#component.part__constituent__factor__ingredient  an abstract part of something: "jealousy was a component of his character"; "two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony"; "the grammatical elements of a sentence"; "a key factor in her success"; "humor: an effective ingredient of a speech"
  supertype:  #part__section__division  one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole: "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"
  subtype:  #mathematical_point__point  a geometric element that has position but no extension; "a point is defined by its coordinates"
     subtype:  #point_of_intersection__intersection__intersection_point  a point where lines intersect
        subtype:  #vertex  the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure
     subtype:  #intercept  the point at which a line intersects a coordinate axis

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