#color__colour__coloring__colouring  a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect; "white is made up of many different wavelengths of light"
  exclusion:  #colorlessness
  supertype:  #visual_aspect  #visual_property
  subtype:  #heather_mixture__heathermixture__heather  interwoven yarns of mixed colors producing muted grayish shades with flecks of color
  subtype:  #tint__shade__tincture__tone  a quality of a given color that differs slightly from a primary color; "after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted"
     subtype:  #tinge__undertone  a pale or subdued color
  subtype:  #chromatic_color__chromatic_colour__chromaticcolour__spectralcolor__spectral_colour  a color that has hue
     subtype:  #red__redness__rednes  the quality or state of the chromatic color resembling the hue of blood
        subtype:  #chrome_red  a red pigment used in paints; basic lead chromate
        subtype:  #Turkey_red__alizarine_red__alizarinered  a bright orange-red color produced in cotton cloth with alizarine dye
        subtype:  #carmine  a variable color averaging a vivid red
        subtype:  #crimson__ruby__deep_red  a deep and vivid red
        subtype:  #dark_red  a red that reflects little light
           subtype:  #burgundy  a dark purplish red to blackish red
           subtype:  #claret  a dark purplish red
           subtype:  #oxblood_red__oxbloodred  a dark brownish red
           subtype:  #wine-colored__wine  a red as dark as red wine
        subtype:  #purplish_red  a red with a tinge of purple
           subtype:  #magenta  a dark purple-red; the dye was discovered in 1859, the year of the battle of Magenta
        subtype:  #cerise__cherry__cherry_red  a red the color of ripe cherries
        subtype:  #scarlet__orange_red  a variable color that is vivid red but sometimes with an orange tinge
     subtype:  #orange_color__orange__orangeness  any of a range of colors between red and yellow
        subtype:  #reddish_orange__reddishorange  an orange color closer to red than to yellow
           subtype:  #tangerine.color  a reddish to vivid orange color
     subtype:  #yellow__yellowness  the quality or state of the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons
        subtype:  #chrome_yellow  yellow pigment consisting of neutral lead chromate
        subtype:  #canary_yellow__canary  a moderate yellow with a greenish tinge
        subtype:  #amber.yellow__gold  a deep yellow color; "an amber light illuminated the room"; "he admired the gold of her hair"
        subtype:  #brownish_yellow  yellow of low lightness with a brownish tinge
        subtype:  #lemon_yellow__lemonyellow__gamboge__lemon__maize  a strong yellow color
        subtype:  #old_gold__oldgold  a dark yellow
        subtype:  #orange_yellow__saffron  a shade of yellow tinged with orange
           subtype:  #ocher__ochre  a moderate yellow-orange to orange color
        subtype:  #pale_yellow__straw  a yellow tint; yellow diluted with white
        subtype:  #greenish_yellow  a shade of yellow tinged with green
        subtype:  pm#blond_color__blondcolor__blond___blonde__blonde  light yellow
     subtype:  #green__greenness__greennes  the property of being green; resembling the color of growing grass
        subtype:  #greenishness  the property of being somewhat green
        subtype:  #sea_green__seagreen  the property of a moderate green color resembling the waters of the sea
        subtype:  #sage_green  the color of sage leaves
        subtype:  #bottle_green  dark to moderate or grayish green
        subtype:  #chrome_green  a brilliant green color
        subtype:  #emerald  the green color of an emerald
        subtype:  #olive_green__olivegreen  a color that is lighter and greener than olive
        subtype:  #yellow_green__yellowish_green__yellowishgreen__chartreuse__Paris_green__pea_green__peagreen  a shade of green tinged with yellow
        subtype:  #bluish_green__blue-green__teal  a shade of green tinged with blue; "they painted it a light shade of bluish green"
           subtype:  #cyan  a blue-green that is one of the primary pigments
        subtype:  #jade_green__jade  a light green color varying from bluish green to yellowish green
     subtype:  #blue__blueness  the color of the clear sky in the daytime; "he had eyes of bright blue"
        subtype:  #azure__cerulean__sapphire__lazuline__sky-blue__skyblue  a light shade of blue
        subtype:  #powder_blue  a dusty pale blue color
        subtype:  #steel_blue__steelblue  a grayish blue color
        subtype:  #Prussian_blue  a dark greenish-blue color
        subtype:  #dark_blue__navy__navy_blue  a dark shade of blue
        subtype:  #greenish_blue__aqua__aquamarine__turquoise__cobaltblue__peacock_blue__peacockblue  a shade of blue tinged with green
        subtype:  #purplish_blue__royal_blue__royalblue  a shade of blue tinged with purple
        subtype:  #ultramarine  vivid blue to purple-blue
     subtype:  #purple__purpleness__empurpled  a chromatic color between red and blue
        subtype:  #mauve  a moderate purple
        subtype:  #reddish_purple__reddishpurple__royal_purple__royalpurple  a shade of purple tinged with red
           subtype:  #Tyrian_purple  a vivid purplish-red color
        subtype:  #reddish_blue__reddishblue__violet  a variable color that lies beyond blue in the spectrum
           subtype:  #indigo  a blue-violet color
     subtype:  #pink  a light shade of red
        subtype:  #carnation  a pink or reddish-pink color
        subtype:  #rose.pink  a dusty pink color
           subtype:  #old_rose__oldrose  a greyish-pink color
        subtype:  #solferino__purplish_pink  a purplish pink dye was discovered in 1859, the year a battle was fought at Solferino
        subtype:  #yellowish_pink__yellowishpink__apricot__peach__salmon_pink  a shade of pink tinged with yellow
        subtype:  #coral  a variable color averaging a deep pink
     subtype:  #brown__brownness__brownnes  an orange of low brightness and saturation
        subtype:  #Vandyke_brown  a moderate brown color
        subtype:  #coffee__chocolate__deep_brown__umber__burntumber  a medium to dark brown color
        subtype:  #light_brown__lightbrown  a brown that light but unsaturated
           subtype:  #tan__topaz  a light brown
           subtype:  #grayish_brown__grayishbrown__dun__greyish_brown__greyishbrown__fawn  a color varying around light grayish brown; "she wore a dun raincoat"
           subtype:  #beige__ecru  a very light brown
        subtype:  #reddish_brown__reddishbrown__sepia__burntsienna__Venetian_red  a shade of brown with a tinge of red
           subtype:  #brick_red__brickred  a bright reddish brown color
           subtype:  #copper_color__copper  a reddish brown the color of polished copper
           subtype:  #Indian_red  a reddish brown resembling the red soil used as body paint by American indians
        subtype:  #yellowish_brown__raw_sienna__rawsienna__caramel__caramelbrown  a medium to dark tan color
           subtype:  #snuff-color__snuff-colour__snuffcolour  dark yellowish brown
        subtype:  #puce  a color varying from dark purplish brown to dark red
        subtype:  #olive_brown__olivebrown  a shade of brown tinged with green
        subtype:  #taupe  a grayish brown
     subtype:  #olive_color__olivecolor__olive  a yellow-green color of low brightness and saturation
        subtype:  #olive_drab.olive_color__olivedrab  a grayish olive or dark olive gray
     subtype:  #pastel  any of various pale or light colors
     subtype:  #complementary_color__complementarycolor__complementary  either one of two chromatic colors that when mixed together give white (in the case of lights) or gray (in the case of pigments); "yellow and purple are complementaries"
  subtype:  #achromatic_color__achromatic_colour  a color lacking hue; white or gray or black
     subtype:  #black__blacknes  the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white)
        subtype:  #coal_black__ebony__jet_black__jetblack__pitch_black__pitchblack__sable__soot_black  a very dark black
     subtype:  #white  the quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness (bearing the least resemblance to black)
        subtype:  #alabaster.white  a very light white
        subtype:  #bleach.white  the whiteness that results from removing the color from something; "a complete bleach usually requires several applications"
        subtype:  #off-white__offwhite__bone__ivory__pearl  a shade of white the color of bleached bones
        subtype:  #chalk.white  a pure flat white with little reflectance
        subtype:  #frostiness.white__hoariness__hoarines  a silvery-white color
     subtype:  #gray__grayness__grey__greyness  a neutral achromatic color midway between white and black
        subtype:  #ash_gray__ashgray__ash_grey__ashgrey__silver__silver_gray__silver_grey  a light shade of gray
        subtype:  #charcoal_gray__charcoal__charcoal_grey__oxford_gray__oxford_grey  a very dark gray color
        subtype:  #dapple-gray__dapple-grey__dappled-gray__dappledgray__dappled-grey__dappledgrey  gray with a mottled pattern of darker gray markings
        subtype:  #iron-gray__iron-grey  the color of freshly broken cast iron
        subtype:  #tattletale_gray__tattletale_grey  a grayish white
        subtype:  #iron_blue__steel_gray__steelgray__davy'sgray  slightly purplish or bluish dark gray
  subtype:  #coloration  appearance with regard to color: "her healthy coloration"
     subtype:  #hair_coloring.coloration__haircoloring  coloring of the hair: "her hair-coloring was unusual: a very pale gold"
     subtype:  #pigmentation  coloration of living tissues by pigment
        subtype:  #chromatism  abnormal pigmentation
        subtype:  #melanoderma  abnormally dark skin caused by increased deposits of melatonin
     subtype:  #depigmentation  absence or loss of pigmentation (or less than normal pigmentation) in the skin or hair
        subtype:  #poliosis  loss of color from the hair
     subtype:  #protective_coloration  coloration making an organism less visible or attractive to predators
        subtype:  #aposematic_coloration__warning_coloration__warningcoloration  conspicuous coloration or markings of an animal serving to warn off predators: "a skunk's aposematic coloration"
        subtype:  #apatetic_coloration  coloring serving to as natural camouflage
        subtype:  #cryptic_coloration__crypticcoloration  coloring that conceals or disguises an animal's shape
  subtype:  #skin_color__complexion__skin_colour  the coloring of a person's face
     subtype:  #paleness__blondness__blondnes__fairnes  the property of having a naturally light complexion
     subtype:  #ruddiness__ruddines__rosines  a healthy reddish complexion
     subtype:  #lividness__lividnes__luridness__luridnes__palenes__pallidness__pallor__wanness__wannes  unnatural lack of color in the skin (as from bruising or sickness or emotional distress)
     subtype:  #sallowness  a sickly yellowish skin color
     subtype:  #tawniness__tawnines  a tawny complexion
     subtype:  #swarthiness__swarthines__darknes__duskines  a swarthy complexion
  subtype:  #nonsolid_color__nonsolid_colour__dithered_color__dithered_colour  (computer science) a color produced by a pattern of differently colored dots that together simulate the desired color

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