#changeableness__changeability  the quality of being changeable; having a marked tendency to change; "the changeableness of the weather"
  exclusion:  #unchangeability
  supertype:  #quality  an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare
  subtype:  #commutability__transmutability  the quality of being commutable
  subtype:  #reversibility  the quality of being reversible in either direction
  subtype:  #inconstancy__changefulness__changefulnes  the quality of being changeable and variable
     subtype:  #capriciousness__unpredictability  the quality of being guided by sudden unpredictable impulses
  subtype:  #variableness__variability  the quality of being subject to variation
     subtype:  #variedness  characterized by variation
        subtype:  #diversity  the condition or result of being variable
     subtype:  #variegation  variability in coloration
  subtype:  #exchangeability__interchangeableness__fungibility  the quality of being capable of exchange or interchange
     subtype:  #duality  (geometry) the interchangeability of the roles of points and planes in the theorems of projective geometry
     subtype:  #transferability  the quality of being transferable or exchangeable: "sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for....trade between nondollar countries"
     subtype:  #convertibility  the quality of being exchangeable (esp the ability to convert a currency into gold or other currencies without restriction)
     subtype:  #inconvertibility  the quality of not being exchangeable; "the inconvertibility of their currency made international trade impossible"
     subtype:  #replaceability__substitutability__commutability  exchangeability by virtue of being replaceable
     subtype:  #alternation.exchangeability  being regularly exchangeable
     subtype:  #liquidity  being in cash or easily convertible to cash
     subtype:  #permutability__permutableness__transposability  ability to change sequence
  subtype:  #progressiveness__progressivenes  advancement toward better conditions or policies or methods
  subtype:  #mutability__mutableness__mutablenes  the quality of being capable of mutation
     subtype:  #alterability  the quality of being alterable
     subtype:  #vicissitude  mutability in life or nature (especially successive alternation from one condition to another)

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