#family_Microhylidae__Microhylidae__Brevicipitidae__family_Brevicipitidae  narrow-mouthed toads and sheep frogs; some burrow and some are arboreal; found worldwide
  supertype:  #amphibian_family__amphibianfamily  any family of amphibians
  member of:  #order_Salientia
  member:  #genus_Gastrophryne__Gastrophryne  primarily tropical narrow-mouthed toads
     member:  #western_narrow-mouthed_toad__Gastrophryne_olivacea  small secretive toad with smooth tough skin of central and western North America
     member:  #eastern_narrow-mouthed_toad__Gastrophryne_carolinensis  small toad of southeastern United States
  member:  #genus_Hypopachus__Hypopachus  sheep frogs
     member:  #sheep_frog__sheepfrog  mostly of Central America

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