#egotist__egoist__swellhead  a conceited and self-centered person
  supertype:  #unpleasant_person__disagreeable_person  a person who is not pleasant or agreeable
  subtype:  #bragger__braggart__boaster__blowhard__line-shooter__vaunter  a very boastful and talkative person
  subtype:  #egomaniac  an abnormally egotistical person
  subtype:  #show-off__exhibitionist  someone who deliberately behaves in such a way as to attract attention
     subtype:  #hotdog__hot_dog__hotdog  someone who performs dangerous stunts to attract attention to himself
     subtype:  #poseur__poser  a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not
        subtype:  #poseuse  a woman poseur
  subtype:  #know-it-all__know-all  (informal) someone who thinks he knows everything and refuses to accept advice or information from others
  subtype:  #megalomaniac  a pathological egotist
  subtype:  #miles_gloriosus__milesgloriosu  a braggart soldier (a stock figure in comedy)
  subtype:  #popinjay.egotist  a vain and talkative person (chatters like a parrot)

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