#family_Viscaceae__Viscaceae__mistletoe_family__mistletoefamily  in some classifications considered a subfamily of Loranthaceae
  supertype:  #dilleniid_dicot_family__dilleniiddicotfamily  family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs
  member of:  #order_Santalales
  member:  #genus_Viscum__Viscum  type genus of the Viscaceae: Old World evergreen shrubs parasitic on many trees including oaks but especially apple trees, poplars, aspens and cottonwoods
     member:  #Old_World_mistletoe__mistletoe__Viscum_album  Old World parasitic shrub having branching greenish stems with leathery leaves and waxy white glutinous berries; the traditional mistletoe of Christmas
  member:  #genus_Phoradendron__Phoradendron  any of various American parasitic plants similar to Old World mistletoe: false mistletoe
     member:  #false_mistletoe__falsemistletoe__mistletoe  American plants closely resembling Old World mistletoe

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