#merchant__merchandiser  a businessperson engaged in retail trade
  supertype:  #businessperson__bourgeois__bourgeoi  engages in industrial commercial enterprise
  instance:  #Charles_Henry_Harrod  #Charles_Digby_Harrod
  subtype:  #baker  someone who bakes commercially
  subtype:  #bookdealer__book_seller  a dealer in books; a merchant who sells books
  subtype:  #meatman__butcher  a retailer of meat
     subtype:  #pork_butcher  (British) a vendor of pork and products made from pork
  subtype:  #clothier__haberdasher  a merchant who sells men's clothing
  subtype:  #fishmonger__fishwife  someone who sells fish
  subtype:  #grain_merchant__grainmerchant  a merchant who deals in food grains
  subtype:  #grocer  a retail merchant who sells foodstuffs (and some household supplies)
     subtype:  #greengrocer  (British) a grocer who sells fresh fruits and vegetables
  subtype:  #ironmonger__hardwareman  someone who sells hardware; "in England they call a hardwareman an ironmonger"
  subtype:  #jeweler__jeweller  someone in the business of selling jewelry
  subtype:  #milliner  a merchant who designs and sells hats
  subtype:  #poultryman__poulterer  a dealer in poultry and poultry products
  subtype:  #retailer__retail_merchant  a merchant who sells goods at retail
     subtype:  #chandler.retailer  a retail dealer in provisions and supplies
        subtype:  #ship's_chandler  a dealer in sails and ropes and other supplies for sailing ships
     subtype:  #licensee__licencee  someone to who a license is granted
  subtype:  #rug_merchant__rugmerchant  a merchant who sells rugs
  subtype:  #salt_merchant__salter  someone who makes or deals in salt
  subtype:  #schlockmeister__shlockmeister  (slang) a merchant who deals in shoddy or inferior merchandise
  subtype:  #seller__marketer__vender__vendor__trafficker  someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money
     subtype:  #ticket_agent__booking_clerk  someone who sells tickets (e.g., theater seats or travel accommodations)
     subtype:  #cosmetician  someone who sells or applies cosmetics
     subtype:  #flower_girl.seller__flowergirl  a woman who sells flowers in the street
     subtype:  #fruiterer  (British) a person who sells fruit
     subtype:  #cheap-jack__cheapjack__huckster  a seller of shoddy goods
        subtype:  #costermonger__barrow-man__barrow-boy  a hawker of fruit and vegetables from a barrow
     subtype:  #pedlar__peddler__packman__hawker__pitchman  someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)
        subtype:  #chapman  archaic term for an itinerant peddler
        subtype:  #muffin_man  (British) formerly an itinerant peddler of muffins
        subtype:  #sandboy  (British) a peddler of sand at a seashore resort; used now only to express great happiness in the expression "happy as a sandboy"
     subtype:  #selling_agent__sellingagent  someone who sells goods (on commission) for others
     subtype:  #trafficker__dealer  a seller of illicit goods; "a trafficker in stolen cars"
        subtype:  #drug_peddler__pusher__peddler__drug_dealer__drug_trafficker  an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
     subtype:  #underseller  a seller that sells at a lower price than others do; "he went all over town looking for undersellers"
  subtype:  #shopkeeper__tradesman__storekeeper__market_keeper  a merchant who owns or manages a shop
     subtype:  #dry_cleaner__drycleaner__cleaner  the operator of dry-cleaning establishment
     subtype:  #florist  someone who grows and deals in flowers; "the florist made up an attractive bouquet"
     subtype:  #hosier  a tradesman who sells hosiery (and (in England) knitwear)
     subtype:  #newsagent__newsdealer__newsvendor__newsstand_operator__newsstandoperator  someone who sells newspapers
     subtype:  #tobacconist  a retail dealer in tobacco and tobacco-related articles
  subtype:  #stationer__stationeryseller  a merchant who sells writing materials and office supplies
  subtype:  #trader__bargainer__dealer__monger  someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold
     subtype:  #art_dealer__artdealer  a dealer in works of art requiring esthetic evaluation
        subtype:  #print_seller__printseller  someone who sells etchings and engravings etc.
     subtype:  #barterer  a trader who exchanges goods and not money
     subtype:  #bibliopole__bibliopolist  a dealer in secondhand books (especially rare or curious books)
     subtype:  #cutler  a dealer in cutlery
     subtype:  #draper  a dealer in fabrics and sewing materials (and sometimes in clothing and drygoods)
        subtype:  #linendraper  (British) a retail dealer in yard goods
     subtype:  #fence  (informal) a dealer in stolen property
     subtype:  #horse_trader__horsetrader  a hard bargainer
     subtype:  #mercer  (British) a dealer in textiles (especially silks)
     subtype:  #seedsman__seedman  a dealer in seeds
     subtype:  #slopseller  (British) a dealer in cheap ready-made clothing
     subtype:  #stamp_dealer__stampdealer  a dealer in stamps (whose customers are stamp collectors)
     subtype:  #stock_trader__stocktrader  someone who buys and sells stock shares
        subtype:  #profit_taker  someone who sells stock shares at a profit
        subtype:  #stockjobber  (British) one who deals only with brokers or other jobbers
  subtype:  #merchant-venturer__venturer  a merchant who undertakes a trading venture (especially a venture that sends goods overseas)
  subtype:  #vintner__wine_merchant  someone who sells wine

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