve fiber
     subtype:  husk  outer membranous covering of some fruits or seeds
        subtype:  cornhusk  the husk of an ear of corn
        subtype:  hull.husk  dry outer covering of a fruit or seed or nut
           subtype:  shell.hull  the hard usually fibrous outer layer of some fruits especially nuts
              subtype:  nutshell  the shell around the kernel of a nut
        subtype:  seedcase__pod__cod  the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)
           subtype:  pea_pod__peapod__peasecod  husk of a pea; edible in some garden peas
        subtype:  bract  a modified leaf or leaflike part just below and protecting an inflorescence
           subtype:  epicalyx__false_calyx__calycle__calyculu  a group of bracts simulating a calyx as in a carnation or hibiscus
           subtype:  bracteole  a small bract
           subtype:  spathe  a conspicuous bract surrounding or subtending a spadix or other inflorescence
           subtype:  involucre  a highly conspicuous bract or bract pair or ring of bracts at the base of an inflorescence
           subtype:  glume  small dry membranous bract found in inflorescences of Gramineae and Cyperaceae
              subtype:  flowering_glume__floweringglume__lemma  the lower and stouter of the two glumes immediately enclosing the floret in most Gramineae
  subtype:  integument  an outer protective covering such as the skin of an animal or a cuticle or seed coat or rind or shell
  subtype:  blanket.natural_covering__mantle  anything that covers; "there was a blanket of snow"
  subtype:  incrustation__crust__encrustation  a hard outer layer that covers something
     subtype:  tartar__calculus  an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums
  subtype:  envelope.natural_covering  a natural covering (as by a fluid); "the spacecraft detected an envelope of gas around the comet"
  subtype:  object_shell__shell  a rigid covering that envelops an object; "the satellite is covered with a smooth shell of ice"
  subtype:  eggshell__shell  the exterior covering of a bird's egg
  subtype:  slough  any outer covering that can be shed or cast off (such as the cast-off skin of a snake)
  subtype:  peridium  outer layer of the spore-bearing organ in many fungi
  subtype:  pericarp__seed_vessel  the ripened and variously modified walls of a plant ovary
     subtype:  epicarp__exocarp  outermost layer of the pericarp of fruits as the skin of a peach or grape
     subtype:  endocarp__stone__pit  the hard inner (usually woody) layer of the pericarp of some fruits (as peaches or plums or cherries or olives) that contains the seed
        subtype:  peach_pit__peachpit  the stone seed of a peach
        subtype:  cherry_stone  the stone seed of a cherry
     subtype:  capsule.pericarp  a dry dehiscent seed vessel or the spore-containing structure of e.g. mosses
        subtype:  bilocular_capsule__bilocularcapsule  a capsule divided into two cells or compartments
        subtype:  boll  the rounded seed-bearing capsule of a cotton or flax plant
        subtype:  silique__siliqua  narrow elongated seed capsule peculiar to the family Cruciferae
           subtype:  silicle  short broad silique occurring in some cruciferous plants
     subtype:  bur.pericarp__burr  seed vessel having hooks or prickles
        subtype:  spanish_needles__spanishneedle__beggar-ticks  the seed of bur marigolds
  subtype:  perianth__floral_envelope  collective term for the outer parts of a flower consisting of the calyx and corolla and enclosing the stamen and carpel
  subtype:  theca.natural_covering__sac  a case or sheath especially a pollen sac or moss capsule
  subtype:  indusium  a membrane enclosing and protecting the developing spores especially that covering the sori of a fern
  subtype:  bark  tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants
     subtype:  cinnamon_bark.bark__cinnamonbark__cinnamon  aromatic bark used as a spice
     subtype:  cassia_bark__Chinese_cinnamon  aromatic bark of the cassia-bark tree; less desirable as a spice than Ceylon cinnamon bark
     subtype:  cinnamon_bark  aromatic bark of Saigon cinnamon used medicinally as a carminative
     subtype:  magnolia.bark  dried bark of various magnolias; used in folk medicine
     subtype:  tanbark  bark rich in tannin; bruised and cut in pieces to use for tanning; spent tanbark used as a ground covering
     subtype:  mezereum  the dried bark of the shrub mezereon
     subtype:  canella_bark__canellabark__canella__white_cinnamon__whitecinnamon  highly aromatic inner bark of the Canella winterana used as a condiment and a tonic
     subtype:  cinchona_bark__Peruvian_bark__Jesuit's_bark  medicinal bark of cinchona trees; source of quinine and quinidine
     subtype:  cascarilla_bark__eleuthra_bark__sweetwood_bark__sweetwoodbark  aromatic bark of cascarilla; used as a tonic and for making incense
     subtype:  cascara_sagrada__cascarasagrada__cascara__chittam_bark__chittambark__chittem_bark__chittembark  dried bark of the cascara buckthorn used as a laxative
     subtype:  winter's_bark  aromatic bark having tonic and stimulant properties
     subtype:  tappa__tapa  thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus
     subtype:  angostura_bark__angosturabark__angostura  the bitter bark of a South American tree; used in medicines and liqueurs and bitters
     subtype:  cork  outer bark of the cork oak; used for stoppers for bottles etc.
     subtype:  phellem  (botany) outer tissue of bark; a protective layer of dead cells

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