#chelonian_reptile__chelonianreptile__chelonian  a reptile of the order Chelonia
  supertype:  #anapsid_reptile__anapsid  primitive reptile having no opening in the temporal region of the skull; all extinct except turtles
  member of:  #order_Chelonia
  subtype:  #turtle  any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming
     subtype:  #sea_turtle__seaturtle__marine_turtle  any of various large turtles with limbs modified into flippers; widely distributed in warm seas
        subtype:  #green_turtle__greenturtle__Chelonia_mydas  large tropical turtle with greenish flesh used for turtle soup
        subtype:  #loggerhead_turtle__loggerhead__Caretta_caretta  very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide ranging in warm open seas
        subtype:  #ridley  a marine turtle
           subtype:  #Atlantic_ridley__bastard_ridley__bastardridley__bastard_turtle__bastardturtle__Lepidochelys_kempii  gray sea turtle of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America
           subtype:  #Pacific_ridley__olive_ridley__oliveridley__Lepidochelys_olivacea  olive-colored sea turtle of tropical Pacific and Indian and South Atlantic oceans
        subtype:  #hawksbill_turtle__hawksbillturtle__hawksbill__hawkbill__tortoiseshell_turtle__tortoiseshellturtle__Eretmochelys_imbricata  pugnacious tropical sea turtle with a hawk-like beak; source of food and the best tortoiseshell
        subtype:  #leatherback_turtle__leatherbackturtle__leatherback__leatheryturtle__Dermochelys_coriacea  wide ranging marine turtle with flexible leathery carapace; largest living turtle
     subtype:  #snapping_turtle  large aggressive freshwater turtle with powerful jaws
        subtype:  #common_snapping_turtle__snapper__chelydraserpentina  large-headed turtle with powerful hooked jaws found in or near water; prone to bite
        subtype:  #alligator_snapping_turtle__alligator_snapper__alligatorsnapper__Macroclemys_temmincki  large species having three ridges on its back; found in southeastern United States
     subtype:  #mud_turtle__mudturtle  bottom-dwelling freshwater turtle inhabiting muddy rivers of North and Central America
        subtype:  #musk_turtle__stinkpot  small freshwater turtle having a strong musky odor
     subtype:  #terrapin  any of various edible North American web-footed turtles living in fresh or brackish water
        subtype:  #diamondback_terrapin__diamondbackterrapin__Malaclemys_centrata  of marshes along Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States
     subtype:  #red-bellied_terrapin__redbelliedterrapin__red-bellied_turtle__redbelliedturtle__redbelly__Pseudemys_rubriventris  freshwater turtle of Chesapeake bay tributaries having red markings on the lower shell
     subtype:  #yellow-bellied_terrapin__slider__Pseudemys_scripta  freshwater turtle of United States and South America; frequently raised commercially; some young sold as pets
     subtype:  #river_cooter__rivercooter__cooter__Pseudemys_concinna  large river turtle of the southern United States and northern Mexico
     subtype:  #box_turtle__boxturtle__box_tortoise__boxtortoise  chiefly terrestrial turtle of North America; shell can be closed tightly
        subtype:  #Western_box_turtle__Terrapene_ornata  primarily a prairie turtle of western United States and northern Mexico
     subtype:  #painted_turtle__paintedturtle__painted_terrapin__paintedterrapin__painted_tortoise__paintedtortoise__chrysemyspicta  freshwater turtles having bright yellow and red markings; common in the eastern United States
     subtype:  #tortoise  usually herbivorous land turtles having clawed elephant-like limbs; worldwide in arid area except Australia and Antarctica
        subtype:  #European_tortoise__Testudo_graeca  small land tortoise of southern Europe
        subtype:  #giant_tortoise__gianttortoise  very large tortoises of the Galapagos and Seychelles islands
        subtype:  #gopher_tortoise__gopher_turtle__gopher__Gopherus_polypemus  burrowing edible land tortoise of southeastern North America
        subtype:  #desert_tortoise__Gopherus_agassizii  burrowing tortoise of the arid western United States and northern Mexico; may be reclassified as a member of genus Xerobates
        subtype:  #Texas_tortoise  close relative to the desert tortoise; may be reclassified as a member of genus Xerobates
     subtype:  #soft-shelled_turtle__pancake_turtle__pancaketurtle  voracious aquatic turtle with a flat flexible shell covered by a leathery skin; can inflict painful bites
        subtype:  #spiny_softshell__spinysoftshell__Trionyx_spiniferus  river turtle of western United States with a warty shell; prefers quiet water
        subtype:  #smooth_softshell__Trionyx_muticus  river turtle of Mississippi basin; prefers running water

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