#functionary__official  a worker who holds or is invested with an office
  supertype:  skilled_worker__skilledworker__trained_worker__trainedworker  a worker who has acquired special skills
  subtype:  appointee  an official who is appointed
     subtype:  placeman__placeseeker  (British) a disparaging term for an appointee
  subtype:  bailiff  an officer of the court who is employed to execute writs and processes and make arrests etc.
  subtype:  beadle  a minor parish official who serves as an usher and preserves order at services
  subtype:  bureaucrat__administrative_official  an official of a bureaucracy
     subtype:  procurator  (ancient Rome) someone employed by the Roman emperor to manage finance and taxes
     subtype:  tax_assessor__taxassessor  an official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing it
        subtype:  lister  assessor who makes out the tax lists
     subtype:  tax_collector__taxcollector__taxman__exciseman__collector_of_internal_revenue__internal_revenue_agent  someone who collects taxes for the government
     subtype:  taxer  a bureaucrat who levies taxes
  subtype:  caretaker.functionary  an official who performs the duties of an office temporarily; "he acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected"
  subtype:  censor  a person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable
  subtype:  census_taker__enumerator  someone who collects census data by visiting individual homes
  subtype:  church_officer  a church official
     subtype:  churchwarden  an officer in the Episcopal church who helps a parish priest with secular matters
     subtype:  Protestant_deacon__deacon  a Protestant layman who assists the minister
        subtype:  deaconess__deacones  a woman deacon
     subtype:  elder  any of various church officers
        subtype:  presbyter  an elder in the Presbyterian Church
     subtype:  sexton__sacristan  an officer of the church who is in charge of sacred objects
     subtype:  verger  a church officer who takes care of the interior of the building and acts as an attendant (carries the verge) during ceremonies
     subtype:  vestryman  a man who is a member of a church vestry
     subtype:  vestrywoman  a woman who is a member of a church vestry
  subtype:  city_father  an important municipal official
  subtype:  civil_servant__civilservant  a public official who is a member of the civil service
  subtype:  political_commissar__politicalcommissar__commissar  an official of the Communist Party who was assigned to teach party principles to a military unit
  subtype:  Comptroller_General  a United States federal official who supervises expenditures and settles claims against the government
  subtype:  Comptroller_of_the_Currency.functionary__comptrollerofthecurrency  a United States federal official who regulates the national banks
  subtype:  diplomatist  an official engaged in international negotiations
     subtype:  embassador__ambassador  a diplomat of the highest rank; accredited as representative from one country to another
        subtype:  ambassadress  a woman ambassador
        instance:  Andrei_Andreyevich_Gromyko__Gromyko__gromyko__Andrei_Gromyko
     subtype:  charge_d'affaires  the official temporarily in charge of a diplomatic mission in the absence of the ambassador
     subtype:  consul  a diplomat appointed by a government to protect its commercial interests and help its citizens in a foreign country
     subtype:  envoy_extraordinary__envoyextraordinary__envoy__minister_plenipotentiary  a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador
     subtype:  high_commissioner  a senior diplomat from one country to another who is assigned ambassadorial rank
     subtype:  internuncio  (Roman Catholic) a diplomatic representative of the Pope ranking below a nuncio
     subtype:  diplomatic_minister__minister  a diplomat representing one government to another; ranks below ambassador
     subtype:  nuncio  (Roman Catholic) a diplomatic representative of the Pope having ambassadorial status
     subtype:  persona_grata__personagrata  a diplomat who is acceptable to the government to which he is sent
     subtype:  persona_non_grata  a diplomat who is unacceptable to the government to which he is sent
     subtype:  plenipotentiary  a diplomat who is fully authorized to represent his or her government
     instance:  Ralph_Johnson_Bunche__Bunche__Ralph_Bunche  John_Foster_Dulles__Dulles  John_Kenneth_Galbraith__Galbraith__John_Galbraith  Edmund_Charles_Edouard_Genet__Genet__Citizen_Genet  Dag_Hjalmar_Agne_Carl_Hammarskjold__Hammarskjold__Dag_Hammarskjold  William_Averell_Harriman__Harriman__Averell_Harriman  Townsend_Harris__Harris  Cordell_Hull__Hull  John_Jay__Jay  Henry_Alfred_Kissinger__Kissinger__Henry_Kissinger  Le_Duc_Tho  Vicomte_Ferdinand_Marie_de_Lesseps__Lesseps__Ferdinand_de_Lesseps  Trygve_Halvden_Lie__Lie__Trygve_Lie  Sir_Harold_George_Nicolson__Nicolson__Harold_Nicolson  Thomas_Nelson_Page__Page  Anna_Eleanor_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Eleanor_Roosevelt  Adlai_Ewing_Stevenson__Stevenson__Adlai_Stevenson  Kurt_Waldheim__Waldheim
  subtype:  elected_official__electedofficial  official who won the office in a free election
     subtype:  lame_duck  an elected official still in office but not slated to continue
     subtype:  lieutenant_governor  an elected official serving as deputy to the governor of a state of the US
     subtype:  selectman  an elected member of a board of officials who run New England towns
     subtype:  selectwoman  an elected member of a board of officials who run New England towns
  subtype:  equerry.functionary  an official charged with the care of the horses of princes or nobles
  subtype:  fire_marshall  an official who is responsible for the prevention and investigation of fires
  subtype:  fire_warden__forest_fire_fighter__ranger  an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forest
  subtype:  hearing_examiner__hearingexaminer__hearing_officer__hearingofficer  an official appointed by a government agency to conduct an investigation or administrative hearing so that the agency can exercise its statutory powers
  subtype:  holdover__hangover  an official who remains in office after his term
  subtype:  incumbent__officeholder  the official who holds an office
     subtype:  office-bearer  (British) the person who holds an office
  subtype:  Inquisitor  an official of the ecclesiastical court of the Inquisition
     subtype:  Grand_Inquisitor  director of the court of Inquisition (especially in Spain and Portugal)
        instance:  Francisco_Jimenez_de_Cisneros__Jimenez_de_Cisneros  Tomas_de_Torquemada__Torquemada
  subtype:  invalidator__voider__nullifier  an official who can invalidate or nullify; "my bank check was voided and I wanted to know who the invalidator was"
  subtype:  judge__justice__jurist__magistrate  a public official authorized to decide questions bought before a court of justice
     subtype:  chief_justice__chiefjustice  the judge who presides over a supreme court
        instance:  John_Marshall__Marshall  Roger_Brooke_Taney__Taney__Roger_Taney
     subtype:  Daniel  a wise and upright judge; "a Daniel come to judgment" -- Shakespeare
     subtype:  doge  formerly the chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa
     subtype:  justice_of_the_peace  a local magistrate with limited powers
     subtype:  justiciar__justiciary  (British) formerly a high judicial officer
     subtype:  ordinary.judge  a judge of a probate court
     subtype:  praetor__pretor  an annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic
     subtype:  recorder  (British) a barrister or solicitor who serves as part-time judge in towns or boroughs
     subtype:  stipendiary_magistrate__stipendiarymagistrate__stipendiary  (British) paid magistrate (appointed by the Home Secretary) dealing with police cases
     subtype:  trial_judge__trialjudge  a judge in a trial court
     subtype:  trier  one (as a judge) who examines and settles a case
     instance:  Samson
  subtype:  licenser  a official who can issue a license or give authoritative permission (especially one who licenses publications)
  subtype:  macebearer__mace__macer  an official who carries a mace of office
  subtype:  mandarin.functionary  any high government official or bureaucrat
  subtype:  notary_public__notary  someone legally empowered to witness signatures and certify a document's validity and to take depositions
  subtype:  noticer  someone who give formal notice
  subtype:  officeholder__officer  someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust; "he is an officer of the court"; "the club elected its officers for the coming year"
     subtype:  probation_officer__probationofficer  the officer of the court who supervises probationers
     subtype:  sergeant_at_arms__serjeant-at-arms  an officer (as of a legislature or court) who maintains order and executes commands
  subtype:  federal_agent__federalagent__agent  any agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau
     subtype:  Indian_agent  a representative of the federal government to American Indian tribes (especially on Indian reservations)
     subtype:  Federal__Fed__federal_official__federalofficial  any federal law-enforcement officer
     subtype:  trustbuster  a federal agent who engages in trust busting
  subtype:  postmaster_general  the official in charge of the national postal service
  subtype:  proconsul.functionary  an official in a modern colony who has considerable administrative power
  subtype:  quaestor  any of several public officials of ancient Rome (usually in charge of finance and administration)
  subtype:  recruiter  an official who enlists personnel for military service
     subtype:  recruiting-sergeant  a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits
  subtype:  record-keeper__registrar__recorder  someone responsible for keeping records
  subtype:  regulator.functionary  a official responsible for control and supervision of a particular activity or area of public interest
  subtype:  sealer  an official who affixes a seal to a document
  subtype:  searcher  a customs official whose job is to search baggage or goods or vehicles for contraband or dutiable items
  subtype:  teller__vote_counter  an official appointed to count the votes (especially in legislative assembly)
     subtype:  convasser  a person who takes or counts votes
  subtype:  town_clerk  the official who keeps a town's records
  subtype:  doorkeeper__usher  an official doorkeeper as in a courtroom or legislative chamber
  subtype:  vizier  a high official in a Moslem government (especially in the Ottoman Empire)
  subtype:  weigher  an official who weighs and records the weight

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