#imaginativeness__imaginativenes__vision  the power of imagination; "popular imagination created a world of demons"
  supertype:  #creativity__creativeness  the ability to create
  subtype:  #fancy  fancy was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than imagination
  subtype:  #fantasy  imagination unrestricted by reality; "a schoolgirl fantasy"
     subtype:  #pipe_dream__dream  a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe); "I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe"
     subtype:  #fantasy_life__fantasylife__phantasy_life  an imaginary life lived in a fantasy world
     subtype:  #fantasy_world__fantasyworld__phantasy_world__fairyland  a place existing solely in the imagination (but often mistaken for reality)
  subtype:  #dreaming__dream  imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; "he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality"
     subtype:  #daydream__reverie__revery__daydreaming__oneirism__air_castle__aircastle__castle_in_the_air__castle_in_Spain  absent-minded dreaming while awake
     subtype:  #woolgathering  an idle indulgence in fantasy

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