#metatherian  primitive pouched mammals found mainly in Australia and the Americas
  supertype:  #mammal  any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair; young are born alive except for the small subclass of monotremes and nourished with milk
  subtype:  #marsupial__pouched_mammal__pouchedmammal  mammals of which the females have a pouch (the marsupium) containing the teats where the young are fed and carried
     subtype:  #opossum__possum  nocturnal arboreal marsupial having a naked prehensile tail found from southern North America to northern South America
        subtype:  #common_opossum__Didelphis_virginiana__Didelphis_marsupialis  omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States; noted for feigning death when in danger; esteemed as food in some areas; considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America
        subtype:  #crab-eating_opossum  South American opossum
     subtype:  #opossum_rat__opossumrat  terrestrial marsupials of southern South America that resemble shrews
     subtype:  #bandicoot  any of various agile rat-like terrestrial marsupials of Australia and adjacent islands; insectivorous and herbivorous
        subtype:  #rabbit-eared_bandicoot__rabbit_bandicoot__bilby__Macrotis_lagotis  bandicoot with leathery ears like a rabbit
     subtype:  #kangaroo  any of several herbivorous leaping marsupials of Australia and New Guinea having large powerful hind legs and a long thick tail
        subtype:  #giant_kangaroo__giantkangaroo__great_gray_kangaroo__Macropus_giganteus  very large grayish-brown Australian kangaroo formerly abundant in open wooded areas
        subtype:  #wallaby__brush_kangaroo__brushkangaroo  any of various small or medium-sized kangaroos often brightly colored
           subtype:  #common_wallaby__Macropus_agiles  height 30 inches
           subtype:  #hare_wallaby__kangaroo_hare  small Australian wallaby that resembles a hare and has persistent teeth
           subtype:  #nail-tailed_wallaby__nail-tailed_kangaroo  small wallabies with a horny nail on the tip of the tail
           subtype:  #rock_wallaby__rock_kangaroo  slender long-legged Australian wallabies living in caves and rocky areas
           subtype:  #pademelon__paddymelon  small reddish-brown wallabies of scrubby areas of Australia and New Guinea
           subtype:  #tree_wallaby__tree_kangaroo  arboreal wallabies of New Guinea and northern Australia having hind and forelegs of similar length
        subtype:  #musk_kangaroo__Hypsiprymnodon_moschatus  small kangaroo of northeastern Australia
        subtype:  #rat_kangaroo__ratkangaroo__kangaroo_rat  any of several rabbit-sized rat-like Australian kangaroos
           subtype:  #potoroo  Australian rat kangaroos
           subtype:  #bettong  short-nosed rat kangaroo
           subtype:  #jerboa_kangaroo__kangaroo_jerboa  brush-tailed rat kangaroo
     subtype:  #phalanger__opossum__possum  small furry Australian arboreal marsupials having long usually prehensile tails
        subtype:  #cuscus  woolly-haired monkey-like arboreal marsupial of New Guinea and North Australia
        subtype:  #brush-tailed_phalanger__Trichosurus_vulpecula  bushy-tailed phalanger
        subtype:  #flying_phalanger__flying_opossum__flying_squirrel  nocturnal phalangers that move with gliding leaps using parachute-like folds of skin along the sides of the body
           subtype:  #flying_mouse  tiny flying phalanger
        subtype:  #koala_bear__koalabear__koala__kangaroo_bear__native_bear__Phascolarctos_cinereus  sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with gray furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
     subtype:  #wombat  burrowing herbivorous Australian marsupials about the size of a badger
     subtype:  #dasyurid_marsupial__dasyurid  small carnivorous nocturnal marsupials of Australia and Tasmania
        subtype:  #dasyure  any of several more or less arboreal marsupials somewhat resembling martens
           subtype:  #eastern_dasyure__Dasyurus_quoll  a variety of dasyure
           subtype:  #native_cat__Dasyurus_viverrinus  carnivorous arboreal catlike marsupials of Australia and Tasmania
        subtype:  #thylacine__Tasmanian_wolf__Tasmanian_tiger__Thylacinus_cynocephalus  rare doglike carnivorous marsupial of Tasmania having stripes on its back; probably extinct
        subtype:  #Tasmanian_devil__ursine_dasyure__Sarcophilus_hariisi  small ferocious carnivorous marsupial having a mostly black coat and long tail
        subtype:  #pouched_mouse__pouchedmouse__marsupial_mouse__marsupialmouse__marsupial_rat__marsupialrat  any of numerous small sharp-nosed insectivorous marsupials superficially resembling mice or rats
        subtype:  #numbat__banded_anteater__anteater__Myrmecobius_fasciatus  small Australian marsupial having long snout and strong claws for feeding on termites; nearly extinct
     subtype:  #pouched_mole__pouchedmole__marsupialmole__Notoryctus_typhlops  small burrowing Australian marsupial that resembles a mole

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