#body_covering  any covering for the body or a body part
  supertype:  #natural_covering__naturalcovering__covering__cover  a natural object that covers or envelops; "the fox was flushed from its cover"
  subtype:  #pelt  #feather  #protective_covering  #tegument  #exuviae  #hair  #headful  #epicranium  #exoskeleton
  part:  #hypodermis  layer of cells that secretes the chitinous cuticle in e.g. arthropods

1 schema is about #body_covering
     [any #body_covering (^$(no inheritance)$^),
          pm#physical_part: a pm#physical_entity,
          pm#physical_part of: a pm#physical_entity,
          menu#spatial_characteristic (^$(explore 1)$^): a pm#spatial_attribute_or_quality_or_measure,
          menu#physical_characteristic (^$(explore 2)$^): a menu#physical_characteristic,
          may be pm#doer/object/result/place of (^$(explore)$^): a pm#situation,
          may be pm#recipient of: a pm#situation]

2 statements are about indirect instances of #body_covering: pm#graph1_on_spamOnly@phmartin.info, dg#graph1_on_daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

Another search (with same display options)?