#liking  a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment; "I've always had a liking for reading"; "she developed a liking for gin"
  exclusion:  #dislike
  supertype:  #feeling  the state of experiencing affective and emotional states; "he had a feeling of euphoria"
  subtype:  #fondness__fancy__partiality  a predisposition to like something; "he had a fondness for whiskey"
  subtype:  #enthrallment__captivation__fascination  a feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual
  subtype:  #penchant__preference__predilection__taste  a strong liking; "my own preference is for good literature"; "the Irish have a penchant for blarney"
     subtype:  #acquired_taste  a preference that is only acquired after considerable experience; "martinis are an acquired taste"
     subtype:  #weakness.penchant  a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you; "he has a weakness for chocolate"
  subtype:  #mysophilia  abnormal attraction to filth
  subtype:  #inclination  that toward which you are inclined to feel a liking; "her inclination is for classical music"
     subtype:  #propensity__leaning__tendency  an inclination to do something; "he felt leanings toward frivolity"
     subtype:  #undertow  an inclination contrary to the strongest or prevailing feeling; "his account had a poignant undertow of regret"
  subtype:  #friendliness.liking  a feeling of liking for another person; enjoyment in their company
     subtype:  #amicableness__amicability  a disinclination to quarrel
     subtype:  #goodwill__good_will  the friendly hope that something will succeed
     subtype:  #brotherhood  the feeling that men should treat one another like brothers
  subtype:  #approval  a feeling of liking something or someone good; "although she fussed at them, she secretly viewed all her children with approval"
     subtype:  #favour__favor  a feeling of favorable regard
     subtype:  #approbation.approval  official approval
  subtype:  #admiration.liking__esteem  a feeling of delighted approval and liking
     subtype:  #Anglophilia  exaggerated admiration for England and English customs
     subtype:  #hero_worship  admiration for great men (or their memory)

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