#communicable_disease  a disease that can be communicated from one person to another
  supertype:  #disease  an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
  subtype:  #contagious_disease__contagion  any disease easily transmitted by contact
     subtype:  #influenza__flu__grippe  an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease
        subtype:  #Asiatic_flu  influenza caused by the Asian virus that was first isolated in 1957
     subtype:  #measles__rubeola  an acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by distinct red spots followed by a rash; occurs primarily in children
        subtype:  #German_measles__rubella__threedaymeasle__epidemic_roseola  a contagious viral disease that is a milder form of measles lasting three or four days; can be damaging to a fetus during the first trimester
     subtype:  #diphtheria  acute contagious bacterial infection marked by the formation of a false membrane in the throat and other air passages causing difficulty in breathing
     subtype:  #scarlet_fever__scarletfever__scarlatina  an acute communicable disease (usually in children) characterized by fever and a red rash
     subtype:  #pox  a contagious disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pock marks
        subtype:  #smallpox__variola  a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars
        subtype:  #chickenpox__varicella  an acute contagious disease caused by herpes varicella zoster virus; causes a rash of vesicles on the face and body
     subtype:  #Vincent's_angina__Vincent's_infection__trench_mouth  an acute communicable infection of the respiratory tract and mouth marked by ulceration of the mucous membrane
     subtype:  #venereal_disease__VD__social_disease__Cupid's_itch__Cupid's_disease__Venus's_curse__sexually_transmitted_disease  a communicable disease transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact
        subtype:  #genital_herpes__herpes_genitalis  an infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) that is usually transmitted by sexual contact; marked by recurrent attacks of painful eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital area
        subtype:  #gonorrhea__gonorrhoea__clap  a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra
        subtype:  #granuloma_inguinale__granulomainguinale__granuloma_venereum__granulomavenereum  a venereal disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Calymmatobacterium; characterized by a pimply rash of the skin in the genital and groin region
        subtype:  #syphilis__syph__pox  a common venereal disease caused by the Treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital (transmitted through the placenta)
           subtype:  #primary_syphilis  the first stage; characterized by a chancre at the site of infection
           subtype:  #secondary_syphilis  the second stage; characterized by eruptions of the skin and mucous membrane
           subtype:  #tertiary_syphilis  the third stage; characterized by involvement of internal organs especially the brain and spinal cord as well as the heart and liver
           subtype:  #neurosyphilis__neurosyphili  syphilis of the central nervous system
              subtype:  #tabes_dorsalis__locomotor_ataxia__locomotorataxia  syphilis of the spinal cord characterized by degeneration of sensory neurons and stabbing pains in the trunk and legs and unsteady gait and incontinence and impotence
  subtype:  #infectious_disease  a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact
     subtype:  #AIDS__acquired_immune_deficiency_syndrome  a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles
     subtype:  #undulant_fever__brucellosis__Malta_fever__Gibraltar_fever__Rock_fever__Mediterranean_fever  infectious bacterial disease of human beings transmitted by contact with infected animals or infected meat or milk products; characterized by fever and headache
     subtype:  #epidemic_cholera__cholera__Asiatic_cholera__Indian_cholera  an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food
     subtype:  #dengue_fever__dengue__dandy_fever__dandyfever__breakbone_fever  an infectious disease of the tropics transmitted by mosquitoes and characterized by rash and aching head and joints
     subtype:  #dysentery  an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea
        subtype:  #amebic_dysentery__amoebic_dysentery__amoebicdysentery  inflammation of the intestines caused by Endamoeba histolytica; usually acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated with feces; characterized by severe diarrhea
        subtype:  #shigellosis__bacillary_dysentery__bacillarydysentery  an acute infection of the intestine by Shigella bacteria; characterized by diarrhea and fever and abdominal pains
     subtype:  #epidemic_disease  any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people
        subtype:  #plague.epidemic_disease__pestilence  any epidemic disease with a high death rate
        subtype:  #plague  a serious (sometimes fatal) infection transmitted by the bite of an infected rat flea (especially bubonic plague)
           subtype:  #bubonic_plague__bubonicplague  plague characterized by delirium and the formation of buboes
              subtype:  #Black_Death__black_plague__blackplague  the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe
           subtype:  #pneumonic_plague__pneumonicplague  characterized by lung involvement
           subtype:  #septicemic_plague  an especially dangerous form in which infecting organisms invade the bloodstream
        subtype:  #epidemic_pleurodynia__epidemic_myalgia__myosis__diaphragmatic_pleurisy__diaphragmaticpleurisy__Bornholm_disease  an acute infectious disease occurring in epidemic form and featuring paroxysms of pain (usually in the chest)
     subtype:  #hepatitis__hepatiti  inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin
        subtype:  #viral_hepatitis__viralhepatiti  hepatitis caused by a virus
           subtype:  #hepatitis_A__infectious_hepatitis  an acute but benign form of viral hepatitis caused by an RNA virus that does not persist in the blood serum and is usually transmitted by ingesting food or drink that is contaiminated with fecal matter
           subtype:  #hepatitis_B__serum_hepatitis  an acute (sometimes fatal) form of viral hepatitis caused by a DNA virus that tends to persist in the blood serum and is transmitted by sexual contact or by transfusion or by ingestion of contaminated blood or other bodily fluids
           subtype:  #hepatitis_C  a viral hepatitis clinically indistinguishable from hepatitis B but caused by a single-stranded RNA virus; usually transmitted by parenteral means (as injection of an illicit drug or blood transfusion or exposure to blood or blood products)
        subtype:  #hepatitis_delta__hepatitisdelta__delta_hepatitis__deltahepatiti  a severe form of hepatitis
     subtype:  #herpes  viral diseases causing eruptions of the skin or mucous membrane
        subtype:  #herpes_simplex  an infection caused by the herpes simples virus; affects the skin and nervous system; produces small temporary (but sometimes painful) blisters on the skin and mucous membranes
           subtype:  #oral_herpes__herpes_labialis__cold_sore__fever_blister__feverblister  caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)
           subtype:  #genital_herpes__herpes_genitalis  an infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) that is usually transmitted by sexual contact; marked by recurrent attacks of painful eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital area
        subtype:  #herpes_zoster__zoster__shingles  eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neuralgia
     subtype:  #infectious_mononucleosis__mononucleosis__mononucleosi__mono__glandular_fever__glandularfever__kissing_disease__kissingdisease  an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream; not highly contagious; some believe it can be transmitted by kissing
     subtype:  #Lassa_fever  a serious contagious viral disease of central western Africa; characterized by fever and inflammation and muscular pains and difficulty swallowing
     subtype:  #leprosy__hansen'sdisease  chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in tropical and subtropical regions; characterized by inflamed nodules beneath the skin and wasting of body parts; caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae
        subtype:  #tuberculoid_leprosy  leprosy characterized by tumors in the skin and cutaneous nerves
        subtype:  #lepromatous_leprosy  a very serious form of leprosy characterized by lesions that spread over much of the body and affecting many systems of the body
     subtype:  #listeriosis__listeriosi  an infectious disease common to many animals and occasionally transmitted to humans (especially to newborn or immunosuppressed persons)
     subtype:  #lymphogranuloma_venereum__lymphogranulomavenereum__LGV__lymphopathia_venereum  infectious disease caused by a species of chlamydia bacterium; transmitted by sexual contact; characterized by genital lesions and swelling of lymph nodes in the groin
     subtype:  #meningitis  infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the meninges (the tissues that surround the brain or spinal cord) caused by a bacterial infection; symptoms include headache and stiff neck and fever and nausea
        subtype:  #cerebrospinal_meningitis__epidemic_meningitis__brain_fever__brainfever__cerebrospinal_fever__cerebrospinalfever  meningitis caused by bacteria and often fatal
        subtype:  #leptomeningitis  inflammation of the leptomeninges
     subtype:  #mumps__mump__epidemic_parotitis  an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever and by swelling of the parotid glands
     subtype:  #paratyphoid_fever__paratyphoidfever__paratyphoid  any of a variety of infectious intestinal diseases resembling typhoid fever
     subtype:  #acute_anterior_poliomyelitis__poliomyelitis__poliomyeliti__polio__infantileparalysi  an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord
     subtype:  #ratbite_fever__ratbitefever  either of two infectious diseases transmitted to humans by the bite of a rat or mouse; characterized by fever and headache and nausea and skin eruptions
        subtype:  #Haverhill_fever  the form of ratbite fever occurring in the United States
        subtype:  #sodoku__spirillum_fever  the form of ratbite fever occurring in the Far East
     subtype:  #rickettsial_disease__rickettsialdisease__rickettsiosis__rickettsiosi  infectious disease caused by ticks or mites or body lice infected with rickettsial bacteria
        subtype:  #typhus_fever__typhus  rickettsial disease transmitted by body lice and characterized by skin rash and high fever
           subtype:  #murine_typhus__rat_typhus__urban_typhus__endemic_typhus  acute infection caused by rickettsia and transmitted by the bite of an infected flea; characterized by fever and chills and muscle aches and a rash
        subtype:  #spotted_fever__spottedfever  any of several severe febrile diseases characterized by skin rashes or spots on the skin
           subtype:  #Rocky_Mountain_spotted_fever__mountain_fever__tick_fever  caused by rickettsial bacteria and transmitted by wood ticks
        subtype:  #Q_fever  an acute disease resembling influenza
        subtype:  #ricketsialpox  mild infectious rickettsial disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Rickettsia transmitted to humans by the bite a mite that lives on rodents; characterized by chills and fever and headache and skin lesions that resemble chickenpox
        subtype:  #trench_fever  marked by pain in muscles and joints and transmitted by lice
        subtype:  #tsutsugamushi_disease__tsutsugamushidisease__scrub_typhus  transmitted by larval mites and widespread in Asia
     subtype:  #relapsing_fever__recurrent_fever  marked by recurring high fever and transmitted by the bite of infected lice or ticks; characterized by episodes of high fever and chills and headache and muscle pain and nausea that recur every week or ten days for several months
     subtype:  #rheumatic_fever  a severe disease chiefly of children and characterized by painful inflammation of the joints and frequently damage to the heart valves
     subtype:  #miliary_fever__miliaryfever__sweating_sickness  epidemic in the 15th and 16th centuries and characterized by profuse sweating and high mortality
     subtype:  #tuberculosis__TB__T.B.  infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions (usually in the lungs but in various other parts of the body in acute stages)
        subtype:  #Pott's_disease  TB of the spine with destruction of vertebrae resulting in curvature of the spine
        subtype:  #miliary_tuberculosis  acute tuberculosis characterized by the appearance of tiny tubercles on one or more organs of the body (presumably resulting from tubercle bacilli being spread in the bloodstream)
        subtype:  #pulmonary_tuberculosis__consumption__phthisi__wasting_disease__wastingdisease__white_plague__whiteplague  involving the lungs with progressive wasting of the body
        subtype:  #scrofula__struma__king's_evil  a form of tuberculosis characterized by swellings of the lymphatic glands
        subtype:  #lupus_vulgaris  tuberculosis of the skin; appears first on the face and heals slowly leaving deep scars
     subtype:  #typhoid_fever__typhoidfever__typhoid__enteric_fever__entericfever  serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and ulceration; caused by Salmonella typhosa ingested with food or water
     subtype:  #whooping_cough__pertussis__pertussi  a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane
     subtype:  #yaws__frambesia__framboesia  an infectious tropical disease resembling syphilis in its early stages; marked by red skin eruptions and ulcerating lesions
     subtype:  #yellow_fever__yellow_jack__black_vomit__blackvomit  caused by a virus transmitted by a mosquito
  subtype:  #common_cold__cold  a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs); "will they never find a cure for the common cold?"
     subtype:  #head_cold  a common cold affecting the nasal passages and resulting in congestion and sneezing and headache

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