#computer_code__code  (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions
  supertype:  causal_entity (pm)  process_or_process_description (pm)  coding_system
  instance:  ASCII
  subtype:  computer_address__address__addres  (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored
     subtype:  URL__uniform_resource_locator__universal_resource_locator  the address of a web page on the world wide web
  subtype:  binary_code  code using a string of 8 binary digits to represent characters
  subtype:  error_correction_code__ECC  (computer science) a coding system that incorporates extra parity bits in order to detect errors
     subtype:  cyclic_redundancy_check  an error correction code that is recorded in each sector of a magnetic disk and used to catch errors in the data
  subtype:  firmware  (computer science) coded instructions that are stored permanently in read-only memory
  subtype:  machine_code__machinecode__machine_language__machinelanguage  a set of instructions coded so that the computer can use it directly without further translation
  subtype:  object_code  the machine-language output of a compiler that is ready for execution on a particular computer
  subtype:  operation_code__operationcode__order_code__ordercode  the portion of a set of operation descriptions that specifies the operation to be performed; the set of operations in a computer
  subtype:  software__software_system__software_package__package  (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory; "the market for software is expected to expand"
     subtype:  alpha_software__alphasoftware  a first release of a software product that is usually tested only by the developers
     subtype:  authoring_language__authoringlanguage  software that can be used to develop interactive computer programs without the technically demanding task of computer programming
     subtype:  beta_software  pre-release software that has received an alpha test but still has more bugs than a regular release; "beta software is usually available only to particular users who will test it"
     subtype:  compatible_software  software that can run on different computers without modification
     subtype:  compatible_software.software__compatiblesoftware  application software programs that share common conventions so they can be utilized together
     subtype:  computer-aided_design__CAD  software used in art and architecture and engineering and manufacturing to assist in precision drawing
     subtype:  freeware  software that is provided without charge
     subtype:  groupware  software that can be used by a group of people who are working on the same information but may be distributed in space
     subtype:  operating_system__operatingsystem__OS  (computer science) software that controls the execution of computer programs and may provide various services
        subtype:  DOS__disk_operating_system  an operating system that is on a disk
           subtype:  MS-DOS__Microsoft_disk_operating_system  an operating system developed by Bill Gates for personal computers
        subtype:  UNIX__UNIX_operating_system__UNIX_system  a powerful operating system developed at the Bell Telephone Laboratories
     subtype:  computer_program__program__programme__computer_programme  (computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; "the program required several hundred lines of code"
        subtype:  application_program__applicationprogram__application__applications_programme  a program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task; "he has tried several different word processing applications"
           subtype:  active_application  an application that is currently running and in the foreground
           subtype:  applet  a Java application; an application program that uses the client's web browser to provide a user interface
           subtype:  web_browser__webbrowser__browser  a program used to view HTML documents
              subtype:  Mosaic  a freeware browser
              subtype:  Netscape  a commercial browser
           subtype:  natural_language_processor__natural_language_processing_application  an application program that deals with natural language text
              subtype:  disambiguator  (computer science) a natural language processing application that tries to determine the intended meaning of a word or phrase by examining the linguistic context in which it is used
           subtype:  job.application_program  (computer science) a program application that may consist of several steps but is a single logical unit
           subtype:  word_processor__word_processing_system  an application that provides the user with tools needed to write and edit and format text and to send it to a printer
           subtype:  editor_program__editor  (computer science) a program designed to perform such editorial functions as rearrangement or modification or deletion of data
              subtype:  linkage_editor__linkageeditor  an editor program that creates one module from several by resolving cross-references among the modules
              subtype:  text_editor  (computer science) an application that can be used to create and view and edit text files
                 subtype:  Emacs_text_editor
              subtype:  graph_editor__grapheditor__graph_graphical-editor__graphgraphicaleditor
                 subtype:  hierarchy_editor__hierarchyeditor  a graph editor tailored to ease the display and edition of hierarchies
                    subtype:  taxonomy_graphical_editor
                 subtype:  hyperbolic_graph_editor
                 subtype:  knowledge_graphical_editor__knowledgegraphicaleditor
                    subtype:  taxonomy_graphical_editor
                    subtype:  CG_graphical_editor
                       subtype:  Charger
                    subtype:  FCA_structure_graphical_editor  graphic editor of FCA objects
        subtype:  loop.computer_program  a computer program that performs a series of instructions repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied
        subtype:  patch.computer_program  a short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program
        subtype:  assembler__assembly_program  a program to convert assembly language into machine language
        subtype:  checking_program  a program that examines other computer programs for syntax errors
        subtype:  compiler__compiling_program__compilingprogram  (computer science) a program that decodes instructions written in a higher order language and produces an assembly language program
           subtype:  C_compiler  a compiler for programs written in C
           subtype:  Fortran_compiler  a compiler for programs written in Fortran
           subtype:  LISP_compiler  a compiler for programs written in LISP
           subtype:  Pascal_compiler  a compiler for programs written in Pascal
        subtype:  debugger  a program that helps in locating and correcting programming errors
        subtype:  user_interface__interface  (computer science) a program that controls a display for the user (usually on a computer monitor) and that allows the user to interact with the system
           subtype:  command_line_interface__CLI  a user interface in which you type commands instead of choosing them from a menu or selecting an icon
           subtype:  graphical_user_interface__GUI  a user interface based on graphics (icons and pictures and menus) instead of text; uses a mouse as well as a keyboard as an input device
              subtype:  2D_user_interface
              subtype:  3D_user_interface
              subtype:  HTML_based_interface
              subtype:  graph_visualization_interface__graphvisualizationinterface
                 subtype:  display-only_graph_viewer
                 subtype:  graph_editor__grapheditor__graph_graphical-editor__graphgraphicaleditor
           subtype:  user_interface
              subtype:  non-graphical_user_interface
                 subtype:  procedure_call_interface
                    subtype:  network-accessible_procedure_call_interface
                       subtype:  RPC_interface__Remote_Procedure_Call_interface__remoteprocedurecallinterface
                    subtype:  API__application_programming_interface__applicationprogramminginterface
                 subtype:  command_based_interface__commandbasedinterface
                    subtype:  network-accessible_command_based_interface
                       subtype:  OKBC_interface
                       subtype:  CGI-accessible_command_based_interface
                    subtype:  direct_command_based_interface__shell
                       subtype:  sh
                       subtype:  ksh
                       subtype:  csh
              subtype:  graphical_user_interface
              subtype:  network-accessible_interface
                 subtype:  Web_based_interface
                    subtype:  HTML_based_interface
                    subtype:  CGI_based_interface
                 subtype:  network-accessible_procedure_call_interface
                 subtype:  network-accessible_command_based_interface
        subtype:  interpretive_program__interpreter  (computer science) a program that translates and executes source language statements one line at a time
        subtype:  job_control__jobcontrol  a program that is called to prepare each job to be run
        subtype:  library_program__libraryprogram  a program in a program library
        subtype:  monitor_program__monitoring_program  a program that observes and regulates and controls or verifies the operations of a data-processing system
        subtype:  object_program__target_program  a fully compiled or assembled program ready to be loaded into the computer
        subtype:  source_program  a program written in a language from which statements are translated into machine language
        subtype:  relocatable_program__relocatableprogram  a program that can be located in different parts of memory at different times
        subtype:  reusable_program  a program that can be loaded once and executed repeatedly
        subtype:  search_engine  a computer program that retrieves documents or files or data from a database or from a computer network (especially from the internet)
        subtype:  self-adapting_program  a program that can change its performance in response to its environment
        subtype:  spreadsheet  a screen-oriented interactive program enabling a user to lay out financial data on the screen
        subtype:  supervisory_program__supervisoryprogram__supervisor__executive_program__executiveprogram  a program that controls the execution of other programs
        subtype:  syntax_checker  a program to check natural language syntax
        subtype:  system_program__systems_program__systemsprogram__systems_software__systemssoftware  a program (as an operating system or compiler or utility program) that controls some aspect of the operation of a computer
        subtype:  translating_program__translatingprogram__translator  a program that translates one programming language into another
        subtype:  utility_program__utilityprogram__utility__service_program__serviceprogram  (computer science) a program designed for general support of the processes of a computer; "a computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users"
           subtype:  device_driver__driver  (computer science) a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device
           subtype:  diagnostic_program  a program that recognizes and explains faults in the equipment or mistakes in a computer program
           subtype:  input_program__inputprogram  a utility program that organizes the input to a computer
           subtype:  output_program  a utility program that organizes the output of a computer
           subtype:  sort_program__sorting_program__sortingprogram  a utility program that sorts data items
           subtype:  trace_program__traceprogram  a utility program that exhibits the sequence and results of executing the instructions in another program
              subtype:  snapshot_program  a trace program that produces output for selected conditions
        subtype:  script  program witten with an interpreted language
           subtype:  class_script__classscript  script associated to a class
           subtype:  object_script  script associated to a class instance (that is not a class itself
           subtype:  global_script  script that is not associated to an object or a class
        subtype:  program_written_in_a_certain_language
           subtype:  LISP_program  a program written in LISP
           subtype:  FORTRAN_program  a program written in FORTRAN
           subtype:  C_program  a program written in C
     subtype:  subroutine__routine__subprogram__procedure__function  a set sequence of steps, part of larger computer program
        subtype:  cataloged_procedure__catalogedprocedure  a set of control statements that have been placed in a library and can be retrieved by name
        subtype:  contingency_procedure__contingencyprocedure  an alternative to the normal procedure; triggered if an unusual but anticipated situation arises
        subtype:  library_routine__libraryroutine  a debugged routine that is maintained in a program library
        subtype:  random_number_generator  a routine designed to yield a random number
        subtype:  recursive_routine__recursiveroutine  a routine that can call itself
        subtype:  reusable_routine  a routine that can be loaded once and executed repeatedly
        subtype:  supervisory_routine__supervisoryroutine__executive_routine__executiveroutine  a routine that coordinates the operation of subroutines
        subtype:  tracing_routine  a routine that provides a chronological record of the execution of a computer program
        subtype:  utility_routine__utilityroutine__service_routine__serviceroutine  a routine that can be used as needed
           subtype:  dump_routine  a routine that writes from an internal store to some external medium
           subtype:  input_routine__inputroutine  a routine that writes from an external source to an internal store
           subtype:  output_routine  a routine that controls an output device
     subtype:  shareware  software that has been copyrighted but is sold to users with permission to copy it and give it to others
     subtype:  shrink-wrapped_software  software on cd-roms that are boxed and shrink-wrapped and sold in stores (implying a widely supported standard platform)
     subtype:  supervisory_software__supervisorysoftware  specialized programs that reside permanently in the computer's main memory and control the processing of user's programs
     subtype:  software_documentation__documentation  program listings or technical manuals describing the operation and use of programs
     subtype:  DBMS__database_management_system  a software system that facilitates the creation and maintenance and use of an electronic database
        subtype:  RDBMS__relational_database_management_system  a database management system designed to manage a relational database
        subtype:  ODBMS__OODBMS__object-oriented_database_management_system  $("ODBMS" added as key, "OODBMS" added)$a database management system designed to manage an object-oriented database
        subtype:  ORDBMS__object-relational_DBMS__extended_RDBM  DBMS mixing features from RDBMSs and ODBMSs but not being a genuine RDBMS nor ODBMS
           subtype:  in_memory_ORDBMS
           subtype:  Gigabase
        subtype:  DDBMS
        subtype:  in_memory_DBMS__IMDBMS  DBMS loading/mapping the whole database in main memory before answering a query
           subtype:  in_memory_ODBMS
              subtype:  FastDB
        subtype:  federated_DBMS__multi_DBMS
     subtype:  IR_system
        subtype:  distributed_IR_system
           subtype:  distributed_hypertext_IR_system__distributedhypertextirsystem  e.g. the WWW
              subtype:  WWW
           subtype:  Semantic_Web
        subtype:  hypertext_system__hypertextsystem  a database management system that allows chunks of text (objects) to be processed as a complex network of nodes that are linked together in an arbitrary way
     subtype:  KM_tool__knowledge_management_tool
        subtype:  knowledge_base_system__KBS
           subtype:  KBMS
              subtype:  graph_based_KBMS
              subtype:  SNEPSwD
              subtype:  CG_based_KBMS
                 subtype:  CGWorld
                 subtype:  PROLOG\+CG
                 subtype:  CoGITaNT
                 subtype:  Notio
                 subtype:  WebKB
                    subtype:  WebKB-1__WebKB_private_annotation_tool
                    subtype:  WebKB-2__WebKB_shared_annotation_tool
        subtype:  inference_engine__inferenceengine
        subtype:  KA_tool
           subtype:  KADS_tool
        subtype:  terminological_analysis_tool
           subtype:  ACABIT
           subtype:  LEXTER
           subtype:  TERMS
           subtype:  XTract
        subtype:  knowledge_based_IR_system
           subtype:  WebKB
           subtype:  CGKAT
        subtype:  knowledge_interface_generator__knowledgeinterfacegenerator
           subtype:  knowledge_graphical_editor__knowledgegraphicaleditor
        subtype:  language/structure_specific_tool
           subtype:  CG_related_tool__cgrelatedtool
              subtype:  CG_based_KBMS
              subtype:  CG_graphical_editor
              subtype:  NL_parser_with_CG_output
        subtype:  ontology_management_tool
        subtype:  FCA_tool
           subtype:  FCA_structure_graphical_editor  graphic editor of FCA objects
  subtype:  instruction.computer_code__command__statement__program_line__programline  (computer science) a line of code written as part of a computer program
     subtype:  call.computer_code  an instruction that interrupts the program being executed; "Pascal performs calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be executed"
        subtype:  function_call  a call that passes control to a subroutine; after the subroutine is executed control returns to the next instruction in main program
        subtype:  system_call__supervisor_call_instruction  an instruction that interrupts the program being executed and passes control to the supervisor
     subtype:  command_line__commandline  commands that a user types in in order to run an application
     subtype:  link.computer_code  (computing) an instruction that connects one part of a program or an element on a list to another program or list
        subtype:  hyperlink  a link from a hypertext file to another location or file; typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or icon at a particular location on the screen
     subtype:  macro_instruction__macroinstruction__macro  a single computer instruction that results in a series of instructions in machine language
     subtype:  system_error  an instruction that is either not recognized by an operating system or is in violation of the procedural rules
     subtype:  toggle.computer_code  any instruction that works first one way and then the other; it turns something on the first time it is used and then turns it off the next time

5 statements are about indirect instances of computer_code: graph1_on_WebKB-2, graph6_on_article, graph10_on_article, graph1_on_research_staff, graph7_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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