#electronic_equipment  equipment that involves the controlled conduction of electrons (especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor)
  supertype:  #equipment  an instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service
  part:  #electrical_circuit  #electrode
  subtype:  #amplifier  electronic equipment that increases strength of signals passing through it
     subtype:  #audio_amplifier__audioamplifier  an amplifier that increases the amplitude of reproduced sound
     subtype:  #boosters__booster_amplifier__boosteramplifier__booster_stations__relay_links__relaylink__relay_stations__relay_transmitters  an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal
     subtype:  #maser  Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation; amplifier that works on same principle as a laser and emits coherent microwave radiation
        subtype:  #gas_maser__gasmaser  a maser in which microwave radiation interacts with gas molecules
  subtype:  #audio_system__audiosystem__sound_system__soundsystem  a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound
     subtype:  #recording_system__recordingsystem  audio system for recoding sound
     subtype:  #reproducer  an audio system that can reproduce and amplify signals to produce sound
        subtype:  #hi-fi__high_fidelity_sound_system  equipment for the reproduction of sound with high fidelity
        subtype:  #stereo_system__stereo__stereophonic_system  reproducer in which two microphones feed two or more loudspeakers to give a three-dimensional effect to the sound
           subtype:  #ghetto_blaster  (informal) a portable stereo
           subtype:  #quadraphony__quadraphonic_system__quadriphonic_system  a stereophonic sound recording or reproducing system system using four separate channels
  subtype:  #cassette_player  electronic equipment for playing cassettes
  subtype:  #CD_player  a stand-alone piece of electronic equipment that either has its own display or attaches to a television set
  subtype:  #CPU__central_processing_unit__C.P.U.__central_processor__centralprocessor__processor__mainframe  (computer science) the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing; the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached
  subtype:  #circuitry  electronic equipment consisting of a system of circuits
  subtype:  #detector  electronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity
     subtype:  #crystal_detector__crystaldetector  a detector consisting of a fine wire in contact with a galena crystal; acts as a rectifier
     subtype:  #electronic_scanner__scanner  an electronic detector that scans automatically for some signal or condition; "they used scanners to monitor police radio channels"
  subtype:  #equaliser__equalizer  electronic equipment that reduces frequency distortion
  subtype:  #electron_lens__lens  electronic equipment that uses a magnetic or electric field in order to focus a beam of electrons
  subtype:  #mixer.electronic_equipment  electronic equipment that mixes two or more input signals to give a single output signal
  subtype:  #modem  (from a combination of MOdulate and DEModulate) electronic equipment consisting of a device used to connect computers by a telephone line
     subtype:  #acoustic_modem  a modem that converts electrical signals to telephone tones and back again
  subtype:  #monitor  a piece of electronic equipment that keeps track of the operation of a system continuously and warns of trouble
     subtype:  #cardiac_monitor__cardiacmonitor__heart_monitor__heartmonitor  a piece of electronic equipment for continual observation of the function of the heart
     subtype:  #electronic_fetal_monitor__electronic_foetal_monitor__fetal_monitor__fetalmonitor__foetal_monitor  an electronic monitor that monitors fetal heartbeat and the mother's uterine contractions during childbirth
  subtype:  #monitor.electronic_equipment  electronic equipment that is used to check the quality or content of electronic transmissions
     subtype:  #television_monitor__tv_monitor  monitor used in a studio for monitoring the program being broadcast
  subtype:  #off-line_equipment__auxiliary_equipment__auxiliaryequipment  electronic equipment not in direct communication (or under the control of) the central processing unit
  subtype:  #cathode-ray_oscilloscope__cathoderayoscilloscope__oscilloscope__scope__CRO  electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities
  subtype:  #computer_peripheral__peripheral__peripheral_device  (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer; "disk drives and printers are important peripherals"
     subtype:  #printer  (computer science) an output device that prints the results of data processing
        subtype:  #dot_matrix_printer__matrix_printer__dot_printer__dotprinter  a printer that represents each character as a pattern of dots from a dot matrix
           subtype:  #ink-jet_printer  a printer that produces characters by projecting electrically charged droplets of ink
              subtype:  #bubblejet_printer__bubblejetprinter__bubblejet  a kind of ink-jet printer
           subtype:  #wire_matrix_printer__wire_printer__stylus_printer  an impact printer in which each character is represented by a pattern of dots made by wires or styli
  subtype:  #playback.electronic_equipment  electronic equipment comprising the part of a tape recorder that reproduces the recorded material
  subtype:  #radio-phonograph__radiophonograph__radio-gramophone__radiogramophone  electronic equipment consisting of a combination of a radio receiver and a record player
  subtype:  #scrambler  electronic equipment that makes speech unintelligible during transmission and restores it at reception
  subtype:  #set.electronic_equipment  any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals; "the early sets ran on storage batteries"
     subtype:  #receiver__receiving_system__receivingsystem  set that receives radio or tv signals
        subtype:  #direction_finder__directionfinder  radio; determines the direction of incoming radio waves
           subtype:  #goniometer  direction finder that determines the angular direction of incoming radio signals
           subtype:  #radio_compass__radiocompas  a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signals
        subtype:  #radio_receiver__radioreceiver__receiving_set__receivingset__radio_set__radioset__radio__tuner__wireless  an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals
           subtype:  #clock_radio__clockradio  a radio that includes a clock that can be set to turn it on automatically
           subtype:  #crystal_set__crystalset  an early radio receiver using a crystal detector
           subtype:  #heterodyne_receiver__superheterodyne_receiver__superheterodynereceiver__superhet  a radio receiver that combines a locally generated frequency with the carrier frequency to produce a supersonic signal that is demodulated and amplified
           subtype:  #push-button_radio  a radio receiver that can be tuned by pressing buttons
        subtype:  #satellite_receiver__satellitereceiver  a receiver on a communications satellite
        subtype:  #television_receiver__television__television_set__tv__tv_set__idiot_box__idiotbox__boob_tube__telly__gogglebox  a receiver that displays television images; "the British call a tv set a telly"
     subtype:  #transmitter__sender  set used to broadcast radio or tv signals
        subtype:  #jammer  a transmitter used to broadcast electronic jamming
        subtype:  #radio_transmitter__radiotransmitter  transmitter that is the part of a radio system that transmits signals
           subtype:  #spark_transmitter__sparktransmitter  an early radio transmitter using a discharge across a spark gap as the source of its power
        subtype:  #satellite_transmitter__satellitetransmitter  a transmitter on a communications satellite
        subtype:  #television_transmitter  transmitter that is part of a television system
  subtype:  #tape_deck  electronic equipment for making or playing magnetic tapes (but without amplifiers or speakers); a component in an audio system
     subtype:  #cassette_deck  a tape deck for playing and recording cassette tapes
  subtype:  #tape_player  electronic equipment for playing back magnetic tapes
  subtype:  #telephone_set__telephoneset__telephone  electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds; "I talked to him on the telephone"
     subtype:  #desk_phone  a telephone set that sits on a desk or table
     subtype:  #dial_telephone__dial_phone  a telephone with a dial for registering the number to be called
     subtype:  #extension.telephone_set  an additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line
     subtype:  #handset__French_telephone  telephone set with the mouthpiece and earpiece mounted on a single handle
     subtype:  #pay-phone__payphone__pay-station__paystation  a coin-operated telephone
     subtype:  #radiophone__radiotelephone__wireless_telephone  a telephone that communicates by radio waves rather than along cables
        subtype:  #cellular_telephone__cellular_phone  a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections (cells), each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver
     subtype:  #telephone_extension__telephoneextension  an additional telephone operating on the same line
  subtype:  #television_equipment__video_equipment__videoequipment  electronic equipment that broadcasts or receives electromagnetic waves representing images and sound
     subtype:  #television_camera__tv_camera__camera  television equipment consisting of a lens system that focuses an image on a photosensitive mosaic that is scanned by an electron beam
        subtype:  #camcorder  a portable television camera and videocassette recorder
  subtype:  #terminal  electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and display
     subtype:  #job-oriented_terminal  a terminal designed for a particular application
     subtype:  #remote_terminal__link-attached_terminal__remote_station__link-attached_station  a terminal connected to a computer by a data link

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