#biological_group  a group of plants or animals
  supertype:  group__grouping  any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
  subtype:  genotype  a group of organisms sharing a specific genetic constitution
     subtype:  biotype  organisms sharing a specified genotype or the genotype (or peculiarities) so shared
  subtype:  clade  a group of biological taxa or species that share features inherited from a common ancestor
  subtype:  taxonomic_group__taxonomicgroup__taxon  animal or plant group having natural relations
     subtype:  Adapid_group__Adapid  extinct small mostly diurnal lower primates that fed on leaves and fruit; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; their descendents probably include the lemurs; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
     subtype:  Omomyid_group__Omomyid  extinct tiny nocturnal lower primates that fed on fruit and insects; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; probably gave rise to the tarsiers; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
     subtype:  kingdom  one of seven biological categories: Monera or Protoctista or Plantae or Fungi or Animalia
        subtype:  kingdom_Monera__Monera  prokaryotic bacteria and blue-green algae and various primitive pathogens; because of lack of consensus on how to divide the organisms into phyla informal names are used for the major divisions
        subtype:  kingdom_Protoctista__Protoctista  in most modern classifications, replacement for the Protista; includes: Protozoa; Euglenophyta; Chlorophyta; Cryptophyta; Heterokontophyta; Rhodophyta; unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms: regarded as distinct from plants and animals
        subtype:  plant_kingdom__plantkingdom__Plantae__kingdom_Plantae  the taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
        subtype:  kingdom_Plantae__Plantae__plant_kingdom__plantkingdom  taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
        subtype:  kingdom_Fungi__Fungi__fungus_kingdom  the taxonomic kingdom of lower plants
        instance:  kingdom_Animalia__Animalia__animal_kingdom
     subtype:  subkingdom  (biology) a taxonomic group comprising a major division of a kingdom
        subtype:  subkingdom_Parazoa__Parazoa  multicellular organisms having less-specialized cells than in the Metazoa; comprises the single phylum Porifera
        subtype:  subkingdom_Metazoa__Metazoa  multicellular animals having cells differentiated into tissues and organs and usually a digestive cavity and nervous system
     subtype:  phylum  (biology) the major taxonomic group of animals and plants; contains classes
        subtype:  phylum_Pyrrophyta__Pyrrophyta  a division of lower plants comprising unicellular and biflagellate algae that form starchy compounds
        subtype:  phylum_Protozoa__Protozoa  in some classifications considered a superphylum or a subkingdom; comprises flagellates; ciliates; sporozoans; amoebas; foraminifers
        subtype:  phylum_Cryptophyta__Cryptophyta  a phylum in the kingdom Protoctista
        subtype:  phylum_Chordata__Chordata  comprises true vertebrates and animals having a notochord
        subtype:  subphylum_Cephalochordata__Cephalochordata  lancelets
        subtype:  subphylum_Urochordata__Urochordata__Urochorda__subphylum_Urochorda__Tunicata__subphylum_Tunicata  tunicates
        subtype:  subphylum_Vertebrata__Vertebrata__Craniata__subphylum_Craniata  fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammals
        subtype:  phylum_Arthropoda__Arthropoda  jointed-foot invertebrates: arachnids; crustaceans; insects; millipedes; centipedes
        subtype:  subphylum_Pentastomida__Pentastomida  tongue worms
        subtype:  phylum_Porifera__Porifera  coextensive with the subkingdom Parazoa: sponges
        subtype:  phylum_Cnidaria__Cnidaria__Coelenterata__phylum_Coelenterata  hydras; polyps; jellyfishes; sea anemones; corals
        subtype:  phylum_Ctenophora__Ctenophora  comb jellies; sea acorns; a small phylum formerly considered a class of Coelenterata
        subtype:  phylum_Acanthocephala__Acanthocephala  phylum or class of elongated wormlike parasites that live in the intestines of vertebrates: spiny-headed worms
        subtype:  phylum_Chaetognatha__Chaetognatha  arrowworms: a group of small active transparent marine worms
        subtype:  phylum_Platyhelminthes__Platyhelminthes  flatworms
        subtype:  phylum_Nemertea__Nemertea__Nemertina__phylum_Nemertina  proboscis worms
        subtype:  phylum_Pogonophora__Pogonophora  beard worms
        subtype:  phylum_Rotifera__Rotifera  a phylum including: rotifers
        subtype:  phylum_Nematoda__Nematoda__Aschelminthes__phylum_Aschelminthes  unsegmented worms: roundworms; threadworms; eelworms
        subtype:  phylum_Annelida__Annelida  segmented worms: earthworms; lugworms; leeches
        subtype:  phylum_Mollusca__Mollusca  gastropods; bivalves; cephalopods; chitons
        subtype:  phylum_Phoronida__Phoronida__Phoronidea  small phylum of wormlike marine animals
        subtype:  phylum_Bryozoa__Bryozoa__polyzoa  marine or freshwater animals that form colonies of zooids
        subtype:  phylum_Ectoprocta__Ectoprocta  coextensive with or a subphylum of Bryozoa
        subtype:  phylum_Entoprocta__Entoprocta__Endoprocta  sometimes considered a subphylum of Bryozoa
        subtype:  phylum_Cycliophora__Cycliophora  tiny marine organisms each the size of a period found in great numbers on lobsters' lips; identified tentatively in 1995 as a new phylum or as possible link between Entoprocta and Ectoprocta
        subtype:  phylum_Brachiopoda__Brachiopoda  marine invertebrates that resemble mollusks
        subtype:  phylum_Sipuncula__Sipuncula  peanut worms
        subtype:  phylum_Echinodermata__Echinodermata  radially symmetrical marine invertebrates including e.g. starfish and sea urchins and sea cucumbers
        subtype:  division.phylum  (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
           subtype:  division_Protista__Protista  eukaryotic one-celled living organisms distinct from multicellular plants and animals: protozoa, slime molds, and eukaryotic algae
           subtype:  Thallophyta  used only in former classifications: comprising what is now considered a heterogeneous assemblage of flowerless and seedless organisms: algae; bacteria; fungi; lichens
           subtype:  division_Tracheophyta__Tracheophyta  in former classifications: comprising plants with a vascular system including ferns and fern allies as well as seed plants
           subtype:  division_Bryophyta__Bryophyta  a division of nonflowering plants characterized by rhizoids rather than true roots and having little or no organized vascular tissue and showing alternation of generations between gamete-bearing forms and spore-bearing forms; comprises true mosses (Bryopsida) and liverworts (Hepaticopsida) and hornworts (Anthoceropsida)
           subtype:  division_Pteridophyta__Pteridophyta  containing all the vascular plants that do not bear seeds: ferns, horsetails, club mosses, and whisk ferns; in some classifications considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta
           subtype:  division_Spermatophyta__Spermatophyta  seed plants; comprises the Angiospermae (or Magnoliophyta) and Gymnospermae (or Gymnospermophyta); in some classification systems Spermatophyta is coordinate with Pteridophyta (spore producing plants having vascular tissue and roots) and Bryophyta (spore producing plants lacking vascular tissue and roots)
           subtype:  Phanerogamae  in former classification systems: one of two major plant divisions, including all seed-bearing plants; superseded by the division Spermatophyta
           subtype:  Cryptogamia  in former classification systems: one of two major plant divisions, including all plants that do not bear seeds: ferns, mosses, algae, fungi
           subtype:  subdivision_Pteropsida__Pteropsida  used in former classifications to include all ferns and flowering plants and divided into the three classes Filicinae and Gymnospermae and Angiospermae
           subtype:  subdivision_Zygomycota__Zygomycota__Zygomycotina__subdivision_Zygomycotina  division of fungi having sexually produced zygospores
           subtype:  division_Myxomycota__divisionmyxomycota__Myxomycota__Gymnomycota__gymnomycota__division_Gymnomycota  slime molds; organisms having a noncellular and multinucleate creeping vegetative phase and a propagative spore-producing stage: comprises Myxomycetes and Acrasiomycetes; in some classifications placed in the kingdom Protoctista
           subtype:  subdivision_Mastigomycota__Mastigomycota__Mastigomycotina__subdivision_Mastigomycotina  fungi in which the spores and gametes are motile; in some systems placed in the Phycomycetes group with the Zygomycota
           subtype:  division_Lichenes__Lichenes  comprising the lichens which grow symbiotically with algae; sometimes treated as an independent group more or less coordinate with Algae and Fungi
           subtype:  division_Eumycota__Eumycota  true fungi; eukaryotic heterotrophic walled organisms; distinguished from Myxomycota (funguslike slime molds): comprises subdivisions Mastigomycotina; Zygomycotina; Ascomycotina; Basidiomycotina; Deuteromycotina (imperfect fungi)
           subtype:  subdivision_Deuteromycota__Deuteromycota__Deuteromycotina__Fungi_imperfecti__subdivision_Deuteromycotina  large and heterogeneous form division of fungi comprising forms for which no sexually reproductive stage is known
           subtype:  subdivision_Basidiomycota__Basidiomycota__Basidiomycotina__subdivision_Basidiomycotina  comprises fungi bearing the spores on a basidium: Gasteromycetes (puffballs); Tiliomycetes (comprising the orders Ustilaginales (smuts) and Uredinales (rusts)); Hymenomycetes (mushrooms; toadstools; agarics; bracket fungi); in some classification systems considered a division of kingdom Fungi
           subtype:  subdivision_Ascomycota__Ascomycota__Ascomycotina__subdivision_Ascomycotina  a large subdivision of Eumycota including Hemiascomycetes and Plectomycetes and Pyrenomycetes and Discomycetes; sac fungi; in some classification systems considered a division of the kingdom Fungi
           subtype:  Lycophyta  used in some classifications for the class Lycopsida: club mosses
     subtype:  subphylum  (biology) a taxonomic group ranking between a phylum and a class
     subtype:  superphylum  (biology) a taxonomic group ranking between a phylum and below a class or subclass
     subtype:  class__clas  (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
        subtype:  class_Schizomycetes__Schizomycetes  a former classification
        subtype:  class_Cyanobacteria__Cyanophyceae__class_Cyanophyceae  photosynthetic bacteria found in fresh and salt water, having chlorophyll a and phycobilins; once thought to be algae: blue-green algae
        subtype:  class_Sarcodina__Sarcodina  characterized by the formation of pseudopods for locomotion and taking food: Actinopoda; Rhizopoda
        subtype:  subclass_Actinopoda__Actinopoda  heliozoans; radiolarians
        subtype:  subclass_Rhizopoda__Rhizopoda  creeping protozoans: amoebas and foraminifers
        subtype:  class_Ciliata__Ciliata__Ciliophora__class_Ciliophora  class of protozoa having cilia or hairlike appendages on part or all of the surface during some part of the life cycle
        subtype:  subclass_Infusoria__Infusoria  in some recent classifications, coextensive with the Ciliata: minute organisms found in decomposing infusions of organic matter
        subtype:  class_Chrysophyceae__Chrysophyceae__Heterokontae__class_Heterokontae  all the yellow-green algae having flagella of unequal length
        subtype:  class_Xanthophyceae__Xanthophyceae  yellow-green algae
        subtype:  class_Bacillariophyceae__Bacillariophyceae__Diatomophyceae__class_Diatomophyceae  marine and freshwater eukaryotic algae: diatoms
        subtype:  class_Phaeophyceae__Phaeophyceae  brown algae; mostly marine and littoral eukaryotic algae
        subtype:  class_Cyclosporeae__Cyclosporeae  in more recent classifications superseded by the order Fucales
        subtype:  class_Euglenophyceae__Euglenophyceae  coextensive with the division Euglenophyta
        subtype:  class_Chlorophyceae__Chlorophyceae  algae distinguished chiefly by having flagella and a clear green color, their chlorophyll being masked little if at all by other pigments
        subtype:  class_Ulvophyceae__Ulvophyceae  alternative name for the class Chlorophyceae in some classifications
        subtype:  class_Charophyceae__Charophyceae  in some classifications: contains only the order Charales
        subtype:  class_Rhodophyceae__Rhodophyceae  coextensive with the Rhodophyta: red algae
        subtype:  class_Mastigophora__Mastigophora__Flagellata__class_Flagellata  protozoa having flagella
        subtype:  subclass_Zoomastigina__Zoomastigina  in some classifications considered a phylum of the kingdom Protista; holozoic or saprozoic flagellates
        subtype:  subclass_Phytomastigina__Phytomastigina  plantlike flagellates containing chlorophyll; often considered unicellular algae
        subtype:  class_Cryptophyceae__Cryptophyceae  motile usually brownish-green protozoa-like algae
        subtype:  class_Sporozoa__Sporozoa  strictly parasitic protozoans that are usually immobile; includes plasmodia and coccidia and piroplasms and malaria parasites
        subtype:  subclass_Telosporidia__Telosporidia  parasitic sporozoans that form spores containing one or more infective sporozoites
        subtype:  subclass_Acnidosporidia__Acnidosporidia  a subclass of Sporozoa
        subtype:  subclass_Cnidosporidia__Cnidosporidia  single-host parasites of lower vertebrates and invertebrates
        subtype:  class_Ascidiaceae__Ascidiaceae  sometimes classified as an order: sea squirts
        subtype:  class_Thaliacea__Thaliacea  small class of free-swimming tunicates; sometimes classified as an order
        subtype:  superclass_Agnatha__Agnatha  superclass of eel-shaped chordates lacking jaws and pelvic fins: lampreys; hagfishes; some extinct forms
        subtype:  superclass_Gnathostomata__Gnathostomata  comprising all vertebrates with upper and lower jaws
        subtype:  class_Placodermi__Placodermi  extinct group of bony-plated fishes with primitive jaws
        subtype:  class_Chondrichthyes__Chondrichthyes  cartilaginous fishes
        subtype:  subclass_Holocephali__Holocephali  chimaeras and extinct forms
        subtype:  subclass_Elasmobranchii__Elasmobranchii__Selachii__subclass_Selachii  sharks; rays; dogfishes; skates
        subtype:  class_Aves__Aves  birds
        subtype:  subclass_Archaeornithes__Archaeornithes  primitive reptile-like fossil birds of the Jurassic or early Cretaceous
        subtype:  class_Amphibia__Amphibia  frogs; toads; newts; salamanders; caecilians
        subtype:  class_Reptilia__Reptilia  class of cold-blooded air-breathing vertebrates with completely ossified skeleton and a body usually covered with scales or horny plates; once the dominant land animals
        subtype:  subclass_Anapsida__Anapsida  oldest known reptiles: turtles; extinct Permian forms
        subtype:  subclass_Lepidosauria__Lepidosauria  diapsid reptiles: lizards; snakes; tuataras
        subtype:  subclass_Archosauria__Archosauria  a large subclass of diapsid reptiles including: crocodiles; alligators; dinosaurs; pterosaurs; plesiosaurs; ichthyosaurs; thecodonts
        subtype:  subclass_Synapsida__Synapsida  extinct reptiles of the Permian to Jurassic considered ancestral to mammals
        subtype:  superclass_Chelicerata__Chelicerata  spiders; scorpions; horseshoe crabs
        subtype:  class_Arachnida__Arachnida  a large class of arthropods including spiders and ticks and scorpions and daddy longlegs; have four pairs of walking legs and no wings
        subtype:  superclass_Myriapoda  used in some classifications to encompass the millipedes (Diplopoda) and centipedes (Chilopoda); formerly a large taxon including also the Pauropoda and Symphyla; the term Myriapoda now usually used synonymously with Diplopoda and limited to the millipedes
        subtype:  class_Pauropoda__Pauropoda  an obscure class of minute arthropods with branched antennae and 8 to 10 pairs of legs
        subtype:  class_Symphyla__Symphyla  small class of minute arthropods; unimportant except for the garden centipede
        subtype:  class_Tardigrada__Tardigrada  in some classifications considered a separate phylum: microscopic arachnid-like invertebrates living in water or damp moss having 4 pairs of legs and instead of a mouth a pair of stylets or needle-like piercing organs connected with the pharynx
        subtype:  class_Chilopoda__Chilopoda  arthropods having the trunk composed of numerous somites each bearing one pair of legs: centipedes
        subtype:  class_Mammalia__Mammalia  warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female
        subtype:  subclass_Prototheria__Prototheria  echidnas; platypus
        subtype:  subclass_Pantotheria__Pantotheria  generalized extinct mammals widespread during the Jurassic; commonly conceded to be ancestral to marsupial and placental mammals
        subtype:  subclass_Metatheria__Metatheria  pouched animals
        subtype:  subclass_Eutheria__Eutheria  all mammals except monotremes and marsupials
        subtype:  class_Hyalospongiae__Hyalospongiae  sponges with 6-rayed siliceous spicules; choanocytes are restricted to finger-shaped chambers
        subtype:  class_Scyphozoa__Scyphozoa  coelenterates in which the polyp stage is absent or at least inconspicuous: jellyfishes
        subtype:  class_Hydrozoa__Hydrozoa  coelenterates typically having alternation of generations; hydroid phase is usually colonial giving rise to the medusoid phase by budding: hydras and jellyfishes
        subtype:  class_Anthozoa__Anthozoa__Actinozoa__class_Actinozoa  no alternation of generations the medusoid phase being entirely suppressed: sea anemones; corals
        subtype:  class_Nuda__Nuda  ctenophores lacking tentacles; comprises one genus: Beroe
        subtype:  class_Tentaculata__Tentaculata  ctenophores have retractile tentacles
        subtype:  class_Turbellaria__Turbellaria  free-living flatworms
        subtype:  class_Trematoda__Trematoda  parasitic flatworms (including flukes)
        subtype:  class_Cestoda__Cestoda  tapeworms
        subtype:  class_Aphasmidia__Aphasmidia  one of two subgroups of Nematoda used in some classification systems
        subtype:  class_Phasmidia__Phasmidia  one of two subgroups of Nematoda used in some classification systems
        subtype:  class_Archiannelida__Archiannelida  a class of Annelida
        subtype:  class_Oligochaeta__Oligochaeta  earthworms
        subtype:  class_Polychaeta__Polychaeta  marine annelid worms
        subtype:  class_Hirudinea__Hirudinea  hermaphroditic aquatic or terrestrial or parasitic annelids
        subtype:  class_Scaphopoda__Scaphopoda  small class of bilaterally symmetrical marine forms comprising the tooth shells
        subtype:  class_Gastropoda__Gastropoda__Gasteropoda__class_Gasteropoda  snails and slugs and their relatives
        subtype:  subclass_Opisthobranchia__Opisthobranchia  gastropods having the gills when present posterior to the heart and having no operculum: includes sea slugs; sea butterflies; sea hares
        subtype:  subclass_Amphineura__Amphineura  a class of Gastropoda
        subtype:  class_Polyplacophora__Polyplacophora  small class of marine mollusks comprising the chitons; sometimes considered an order of the subclass Amphineura
        subtype:  class_Bivalvia__Bivalvia__Lamellibranchia__class_Lamellibranchia__class_Pelecypoda  oysters; clams; scallops; mussels
        subtype:  class_Cephalopoda__Cephalopoda  octopuses; squids; cuttlefish; pearly nautilus
        subtype:  subclass_Dibranchiata__Dibranchiata__Dibranchia__subclass_Dibranchia  comprising all living cephalopods except the family Nautilidae: the orders Octopoda (octopuses) and Decapoda (squids and cuttlefish)
        subtype:  class_Crustacea__Crustacea  class of mandibulate arthropods including: lobsters; crabs; shrimps; woodlice; barnacles; decapods; water fleas
        subtype:  subclass_Entomostraca__Entomostraca  in some older classifications includes the Branchiopoda and Copepoda and Ostracoda and Cirripedia; no longer in technical use
        subtype:  subclass_Branchiopoda__Branchiopoda  primitive aquatic mainly freshwater crustaceans: fairy shrimps; brine shrimps; tadpole shrimps; can shrimps; water fleas
        subtype:  subclass_Copepoda__Copepoda  minute planktonic or parasitic crustaceans
        subtype:  subclass_Ostracoda__Ostracoda  seed shrimps
        subtype:  subclass_Cirripedia__Cirripedia  barnacles
        subtype:  class_Onychophora__Onychophora  enigmatic small elongated wormlike terrestrial invertebrates of damp dark habitats in warm regions; distinct from the phylum Annelida; resemble slugs with legs and are sometimes described as the missing link between arthropods and annelids
        subtype:  class_Insecta__Insecta__Hexapoda__class_Hexapoda  insects; about five-sixths of all known animal species
        subtype:  subclass_Exopterygota__Exopterygota__Hemimetabola  subclass of insects characterized by gradual and usually incomplete metamorphosis
        subtype:  class_Asteroidea__Asteroidea  sea stars
        subtype:  class_Ophiuroidea__Ophiuroidea  brittle stars and basket stars
        subtype:  subclass_Ophiurida__Ophiurida  brittle stars
        subtype:  subclass_Euryalida__Euryalida  basket stars
        subtype:  class_Echinoidea__Echinoidea  sea urchins and sand dollars
        subtype:  class_Crinoidea__Crinoidea  sea lilies
        subtype:  class_Holothuroidea__Holothuroidea  class of echinoderms including the sea cucumbers
        subtype:  superfamily_Hominoidea__Hominoidea  anthropoid apes and human beings
        subtype:  class_Osteichthyes__Osteichthyes  a class of fish having a skeleton composed of bone in addition to cartilage
        subtype:  subclass_Crossopterygii__Crossopterygii  fishes having paired fins resembling limbs and regarded as ancestral to amphibians
        subtype:  subclass_Dipnoi__Dipnoi  bony fishes of the southern hemisphere that breathe by a modified air bladder as well as gills; sometimes classified as an order of Crossopterygii
        subtype:  subclass_Teleostei__Teleostei  large diverse group of bony fishes; includes most living species
        subtype:  class_Anthoceropsida__Anthoceropsida  hornworts: in some classification systems included in the class Hepaticopsida
        subtype:  class_Bryopsida__Bryopsida__Musci__class_Musci  true mosses: bryophytes having leafy rather than thalloid gametophytes: comprises orders Andreaeales; Bryales; Dicranales; Eubryales; Sphagnales
        subtype:  class_Hepaticopsida__Hepaticopsida__Hepaticae__class_Hepaticae  liverworts: comprises orders Anthocerotales; Jungermanniales; Marchantiales; Sphaerocarpales
        subtype:  class_Gymnospermae__Gymnospermae__Gymnospermophyta__division_Gymnospermophyta  plants having naked seeds not enclosed in an ovary; in some systems considered a class (Gymnospermae) and in others a division (Gymnospermophyta); comprises three subdivisions (or classes): Cycadophytina (class Cycadopsida) and Gnetophytina (class Gnetopsida) and Coniferophytina (class Coniferopsida); in some classifications the Coniferophytina are divided into three groups: Pinophytina (class Pinopsida) and Ginkgophytina (class Ginkgopsida) and Taxophytina (class Taxopsida)
        subtype:  class_Gnetopsida__Gnetopsida__Gnetophytina__subdivision_Gnetophytina__Gnetophyta  gymnospermous flowering plants; supposed link between conifers and angiosperms; in some systems classified as as class (Gnetopsida) and in others as a subdivision (Gnetophytina or Gnetophyta)
        subtype:  class_Cycadopsida__Cycadopsida__Cycadophytina__subdivision_Cycadophytina__Cycadophyta__subdivision_Cycadophyta  palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta)
        subtype:  class_Pteridospermopsida__Pteridospermopsida  extinct gymnosperms most of Carboniferous to Jurassic: seed ferns and allies
        subtype:  class_Coniferopsida__Coniferopsida__Coniferophytina__subdivision_Coniferophytina__Coniferophyta  cone-bearing gymnosperms dating from the Carboniferous period; most are substantial trees; includes the classes Pinopsida (subdivision Pinophytina) and Ginkgopsida (subdivision Ginkgophytina) and Taxopsida (subdivision Taxophytina) which in turn include the surviving orders Coniferales and Taxales (yews) and sometimes Ginkgoales as well as extinct orders such as Cordaitales (of the Carboniferous and Permian)
        subtype:  class_Pinopsida__Pinopsida__Pinophytina__subdivision_Pinophytina  most conifers: in some systems classified as a class (Pinopsida) and in others as a subdivision (Pinophytina); used in some classifications for one of five subdivisions of Gymnospermophyta
        subtype:  class_Taxopsida__Taxopsida__Taxophytina__subdivision_Taxophytina  yews: in some systems classified as a class (Taxopsida) and in others as a subdivision (Taxophytina) used in some classifications for one of five subdivisions of Gymnospermophyta
        subtype:  class_Ginkgopsida__Ginkgopsida__Ginkgophytina__subdivision_Ginkgophytina__Ginkgophyta  ginkgos: in some systems classified as a class (Ginkgopsida) and in others as a subdivision (Ginkgophytina or Ginkgophyta); used in some classifications for one of five subdivisions of Gymnospermophyta
        subtype:  class_Angiospermae__Angiospermae__Magnoliophyta__division_Magnoliophyta__Anthophyta__division_Anthophyta  comprising flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed in an ovary; in some systems considered a class (Angiospermae) and in others a division (Magnoliophyta or Anthophyta)
        subtype:  class_Dicotyledones__Dicotyledones__Dicotyledonae__class_Dicotyledonae__Magnoliopsida__class_Magnoliopsida  comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with paired cotyledons and net-veined leaves; divided into six (not always well distinguished) subclasses (or superorders): Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae (considered primitive); Caryophyllidae (an early and distinctive offshoot); and three more or less advanced groups: Dilleniidae; Rosidae; Asteridae
        subtype:  subclass_Magnoliidae__Magnoliidae__ranalian_complex  a group of families or trees and shrubs and herbs having well-developed perianths and apocarpous ovaries and generally regarded as the most primitive extant flowering plants; contains 36 families including Magnoliaceae and Ranunculaceae; sometimes classified as a superorder
        subtype:  class_Monocotyledones__Monocotyledones__Monocotyledonae__class_Monocotyledonae__Liliopsida__class_Liliopsida  comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with a single cotyledon and parallel-veined leaves: includes grasses and lilies and palms and orchids; divided into four subclasses or superorders: Alismatidae; Arecidae; Commelinidae; and Liliidae
        subtype:  subclass_Alismatidae__Alismatidae  one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises about 500 species in 14 families of aquatic and semi-aquatic herbs
        subtype:  subclass_Arecidae__Arecidae  one of four subclasses or superorder of Monocotyledones; comprises about 6400 species in 5 families of trees and shrubs and terrestrial herbs and a few free-floating aquatics including: Palmae; Araceae; Pandanaceae: and Lemnaceae
        subtype:  subclass_Commelinidae__Commelinidae  one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises about 19,000 species in 25 families of mostly terrestrial herbs especially of moist places including: Cyperaceae; Gramineae; Bromeliaceae; and Zingiberaceae
        subtype:  subclass_Caryophyllidae__Caryophyllidae  a group of families of mostly flowers having basal or free-central placentation and trinucleate pollen (binucleate pollen is commoner in flowering plants); contains 14 families including: Caryophyllaceae (carnations and pinks); Aizoaceae; Amaranthaceae; Batidaceae; Chenopodiaceae; Cactaceae (order Opuntiales); Nyctaginaceae; Phytolaccaceae; corresponds approximately to order Caryophyllales; sometimes classified as a superorder
        subtype:  subclass_Asteridae__Asteridae  a group of mostly sympetalous herbs and some trees and shrubs mostly with 2 fused carpels; contains 43 families including Campanulales; Solanaceae; Scrophulariaceae; Labiatae; Verbenaceae; Rubiaceae; Compositae; sometimes classified as a superorder
        subtype:  subclass_Rosidae__Rosidae  a group of trees and shrubs and herbs mostly with polypetalous flowers; contains 108 families including Rosaceae; Crassulaceae; Myrtaceae; Melastomaceae; Euphorbiaceae; Umbelliferae
        subtype:  subclass_Hamamelidae__Hamamelidae  a group of chiefly woody plants considered among the most primitive of angiosperms; perianth poorly developed or lacking; flowers often unisexual and often in catkins and often wind pollinated; contains 23 families including the Betulaceae and Fagaceae (includes the Amentiferae); sometimes classified as a superorder
        subtype:  subclass_Dilleniidae__Dilleniidae  a group of families of more or less advanced trees and shrubs and herbs having either polypetalous or gamopetalous corollas and often with ovules attached to the walls of the ovary; contains 69 families including Ericaceae and Cruciferae and Malvaceae; sometimes classified as a superorder
        subtype:  subclass_Liliidae__Liliidae  one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises 17 families including: Liliaceae; Alliaceae; Amaryllidaceae; Iridaceae; Orchidaceae; Trilliaceae
        subtype:  class_Zygomycetes__Zygomycetes  class of fungi coextensive with subdivision Zygomycota
        subtype:  class_Myxomycetes__Myxomycetes  the class of true slime molds; essentially equivalent to the division Myxomycota
        subtype:  class_Acrasiomycetes__Acrasiomycetes  cellular slime molds; in some classifications placed in Kingdom Protoctista
        subtype:  class_Oomycetes__Oomycetes  nonphotosynthetic fungi that resemble algae and that reproduce by forming oospores; sometimes classified as protoctists
        subtype:  class_Chytridiomycetes__Chytridiomycetes  a class of mostly aquatic fungi; saprophytic or parasitic on algae or fungi or plants
        subtype:  class_Eumycetes__Eumycetes  category used in some classifications: coextensive with division Eumycota
        subtype:  class_Deuteromycetes__Deuteromycetes  form class; coextensive with subdivision Deuteromycota
        subtype:  class_Basidiomycetes__Basidiomycetes  large class of higher fungi coextensive with subdivision Basidiomycota
        subtype:  subclass_Homobasidiomycetes__Homobasidiomycetes  category used in some classification systems for various basidiomycetous fungi including e.g. mushrooms and puffballs which are usually placed in the classes Gasteromycetes and Hymenomycetes
        subtype:  subclass_Heterobasidiomycetes__Heterobasidiomycetes  category used in some classification systems for various basidiomycetous fungi including rusts and smuts
        subtype:  class_Hymenomycetes__Hymenomycetes  used in some classifications; usually coextensive with order Agaricales: mushrooms; toadstools; agarics; bracket fungi
        subtype:  class_Ascomycetes__Ascomycetes  large class of higher fungi coextensive with division Ascomycota: sac fungi
        subtype:  subclass_Euascomycetes__Euascomycetes  category not used in many classification systems
        subtype:  class_Hemiascomycetes__Hemiascomycetes  class of fungi in which no ascocarps are formed: yeasts and some plant parasites
        subtype:  class_Plectomycetes__Plectomycetes  class of fungi in which the fruiting body is a cleistothecium (it releases spores only on decay or disintegration)
        subtype:  class_Pyrenomycetes__Pyrenomycetes  class of fungi in which the fruiting body is a perithecium; includes powdery mildews and ergot and neurospora
        subtype:  subclass_Discomycetes__Discomycetes  a large and taxonomically difficult group of Ascomycetes in which the fleshy fruiting body is disklike or cup-shaped
        subtype:  class_Gasteromycetes__Gasteromycetes__Gastromycetes__class_Gastromycetes  fungi in which the hymenium is enclosed until after spores have matured: puffballs; earth stars; stinkhorn fungi
        subtype:  class_Tiliomycetes__Tiliomycetes  category used in some systems to comprise the two orders Ustilaginales (smuts) and Uredinales (rusts)
        subtype:  class_Filicopsida__Filicopsida__Filicinae__class_Filicinae  ferns
        subtype:  class_Psilopsida__Psilopsida__Psilotatae__class_Psilotatae  whisk ferns; comprising the family Psilotaceae or Psilotatae: vascular plants with no roots, partial if any leaf differentiation, and rudimentary spore sacs
        subtype:  class_Sphenopsida__Sphenopsida__Equisetatae__class_Equisetatae  horsetails and related forms
        subtype:  class_Lycopsida__Lycopsida__Lycopodiate__class_Lycopodiate  club mosses and related forms: includes Lycopodiales; Isoetales; Selaginellales; and extinct Lepidodendrales; sometimes considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta
        subtype:  class_Lycopodineae__Lycopodineae  alternative designation for the class Lycopsida
     subtype:  subclass  (biology) a taxonomic category below a class and above an order
     subtype:  superclass  (biology) a taxonomic class below a phylum and above a class
     subtype:  order.taxonomic_group  (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families
        subtype:  animal_order  the order of animals
           subtype:  order_Eubacteriales__Eubacteriales  one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria; gram-positive spherical or rod-shaped forms; some are motile; in some classifications considered an order of Schizomycetes
           subtype:  order_Pseudomonadales__Pseudomonadales  one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria; gram-negative spiral or spherical or rod-shaped bacteria usually motile by polar flagella; some contain photosynthetic pigments
           subtype:  order_Rickettsiales__Rickettsiales  pleomorphic gram-negative microorganisms
           subtype:  order_Mycoplasmatales__Mycoplasmatales  coextensive with the family Mycoplasmataceae
           subtype:  order_Actinomycetales__Actinomycetales  filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria
           subtype:  order_Myxobacteria__Myxobacterales__order_Myxobacterales__Myxobacteriales__order_Myxobacteriales  an order of higher bacteria
           subtype:  order_Spirochaetales__Spirochaetales  higher bacteria; slender spiral rodlike forms
           subtype:  order_Heliozoa__Heliozoa  mostly freshwater protozoa
           subtype:  order_Radiolaria__Radiolaria  marine protozoa
           subtype:  order_Amoebida__Amoebida__Amoebina__order_Amoebina  the animal order including amoebas
           subtype:  order_Foraminifera__Foraminifera  foraminifers
           subtype:  order_Testacea__Testacea  testacean rhizopods
           subtype:  order_Fucales__Fucales  coextensive with the family Fucaceae
           subtype:  order_Zygnematales__Zygnematales__Zygnemales__order_Zygnemales  pond scums; desmids
           subtype:  order_Dinoflagellata__Dinoflagellata__Cilioflagellata__order_Cilioflagellata  in some classifications considered a phylum of the kingdom Protista; in others included in the plant phylum Pyrrophyta
           subtype:  order_Hypermastigina__Hypermastigina  cellulose-producing flagellates
           subtype:  order_Polymastigina__Polymastigina  small usually parasitic flagellates
           subtype:  order_Coccidia__Coccidia  an order in the subclass Telosporidia
           subtype:  order_Gregarinida__Gregarinida  an order in the subclass Telosporidia
           subtype:  order_Haemosporidia__Haemosporidia  an order in the subclass Telosporidia
           subtype:  order_Sarcosporidia__Sarcosporidia  imperfectly known parasites of the muscles of vertebrates
           subtype:  order_Haplosporidia__Haplosporidia  an order in the subclass Acnidosporidia
           subtype:  order_Actinomyxidia__Actinomyxidia  parasites of worms
           subtype:  order_Mycrosporidia__Mycrosporidia  an order in the subclass Cnidosporidia
           subtype:  order_Myxosporidia__Myxosporidia  an order in the subclass Cnidosporidia
           subtype:  superorder_Malacopterygii__Malacopterygii  an extensive group of teleost fishes having fins supported by flexible cartilaginous rays
           subtype:  order_Cypriniformes__Cypriniformes  an order of animals including almost entirely freshwater fishes: characins; loaches; carp; suckers; sometimes classified as a suborder of Ostariophysi
           subtype:  order_Berycomorphi__Berycomorphi  an order of spiny-finned fish in the superorder Acanthopterygii
           subtype:  order_Zeomorphi__Zeomorphi  dories
           subtype:  order_Solenichthyes__Solenichthyes  bellows fishes; shrimpfishes; cornetfishes; pipefishes; small order of chiefly tropical marine fishes of varied and bizarre form all having a small mouth at the end of a drawn-out tubular snout
           subtype:  order_Ostracodermi__Ostracodermi  extinct group of armored jawless vertebrates; taxonomy is not clear
           subtype:  suborder_Heterostraci__Heterostraci  extinct group of armored jawless fishes or fishlike vertebrate; taxonomy is not clear
           subtype:  suborder_Osteostraci__Osteostraci__Cephalaspida__suborder_Cephalaspida  extinct group of armored fishlike vertebrates; taxonomy is not clear
           subtype:  order_Anaspida__Anaspida  extinct order of jawless vertebrates
           subtype:  order_Conodonta__Conodonta__Conodontophorida__order_Conodontophorida  extinct order of primitive vertebrates; the precise taxonomy is not clear; in some classifications considered a separate phylum
           subtype:  order_Cyclostomata__Cyclostomata  primitive jawless aquatic vertebrate: lampreys; hagfishes
           subtype:  suborder_Petromyzoniformes__Petromyzoniformes__Hyperoartia__suborder_Hyperoartia  lampreys as distinguished from hagfishes
           subtype:  suborder_Myxiniformes__Myxiniformes__Hyperotreta__suborder_Hyperotreta__Myxinoidei__Myxinoidea__suborder_Myxinoidei  hagfishes as distinguished from lampreys
           subtype:  order_Torpediniformes__Torpediniformes  rays with torpedo-shaped bodies
           subtype:  order_Rajiformes__Rajiformes__Batoidei__order_Batoidei  fish with dorsoventrally flattened bodies; includes: rays; skates; guitarfishes; sawfishes
           subtype:  superorder_Ratitae__Ratitae  used in former classifications to include all ratite bird orders
           subtype:  order_Struthioniformes__Struthioniformes  a ratite bird order: ostriches and related extinct birds; known from the Pleistocene onward
           subtype:  order_Casuariiformes__Casuariiformes  a ratite bird order: cassowaries and emus
           subtype:  order_Apterygiformes__Apterygiformes  a ratite bird order: flightless ground birds having vestigial wings and long bills and small eyes: kiwis
           subtype:  order_Rheiformes__Rheiformes  a ratite bird order: birds intermediate in characteristics between ostriches and emus: recent and extinct rheas
           subtype:  order_Aepyorniformes__Aepyorniformes  huge extinct flightless birds: elephant birds
           subtype:  order_Dinornithiformes__Dinornithiformes  a ratite bird order: recently extinct flightless birds of New Zealand
           subtype:  order_Insessores__Insessores__perching_birds__perchers  birds with feet adapted for perching on trees; this order is now generally abandoned by taxonomists
           subtype:  order_Passeriformes__Passeriformes  largest order of birds comprising about half the known species: rooks; finches; sparrows; tits; warblers; robins; wrens; swallows; etc.; in four suborders: Eurylaimi; Tyranni; Menurae: Oscines or Passeres
           subtype:  suborder_Oscines__Oscines__Passeres__suborder_Passeres  two names for the suborder of typical songbirds
           subtype:  suborder_Menurae__Menurae  lyrebirds and scrubbirds
           subtype:  suborder_Eurylaimi__Eurylaimi  broadbills
           subtype:  suborder_Tyranni__Tyranni  New World flycatchers; antbirds; oven birds; woodhewers
           subtype:  suborder_Clamatores__Clamatores  used in some classification systems; a suborder or superfamily nearly coextensive with suborder Tyranni; Passeriformes having relatively simple vocal organs and little power of song: clamatorial birds
           subtype:  order_Raptores__Raptores  term used in former classifications; erroneously grouped together birds of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes
           subtype:  order_Falconiformes__Falconiformes  chiefly diurnal carnivorous birds having hooked beaks and long talons with opposable hind toe: falcons; hawks; eagles; ospreys; caracaras; vultures
           subtype:  order_Strigiformes__Strigiformes  owls
           subtype:  order_Urodella__Urodella__Caudata__order_Caudata  salamanders; newts; congo snakes
           subtype:  order_Salientia__Salientia__Anura__order_Anura__Batrachia__order_Batrachia  frogs, toads, tree toads
           subtype:  order_Gymnophiona__Gymnophiona  an order of amphibians including caecilians
           subtype:  superorder_Labyrinthodontia__Labyrinthodontia__Labyrinthodonta__superorder_Labyrinthodonta  extinct amphibians typically resembling heavy-bodied salamanders or crocodiles and having a solid flattened skull and conical teeth; Devonian through Triassic
           subtype:  order_Stereospondyli__Stereospondyli  formerly a suborder of Stegocephalia; amphibia having vertebrae whose component elements are fused into a single piece: "most vertebrates are stereospondylous"
           subtype:  order_Stegocephalia__Stegocephalia  in former classifications a division of Amphibia comprising all pre-Jurassic and some later extinct large salamandriform amphibia
           subtype:  order_Temnospondyli__Temnospondyli  formerly a suborder of Stegocephalia; large Carboniferous and Permian amphibians having vertebrae in which some elements remain separate
           subtype:  order_Chelonia__Chelonia__Testudinata__order_Testudinata__Testudines__order_Testudines  tortoises and turtles
           subtype:  order_Rhynchocephalia__Rhynchocephalia  tuataras; extinct forms from middle Triassic
           subtype:  order_Squamata__Squamata  diapsid reptiles: snakes and lizards
           subtype:  suborder_Sauria__Sauria__Lacertilia__suborder_Lacertilia  true lizards; including chameleons and geckos
           subtype:  order_Crocodylia__Crocodylia__Crocodilia__order_Crocodilia  crocodiles; alligators; caimans; gavials
           subtype:  order_Loricata__Loricata  former name for the order Crocodylia
           subtype:  order_Ornithischia__Ornithischia  extinct terrestrial reptiles having birdlike pelvises: armored dinosaurs (thyreophorans); bone-headed and horned dinosaurs (marginocephalians); duck-billed dinosaurs (euronithopods)
           subtype:  suborder_Thyreophora__Thyreophora__thyreophoran  armored dinosaurs: stegosaurs and ankylosaurs
           subtype:  suborder_Marginocephalia__Marginocephalia__marginocephalian  includes bone-headed (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs
           subtype:  suborder_Pachycephalosaurus  bone-headed dinosaurs; late Cretaceous
           subtype:  suborder_Ceratopsia__Ceratopsia  horned dinosaurs
           subtype:  suborder_Euronithopoda__Euronithopoda__euronithopod__Ornithopoda__suborder_Ornithopoda  widespread group including duck-billed dinosaurs and their early relatives (hadrosaurs; trachodon; iguanodon)
           subtype:  order_Saurischia__Saurischia  extinct terrestrial reptiles: theropods (carnivorous); sauropods (herbivorous)
           subtype:  suborder_Sauropodomorpha__Sauropodomorpha  gigantic herbivorous dinosaurs having huge bodies with long necks and small heads: Prosauropoda and Sauropoda (apatosaurus; diplodocus; titanosaurs)
           subtype:  suborder_Prosauropoda__Prosauropoda  the earliest known dinosaurs
           subtype:  suborder_Sauropoda__Sauropoda  any of the sauropod dinosaurs
           subtype:  suborder_Theropoda__Theropoda  carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs with short forelimbs; Jurassic and Cretaceous
           subtype:  suborder_Ceratosaura  primitive saurischian dinosaurs
           subtype:  suborder_Carnosaura__Carnosaura  largest carnivorous land animals ever known
           subtype:  suborder_Ornithomimida__Ornithomimida  lightly built medium-size theropods
           subtype:  suborder_Maniraptora__Maniraptora  advanced theropods including oviraptorids and dromaeosaurs and possibly even modern birds
           subtype:  order_Therapsida__Therapsida  extinct mammal-like reptiles found inhabiting all continents from the mid Permian to late Triassic
           subtype:  order_Ictodosauria__Ictodosauria  extinct reptiles of the Upper Triassic
           subtype:  order_Pelycosauria__Pelycosauria  edaphosaurus; dimetrodon
           subtype:  order_Pterosauria__Pterosauria  extinct flying reptiles: pterosaurs
           subtype:  order_Thecodontia__Thecodontia  extinct terrestrial reptiles having teeth set in sockets; of the late Permian to Triassic
           subtype:  order_Ichthyosauria__Ichthyosauria  extinct marine reptiles: ichthyosaurs
           subtype:  order_Sauropterygia__Sauropterygia  extinct marine reptiles: plesiosaurs; nothosaurs
           subtype:  suborder_Plesiosauria__Plesiosauria  any of the plesiosaurs
           subtype:  suborder_Nothosauria__Nothosauria  a suborder of Sauropterygia
           subtype:  suborder_Serpentes__Serpentes__Ophidia__suborder_Ophidia  snakes
           subtype:  order_Phalangida__Phalangida__Opiliones__order_Opiliones  harvestmen
           subtype:  order_Scorpionida__Scorpionida  true scorpions
           subtype:  order_Chelonethida__Chelonethida__Pseudoscorpionida__order_Pseudoscorpionida__Pseudoscorpiones__order_Pseudoscorpiones  false scorpions
           subtype:  order_Pedipalpi__Pedipalpi__Uropygi__order_Uropygi  whip scorpions
           subtype:  order_Araneae__Araneae__Araneida__order_Araneida  spiders
           subtype:  order_Acarina__Acarina  mites and ticks
           subtype:  order_Geophilomorpha__Geophilomorpha  small elongate centipedes living in soil and under stones and having more than 30 pairs of legs
           subtype:  order_Pycnogonida__Pycnogonida  sea spiders
           subtype:  order_Xiphosura__Xiphosura  horseshoe crabs and extinct forms
           subtype:  order_Eurypterida__Eurypterida  extinct aquatic arthropods of the Paleozoic
           subtype:  order_Galliformes__Galliformes  pheasants; turkeys; grouse; partridges; quails; chickens; brush turkeys; curassows; hoatzins
           subtype:  order_Tinamiformes__Tinamiformes  coextensive with the family Tinamidae
           subtype:  order_Columbiformes__Columbiformes  sand grouse; pigeons; doves; extinct dodos and solitaires
           subtype:  order_Psittaciformes__Psittaciformes  an order of birds including parrots and amazons and cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets
           subtype:  order_Cuculiformes__Cuculiformes  cuckoos; touracos; etc.
           subtype:  order_Coraciiformes__Coraciiformes  rollers; kingfishers; hornbills; hoopoes; motmots; bee eaters; todies
           subtype:  order_Picariae__Picariae  term used in some classifications as nearly equivalent to the order Coraciiformes
           subtype:  order_Apodiformes__Apodiformes  swifts; hummingbirds
           subtype:  order_Caprimulgiformes__Caprimulgiformes  goatsuckers; frogmouths; oilbirds
           subtype:  order_Piciformes__Piciformes  woodpeckers; jacamars; puffbirds; barbets; honey guides; toucans
           subtype:  order_Trogoniformes__Trogoniformes  trogons
           subtype:  order_Anseriformes__Anseriformes  ducks; geese; swans; screamers
           subtype:  suborder_Anseres__Anseres  used in some especially older classifications; coextensive with the family Anatidae
           subtype:  order_Monotremata__Monotremata  coextensive with the subclass Prototheria
           subtype:  order_Marsupialia__Marsupialia  coextensive with the subclass Metatheria
           subtype:  order_Insectivora__Insectivora  shrews; moles; hedgehogs; tenrecs
           subtype:  suborder_Lipotyphla__Lipotyphla  moles; hedgehogs; true shrews
           subtype:  suborder_Menotyphla__Menotyphla  elephant shrews; tree shrews
           subtype:  order_Siphonophora__Siphonophora  marine colonial hydrozoans
           subtype:  order_Actiniaria__Actiniaria__Actinaria__order_Actinaria  sea anemones
           subtype:  order_Alcyonaria__Alcyonaria  corals and sea anemones having eight branches
           subtype:  suborder_Alcyonacea__Alcyonacea  comprising the soft corals
           subtype:  suborder_Gorgonacea__Gorgonacea__Gorgoniacea__suborder_Gorgoniacea  red corals and sea fans
           subtype:  order_Madreporaria__Madreporaria  stony corals
           subtype:  order_Cydippida__Cydippida__Cydippidea__order_Cydippidea__Cydippea__order_Cydippea  ctenophores having two long pinnate tentacles
           subtype:  order_Platyctenea__Platyctenea  an order of Tentaculata
           subtype:  order_Cestida__Cestida  ctenophore having short tentacles; one family
           subtype:  order_Lobata__Lobata  ctenophore having tentacles only in the immature stage; body compressed vertically having two large oral lobes and four pointed processes
           subtype:  order_Nudibranchia__Nudibranchia  comprising numerous marine gastropod mollusks lacking a shell in the adult state and usually having a body like a slug
           subtype:  order_Pulmonata__Pulmonata  large order of gastropods usually breathing by means of a lung-like sac comprising most land snails and slugs and many freshwater snails
           subtype:  order_Pectinibranchia__Pectinibranchia  large order of gastropods comprising univalve mollusks that have a single gill resembling a comb
           subtype:  order_Solenogastres__Solenogastres__Aplacophora__order_Aplacophora  an order of Amphineura
           subtype:  order_Myaceae__Myaceae  clams
           subtype:  order_Octopoda__Octopoda  octopuses and paper nautilus
           subtype:  order_Decapoda__Decapoda  squids and cuttlefishes
           subtype:  order_Belemnoidea__Belemnoidea  order of extinct dibranchiate cephalopods related to the surviving spirulas
           subtype:  Decapoda__order_Decapoda  lobsters; crayfish; crabs; shrimps; prawns
           subtype:  suborder_Brachyura__Brachyura  an order of crustaceans (including true crabs) having a reduced abdomen folded against the ventral surface
           subtype:  suborder_Reptantia__Reptantia  lobsters; crabs
           subtype:  suborder_Natantia__Natantia  shrimp; prawns; etc.
           subtype:  Schizopoda  in former classifications a division of Malacostraca; superseded by the orders Mysidacea and Euphausiacea
           subtype:  order_Euphausiacea__Euphausiacea  small commonly luminescent crustaceans; important element of marine plankton: krill
           subtype:  order_Mysidacea__Mysidacea  opossum shrimp
           subtype:  order_Stomatopoda__Stomatopoda  mantis shrimps
           subtype:  order_Isopoda__Isopoda  woodlice
           subtype:  order_Amphipoda__Amphipoda  small flat-bodied semi-terrestrial crustaceans: whale lice; sand-hoppers; skeleton shrimp
           subtype:  order_Anostraca__Anostraca  small aquatic crustaceans lacking a carapace: fairy shrimps; brine shrimps
           subtype:  order_Notostraca__Notostraca  small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace
           subtype:  order_Branchiura__Branchiura  copepods with suctorial mouthparts; parasitic on fishes
           subtype:  order_Ciconiiformes__Ciconiiformes  order of chiefly tropical marsh-dwelling fish-eating wading birds with long legs and bills and (except for flamingos) unwebbed feet: herons; storks; spoonbills; flamingos; ibises
           subtype:  order_Gruiformes__Gruiformes  inland marsh-dwelling birds with long legs and necks and bills that wade in water in search of food: cranes; rails; bustards
           subtype:  suborder_Otides__Otides  terrestrial game birds of the Old World and Australia: bustards
           subtype:  order_Charadriiformes__Charadriiformes  large diverse order of aquatic birds found along seacoasts and inland waters: shorebirds and coastal diving birds; most feed on anima life
           subtype:  suborder_Charadrii__Charadrii  shorebirds: plovers; sandpipers; avocets; phalaropes; coursers; stone curlews
           subtype:  suborder_Limicolae__Limicolae  term used in some classifications for migratory shorebirds; coextensive with the Charadrii
           subtype:  suborder_Lari__Lari  gulls; terns; jaegers; skimmers
           subtype:  order_Gaviiformes__Gaviiformes  large aquatic birds: loons and some extinct forms
           subtype:  order_Podicipitiformes__Podicipitiformes__Podicipediformes__order_Podicipediformes__Colymbiformes__order_Colymbiformes  grebes
           subtype:  order_Pelecaniformes__Pelecaniformes  pelicans; frigate birds; gannets; cormorants
           subtype:  order_Sphenisciformes__Sphenisciformes  penguins
           subtype:  order_Procellariiformes__Procellariiformes  petrels; albatrosses; shearwaters; diving petrels
           subtype:  order_Cetacea__Cetacea  an order of Eutheria
           subtype:  suborder_Mysticeti__Mysticeti  baleen whales: right whales; rorquals; blue whales; humpbacks
           subtype:  suborder_Odontoceti__Odontoceti  toothed whales: dolphins; porpoises; sperm whales; beaked whales
           subtype:  order_Sirenia__Sirenia  manatees; dugongs; Stellar's sea cow
           subtype:  order_Carnivora__Carnivora  cats; lions; tigers; panthers; dogs; wolves; jackals; bears; raccoons; skunks; and members of the suborder Pinnipedia
           subtype:  suborder_Pinnipedia__Pinnipedia  seals; sea lions; walruses
           subtype:  order_Tubulidentata__Tubulidentata  an order of Eutheria
           subtype:  order_Chiroptera__Chiroptera  an old order dating to early Eocene: bats: suborder Megachiroptera (fruit bats); suborder Microchiroptera (insectivorous bats)
           subtype:  suborder_Megachiroptera__Megachiroptera  fruit bats
           subtype:  suborder_Microchiroptera__Microchiroptera  most of the bats in the world; all bats except fruit bats insectivorous bats
           subtype:  order_Mecoptera__Mecoptera  an order of carnivorous insects usually having long membranous wings and long beaklike heads with chewing mouths at the tip
           subtype:  order_Collembola__Collembola  minute wingless arthropods: springtails
           subtype:  order_Protura__Protura  minute wingless arthropods: telsontails
           subtype:  order_Coleoptera__Coleoptera  beetles
           subtype:  order_Embioptera__Embioptera__Embiodea__order_Embiodea  web spinners
           subtype:  order_Anoplura__Anoplura  sucking lice
           subtype:  order_Mallophaga__Mallophaga  biting lice
           subtype:  order_Siphonaptera__Siphonaptera  fleas
           subtype:  order_Diptera__Diptera  a large order of insects having a single pair of wings and sucking or piercing mouths; includes true flies and mosquitoes and gnats and crane flies
           subtype:  suborder_Nematocera__Nematocera  mosquitoes; fungus gnats; crane flies; gnats; sand flies
           subtype:  order_Hymenoptera__Hymenoptera  an order of insects including: bees; wasps; ants; ichneumons; sawflies; gall wasps; etc.
           subtype:  order_Isoptera__Isoptera  order of social insects that live in colonies, including: termites; often placed in subclass Exopterygota
           subtype:  order_Orthoptera__Orthoptera  grasshoppers and locusts; crickets
           subtype:  order_Phasmida__Phasmida__Phasmatodea__order_Phasmatodea  in some classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera: stick insects; leaf insects
           subtype:  order_Dictyoptera__Dictyoptera  in some classifications replaced by the orders (here suborders) Blattodea (cockroaches) and Manteodea (mantids); in former classifications often subsumed under a much broader order Orthoptera
           subtype:  suborder_Blattodea__Blattodea__Blattaria__suborder_Blattaria  cockroaches; in some classifications considered an order
           subtype:  suborder_Manteodea__Manteodea  mantises; in former classifications considered a suborder of Orthoptera
           subtype:  order_Hemiptera__Hemiptera  plant bugs; bedbugs; some true bugs; also includes suborders Heteroptera (true bugs) and Homoptera (e.g. aphids; plant lice; cicadas)
           subtype:  suborder_Heteroptera__Heteroptera  true bugs
           subtype:  suborder_Homoptera__Homoptera  plant lice (aphids); whiteflies; cicadas; leafhoppers; plant hoppers; scale insects and mealybugs; spittle insects
           subtype:  order_Psocoptera__Psocoptera__Corrodentia__order_Corrodentia  an order of insects: includes booklice and barklice
           subtype:  order_Ephemeroptera__Ephemeroptera__Ephemerida__order_Ephemerida  mayflies
           subtype:  order_Plecoptera__Plecoptera  stoneflies
           subtype:  order_Neuroptera__Neuroptera  an order of insects including: lacewings; antlions; dobsonflies; alderflies; fishflies; mantispids; spongeflies
           subtype:  suborder_Megaloptera__Megaloptera  in some classifications considered a separate order: alderflies; dobsonflies; snake flies
           subtype:  order_Odonata__Odonata  dragonflies and damselflies
           subtype:  suborder_Anisoptera__Anisoptera  dragonflies
           subtype:  suborder_Zygoptera__Zygoptera  damselflies
           subtype:  order_Trichoptera__Trichoptera  an order of insects consisting of caddis flies
           subtype:  order_Thysanura__Thysanura  firebrats; silverfish; machilids
           subtype:  order_Thysanoptera__Thysanoptera  thrips
           subtype:  order_Dermaptera__Dermaptera  earwigs and a few related forms
           subtype:  order_Lepidoptera__Lepidoptera  moths and butterflies
           subtype:  order_Exocycloida__Exocycloida  flat sea urchins
           subtype:  order_Spatangoida__Spatangoida  heart-shaped sea urchins
           subtype:  order_Lagomorpha__Lagomorpha  rabbits; hares; pikas; formerly considered the suborder Duplicidentata of the order Rodentia
           subtype:  order_Rodentia__Rodentia  small gnawing animals: porcupines; rats; mice; squirrels; marmots; beavers; gophers; voles; hamsters; guinea pigs; agoutis
           subtype:  suborder_Myomorpha__Myomorpha  true rats and mice and related rodents
           subtype:  suborder_Hystricomorpha__Hystricomorpha  an order of rodents including: porcupines; guinea pigs; chinchillas; etc.
           subtype:  suborder_Sciuromorpha__Sciuromorpha  large more or less primitive rodents: squirrels; marmots; gophers; beavers; etc.
           subtype:  order_Dinocerata__Dinocerata  small order of primitive ungulates of the Paleocene and Eocene
           subtype:  order_Hyracoidea__Hyracoidea  hyraxes and some extinct animals
           subtype:  order_Perissodactyla__Perissodactyla  nonruminant ungulates: horses; tapirs; rhinoceros; extinct forms
           subtype:  order_Artiodactyla__Artiodactyla  an order of hooved mammals of the subclass Eutheria (including pigs and peccaries and hippopotami and members of the suborder Ruminantia) having an even number of functional toes
           subtype:  suborder_Ruminantia__Ruminantia  cattle; bison; sheep; goats; antelopes; deer; chevrotains; giraffes; camels
           subtype:  order_Edentata__Edentata  order of mammals having few or no teeth including: New World anteaters; sloths; armadillos
           subtype:  suborder_Xenarthra__Xenarthra  armadillos; American anteaters; sloths
           subtype:  order_Pholidota__Pholidota  pangolins; in some former classifications included in the order Edentata
           subtype:  order_Primates__Primates  an animal order including lemurs and tarsiers and monkeys and apes and human beings
           subtype:  suborder_Anthropoidea__Anthropoidea  monkeys; apes; hominids
           subtype:  order_Scandentia__Scandentia  a small order comprising only the tree shrews: in some classifications tree shrews are considered either primates (and included in the suborder Prosimii) or true insectivores (and included in the order Insectivora)
           subtype:  suborder_Prosimii__Prosimii  not used in all classifications; in some classifications considered coextensive with the Lemuroidea; in others includes both Lemuroidea and Tarsioidea
           subtype:  suborder_Lemuroidea__Lemuroidea  Lemuridae; Lorisidae; Daubentoniidae; Indriidae; used in some classifications instead of Prosimii; in others considered a subdivision of Prosimii
              subtype:  family_Daubentoniidae__Daubentoniidae  comprising solely the aye-aye
           subtype:  suborder_Strepsirhini__Strepsirhini  in some classifications either coextensive with the Lemuroidea or comprising the true lemurs
           subtype:  suborder_Tarsioidea__Tarsioidea  in some classifications assigned to the suborder Prosimii
           subtype:  order_Dermoptera__Dermoptera  flying lemurs
           subtype:  order_Proboscidea__Proboscidea  an order of animals including elephants and mammoths
           subtype:  order_Siluriformes__Siluriformes  an order of fish belonging to the superorder Malacopterygii including catfishes
           subtype:  order_Gadiformes__Gadiformes  cods, haddocks, grenadiers; in some classifications considered equivalent to the order Anacanthini
           subtype:  order_Anacanthini__Anacanthini  at least partially equivalent to the order Gadiformes in some classifications
           subtype:  order_Anguilliformes__Anguilliformes__order_Apodes  elongate fishes with pelvic fins and girdle absent or reduced
           subtype:  order_Isospondyli__Isospondyli  most primitive teleost fishes; all are soft-finned: salmon; trout; herring; shad; sardines; anchovies; whitefish; smelts; tarpon
           subtype:  order_Pediculati__Pediculati  anglers and batfishes; spiny-finned marine fishes having pectoral fins at the ends of armlike processes and a long movable spine on the dorsal fin to lure prey to the large mouth
           subtype:  order_Synentognathi__Synentognathi  order of fishes having spineless fins; needlefishes; sauries; flying fishes; halfbeaks
           subtype:  superorder_Acanthopterygii__Acanthopterygii  teleost fishes having fins with sharp bony rays
           subtype:  order_Perciformes__Perciformes__Percomorphi__order_Percomorphi  one of the largest natural groups of fishes of both marine and fresh water: true perches; basses; tuna
           subtype:  suborder_Percoidea__Percoidea  in some classifications nearly or exactly equivalent to the Perciformes which are considered a suborder
           subtype:  order_Discocephali__Discocephali  small order of fishes comprising the remoras
           subtype:  suborder_Mugiloidea__Mugiloidea  fishes distinguished by abdominal pelvic fins: families Mugilidae; Atherinidae; Sphyraenidae
           subtype:  suborder_Blennioidea__Blennioidea  blennies; butterfishes; gunnels
           subtype:  suborder_Scombroidea__Scombroidea  mackerels; tunas; albacores; bonitos; swordfishes; sailfishes
           subtype:  order_Ganoidei__Ganoidei  a group of mostly extinct primitive bony fishes characterized by armor-like bony scales
           subtype:  order_Scleroparei__Scleroparei  scorpionfishes; sculpins; gurnards; greenlings; flying gurnards
           subtype:  suborder_Scorpaenoidea__Scorpaenoidea  mail-cheeked fishes: scorpionfishes; gurnards
           subtype:  order_Plectognathi__Plectognathi__order_Tetraodontiformes  boxfishes; filefishes; globefishes; ocean sunfishes; triggerfishes; puffers
           subtype:  order_Heterosomata__Heterosomata__order_Pleuronectiformes  flatfishes: halibut; sole; flounder; plaice; turbot; tonguefishes
        subtype:  protoctist_order  the order of protoctista
           subtype:  order_Heterotrichales__Heterotrichales  yellow-green algae with simple or branching filaments; comprising the single family Tribonemaceae
           subtype:  order_Laminariales__Laminariales  in some classifications coextensive with family Laminariaceae: marine brown algae of cold or polar seas
           subtype:  order_Ulvales__Ulvales  an order of protoctista
           subtype:  order_Volvocales__Volvocales  chiefly freshwater green algae; solitary or colonial
           subtype:  order_Chlorococcales__Chlorococcales  unicellular green algae that reproduce by spores
           subtype:  Oedogoniales__order_oedogoniales  simple or branched filamentous freshwater green algae
           subtype:  order_Charales__Charales  small order of macroscopic fresh and brackish water algae with a distinct axis: stoneworts
        subtype:  plant_order__plantorder  the order of plants
           subtype:  order_Anthocerotales__Anthocerotales  hornworts; liverworts having a thalloid gametophyte; in some classification systems included in the class Hepaticopsida
           subtype:  order_Andreaeales__Andreaeales  comprises a single genus: Andreaea
           subtype:  order_Bryales__Bryales  category used in some classification systems for mosses having the spore case separated from the capsule wall by a hollow intercellular space
           subtype:  order_Dicranales__Dicranales  widely distributed order of mosses with erect gametophores and sporophytes at the tips of stems
           subtype:  order_Eubryales__Eubryales  mosses with perennial erect gametophores and stems with rows of leaves and drooping capsules
           subtype:  order_Sphagnales__Sphagnales  coextensive with the genus Sphagnum; in some classifications isolated in a separate subclass
           subtype:  order_Jungermanniales__Jungermanniales  large order of chiefly tropical liverworts
           subtype:  order_Marchantiales__Marchantiales  liverworts with gametophyte differentiated internally
           subtype:  order_Sphaerocarpales__Sphaerocarpales  small order sometimes included in the order Jungermanniales
           subtype:  order_Gnetales__Gnetales  chiefly tropical or xerophytic woody plants; practically unknown as fossils but considered close to the ancestral line of angiosperms
           subtype:  order_Cycadales__Cycadales  primitive tropical gymnosperms abundant in the Mesozoic, now reduced to a few scattered tropical forms
           subtype:  order_Bennettitales__Bennettitales  fossil gymnospermous plants of the Carboniferous
           subtype:  order_Cycadofilicales__Cycadofilicales__Lyginopteridales__order_Lyginopteridales  fossil gymnospermous trees or climbing plants from the Devonian: seed ferns
           subtype:  order_Cordaitales__Cordaitales  extinct plants having tall arborescent trunks comparable to or more advanced than cycads; known from the Pennsylvanian; probably extinct since the Mesozoic
           subtype:  order_Coniferales__Coniferales  profusely branching and chiefly evergreen trees and some shrubs having narrow or needlelike leaves
           subtype:  order_Taxales__Taxales  coextensive with the family Taxaceae: yews
           subtype:  order_Ginkgoales__Ginkgoales  coextensive with the family Ginkgoaceae: plants that first appeared in the Permian and now represented by a single surviving species; often included in Coniferales
           subtype:  order_Ranales__Ranales__Ranunculales__order_Ranunculales  herbs, shrubs and trees: includes families Ranunculaceae; Annonaceae; Berberidaceae; Magnoliaceae; Menispermaceae; Myristicaceae; Nymphaeaceae; Lardizabalaceae; Lauraceae; Calycanthaceae; Ceratophyllaceae; Cercidiphyllaceae
           subtype:  order_Myricales__Myricales  coextensive with the family Myricaceae
           subtype:  order_Arales__Arales  Araceae; Lemnaceae
           subtype:  order_Aristolochiales__Aristolochiales  order of plants distinguished by tubular petaloid perianth and inferior ovary
           subtype:  order_Caryophyllales__Caryophyllales__Chenopodiales__order-Chenopodiales  corresponds approximately to the older group Centrospermae
           subtype:  order_Opuntiales__Opuntiales  coextensive with the family Cactaceae: cactuses
           subtype:  order_Rhoeadales__Rhoeadales__Papaverales__order_Papaverales  an order of dicotyledonous plants
           subtype:  order_Campanulales__Campanulales  an order or plants of the subclass Asteridae including: Campanulaceae; Lobeliaceae; Cucurbitaceae; Goodeniaceae; Compositae
           subtype:  order_Orchidales__Orchidales  order of plants with irregular flowers having minute seeds: Orchidaceae; Burmanniaceae
           subtype:  order_Primulales__Primulales  Primulaceae; Theophrastaceae; Myrsinaceae; and (in some classifications) Plumbaginaceae
           subtype:  order_Plumbaginales__Plumbaginales  coextensive with the family Plumbaginaceae; usually included in order Primulales
           subtype:  order_Graminales__Graminales  grasses; sedges; rushes
           subtype:  order_Pandanales__Pandanales  families Typhaceae; Sparganiaceae; Pandanaceae
           subtype:  order_Malvales__Malvales  Malvaceae; Bombacaceae; Elaeocarpaceae; Sterculiaceae; Tiliaceae
           subtype:  order_Umbellales__Umbellales  plants having umbels or corymbs of uniovulate flowers; includes the Umbelliferae (chiefly herbs) and Cornaceae (chiefly trees or shrubs)
           subtype:  order_Proteales__Proteales  coextensive with the family Proteaceae
           subtype:  order_Casuarinales__Casuarinales  order of chiefly Australian trees and shrubs comprising the casuarinas; 1 family: Casuarinaceae
           subtype:  order_Ericales__Ericales  Ericaceae; Clethraceae; Diapensiaceae; Epacridaceae; Lennoaceae; Pyrolaceae; Monotropaceae
              subtype:  family_Ericaceae__Ericaceae__heath_family__heathfamily  heathers
           subtype:  order_Diapensiales__Diapensiales  used in some classifications: coextensive with family Diapensiaceae
           subtype:  order_Fagales__Fagales  an order of dicotyledonous trees of the subclass Hamamelidae
           subtype:  order_Gentianales__Gentianales  an order of dicotyledonous plants having gamopetalous flowers; Gentianaceae; Apocynaceae; Asclepiadaceae; Loganiaceae; Oleaceae; Salvadoraceae
           subtype:  order_Oleales__Oleales  coextensive with the family Oleaceae; in some classifications included in the order Gentianales
           subtype:  order_Juglandales__Juglandales  coextensive with the family Juglandaceae
           subtype:  order_Myrtales__Myrtales__Thymelaeales__order_Thymelaeales  Myrtaceae; Combretaceae; Elaeagnaceae; Haloragidaceae; Melastomaceae; Lecythidaceae; Lythraceae; Rhizophoraceae; Onagraceae; Lecythidaceae; Punicaceae
           subtype:  order_Musales__Musales  tropical plants
           subtype:  order_Parietales__Parietales__Hypericales__order_Hypericales  a large order of dicotyledonous plants of subclass Dilleniidae
           subtype:  order_Guttiferales__Guttiferales  used in some classifications; coextensive with Parietales
           subtype:  order_Urticales__Urticales  an order of dicotyledonous plants including Moraceae and Urticaceae and Ulmaceae
           subtype:  order_Liliales__Liliales  an order of monocotyledonous plants including Amaryllidaceae and Liliaceae and Iridaceae
           subtype:  order_Palmales__Palmales  coextensive with the family Palmae: palms
           subtype:  order_Plantaginales__Plantaginales  coextensive with the family Plantaginaceae
           subtype:  order_Polygonales__Polygonales  coextensive with the family Polygonaceae,
           subtype:  order_Xyridales__Xyridales__Commelinales__order_Commelinales  an order of monocotyledonous herbs
           subtype:  order_Naiadales__Naiadales__Alismales__order_Alismales  an order of aquatic monocotyledonous herbaceous plants
           subtype:  order_Rosales__Rosales  in some classifications this category does not include Leguminosae
           subtype:  order_Rubiales__Rubiales  an order of dicotyledonous plants of the subclass Asteridae; have opposite leaves and an inferior compound ovary
           subtype:  order_Geraniales__Geraniales  an order of plants of subclass Rosidae including geraniums and many other plants; see Euphorbiaceae; Geraniaceae; Rutaceae; Malpighiaceae; Simaroubaceae; Meliaceae; Zygophyllaceae; Tropaeolaceae
           subtype:  order_Salicales__Salicales  coextensive with the family Salicaceae
           subtype:  order_Santalales__Santalales  order of plants distinguished by having a one-celled inferior ovary; many are parasitic or partly parasitic usually on roots
           subtype:  order_Sapindales__Sapindales  an order od dicotyledonous plants
           subtype:  order_Ebenales__Ebenales  trees or shrubs of the families Ebenaceae or Sapotaceae or Styracaceae or Symplocaceae
           subtype:  order_Sarraceniales__Sarraceniales  plants that are variously modified to serve as insect traps: families Sarraceniaceae; Nepenthaceae; Droseraceae
           subtype:  order_Polemoniales__Polemoniales  Polemoniaceae; Solanaceae; Boraginaceae; Labiatae; Lentibulariaceae; Pedaliaceae; in some classifications includes the order Scrophulariales
           subtype:  order_Scrophulariales__Scrophulariales  used in some classification systems; often included in the order Polemoniales
           subtype:  order_Ophioglossales__Ophioglossales  coextensive with the family Ophioglossaceae
           subtype:  order_Rhamnales__Rhamnales  an order of dicotyledonous plants
           subtype:  order_Piperales__Piperales  Piperaceae; Saururaceae; Chloranthaceae
           subtype:  order_Filicales__Filicales__Polypodiales__order_Polypodiales  true (leptosporangiate) ferns
           subtype:  order_Marattiales__Marattiales  lower ferns coextensive with the family Marattiaceae
           subtype:  order_Psilotales__Psilotales  lower vascular plants having dichotomously branched sporophyte divided into aerial shoot and rhizome and lacking true roots
           subtype:  order_Psilophytales__Psilophytales  Paleozoic simple dichotomously branched plants of Europe and eastern Canada including the oldest known vascular land plants
           subtype:  order_Equisetales__Equisetales  lower tracheophytes in existence since the Devonian
           subtype:  order_Lepidodendrales__Lepidodendrales  fossil arborescent plants arising during the Lower Devonian and conspicuous throughout the Carboniferous
           subtype:  order_Lycopodiales__Lycopodiales  lower vascular plants coextensive with the family Lycopodiaceae; in some classifications includes the Selaginellaceae and Isoetaceae
           subtype:  order_Selaginellales__Selaginellales  in some classifications included in Lycopodiales
           subtype:  order_Isoetales__Isoetales  aquatic or marsh-growing fern allies; known to have existed since the Cenozoic; sometimes included in Lycopodiales
        subtype:  fungus_order  the order of fungi
           subtype:  order_Erysiphales__Erysiphales  saprophytic and parasitic fungi that live on plants
           subtype:  order_Sphaeriales__Sphaeriales  large order of ascomycetous fungi usually having a dark hard perithecia with definite ostioles; in more recent classifications often divided among several orders
           subtype:  order_Hypocreales__Hypocreales  used in some classifications for the family Hypocreaceae
           subtype:  order_Helotiales__Helotiales  order of fungi having asci in a disk- to goblet-shaped apothecium
           subtype:  order_Sclerodermatales__Sclerodermatales  an order of fungi having a peridium surrounding a gleba (sometimes placed in subclass Homobasidiomycetes)
           subtype:  order_Hymenogastrales__Hymenogastrales  an order of fungi belonging to the class Gasteromycetes; has a distinct basidiocarp with a fleshy or waxy gleba (sometimes placed in subclass Homobasidiomycetes)
           subtype:  order_Mucorales__Mucorales  an order of mostly saprophytic fungi
           subtype:  order_Entomophthorales__Entomophthorales  coextensive with the family Entomophthoraceae
           subtype:  order_Chytridiales__Chytridiales  simple aquatic fungi mostly saprophytic but some parasitic on higher plants or animals or fresh water fungi; sometimes placed in class Oomycetes
           subtype:  order_Blastocladiales__Blastocladiales  fungi that carry out asexual reproduction by thick-walled resting spores that produce zoospores upon germination; sometimes placed in class Oomycetes
           subtype:  order_Saprolegniales__Saprolegniales  order of chiefly aquatic fungi
           subtype:  order_Peronosporales__Peronosporales  order of chiefly parasitic lower fungi: Albuginaceae and Peronosporaceae and Pythiaceae
           subtype:  order_Tuberales__Tuberales  small order of fungi belonging to the subdivision Ascomycota having closed underground ascocarps
           subtype:  order_Lichenales__Lichenales  category used especially in former classifications for organisms now constituting the division Lichenes
           subtype:  order_Lechanorales__Lechanorales  category used in some classification systems for all lichens that produce apothecia
           subtype:  order_Agaricales__Agaricales  typical gilled mushrooms belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota
           subtype:  order_Endomycetales__Endomycetales  fungi having a zygote or a single cell developing directly into an ascus
           subtype:  order_Eurotiales__Eurotiales__Aspergillales__order_Aspergillales  order of fungi having a closed ascocarp (cleistothecium) with the asci scattered rather than gathered in a hymenium
           subtype:  order_Pezizales__Pezizales  order of mostly saprophytic fungi having cup-shaped ascocarps
           subtype:  order_Tulostomatales__Tulostomatales  an order of fungi belonging to the class Gasteromycetes
           subtype:  order_Lycoperdales__Lycoperdales  small order of basidiomycetous fungi having fleshy often globose fruiting bodies; includes puffballs and earthstars
           subtype:  order_Nidulariales__Nidulariales  small order of basidiomycetous fungi comprising families Nidulariaceae and Sphaerobolaceae
           subtype:  order_Secotiales__Secotiales  an order of fungi belonging to the class Gasteromycetes
           subtype:  order_Aphyllophorales__Aphyllophorales  includes chiefly saprophytic fungi typically with shelflike bodies; sometimes placed in class Hymenomycetes or included in Agaricales
           subtype:  order_Tremellales__Tremellales  fungi varying from gelatinous to waxy or even horny in texture; most are saprophytic
           subtype:  order_Auriculariales__Auriculariales  coextensive with the family Auriculariaceae; sometimes included in the order Tremellales
           subtype:  order_Uredinales__Uredinales  rust fungi: parasitic fungi causing rust in plants; sometimes placed in
           subtype:  order_Ustilaginales__Ustilaginales  parasitic fungi causing smuts; sometimes placed in class Tiliomycetes
           subtype:  order_Moniliales__Moniliales  order of imperfect fungi lacking conidiophores of having conidiophores that are superficial and not enclosed in a pycnidium
           subtype:  order_Mycelia_Sterilia__Mycelia_Sterilia  order of imperfect fungi having no known spore stage
     subtype:  suborder  (biology) taxonomic group that is a subdivision of an order
     subtype:  superorder  (biology) a taxonomic group ranking above an order and below a class or subclass
     subtype:  family  (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera; "sharks belong to the fish family"
        subtype:  bacteria_family  a family of bacteria
           subtype:  family_Rhizobiaceae__Rhizobiaceae  a small family of rod-shaped bacteria
           subtype:  family_Bacillaceae__Bacillaceae  typically rod-shaped usually gram-positive bacteria that produce endospores
           subtype:  family_Myxophyceae__Myxophyceae__Schizophyceae__family_Schizophyceae  former terms for Cyanophyceae
           subtype:  family_Nostocaceae__Nostocaceae  blue-green algae
           subtype:  family_Oscillatoriaceae__Oscillatoriaceae  blue green algae
           subtype:  family_Pseudomonodaceae__Pseudomonodaceae  rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria; include important plant and animal pathogens
           subtype:  family_Athiorhodaceae__Athiorhodaceae  small motile sulphur bacteria
           subtype:  family_Thiobacteriaceae__Thiobacteriaceae  free-living coccoid to rod-shaped bacteria that derive energy from oxidizing sulfur or sulfur compounds
           subtype:  family_Spirillaceae__Spirillaceae  rigid spirally curved elongate bacteria
           subtype:  family_Bacteroidaceae__Bacteroidaceae  family of bacteria living usually in the alimentary canal or on mucous surfaces of warm-blooded animals; sometimes associated with acute infective processes
           subtype:  family_Enterobacteriaceae__Enterobacteriaceae  a large family of gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the order Eubacteriales
           subtype:  family_Rickettsiaceae__Rickettsiaceae  microorganism resembling bacteria inhabiting arthropod tissues but capable of causing disease in vertebrates
           subtype:  family_Chlamydiaceae__Chlamydiaceae  gram-negative parasites in warm-blooded vertebrates
           subtype:  family_Mycoplasmataceae__Mycoplasmataceae  pleomorphic gram-negative nonmotile microorganism similar to both viruses and bacteria; parasitic in mammals
           subtype:  family_Actinomycetaceae__Actinomycetaceae  filamentous anaerobic bacteria
           subtype:  family_Streptomycetaceae__Streptomycetaceae  higher bacteria typically aerobic soil saprophytes
           subtype:  family_Mycobacteriaceae__Mycobacteriaceae  a family of bacteria
           subtype:  family_Polyangiaceae__Polyangiaceae__Myxobacteriaceae__family_Myxobacteriaceae  bacteria living mostly in soils and on dung
           subtype:  family_Micrococcaceae__Micrococcaceae  spherical or elliptical usually aerobic eubacteria that produce yellow or orange or red pigment; includes toxin-producing forms as well as harmless commensals and saprophytes
           subtype:  family_Lactobacillaceae__Lactobacillaceae__Lactobacteriaceae__family_Lactobacteriaceae  lactic acid bacteria and important pathogens; bacteria that ferment carbohydrates chiefly into lactic acid
           subtype:  family_Spirochaetaceae__Spirochaetaceae  large coarsely spiral bacteria; free-living in fresh or salt water or commensal in bodies of oysters
           subtype:  family_Treponemataceae__Treponemataceae  small spirochetes some parasitic or pathogenic
        subtype:  protoctist_family  any of the families of Protoctista
           subtype:  family_Globigerinidae__Globigerinidae  a family of protoctists
           subtype:  family_Nummulitidae__Nummulitidae  a family of fossil protoctists
           subtype:  family_Arcellidae__Arcellidae  soil an freshwater protozoa; cosmopolitan
           subtype:  family_Tribonemaceae__Tribonemaceae  simple filamentous freshwater yellow-green algae
           subtype:  family_Laminariaceae__Laminariaceae  large family of marine brown algae including many economically important large kelps chiefly of northern waters
           subtype:  family_Fucaceae__Fucaceae  small family of brown algae: gulfweeds; rockweeds
           subtype:  family_Euglenaceae__Euglenaceae  considered green algae
           subtype:  family_Ulvaceae__Ulvaceae__sea-lettuce_family__sealettucefamily  thin flat or tubular green algae
           subtype:  family_Volvocaceae__Volvocaceae  unicellular or colonial biflagellate free-swimming flagellates
           subtype:  family_Chlamydomonadaceae__Chlamydomonadaceae  green algae some of which are colored red by hematochrome
           subtype:  family_Zygnemataceae__Zygnemataceae  pond scums: common freshwater algae forming green slimy masses
           subtype:  family_Oedogoniaceae__Oedogoniaceae  filamentous green algae
           subtype:  family_Characeae__Characeae  green algae superficially resembling horsetail ferns: stoneworts
           subtype:  family_Desmidiaceae__Desmidiaceae  unicellular algae
           subtype:  family_Gigartinaceae__Gigartinaceae  a family of protoctista
           subtype:  family_Rhodymeniaceae__Rhodymeniaceae  a family of protoctista
           subtype:  family_Bangiaceae__Bangiaceae  a family of protoctista
           subtype:  family_Peridiniidae__Peridiniidae  marine and freshwater dinoflagellates
           subtype:  family_Eimeriidae__Eimeriidae  a family of protoctista in the order Coccidia
           subtype:  family_Plasmodiidae__Plasmodiidae  malaria parasites
           subtype:  family_Haemoproteidae__Haemoproteidae  bird parasites
           subtype:  family_Babesiidae__Babesiidae  piroplasms and cattle pathogens
        subtype:  family_Endamoebidae__Endamoebidae  a large family of endoparasitic amebas that invade the digestive tract
        subtype:  fish_family  any of various families of fish
           subtype:  family_Cobitidae__Cobitidae  loaches
           subtype:  family_Cyprinidae__Cyprinidae  a family of fish including: carp; tench; roach; rudd; dace
           subtype:  family_Electrophoridae__Electrophoridae  small family comprising the electric eels
           subtype:  family_Catostomidae__Catostomidae  suckers; closely related to the family Cyprinidae
           subtype:  family_Cyprinodontidae__Cyprinodontidae  large family of small soft-finned fishes; killifishes; flagfishes; swordtails; guppies
           subtype:  family_Poeciliidae__Poeciliidae  topminnows
           subtype:  family_Holocentridae__Holocentridae  squirrelfishes and soldierfishes
           subtype:  family_Anomalopidae__Anomalopidae  a family of fish including: flashlight fishes
           subtype:  family_Zeidae__Zeidae  a family of fish in the order Zeomorphi
           subtype:  family_Caproidae__Caproidae  boarfishes
           subtype:  family_Fistulariidae__Fistulariidae  cornetfishes
           subtype:  family_Gasterosteidae__Gasterosteidae  sticklebacks
           subtype:  family_Syngnathidae__Syngnathidae  pipefishes
           subtype:  family_Macrorhamphosidae__Macrorhamphosidae  bellows fishes
           subtype:  family_Centriscidae__Centriscidae  shrimpfishes
           subtype:  family_Aulostomidae__Aulostomidae  trumpetfishes
           subtype:  family_Petromyzontidae__Petromyzontidae  lampreys
           subtype:  family_Myxinidae__Myxinidae  slime-producing marine animals: hagfishes
           subtype:  family_Chimaeridae__Chimaeridae  a family of Holocephali
           subtype:  family_Hexanchidae__Hexanchidae  primitive sharks
           subtype:  family_Lamnidae__Lamnidae  oceanic sharks
           subtype:  family_Isuridae__Isuridae  in some classifications another name for the family Lamnidae
           subtype:  family_Cetorhinidae__Cetorhinidae  in some older classifications considered the family of the basking sharks
           subtype:  family_Alopiidae__Alopiidae  thresher sharks
           subtype:  family_Orectolobidae__Orectolobidae  nurse sharks and carpet sharks
           subtype:  family_Carchariidae__Carchariidae__Odontaspididae__family_Odontaspididae  sand sharks; in some classifications coextensive with family Carcharhinidae
           subtype:  family_Rhincodontidae__Rhincodontidae  small-toothed sharks comprising only one species
           subtype:  family_Scyliorhinidae__Scyliorhinidae  small bottom-dwelling sharks
           subtype:  family_Carcharhinidae__Carcharhinidae  largest family of living sharks; found worldwide especially in tropical waters; dorsal fin lacks spines: requiem sharks including tiger sharks and soupfin sharks
           subtype:  family_Triakidae__Triakidae  small smooth-skinned sharks lacking spines on dorsal fins
           subtype:  family_Squalidae__Squalidae  dogfishes having a spine in each dorsal fin
           subtype:  family_Sphyrnidae__Sphyrnidae  hammerhead sharks; bonnethead sharks
           subtype:  family_Squatinidae__Squatinidae  bottom-dwelling ray-like sharks
           subtype:  family_Torpedinidae__Torpedinidae  electric rays
           subtype:  family_Pristidae__Pristidae  large primitive rays with elongated snouts
           subtype:  family_Rhinobatidae__Rhinobatidae  primitive rays with guitar-shaped bodies
           subtype:  family_Dasyatidae__Dasyatidae  sting rays
           subtype:  family_Myliobatidae__Myliobatidae  eagle rays
           subtype:  family_Mobulidae__Mobulidae  large rays lacking venomous spines: mantas
           subtype:  family_Rajidae__Rajidae  bottom-dwelling tropical rays: skates
           subtype:  family_Latimeridae__Latimeridae  extinct except for the coelacanth
           subtype:  family_Ceratodontidae__Ceratodontidae  lungfishes having hornlike ridges on the teeth
           subtype:  family_Siluridae__Siluridae  Old World catfishes
           subtype:  family_Ameiuridae__Ameiuridae  North American catfishes
           subtype:  family_Laricariidae__Laricariidae  armored catfish
           subtype:  family_Ariidae__Ariidae  sea catfishes
           subtype:  family_Gadidae__Gadidae  large family of important mostly marine food fishes
           subtype:  family_Macrouridae__Macrouridae__Macruridae__family_Macruridae  grenadiers
           subtype:  family_Anguillidae__Anguillidae  eels that live in fresh water as adults but return to the sea to spawn
           subtype:  family_Muraenidae__Muraenidae  marine eels
           subtype:  family_Congridae__Congridae  marine eels
           subtype:  family_Gonorhynchidae__Gonorhynchidae  coextensive with the genus Gonorhynchus
           subtype:  family_Clupeidae__Clupeidae  herrings; shad; sardines; etc.
           subtype:  family_Engraulidae__Engraulidae  anchovies
           subtype:  family_Salmonidae__Salmonidae  salmon and trout
           subtype:  family_Coregonidae__Coregonidae  soft-finned fishes comprising the freshwater whitefishes; formerly included in the family Salmonidae
           subtype:  family_Osmeridae__Osmeridae  smelts
           subtype:  family_Elopidae__Elopidae  tarpons and ladyfishes
           subtype:  family_Albulidae__Albulidae  bonefish
           subtype:  family_Argentinidae__Argentinidae  small marine soft-finned fishes with long silvery bodies; related to salmons and trouts
           subtype:  family_Myctophidae__Myctophidae  deep-sea fishes comprising the lantern fishes
           subtype:  family_Synodontidae__Synodontidae  soft-finned bottom-dwelling fishes
           subtype:  family_Chlorophthalmidae__Chlorophthalmidae  small family of soft-finned bottom-livers with large eyes; relatives of lizardfishes
           subtype:  family_Lampridae__Lampridae  opahs
           subtype:  family_Trachipteridae__Trachipteridae  ribbonfishes
           subtype:  family_Regalecidae__Regalecidae  ribbonfishes
           subtype:  family_Ogcocephalidae__Ogcocephalidae  batfishes: sluggish bottom-dwelling spiny fishes
           subtype:  family_Lophiidae__Lophiidae  large-headed marine fishes comprising the anglers
           subtype:  family_Batrachoididae__Batrachoididae  toadfishes; related to anglers and batfishes
           subtype:  family_Antennariidae__Antennariidae  frogfishes; tropical spiny-finned marine fishes having large nearly vertical mouths; related to toadfishes and anglers
           subtype:  family_Belonidae__Belonidae  ferocious fishes of warm regions resembling but unrelated to the freshwater gars
           subtype:  family_Exocoetidae__Exocoetidae  flying fishes; closely related to the halfbeaks
           subtype:  family_Hemiramphidae__Hemiramphidae  halfbeaks; marine and freshwater fishes closely related to the flying fishes but not able to glide
           subtype:  family_Scomberesocidae__Scomberesocidae__Scombresocidae__family_Scombresocidae  only sauries
           subtype:  family_Ophiodontidae__Ophiodontidae  fishes closely related to greenlings
           subtype:  family_Percidae__Percidae  active freshwater fishes; true perches and pike perches
           subtype:  family_Trichodontidae__Trichodontidae  two species of elongate compressed scaleless large-eyed fishes that live in sand or mud
           subtype:  family_Ophidiidae__Ophidiidae  eel-like marine fishes
           subtype:  family_Brotulidae__Brotulidae  chiefly deep-sea fishes related to the Ophidiidae
           subtype:  family_Carapidae__Carapidae  pearlfishes: related to the Brotulidae
           subtype:  family_Centropomidae__Centropomidae  a family of fish or the order Perciformes including robolos
           subtype:  family_Esocidae__Esocidae  pikes; pickerels; muskellunges
           subtype:  family_Centrarchidae__Centrarchidae  sunfish family
           subtype:  family_Serranidae__Serranidae  marine fishes: sea basses; sea perches; groupers; jewfish
           subtype:  family_Embiotocidae__Embiotocidae  viviparous percoid fishes comprising the surf fishes
           subtype:  family_Priacanthidae__Priacanthidae  small carnivorous percoid fishes found worldwide in tropical seas
           subtype:  family_Apogonidae__Apogonidae  bright-colored marine fishes that incubate eggs in the mouth
           subtype:  family_Malacanthidae__Malacanthidae  short-headed marine fishes; often brightly colored
           subtype:  family_Pomatomidae__Pomatomidae  food and game fishes related to pompanos
           subtype:  family_Rachycentridae__Rachycentridae  family of pelagic fishes containing solely the cobia
           subtype:  family_Echeneididae__Echeneididae__family_Echeneidae  fishes having a sucking disk on the head for clinging to other fishes and to ships
           subtype:  family_Carangidae__Carangidae  large family of narrow-bodied marine food fishes with widely forked tails; chiefly of warm seas
           subtype:  family_Coryphaenidae__Coryphaenidae  large active pelagic percoid fish
           subtype:  family_Bramidae__Bramidae  deep-bodied percoid fishes of the open seas
           subtype:  family_Branchiostegidae__Branchiostegidae  small family of marine fishes having covered gills
           subtype:  family_Characidae__Characidae  tropical freshwater fishes of Africa and S and Central America
           subtype:  family_Characinidae__Characinidae  former name of the Characidae
           subtype:  family_Cichlidae__Cichlidae  cichlids
           subtype:  family_Lutjanidae__Lutjanidae  snappers
           subtype:  family_Haemulidae__Haemulidae  grunts
           subtype:  family_Sparidae__Sparidae  porgies; scups
           subtype:  family_Sciaenidae__Sciaenidae  warm-water marine fishes including the drums and grunts and croakers and sea trout
           subtype:  family_Mullidae__Mullidae  goatfishes or red mullets
           subtype:  family_Mugilidae__Mugilidae  gray mullets
           subtype:  family_Atherinidae__Atherinidae  small spiny-finned fishes of both salt and fresh water
           subtype:  family_Sphyraenidae__Sphyraenidae  monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters: barracuda
           subtype:  family_Pempheridae__Pempheridae  sweepers
           subtype:  family_Kyphosidae__Kyphosidae  sea chubs
           subtype:  family_Ephippidae__Ephippidae  small family comprising the spadefishes
           subtype:  family_Chaetodontidae__Chaetodontidae  butterfly fishes
           subtype:  family_Pomacentridae__Pomacentridae  damselfishes
           subtype:  family_Labridae__Labridae  wrasses
           subtype:  family_Scaridae__Scaridae  parrotfishes
           subtype:  family_Polynemidae__Polynemidae  threadfins
           subtype:  family_Opisthognathidae__Opisthognathidae  jawfishes
           subtype:  family_Uranoscopidae__Uranoscopidae  stargazers
           subtype:  family_Dactyloscopidae__Dactyloscopidae  sand stargazers
           subtype:  family_Blenniidae__Blenniidae  a family of fish including: combtooth blennies
           subtype:  family_Clinidae__Clinidae  viviparous blennies of temperate and tropical seas
           subtype:  family_Pholidae__Pholidae__family_Pholididae  a family of fish of suborder Blennioidea
           subtype:  family_Stichaeidae__Stichaeidae  pricklebacks
           subtype:  family_Anarhichadidae__Anarhichadidae  wolffishes
           subtype:  family_Zoarcidae__Zoarcidae  eelpouts
           subtype:  family_Ammodytidae__Ammodytidae  sand lances
           subtype:  family_Callionymidae__Callionymidae  dragonets
           subtype:  family_Gobiidae__Gobiidae  gobies
           subtype:  family_Eleotridae__Eleotridae  sleepers
           subtype:  family_Percophidae__Percophidae  percoid flatheads
           subtype:  family_Toxotidae__Toxotidae  archerfishes
           subtype:  family_Microdesmidae__Microdesmidae  wormfishes
           subtype:  family_Acanthuridae__Acanthuridae  surgeonfishes
           subtype:  family_Gempylidae__Gempylidae  snake mackerels
           subtype:  family_Trichiuridae__Trichiuridae  cutlassfishes
           subtype:  family_Scombridae__Scombridae  marine food fishes: mackerels; chub mackerels; tuna
           subtype:  Katsuwonidae__family_Kasuwonidae  in some classifications considered a separate family comprising the oceanic bonitos
           subtype:  family_Xiphiidae__Xiphiidae  comprising the common swordfishes
           subtype:  family_Istiophoridae__Istiophoridae  sailfishes; spearfishes; marlins
           subtype:  family_Luvaridae__Luvaridae  louvars
           subtype:  family_Stromateidae__Stromateidae  butterfishes: harvest fishes; dollar fishes
           subtype:  family_Gobiesocidae__Gobiesocidae  clingfishes
           subtype:  family_Lobotidae__Lobotidae  tripletails
           subtype:  family_Gerreidae__Gerreidae__Gerridae__family_Gerridae  mojarras
           subtype:  family_Sillaginidae__Sillaginidae  small family of small food fishes in shallow waters of the Pacific around Indonesia
           subtype:  family_Amiidae__Amiidae  only the bowfins
           subtype:  family_Polyodontidae__Polyodontidae  paddlefishes
           subtype:  family_Acipenseridae__Acipenseridae  sturgeons
           subtype:  family_Lepisosteidae__Lepisosteidae  comprises the genus Lepisosteus
           subtype:  family_Scorpaenidae__Scorpaenidae  scorpionfishes; rockfishes; lionfishes
           subtype:  family_Cottidae__Cottidae  sculpins
           subtype:  family_Cyclopteridae__Cyclopteridae  lumpfishes
           subtype:  family_Liparididae__Liparididae__Liparidae__family_Liparidae  snailfishes
           subtype:  family_Agonidae__Agonidae  poachers
           subtype:  family_Hexagrammidae__Hexagrammidae  greenlings
           subtype:  family_Platycephalidae__Platycephalidae  scorpaenoid flatheads
           subtype:  family_Triglidae__Triglidae  in some classifications restricted to the gurnards and subdivided into the subfamilies Triglinae (true sea robins) and Peristediinae (armored sea robins)
           subtype:  subfamily_Triglinae__Triglinae  in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising searobins having ordinary scales and no barbels (true searobins)
           subtype:  subfamily_Peristediinae__Peristediinae  in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising the armored searobins
           subtype:  family_Dactylopteridae__Dactylopteridae  flying gurnards
           subtype:  family_Balistidae__Balistidae  triggerfishes
           subtype:  family_Monocanthidae__Monocanthidae  filefishes
           subtype:  family_Ostraciidae__Ostraciidae__family_Ostraciontidae  boxfishes
           subtype:  family_Tetraodontidae__Tetraodontidae  puffers
           subtype:  family_Diodontidae__Diodontidae  spiny puffers
           subtype:  family_Molidae__Molidae  ocean sunfishes
           subtype:  family_Pleuronectidae__Pleuronectidae  righteye flounders
           subtype:  family_Bothidae__Bothidae  a family of fish of the order Heterosomata
           subtype:  family_Cynoglossidae__Cynoglossidae  tonguefishes
           subtype:  family_Soleidae__Soleidae  soles
        subtype:  chordate_family  any family in the phylum Chordata
           subtype:  family_Amphioxidae__Amphioxidae__Branchiostomidae__family_Branchiostomidae  lancelets
           subtype:  family_Salpidae__Salpidae  a small family of tunicates in the class Thaliacea
           subtype:  family_Doliolidae__Doliolidae  oceanic tunicates
        subtype:  bird_family  a family of warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
           subtype:  family_Struthionidae__Struthionidae  tall terrestrial birds: ostriches
           subtype:  family_Casuaridae__Casuaridae  a family of large ostrich-like birds including cassowaries
           subtype:  family_Apterygidae__Apterygidae  coextensive with the order Apterygiformes
           subtype:  family_Rheidae__Rheidae  a family of birds coextensive with the order Rheiformes
           subtype:  family_Aepyornidae__Aepyornidae  coextensive with the order Aepyorniformes
           subtype:  family_Dinornithidae__Dinornithidae  moas
           subtype:  family_Meliphagidae__Meliphagidae  honey eaters
           subtype:  family_Prunellidae__Prunellidae  hedge sparrow
           subtype:  family_Alaudidae__Alaudidae  larks
           subtype:  family_Motacillidae__Motacillidae  pipits and wagtails
           subtype:  family_Fringillidae__Fringillidae  finches: goldfinches; bullfinches; chaffinches; siskins; canaries; cardinals; grosbeaks; crossbills; linnets; buntings
           subtype:  subfamily_Carduelinae__Carduelinae  used in some classifications for a subgroup of finches
           subtype:  subfamily_Emberizidae__Emberizidae__subfamily_Emberizinae  buntings and some New World sparrows
           subtype:  family_Coerebidae__Coerebidae__Dacninae__family_Dacninae  the honeycreepers
           subtype:  family_Passeridae__Passeridae  true sparrows: Old world birds formerly considered weaverbirds
           subtype:  family_Ploceidae__Ploceidae  weaverbirds
           subtype:  family_Drepanididae__Drepanididae  Hawaiian honeycreepers
           subtype:  family_Menuridae__Menuridae  lyrebirds
           subtype:  family_Atrichornithidae__Atrichornithidae  scrubbirds
           subtype:  family_Eurylaimidae__Eurylaimidae  coextensive with the suborder Eurylaimi
           subtype:  superfamily_Tyrannidae__Tyrannidae  New World tyrant flycatchers most numerous in Central and South America but also in the United States and Canada
           subtype:  family_Cotingidae__Cotingidae  cotingas; umbrella birds
           subtype:  family_Pipridae__Pipridae  manakins
           subtype:  family_Furnariidae__Furnariidae  e.g. ovenbirds
           subtype:  family_Formicariidae__Formicariidae  antbirds
           subtype:  family_Dendrocolaptidae__Dendrocolaptidae  woodhewers or woodcreepers
           subtype:  family_Pittidae__Pittidae  pittas
           subtype:  family_Muscicapidae__Muscicapidae  Old World (true) flycatchers
           subtype:  family_Turdidae__Turdidae  thrushes; in some classifications considered a subfamily (Turdinae) of the family Muscicapidae
           subtype:  subfamily_Turdinae__Turdinae  alternative classification for the thrushes
           subtype:  family_Sylviidae__Sylviidae  in some classifications considered a subfamily (Sylviinae) of the family Muscicapidae: Old World (true) warblers; American kinglets and gnatcatchers
           subtype:  subfamily_Sylviinae__Sylviinae  alternative classification for the Old World warblers
           subtype:  family_Timaliidae__Timaliidae  babblers
           subtype:  family_Parulidae__Parulidae  New World warblers
           subtype:  family_Paradisaeidae__Paradisaeidae  birds of paradise
           subtype:  family_Icteridae__Icteridae  American orioles; American blackbirds; bobolinks; meadowlarks
           subtype:  family_Oriolidae__Oriolidae  Old World orioles
           subtype:  family_Sturnidae__Sturnidae  Old World starlings
           subtype:  family_Corvidae__Corvidae  crow; raven; rook; jackdaw; chough; magpie; jay
           subtype:  subfamily_Garrulinae__Garrulinae  subfamily of the crow family: jays
           subtype:  family_Cracticidae__Cracticidae  Australian birds formerly included in the family Laniidae
           subtype:  family_Troglodytidae__Troglodytidae  wrens
           subtype:  family_Mimidae__Mimidae  sometimes considered a subfamily of Troglodytidae: mockingbirds; catbirds; thrashers
           subtype:  family_Xenicidae__Xenicidae__Acanthisittidae__family_Acanthisittidae  alternative names for the family comprising the New Zealand wrens
           subtype:  family_Certhiidae__Certhiidae  creepers
           subtype:  family_Sittidae__Sittidae  nuthatches
           subtype:  family_Paridae__Paridae  titmice and chickadees
           subtype:  family_Irenidae__Irenidae  a family of birds of the suborder Oscines
           subtype:  family_Hirundinidae__Hirundinidae  swallows and martins
           subtype:  family_Artamidae__Artamidae  wood swallows
           subtype:  family_Thraupidae__Thraupidae  tanagers
           subtype:  family_Laniidae__Laniidae  shrikes
           subtype:  subfamily_Malaconotinae__Malaconotinae  African bush shrikes
           subtype:  family_Ptilonorhynchidae__Ptilonorhynchidae  bowerbirds
           subtype:  family_Cinclidae__Cinclidae  water ouzels
           subtype:  family_Vireonidae__Vireonidae  small insectivorous American songbirds
           subtype:  family_Bombycillidae__Bombycillidae  a family of birds of the suborder Oscines
           subtype:  family_Accipitridae__Accipitridae  hawks; Old World vultures; kites; harriers; eagles
           subtype:  family_Falconidae__Falconidae  a family of birds of the order Falconiformes
           subtype:  family_Pandionidae__Pandionidae  ospreys
           subtype:  family_Sagittariidae__Sagittariidae  secretary birds
           subtype:  family_Cathartidae__Cathartidae  condors; turkey buzzards; king vultures
           subtype:  family_Strigidae__Strigidae  a family of nocturnal birds of the order Strigiformes
           subtype:  family_Tytonidae__Tytonidae  comprising only the barn owls
           subtype:  family_Meleagrididae__Meleagrididae  turkeys and some extinct forms
           subtype:  family_Tetraonidae__Tetraonidae  grouse
           subtype:  family_Cracidae__Cracidae  curassows; guans; chachalacas
           subtype:  family_Megapodiidae__Megapodiidae  megapodes
           subtype:  family_Phasianidae__Phasianidae  pheasants; quails; partridges
           subtype:  subfamily_Perdicidae__Perdicidae__Perdicinae__subfamily_Perdicinae  Old World partridges
           subtype:  subfamily_Numididae__Numididae__Numidinae__subfamily_Numidinae  guinea fowl and related birds of Africa and Madagascar
           subtype:  family_Opisthocomidae__Opisthocomidae  comprising the hoatzins
           subtype:  family_Tinamidae__Tinamidae  comprising the tinamous
           subtype:  family_Raphidae__Raphidae  extinct dodos and solitaires
           subtype:  family_Columbidae__Columbidae  doves and pigeons
           subtype:  family_Pteroclididae__Pteroclididae  sandgrouses
           subtype:  family_Psittacidae__Psittacidae  coextensive with the order Psittaciformes
           subtype:  subfamily_Loriinae__Loriinae  lories
           subtype:  family_Cuculidae__Cuculidae  includes cuckoo; ani; roadrunner
           subtype:  family_Musophagidae__Musophagidae  touracos
           subtype:  family_Coraciidae__Coraciidae  rollers
           subtype:  family_Alcedinidae__Alcedinidae  kingfishers
           subtype:  family_Meropidae__Meropidae  bee-eaters
           subtype:  family_Bucerotidae__Bucerotidae  hornbills
           subtype:  family_Upupidae__Upupidae  hoopoes
           subtype:  family_Phoeniculidae__Phoeniculidae  wood hoopoes
           subtype:  family_Momotidae__Momotidae  a family of birds of the order Coraciiformes
           subtype:  family_Todidae__Todidae  a family of birds of the order Coraciiformes
           subtype:  family_Apodidae__Apodidae  swifts; in former classifications included in the order Coraciiformes
           subtype:  family_Hemiprocnidae__Hemiprocnidae  tree swifts
           subtype:  family_Trochilidae__Trochilidae  hummingbirds
           subtype:  family_Caprimulgidae__Caprimulgidae  goatsuckers
           subtype:  family_Podargidae__Podargidae  frogmouths
           subtype:  family_Steatornithidae__Steatornithidae  oilbirds
           subtype:  family_Picidae__Picidae  woodpeckers
           subtype:  family_Capitonidae__Capitonidae  barbets
           subtype:  family_Bucconidae__Bucconidae  puffbirds
           subtype:  family_Indicatoridae__Indicatoridae  honey guides
           subtype:  family_Galbulidae__Galbulidae  jacamars
           subtype:  family_Ramphastidae__Ramphastidae  toucans
           subtype:  family_Trogonidae__Trogonidae  coextensive with the order Trogoniformes
           subtype:  family_Anatidae__Anatidae  swimming birds having heavy short-legged bodies and bills with a horny tip: swans; geese; ducks
           subtype:  subfamily_Merginae__Merginae  mergansers and closely related diving birds
           subtype:  subfamily_Anserinae__Anserinae  used in some classifications for the swans
           subtype:  family_Anhimidae__Anhimidae  screamers
           subtype:  family_Ciconiidae__Ciconiidae  storks
           subtype:  family_Balaenicipitidae__Balaenicipitidae  shoebills
           subtype:  family_Threskiornithidae__Threskiornithidae__family_Ibidiidae  ibises
           subtype:  family_Plataleidae__Plataleidae  spoonbills
           subtype:  family_Phoenicopteridae__Phoenicopteridae  flamingos
           subtype:  family_Ardeidae__Ardeidae  herons; egrets; night herons; bitterns
           subtype:  family_Gruidae__Gruidae  cranes
           subtype:  family_Cariamidae__Cariamidae  cranelike South American wading birds
           subtype:  family_Rallidae__Rallidae  rails; crakes; gallinules; coots
           subtype:  family_Otididae__Otididae  bustards
           subtype:  family_Turnicidae__Turnicidae  small Old World birds resembling but not related to true quail
           subtype:  family_Psophiidae__Psophiidae  trumpeters
           subtype:  family_Charadriidae__Charadriidae  plover family
           subtype:  family_Scolopacidae__Scolopacidae  sandpiper family: sandpipers; woodcocks; snipes; tattlers; curlews; godwits; dowitchers
           subtype:  family_Recurvirostridae__Recurvirostridae  long-legged shorebirds
           subtype:  family_Haematopodidae__Haematopodidae  oystercatchers
           subtype:  family_Phalaropidae__Phalaropidae  phalaropes
           subtype:  family_Glareolidae__Glareolidae  Old World shorebirds: pratincoles and coursers
           subtype:  family_Burhinidae__Burhinidae  large wading birds resembling the plovers: stone curlews
           subtype:  family_Laridae__Laridae  gull family: gulls and terns
           subtype:  subfamily_Sterninae__subfamilysterninae__Sterninae  terns
           subtype:  family_Rynchopidae__Rynchopidae  coextensive with the genus Rynchops: skimmers
           subtype:  family_Stercorariidae__Stercorariidae  jaegers and skuas:
           subtype:  family_Alcidae__Alcidae  web-footed diving seabirds of northern seas: auks; puffins; guillemots; murres; etc.
           subtype:  family_Gavidae__Gavidae  loon family
           subtype:  family_Podicipedidae__Podicipedidae  coextensive with the order Podicipitiformes
           subtype:  family_Pelecanidae__Pelecanidae  pelicans
           subtype:  family_Fregatidae__Fregatidae  frigate birds
           subtype:  family_Sulidae__Sulidae  gannets and boobies
           subtype:  family_Phalacrocoracidae__Phalacrocoracidae  cormorants
           subtype:  family_Anhingidae__Anhingidae  snakebirds
           subtype:  family_Phaethontidae__Phaethontidae  tropicbirds
           subtype:  family_Spheniscidae__Spheniscidae  comprising all existing penguins
           subtype:  family_Diomedeidae__Diomedeidae  albatrosses
           subtype:  family_Procellariidae__Procellariidae  petrels; fulmars; shearwaters;
           subtype:  family_Hydrobatidae__Hydrobatidae  storm petrels
           subtype:  family_Pelecanoididae__Pelecanoididae  diving petrels
        subtype:  amphibian_family__amphibianfamily  any family of amphibians
           subtype:  family_Salamandridae__Salamandridae  salamanders
           subtype:  family_Ambystomatidae__Ambystomatidae  New World salamanders
           subtype:  family_Cryptobranchidae__Cryptobranchidae  large aquatic salamanders: hellbenders; giant salamanders
           subtype:  family_Dicamptodontidae__Dicamptodontidae  large and small highly aquatic salamanders
           subtype:  family_Plethodontidae__Plethodontidae  small mostly terrestrial New World salamanders having neither lungs nor gills as adults
           subtype:  family_Amphiumidae__Amphiumidae  congo snakes
           subtype:  family_Sirenidae__Sirenidae  sirens
           subtype:  family_Ranidae__Ranidae  nearly cosmopolitan family: true frogs
           subtype:  family_Leptodactylidae__Leptodactylidae  New World frogs; in some classifications essentially coextensive with the family Bufonidae
           subtype:  family_Polypedatidae__Polypedatidae  Old World tree frogs
           subtype:  family_Ascaphidae__Ascaphidae  family of one species of frog: tailed frog
           subtype:  family_Leiopelmatidae__Leiopelmatidae__Liopelmidae__family_Liopelmidae  primitive New Zealand frogs
           subtype:  family_Bufonidae__Bufonidae  true toads
           subtype:  family_Discoglossidae__Discoglossidae  family of Old World toads having a fixed disklike tongue
           subtype:  family_Pelobatidae__Pelobatidae  spadefoot toads
           subtype:  family_Hylidae__Hylidae  tree frogs
           subtype:  family_Microhylidae__Microhylidae__Brevicipitidae__family_Brevicipitidae  narrow-mouthed toads and sheep frogs; some burrow and some are arboreal; found worldwide
           subtype:  family_Pipidae__Pipidae  tongueless frogs
           subtype:  family_Xenopodidae__Xenopodidae  in some classifications the family of the genus Xenopus which is otherwise included in the family Pipidae
           subtype:  family_Caeciliidae__Caeciliidae  coextensive with the order Gymnophiona: legless amphibians
        subtype:  reptile_family__reptilefamily  a family of reptiles
           subtype:  family_Cheloniidae__Cheloniidae__Chelonidae__family_Chelonidae  green turtles; hawksbills
           subtype:  family_Dermochelyidae__Dermochelyidae  sea turtles
           subtype:  family_Chelydridae__Chelydridae  snapping turtles
           subtype:  family_Kinosternidae__Kinosternidae  mud turtles; musk turtles
           subtype:  family_Emydidae__Emydidae  box and water turtles
           subtype:  family_Testudinidae__Testudinidae  land tortoises
           subtype:  family_Trionychidae__Trionychidae  soft-shelled turtles
           subtype:  family_Gekkonidae__Gekkonidae  geckos
           subtype:  family_Pygopodidae__Pygopodidae  Australian and Tasmanian lizards
           subtype:  family_Iguanidae__Iguanidae__Iguania__family_Iguania  New World lizards
           subtype:  family_Amphisbaenidae__Amphisbaenidae  worm lizards
           subtype:  family_Xantusiidae__Xantusiidae  night lizards
           subtype:  family_Scincidae__Scincidae  skinks
           subtype:  family_Teiidae__Teiidae  whiptails; etc.
           subtype:  family_Agamidae__Agamidae  an Old World reptile family of Sauria
           subtype:  family_Anguidae__Anguidae  alligator lizards
           subtype:  family_Xenosauridae__Xenosauridae  monotypic family of Mexican lizards
           subtype:  family_Anniellidae__Anniellidae  legless lizards
           subtype:  family_Lanthanotidae__Lanthanotidae  stout-bodied lizards
           subtype:  family_Helodermatidae__Helodermatidae  only known venomous lizards
           subtype:  family_Lacertidae__Lacertidae  Old World lizards
           subtype:  family_Chamaeleontidae__Chamaeleontidae__Chamaeleonidae__family_Chamaeleonidae__Rhiptoglossa__family_Rhiptoglossa  Old World chameleons; in some classifications Rhiptoglossa is considered a superfamily of Sauria
           subtype:  family_Varanidae__Varanidae  monitor lizards
           subtype:  family_Crocodylidae__Crocodylidae  true crocodiles
           subtype:  family_Alligatoridae__Alligatoridae  alligators; caimans
           subtype:  family_Gavialidae__Gavialidae  gavials
           subtype:  family_Ceratopsidae__familyceratopsidae__Ceratopsidae  American ceratopsian dinosaurs
           subtype:  family_Hadrosauridae__Hadrosauridae  duck-billed dinosaurs; upper Cretaceous
           subtype:  family_Iguanodontidae__Iguanodontidae  iguanodons
           subtype:  family_Titanosauridae__Titanosauridae  herbivorous dinosaurs of the Cretaceous
           subtype:  family_Megalosauridae__Megalosauridae  megalosaurs
           subtype:  family_Dromaeosauridae__Dromaeosauridae  swift-running bipedal dinosaurs
           subtype:  family_Edaphosauridae__Edaphosauridae  a family of reptiles of the order Pelycosauria
           subtype:  family_Pterodactylidae__Pterodactylidae  a reptile family in the order Pterosauria
           subtype:  family_Ichthyosauridae__Ichthyosauridae  later ichthyosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous; widely distributed in both hemispheres
           subtype:  family_Colubridae__Colubridae  nonvenomous snakes; about two-thirds of all living species
           subtype:  family_Typhlopidae__Typhlopidae  blind snakes
           subtype:  family_Leptotyphlopidae__Leptotyphlopidae  blind snakes
           subtype:  family_Boidae__Boidae  boas and pythons
           subtype:  subfamily_Pythoninae__Pythoninae  Old World boas: pythons; in some classifications considered a separate family from Boidae
           subtype:  family_Pythonidae__Pythonidae  in some classifications a family separate from Boidae comprising Old World boas
           subtype:  family_Elapidae__Elapidae  cobras; kraits; mambas; coral snakes; Australian taipan and tiger snakes
           subtype:  family_Hydrophidae__Hydrophidae  sea snakes
           subtype:  family_Viperidae__Viperidae  Old World vipers
           subtype:  family_Crotalidae__Crotalidae  New World vipers: pit vipers
        subtype:  arthropod_family__arthropodfamily  any of the arthropods
           subtype:  family_Phalangiidae__Phalangiidae  a family of Phalangida
           subtype:  family_Argiopidae__Argiopidae  orb-weaving spiders; cosmopolitan
           subtype:  family_Theridiidae__Theridiidae  a family of comb-footed spiders
           subtype:  family_Theraphosidae__Theraphosidae  large tropical spiders; tarantulas
           subtype:  family_Lycosidae__Lycosidae  wolf spiders
           subtype:  family_Ctenizidae__Ctenizidae  large burrowing spiders
           subtype:  family_Ixodidae__Ixodidae  hard ticks
           subtype:  family_Argasidae__Argasidae  soft ticks
           subtype:  family_Acaridae__Acaridae  mites
           subtype:  family_Trombidiidae__Trombidiidae  mites
           subtype:  family_Trombiculidae__Trombiculidae  mites
           subtype:  family_Sarcoptidae__Sarcoptidae  small whitish mites
           subtype:  family_Tetranychidae__Tetranychidae  plant-feeding mites
           subtype:  family_Scutigeridae__Scutigeridae  a family of Chilopoda
           subtype:  family_Geophilidae__Geophilidae  small extremely elongate earth-living centipedes
           subtype:  family_Limulidae__Limulidae  horseshoe crabs
           subtype:  family_Cancridae__Cancridae  many of the best known edible crabs
           subtype:  family_Portunidae__Portunidae  swimming crabs
           subtype:  family_Pinnotheridae__Pinnotheridae  tiny soft-bodied crabs
           subtype:  family_Lithodidae__Lithodidae  deep-sea crabs of cold waters
           subtype:  family_Majidae__Majidae  spider crabs
           subtype:  family_Homaridae__Homaridae  large-clawed lobsters
           subtype:  family_Nephropsidae__Nephropsidae  in some classifications coextensive with the Homaridae
           subtype:  family_Palinuridae__Palinuridae  spiny lobsters
           subtype:  family_Astacidae__Astacidae__Astacura  crayfish
           subtype:  family_Paguridae__Paguridae  hermit crabs
           subtype:  family_Crangonidae__Crangonidae  shrimps
           subtype:  family_Palaemonidae__Palaemonidae  prawns
           subtype:  family_Peneidae__Peneidae  tropical prawns
           subtype:  family_Mysidae__Mysidae  small shrimp-like crustaceans
           subtype:  family_Squillidae__Squillidae  crustaceans that burrow in mud or under stones in shallow water along the seashore
           subtype:  family_Armadillidiidae__Armadillidiidae  pill bugs
           subtype:  family_Oniscidae__Oniscidae  a family of Isopoda
           subtype:  family_Porcellionidae__Porcellionidae  sow bugs
           subtype:  family_Orchestiidae__Orchestiidae  beach fleas
           subtype:  family_Triopidae__Triopidae  a family of Notostraca
           subtype:  family_Balanidae__Balanidae  stalkless barnacles
           subtype:  family_Lepadidae__Lepadidae  goose barnacles
           subtype:  family_Peripatidae__Peripatidae  a family of Onychophora
           subtype:  family_Peripatopsidae__Peripatopsidae  a family of Onychophora
           subtype:  family_Cicindelidae__Cicindelidae  tiger beetles
           subtype:  family_Coccinellidae__Coccinellidae  the ladybugs
           subtype:  family_Carabidae__Carabidae  ground beetles
           subtype:  family_Lampyridae__Lampyridae  fireflies
           subtype:  family_Cerambycidae__Cerambycidae  long-horned beetles
           subtype:  family_Chrysomelidae__Chrysomelidae  leaf beetles
           subtype:  family_Dermestidae__Dermestidae  carpet beetles
           subtype:  family_Cleridae__Cleridae  beetles that prey on other insects
           subtype:  superfamily_Lamellicornia__Lamellicornia  scarabaeid beetles and stag beetles
           subtype:  family_Scarabaeidae__Scarabaeidae  scarab or dung beetles
           subtype:  subfamily_Melolonthidae__Melolonthidae  considered a separate family in some classification systems
           subtype:  subfamily_Cetoniidae__Cetoniidae  considered a separate family in some classification systems
           subtype:  family_Lucanidae__Lucanidae  stag beetles
           subtype:  family_Elateridae__Elateridae  click beetles and certain fireflies
           subtype:  family_Dytiscidae__Dytiscidae  water beetles
           subtype:  family_Gyrinidae__Gyrinidae  whirligig beetles
           subtype:  family_Anobiidae__Anobiidae  deathwatch beetles
           subtype:  family_Curculionidae__Curculionidae  true weevils: snout beetles
           subtype:  family_Meloidae__Meloidae  blister beetles
           subtype:  family_Scolytidae__Scolytidae__Ipidae__family_Ipidae  large family of bark-boring or wood-boring short-beaked beetles; very destructive to forest and fruit trees
           subtype:  family_Staphylinidae__Staphylinidae  rove beetles
           subtype:  family_Tenebrionidae__Tenebrionidae  a family of arthropods including darkling beetles and mealworms
           subtype:  family_Bruchidae__Bruchidae  seed beetles
           subtype:  family_Pediculidae__Pediculidae  true lice: human lice and related forms
           subtype:  family_Phthiriidae__Phthiriidae  crab lice
           subtype:  family_Pulicidae__Pulicidae  many common fleas attacking humans and domestic animals
           subtype:  family_Cecidomyidae__Cecidomyidae  gall midges
           subtype:  superfamily_Muscoidea__Muscoidea  two-winged flies especially the families: Muscidae; Gasterophilidae; Calliphoridae; Tachinidae
           subtype:  family_Muscidae__Muscidae  two-winged flies especially the housefly
           subtype:  family_Glossinidae__Glossinidae  flies closely related to the Muscidae: tsetse flies
           subtype:  family_Calliphoridae__Calliphoridae  blowflies
           subtype:  family_Tachinidae__Tachinidae  parasites on other insects
           subtype:  family_Gasterophilidae__Gasterophilidae  horse botflies
           subtype:  family_Cuterebridae__Cuterebridae  New World botflies
           subtype:  family_Oestridae__Oestridae__Hypodermatidae__family_Hypodermatidae  warble flies
           subtype:  family_Tabanidae__Tabanidae  horseflies
           subtype:  family_Bombyliidae__Bombyliidae  bee flies
           subtype:  family_Asilidae__Asilidae  robber flies
           subtype:  family_Trypetidae__Trypetidae__Trephritidae__family_Trephritidae  fruit flies; some leafminers
           subtype:  family_Drosophilidae__Drosophilidae  fruit flies
           subtype:  family_Hippoboscidae__Hippoboscidae  winged or wingless dipterans: louse flies
           subtype:  family_Culicidae__Culicidae  mosquitoes
           subtype:  family_Ceratopogonidae__Ceratopogonidae  biting midges; sand flies
           subtype:  family_Chironomidae__Chironomidae  midges
           subtype:  Mycetophilidae__family_Mycetophylidae  fungus gnats
           subtype:  family_Psychodidae__Psychodidae  very small two-winged flies with hairy wings that develop in moss and damp vegetable matter: sand flies
           subtype:  family_Sciaridae__Sciaridae  fungus gnats
           subtype:  family_Tipulidae__Tipulidae  crane flies
           subtype:  family_Simuliidae__Simuliidae  blackflies and sand flies
           subtype:  superfamily_Apoidea__Apoidea  bees
           subtype:  family_Apidae__Apidae  honeybees; carpenter bees; bumblebees
           subtype:  family_Andrenidae__Andrenidae  a large family of solitary short-tongued bees most of which burrow in the ground
           subtype:  family_Halictidae__Halictidae  a family of small solitary bees; many are valuable pollinators for agriculture
           subtype:  family_Megachilidae__Megachilidae  leaf-cutting and mason bees
           subtype:  family_Vespidae__Vespidae  an arthropod family of the order Hymenoptera including: yellow jackets; hornets; mason wasps
           subtype:  superfamily_Sphecoidea__Sphecoidea  families Sphecidae and Stizidae
           subtype:  family_Sphecidae__Sphecidae  mud daubers; some digger wasps
           subtype:  family_Stizidae__Stizidae  cicada killers
           subtype:  family_Cynipidae__Cynipidae  a family of Hymenoptera
           subtype:  family_Chalcididae__Chalcididae__Chalcidae__family_Chalcidae  an arthropod family including: chalcidflies
           subtype:  family_Ichneumonidae__Ichneumonidae  ichneumon flies
           subtype:  family_Tenthredinidae__Tenthredinidae  sawflies
           subtype:  family_Formicidae__Formicidae  ants
           subtype:  subfamily_Dorylinae__Dorylinae  army ants
           subtype:  family_Termitidae__Termitidae  termites
           subtype:  family_Rhinotermitidae__Rhinotermitidae  large widely distributed family of termites of temperate to tropical regions
           subtype:  family_Mastotermitidae__Mastotermitidae  primitive termites
           subtype:  family_Kalotermitidae__Kalotermitidae  primitive termites of warm regions
           subtype:  family_Acrididae__Acrididae__Locustidae__family_Locustidae  short-horned grasshoppers; true locusts
           subtype:  family_Tettigoniidae__Tettigoniidae  long-horned grasshoppers; katydids
           subtype:  family_Stenopelmatidae__Stenopelmatidae  long-horned grasshoppers
           subtype:  family_Gryllidae__Gryllidae  crickets
           subtype:  family_Phasmidae__Phasmidae__Phasmatidae__family_Phasmatidae  stick insects
           subtype:  family_Phyllidae__Phyllidae__Phillidae__family_Phillidae  leaf insects
           subtype:  family_Blattidae__Blattidae  domestic cockroaches
           subtype:  family_Cryptocercidae__Cryptocercidae  a family of Blattodea
           subtype:  family_Mantidae__Mantidae__Manteidae__family_Manteidae  mantises
           subtype:  family_Miridae__Miridae__Capsidae__family_Capsidae  leaf bugs
           subtype:  family_Tingidae__Tingidae  lace bugs
           subtype:  family_Lygaeidae__Lygaeidae  lygaeid bugs
           subtype:  family_Coreidae__Coreidae  squash bugs and leaf-footed bugs
           subtype:  family_Cimicidae__Cimicidae  wingless flat-bodied blood-sucking insects
           subtype:  family_Notonectidae__Notonectidae  aquatic carnivorous insects
           subtype:  family_Belostomatidae__Belostomatidae  water bugs
           subtype:  family_Nepidae__Nepidae  water scorpions
           subtype:  family_Corixidae__Corixidae  water bugs
           subtype:  family_Gerrididae__Gerrididae__Gerridae__family_Gerridae  an arthropod family that includes water striders
           subtype:  family_Reduviidae__Reduviidae  assassin bugs
           subtype:  family_Pyrrhocoridae__Pyrrhocoridae  firebugs
           subtype:  family_Aleyrodidae__Aleyrodidae  whiteflies
           subtype:  superfamily_Coccoidea__Coccoidea  scale insects and mealybugs
           subtype:  family_Coccidae__Coccidae  scale insects
           subtype:  family_Diaspididae__Diaspididae  armored scales
           subtype:  family_Dactylopiidae__Dactylopiidae  cochineal insects
           subtype:  family_Pseudococcidae__Pseudococcidae  scale-like insects: mealybugs
           subtype:  superfamily_Aphidoidea__Aphidoidea  plant lice
           subtype:  family_Aphididae__Aphididae  small soft-bodied plant lice
           subtype:  family_Adelgidae__Adelgidae  plant lice
           subtype:  family_Phylloxeridae__Phylloxeridae  plant lice
           subtype:  family_Psyllidae__Psyllidae__Chermidae__family_Chermidae  jumping plant lice
           subtype:  family_Cicadidae__Cicadidae  cicadas
           subtype:  family_Cercopidae__Cercopidae  froghoppers or spittlebugs
           subtype:  family_Cicadellidae__Cicadellidae  leafhoppers
           subtype:  family_Jassidae__Jassidae  family of small leafhoppers coextensive with the Cicadellidae and not distinguished from it in some classifications
           subtype:  family_Membracidae__Membracidae  plant hoppers: treehoppers
           subtype:  family_Fulgoridae__Fulgoridae  plant hoppers: lantern flies
           subtype:  family_Psocidae__Psocidae  a family of small soft-bodied insects that feed on decaying vegetation; related to booklice
           subtype:  family_Atropidae__Atropidae  booklice
           subtype:  family_Ephemeridae__Ephemeridae  mayflies
           subtype:  family_Myrmeleontidae__Myrmeleontidae  antlions
           subtype:  family_Chrysopidae__Chrysopidae  green lacewings
           subtype:  family_Hemerobiidae__Hemerobiidae  brown lacewings
           subtype:  family_Corydalidae__Corydalidae  dobsons
           subtype:  family_Sialidae__Sialidae  an arthropod family including: alderflies
           subtype:  family_Raphidiidae__Raphidiidae  a family of arthropods of the suborder Megaloptera, including snakeflies
           subtype:  family_Mantispidae__Mantispidae  mantispids
           subtype:  family_Sisyridae__Sisyridae  an arthropod family of the order Neuroptera that includes spongeflies
           subtype:  family_Lepismatidae__Lepismatidae  firebrats
           subtype:  family_Machilidae__Machilidae  jumping bristletails
           subtype:  family_Thripidae__Thripidae  thrips
           subtype:  family_Forficulidae__Forficulidae  typical earwigs
           subtype:  family_Nymphalidae__Nymphalidae  large beautifully colored butterflies
           subtype:  family_Danaidae__Danaidae  small family of usually tropical butterflies: monarch butterflies
           subtype:  family_Pieridae__Pieridae  cabbage butterflies; sulphur butterflies
           subtype:  family_Lycaenidae__Lycaenidae  family of small usually brilliantly colored butterflies; males have short forelegs
           subtype:  family_Tortricidae__Tortricidae  leaf rollers and codling moths
           subtype:  family_Lymantriidae__Lymantriidae  tussock moths
           subtype:  family_Geometridae__Geometridae  measuring worms
           subtype:  family_Pyralidae__Pyralidae__Pyralididae__family_Pyralididae  bee moths; corn borers; flour moths
           subtype:  superfamily_Tineoidea__Tineoidea  clothes moths; carpet moths; leaf miners
           subtype:  family_Tineidae__Tineidae  clothes moths
           subtype:  family_Gracilariidae__Gracilariidae__Gracillariidae  leaf miners
           subtype:  family_Gelechiidae__Gelechiidae  important economic pests
           subtype:  family_Noctuidae__Noctuidae  cutworms; armyworms
           subtype:  family_Sphingidae__Sphingidae  hawkmoths
           subtype:  family_Bombycidae__Bombycidae  Chinese silkworm moth
           subtype:  family_Saturniidae__Saturniidae  important and widely distributed family of moths including some of the largest insects known
           subtype:  family_Arctiidae__Arctiidae  tiger moths
           subtype:  family_Lasiocampidae__Lasiocampidae  tent caterpillars; eggars; lappet moths
        subtype:  mammal_family  a family of mammals
           subtype:  family_Tachyglossidae__Tachyglossidae  echidnas
           subtype:  family_Ornithorhynchidae__Ornithorhynchidae  platypus
           subtype:  family_Didelphidae__Didelphidae  opossums
           subtype:  family_Caenolestidae__Caenolestidae  small marsupials of southern South America
           subtype:  family_Peramelidae__Peramelidae  bandicoots
           subtype:  family_Macropodidae__Macropodidae  kangaroos; wallabies
           subtype:  subfamily_Potoroinae__Potoroinae  rat kangaroos
           subtype:  family_Phalangeridae__Phalangeridae  phalangers; koalas
           subtype:  family_Vombatidae__Vombatidae  wombats
           subtype:  family_Dasyuridae__Dasyuridae__family_Dasyurinae  dasyures; native cats; pouched mice; banded anteaters; Tasmanian devils
           subtype:  family_Notoryctidae__Notoryctidae  pouched moles
           subtype:  family_Talpidae__Talpidae  moles
           subtype:  family_Chrysochloridae__Chrysochloridae  golden moles
           subtype:  family_Soricidae__Soricidae  shrews
           subtype:  family_Erinaceidae__Erinaceidae  true hedgehogs
           subtype:  family_Tenrecidae__Tenrecidae  tenrecs and extinct related forms
           subtype:  family_Potamogalidae__Potamogalidae  otter shrews
           subtype:  family_Balaenidae__Balaenidae  right whales
           subtype:  family_Balaenopteridae__Balaenopteridae  rorquals; blue whales
           subtype:  family_Eschrichtiidae__Eschrichtiidae  comprising only the gray whales
           subtype:  family_Physeteridae__Physeteridae  sperm whales
           subtype:  family_Ziphiidae__Ziphiidae__Hyperodontidae__family_Hyperodontidae  beaked whales; in some especially former classifications included in the family Physeteridae
           subtype:  family_Delphinidae__Delphinidae  dolphins
           subtype:  family_Platanistidae__Platanistidae  river dolphins
           subtype:  family_Monodontidae__Monodontidae  narwhals
           subtype:  family_Trichechidae__Trichechidae  comprising only the manatees
           subtype:  family_Dugongidae__Dugongidae  a family of mammals of order Sirenia including dugongs and Steller's sea cow
           subtype:  family_Otariidae__Otariidae  eared seals: sea lions and fur seals
           subtype:  family_Phocidae__Phocidae  earless seals
           subtype:  family_Odobenidae__Odobenidae  walruses and extinct forms
           subtype:  family_Orycteropodidae__Orycteropodidae  aardvarks
           subtype:  family_Canidae__Canidae  dogs; wolves; jackals; foxes
           subtype:  family_Hyaenidae__Hyaenidae  hyenas
           subtype:  family_Felidae__Felidae  cats; wildcats; lions; leopards; cheetahs; saber-toothed tigers
           subtype:  family_Ursidae__Ursidae  bears and extinct related forms
           subtype:  family_Viverridae__Viverridae__Viverrinae__family_Viverrinae  genets; civets; mongooses
           subtype:  family_Phyllostomidae__Phyllostomidae__Phyllostomatidae__family_Phyllostomatidae  New World leaf-nosed bats
           subtype:  family_Rhinolophidae__Rhinolophidae  Old World leaf-nosed bats
           subtype:  family_Hipposideridae__Hipposideridae  Old World leafnose bats
           subtype:  family_Megadermatidae__Megadermatidae  Old World false vampire bats
           subtype:  family_Vespertilionidae__Vespertilionidae  the majority of common bats of temperate regions of the world
           subtype:  family_Molossidae__Molossidae  mastiff bats; freetail bats
           subtype:  family_Desmodontidae__Desmodontidae  true vampire bats
           subtype:  family_Leporidae__Leporidae  hares and rabbits
           subtype:  family_Ochotonidae__Ochotonidae  pikas and extinct forms
           subtype:  superfamily_Muroidea__Muroidea  essential equal to suborder Myomorpha with the Dipodidae excluded
           subtype:  family_Muridae__Muridae  originally Old World rats now distributed worldwide; distinguished from the Cricetidae by typically lacking cheek pouches
           subtype:  subfamily_Hydromyinae__Hydromyinae  water rats of Australia and New Guinea
           subtype:  family_Cricetidae__Cricetidae  mostly small New World rodents including New World mice and lemmings and voles and hamsters
           subtype:  subfamily_Gerbillinae__Gerbillinae  gerbils
           subtype:  family_Hystricidae__Hystricidae  Old World porcupines
           subtype:  family_Erethizontidae__Erethizontidae  New World arboreal porcupines
           subtype:  family_Heteromyidae__Heteromyidae  small New World burrowing mouselike rodents with fur-lined cheek pouches and hind limbs and tail adapted to leaping; adapted to desert conditions: pocket mice; kangaroo mice; kangaroo rats
           subtype:  family_Zapodidae__Zapodidae  jumping mice
           subtype:  family_Dipodidae__Dipodidae  Old World jerboas
           subtype:  family_Gliridae__Gliridae  dormice and other Old World forms
           subtype:  family_Geomyidae__Geomyidae  North American pocket gophers
           subtype:  family_Sciuridae__Sciuridae  true squirrels; ground squirrels; marmots; chipmunks; flying squirrels; spermophiles
           subtype:  subfamily_Petauristidae__Petauristidae  Old World flying squirrels
           subtype:  family_Castoridae__Castoridae  beavers
           subtype:  family_Aplodontiidae__Aplodontiidae  mountain beavers
           subtype:  family_Caviidae__Caviidae  a family of Hystricomorpha
           subtype:  family_Hydrochoeridae__Hydrochoeridae  capybara
           subtype:  family_Dasyproctidae__Dasyproctidae  agoutis and pacas
           subtype:  family_Capromyidae__Capromyidae  coypus
           subtype:  family_Chinchillidae__Chinchillidae  small bushy-tailed South American burrowing rodents
           subtype:  family_Spalacidae__Spalacidae  mole rats
           subtype:  family_Bathyergidae__Bathyergidae  mole rats; sand rats
           subtype:  family_Uintatheriidae__Uintatheriidae  an extinct family of Dinocerata
           subtype:  family_Procaviidae__Procaviidae  includes all recent members of the order Hyracoidea
           subtype:  family_Equidae__Equidae  horses; asses; zebras; extinct animals
           subtype:  family_Rhinocerotidae__Rhinocerotidae__rhinoceros_family  rhinoceroses
           subtype:  family_Tapiridae__Tapiridae  tapirs and extinct related forms
           subtype:  family_Suidae__Suidae  pigs; hogs; boars
           subtype:  family_Tayassuidae__Tayassuidae  peccaries
           subtype:  family_Hippopotamidae__Hippopotamidae  hippopotami
           subtype:  family_Bovidae__Bovidae  true antelopes; cattle; oxen; sheep; goats
           subtype:  subfamily_Bovinae__Bovinae  term not used technically; essentially coextensive with genus Bos: cattle; buffalo; and sometimes includes kudu
           subtype:  family_Antilocapridae__Antilocapridae  comprising only the pronghorns
           subtype:  family_Cervidae__Cervidae  deer: reindeer; moose or elks; muntjacs; roe deer
           subtype:  family_Tragulidae__Tragulidae  chevrotains
           subtype:  family_Camelidae__Camelidae  camels and llamas and vicunas
           subtype:  family_Giraffidae__Giraffidae  giraffes
           subtype:  family_Mustelidae__Mustelidae  weasels; polecats; ferrets; minks; fishers; otters; badgers; skunks; wolverines; martens
           subtype:  subfamily_Lutrinae__Lutrinae  subdivision not used in some classifications: otters
           subtype:  subfamily_Mephitinae__Mephitinae  subdivision not used in some classifications: skunks
           subtype:  subfamily_Melinae__Melinae  subdivision not used in some classifications: badgers
           subtype:  family_Dasypodidae__Dasypodidae  armadillos
           subtype:  family_Bradypodidae__Bradypodidae  true sloths; in some
           subtype:  family_Megalonychidae__Megalonychidae  two-toed sloths
           subtype:  family_Megatheriidae__Megatheriidae  extinct ground sloths
           subtype:  family_Mylodontidae__Mylodontidae  extinct South American edentates
           subtype:  family_Myrmecophagidae__Myrmecophagidae  New World anteaters
           subtype:  family_Manidae__Manidae  coextensive with the order Pholidota
           subtype:  family_Hominidae__Hominidae  modern man and extinct immediate ancestors of man
           subtype:  family_Pongidae__Pongidae  usually considered as comprising orangutans; gorillas; chimpanzees; and sometimes gibbons
           subtype:  family_Hylobatidae__Hylobatidae  used in some classifications for the lesser apes (gibbons and siamangs); sometimes considered a subfamily of Pongidae
           subtype:  family_Cercopithecidae__Cercopithecidae  Old World monkeys: guenon; baboon; colobus monkey; langur; macaque; mandrill; mangabey; patas; proboscis monkey
           subtype:  superfamily_Platyrrhini__Platyrrhini  New World monkeys: capuchin; douroucouli; howler monkey; saki; spider monkey; squirrel monkey; titi; uakari; woolly monkey; marmoset; tamarin
           subtype:  family_Callithricidae__Callithricidae  marmosets
           subtype:  family_Cebidae__Cebidae  all the New World monkeys except marmosets and tamarins
           subtype:  family_Tupaiidae__Tupaiidae  tree shrews; in some classifications tree shrews are considered prosimian primates
           subtype:  family_Lemuridae__Lemuridae  typical lemurs; of Madagascar
           subtype:  family_Daubentoniidae__Daubentoniidae  comprising solely the aye-aye
           subtype:  family_Lorisidae__Lorisidae  slow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia; usually tailless
           subtype:  family_Indriidae__Indriidae  a family of Lemuroidea
           subtype:  family_Tarsiidae__Tarsiidae  coextensive with the genus Tarsius: tarsiers
           subtype:  family_Cynocephalidae__Cynocephalidae  a family of Dermoptera
           subtype:  family_Elephantidae__Elephantidae  elephants
           subtype:  family_Mammutidae__Mammutidae__family_Mastodontidae  extinct family: mastodons
           subtype:  family_Gomphotheriidae__Gomphotheriidae  elephants extinct since the Pleistocene
           subtype:  family_Procyonidae__Procyonidae  raccoons; coatis; cacomistles; kinkajous; and sometimes pandas
           subtype:  subfamily_Bassariscidae__Bassariscidae  in some classifications considered a separate family
           subtype:  family_Ailuropodidae__Ailuropodidae  in some classifications considered the family comprising the giant pandas
        subtype:  coelenterate_family  a family of coelenterates
           subtype:  family_Pennatulidae__Pennatulidae  sea pens
        subtype:  ctenophore_family  a family of ctenophores
           subtype:  family_Pleurobrachiidae__Pleurobrachiidae  sea gooseberries
           subtype:  family_Cestidae__Cestidae  coextensive with the order Cestida; ctenophores having a greatly flattened and elongated body
        subtype:  worm_family  a family of worms
           subtype:  family_Fasciolidae__Fasciolidae  a family of Trematoda
           subtype:  family_Schistosomatidae__Schistosomatidae  a family of Trematoda
           subtype:  family_Taeniidae__Taeniidae  a family of Cestoda
           subtype:  family_Ascaridae__Ascaridae  large roundworms parasitic in intestines of vertebrates
           subtype:  family_Oxyuridae__Oxyuridae  pinworms
           subtype:  family_Cephalobidae__Cephalobidae  a family of Nematoda
           subtype:  family_Tylenchidae__Tylenchidae  a family of Nematoda
           subtype:  family_Ancylostomatidae__Ancylostomatidae  hookworms
           subtype:  family_Filariidae__Filariidae  threadlike roundworms
           subtype:  family_Dracunculidae__Dracunculidae  greatly elongated roundworm
           subtype:  family_Branchiobdellidae__Branchiobdellidae  small annelid worms with the posterior end modified into an adhesive sucker; especially formerly regarded as modified leeches
           subtype:  family_Terebellidae__Terebellidae  marine burrowing or tube-forming polychete worms usually having long thick bodies
           subtype:  family_Hirudinidae__Hirudinidae  a family of Hirudinea
        subtype:  mollusk_family__molluskfamily  a family of mollusks
           subtype:  family_Haliotidae__Haliotidae  abalones
           subtype:  family_Strombidae__Strombidae  conchs
           subtype:  family_Helicidae__Helicidae  land snails including the common edible snail and some pests
           subtype:  family_Limacidae__Limacidae  slugs
           subtype:  family_Neritidae__Neritidae  neritids
           subtype:  family_Buccinidae__Buccinidae  whelks
           subtype:  family_Cymatiidae__Cymatiidae  tritons
           subtype:  family_Naticidae__Naticidae  moonshells
           subtype:  family_Littorinidae__Littorinidae  periwinkles
           subtype:  family_Patellidae__Patellidae  marine limpets
           subtype:  family_Fissurellidae__Fissurellidae  marine limpets
           subtype:  family_Ancylidae__Ancylidae  freshwater gastropod
           subtype:  family_Aplysiidae__Aplysiidae__Tethyidae__family_Tethyidae  sea hares
           subtype:  family_Akeridae__Akeridae  bubble shells
           subtype:  family_Physidae__Physidae  freshwater snails
           subtype:  family_Cypraeidae__Cypraeidae  family of marine gastropods comprising the cowries
           subtype:  family_Myacidae__Myacidae  soft-shell clams
           subtype:  family_Veneridae__Veneridae  hard-shell clams
           subtype:  family_Solenidae__Solenidae  razor clams
           subtype:  family_Tridacnidae__Tridacnidae  large marine hard-shell clams
           subtype:  family_Cardiidae__Cardiidae  somewhat heart-shaped sand-burrowing bivalve mollusks
           subtype:  family_Ostreidae__Ostreidae  oysters
           subtype:  family_Pteriidae__Pteriidae  pearl oysters
           subtype:  family_Anomiidae__Anomiidae  saddle oysters
           subtype:  family_Arcidae__Arcidae  ark shells
           subtype:  family_Mytilidae__Mytilidae  marine mussels
           subtype:  family_Unionidae__Unionidae  freshwater mussels found worldwide
           subtype:  family_Pectinidae__Pectinidae  scallops
           subtype:  family_Teredinidae__Teredinidae  shipworms
           subtype:  family_Pholadidae__Pholadidae  a family of Bivalvia
           subtype:  family_Nautilidae__Nautilidae  spiral-shelled cephalopods
           subtype:  family_Octopodidae__Octopodidae  a family of Octopoda
           subtype:  family_Argonautidae__Argonautidae  represented solely by the genus Argonauta
           subtype:  family_Sepiidae__Sepiidae  true cuttlefishes
           subtype:  family_Spirulidae__Spirulidae  coextensive with the genus Spirula; included in the order Belemnoidea in some older classifications
           subtype:  family_Belemnitidae__Belemnitidae  family of extinct Mesozoic cephalopods
        subtype:  family_Panorpidae__Panorpidae  a family of insects of the order Mecoptera
        subtype:  family_Bittacidae__Bittacidae  a family of predacious tropical insects of the order Mecoptera
        subtype:  echinoderm_family  a family of echinoderms
           subtype:  family_Antedonidae__Antedonidae  feather stars
              subtype:  family_Comatulidae__Comatulidae  former usage synonymous with Antedonidae
           subtype:  family_Holothuridae__Holothuridae  a family of Holothuroidea
        subtype:  form_family  (biology) an artificial taxonomic category for organisms of which the true relationships are obscure
        subtype:  moss_family  a family of mosses
           subtype:  family_Anthocerotaceae__Anthocerotaceae  hornworts
           subtype:  family_Dicranaceae__Dicranaceae  mosses having costate leaves and long-stalked capsules with cleft peristome
           subtype:  family_Bryaceae__Bryaceae  a family of acrocarpous mosses
           subtype:  family_Mniaceae__Mniaceae  family of erect mosses with club-shaped paraphyses and the hexagonal cells of the upper leaf surface; sometimes treated as a subfamily of Bryaceae
           subtype:  family_Jungermanniaceae__Jungermanniaceae  comprising the leafy members of the order Jungermanniales
           subtype:  family_Marchantiaceae__Marchantiaceae  liverworts with prostrate and usually dichotomously branched thalli
           subtype:  family_Sphaerocarpaceae__Sphaerocarpaceae  liverworts with bilaterally symmetrical gametophytes; sometimes placed in the order Jungermanniales
        subtype:  monocot_family__monocotfamily__liliopsid_family__liliopsidfamily  family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed
           subtype:  liliid_monocot_family  family of monocotyledonous plants of the subclass Liliidae; mostly herbs usually with petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistils
              subtype:  family_Iridaceae__Iridaceae__iris_family  large family of usually perennial geophytic herbs with rhizomes or corms or bulbs
                 subtype:  genus_Iris  large genus of perennials that develop from bulbs or rhizomes
              subtype:  family_Amaryllidaceae__Amaryllidaceae__amaryllis_family__amaryllisfamily  snowdrop; narcissus; daffodil; in some classification systems considered a subfamily of the Liliaceae
              subtype:  family_Hypoxidaceae__Hypoxidaceae  in some classification systems included in the Amaryllidaceae
              subtype:  family_Liliaceae__Liliaceae__lily_family  includes species sometimes divided among the following families: Alliaceae; Aloeaceae; Alstroemeriaceae; Aphyllanthaceae; Asparagaceae; Asphodelaceae; Colchicaceae; Convallariaceae; Hemerocallidaceae; Hostaceae; Hyacinthaceae; Melanthiaceae; Ruscaceae; Smilacaceae; Tecophilaeacea; Xanthorrhoeaceae
              subtype:  family_Alliaceae__Alliaceae  one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; includes especially genus Allium
              subtype:  family_Aloeaceae__Aloeaceae__aloe_family  one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted
              subtype:  family_Alstroemeriaceae__Alstroemeriaceae  one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; sometimes included in subfamily Amaryllidaceae
              subtype:  family_Aphyllanthaceae__Aphyllanthaceae  one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; includes genus Aphyllanthes
              subtype:  family_Asparagaceae__Asparagaceae  one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae: includes genera Asparagus and sometimes Ruscus
              subtype:  family_Asphodelaceae__Asphodelaceae  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae
              subtype:  family_Colchicaceae__Colchicaceae  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted: Colchicum; Gloriosa
              subtype:  family_Hemerocallidaceae__Hemerocallidaceae  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; includes genus Hemerocallis
              subtype:  family_Hostaceae__Hostaceae__Funkaceae__family_Funkaceae  one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; includes genus Hosta
              subtype:  family_Hyacinthaceae__Hyacinthaceae  one of many families or subfamilies in which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted
              subtype:  family_Melanthiaceae__Melanthiaceae  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted: includes Aletris; Narthecium; Veratrum
              subtype:  family_Ruscaceae__Ruscaceae  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted
              subtype:  family_Tecophilaeacea__Tecophilaeacea  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted
              subtype:  family_Xanthorrhoeaceae__Xanthorrhoeaceae__grass_tree_family  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted
              subtype:  family_Trilliaceae__Trilliaceae__trillium_family  small family of herbs having flowers with 3 petals and 3 sepals; in some classification systems considered a subfamily of the Liliaceae
              subtype:  subfamily_Smilacaceae__Smilacaceae  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted
              subtype:  family_Convallariaceae__Convallariaceae  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted
              subtype:  subfamily_Uvulariaceae__Uvulariaceae  one of many subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae
              subtype:  family_Taccaceae__Taccaceae  small family of tropical herbs
              subtype:  family_Agavaceae__Agavaceae__agave_family__agavefamily__sisal_family__sisalfamily  chiefly tropical and xerophytic plants: includes Dracenaceae (Dracaenaceae); comprises plants that in some classifications are divided between the Amaryllidaceae and the Liliaceae
              subtype:  subfamily_Dracenaceae__Dracenaceae__Dracaenaceae__subfamily_Dracaenaceae  one of two subfamilies to which some classification systems assign some members of the Agavaceae
           subtype:  family_Juncaceae__Juncaceae__rush_family  tufted herbs resembling grasses: rushes
           subtype:  family_Araceae__Araceae__arum_family  anthurium; calla lily; jack-in-the-pulpit; philodendron
           subtype:  subfamily_Acoraceae__Acoraceae  used in some classifications for the genus Acorus which is usually assigned to Araceae
           subtype:  family_Lemnaceae__Lemnaceae__duckweed_family  family of small free-floating thalloid plants
           subtype:  family_Orchidaceae__Orchidaceae__orchid_family  enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowers
           subtype:  family_Burmanniaceae__Burmanniaceae  family of chiefly tropical herbs with basal leaves like bracts and small flowers
           subtype:  family_Gramineae__Gramineae__Graminaceae__family_Graminaceae__Poaceae__family_Poaceae__grass_family__grassfamily  the grasses: chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals; bamboo; reeds; sugar cane
              subtype:  genus_Calamagrostis__Calamagrostis  reed grass
           subtype:  family_Cyperaceae__Cyperaceae__sedge_family__sedgefamily  bulrush; chufa; cotton grass; papyrus; umbrella plant
              subtype:  genus_Cyperus__Cyperus  type genus of Cyperaceae; grasslike rhizomatous herbs; cosmopolitan except very cold regions
           subtype:  family_Pandanaceae__Pandanaceae__screw-pine_family  family of woody plants of the order Pandanales including pandanus
           subtype:  family_Typhaceae__Typhaceae__cattail_family__cattailfamily  perennial marsh plants with creeping rootstocks and long linear leaves
           subtype:  family_Sparganiaceae__Sparganiaceae__bur-reed_family  coextensive with the genus Sparganium
           subtype:  family_Haemodoraceae__Haemodoraceae__bloodwort_family__bloodwortfamily  some genera placed in family Liliaceae
           subtype:  family_Cannaceae__Cannaceae  coextensive with the genus Canna
           subtype:  family_Marantaceae__Marantaceae__arrowroot_family__arrowrootfamily  tropical perennial herbs with usually starchy rhizomes
           subtype:  family_Musaceae__Musaceae__banana_family  treelike tropical Asian herbs
           subtype:  family_Strelitziaceae__Strelitziaceae__strelitzia_family  woody plants with erect stems of tropical South America and South Africa and Madagascar; in some classifications included in the family Musaceae
           subtype:  family_Zingiberaceae__Zingiberaceae__ginger_family  a family of tropical monocotyledonous plants of order Musales
           subtype:  family_Palmae__Palmae__Palmaceae__family_Palmaceae__Arecaceae__family_Arecaceae__palm_family  chiefly tropical trees and shrubs and vines usually having a tall columnar trunk bearing a crown of very large leaves; coextensive with the order Palmales
           subtype:  family_Xyridaceae__Xyridaceae__yellow-eyed_grass_family  plants of tropical to temperate regions; usually in wet places
           subtype:  family_Commelinaceae__Commelinaceae__spiderwort_family  large widely distributed family of chiefly perennial herbs or climbers: spiderworts
           subtype:  family_Bromeliaceae__Bromeliaceae__pineapple_family__pineapplefamily  a family of tropical American plants of order Xyridales including several (as the pineapple) of economic importance
           subtype:  family_Mayacaceae__Mayacaceae  a monocotyledonous family of bog plants of order Xyridales
           subtype:  family_Rapateaceae__Rapateaceae  South American herbs somewhat resembling members of the Juncaceae
           subtype:  family_Eriocaulaceae__Eriocaulaceae__pipewort_family  chiefly tropical aquatic or bog herbs: pipeworts
           subtype:  family_Pontederiaceae__Pontederiaceae__pickerelweed_family  aquatic or bog plants
           subtype:  family_Naiadaceae__Naiadaceae__Najadaceae__family_Najadaceae__naiad_family__naiadfamily  monotypic family of aquatic plants having narrow leaves and small flowers
           subtype:  family_Alismataceae__Alismataceae__water-plantain_family  perennial or annual aquatic or marsh plants
           subtype:  family_Hydrocharitaceae__Hydrocharitaceae__Hydrocharidaceae__family_Hydrocharidaceae__frogbit_family__frogbitfamily__frog's-bit_family  simple nearly stemless freshwater aquatic plants; widely distributed
           subtype:  family_Potamogetonaceae__Potamogetonaceae__pondweed_family  plants that grow in ponds and slow streams; sometimes includes family Zosteraceae
           subtype:  family_Scheuchzeriaceae__Scheuchzeriaceae__Juncaginaceae__family_Juncaginaceae__arrow-grass_family__arrowgrassfamily  a family of monocotyledonous bog herbs of order Naiadales
           subtype:  family_Zannichelliaceae__Zannichelliaceae  alternative classification for some genera included in Potamogetonaceae; one species
           subtype:  family_Zosteraceae__Zosteraceae__eelgrass_family  used in some classifications: essentially equivalent to Potamogetonaceae
        subtype:  dicot_family__dicotfamily__magnoliopsid_family  family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
           subtype:  magnoliid_dicot_family__magnoliiddicotfamily  family of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms
              subtype:  family_Annonaceae__Annonaceae__custard-apple_family__custardapplefamily  chiefly tropical trees or shrubs
              subtype:  family_Berberidaceae__Berberidaceae__barberry_family  shrubs or herbs
              subtype:  family_Calycanthaceae__Calycanthaceae__calycanthus_family__calycanthusfamily__strawberry-shrub_family  shrubs or small trees having aromatic bark; the eastern United States and eastern Asia
              subtype:  family_Ceratophyllaceae__Ceratophyllaceae  coextensive with the genus Ceratophyllum: hornworts
              subtype:  family_Cercidiphyllaceae__Cercidiphyllaceae  1 genus
              subtype:  family_Lardizabalaceae__Lardizabalaceae__lardizabala_family__lardizabalafamily  thick-stemmed lianas and some shrubs; some have edible fruit
              subtype:  family_Lauraceae__Lauraceae__laurel_family  a family of Lauraceae
              subtype:  family_Magnoliaceae__Magnoliaceae__magnolia_family  subclass Magnoliidae: genera Liriodendron; Magnolia; Manglietia
              subtype:  family_Menispermaceae__Menispermaceae__moonseed_family  herbaceous or woody climbers
              subtype:  family_Myristicaceae__Myristicaceae__nutmeg_family  family of aromatic tropical trees with arillate seeds
              subtype:  family_Nymphaeaceae__Nymphaeaceae__water-lily_family  dicot aquatic plants
              subtype:  subfamily_Nelumbonaceae__Nelumbonaceae  in some classifications considered an independent family of water lilies; comprises the single genus Nelumbo
              subtype:  subfamily_Cabombaceae__Cabombaceae__water-shield_family  in some classifications considered an independent family of water lilies; comprises the genera Cabomba and Brasenia
              subtype:  family_Paeoniaceae__Paeoniaceae__peony_family__peonyfamily  perennial rhizomatous herbs and shrubs; of temperate Europe and North America
              subtype:  family_Ranunculaceae__Ranunculaceae__buttercup_family__buttercupfamily__crowfoot_family  a family of Ranunculaceae
              subtype:  family_Winteraceae__Winteraceae__winter's_bark_family  small family of chiefly tropical shrubs and trees of genera Drimys and Pseudowintera; sometimes included in Magnoliaceae
           subtype:  hamamelid_dicot_family__hamameliddicotfamily  family of mostly woody dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkins
              subtype:  family_Fagaceae__Fagaceae__beech_family__beechfamily  chiefly monoecious trees and shrubs: beeches; chestnuts; oaks; genera Castanea; Castanopsis; Chrysolepis; Fagus; Lithocarpus; Nothofagus; Quercus
              subtype:  family_Betulaceae__Betulaceae__birch_family__birchfamily  monoecious trees and shrubs (including the genera Betula and Alnus and Carpinus and Corylus and Ostrya and Ostryopsis)
              subtype:  subfamily_Carpinaceae__Carpinaceae__family_Carpinaceae  used in some classification systems for the genera Carpinus; Ostryopsis; and Ostryopsis
              subtype:  subfamily_Corylaceae__Corylaceae__family_Corylaceae  used in some classification systems for the genus Corylus
              subtype:  family_Hamamelidaceae__Hamamelidaceae__witch-hazel_family__witchhazelfamily  comprises genera Hamamelis; Corylopsis; Fothergilla; Liquidambar; Parrotia; other small genera
              subtype:  family_Salicaceae__Salicaceae__willow_family  two genera of trees or shrubs having hairy catkins: Salix; Populus
           subtype:  caryophylloid_dicot_family__caryophylloiddicotfamily  family of relatively early dicotyledonous plants including mostly flowers
              subtype:  family_Caryophyllaceae__Caryophyllaceae__carnation_family__carnationfamily__pink_family  large family of herbs or subshrubs (usually with stems swollen at the nodes)
              subtype:  genus_Stellaria__Stellaria  common chickweed; stitchwort
              subtype:  family_Aizoaceae__Aizoaceae__Tetragoniaceae__family_Tetragoniaceae__carpetweed_family  succulent herbs or small shrubs mostly of South Africa but also New Zealand and North America: carpetweeds; fig marigolds
              subtype:  family_Amaranthaceae__Amaranthaceae__amaranth_family  cosmopolitan family of herbs and shrubs
              subtype:  family_Batidaceae__Batidaceae__saltwort_family  family coextensive with genus Batis: saltworts
              subtype:  family_Chenopodiaceae__Chenopodiaceae__goosefoot_family__goosefootfamily  includes spinach and beets
                 subtype:  genus_Beta__Beta  beets
              subtype:  family_Nyctaginaceae__Nyctaginaceae__Allioniaceae__family_Allioniaceae__four-o'clock_family  a family of flowering plants of the order Caryophyllales
              subtype:  family_Cactaceae__Cactaceae__cactus_family  constituting the order Opuntiales
              subtype:  family_Phytolaccaceae__Phytolaccaceae__pokeweed_family  chiefly tropical herbaceous plants (including shrubs and trees) with racemose flowers: genera Phytolacca; Agdestis; Ercilla; Rivina; Trichostigma
              subtype:  family_Portulacaceae__Portulacaceae__purslane_family  family of usually succulent herbs; cosmopolitan in distribution especially in Americas
           subtype:  dilleniid_dicot_family__dilleniiddicotfamily  family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs
              subtype:  family_Capparidaceae__Capparidaceae__caper_family__caperfamily  a dilleniid dicot family of the order Rhoeadales that includes: genera Capparis; Cleome; Crateva; Polanisia
              subtype:  family_Cruciferae__Cruciferae__Brassicaceae__family_Brassicaceae__mustard_family__mustardfamily  plants with four-petaled flowers
              subtype:  family_Papaveraceae__Papaveraceae__poppy_family__poppyfamily  herbs or shrubs having milky and often colored juices and capsular fruits
              subtype:  family_Fumariaceae__Fumariaceae__fumitory_family  erect or climbing herbs of the northern hemisphere and southern Africa: bleeding heart; Dutchman's breeches; fumitory; squirrel corn
              subtype:  family_Loasaceae__Loasaceae__loasa_family__loasafamily  family of bristly hairy sometimes climbing plants; America and Africa and southern Arabia
              subtype:  family_Malvaceae__Malvaceae__mallow_family  herbs and shrubs and some trees: mallows; cotton; okra
              subtype:  family_Bombacaceae__Bombacaceae  tropical trees with large dry or fleshy fruit containing usually woolly seeds
              subtype:  family_Elaeocarpaceae__Elaeocarpaceae__elaeocarpus_family__elaeocarpusfamily  genus of trees and shrubs widely distributed in warm regions some yielding useful timber; in some classifications included in the family Santalaceae
              subtype:  family_Sterculiaceae__Sterculiaceae__sterculia_family__sterculiafamily  a large family of plants of order Malvales
              subtype:  family_Tiliaceae__Tiliaceae__linden_family  chiefly trees and shrubs of tropical and temperate regions of especially southeastern Asia and Brazil; genera Tilia; Corchorus; Entelea; Grewia; Sparmannia
              subtype:  family_Ericaceae__Ericaceae__heath_family__heathfamily  heathers
              subtype:  family_Clethraceae__Clethraceae__white-alder_family__whitealderfamily  coextensive with the genus Clethra
              subtype:  family_Diapensiaceae__Diapensiaceae__diapensia_family__diapensiafamily  north temperate low evergreen plants; in some classifications placed in its own order Diapensiales
              subtype:  family_Epacridaceae__Epacridaceae__epacris_family__epacrisfamily  Australasian shrubs or small trees
              subtype:  family_Lennoaceae__Lennoaceae  family of fleshy parasitic herbs lacking green foliage and having heads of small flowers; California and Mexico
              subtype:  family_Pyrolaceae__Pyrolaceae__wintergreen_family__wintergreenfamily  evergreen herbs of temperate regions: genera Pyrola; Chimaphila; Moneses; Orthilia
              subtype:  family_Monotropaceae__Monotropaceae  used in some classification for saprophytic herbs sometimes included in the family Pyrolaceae: genera Monotropa and Sarcodes
              subtype:  family_Begoniaceae__Begoniaceae__begonia_family__begoniafamily  monoecious succulent herbs or shrubs of tropical and warm regions especially America
              subtype:  family_Dilleniaceae__Dilleniaceae  chiefly tropical shrubs and trees and climbers having leathery leaves or flattened leaflike stems: genera Dillenia; Hibbertia
              subtype:  family_Guttiferae__Guttiferae__Clusiaceae__family_Clusiaceae__St_John's_wort_family  widely distributed family of chiefly tropical trees and shrubs and vines that produce oils and resins and some usable timber
              subtype:  family_Hypericaceae__Hypericaceae  used in some classification systems for plants usually included among the Guttiferae
              subtype:  family_Actinidiaceae__Actinidiaceae  tropical trees or shrubs or woody vines
              subtype:  family_Canellaceae__Canellaceae__canella_family__canellafamily  1 genus: aromatic tropical trees of eastern Africa and Florida to West Indies
              subtype:  family_Caricaceae__Caricaceae__papaya_family  trees native to tropical America and Africa with milky juice and large palmately lobed leaves
              subtype:  family_Caryocaraceae__Caryocaraceae  small genus of tropical South American trees
              subtype:  family_Cistaceae__Cistaceae__rockrose_family  shrubs or woody herbs of temperate regions especially Mediterranean
              subtype:  family_Dipterocarpaceae__Dipterocarpaceae  chiefly tropical Asian trees with two-winged fruits; yield valuable woods and aromatic oils and resins
              subtype:  family_Flacourtiaceae__Flacourtiaceae__flacourtia_family  chiefly tropical trees and shrubs
              subtype:  family_Fouquieriaceae__Fouquieriaceae  small family of spiny shrubs or trees of southwestern United States
              subtype:  family_Ochnaceae__Ochnaceae__ochna_family__ochnafamily  family of tropical evergreen trees and shrubs with thick shining parallel-veined leaves
              subtype:  family_Passifloraceae__Passifloraceae__passionflower_family__passionflowerfamily  tropical woody tendril-climbing vines
              subtype:  family_Resedaceae__Resedaceae__mignonette_family  mainly Mediterranean herbs: mignonette
              subtype:  family_Tamaricaceae__Tamaricaceae__tamarisk_family  family of desert shrubs and trees (mostly halophytes and xerophytes)
              subtype:  family_Violaceae__Violaceae__violet_family  a family of order Parietales including the genera Viola; Hybanthus; Hymenanthera; Melicytus
              subtype:  family_Santalaceae__Santalaceae__sandalwood_family  chiefly tropical herbs or shrubs or trees bearing nuts or one-seeded fruit
              subtype:  family_Loranthaceae__Loranthaceae__mistletoe_family__mistletoefamily  in some classification includes Viscaceae: parasitic or hemiparasitic shrublets or shrubs or small trees of tropical and temperate regions; attach to hosts by haustoria
              subtype:  family_Viscaceae__Viscaceae__mistletoe_family__mistletoefamily  in some classifications considered a subfamily of Loranthaceae
              subtype:  family_Theaceae__Theaceae__tea_family__teafamily  a family of trees and shrubs of the order Parietales
           subtype:  asterid_dicot_family__asteriddicotfamily  family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs
              subtype:  family_Compositae__Compositae__Asteraceae__family_Asteraceae__aster_family__asterfamily  plants with heads composed of many florets: aster; daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold; lettuces; ragweed; sunflower; thistle; zinnia
              subtype:  family_Ambrosiaceae__Ambrosiaceae  in some classifications considered a separate family comprising a subgroup of the Compositae including the ragweeds
              subtype:  family_Rubiaceae__Rubiaceae__madder_family  widely distributed family of mostly tropical trees and shrubs and herbs; includes coffee and chinchona and gardenia and madder and bedstraws and partridgeberry
              subtype:  family_Caprifoliaceae__Caprifoliaceae__honeysuckle_family__honeysucklefamily  shrubs and small trees and woody vines
              subtype:  family_Dipsacaceae__Dipsacaceae  chiefly southern European herbs with flowers usually in dense cymose heads
              subtype:  family_Polemoniaceae__Polemoniaceae__phlox_family__phloxfamily  a widely distributed family of chiefly herbaceous plants of the order Polemoniales; often have showy flowers
              subtype:  family_Acanthaceae__Acanthaceae__acanthus_family  widely distributed herbs and shrubs and trees; sometimes placed in the order Scrophulariales
              subtype:  family_Bignoniaceae__Bignoniaceae  trees or shrubs or woody vines or herbs having fruit resembling gourds or capsules; sometimes placed in the order Scrophulariales
                 subtype:  trumpet_creeper__trumpetcreeper__trumpet_vine__trumpetvine__Campsis_radicans  a North American woody vine having pinnate leaves and large red trumpet-shaped flowers
              subtype:  family_Gesneriaceae__Gesneriaceae__gesneria_family  large family of tropical herbs or shrubs or lianas; in some classification systems placed in the order Scrophulariales
              subtype:  family_Hydrophyllaceae__Hydrophyllaceae__waterleaf_family__waterleaffamily  perennial woodland herbs
              subtype:  family_Labiatae__Labiatae__Lamiaceae__family_Lamiaceae__mint_family  the mints: aromatic herbs and shrubs having flowers resembling the lips of a mouth and four-lobed ovaries yielding four one-seeded nutlets and including thyme; sage; rosemary
              subtype:  family_Scrophulariaceae__Scrophulariaceae__figwort_family__figwortfamily__foxglove_family  a family of dicotyledonous plants of the order Polemoniales; includes figwort and snapdragon and foxglove and toadflax and speedwell and mullein; in some classifications placed in the order Scrophulariales
              subtype:  family_Solanaceae__Solanaceae__potato_family  large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented and sometimes narcotic or poisonous; includes the genera Solanum; Atropa; Brugmansia; Capsicum; Datura; Hyoscyamus; Lycopersicon; Nicotiana; Petunia; Physalis; Solandra
              subtype:  family_Verbenaceae__Verbenaceae__verbena_family__verbenafamily__vervain_family__vervainfamily  family of New World tropical and subtropical herbs and shrubs and trees
              subtype:  family_Avicenniaceae__Avicenniaceae  used in some classifications: coextensive with the genus Avicennia
              subtype:  family_Valerianaceae__Valerianaceae__valerian_family  genus of mostly herbs having a characteristic fetid odor
           subtype:  rosid_dicot_family__rosiddicotfamily  a family of dicotyledonous plants
              subtype:  family_Connaraceae__Connaraceae__zebrawood_family__zebrawoodfamily  mostly tropical climbing shrubs or small trees; closely related to Leguminosae
              subtype:  family_Leguminosae__Leguminosae__Fabaceae__family_Fabaceae__legume_family__pea_family__peafamily  a large family of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs bearing bean pods; divided for convenience into the subfamilies Caesalpiniaceae; Mimosaceae; Papilionaceae
              subtype:  family_Mimosaceae__Mimosaceae  family of spiny woody plants (usually shrubs or small trees) whose leaves mimic animals in sensitivity to touch; commonly included in the family Leguminosae
              subtype:  subfamily_Mimosoideae__Mimosoideae  alternative name used in some classification systems for the family Mimosaceae
              subtype:  family_Araliaceae__Araliaceae__ivy_family__ivyfamily  mostly tropical trees and shrubs and lianas: ginseng; hedera
              subtype:  family_Onagraceae__Onagraceae__evening-primrose_family  a large and widely distributed family of plants of the order Myrtales
              subtype:  family_Melastomataceae__Melastomataceae__Melastomaceae__family_Melastomaceae__meadow-beauty_family  a family of trees and bushes and herbs of order Myrtales; many are cultivated as ornamentals
              subtype:  family_Caesalpiniaceae__Caesalpiniaceae  spiny trees, shrubs, or perennial herbs, including the genera Caesalpinia, Cassia, Ceratonia, Bauhinia; commonly included in the family Leguminosae
              subtype:  subfamily_Caesalpinioideae__Caesalpinioideae  alternative name in some classification systems for the family Caesalpiniaceae
              subtype:  Papilionaceae__family_Papilionacea  leguminous plants whose flowers have butterfly-shaped corollas; commonly included in the family Leguminosae
              subtype:  subfamily_Papilionoideae__Papilionoideae  alternative name used in some classification systems for the family Papilionaceae
                 subtype:  genus_Medicago__Medicago  a genus of herbs that resemble clover
              subtype:  family_Rosaceae__Rosaceae__rose_family  a large family of dicotyledonous plants of order Rosales; have alternate leaves and five-petaled flowers with numerous stamens
              subtype:  family_Balsaminaceae__Balsaminaceae__balsam_family  distinguished from the family Geraniaceae by the irregular flowers
              subtype:  family_Geraniaceae__Geraniaceae__geranium_family  chiefly herbaceous plants
              subtype:  family_Burseraceae__Burseraceae__torchwood_family__torchwoodfamily  resinous or aromatic chiefly tropical shrubs or trees
              subtype:  family_Callitrichaceae__Callitrichaceae  dicot aquatic herbs
              subtype:  family_Malpighiaceae__Malpighiaceae  tropical shrubs or trees
              subtype:  family_Meliaceae__Meliaceae__mahogany_family  tropical trees and shrubs including many important timber and ornamental trees
              subtype:  family_Lepidobotryaceae__Lepidobotryaceae  family created in 1950 solely for the classification of a distinctive African tree repeatedly classified in other families; trees long believed to exist only in Africa
              subtype:  family_Oxalidaceae__Oxalidaceae__wood-sorrel_family  a family of widely distributed herbs of the order Geraniales; have compound leaves and pentamerous flowers
              subtype:  family_Polygalaceae__Polygalaceae__milkwort_family  trees, shrubs, and herbs widely distributed throughout both hemispheres
              subtype:  family_Rutaceae__Rutaceae__rue_family__ruefamily  a family of dicotyledonous plants of order Geraniales; have flowers that are divide into four or five parts and usually have a strong scent
              subtype:  family_Simaroubaceae__Simaroubaceae__quassia_family__quassiafamily  chiefly tropical trees and shrubs with bitter bark having dry usually one-seeded winged fruit
              subtype:  family_Tropaeolaceae__Tropaeolaceae__naturtium_family__naturtiumfamily  coextensive with the genus Tropaeolum
              subtype:  family_Zygophyllaceae__Zygophyllaceae__bean-caper_family  small trees, shrubs, and herbs of warm arid and saline regions; often resinous; some poisonous: genera Zygophyllum; Tribulus; Guaiacum: Larrea
              subtype:  family_Cephalotaceae__Cephalotaceae  a family of plants of order Rosales; coextensive with the genus Cephalotus
              subtype:  family_Cunoniaceae__Cunoniaceae__cunonia_family__cunoniafamily  trees or shrubs or climbers; mostly southern hemisphere
              subtype:  family_Hydrangeaceae__Hydrangeaceae__hydrangea_family__hydrangeafamily  sometimes included in the family Saxifragaceae
              subtype:  subfamily_Philadelphaceae__Philadelphaceae  1 genus; usually included in family Hydrangeaceae
              subtype:  family_Saxifragaceae__Saxifragaceae__saxifrage_family__saxifragefamily  a large and diverse family of evergreen or deciduous herbs; widely distributed in northern temperate and cold regions; sometimes includes genera of the family Hydrangeaceae
              subtype:  family_Platanaceae__Platanaceae__plane-tree_family  coextensive with the genus Platanus: plane trees
              subtype:  family_Euphorbiaceae__Euphorbiaceae__spurge_family  a family of plants of order Geraniales
              subtype:  family_Umbelliferae__Umbelliferae__Apiaceae__family_Apiaceae__carrot_family  plants having flowers in umbels: parsley; carrot; anise; caraway; celery; dill
                 subtype:  genus_Angelica  biennial or perennial herbs of the northern hemisphere; have a taproot
                 subtype:  genus_Pastinaca__Pastinaca  a rosid dicot genus of the family Umbelliferae; includes parsnips
              subtype:  family_Cornaceae__Cornaceae__dogwood_family__dogwoodfamily  a rosid dicot family of the order Umbellales including: genera Aucuba; Cornus; Corokia; Curtisia; Griselinia; Helwingia
           subtype:  family_Myricaceae__Myricaceae__wax-myrtle_family  constituting the order Myricales
           subtype:  family_Leitneriaceae__Leitneriaceae__corkwood_family  coextensive with the genus Leitneria; commonly isolated in a distinct order
           subtype:  family_Apocynaceae__Apocynaceae__dogbane_family__dogbanefamily  chiefly tropical trees or shrubs or herbs having milky juice and often showy flowers; many are sources of drugs
           subtype:  family_Aristolochiaceae__Aristolochiaceae__birthwort_family__birthwortfamily  family of birthworts (including wild ginger)
           subtype:  family_Rafflesiaceae__Rafflesiaceae  a family of parasitic plants of the order Aristolochiales
           subtype:  family_Hydnoracea__Hydnoracea  a family of flowering plants in Africa and Argentina that are parasitic on the roots of other plants
           subtype:  family_Primulaceae__Primulaceae__primrose_family  a dicotyledonous family of the order Primulales with a regular flower; widely distributed in the northern hemisphere
           subtype:  family_Myrsinaceae__Myrsinaceae__myrsine_family__myrsinefamily  family of Old World tropical trees and shrubs; some in Florida
           subtype:  family_Plumbaginaceae__Plumbaginaceae__leadwort_family__sea-lavender_family  perennial herbs and shrubs and lianas; cosmopolitan especially in salt-water areas
           subtype:  family_Theophrastaceae__Theophrastaceae  family of mainly tropical American trees and shrubs similar to those of the Myrsinaceae; often included in the Myrsinaceae
           subtype:  family_Cucurbitaceae__Cucurbitaceae__gourd_family__gourdfamily  a family of herbaceous vines (such cucumber or melon or squash or pumpkin)
              subtype:  cucurbit  any plant of the family Cucurbitaceae
           subtype:  family_Goodeniaceae__Goodeniaceae__Goodenia_family  a family of sappy plants that grow in Australasia and southeast China
           subtype:  family_Lobeliaceae__Lobeliaceae__lobelia_family__lobeliafamily  not recognized in all classification systems; in some classifications lobeliaceous plants are included in family Campanulaceae
           subtype:  family_Proteaceae__Proteaceae__protea_family  large family of Australian and South African shrubs and trees with leathery leaves and clustered mostly tetramerous flowers; constitutes the order Proteales
           subtype:  family_Casuarinaceae__Casuarinaceae  1 genus: Casuarina
           subtype:  family_Gentianaceae__Gentianaceae__gentian_family__gentianfamily  chiefly herbaceous plants with showy flowers; some are cultivated as ornamentals
           subtype:  family_Salvadoraceae__Salvadoraceae__Salvadora_family  a family of Old World shrubs and trees of order Gentianales; related to Oleaceae but having four stamens and four petals
           subtype:  family_Oleaceae__Oleaceae__olive_family__olivefamily  trees and shrubs having berries or drupes or capsules as fruits; sometimes placed in the order Oleales: olive; ash; jasmine; privet; lilac
           subtype:  family_Juglandaceae__Juglandaceae__walnut_family  trees having usually edible nuts: butternuts; walnuts; hickories; pecans
           subtype:  family_Combretaceae__Combretaceae__combretum_family__combretumfamily  a family of tropical trees and shrubs of the order Myrtales
           subtype:  family_Elaeagnaceae__Elaeagnaceae__oleaster_family  shrubs or small trees often armed
           subtype:  family_Haloragidaceae__Haloragidaceae__Haloragaceae__family_Haloragaceae__water-milfoil_family__watermilfoilfamily  a family of dicotyledonous plants of the order Myrtales
           subtype:  family_Lecythidaceae__Lecythidaceae  large tropical trees bearing large fruits with woody skins
           subtype:  family_Lythraceae__Lythraceae__loosestrife_family__loosestrifefamily  herbs and shrubs and small trees with pink or purple flowers
           subtype:  family_Myrtaceae__Myrtaceae__myrtle_family  trees and shrubs yielding a fragrant oil
           subtype:  family_Nyssaceae__Nyssaceae__sour-gum_family__tupelo_family  a family of dicotyledonous trees of order Myrtales that includes the sour gum trees
           subtype:  family_Punicaceae__Punicaceae  1 species: pomegranates
           subtype:  family_Rhizophoraceae__Rhizophoraceae__mangrove_family  trees and shrubs that usually form dense jungles along tropical seacoasts
           subtype:  family_Thymelaeaceae__Thymelaeaceae__daphne_family  family of tough-barked trees and shrubs and herbs especially of Australia and tropical Africa
           subtype:  family_Trapaceae__Trapaceae  family comprising solely the genus Trapa; in some classifications treated as a subfamily or tribe of the family Onagraceae
           subtype:  family_Urticaceae__Urticaceae__nettle_family  a family of plants of order Urticales including many nettles with stinging hairs
           subtype:  family_Cannabidaceae__Cannabidaceae__hemp_family  2 genera of erect or twining wind-pollinated herbs: genera Cannabis and Humulus; term not used in all classifications; in some the genus Cannabis is placed in the family Moraceae and the genus Humulus in the family Urticaceae
           subtype:  family_Moraceae__Moraceae__mulberry_family  trees or shrubs having a milky juice; in some classifications includes genus Cannabis
           subtype:  family_Cecropiaceae__Cecropiaceae  in some classifications included in family Moraceae
           subtype:  family_Ulmaceae__Ulmaceae__elm_family__elmfamily  a dicot family of the order Urticales including: genera Ulmus; Celtis; Planera; Trema
           subtype:  family_Menyanthaceae__Menyanthaceae__buckbean_family  a dicotyledonous family of marsh plants of order Gentianales
           subtype:  family_Loganiaceae__Loganiaceae  a dicotyledonous family of plants of order Gentianales
           subtype:  family_Linaceae__Linaceae__flax_family  a widely distributed family of plants
           subtype:  family_Plantaginaceae__Plantaginaceae__plantain_family  cosmopolitan family of small herbs and a few shrubs; most are troublesome weeds
           subtype:  family_Polygonaceae__Polygonaceae__buckwheat_family__buckwheatfamily  a family of plants of order Polygonales chiefly of the north temperate zone; includes the buckwheats
           subtype:  family_Amygdalaceae__Amygdalaceae  used in former classifications for plum and peach and almond trees which are now usually classified as members of the genus Prunus
           subtype:  family_Sapindaceae__Sapindaceae__soapberry_family__soapberryfamily  chiefly tropical New and Old World deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs bearing leathery drupes with yellow translucent flesh; most plants produce toxic saponins
           subtype:  family_Buxaceae__Buxaceae__box_family__boxfamily  widely distributed evergreen shrubs and trees
           subtype:  family_Celastraceae__Celastraceae__spindle-tree_family__staff-tree_family  trees and shrubs and woody vines usually having bright-colored fruits
           subtype:  family_Empetraceae__Empetraceae__crowberry_family__crowberryfamily  heathlike shrubs
           subtype:  family_Aceraceae__Aceraceae__maple_family__maplefamily  a family of trees and shrubs of order Sapindales including the maples
           subtype:  family_Aquifoliaceae__Aquifoliaceae__holly_family__hollyfamily  widely distributed shrubs and trees
           subtype:  family_Anacardiaceae__Anacardiaceae__sumac_family__sumacfamily  the cashew family; trees and shrubs and vines having resinous (sometimes poisonous) juice; includes cashew and mango and pistachio and poison ivy and sumac
           subtype:  family_Hippocastanaceae__Hippocastanaceae__horse-chestnut_family  trees having showy flowers and inedible nutlike seeds in a leathery capsule
           subtype:  family_Staphylaceae__Staphylaceae__bladdernut_family  a family of dicotyledonous plants of order Sapindales found mostly in the north temperate zone
           subtype:  family_Ebenaceae__Ebenaceae__ebony_family__ebonyfamily  fruit and timber trees of tropical and warm regions including ebony and persimmon
           subtype:  family_Sapotaceae__Sapotaceae__sapodilla_family__sapodillafamily  tropical trees or shrubs with milky juice and often edible fleshy fruit
           subtype:  family_Symplocaceae__Symplocaceae__sweetleaf_family__sweetleaffamily  a dicotyledonous family of order Ebenales
           subtype:  family_Styracaceae__Styracaceae__storax_family__styrax_family  a widely distributed family of shrubs and trees of order Ebenales
           subtype:  family_Sarraceniaceae__Sarraceniaceae__pitcher-plant_family__pitcherplantfamily  insectivorous plants
           subtype:  family_Nepenthaceae__Nepenthaceae  coextensive with the genus Nepenthes
           subtype:  family_Droseraceae__Droseraceae__sundew_family  a family of carnivorous herbs and shrubs
           subtype:  family_Roridulaceae__Roridulaceae  in some classifications included in the family Droseraceae
           subtype:  family_Convolvulaceae__Convolvulaceae__morning-glory_family__morninggloryfamily  morning glory; bindweed; sweet potato; plants having trumpet-shaped flowers and a climbing or twining habit
           subtype:  family_Orobanchaceae__Orobanchaceae__broomrape_family__broomrapefamily  brown or yellow leafless herbs; sometimes placed in the order Scrophulariales
           subtype:  family_Rhamnaceae__Rhamnaceae__buckthorn_family__buckthornfamily  trees and shrubs usually thorny bearing drupaceous fruit many having medicinal value
           subtype:  family_Vitaceae__Vitaceae__Vitidaceae__grapevine_family__grapevinefamily  a family of vines belonging to order Rhamnales
           subtype:  family_Piperaceae__Piperaceae__pepper_family  tropical woody vines and herbaceous plants having aromatic herbage and minute flowers in spikelets
           subtype:  family_Chloranthaceae__Chloranthaceae  small family of tropical herbs and shrubs and trees
           subtype:  family_Saururaceae__Saururaceae__lizard's-tail_family  family of perennial aromatic herbs: genera Saururus; Anemopsis; Houttuynia
           subtype:  family_Asclepiadaceae__Asclepiadaceae__milkweed_family  widely distributed family of herbs and shrubs of the order Gentianales; most with milky juice
        subtype:  fungus_family  includes lichen families
           subtype:  family_Erysiphaceae__Erysiphaceae  family of fungi parasitic mostly on leaves; includes powdery mildews
           subtype:  family_Sphaeriaceae__Sphaeriaceae  parasitic fungi having globose and sometimes necked or beaked perithecia
           subtype:  family_Ceratostomataceae__Ceratostomataceae  fungi having carbonous perithecia with long necks
           subtype:  family_Hypocreaceae__Hypocreaceae  family of fungi having brightly colored fleshy or membranous ascocarps; sometimes placed in its own order Hypocreales
              subtype:  mushroom_pimple  any of various mushrooms of the family Hypocreaceae
                 subtype:  orange_mushroom_pimple  a variety of mushroom pimple
                 subtype:  green_mushroom_pimple  a variety of mushroom pimple
           subtype:  family_Xylariaceae__Xylariaceae  family of fungi characterized by dark brown to back spores
           subtype:  family_Helotiaceae__Helotiaceae  a fungus family of order Helotiales
           subtype:  family_Sclerotiniaceae__Sclerotiniaceae  a fungus family of order Helotiales
           subtype:  family_Sclerodermataceae__Sclerodermataceae  a family of fungi or order Sclerodermatales with a single-layered peridium; includes earthballs
           subtype:  family_Tulostomaceae__Tulostomaceae__Tulostomataceae__family_Tulostomataceae  stalked puffballs
           subtype:  family_Rhizopogonaceae__Rhizopogonaceae  a family of fungi of order Hymenogastrales having round subterranean sporophores
           subtype:  family_Mucoraceae__Mucoraceae  large family of chiefly saprophytic fungi that includes many common molds destructive to food products
           subtype:  family_Entomophthoraceae__Entomophthoraceae  mostly parasitic lower fungi that typically develop in the bodies of insects
           subtype:  family_Chytridiaceae__Chytridiaceae  a family of aquatic fungi of order Chytridiales
           subtype:  family_Blastodiaceae__Blastodiaceae  a family of saprobic fungi of order Blastocladiales
           subtype:  family_Synchytriaceae__Synchytriaceae  a fungus family of order Chytridiales
           subtype:  family_Peronosporaceae__Peronosporaceae  parasitic fungi: downy mildews
           subtype:  family_Albuginaceae__Albuginaceae  fungi that produce white sori resembling blisters on certain flowering plants
           subtype:  family_Pythiaceae__Pythiaceae  fungi having sporangia usually borne successively and singly at the tips of branching sporangiophores
           subtype:  family_Plasmodiophoraceae__Plasmodiophoraceae  family of fungi often causing hypertrophy in seed plants
           subtype:  family_Tuberaceae__Tuberaceae  family of fungi whose ascocarps resemble tubers and vary in size from that of an acorn to that of a large apple
           subtype:  family_Clavariaceae__Clavariaceae  fleshy fungi: coral fungi
           subtype:  family_Hydnaceae__Hydnaceae  tooth fungi
           subtype:  family_Lecanoraceae__Lecanoraceae  a fungus family of the division Lichenes
           subtype:  family_Roccellaceae__Roccellaceae  a fungus family of division Lichenes
           subtype:  family_Pertusariaceae__Pertusariaceae  a fungus family of division Lichenes
           subtype:  family_Usneaceae__Usneaceae  fruticose lichens having prostrate or erect or pendulous thalli: genera Usnea; Evernia; Ramalina; Alectoria
           subtype:  family_Cladoniaceae__Cladoniaceae  a family of lichens
           subtype:  family_Parmeliaceae__Parmeliaceae  a family of lichens
           subtype:  family_Agaricaceae__Agaricaceae  large family including many familiar mushrooms
           subtype:  family_Coprinaceae__Coprinaceae  used in some classifications for the genus Coprinus
           subtype:  family_Russulaceae__Russulaceae  used in some classification systems for the genus Russula
           subtype:  family_Strophariaceae__Strophariaceae  sometimes included in family Agaricaceae
           subtype:  family_Entolomataceae__Entolomataceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
           subtype:  family_Lepiotaceae__Lepiotaceae  a family of fungi having free gills and a cap that is cleanly separable from the stalk
           subtype:  family_Thelephoraceae__Thelephoraceae  fungi having leathery or membranous sporophores
           subtype:  family_Tricholomataceae__Tricholomataceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
           subtype:  family_Volvariaceae__Volvariaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
           subtype:  family_Pluteaceae__Pluteaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
           subtype:  family_Saccharomycetaceae__Saccharomycetaceae  family of fungi comprising the typical yeasts: reproduce by budding and ferment carbohydrates
           subtype:  family_Schizosaccharomycetaceae__Schizosaccharomycetaceae  a family of fungi belonging to order Endomycetales
           subtype:  family_Aspergillaceae__Aspergillaceae  family of fungi including some common molds
           subtype:  family_Pezizaceae__Pezizaceae  large family comprising many typical cup fungi
           subtype:  family_Morchellaceae__Morchellaceae  a family of edible fungi including the true morels
           subtype:  family_Sarcoscyphaceae__Sarcoscyphaceae  family of fungi belonging to the order Pezizales
           subtype:  family_Helvellaceae__Helvellaceae  family of false morels or lorchels; some are edible and some are poisonous
           subtype:  family_Phallaceae__Phallaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Phallales and comprising the true stinkhorns
           subtype:  family_Calostomataceae__Calostomataceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Tulostomatales
           subtype:  family_Clathraceae__Clathraceae  family of fleshy fungi resembling stinkhorns
           subtype:  family_Lycoperdaceae__Lycoperdaceae  a fungus family belonging to the order Lycoperdales; includes puffballs
           subtype:  family_Geastraceae__Geastraceae  a family of earthstar fungi belonging to the order Lycoperdales
           subtype:  family_Nidulariaceae__Nidulariaceae  bird's-nest fungi
           subtype:  family_Sphaerobolaceae__Sphaerobolaceae  monotypic family of fungi in which the more or less spherical gleba is forcibly ejected at maturity
           subtype:  family_Secotiaceae__Secotiaceae  a family of fungi that have a stalk and cap and a wrinkled mass of tissue (the gleba) where spores are produced; are often dismissed as misshapen forms of other fungi
           subtype:  family_Polyporaceae__Polyporaceae  fungi that become corky or woody with age, often forming shelflike growths on trees
           subtype:  family_Fistulinaceae__Fistulinaceae  a family of fungi closely related to the family Polyporaceae except that the tubes on the undersurface of the cap are separate from each other
           subtype:  family_Boletaceae__Boletaceae  family of pore-bearing fleshy fungi having the spores easily separating from the cup and often from each other
           subtype:  family_Tremellaceae__Tremellaceae  a family of basidiomycetous fungi of the order Tremellales that have the basidium divided longitudinally
           subtype:  family_Auriculariaceae__Auriculariaceae  fungi having gelatinous sporophores
           subtype:  family_Dacrymycetaceae__Dacrymycetaceae  a family of basidiomycetous fungi belonging to the order Tremellales having a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa
           subtype:  family_Melampsoraceae__Melampsoraceae  rust fungi
           subtype:  family_Pucciniaceae__Pucciniaceae  large important family of rust fungi
           subtype:  family_Ustilaginaceae__Ustilaginaceae  a fungus family of loose smuts
           subtype:  family_Tilletiaceae__Tilletiaceae  a family of smut fungi having a simple promycelium bearing the spores in an apical cluster
           subtype:  family_Septobasidiaceae__Septobasidiaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota
           subtype:  family_Hygrophoraceae__Hygrophoraceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales; the gills of these fungi have a clean waxy appearance
           subtype:  family_Cortinariaceae__Cortinariaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
           subtype:  family_Moniliaceae__Moniliaceae  family of imperfect fungi having white or brightly colored hyphae and spores that are produced directly on the mycelium and not aggregated in fruiting bodies
           subtype:  family_Dematiaceae__Dematiaceae  family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia
           subtype:  family_Tuberculariaceae__Tuberculariaceae  large family of mainly saprophytic imperfect fungi
           subtype:  family_Geoglossaceae__Geoglossaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Helotiales
        subtype:  plant_family__plantfamily  a family of plants
           subtype:  gymnosperm_family  a family of gymnosperms
              subtype:  family_Gnetaceae__Gnetaceae  plants having small unisexual flowers and fleshy or winged fruit: in some classifications includes the genera Ephedra and Welwitschia as well as Gnetum
              subtype:  family_Ephedraceae__Ephedraceae  ephedras: in some classifications included in the Gnetaceae
              subtype:  family_Welwitschiaceae__Welwitschiaceae  in some classifications included in the Gnetaceae
              subtype:  family_Cycadaceae__Cycadaceae__cycad_family__cycadfamily  ancient palmlike plants closely related to ferns in that fertilization is by means of spermatozoids
              subtype:  family_Zamiaceae__Zamiaceae__zamia_family__zamiafamily  a family of cycads often included in the family Cycadaceae: zamias
              subtype:  family_Bennettitaceae__Bennettitaceae  a family of fossil gymnospermous plants of the Carboniferous
              subtype:  family_Cordaitaceae__Cordaitaceae  chiefly Paleozoic plants; Cordaites is the chief and typical genus
              subtype:  family_Pinaceae__Pinaceae__pine_family  a family of Pinaceae
              subtype:  family_Cupressaceae__Cupressaceae__cypress_family__cypressfamily  cypresses and junipers and many cedars
              subtype:  subfamily_Taxodiaceae__Taxodiaceae__redwood_family__redwoodfamily  coniferous trees; traditionally considered an independent family though recently included in Cupressaceae in some classification systems
              subtype:  family_Araucariaceae__Araucariaceae__araucaria_family__araucariafamily  tall evergreen cone-bearing trees of South America and Australia with broad leathery leaves; in some classifications included in the Pinaceae
              subtype:  family_Cephalotaxaceae__Cephalotaxaceae__plum-yew_family  a family of Cephalotaxaceae
              subtype:  family_Phyllocladaceae__Phyllocladaceae  a family of Phyllocladaceae
              subtype:  family_Podocarpaceae__Podocarpaceae__podocarpus_family  gymnosperms with simple persistent needlelike or scalelike leaves
              subtype:  family_Sciadopityaceae__Sciadopityaceae  family comprising a single genus that until recently was considered part of Taxodiaceae
              subtype:  family_Taxaceae__Taxaceae__yew_family__yewfamily  sometimes classified as member of order Taxales
              subtype:  family_Ginkgoaceae__Ginkgoaceae__ginkgo_family  constituting the order Ginkgoales; includes the genus Ginkgo and extinct forms
           subtype:  family_Campanulaceae__Campanulaceae__bellflower_family  family of plants of the order Campanulales; in some classifications includes Lobeliaceae
           subtype:  family_Dioscoreaceae__Dioscoreaceae__yam_family__yamfamily  yams
           subtype:  family_Erythroxylaceae__Erythroxylaceae  a family of plants of order Geraniales; have drupaceous fruit
           subtype:  family_Crassulaceae__Crassulaceae__stonecrop_family__stonecropfamily  succulent shrubs and herbs
           subtype:  family_Grossulariaceae__Grossulariaceae__gooseberry_family  in some classifications considered a part of the family Saxifragaceae: plants whose fruit is a berry
           subtype:  family_Boraginaceae__Boraginaceae__borage_family  a widely distributed family of plants distinguished by circinate flowers and nutlike fruit
           subtype:  family_Lentibulariaceae__Lentibulariaceae__bladderwort_family__bladderwortfamily  carnivorous aquatic or bog plants: genera Utricularia; Pinguicula; Genlisea
           subtype:  family_Martyniaceae__Martyniaceae  in most classifications not considered a separate family but included in the Pedaliaceae
           subtype:  family_Pedaliaceae__Pedaliaceae__sesame_family  the family of plants of order Polemoniales
        subtype:  fern_family  families of ferns and fern allies
           subtype:  family_Hymenophyllaceae__Hymenophyllaceae  terrestrial (hygrophytic) or epiphytic ferns: filmy ferns
           subtype:  family_Osmundaceae__Osmundaceae  large family of ferns widely distributed in temperate and tropical areas
           subtype:  family_Schizaeaceae__Schizaeaceae  small family of mainly tropical ferns
           subtype:  family_Marsileaceae__Marsileaceae  clover ferns
           subtype:  family_Salviniaceae__Salviniaceae  water ferns
           subtype:  family_Azollaceae__Azollaceae  used in some classifications for the genus Azolla
           subtype:  family_Ophioglossaceae__Ophioglossaceae  a family of succulent ferns of order Ophioglossales; cosmopolitan in distribution
           subtype:  family_Gleicheniaceae__Gleicheniaceae  a family of ferns belonging to order Filicales
           subtype:  family_Parkeriaceae__Parkeriaceae  coextensive with the genus Ceratopteris; sometimes included in family Polypodiaceae
           subtype:  family_Polypodiaceae__Polypodiaceae  ferns: a large family that in some classification systems has been subdivided into several families (including Aspleniaceae and Blechnaceae and Davalliaceae and Dennstaedtiaceae and Dryopteridaceae and Oleandraceae and Pteridaceae)
           subtype:  family_Adiantaceae__Adiantaceae  used in some classification systems for some genera of the family Polypodiaceae (or Pteridaceae)
           subtype:  family_Vittariaceae__Vittariaceae  one of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems: genus Vittaria
           subtype:  family_Aspleniaceae__Aspleniaceae  one of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems; includes genera Asplenium; Pleurosorus; Schaffneria
           subtype:  family_Blechnaceae__Blechnaceae  one of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems; includes genera Blechnum; Doodia; Sadleria; Stenochlaena; Woodwardia
           subtype:  family_Cyatheaceae__Cyatheaceae  tropical tree ferns
           subtype:  family_Davalliaceae__Davalliaceae  one of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems
           subtype:  family_Dennstaedtiaceae__Dennstaedtiaceae  one of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems
           subtype:  family_Dicksoniaceae__Dicksoniaceae  tree ferns: genera Dicksonia; Cibotium; Culcita; Thyrsopteris
           subtype:  family_Dryopteridaceae__Dryopteridaceae__Athyriaceae__family_Athyriaceae  alternative names for one of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems
           subtype:  family_Lomariopsidaceae__Lomariopsidaceae  small family of usually scandent ferns
           subtype:  family_Lophosoriaceae__Lophosoriaceae  very small family of tree ferns
           subtype:  family_Loxomataceae__Loxomataceae  very small family of New Zealand ferns
           subtype:  family_Oleandraceae__Oleandraceae  one of a number of families into which Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems
           subtype:  family_Pteridaceae__Pteridaceae  one of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems; Pteridaceae is itself in turn sometimes further subdivided
           subtype:  family_Marattiaceae__Marattiaceae  constituting the order Marattiales: chiefly tropical eusporangiate ferns with gigantic fronds
           subtype:  family_Psilotaceae__Psilotaceae  small family of lower ferns having nearly naked stems and minute scalelike leaves
           subtype:  family_Psilophytaceae__Psilophytaceae  Paleozoic plants
           subtype:  family_Rhyniaceae__Rhyniaceae  primitive plants of the Paleozoic
           subtype:  family_Equisetaceae__Equisetaceae__horsetail_family__horsetailfamily  sole surviving family of the Equisetales: fern allies
           subtype:  family_Lepidodendraceae__Lepidodendraceae  fossil plants characterized by conspicuous spirally arranged leaf scars on the trunk
           subtype:  family_Lycopodiaceae__Lycopodiaceae__clubmoss_family  a family of ferns belonging to the order Lycopodiales
           subtype:  family_Selaginellaceae__Selaginellaceae  lesser clubmosses: terrestrial chiefly tropical plants resembling mosses
           subtype:  family_Isoetaceae__Isoetaceae__quillwort_family__quillwortfamily  quillworts; coextensive with the genus Isoetes
           subtype:  family_Cryptogrammataceae__Cryptogrammataceae  one of a number of families into which the family Polypodiaceae has been subdivided in some classification systems
           subtype:  family_Thelypteridaceae__Thelypteridaceae  genera Thelypteris; Phegopteris; others
     subtype:  superfamily  (biology) a taxonomic group ranking below an order but above a family
     subtype:  subfamily  (biology) a taxonomic category below a family
     subtype:  tribe  (biology) a taxonomic category between a genus and a subfamily
        subtype:  tribe_Bovini__Bovini  term not used technically; essentially coextensive with genus Bos
        subtype:  tribe_Bambuseae__Bambuseae  bamboos
     subtype:  genus__genu  (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species
        subtype:  form_genus  an artificial taxonomic category established on the basis of morphological resemblance for organisms of obscure true relationships especially fossil forms
        subtype:  bacteria_genus  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Aerobacter__Aerobacter  aerobic bacteria widely distributed in nature
           subtype:  genus_Rhizobium__Rhizobium  the type genus of Rhizobiaceae; usually occur in the root nodules of legumes; can fix atmospheric oxygen
           subtype:  genus_Agrobacterium__Agrobacterium  small motile bacterial rods that can reduce nitrates and cause galls on plant stems
           subtype:  genus_Bacillus  type genus of the Bacillaceae; includes many saprophytes important in decay of organic matter and a number of parasites
           subtype:  genus_Clostridium  anaerobic or micro-aerophilic rod-shaped or spindle-shaped saprophytes; nearly cosmopolitan in soil, animal intestines, and dung
           subtype:  genus_Nostoc  type genus of the family Nostocaceae: freshwater blue-green algae
           subtype:  genus_Trichodesmium  a genus of blue-green algae
           subtype:  genus_Pseudomonas__Pseudomonas  type genus of the family Pseudomonodaceae
           subtype:  genus_Xanthomonas__Xanthomonas  a genus of bacteria similar to Pseudomonas but producing a yellow pigment that is not soluble in water
           subtype:  family_Nitrobacteriaceae__Nitrobacteriaceae  usually rod-shaped bacteria that oxidize ammonia or nitrites: nitrobacteria
           subtype:  genus_Nitrobacter__Nitrobacter  rod-shaped soil bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Nitrosomonas__Nitrosomonas  ellipsoidal soil bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Thiobacillus  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Spirillum  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Vibrio  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Bacteroides__Bacteroides  type genus of Bacteroidaceae; genus of gram-negative rodlike anaerobic bacteria producing no endospores and no pigment and living in the gut of man and animals
           subtype:  genus_Escherichia  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Klebsiella  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Salmonella  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Shigella  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Erwinia  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Rickettsia  can cause typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans
           subtype:  genus_Chlamydia  type genus of the family Chlamydiaceae: disease-causing parasites
           subtype:  genus_Mycoplasma  type and sole genus of the family Mycoplasmataceae
           subtype:  genus_Actinomyces  type genus of the family Actinomycetaceae
           subtype:  genus_Streptomyces  type genus of the family Streptomycetaceae
           subtype:  genus_Mycobacterium  nonmotile gram-positive aerobic bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Polyangium__Polyangium  type genus of the family Polyangiaceae: myxobacteria with rounded fruiting bodies enclosed in a membrane
           subtype:  genus_Micrococcus__Micrococcus  type genus of the family Micrococcaceae
           subtype:  genus_Staphylococcus  includes many pathogenic species
           subtype:  genus_Lactobacillus  type genus of the family Lactobacillaceae
           subtype:  genus_Diplococcus  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Streptococcus  a genus of bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Spirochaeta__Spirochaeta  type genus of the family Spirochaetaceae; flexible undulating chiefly aquatic bacteria
           subtype:  genus_Treponema  type genus of Treponemataceae: anaerobic spirochetes with an undulating rigid body; parasitic in warm-blooded animals
           subtype:  genus_Borrelia  small flexible parasitic spirochetes having three to five wavy spirals
           subtype:  genus_Leptospira  very slender aerobic spirochetes; free-living or parasitic in mammals
        subtype:  protoctist_genus  any genus of Protoctista
           subtype:  genus_Amoeba  protozoan inhabiting moist soils or bottom vegetation in fresh or salt water
           subtype:  genus_Endamoeba__Endamoeba  the type genus of the family Endamoebidae
           subtype:  genus_Globigerina  type genus of the family Globigerinidae
           subtype:  genus_Arcella  type genus of the Arcellidae
           subtype:  genus_Difflugia  genus of protozoans related to Amoeba
           subtype:  genus_Paramecium  freshwater ciliate with an oval body and long deep oral groove
           subtype:  genus_Tetrahymena  protozoa having four membranous ciliary organelles
           subtype:  genus_Stentor  trumpet-shaped protozoa with a ciliated spiral feeding funnel
           subtype:  genus_Vorticella  ciliates
           subtype:  genus_Tribonema__Tribonema__genus_Conferva  type genus of Tribonemaceae
           subtype:  genus_Laminaria__Laminaria  type genus of the family Laminariaceae: perennial brown kelps
           subtype:  genus_Fucus  type genus of the family Fucaceae: cartilaginous brown algae
           subtype:  genus_Ascophyllum__Ascophyllum  brown algae distinguished by compressed or inflated branchlets along the axis
           subtype:  genus_Sargassum  a genus of protoctista
           subtype:  genus_Euglena  type genus of the family Euglenaceae: green algae with a single flagellum
           subtype:  genus_Ulva__Ulva  type genus of the family Ulvaceae; green seaweed having a thallus two cells thick: sea lettuce
           subtype:  genus_Volvox__Volvox  type genus of the Volvocaceae; minute pale green flagellates occurring in tiny spherical colonies; minute flagella rotate the colony about an axis
           subtype:  genus_Chlamydomonas__Chlamydomonas  type genus of the Chlamydomonadaceae; solitary doubly-flagellated plant-like algae common in fresh water and damp soil; multiply freely; often a pest around filtration plants
           subtype:  genus_Zygnema__Zygnema  type genus of the family Zygnemataceae
           subtype:  genus_Spirogyra  a genus of protoctista
           subtype:  genus_Chlorococcum__Chlorococcum  type genus of Chlorococcales; unicellular green algae occurring singly or in a layer on soil or damp rock
           subtype:  genus_Chlorella  nonmotile unicellular green algae potentially important as source of high-grade protein and B-complex vitamins
           subtype:  genus_Oedogonium__Oedogonium  type genus of Oedogoniaceae; freshwater green algae having long unbranched filaments; usually free-floating when mature
           subtype:  genus_Chara__Chara  green algae common in freshwater lakes of limestone districts
           subtype:  genus_Nitella__Nitella  fragile branching stoneworts
           subtype:  genus_Desmidium__Desmidium  a genus of protoctista
           subtype:  genus_Chondrus__Chondrus  a genus of protoctista
           subtype:  genus_Rhodymenia__Rhodymenia  type genus of the family Rhodymeniaceae
           subtype:  genus_Porphyra__Porphyra  a genus of protoctista
           subtype:  genus_Noctiluca  a genus of protoctista
           subtype:  genus_Peridinium__Peridinium  type genus of the family Peridiniidae
           subtype:  genus_Costia  a genus of flagellate protoctista
           subtype:  genus_Giardia  flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebrates
           subtype:  genus_Chilomastix__Chilomastix  flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebrates including humans
           subtype:  genus_Hexamita__Hexamita  flagellates free-living or parasitic in intestines of birds
           subtype:  genus_Trichomonas  flagellates parasitic in alimentary or genitourinary tracts of vertebrates and invertebrates including humans
           subtype:  genus_Eimeria  type genus of the family Eimeriidae; includes serious pathogens
           subtype:  genus_Plasmodium  type genus of the family Plasmodiidae
           subtype:  genus_Haemoproteus__Haemoproteus  type genus of the family Haemoproteidae
           subtype:  genus_Leucocytozoon__genus_Leucocytozoan  a genus of protoctista
           subtype:  genus_Babesia__genus_Piroplasma  type genus of the family Babesiidae
           subtype:  genus_Sarcocystis__Sarcocystis  chief genus of the order Sarcosporidia
        subtype:  fish_genus  any of various genus of fish
           subtype:  genus_Cyprinus__Cyprinus  type genus of the family Cyprinidae: carp
           subtype:  genus_Abramis__Abramis  European fishes
           subtype:  genus_Tinca__Tinca  tench
           subtype:  genus_Leuciscus__Leuciscus  a genus of fish including: dace, chub
           subtype:  genus_Notropis__Notropis  shiners
           subtype:  genus_Notemigonus__Notemigonus  golden shiners
           subtype:  genus_Rutilus__Rutilus  roaches
           subtype:  genus_Scardinius__Scardinius  rudds
           subtype:  genus_Phoxinus__Phoxinus  minnows
           subtype:  genus_Gobio__Gobio  true gudgeons
           subtype:  genus_Carassius__Carassius  goldfish
           subtype:  genus_Electrophorus__Electrophorus  type genus of the family Electrophoridae; electric eels
           subtype:  genus_Catostomus__Catostomus  type genus of the family Catostomidae
           subtype:  genus_Ictiobus__Ictiobus  buffalo fishes
           subtype:  genus_Hypentelium__Hypentelium  a genus of fish in the family Catostomidae
           subtype:  genus_Maxostoma__Maxostoma  a genus of fish in the family Catostomidae
           subtype:  genus_Fundulus__Fundulus  killifish
           subtype:  genus_Rivulus  killifish
           subtype:  genus_Jordanella__Jordanella  flagfishes
           subtype:  genus_Xyphophorus__Xyphophorus  swordtails
           subtype:  genus_Lebistes__Lebistes  guppies
           subtype:  genus_Gambusia__Gambusia  mosquitofish
           subtype:  genus_Platypoecilus__Platypoecilus  platys
           subtype:  genus_Mollienesia__Mollienesia  mollies
           subtype:  genus_Holocentrus__Holocentrus  type genus of the family Holocentridae; squirrelfishes
           subtype:  genus_Anomalops  type genus of the family Anomalopidae
           subtype:  genus_Krypterophaneron__Krypterophaneron  a genus of fish in the family Anomalopidae
           subtype:  genus_Photoblepharon__Photoblepharon  a genus of fish in the family Anomalopidae
           subtype:  genus_Zeus__Zeus  type genus of the family Zeidae
           subtype:  genus_Capros__Capros  a genus of fish in the family Caproidae
           subtype:  genus_Antigonia__Antigonia  a genus of fish in the family Caproidae
           subtype:  genus_Fistularia__Fistularia  type genus of the family Fistulariidae
           subtype:  Gasterosteus__genus_gasterosteus  type genus of the family Gasterosteidae
           subtype:  genus_Syngnathus__Syngnathus  type genus of the family Syngnathidae
           subtype:  genus_Cosmocampus__Cosmocampus  a genus of fish in the family Syngnathidae
           subtype:  genus_Hippocampus__Hippocampus  seahorses
           subtype:  genus_Aulostomus__Aulostomus  type genus of the Aulostomidae
           subtype:  genus_Petromyzon__Petromyzon  typical lampreys
           subtype:  genus_Myxine__Myxine  type genus of the Myxinidae (typical hagfishes)
           subtype:  genus_Eptatretus  a genus of fossil fish of the family Myxinidae
           subtype:  genus_Myxinikela__Myxinikela  fossil hagfishes
           subtype:  genus_Chimaera  type genus of the Chimaeridae
           subtype:  genus_Hexanchus__Hexanchus  a genus of Hexanchidae
           subtype:  genus_Lamna__Lamna  a genus of Lamnidae
           subtype:  genus_Isurus__Isurus  mako sharks
           subtype:  genus_Carcharodon__Carcharodon  man-eating sharks
           subtype:  genus_Cetorhinus__Cetorhinus  comprising only the basking sharks; in some classifications considered the type genus of a separate family Cetorhinidae
           subtype:  genus_Alopius__Alopius  type genus of the family Alopiidae; in some classifications considered a genus of the family Lamnidae
           subtype:  genus_Orectolobus__Orectolobus  carpet sharks
           subtype:  genus_Ginglymostoma__Ginglymostoma  nurse sharks
           subtype:  genus_Carcharias__Carcharias__Odontaspis__genus_Odontaspis  type and sole genus of Carchariidae: sand sharks
           subtype:  genus_Rhincodon__Rhincodon  whale sharks
           subtype:  genus_Carcharhinus__Carcharhinus  type genus of the Carcharhinidae
           subtype:  genus_Negaprion__Negaprion  lemon sharks
           subtype:  genus_Prionace__Prionace  blue sharks
           subtype:  genus_Galeocerdo__Galeocerdo  tiger sharks
           subtype:  genus_Galeorhinus__Galeorhinus  a genus of Carcharhinidae
           subtype:  genus_Mustelus__Mustelus  smooth dogfishes
           subtype:  genus_Triaenodon__Triaenodon  a genus of Triakidae
           subtype:  genus_Squalus__Squalus  spiny dogfishes
           subtype:  genus_Sphyrna__Sphyrna  type genus of the Sphyrnidae
           subtype:  genus_Squatina__Squatina  type genus of the Squatinidae: angel sharks
           subtype:  genus_Pristis__Pristis  type genus of the Pristidae
           subtype:  genus_Dasyatis__Dasyatis  type genus of the Dasyatidae
           subtype:  genus_Gymnura__Gymnura  butterfly rays
           subtype:  genus_Aetobatus__Aetobatus  a genus of Myliobatidae
           subtype:  genus_Rhinoptera__Rhinoptera  a genus of Myliobatidae
           subtype:  genus_Manta  a genus of Mobulidae
           subtype:  genus_Mobula__Mobula  type genus of the Mobulidae
           subtype:  genus_Raja__Raja  type genus of the family Rajidae
           subtype:  genus_Latimeria__Latimeria  type genus of the Latimeridae: coelacanth
           subtype:  genus_Ceratodus  type genus of the Ceratodontidae: extinct genus of lungfishes
           subtype:  genus_Neoceratodus__Neoceratodus  extant Australian lungfishes
           subtype:  genus_Silurus__Silurus  type genus of the Siluridae: catfishes
           subtype:  genus_Malopterurus__Malopterurus  electric catfish
           subtype:  genus_Ameiurus__Ameiurus  type genus of the Ameiuridae: bullhead catfishes
           subtype:  genus_Ictalurus__Ictalurus  channel catfishes
           subtype:  genus_Pylodictus__Pylodictus  flathead catfishes
           subtype:  genus_Arius__Arius  type genus of the Ariidae: sea catfishes
           subtype:  genus_Gadus__Gadus  type genus of the Gadidae: the typical codfishes
           subtype:  genus_Merlangus__Merlangus  whitings
           subtype:  genus_Lota__Lota  burbot
           subtype:  genus_Melanogrammus__Melanogrammus  haddock
           subtype:  genus_Pollachius__Pollachius  pollack
           subtype:  genus_Merluccius__Merluccius  hakes
           subtype:  genus_Urophycis__Urophycis  hakes
           subtype:  genus_Molva__Molva  ling
           subtype:  Brosmius__genus_Browmius  cusk
           subtype:  genus_Anguilla__Anguilla  type genus of the Anguillidae: eels
           subtype:  genus_Gonorhynchus__Gonorhynchus  slender cylindrical marine fishes lacking air bladders and teeth
           subtype:  genus_Alosa__Alosa  shad
           subtype:  genus_Pomolobus__Pomolobus  genus to which the alewife is sometimes assigned
           subtype:  genus_Brevoortia__Brevoortia  menhaden
           subtype:  genus_Clupea__Clupea  type genus of the Clupeidae: typical herrings
           subtype:  genus_Sardina__Sardina__genus_Sardinia  pilchards
           subtype:  genus_Sardinops__Sardinops  pilchards
           subtype:  genus_Engraulis__Engraulis  type genus of the family Engraulidae
           subtype:  genus_Salmo__Salmo  type genus of the Salmonidae: salmon and trout
           subtype:  genus_Onchorynchus__Onchorynchus  sockeye salmon; chinook salmon; coho salmon
           subtype:  genus_Salvelinus__Salvelinus  brook trout
           subtype:  genus_Coregonus__Coregonus  type genus of the Coregonidae: whitefishes
           subtype:  genus_Prosopium__Prosopium  whitefishes
           subtype:  genus_Osmerus__Osmerus  type genus of the Osmeridae
           subtype:  genus_Mallotus__Mallotus  capelins
           subtype:  genus_Tarpon  tarpons
           subtype:  genus_Elops__Elops  type genus of the Elopidae: tenpounder
           subtype:  genus_Albula__Albula  type and sole genus of the family Albulidae
           subtype:  genus_Argentina__Argentina  type genus of the Argentinidae: argentines
           subtype:  genus_Alepisaurus__Alepisaurus  slender scaleless predaceous tropical deep-sea fishes
           subtype:  genus_Lampris__Lampris  type genus of the Lampridae
           subtype:  genus_Trachipterus__Trachipterus  type genus of the Trachipteridae
           subtype:  Reglaecus__genus_Regalecus  type genus of the Regalecidae
           subtype:  genus_Lophius__Lophius  type genus of family Lophiidae
           subtype:  genus_Scomberesox__Scomberesox__Scombresox__genus_Scombresox  a genus of Scomberesocidae
           subtype:  genus_Ophiodon__Ophiodon  a genus of Ophiodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Perca__Perca  type genus of the Percidae
           subtype:  genus_Stizostedion__Stizostedion  pikeperches
           subtype:  genus_Percina__Percina  a genus of Percidae
           subtype:  genus_Centropomus__Centropomus  type genus of the Centropomidae: snooks
           subtype:  genus_Esox__Esox  type and only genus of the family Esocidae
           subtype:  genus_Pomoxis__Pomoxis  crappies
           subtype:  genus_Lepomis__Lepomis  bream
           subtype:  genus_Ambloplites__Ambloplites  a genus of Centrarchidae
           subtype:  genus_Micropterus__Micropterus  American freshwater black basses
           subtype:  genus_Morone__Morone  carnivorous fresh and salt water fishes
           subtype:  genus_Synagrops__Synagrops  a genus of Serranidae
           subtype:  genus_Centropristis__Centropristis  sea basses
           subtype:  genus_Roccus__Roccus  a genus of Serranidae
           subtype:  genus_Polyprion__Polyprion  wreckfish
           subtype:  genus_Serranus__Serranus  type genus of the Serranidae: mostly small Pacific sea basses
           subtype:  genus_Epinephelus__Epinephelus  genus of groupers or sea bass
           subtype:  genus_Paranthias__Paranthias  a genus of Serranidae
           subtype:  genus_Mycteroperca__Mycteroperca  groupers
           subtype:  genus_Rypticus__Rypticus  a genus of fish of the family Serranidae, including soapfishes
           subtype:  genus_Hipsurus__Hipsurus  a genus of Embiotocidae
           subtype:  genus_Priacanthus__Priacanthus  type genus of the Priacanthidae
           subtype:  genus_Apogon__Apogon  type genus of the Apogonidae
           subtype:  genus_Astropogon__Astropogon  a genus of fish of the family Apogonidae
           subtype:  genus_Lopholatilus__Lopholatilus  large brightly colored food fish of deep Atlantic waters
           subtype:  genus_Pomatomus__Pomatomus  type genus of the Pomatomidae
           subtype:  genus_Rachycentron__Rachycentron  genus and family are coextensive and comprise only the cobia
           subtype:  genus_Echeneis__Echeneis  type genus of the Echeneididae: typical remoras
           subtype:  genus_Remilegia__Remilegia  a genus of Echeneididae
           subtype:  genus_Caranx__Caranx  type genus of the Carangidae
           subtype:  genus_Elagatis__Elagatis  a genus of Carangidae
           subtype:  genus_Oligoplites__Oligoplites  leatherjackets
           subtype:  genus_Alectis__Alectis  a genus of Carangidae
           subtype:  genus_Selene__Selene  a genus of Carangidae
           subtype:  genus_Seriola__Seriola  a genus of Carangidae
           subtype:  genus_Trachinotus__Trachinotus  a genus of Carangidae
           subtype:  genus_Naucrates__Naucrates  a genus of Carangidae
           subtype:  genus_Trachurus__Trachurus  scads especially horse mackerels
           subtype:  genus_Selar__Selar  big-eyed scad
           subtype:  genus_Decapterus__Decapterus  scads especially mackerel scad; cosmopolitan
           subtype:  genus_Brama__Brama  type genus of the Bramidae
           subtype:  genus_Hemigrammus__Hemigrammus  tetras
           subtype:  genus_Paracheirodon__Paracheirodon  a genus of Characidae
           subtype:  genus_Serrasalmus__Serrasalmus  piranhas
           subtype:  genus_Tilapia__Tilapia  a genus of Cichlidae
           subtype:  genus_Lutjanus__Lutjanus  type genus of the Lutjanidae: snappers
           subtype:  genus_Ocyurus__Ocyurus  snappers
           subtype:  genus_Haemulon__Haemulon  type genus of the Haemulidae
           subtype:  genus_Anisotremus__Anisotremus  a genus of Haemulidae
           subtype:  genus_Orthopristis__Orthopristis  a genus of Haemulidae
           subtype:  genus_Pagrus__Pagrus  a genus of Sparidae
           subtype:  genus_Pagellus__Pagellus  sea breams
           subtype:  genus_Archosargus__Archosargus  a genus of Sparidae
           subtype:  genus_Lagodon__Lagodon  a genus of Sparidae
           subtype:  Calamus__genus_Calamus  a genus of Sparidae
           subtype:  genus_Chrysophrys__Chrysophrys  australian snapper
           subtype:  genus_Stenotomus__Stenotomus  scups
           subtype:  genus_Equetus__Equetus  drumfish
           subtype:  genus_Bairdiella__Bairdiella  drumfish
           subtype:  genus_Sciaenops__Sciaenops  a genus of Sciaenidae
           subtype:  genus_Sciaena__Sciaena  type genus of the Sciaenidae: croakers
           subtype:  genus_Micropogonias__Micropogonias  croakers
           subtype:  genus_Umbrina__Umbrina  croakers
           subtype:  genus_Menticirrhus__Menticirrhus  kingfishes; whiting
           subtype:  genus_Genyonemus__Genyonemus  a genus of Sciaenidae
           subtype:  genus_Seriphus__Seriphus  a genus of Sciaenidae
           subtype:  genus_Cynoscion__Cynoscion  sea trout
           subtype:  genus_Mullus__Mullus  type genus of the Mullidae: goatfishes
           subtype:  genus_Mulloidichthys__Mulloidichthys  a genus of Mullidae
           subtype:  genus_Mugil__Mugil  type genus of the Mugilidae: mullets
           subtype:  genus_Atherinopsis__Atherinopsis  a genus of Atherinidae
           subtype:  genus_Sphyraena__Sphyraena  type and sole genus of the Sphyraenidae: barracuda
           subtype:  genus_Kyphosus__Kyphosus  type genus of the Kyphosidae
           subtype:  genus_Chaetodipterus__Chaetodipterus  a genus of Ephippidae
           subtype:  genus_Chaetodon  type genus of the Chaetodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Pomacanthus__Pomacanthus  angelfishes
           subtype:  genus_Pomacentrus__Pomacentrus  type genus of the Pomacentridae: damselfishes
           subtype:  genus_Amphiprion__Amphiprion  damsel fishes
           subtype:  genus_Abudefduf__Abudefduf  damsel fishes
           subtype:  genus_Achoerodus__Achoerodus  a genus of Labridae
           subtype:  genus_Lachnolaimus__Lachnolaimus  a genus of Labridae
           subtype:  genus_Halicoeres__Halicoeres  a genus of Labridae
           subtype:  genus_Thalassoma__Thalassoma  a genus of Labridae
           subtype:  genus_Hemipteronatus__Hemipteronatus  razorfishes
           subtype:  genus_Tautoga__Tautoga  tautogs
           subtype:  genus_Tautogolabrus__Tautogolabrus  a genus of Labridae
           subtype:  genus_Polydactylus__Polydactylus  a genus of Polynemidae
           subtype:  genus_Blennius__Blennius  type genus of the Blenniidae
           subtype:  genus_Scartella__Scartella  a genus of Blenniidae
           subtype:  genus_Chaenopsis__Chaenopsis  a genus of fish of the family Clinidae including pikeblennies
           subtype:  genus_Pholis__Pholis  type genus of the Pholidae: gunnels
           subtype:  genus_Lumpenus__Lumpenus  a genus of Stichaeidae
           subtype:  genus_Cryptacanthodes__Cryptacanthodes  a genus of Stichaeidae
           subtype:  genus_Anarhichas__Anarhichas  type genus of the Anarhichadidae
           subtype:  genus_Zoarces__Zoarces  type genus of the Zoarcidae
           subtype:  genus_Gymnelis__Gymnelis  a genus of Zoarcidae
           subtype:  genus_Macrozoarces__Macrozoarces  a genus of Zoarcidae
           subtype:  genus_Ammodytes__Ammodytes  type genus of the Ammodytidae
           subtype:  genus_Periophthalmus__Periophthalmus  a genus of Gobiidae
           subtype:  genus_Toxotes__Toxotes  type genus of the Toxotidae
           subtype:  genus_Acanthurus__Acanthurus  type genus of the Acanthuridae: doctorfishes
           subtype:  genus_Gempylus__Gempylus  type genus of the Gempylidae
           subtype:  genus_Lepidocybium__Lepidocybium  a genus of Gempylidae
           subtype:  genus_Scomber__Scomber  type genus of the Scombridae
           subtype:  genus_Acanthocybium__Acanthocybium  wahoos
           subtype:  genus_Scomberomorus__Scomberomorus  Spanish mackerels
           subtype:  genus_Thunnus__Thunnus  tunas: warm-blooded fishes
           subtype:  genus_Sarda__Sarda  bonitos
           subtype:  genus_Euthynnus__Euthynnus  a genus of Scombridae
           subtype:  genus_Katsuwonus__Katsuwonus  oceanic bonitos; in some classifications placed in its own family Katsuwonidae
           subtype:  genus_Xiphias__Xiphias  type genus of the Xiphiidae
           subtype:  genus_Istiophorus__Istiophorus  type genus of the Istiophoridae
           subtype:  genus_Makaira__Makaira  marlins
           subtype:  genus_Tetrapturus__Tetrapturus  a genus of Istiophoridae
           subtype:  genus_Luvarus__Luvarus  type genus of the Luvaridae
           subtype:  genus_Poronotus__Poronotus  a genus of Stromateidae
           subtype:  genus_Palometa  a genus of Stromateidae
           subtype:  genus_Paprilus__Paprilus  a genus of Stromateidae
           subtype:  genus_Psenes__Psenes  a genus of Stromateidae
           subtype:  genus_Ariomma__Ariomma  a genus of Stromateidae
           subtype:  genus_Tetragonurus__Tetragonurus  a genus of Stromateidae
           subtype:  genus_Hyperoglyphe__Hyperoglyphe  a genus of Stromateidae
           subtype:  genus_Gobiesox__Gobiesox  type genus of the Gobiesocidae
           subtype:  genus_Lobotes__Lobotes  type genus of the Lobotidae
           subtype:  genus_Gerres__Gerres  type genus of the Gerreidae
           subtype:  genus_Eucinostomus__Eucinostomus  a genus of Gerreidae
           subtype:  genus_Sillago__Sillago  type genus of the Sillaginidae
           subtype:  genus_Amia__Amia  type genus of the Amiidae
           subtype:  genus_Polyodon__Polyodon  type genus of the Polyodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Psephurus__Psephurus  a genus of Polyodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Acipenser__Acipenser  type genus of the Acipenseridae: sturgeons
           subtype:  genus_Lepisosteus__Lepisosteus  type genus of the Lepisosteidae: freshwater gars
           subtype:  genus_Scorpaena__Scorpaena  type genus of the Scorpaenidae: scorpionfishes
           subtype:  genus_Pterois__Pterois  lionfishes
           subtype:  genus_Synanceja__Synanceja  stonefishes
           subtype:  genus_Sebastodes__Sebastodes  rockfishes
           subtype:  genus_Cottus__Cottus  type genus of the Cottidae: sculpins
           subtype:  genus_Hemitripterus__Hemitripterus  sea ravens
           subtype:  genus_Myxocephalus__Myxocephalus  grubby
           subtype:  genus_Cyclopterus__Cyclopterus  type genus of the Cyclopteridae: lumpfishes
           subtype:  Liparis__genus_Liparis  type genus of the Liparididae: snailfishes
           subtype:  genus_Agonus__Agonus  type genus of the Agonidae
           subtype:  genus_Aspidophoroides__Aspidophoroides  alligatorfishes
           subtype:  genus_Hexagrammos__Hexagrammos  type genus of the Hexagrammidae
           subtype:  genus_Oxylebius__Oxylebius  a genus of Hexagrammidae
           subtype:  genus_Triga__Triga  type genus of the Triglidae
           subtype:  genus_Prionotus__Prionotus  a genus of Triglidae
           subtype:  genus_Peristedion__Peristedion  in some classifications the type genus of the subfamily Peristediinae: armored sea robins
           subtype:  genus_Dactylopterus__Dactylopterus  a genus of Dactylopteridae
           subtype:  genus_Balistes__Balistes  type genus of the Balistidae
           subtype:  genus_Monocanthus__Monocanthus  type genus of the Monocanthidae
           subtype:  genus_Lactophrys__Lactophrys  a genus of Ostraciidae
           subtype:  genus_Diodon__Diodon  type genus of the Diodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Chilomycterus__Chilomycterus  burrfishes
           subtype:  genus_Mola  type genus of the Molidae
           subtype:  genus_Pleuronectes__Pleuronectes  type genus of the Pleuronectidae
           subtype:  genus_Platichthys__Platichthys  a genus of Pleuronectidae
           subtype:  genus_Limanda__Limanda  a genus of Pleuronectidae
           subtype:  genus_Pseudopleuronectes__Pseudopleuronectes  a genus of Pleuronectidae
           subtype:  genus_Microstomus__Microstomus  a genus of Pleuronectidae
           subtype:  genus_Hippoglossoides__Hippoglossoides  a genus of Pleuronectidae
           subtype:  genus_Hippoglossus__Hippoglossus  halibuts
           subtype:  genus_Paralichthys__Paralichthys  a genus of Bothidae
           subtype:  genus_Etropus__Etropus  a genus of Bothidae
           subtype:  genus_Citharichthys__Citharichthys  a genus of Bothidae
           subtype:  genus_Scophthalmus__Scophthalmus  a genus of Bothidae
           subtype:  genus_Psetta__Psetta  a genus of Bothidae
           subtype:  genus_Solea__Solea  type genus of the Soleidae
           subtype:  genus_Parophrys__Parophrys  a genus of Soleidae
           subtype:  genus_Psettichthys__Psettichthys  a genus of Soleidae
           subtype:  genus_Trinectes__Trinectes  a genus of Soleidae
        subtype:  chordate_genus  any genus in the phylum Chordata
           subtype:  genus_Amphioxus  type genus of the Amphioxidae
           subtype:  genus_Salpa  type (perhaps sole) genus of the Salpidae
           subtype:  genus_Doliolum  type genus of the Doliolidae
           subtype:  genus_Appendicularia  a genus of chordates in the class Larvacea
        subtype:  bird_genus  a genus of birds
           subtype:  genus_Protoavis  extinct primitive birds of the Triassic period; 70 million years before archaeopteryx
           subtype:  genus_Archaeopteryx__genus_Archeopteryx  a genus of fossil birds
           subtype:  genus_Sinornis  a genus of fossil birds
           subtype:  genus_Ibero-mesornis  a genus of fossil bird of the subclass Archaeornithes
           subtype:  genus_Archaeornis  a genus of fossil bird
           subtype:  genus_Struthio__Struthio  type genus of the Struthionidae: African ostriches
           subtype:  genus_Casuarius__Casuarius  type and sole genus of the Casuaridae: cassowaries
           subtype:  genus_Dromaius__Dromaius  a genus of birds in the order Casuariiformes
           subtype:  genus_Apteryx  type genus of the Apterygidae: kiwis
           subtype:  genus_Rhea  type genus of the Rheidae; large tall flightless South American birds similar to but smaller than ostriches
           subtype:  genus_Pterocnemia__Pterocnemia  a genus of birds of the family Rheidae
           subtype:  genus_Aepyornis  type genus of the Aepyornidae: elephant birds
           subtype:  genus_Dinornis__Dinornis  type genus of the Dinornithidae: large moas
           subtype:  genus_Anomalopteryx  small moas
           subtype:  genus_Prunella__Prunella  type genus of the Prunellidae
           subtype:  genus_Alauda__Alauda  type genus of the Alaudidae: skylarks
           subtype:  genus_Motacilla__Motacilla  type genus of the Motacillidae: wagtails
           subtype:  genus_Anthus__Anthus  pipits
           subtype:  genus_Fringilla__Fringilla  type genus of the Fringillidae: chaffinch, brambling
           subtype:  genus_Carduelis__Carduelis  in some classifications considered the type genus of a subfamily Carduelinae of the Fringillidae: goldfinches; siskins; redpolls; linnets
           subtype:  genus_Spinus__Spinus  in some classifications considered a subgenus of Carduelis: siskins and New World goldfinches
           subtype:  genus_Carpodacus__Carpodacus  house finches and purple finches
           subtype:  genus_Serinus__Serinus  Old World finches: e.g. canaries and serins
           subtype:  genus_Loxia__Loxia  crossbill
           subtype:  genus_Pyrrhula__Pyrrhula  bullfinches
           subtype:  genus_Junco  American finches
           subtype:  genus_Pooecetes__Pooecetes  a genus of Fringillidae
           subtype:  genus_Zonotrichia__Zonotrichia  large New World sparrows
           subtype:  genus_Spizella__Spizella  chipping sparrow; field sparrow; tree sparrow
           subtype:  genus_Melospiza__Melospiza  American song sparrow and swamp sparrow
           subtype:  genus_Passerina__genuspasserina__Passerina  small North American bush-loving finches: New World buntings
           subtype:  genus_Emberiza__Emberiza  Old World buntings
           subtype:  genus_Plectrophenax__Plectrophenax  snow bunting
           subtype:  genus_Coereba__Coereba  type genus of the Coerebidae
           subtype:  genus_Passer__Passer  type genus of the Passeridae
           subtype:  genus_Hesperiphona__Hesperiphona  evening grosbeak
           subtype:  genus_Coccothraustes__Coccothraustes  large finches
           subtype:  genus_Pinicola__Pinicola  a genus of Fringillidae
           subtype:  genus_Richmondena__Richmondena  cardinals
           subtype:  genus_Pyrrhuloxia  large showy finches related to cardinals
           subtype:  genus_Pipilo__Pipilo  towhees
           subtype:  genus_Chlorura__Chlorura  towhees
           subtype:  genus_Ploceus__Ploceus  type genus of the Ploceidae
           subtype:  genus_Vidua__Vidua  whydahs
           subtype:  genus_Padda__Padda  a genus of Ploceidae
           subtype:  genus_Estrilda__Estrilda  avadavats
           subtype:  genus_Poephila__Poephila  grassfinches
           subtype:  genus_Drepanis__Drepanis  a genus of Drepanididae
           subtype:  genus_Menura__Menura  type and sole genus of the family Menuridae
           subtype:  genus_Atrichornis__Atrichornis  type genus of the Atrichornithidae
           subtype:  genus_Tyrannus__Tyrannus  type genus of the Tyrannidae: tyrant flycatchers
           subtype:  genus_Contopus__Contopus  pewees
           subtype:  genus_Sayornis__Sayornis  phoebes
           subtype:  genus_Pyrocephalus__Pyrocephalus  a genus of Tyrannidae
           subtype:  genus_Cotinga  type genus of the Cotingidae: cotingas
           subtype:  genus_Rupicola__Rupicola  cock of the rocks
           subtype:  genus_Pipra__Pipra  type genus of the Pipridae containing the typical manakins
           subtype:  genus_Procnias__Procnias  bellbirds
           subtype:  genus_Cephalopterus__Cephalopterus  a genus of Cotingidae
           subtype:  genus_Furnarius__Furnarius  type genus of the family Furnariidae: ovenbirds
           subtype:  genus_Formicarius__Formicarius  type genus of the Formicariidae
           subtype:  genus_Thamnophilus__Thamnophilus  a genus of Formicariidae
           subtype:  genus_Hylophylax__Hylophylax  a genus of Formicariidae
           subtype:  genus_Dendrocolaptes__Dendrocolaptes  type genus of the Dendrocolaptidae
           subtype:  genus_Pitta  type genus of the Pittidae; a large genus of birds of southern Asia and Australia and adjacent islands
           subtype:  genus_Muscivora__Muscivora  a genus of Tyrannidae
           subtype:  genus_Muscicapa__Muscicapa  type genus of the Muscicapidae
           subtype:  genus_Pachycephala__Pachycephala  arboreal insectivorous birds
           subtype:  genus_Turdus__Turdus  type genus of the Turdidae
           subtype:  genus_Hylocichla__Hylocichla  American thrushes: wood thrush; hermit thrush; veery
           subtype:  genus_Luscinia__Luscinia  nightingales
           subtype:  genus_Saxicola__Saxicola  Old World chats
           subtype:  genus_Myadestes__Myadestes  solitaires
           subtype:  genus_Phoenicurus__Phoenicurus  Old World thrushes
           subtype:  genus_Oenanthe__Oenanthe  wheatears
           subtype:  genus_Sialia__Sialia  North American bluebirds
           subtype:  genus_Erithacus__Erithacus  Old World thrushes
           subtype:  genus_Polioptila__Polioptila  New World gnatcatchers
           subtype:  genus_Regulus__Regulus  a genus of birds of the family Sylviidae including kinglets
           subtype:  genus_Silvia__Silvia  type genus of the Sylviidae: warblers
           subtype:  genus_Phylloscopus__Phylloscopus  warblers
           subtype:  genus_Acrocephalus__Acrocephalus  a genus of Sylviidae
           subtype:  genus_Prinia__Prinia  a genus of Sylviidae
           subtype:  genus_Orthotomus__Orthotomus  tailorbirds
           subtype:  genus_Timalia__Timalia  type genus of the Timaliidae
           subtype:  genus_Parula__Parula  type genus of the Parulidae: wood warblers
           subtype:  genus_Setophaga__Setophaga  a genus of Parulidae
           subtype:  genus_Dendroica__Dendroica  a genus of Parulidae
           subtype:  genus_Icteria__Icteria  New World chats
           subtype:  genus_Seiurus__Seiurus  ovenbirds and water thrushes
           subtype:  genus_Geothlypis__Geothlypis  yellowthroats
           subtype:  genus_Ptloris__Ptloris  a genus of Paradisaeidae
           subtype:  genus_Icterus__Icterus  type genus of the Icteridae
           subtype:  genus_Sturnella__Sturnella  a genus of passerine birds including the meadowlarks
           subtype:  genus_Cacicus__Cacicus  a genus of tropical American orioles
           subtype:  genus_Dolichonyx__Dolichonyx  bobolinks
           subtype:  genus_Quiscalus__Quiscalus  grackles
           subtype:  genus_Euphagus__Euphagus  a genus of Icteridae
           subtype:  genus_Molothrus__Molothrus  cowbirds
           subtype:  genus_Agelaius__Agelaius  red-winged blackbirds
           subtype:  genus_Oriolus__Oriolus  type genus of the Oriolidae
           subtype:  genus_Sphecotheres__Sphecotheres  a genus of Old World orioles
           subtype:  genus_Sturnus__Sturnus  type genus of the Sturnidae: common starlings
           subtype:  subgenus_Pastor__Pastor  only the rose-colored starlings; in some classifications considered a separate genus
           subtype:  genus_Acridotheres__Acridotheres  mynas
           subtype:  genus_Gracula__Gracula  mynas
           subtype:  genus_Corvus__Corvus  type genus of the Corvidae: crows and ravens
           subtype:  genus_Garrulus__Garrulus  type genus of the Garrulinae: Old World jays
           subtype:  genus_Cyanocitta__Cyanocitta  New World jays
           subtype:  genus_Perisoreus__Perisoreus  Canada jays
           subtype:  genus_Nucifraga__Nucifraga  nutcrackers
           subtype:  genus_Pica__Pica  magpies
           subtype:  genus_Cracticus__Cracticus  type genus of the Cracticidae: Australian butcherbirds
           subtype:  genus_Strepera__Strepera  bell magpies
           subtype:  genus_Gymnorhina__Gymnorhina  in some classifications placed in the family Laniidae: Australian piping crows
           subtype:  genus_Troglodytes__Troglodytes  type genus of the Troglodytidae
           subtype:  genus_Cistothorus__Cistothorus  marsh wrens
           subtype:  genus_Salpinctes__Salpinctes  a genus of Troglodytidae
           subtype:  genus_Thryothorus__Thryothorus  Carolina wrens
           subtype:  genus_Campylorhynchus__Campylorhynchus__Heleodytes__genus_Heleodytes  alternative classifications for the cactus wrens
           subtype:  genus_Mimus__Mimus  type genus of the family Mimidae: mockingbirds
           subtype:  genus_Melanotis__Melanotis  a genus of Mimidae
           subtype:  genus_Dumetella__Dumetella  catbirds
           subtype:  genus_Toxostoma__Toxostoma  thrashers
           subtype:  genus_Xenicus__Xenicus  type genus for the Xenicidae
           subtype:  genus_Acanthisitta__Acanthisitta  a genus of Xenicidae
           subtype:  genus_Certhia__Certhia  type genus of the Certhiidae
           subtype:  genus_Tichodroma__Tichodroma  wall creepers; in some classifications placed in family Sittidae
           subtype:  genus_Sitta__Sitta  type genus of the Sittidae
           subtype:  genus_Parus__Parus  type genus of the family Paridae
           subtype:  genus_Psaltriparus__Psaltriparus  a genus of Paridae
           subtype:  genus_Chamaea__Chamaea  a genus of Paridae
           subtype:  genus_Auriparus__Auriparus  a genus of Paridae
           subtype:  genus_Irena__Irena  type genus of the Irenidae: fairy bluebirds
           subtype:  genus_Hirundo__Hirundo  type genus of the Hirundinidae
           subtype:  genus_Iridoprocne__Iridoprocne  a genus of Hirundinidae
           subtype:  genus_Delichon__Delichon  a genus of Hirundinidae
           subtype:  genus_Riparia__Riparia  a genus of Hirundinidae
           subtype:  genus_Progne__Progne  a genus of Hirundinidae
           subtype:  genus_Artamus__Artamus  type genus of the Artamidae
           subtype:  genus_Piranga__Piranga  a genus of Thraupidae
           subtype:  genus_Lanius__Lanius  type genus of the Laniidae: typical shrikes
           subtype:  genus_Chlorophoneus__Chlorophoneus  a genus of Malaconotinae
           subtype:  genus_Ptilonorhynchus__Ptilonorhynchus  type genus of the Ptilonorhynchidae
           subtype:  genus_Chlamydera__Chlamydera  a genus of Ptilonorhynchidae
           subtype:  genus_Cinclus__Cinclus  type genus of the family Cinclidae
           subtype:  genus_Vireo  type genus of the Vireonidae
           subtype:  Bombycilla__genus_bombycilla__genusbombycilla  waxwings
           subtype:  genus_Accipiter__Accipiter  type genus of the family Accipitridae
           subtype:  genus_Buteo__Buteo  broad-winged soaring hawks
           subtype:  genus_Pernis__Pernis  a common European bird of prey; dull brown with white-streaked underparts
           subtype:  genus-Milvus__Milvus  a genus including the common European kits
           subtype:  genus_Elanoides__Elanoides  a genus of kites
           subtype:  genus_Elanus__Elanus  a genus of small kites of both Old and New Worlds
           subtype:  genus_Circus__Circus  a genus of haws comprising the harriers
           subtype:  genus_Circaetus__Circaetus  Harrier eagles
           subtype:  genus_Falco__Falco  a genus of Falconidae
           subtype:  genus_Polyborus__Polyborus  a genus of Falconidae
           subtype:  genus_Harpia__Harpia  a genus of Accipitridae
           subtype:  genus_Aquila__Aquila  a genus of Accipitridae
           subtype:  genus_Haliaeetus__Haliaeetus  a genus of Accipitridae
           subtype:  genus_Pandion__Pandion  type genus of the Pandionidae
           subtype:  genus_Gyps__Gyps  a genus of Accipitridae
           subtype:  genus_Gypaetus__Gypaetus  in some classifications the type genus of the family Aegypiidae
           subtype:  genus_Neophron__Neophron  a genus of Accipitridae
           subtype:  genus_Aegypius__Aegypius  a genus of Accipitridae
           subtype:  genus_Sagittarius__Sagittarius  type family of the Sagittariidae
           subtype:  genus_Cathartes__Cathartes  type genus of the Cathartidae: turkey vultures
           subtype:  genus_Vultur__Vultur  usually restricted to the Andean condor
           subtype:  genus_Gymnogyps__Gymnogyps  containing solely the California condor
           subtype:  genus_Coragyps__Coragyps  a genus of Cathartidae
           subtype:  genus_Sarcorhamphus__Sarcorhamphus  usually containing only the king vulture
           subtype:  genus_Athene__Athene  a genus of Strigidae
           subtype:  genus_Bubo__Bubo  a genus of Strigidae
           subtype:  genus_Strix__Strix  owls lacking ear tufts
           subtype:  genus_Otus__Otus  a genus of Strigidae
           subtype:  genus_Surnia__Surnia  a genus of hawk-like owls
           subtype:  genus_Asio__Asio  a genus of European owls
           subtype:  genus_Sceloglaux__Sceloglaux  a genus of Strigidae
           subtype:  genus_Tyto__Tyto  type and only genus of the family Tytonidae
           subtype:  genus_Gallus__Gallus  common domestic birds and related forms
           subtype:  genus_Meleagris__Meleagris  type genus of the Meleagrididae: wild and domestic turkeys
           subtype:  genus_Agriocharis__Agriocharis  a genus of birds of the family Meleagrididae including the ocellated turkey
           subtype:  genus_Lyrurus__Lyrurus  black grouse
           subtype:  genus_Lagopus__Lagopus  ptarmigans
           subtype:  genus_Tetrao__Tetrao  type genus of the Tetraonidae: capercaillies
           subtype:  genus_Canachites__Canachites  spruce grouse
           subtype:  genus_Centrocercus__Centrocercus  sage grouse
           subtype:  genus_Bonasa__Bonasa  ruffed grouse
           subtype:  genus_Pedioecetes__Pedioecetes  sharp-tailed grouse
           subtype:  genus_Tympanuchus__Tympanuchus  prairie chickens
           subtype:  genus_Crax__Crax  type genus of the Cracidae: curassows
           subtype:  genus_Penelope__Penelope  a genus of guans (turkey-like arboreal birds valued as game and food birds)
           subtype:  genus_Pipile__Pipile  genus of large crested guans (the piping guans)
           subtype:  genus_Ortalis__Ortalis  chachalacas
           subtype:  genus-Megapodius__Megapodius  type genus of the Megapodiidae
           subtype:  genus_Leipoa  mallee fowl
           subtype:  genus_Alectura__Alectura  brush turkeys
           subtype:  genus_Macrocephalon__Macrocephalon  maleos
           subtype:  genus_Phasianus__Phasianus  type genus of the Phasianidae: the typical pheasants
           subtype:  genus_Afropavo  Congo peafowl
           subtype:  genus_Argusianus__Argusianus  argus pheasants
           subtype:  genus_Chrysolophus__Chrysolophus  golden pheasants
           subtype:  genus_Colinus__Colinus  New World quail: the bobwhites
           subtype:  genus_Coturnix__Coturnix  Old World quail
           subtype:  genus_Lophophorus__Lophophorus  monals
           subtype:  genus_Odontophorus__Odontophorus  genus of Central and South American crested partridges resembling quails; sometimes placed in a distinct subfamily or isolated in a distinct family
           subtype:  genus_Pavo__Pavo  peafowl
           subtype:  genus_Lofortyx__Lofortyx  California quail
           subtype:  genus_Tragopan  a genus of Phasianidae
           subtype:  genus_Perdix__Perdix  a genus of Perdicinae
           subtype:  genus_Alectoris__Alectoris  a genus of Perdicidae
           subtype:  genus_Oreortyx__Oreortyx  mountain quail of western United States
           subtype:  genus_Numida__Numida  guinea fowl
           subtype:  genus_Opisthocomus__Opisthocomus  type genus of the Opisthocomidae: hoatzins
           subtype:  genus_Raphus__Raphus  type genus of the Raphidae: dodos
           subtype:  genus_Pezophaps__Pezophaps  constituted by the extinct solitaire
           subtype:  genus_Columba__Columba  type genus of the Columbidae: typical pigeons
           subtype:  genus_Streptopelia__Streptopelia  turtledoves
           subtype:  genus_Stictopelia__Stictopelia  a genus of Columbidae
           subtype:  genus_Zenaidura__Zenaidura  mourning doves
           subtype:  genus_Ectopistes__Ectopistes  a genus of Columbidae
           subtype:  genus_Pterocles__Pterocles  type genus of the Pteroclididae
           subtype:  genus_Syrrhaptes__Syrrhaptes  a genus of Pteroclididae
           subtype:  genus_Psittacus__Psittacus  type genus of the Psittacidae: usually restricted to the African gray
           subtype:  genus_Amazona__Amazona  a genus of Psittacidae
           subtype:  genus_Ara__Ara  macaws
           subtype:  genus_Nestor__Nestor  a genus of Psittacidae
           subtype:  genus_Kakatoe__Kakatoe__Cacatua__genus_Cacatua  a genus of Psittacidae
           subtype:  genus_Nymphicus__Nymphicus  a genus of Psittacidae
           subtype:  genus_Agapornis__Agapornis  a genus of Psittacidae
           subtype:  genus_Glossopsitta__Glossopsitta  a genus of Loriinae
           subtype:  genus_Trichoglossus__Trichoglossus  a genus of Loriinae
           subtype:  genus_Conuropsis__Conuropsis  a genus of Psittacidae
           subtype:  genus_Melopsittacus__Melopsittacus  a genus of Psittacidae
           subtype:  genus_Psittacula__Psittacula  a genus of Psittacidae
           subtype:  genus_Cuculus__Cuculus  type genus of the Cuculidae
           subtype:  genus_Coccyzus__Coccyzus  a genus of Cuculidae
           subtype:  genus_Geococcyx__Geococcyx  roadrunners
           subtype:  genus_Crotophaga__Crotophaga  ani
           subtype:  genus_Centropus__Centropus  a genus of Cuculidae
           subtype:  genus_Musophaga__Musophaga  type genus of the Musophagidae
           subtype:  genus_Coracias__Coracias  type genus of the Coraciidae
           subtype:  genus_Alcedo__Alcedo  type genus of the Alcedinidae
           subtype:  genus_Ceryle__Ceryle  a genus of birds of the family Alcedinidae
           subtype:  genus_Dacelo__Dacelo  Australasian kingfishers
           subtype:  genus_Merops__Merops  type genus of the Meropidae
           subtype:  genus_Buceros__Buceros  type genus of the family Bucerotidae
           subtype:  genus_Upupa__Upupa  type genus of the Upupidae
           subtype:  genus_Phoeniculus__Phoeniculus  type and only genus of the family Phoeniculidae
           subtype:  genus_Momotus__Momotus  type genus of the Momotidae
           subtype:  genus_Todus__Todus  type genus of the Todidae
           subtype:  genus_Apus__Apus  type genus
           subtype:  genus_Chateura__Chateura  a genus of Apodidae
           subtype:  genus_Collocalia__Collocalia  a genus of Apodidae
           subtype:  genus_Archilochus__Archilochus  a genus of Trochilidae
           subtype:  genus_Chalcostigma__Chalcostigma  thornbills
           subtype:  genus_Ramphomicron__Ramphomicron  thornbills
           subtype:  genus_Caprimulgus__Caprimulgus  type genus of the Caprimulgidae
           subtype:  genus_Chordeiles__Chordeiles  a genus of Caprimulgidae
           subtype:  genus_Phalaenoptilus__Phalaenoptilus  a genus of Caprimulgidae
           subtype:  genus_Podargus__Podargus  type genus of the Podargidae
           subtype:  genus_Steatornis__Steatornis  type and sole genus of the family Steatornithidae
           subtype:  genus_Picus__Picus  type genus of Picidae
           subtype:  genus_Picoides__Picoides  a genus of Picidae
           subtype:  genus_Colaptes__Colaptes  a genus of Picidae
           subtype:  genus_Campephilus__Campephilus  a genus of Picidae
           subtype:  genus_Melanerpes__Melanerpes  a genus of Picidae
           subtype:  genus_Sphyrapicus__Sphyrapicus  a genus of Picidae
           subtype:  genus_Jynx__Jynx  wrynecks
           subtype:  genus_Picumnus__Picumnus  a genus of Picidae
           subtype:  genus_Aulacorhyncus__Aulacorhyncus  a genus of Ramphastidae
           subtype:  genus_Trogon  type genus of the Trogonidae
           subtype:  genus_Pharomacrus__Pharomacrus  a genus of Trogonidae
           subtype:  genus_Anas__Anas  type genus of the Anatidae: freshwater ducks
           subtype:  genus_Tadorna__Tadorna  sheldrakes
           subtype:  genus_Oxyura__Oxyura  ruddy duck
           subtype:  genus_Bucephala__Bucephala  buffleheads and goldeneyes
           subtype:  genus_Aythya__Aythya  canvasback; redhead; pochard; etc.
           subtype:  genus_Aix__Aix  wood duck and mandarin duck
           subtype:  genus_Cairina__Cairina  a genus of Anatidae
           subtype:  genus_Somateria__Somateria  eider ducks
           subtype:  genus_Melanitta__Melanitta  scoters
           subtype:  genus_Clangula__Clangula  a genus of ducks
           subtype:  genus_Mergus__Mergus  mergansers
           subtype:  genus_Lophodytes__Lophodytes  a genus of Merginae
           subtype:  genus_Anser__Anser  typical geese
           subtype:  subgenus_Chen__Chen  wild goose having white adult plumage
           subtype:  genus_Branta__Branta  wild geese
           subtype:  genus_Coscoroba  a genus of Anatidae
           subtype:  genus_Cygnus__Cygnus  a genus of Anatidae
           subtype:  genus_Anhima__Anhima  type genus of the Anhimidae; horned screamers
           subtype:  genus_Chauna__Chauna  crested screamers
           subtype:  genus_Ciconia__Ciconia  type genus of the Ciconiidae: European storks
           subtype:  genus_Leptoptilus__Leptoptilus  adjutant birds and marabous
           subtype:  genus_Anastomus__Anastomus  openbills
           subtype:  genus_Jabiru  jabirus
           subtype:  genus_Ephippiorhynchus__Ephippiorhynchus  saddlebills
           subtype:  genus_Xenorhyncus__Xenorhyncus  East Indian and Australian storks
           subtype:  genus_Mycteria__Mycteria  a genus of storks of the family Ciconiidae now including only the American wood ibis
           subtype:  genus_Balaeniceps__Balaeniceps  type genus of the Balaenicipitidae: shoebills
           subtype:  genus_Ibis  ibises
           subtype:  genus_Threskiornis__Threskiornis  type genus of the Threskiornithidae
           subtype:  genus_Platalea__Platalea  type genus of the Plataleidae
           subtype:  genus_Ajaia__Ajaia  a genus of Platalea
           subtype:  genus_Ardea__Ardea  type genus of the Ardeidae: large New and Old World herons
           subtype:  genus_Egretta__Egretta  small Old and New World herons
           subtype:  genus_Casmerodius__Casmerodius  white egrets
           subtype:  genus_Bubulcus__Bubulcus  small white egrets
           subtype:  genus_Nycticorax__Nycticorax  Old World night herons
           subtype:  genus_Nyctanassa__Nyctanassa  American night herons
           subtype:  genus_Cochlearius__Cochlearius__cochleariu  boatbills
           subtype:  genus_Botaurus__Botaurus  bitterns
           subtype:  genus_Ixobrychus__Ixobrychus  bitterns
           subtype:  genus_Grus__Grus  type genus of the Gruidae: typical cranes
           subtype:  genus_Aramus__Aramus  genus of large brown long-billed wading birds found in warm swampy regions of the Western Hemisphere: courlan; limpkin
           subtype:  genus_Cariama__Cariama  type genus of the Cariamidae comprising only the crested cariama
           subtype:  genus_Chunga  a genus of Cariamidae
           subtype:  genus_Gallirallus__Gallirallus  rails of New Zealand
           subtype:  genus_Crex__Crex  corncrakes
           subtype:  genus_Porzana__Porzana  spotted crakes
           subtype:  genus_Gallinula__Gallinula  gallinules
           subtype:  genus_Porphyrio__Porphyrio  Old World purple gallinules
           subtype:  genus_Porphyrula__Porphyrula  American purple gallinules
           subtype:  genus_Notornis  a genus of Rallidae
           subtype:  genus_Fulica__Fulica  coots
           subtype:  genus_Otis__Otis  type genus of the Otididae: European bustard
           subtype:  genus_Choriotis__Choriotis  Australian bustard
           subtype:  genus_Turnix__Turnix  type genus of the Turnicidae: button quail
           subtype:  genus_Pedionomus__Pedionomus  plain wanderer
           subtype:  genus_Psophia__Psophia  type genus of the Psophiidae: trumpeters
           subtype:  genus_Charadrius__Charadrius  type genus of the Charadriidae: plovers
           subtype:  genus_Pluvialis__Pluvialis  golden plovers
           subtype:  genus_Vanellus__Vanellus  Eurasian lapwings
           subtype:  genus_Arenaria__Arenaria  turnstones
           subtype:  genus_Aphriza__Aphriza  a genus of Scolopacidae
           subtype:  genus_Actitis__Actitis  a genus of Scolopacidae
           subtype:  genus_Erolia__Erolia  a genus of Scolopacidae
           subtype:  genus_Tringa__Tringa  a genus of Scolopacidae
           subtype:  genus_Calidris__Calidris  a genus of Scolopacidae
           subtype:  genus_Crocethia__Crocethia  a genus of Scolopacidae
           subtype:  genus_Bartramia__Bartramia  a genus of Scolopacidae
           subtype:  genus_Philomachus__Philomachus  ruffs
           subtype:  genus_Heteroscelus__Heteroscelus  tattlers
           subtype:  genus_Catoptrophorus__Catoptrophorus  willet
           subtype:  genus_Scolopax__Scolopax  type of the Scolopacidae: Old World woodcocks
           subtype:  genus_Philohela__Philohela  American woodcocks
           subtype:  genus_Gallinago__Gallinago__Capella__genus_Capella  snipes
           subtype:  genus_Limnocryptes__Limnocryptes  snipe
           subtype:  genus_Limnodromus__Limnodromus  dowitchers
           subtype:  genus_Numenius__Numenius  curlews
           subtype:  genus_Limosa__Limosa  godwits
           subtype:  genus_Himantopus__Himantopus  major one of two genera of stilts; similar to avocets but with straight bills
           subtype:  genus_Cladorhyncus__Cladorhyncus  one of two genera of stilts; similar to avocets but with straight bills
           subtype:  genus_Recurvirostra__Recurvirostra  type genus of the Recurvirostridae: avocets
           subtype:  genus_Haematopus__Haematopus  oystercatchers
           subtype:  genus_Phalaropus__Phalaropus  type genus of the Phalaropidae: phalaropes
           subtype:  genus_Lobipes__Lobipes  a genus of Phalaropidae
           subtype:  genus_Steganopus__Steganopus  a genus of Phalaropidae
           subtype:  genus_Glareola__Glareola  type genus of the Glareolidae: the pratincoles
           subtype:  genus_Cursorius__Cursorius  coursers
           subtype:  genus_Pluvianus__Pluvianus  coursers
           subtype:  genus_Burhinus__Burhinus  type genus of the Burhinidae: stone curlews
           subtype:  genus_Larus__Larus  type genus of the Laridae
           subtype:  genus_Pagophila__Pagophila  a genus of Laridae
           subtype:  genus_Rissa__Rissa  a genus of Laridae
           subtype:  genus_Sterna__Sterna  a genus of Sterninae
           subtype:  genus_Rynchops__Rynchops  type genus of the Rynchopidae: skimmers
           subtype:  genus_Stercorarius__Stercorarius  type genus of the Stercorariidae: jaegers
           subtype:  genus_Catharacta__Catharacta  skuas
           subtype:  genus_Alca__Alca  type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill
           subtype:  genus_Plautus__Plautus  a genus of Alcidae
           subtype:  genus_Pinguinus__Pinguinus  great auk
           subtype:  genus_Cepphus__Cepphus  a genus of birds including: guillemots
           subtype:  genus_Uria__Uria  murres
           subtype:  genus_Fratercula__Fratercula  puffins
           subtype:  genus_Lunda__Lunda  puffins
           subtype:  genus_Gavia__Gavia  type genus of the Gavidae: loons
           subtype:  genus_Podiceps__Podiceps  type genus of the Podicipedidae: grebes
           subtype:  genus_Podilymbus__Podilymbus  a genus of Podicipedidae
           subtype:  genus_Pelecanus__Pelecanus  type genus of the Pelecanidae
           subtype:  genus_Fregata__Fregata  type genus of the Fregatidae
           subtype:  genus_Sula__Sula  type genus of the Sulidae
           subtype:  genus_Phalacrocorax__Phalacrocorax  type genus: coextensive with the family Phalacrocoracidae
           subtype:  genus_Anhinga  type genus of the Anhingidae
           subtype:  genus_Phaethon__Phaethon  type genus of the Phaethontidae
           subtype:  genus_Pygoscelis__Pygoscelis  a genus of Spheniscidae
           subtype:  genus_Aptenodytes__Aptenodytes  large penguins
           subtype:  genus_Spheniscus__Spheniscus  type genus of the Spheniscidae: jackass penguins
           subtype:  genus_Eudyptes__Eudyptes  rock hoppers
           subtype:  genus_Diomedea  type of the Diomedeidae
           subtype:  genus_Procellaria__Procellaria  type genus of the Procellariidae
           subtype:  genus_Macronectes__Macronectes  giant petrels
           subtype:  genus_Fulmarus__Fulmarus  fulmars
           subtype:  genus_Puffinus__Puffinus  shearwaters
           subtype:  genus_Hydrobates__Hydrobates  type genus of the Hydrobatidae
           subtype:  genus_Oceanites__Oceanites  a genus of Hydrobatidae
        subtype:  amphibian_genus__amphibiangenu  any genus of amphibians
           subtype:  genus_Hynerpeton__Hynerpeton  earliest fossil amphibian ever found; of the Devonian; found in Pennsylvania
           subtype:  genus_Ichthyostega  second earliest fossil amphibian ever found; of the Devonian; found in Greenland
           subtype:  genus_Salamandra__Salamandra  type genus of the Salamandridae
           subtype:  genus_Triturus__Triturus  chiefly aquatic salamanders
           subtype:  genus_Notophthalmus__Notophthalmus  newts
           subtype:  genus_Taricha__Taricha  Pacific newts
           subtype:  genus_Ambystoma__Ambystoma  type genus of the Ambystomatidae
           subtype:  genus_Cryptobranchus__Cryptobranchus  type genus of the Cryptobranchidae
           subtype:  genus_Megalobatrachus__Megalobatrachus  giant salamanders; in some classifications included in the genus Cryptobranchus
           subtype:  family_Proteidae__Proteidae  mud puppies
           subtype:  genus_Proteus__Proteus  type genus of the Proteidae
           subtype:  genus_Necturus__Necturus  a genus of Proteidae
           subtype:  genus_Dicamptodon  type genus of the Dicamptodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Rhyacotriton__Rhyacotriton  olympic salamanders
           subtype:  genus_Plethodon__Plethodon  type genus of the Plethodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Desmograthus__Desmograthus  an amphibian genus of Plethodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Aneides__Aneides  climbing salamanders
           subtype:  genus_Batrachoseps__Batrachoseps  slender salamanders
           subtype:  genus_Hydromantes__Hydromantes  web-toed salamanders
           subtype:  genus_Amphiuma  congo snakes
           subtype:  genus_Siren  a genus of Sirenidae
           subtype:  genus_Rana__Rana  type genus of the Ranidae
           subtype:  genus_Eleutherodactylus__Eleutherodactylus  completely terrestrial robber frogs
           subtype:  genus_Hylactophryne__Hylactophryne  barking frogs
           subtype:  genus_Leptodactylus__Leptodactylus  type genus of the Leptodactylidae; in some classifications placed in the family Bufonidae
           subtype:  genus_Polypedates__Polypedates  type genus of the Polypedatidae
           subtype:  genus_Ascaphus__Ascaphus  type genus of the Ascaphidae; in some classifications included in the family Leiopelmatidae
           subtype:  genus_Leiopelma__Leiopelma__Liopelma__genus_Liopelma  type and sole genus of the family Leiopelmatidae
           subtype:  genus_Bufo  type genus of the Bufonidae; common toads of New and Old Worlds
           subtype:  genus_Alytes__Alytes  midwife toads
           subtype:  genus_Bombina__Bombina  fire-bellied toads
           subtype:  genus_Scaphiopus__Scaphiopus  New World spadefoot toads
           subtype:  genus_Hyla__Hyla  type genus of the Hylidae; tree toads
           subtype:  genus_Acris__Acris  cricket frogs
           subtype:  genus_Pseudacris__Pseudacris  chorus frogs
           subtype:  genus_Pternohyla__Pternohyla  burrowing treefrogs
           subtype:  genus_Gastrophryne__Gastrophryne  primarily tropical narrow-mouthed toads
           subtype:  genus_Hypopachus__Hypopachus  sheep frogs
           subtype:  genus_Pipa__Pipa  type genus of the Pipidae
           subtype:  genus_Xenopus__Xenopus  African clawed frog; in some classifications made the type genus of a separate family Xenopodidae
        subtype:  reptile_genus__reptilegenu  a genus of reptiles
           subtype:  genus_Chelonia__Chelonia  green turtles
           subtype:  genus_Caretta__Caretta  loggerhead turtles
           subtype:  genus_Lepidochelys__Lepidochelys  ridleys
           subtype:  genus_Eretmochelys__Eretmochelys  hawksbills
           subtype:  genus_Dermochelys__Dermochelys  type genus of the Dermochelyidae: leatherback turtles
           subtype:  genus_Chelydra__Chelydra  snapping turtles
           subtype:  genus_Macroclemys__Macroclemys  alligator snapping turtles
           subtype:  genus_Kinosternon__Kinosternon  type genus of the Kinosternidae
           subtype:  genus_Sternotherus__Sternotherus  musk turtles
           subtype:  genus_Malaclemys__Malaclemys  American terrapins
           subtype:  genus_Pseudemys__Pseudemys  sliders; red-bellied terrapin
           subtype:  genus_Terrapene__Terrapene  box turtles
           subtype:  genus_Chrysemys__Chrysemys  painted turtles
           subtype:  genus_Testudo__Testudo  type genus of the Testudinidae
           subtype:  genus_Geochelone__Geochelone  giant tortoises
           subtype:  genus_Gopherus__Gopherus  gopher tortoises
           subtype:  genus_Xerobates__Xerobates  possible new genus for desert and Texas tortoises based on recent research
           subtype:  genus_Trionyx__Trionyx  type genus of the Trionychidae
           subtype:  genus_Sphenodon__Sphenodon  coextensive with the order Rhynchocephalia: tuataras
           subtype:  genus_Ptychozoon__Ptychozoon  flying geckos
           subtype:  genus_Coleonyx__Coleonyx  banded geckos
           subtype:  genus_Pygopus__Pygopus  type genus of the Pygopodidae; snake-shaped pleurodont lizard with no forelimbs and only rudimentary hind limbs
           subtype:  genus_Iguana  type genus of the Iguanidae
           subtype:  genus_Amblyrhynchus__Amblyrhynchus  marine iguanas
           subtype:  genus_Dipsosaurus__Dipsosaurus  desert iguanas
           subtype:  genus_Sauromalus__Sauromalus  chuckwallas
           subtype:  genus_Callisaurus__Callisaurus  zebra-tailed lizard
           subtype:  genus_Uma__Uma  fringe-toed lizard
           subtype:  genus_Holbrookia__Holbrookia  earless lizards
           subtype:  genus_Crotaphytus__Crotaphytus  collard lizards
           subtype:  genus_Gambelia__Gambelia  leopard lizards
           subtype:  genus_Sceloporus__Sceloporus  spiny lizards
           subtype:  genus_Uta__Uta  a reptile genus of Iguanidae
           subtype:  genus_Urosaurus__Urosaurus  a reptile genus of Iguanidae
           subtype:  genus_Phrynosoma__Phrynosoma  horned lizards
           subtype:  genus_Basiliscus__Basiliscus  a reptile genus of Iguanidae
           subtype:  genus_Anolis__Anolis  New World chameleons
           subtype:  genus_Amphisbaena__Amphisbaena__Amphisbaenia__genus_Amphisbaenia  type genus of the Amphisbaenidae
           subtype:  genus_Scincus__Scincus  type genus of Scincidae
           subtype:  genus_Scincella__Scincella  a reptile genus of Scincidae
           subtype:  genus_Eumeces__Eumeces  New World skinks
           subtype:  family_Cordylidae__Cordylidae  small family of spiny ovoviviparous African lizards
           subtype:  genus_Cordylus__Cordylus  type genus of the Cordylidae; spiny lizards somewhat resembling tiny crocodiles
           subtype:  genus_Cnemidophorus__Cnemidophorus  whiptails
           subtype:  genus_Tupinambis__Tupinambis  tejus
           subtype:  genus_Agama  type genus of the Agamidae
           subtype:  genus_Chlamydosaurus__Chlamydosaurus  frilled lizards
           subtype:  genus_Draco__Draco  flying dagons
           subtype:  genus_Moloch  genus of Australian desert lizard
           subtype:  genus_Gerrhonotus__Gerrhonotus  alligator lizards
           subtype:  genus_Anguis__Anguis  type genus of the Anguidae: blindworms
           subtype:  genus_Ophisaurus__Ophisaurus  glass lizards
           subtype:  genus_Xenosaurus__Xenosaurus  type and sole genus of Xenosauridae: slender-bodied Mexican lizards having the upper surface covered with tiny granules and tubercles
           subtype:  genus_Lanthanotus__Lanthanotus  1 species
           subtype:  genus_Heloderma__Heloderma  type genus of the Helodermatidae; American venomous lizards
           subtype:  genus_Lacerta__Lacerta  type genus of the Lacertidae
           subtype:  genus_Chamaeleo__Chamaeleo__genus_Chamaeleon  type genus of the Chamaeleontidae
           subtype:  genus_Varanus__Varanus  type and sole extant genus of the Varanidae
           subtype:  genus_Saurosuchus__Saurosuchus  early archosaurian carnivore
           subtype:  genus_Proterochampsa__Proterochampsa  early archosaurian carnivore
           subtype:  genus_Crocodylus__Crocodylus__Crocodilus__genus_Crocodilus  type genus of the Crocodylidae
           subtype:  genus_Tomistoma__Tomistoma  a genus of Malayan crocodiles
           subtype:  genus_Alligator  type genus of the Alligatoridae
           subtype:  genus_Caiman  caimans
           subtype:  genus_Gavialis__Gavialis  type genus of the Gavialidae
           subtype:  genus_Pisanosaurus  primitive ornithischian dinosaur found in Argentina; early Triassic
           subtype:  genus_Staurikosaurus  primitive ornithischian dinosaur found in Brazil
           subtype:  genus_Stegosaurus  quadrupedal armored herbivore of the Jurassic and Cretaceous
           subtype:  genus_Ankylosaurus  armored herbivorous dinosaurs of the Cretaceous
           subtype:  genus_Protoceratops  small horned dinosaurs
           subtype:  genus_Triceratops  genus of herbivorous horned dinosaurs
           subtype:  genus_Styracosaurus  genus of horned dinosaurs
           subtype:  genus_Psittacosaurus  most primitive genus of horned dinosaurs; early Cretaceous
           subtype:  genus_Anatotitan  genus of large duck-billed dinosaurs; late Cretaceous
           subtype:  genus_Corythosaurus  genus of duck-billed dinosaurs of late Cretaceous
           subtype:  genus_Edmontosaurus  duck-billed dinosaurs of Canada
           subtype:  genus_Trachodon  a reptile genus of the suborder Euronithopoda
           subtype:  genus_Iguanodon  type genus of the Iguanodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Apatosaurus__genus_Brontosaurus  large quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaurs with very long neck and tail; late Jurassic
           subtype:  genus_Barosaurus  huge quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur; late Jurassic
           subtype:  genus_Diplodocus  a reptile genus of the suborder Sauropoda
           subtype:  genus_Titanosaurus__Titanosaurus  genus of herbivorous dinosaurs flourishing during the Cretaceous in South America
           subtype:  genus_Seismosaurus__Seismosaurus  genus of large herbivorous dinosaurs of Cretaceous found in western North America
           subtype:  genus_Ceratosaurus  primitive saurischian carnivorous dinosaurs
           subtype:  genus_Coelophysis  late Triassic carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs
           subtype:  genus_Tyrannosaurus  includes a single species
           subtype:  genus_Allosaurus__genus_Antrodemus  carnivorous dinosaur of North America; late Jurassic
           subtype:  genus_Compsognathus  a reptile genus of Theropoda
           subtype:  genus_Herrerasaurus  primitive theropod found in Argentina; early Triassic
           subtype:  genus_Eoraptor  primitive theropod found in Argentina; early Triassic
           subtype:  genus_Megalosaurus  type genus of the Megalosauridae
           subtype:  genus_Struthiomimus  small toothless saurischian dinosaurs; upper Cretaceous of Canada
           subtype:  genus_Deinocheirus  a reptile genus of Ornithomimida
           subtype:  genus_Velociraptor  advanced carnivorous theropod
           subtype:  genus_Deinonychus  advanced bipedal carnivorous dinosaur
           subtype:  genus_Utahraptor  advanced bipedal carnivorous dinosaur
           subtype:  genus_Mononychus  authorities disagree over whether to classify the genus as bird or dinosaur
           subtype:  genus_Chronoperates__Chronoperates  a reptile genus of Therapsida
           subtype:  genus_Exaeretodon__Exaeretodon  a genus of reptiles of the division Cynodontia
           subtype:  genus_Ischigualastia__Ischigualastia  early reptile found in Argentina
           subtype:  genus_Edaphosaurus  type genus of the Edaphosauridae
           subtype:  genus_Dimetrodon  a reptile genus of Pelycosauria
           subtype:  genus_Pterodactylus__Pterodactylus  a reptile genus of Pterodactylidae
           subtype:  genus_Ichthyosaurus  type genus of the Ichthyosauridae
           subtype:  genus_Stenopterygius  a reptile genus of Ichthyosauridae
           subtype:  genus_Plesiosaurus  a reptile genus of suborder Plesiosauria
           subtype:  genus_Nothosaurus  a genus of Nothosauria
           subtype:  genus_Carphophis__Carphophis  thunder snake
           subtype:  genus_Diadophis__Diadophis  a genus of reptiles of the family Colubridae including ringneck snakes
           subtype:  genus_Heterodon__Heterodon  a genus of small colubrid snakes containing the North American hognose snakes
           subtype:  genus_Phyllorhynchus__Phyllorhynchus  leaf-nosed snakes
           subtype:  genus_Opheodrys__Opheodrys  North American green snakes
           subtype:  genus_Chlorophis__Chlorophis  African green snakes
           subtype:  genus_Coluber__Coluber  racers
           subtype:  genus_Masticophis__Masticophis  whipsnakes
           subtype:  genus_Elaphe__Elaphe  North American rat snakes
           subtype:  genus_Ptyas__Ptyas  Asian rat snakes
           subtype:  genus_Arizona__Arizona  glossy snake
           subtype:  genus_Pituophis__Pituophis  bull snakes
           subtype:  genus_Lampropeltis__Lampropeltis  king snakes and milk snakes
           subtype:  genus_Thamnophis__Thamnophis  garter snakes
           subtype:  genus_Tropidoclonion__Tropidoclonion  lined snakes
           subtype:  genus_Sonora__Sonora  ground snakes
           subtype:  genus_Potamophis__Potamophis  ground snakes
           subtype:  genus_Haldea__Haldea  ground snakes
           subtype:  genus_Natrix__Natrix  water snakes; a cosmopolitan genus
           subtype:  genus_Nerodia__Nerodia  North American water snakes
           subtype:  genus_Storeria__Storeria  a genus of Colubridae
           subtype:  genus_Chilomeniscus__Chilomeniscus  sand snakes
           subtype:  genus_Tantilla__Tantilla  black-headed snakes
           subtype:  genus_Oxybelis__Oxybelis  vine snakes
           subtype:  genus_Trimorphodon__Trimorphodon  lyre snakes
           subtype:  genus_Hypsiglena__Hypsiglena  night snakes
           subtype:  genus_Leptotyphlops__Leptotyphlops  blind snakes of Asia and Africa and Americas
           subtype:  genus_Drymarchon__Drymarchon  a genus of Colubridae
           subtype:  genus_Charina__Charina  boas of western North America
           subtype:  genus_Lichanura__Lichanura  boas of western North America
           subtype:  genus_Eunectes__Eunectes  anacondas
           subtype:  genus_Python  Old World boas
           subtype:  genus_Micrurus__Micrurus  coral snakes
           subtype:  genus_Micruroides__Micruroides  coral snakes
           subtype:  genus_Calliophis__Calliophis__Callophis__genus_Callophis  Asian coral snakes
           subtype:  genus_Aspidelaps__Aspidelaps  African coral snakes
           subtype:  genus_Rhynchoelaps__Rhynchoelaps  Australian coral snakes
           subtype:  genus_Denisonia__Denisonia  copperheads
           subtype:  genus_Naja__Naja  cobras
           subtype:  genus_Ophiophagus__Ophiophagus  king cobra
           subtype:  genus_Hemachatus__Hemachatus  ringhals
           subtype:  genus_Dendroaspis__Dendroaspis__Dendraspis__genus_Dendraspis  mambas
           subtype:  genus_Acanthophis__Acanthophis  Australian elapid snakes
           subtype:  genus_Notechis__Notechis  tiger snakes
           subtype:  genus_Pseudechis__Pseudechis  venomous Australian blacksnakes
           subtype:  genus_Bungarus__Bungarus  kraits
           subtype:  genus_Oxyuranus__Oxyuranus  taipans
           subtype:  genus_Vipera__Vipera  type genus of the Viperidae
           subtype:  genus_Bitis__Bitis  a genus of Viperidae
           subtype:  genus_Cerastes__Aspis__genus_Aspis  horned vipers
           subtype:  genus_Agkistrodon__Agkistrodon__Ancistrodon__genus_Ancistrodon  copperheads
           subtype:  genus_Crotalus__Crotalus  large rattlesnakes; seldom bite unless startled or pursuing prey
           subtype:  genus_Sistrurus__Sistrurus  pygmy rattlesnakes
           subtype:  genus_Bothrops__Bothrops  fer-de-lance
        subtype:  arthropod_genus  a genus of arthropods
           subtype:  genus_Phalangium__Phalangium  type genus of the family Phalangiidae
           subtype:  genus_Chelifer__Chelifer  a genus of Chelonethida
           subtype:  genus_Mastigoproctus__Mastigoproctus  giant whip scorpions
           subtype:  genus_Argiope__Argiope  the type genus of Argiopidae; small genus of orb-weaving spiders
           subtype:  genus_Aranea__Aranea__Araneus__araneu__genus_Araneus  a genus of orb-weaving spiders including common garden spiders and barn spiders
           subtype:  genus_Latrodectus__Latrodectus  venomous spiders
           subtype:  genus_Lycosa__Lycosa  type genus of the family Lycosidae
           subtype:  genus_Ixodes__Ixodes  type genus of the family Ixodidae
           subtype:  genus_Dermacentor__Dermacentor  vectors of important diseases of man and animals
           subtype:  genus_Trombicula__Trombicula  type genus of the family Trombiculidae
           subtype:  genus_Sarcoptes__Sarcoptes  type genus of the family Sarcoptidae: itch mites
           subtype:  genus_Panonychus__Panonychus  a genus of Tetranychidae
           subtype:  genus_Scutigerella__Scutigerella  garden centipedes
           subtype:  genus_Scutigera__Scutigera  a genus of Scutigeridae
           subtype:  genus_Geophilus__Geophilus  type genus of the Geophilidae: cosmopolitan genus of centipedes sometimes called earwigs
           subtype:  genus_Limulus__Limulus  type genus of the family Limulidae
           subtype:  genus_Tachypleus__Tachypleus  a genus of Limulidae
           subtype:  genus_Architeuthis  giant squid
           subtype:  genus_Menippe__Menippe  stone crabs
           subtype:  genus_Cancer__Cancer  type genus of the family Cancridae
           subtype:  genus_Portunus__Portunus  type genus of the family Portunidae
           subtype:  genus_Ovalipes__Ovalipes  a genus of Portunidae
           subtype:  genus_Callinectes__Callinectes  New World blue crabs
           subtype:  genus_Uca__Uca  fiddler crabs
           subtype:  genus_Pinnotheres__Pinnotheres  type genus of the family Pinnotheridae: pea crabs
           subtype:  genus_Paralithodes__Paralithodes  a genus of Lithodidae
           subtype:  genus_Maja__Maja__Maia__genus_Maia  type genus of the Majidae; nearly cosmopolitan
           subtype:  genus_Macrocheira__Macrocheira  giant crabs of Japan
           subtype:  genus_Homarus__Homarus  type genus of the family Homaridae: common edible lobsters
           subtype:  genus_Nephrops__Nephrops  a genus of Nephropsidae
           subtype:  genus_Palinurus__Palinurus  type genus of the family Palinuridae
           subtype:  genus_Astacus__Astacus  type genus of the family Astacidae; Old World crayfish
           subtype:  genus_Cambarus__Cambarus  a genus of Astacidae
           subtype:  genus_Pagurus__Pagurus  type genus of the family Paguridae
           subtype:  genus_Crangon__Crangon  type genus of the family Crangonidae
           subtype:  genus_Palaemon__Palaemon  type genus of the family Palaemonidae; widely distributed genus
           subtype:  genus_Peneus__Peneus  type genus of the family Peneidae
           subtype:  genus_Mysis__Mysis  type genus of the family Mysidae
           subtype:  genus_Praunus__Praunus  a genus of Mysidae
           subtype:  genus_Squilla  type genus of the family Squillidae
           subtype:  genus_Armadillidium__Armadillidium  type genus of the Armadillidiidae
           subtype:  genus_Oniscus__Oniscus  type genus of the Oniscidae; woodlice that cannot roll into a ball
           subtype:  genus_Porcellio__Porcellio  Old World genus of isopod crustaceans
           subtype:  genus_Orchestia__Orchestia  type genus of the family Orchestiidae
           subtype:  genus_Caprella__Caprella  skeleton shrimp
           subtype:  genus_Cyamus__Cyamus  whale lice
           subtype:  genus_Daphnia  water fleas
           subtype:  genus_Artemia__Artemia__Chirocephalus__genus_Chirocephalus  fairy shrimp; brine shrimp
           subtype:  genus_Triops__Triops  type genus of the family Triopidae: small crustaceans with a small third median eye
           subtype:  genus_Cyclops  copepod water fleas
           subtype:  genus_Balanus__Balanus  type genus of the family Balanidae
           subtype:  genus_Lepas__Lepas  type genus of the family Lepadidae
           subtype:  genus_Peripatus  type genus of Peripatidae; onychophorans of chiefly New World tropical regions
           subtype:  genus_Plicatoperipatus__Plicatoperipatus  a genus of Peripatidae
           subtype:  genus_Peripatopsis__Peripatopsis  type genus of Peripatopsidae; onychophorans of chiefly Asiatic and African tropical regions
           subtype:  genus_Adalia__Adalia  genus of ladybugs
           subtype:  genus_Epilachna__Epilachna  genus of ladybugs native to Mexico and Central America; both larvae and adults feed on plants
           subtype:  genus_Hippodamia__Hippodamia  genus of ladybugs
           subtype:  genus_Rodolia__Rodolia__genus_Vedalia  genus of Australian ladybugs
           subtype:  genus_Brachinus__Brachinus  bombardier beetles
           subtype:  genus_Calosoma  genus of large predaceous ground beetles that feed on injurious caterpillars
           subtype:  genus_Monochamus__Monochamus  sawyer beetles
           subtype:  genus_Leptinotarsa__Leptinotarsa  Colorado potato beetles
           subtype:  genus_Scarabaeus  type genus of the Scarabaeidae
           subtype:  genus_Popillia__Popillia  a genus of Scarabaeidae
           subtype:  genus_Anomala__Anomala  genus of beetles whose grubs feed mainly on roots of plants; includes several pests of cultivated grasses
           subtype:  genus_Melolontha__Melolontha  a genus of Melolonthidae
           subtype:  genus_Macrodactylus__Macrodactylus  a genus of Melolonthidae
           subtype:  genus_Cetonia__Cetonia  a genus of Cetoniidae
           subtype:  genus_Pyrophorus__Pyrophorus  tropical click beetles
           subtype:  genus_Anthonomus__Anthonomus  weevils destructive of cultivated plants
           subtype:  genus_Scolytus__Scolytus  type genus of the Scolytidae comprising numerous small bark beetles
           subtype:  genus_Dendroctonus__Dendroctonus  genus of small bark beetles destructive especially to mature conifers
           subtype:  genus_Tribolium__Tribolium  flour beetles
           subtype:  genus_Bruchus__Bruchus  type genus of the Bruchidae
           subtype:  genus_Acanthoscelides__Acanthoscelides  a genus of Bruchidae
           subtype:  genus_Sitophylus__Sitophylus  a genus of Bruchidae
           subtype:  genus_Pediculus__Pediculus  type genus of Pediculidae: true lice infecting humans
           subtype:  genus_Phthirius__Phthirius__Phthirus__genus_Phthirus  true lice: crab lice
           subtype:  genus_Menopon__Menopon  chicken lice
           subtype:  genus_Pulex__Pulex  type genus of the Pulicidae
           subtype:  genus_Ctenocephalides__Ctenocephalides  an arthropod genus of fleas
              subtype:  genus_Ctenocephalus__Ctenocephalus  a former usage synonymous with Ctenocephalides
           subtype:  genus_Tunga__Tunga  a genus of Siphonaptera
           subtype:  genus_Echidnophaga__Echidnophaga  a genus of Siphonaptera
           subtype:  genus_Mayetiola__Mayetiola  a genus of Cecidomyidae
           subtype:  genus_Musca__Musca  type genus of the Muscidae: houseflies
           subtype:  genus_Glossina  type genus of the Glossinidae: tsetse flies
           subtype:  genus_Calliphora__Calliphora  type genus of the Calliphoridae: blowflies
           subtype:  genus_Lucilia__Lucilia  greenbottle flies
           subtype:  genus_Sarcophaga__Sarcophaga  flesh flies
           subtype:  genus_Gasterophilus__Gasterophilus  type genus of the Gasterophilidae: horse botflies
           subtype:  genus_Cuterebra__Cuterebra  type genus of the Cuterebridae
           subtype:  genus_Dermatobia__Dermatobia  larvae live under the skin of domestic mammals and humans
           subtype:  genus_Oestrus__Oestrus  type genus of the Oestridae: sheep botflies
           subtype:  genus_Hypoderma__Hypoderma  in some classifications considered the type genus of the family Hypodermatidae: warble flies
           subtype:  genus_Rhagoletis__Rhagoletis  a genus of Trypetidae
           subtype:  genus_Ceratitis__Ceratitis  Mediterranean fruit flies
           subtype:  genus_Drosophila  a genus of Drosophilidae
           subtype:  genus_Philophylla__Philophylla  leaf miners
           subtype:  genus_Hippobosca__Hippobosca  type genus of the Hippoboscidae
           subtype:  genus_Melophagus__Melophagus  an arthropod genus of wingless flies including the sheep ked
           subtype:  genus_Haematobia__Haematobia  European genus of bloodsucking flies
           subtype:  genus_Aedes__Aedes  yellow-fever mosquitos
           subtype:  genus_Anopheles__Anopheles  malaria mosquitoes; distinguished by the adult's head-downward stance and absence of breathing tubes in the larvae
           subtype:  genus_Culex__Culex  type genus of the Culicidae: widespread genus of mosquitoes distinguished by holding the body parallel to the resting surface
           subtype:  genus_Ceratopogon__Ceratopogon  type genus of the Ceratopogonidae
           subtype:  genus_Chironomus__Chironomus  type genus of the Chironomidae
           subtype:  genus_Phlebotomus__Phlebotomus  small blood-sucking sand flies that resemble moths
           subtype:  genus_Sciara  type genus of the Sciaridae: fungus gnat
           subtype:  genus_Simulium__Simulium  type genus of the Simuliidae: blackflies
           subtype:  genus_Apis__Apis  type genus of the Apidae: honeybees
           subtype:  genus_Xylocopa__Xylocopa  carpenter bees
           subtype:  genus_Bombus__Bombus  bumblebees
           subtype:  genus_Psithyrus__Psithyrus  a large bee that resembles the bumblebee but lacks pollen-collecting apparatus and a worker caste
           subtype:  genus_Andrena  a solitary burrowing short-tongued bee
           subtype:  nomia__genusnomia  a genus of bee; some are important pollinators of legumes
           subtype:  genus_Megachile__Megachile  type genus of the Megachilidae: leaf-cutting bees
           subtype:  genus_Anthidium__Anthidium  potter bees
           subtype:  genus_Vespa__Vespa  type genus of the Vespidae: various hornets and yellow jackets
           subtype:  genus_Vespula__Vespula  sometimes considered a subgenus of Vespa: social wasps
           subtype:  genus_Polistes__Polistes  a genus of Vespidae
           subtype:  genus_Eumenes__Eumenes  mason wasps
           subtype:  genus_Sceliphron__Sceliphron  mud daubers
           subtype:  genus_Sphecius__Sphecius  large solitary wasps: cicada killer
           subtype:  genus_Cynips__Cynips  type genus of the Cynipidae: gall wasps
           subtype:  genus_Amphibolips__Amphibolips  cynipid gall wasps, especially causing oak-apple galls
           subtype:  genus_Andricus__Andricus  cynipid gall wasps, chiefly affecting oaks
           subtype:  genus_Chalcis__Chalcis  type genus of the Chalcididae
           subtype:  genus-Fenusa__Fenusa  birch leaf miner
           subtype:  genus_Monomorium__Monomorium  a genus of Formicidae
           subtype:  genus_Camponotus__Camponotus  carpenter ants
           subtype:  genus_Solenopsis__Solenopsis  fire ants
           subtype:  genus_Formica__Formica  type genus of the Formicidae
           subtype:  genus_Myrmecia__Myrmecia  bulldog ants
           subtype:  genus_Polyergus__Polyergus  Amazon ants
           subtype:  genus_Termes__Termes  type genus of the Termitidae
           subtype:  genus_Reticulitermes__Reticulitermes  includes species highly destructive to structures and living trees
           subtype:  genus_Mastotermes__Mastotermes  primitive genus of termites; mostly extinct; sometimes considered the most primitive Isoptera
           subtype:  genus_Kalotermes__Kalotermes  type genus of Kalotermitidae; termites destructive of wood and living trees
           subtype:  genus_Cryptotermes__Cryptotermes  genus of dry wood termites; cosmopolitan; sometimes considered a subgenus of Kalotermes
           subtype:  genus_Locusta__Locusta  a genus of Acrididae
           subtype:  genus_Melanoplus__Melanoplus  New World migratory locusts and common American grasshoppers
           subtype:  genus_Microcentrum__Microcentrum  katydids
           subtype:  genus_Anabrus__Anabrus  a genus of Tettigoniidae
           subtype:  genus_Stenopelmatus__Stenopelmatus  sand crickets
           subtype:  genus_Acheta__Acheta  common house and field crickets
           subtype:  genus_Oecanthus__Oecanthus  tree crickets
           subtype:  genus_Diapheromera  a genus of Phasmidae
           subtype:  genus_Phyllium__Phyllium  type genus of the Phyllidae
           subtype:  genus_Blatta__Blatta  type genus of the Blattidae: cockroaches infesting buildings worldwide
           subtype:  genus_Periplaneta__Periplaneta  cosmopolitan genus of large cockroaches
           subtype:  genus_Blattella__Blattella  small cockroaches
           subtype:  genus_Blaberus__Blaberus  giant cockroaches
           subtype:  genus_Cryptocercus__Cryptocercus  cockroaches
           subtype:  genus_Mantis  type genus of the Mantidae: mantises
           subtype:  genus_Poecilocapsus__Poecilocapsus  a genus of Miridae
           subtype:  genus_Lygus__Lygus  plant-sucking bugs
           subtype:  genus_Blissus__Blissus  chinch bugs
           subtype:  genus_Anasa__Anasa  squash bugs
           subtype:  genus_Leptoglossus__Leptoglossus  leaf-footed bugs
           subtype:  genus_Cimex__Cimex  type genus of the Cimicidae: bedbugs
           subtype:  genus_Notonecta__Notonecta  type genus of the Notonectidae: backswimmers
           subtype:  genus_Nepa__Nepa  type genus of the Nepidae: typical elongate-oval water scorpions
           subtype:  genus_Ranatra__Ranatra  elongate very slender water scorpions
           subtype:  genus_Corixa__Corixa  type genus of the Corixidae: boat bugs
           subtype:  genus_Gerris__Gerris  type genus of the Gerrididae
           subtype:  genus_Triatoma__Triatoma  conenoses
           subtype:  genus_Arilus__Arilus  a genus of Reduviidae
           subtype:  genus_Dysdercus__Dysdercus  a genus of slender long-legged bugs that feed on the developing seeds of cotton and stain it
           subtype:  genus_Aleyrodes__Aleyrodes  type genus of the Aleyrodidae
           subtype:  genus_Dialeurodes__Dialeurodes  a genus of Aleyrodidae
           subtype:  genus_Trialeurodes__Trialeurodes  a genus of Aleyrodidae
           subtype:  genus_Bemisia__Bemisia  sweet-potato whitefly
           subtype:  genus_Coccus  type genus of the Coccidae
           subtype:  genus_Aspidiotus__Aspidiotus  a genus of Diaspididae
           subtype:  genus_Dactylopius__Dactylopius  type genus of the Dactylopiidae
           subtype:  genus_Pseudococcus__Pseudococcus  type genus of the Pseudococcidae
           subtype:  genus_Planococcus__Planococcus  a genus of Pseudococcidae
           subtype:  genus_Aphis__Aphis  type genus of the Aphididae: injurious to fruit trees and vegetables
           subtype:  genus_Eriosoma__Eriosoma  woolly aphids
           subtype:  genus_Prociphilus__Prociphilus  a genus of Aphididae
           subtype:  genus_Adelges__Adelges  type genus of the Adelgidae: plant lice
           subtype:  genus_Pineus__Pineus  a genus of Adelgidae
           subtype:  genus_Phylloxera__Phylloxera  type genus of the Phylloxeridae: plant lice
           subtype:  genus_Cicada  type genus of the Cicadidae: cicadas
           subtype:  genus_Tibicen__Tibicen  harvest flies
           subtype:  genus_Magicicada__Magicicada  seventeen-year locust
           subtype:  genus_Philaenus__Philaenus  a genus of Cercopidae
           subtype:  genus_Aphrophora__Aphrophora  a genus of Cercopidae
           subtype:  genus_Liposcelis__Liposcelis  a genus of Psocidae
           subtype:  genus_Trogium__Trogium  a genus of Psocidae
           subtype:  genus_Myrmeleon__Myrmeleon  type genus of the Myrmeleontidae: antlions
           subtype:  genus_Corydalus__Corydalus__Corydalis__genus_Corydalis  type genus of the Corydalidae
           subtype:  genus_Sialis__Sialis  type genus of the Sialidae
           subtype:  genus_Lepisma__Lepisma  type genus of the Lepismatidae: silverfish
           subtype:  genus_Thermobia__Thermobia  a genus of Lepismatidae
           subtype:  genus_Frankliniella__Frankliniella  tobacco thrips
           subtype:  genus_Thrips  type genus of the Thripidae
           subtype:  genus_Forficula__Forficula  type genus of Forficulidae
           subtype:  genus_Nymphalis__Nymphalis  type genus of the Nymphalidae: mourning cloak butterflies
           subtype:  genus_Vanessa__Vanessa  painted beauty and red admiral
           subtype:  genus_Limenitis__Limenitis  mainly dark northern butterflies with white wing bars
           subtype:  genus_Polygonia__Polygonia  comma butterflies
           subtype:  genus_Spyeria__Spyeria  fritillaries
           subtype:  genus_Argynnis__Argynnis  fritillaries
           subtype:  genus_Apatura__Apatura  large Old World butterflies
           subtype:  genus_Inachis__Inachis  a genus of Nymphalidae
           subtype:  genus_Danaus__Danaus  type genus of the Danaidae: monarch butterflies
           subtype:  genus_Pieris__Pieris  type genus of the Pieridae
           subtype:  genus_Lycaena__Lycaena  type genus of the Lycaenidae; small slender butterflies with upper surface of wings usually metallic blue or green or copper
           subtype:  genus_Strymon__Strymon  large and widely distributed genus of hairstreak butterflies
           subtype:  genus_Tortrix  type genus of the Tortricidae
           subtype:  genus_Homona__Homona  tea tortrix
           subtype:  genus_Argyrotaenia__Argyrotaenia  orange tortrix
           subtype:  genus_Carpocapsa__Carpocapsa  codling moths
           subtype:  genus_Lymantria__Lymantria  type genus of the Lymantriidae; a pest (Lymantria means `destroyer')
           subtype:  genus_Euproctis__Euproctis  a genus of Lymantriidae
           subtype:  genus_Paleacrita__Paleacrita  geometrid moths
           subtype:  genus_Alsophila__Alsophila  geometrid moths
           subtype:  genus_Pyralis__Pyralis  type genus of the Pyralidae
           subtype:  genus_Galleria__Galleria  a genus of Pyralidae
           subtype:  genus_Pyrausta__Pyrausta  moths whose larvae are corn borers
           subtype:  genus_Anagasta__Anagasta  moth whose larvae are flour moths
           subtype:  genus_Ephestia__Ephestia  small moths whose larvae spin silken tunnels and feed on stored food products
           subtype:  genus_Cadra__Cadra  a genus of Pyralidae
           subtype:  genus_Tinea__Tinea  type genus of the Tineidae: clothes moths
           subtype:  genus_Tineola__Tineola  webbing clothes moths
           subtype:  genus_Trichophaga__Trichophaga  carpet moths
           subtype:  genus_Gelechia__Gelechia  type genus of the Gelechiidae: pink bollworms
           subtype:  genus_Sitotroga__Sitotroga  grain moths
           subtype:  genus_Phthorimaea__Phthorimaea  potato moths
           subtype:  genus_Noctua__Noctua  type genus of the Noctuidae: moths whose larvae are cutworms
           subtype:  genus_Catacala__Catacala  moths whose larvae are cutworms: underwings
           subtype:  genus_Cerapteryx__Cerapteryx  antler moths
           subtype:  genus_Heliothis__Heliothis  a genus of Noctuidae
           subtype:  genus_Chorizagrotis__Chorizagrotis  moths whose larvae are army cutworms
           subtype:  genus_Pseudaletia__Pseudaletia  moths whose larvae are armyworms
           subtype:  genus_Spodoptera__Spodoptera  moths whose larvae are armyworms
           subtype:  genus_Manduca__Manduca  moths whose larvae are tobacco hornworms or tomato hornworms
           subtype:  genus_Acherontia__Acherontia  death's-head moth
           subtype:  genus_Bombyx__Bombyx  type genus of the Bombycidae: Chinese silkworm moth
           subtype:  genus_Saturnia__Saturnia  type genus of the Saturniidae: emperor moth
           subtype:  genus_Eacles__Eacles  imperial moths
           subtype:  genus_Actias__Actias  luna moths
           subtype:  genus_Hyalophora__Hyalophora  American silkworm moth
           subtype:  genus_Samia__Samia  silkworm moths
           subtype:  genus_Automeris__Automeris  io moth
           subtype:  genus_Antheraea__Antheraea  large moths whose larvae produce silk of high quality
           subtype:  genus_Atticus__Atticus  atlas moth
           subtype:  genus_Callimorpha__Callimorpha  cinnabar moths
           subtype:  genus_Lasiocampa__Lasiocampa  type genus of the Lasiocampidae: eggars
           subtype:  genus_Malacosoma__Malacosoma  tent caterpillars
           subtype:  genus_Hyphantria__Hyphantria  fall webworms
           subtype:  genus_Loxostege__Loxostege  garden webworms
        subtype:  mammal_genus  a genus of mammals
           subtype:  genus_Tachyglossus__Tachyglossus  type genus of the family Tachyglossidae
           subtype:  genus_Zaglossus__Zaglossus  a genus of Tachyglossidae
           subtype:  genus_Ornithorhynchus__Ornithorhynchus  type genus of the family Ornithorhynchidae
           subtype:  genus_Didelphis__Didelphis  type genus of the family Didelphidae
           subtype:  genus_Caenolestes__Caenolestes  type genus of the family Caenolestidae
           subtype:  genus_Macrotis__Macrotis  a genus of Peramelidae
           subtype:  genus_Macropus__Macropus  type genus of the family Macropodidae: typical kangaroos and wallabies
           subtype:  genus_Lagorchestes__Lagorchestes  hare wallabies
           subtype:  genus_Onychogalea__Onychogalea  a genus of Macropodidae
           subtype:  genus_Petrogale__Petrogale  rock wallabies
           subtype:  genus_Thylogale__Thylogale  pademelons
           subtype:  genus_Dendrolagus__Dendrolagus  tree wallabies
           subtype:  genus_Hypsiprymnodon__Hypsiprymnodon  musk kangaroos
           subtype:  genus_Potorous__Potorous  potoroos
           subtype:  genus_Bettongia__Bettongia  jerboa kangaroo
           subtype:  genus_Phalanger  type genus of the family Phalangeridae: cuscuses
           subtype:  genus_Trichosurus__Trichosurus  a genus of Phalangeridae
           subtype:  genus_Petaurus__Petaurus  a genus of Phalangeridae
           subtype:  genus_Acrobates__Acrobates  a genus of Phalangeridae
           subtype:  genus_Phascolarctos__Phascolarctos  koalas
           subtype:  genus_Dasyurus__Dasyurus  type genus of the family Dasyuridae: native cats
           subtype:  genus_Thylacinus__Thylacinus  Tasmanian wolf
           subtype:  genus_Sarcophilus__Sarcophilus  Tasmanian devil
           subtype:  genus_Phascogale__Phascogale  pouched mice
           subtype:  genus_Myrmecobius__Myrmecobius  banded anteater
           subtype:  genus_Notoryctus__Notoryctus  type genus of the family Notoryctidae: comprising solely the marsupial mole
           subtype:  genus_Condylura__Condylura  star-nosed moles
           subtype:  genus_Parascalops__Parascalops  brewer's moles
           subtype:  genus_Chrysochloris__Chrysochloris  type genus of the Chrysochloridae
           subtype:  genus_Uropsilus__Uropsilus  shrew moles
           subtype:  genus_Neurotrichus__Neurotrichus  shrew moles
           subtype:  genus_Sorex__Sorex  type genus of the family Soricidae: shrews
           subtype:  genus_Blarina__Blarina  shrews
           subtype:  genus_Neomys__Neomys  a genus of Soricidae
           subtype:  genus_Cryptotis__Cryptotis  least shrews
           subtype:  genus_Erinaceus__Erinaceus  type genus of the family Erinaceidae: hedgehogs
           subtype:  genus_Tenrec  type genus of the family Tenrecidae: tenrecs
           subtype:  genus_Potamogale  type genus of the family Potamogalidae: otter shrews
           subtype:  genus_Balaena__Balaena  type genus of the Balaenidae: Greenland whales
           subtype:  genus_Balaenoptera__Balaenoptera  type genus of the Balaenopteridae
           subtype:  genus_Megaptera__Megaptera  humpback whales
           subtype:  genus_Eschrichtius__Eschrichtius  type and sole genus of the Eschrichtiidae
           subtype:  genus_Physeter__Physeter  type genus of the Physeteridae
           subtype:  genus_Kogia__Kogia  pygmy sperm whales
           subtype:  genus_Hyperoodon__Hyperoodon  bottle-nosed whales
           subtype:  genus_Delphinus__Delphinus  type genus of the Delphinidae
           subtype:  genus_Tursiops__Tursiops  a genus of Delphinidae
           subtype:  genus_Phocaena__Phocaena  porpoises
           subtype:  genus_Grampus  grampus
           subtype:  genus_Orcinus__Orcinus  killer whales
           subtype:  genus_Globicephala__Globicephala  pilot whales
           subtype:  genus_Monodon__Monodon  type genus of the Monodontidae
           subtype:  genus_Delphinapterus__Delphinapterus  white whale
           subtype:  Trichechus__genus_Trichecus  type and sole genus of the Trichechidae
           subtype:  genus_Dugong  type genus of the Dugongidae comprising only the dugongs
           subtype:  genus_Hydrodamalis__Hydrodamalis  a genus of the family Dugongidae comprising only Steller's sea cow
           subtype:  genus_Arctocephalus__Arctocephalus  fur seals
           subtype:  genus_Callorhinus__Callorhinus  fur seals
           subtype:  genus_Otaria__Otaria  type genus of the Otariidae
           subtype:  genus_Zalophus__Zalophus  sea lions
           subtype:  genus_Eumetopias__Eumetopias  sea lions
           subtype:  genus_Phoca__Phoca  type genus of the Phocidae: earless seals
           subtype:  genus_Pagophilus__Pagophilus  harp seals
           subtype:  genus_Mirounga__Mirounga  elephant seals
           subtype:  genus_Erignathus__Erignathus  bearded seals
           subtype:  genus_Cystophora__Cystophora  hooded seals
           subtype:  genus_Odobenus__Odobenus  type genus of the Odobenidae: walruses
           subtype:  genus_Orycteropus__Orycteropus  coextensive with the family Orycteropodidae
           subtype:  genus_Canis__Canis  type genus of the Canidae: domestic and wild dogs; wolves; jackals
           subtype:  genus_Cuon__Cuon__Cyon__genus_Cyon  Asiatic wild dog
           subtype:  genus_Dusicyon__Dusicyon  crab-eating dog
           subtype:  genus_Nyctereutes__Nyctereutes  raccoon dogs
           subtype:  genus_Lycaeon__Lycaeon  African hunting dog
           subtype:  genus_Hyaena  type genus of the Hyaenidae
           subtype:  genus_Crocuta__Crocuta  a genus of Hyaenidae
           subtype:  genus_Proteles__Proteles  aardwolf
           subtype:  genus_Vulpes__Vulpes  foxes
           subtype:  genus_Alopex__Alopex  arctic foxes
           subtype:  genus_Urocyon__Urocyon  gray foxes
           subtype:  genus_Felis__Felis  type genus of the Felidae: true cats and most wildcats
           subtype:  genus_Lynx  lynxes
           subtype:  genus_Panthera__Panthera  lions; leopards; snow leopards; jaguars; tigers; cheetahs; saber-toothed tigers
           subtype:  genus_Acinonyx__Acinonyx  cheetahs
           subtype:  genus_Smiledon__Smiledon  saber-toothed tigers
           subtype:  genus_Nimravus__Nimravus  false sabertoothed tigers
           subtype:  genus_Ursus__Ursus  type genus of Ursidae: brown bears; in some classifications genus Ursus includes all bears
           subtype:  genus_Euarctos__Euarctos  American black bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus
           subtype:  genus_Selenarctos__Selenarctos  Asiatic black bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus
           subtype:  genus_Thalarctos__Thalarctos  polar bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus
           subtype:  genus_Melursus__Melursus  sloth bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus
           subtype:  genus_Viverra__Viverra  type genus of the family Viverridae
           subtype:  genus_Viverricula__Viverricula  a genus of Viverridae
           subtype:  genus_Arctictis__Arctictis  binturongs
           subtype:  genus_Fossa__Fossa  monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets
           subtype:  genus_Genetta__Genetta  genets
           subtype:  genus_Hemigalus__Hemigalus  banded palm civets
           subtype:  genus_Herpestes__Herpestes  mongooses
           subtype:  genus_Paradoxurus__Paradoxurus  palm civets
           subtype:  genus_Suricata__Suricata  meerkats
           subtype:  genus_Pteropus__Pteropus  a genus of Megachiroptera
           subtype:  genus_Nyctimene__Nyctimene  East Indian fruit bats
           subtype:  genus_Cynopterus__Cynopterus  a genus of Megachiroptera
           subtype:  genus_Macrotus  leafnose bats
           subtype:  genus_Phyllostomus__Phyllostomus  type genus of the family Phyllostomatidae
           subtype:  genus_Choeronycteris__Choeronycteris  a genus of Phyllostomatidae
           subtype:  genus_Hipposideros__Hipposideros  horseshoe bats
           subtype:  genus_Rhinonicteris__Rhinonicteris  orange horseshoe bats
           subtype:  genus_Megaderma__Megaderma  type genus of the Megadermatidae
           subtype:  genus_Vespertilio__Vespertilio  a genus of Vespertilionidae
           subtype:  genus_Lasiurus__Lasiurus  a genus of Vespertilionidae
           subtype:  genus_Myotis__Myotis  largest and most widely distributed genus of bats
           subtype:  genus_Eptesicus__Eptesicus  a genus of Vespertilionidae
           subtype:  genus_Antrozous__Antrozous  a genus of Vespertilionidae
           subtype:  genus_Pipistrellus__Pipistrellus  nearly cosmopolitan genus of very small bats
           subtype:  genus_Euderma__Euderma  a genus of Vespertilionidae
           subtype:  genus_Plecotus__Plecotus  a genus of Vespertilionidae
           subtype:  genus_Tadarida__Tadarida  freetail bats
           subtype:  genus_Eumops__Eumops  mastiff bats
           subtype:  genus_Desmodus__Desmodus  type genus of the Desmodontidae: vampire bats
           subtype:  genus_Diphylla__Diphylla  vampire bats
           subtype:  genus_Oryctolagus__Oryctolagus  Old World rabbits
           subtype:  genus_Sylvilagus__Sylvilagus  North American rabbits
           subtype:  genus_Lepus__Lepus  type genus of the Leporidae: hares
           subtype:  genus_Ochotona__Ochotona  type genus of the Ochotonidae
           subtype:  genus_Mus__Mus  type genus of the Muridae: common house mice; upper incisors have a square-notched tip
           subtype:  genus_Micromyx__Micromyx  Old World harvest mice
           subtype:  genus_Apodemus__Apodemus  Old World field mice
           subtype:  genus_Rattus__Rattus  common house rats; upper incisors have a beveled edge
           subtype:  genus_Nesokia__Nesokia  bandicoot rats
           subtype:  genus_Conilurus__Conilurus  jerboa rats
           subtype:  genus_Notomys__Notomys  jerboa rats
           subtype:  genus_Hydromys__Hydromys  water rats
           subtype:  genus_Reithrodontomys__Reithrodontomys  New World harvest mice
           subtype:  genus_Peromyscus__Peromyscus  New World wood mice
           subtype:  genus_Baiomys__Baiomys  pygmy mice
           subtype:  genus_Onychomys__Onychomys  grasshopper mice
           subtype:  genus_Ondatra__Ondatra  muskrats
           subtype:  genus_Neofiber__Neofiber  round-tailed muskrat
           subtype:  genus_Sigmodon__Sigmodon  American cotton rats
           subtype:  genus_Neotoma__Neotoma  packrats
           subtype:  genus_Oryzomys__Oryzomys  rice rats
           subtype:  genus_Pitymys__Pitymys  pine mice
           subtype:  genus_Microtus__Microtus  voles of the northern hemisphere
           subtype:  genus_Arvicola__Arvicola  in some classifications considered synonymous with Microtus
           subtype:  genus_Clethrionomys__Clethrionomys  a genus of Cricetidae
           subtype:  genus_Phenacomys  North American boles
           subtype:  genus_Cricetus__Cricetus  type genus of the Cricetidae: Old World hamsters
           subtype:  genus_Mesocricetus__Mesocricetus  golden hamsters
           subtype:  genus_Gerbillus__Gerbillus  type genus of the Gerbillinae: typical gerbils
           subtype:  genus_Meriones__Meriones  a genus of Cricetidae
           subtype:  Lemmus__genus_lemmus  lemmings
           subtype:  genus_Myopus__Myopus  a genus of Cricetidae
           subtype:  genus_Dicrostonyx__Dicrostonyx  pied lemmings
           subtype:  genus_Synaptomys__Synaptomys  bog lemmings
           subtype:  genus_Atherurus__Atherurus  a genus of Hystricidae
           subtype:  genus_Trichys__Trichys  a genus of Hystricidae
           subtype:  genus_Erethizon__Erethizon  a genus of Erethizontidae
           subtype:  genus_Perognathus__Perognathus  pocket mice
           subtype:  genus_Liomys__Liomys  pocket mice
           subtype:  genus_Dipodomys__Dipodomys  kangaroo rats
           subtype:  genus_Microdipodops__Microdipodops  kangaroo mice
           subtype:  genus_Zapus__Zapus  type genus of the Zapodidae
           subtype:  genus_Dipus__Dipus  type genus of the Dipodidae; typical jerboas having three toes on each hind food
           subtype:  genus_Jaculus__Jaculus  jerboas
           subtype:  genus_Glis__Glis  type genus of the Gliridae
           subtype:  genus_Muscardinus__Muscardinus  a genus of Gliridae
           subtype:  genus_Eliomys__Eliomys  lerots
           subtype:  genus_Geomys__Geomys  type genus of the Geomyidae
           subtype:  genus_Thomomys__Thomomys  western pocket gophers
           subtype:  genus_Sciurus__Sciurus  type genus of the Sciuridae; typical moderate-sized arboreal squirrels
           subtype:  genus_Tamiasciurus__Tamiasciurus  American red squirrels
           subtype:  genus_Citellus__Citellus__Spermophilus__genus_Spermophilus  typical ground squirrels
           subtype:  genus_Cynomys__Cynomys  prairie dogs
           subtype:  genus_Tamias__Tamias  chipmunks of eastern North America
           subtype:  genus_Eutamias__Eutamias  chipmunks of western America and Asia
           subtype:  genus_Glaucomys__Glaucomys  New World flying squirrels
           subtype:  genus_Marmota__Marmota  marmots
           subtype:  genus_Petaurista__Petaurista  very large Asiatic flying squirrels
           subtype:  genus_Castor__Castor  type genus of the Castoridae: beavers
           subtype:  genus_Castoroides__Castoroides  extinct beavers of the Pleistocene; of eastern and southern United States
           subtype:  genus_Aplodontia__Aplodontia  type genus of the Aplodontiidae: comprising the mountain beavers
           subtype:  genus_Cavia__Cavia  type genus of the Caviidae: guinea pigs
           subtype:  genus_Dolichotis__Dolichotis  maras
           subtype:  genus_Hydrochoerus__Hydrochoerus  a genus of Hydrochoeridae
           subtype:  genus_Dasyprocta__Dasyprocta  type genus of the Dasyproctidae: agoutis
           subtype:  genus_Cuniculus__Cuniculus  pacas
           subtype:  genus_Stictomys__Stictomys  mountain pacas
           subtype:  genus_Myocastor__Myocastor  a genus of Capromyidae
           subtype:  genus_Chinchilla  type genus of the Chinchillidae
           subtype:  genus_Lagidium__Lagidium  a genus of Chinchillidae
           subtype:  genus_Lagostomus__Lagostomus  viscachas
           subtype:  genus_Abrocoma__Abrocoma  abrocomes
           subtype:  genus_Spalax__Spalax  type genus of the Spalacidae
           subtype:  genus_Bathyergus__Bathyergus  mole rats
           subtype:  genus_Heterocephalus__Heterocephalus  sand rats
           subtype:  genus_Uintatherium__Uintatherium  type genus of the Uintatheriidae; extinct large herbivorous ungulates somewhat resembling elephants; from the Eocene in Wyoming
           subtype:  genus_Procavia__Procavia  type genus of the Procaviidae
           subtype:  genus_Equus__Equus  type genus of the Equidae: only surviving genus of the family Equidae
           subtype:  genus_Hyracotherium__Hyracotherium  extinct horse genus; formerly called genus Eohippus
           subtype:  genus_Mesohippus  a genus of Equidae
           subtype:  genus_Protohippus  a genus of Equidae
           subtype:  genus_Rhinoceros  type genus of the Rhinocerotidae
           subtype:  genus_Ceratotherium__Ceratotherium  African genus
           subtype:  genus_Diceros__Diceros  most common species in Africa
           subtype:  genus_Tapirus__Tapirus  type genus of the Tapiridae
           subtype:  genus_Sus__Sus  type genus of the Suidae
           subtype:  genus_Babyrousa__Babyrousa  a genus of Suidae
           subtype:  genus_Phacochoerus__Phacochoerus  warthogs
           subtype:  genus_Tayassu__Tayassu__genus_Pecari  type genus of the Tayassuidae
           subtype:  genus_Hippopotamus  type genus of the Hippopotamidae
           subtype:  genus_Bos__Bos  wild and domestic cattle; in some classifications placed in the subfamily Bovinae or tribe Bovini
           subtype:  genus_Bubalus__Bubalus__tribe_Bubalus  in some classification systems included in genus Bos; water buffaloes
           subtype:  genus_Anoa  a genus of mammals of the family Bovidae
           subtype:  genus_Synercus__Synercus__tribe_synercus  Cape buffalo
           subtype:  genus_Bibos__Bibos  wild ox
           subtype:  genus_Bison  sometimes considered a subgenus of genus Bos: American buffalo
           subtype:  genus_Ovibos__Ovibos  consisting of the musk-ox
           subtype:  genus_Ovis__Ovis  sheep
           subtype:  genus_Ammotragus__Ammotragus  genus of wild sheep
           subtype:  genus_Capra__Capra  goats
           subtype:  genus_Oreamnos__Oreamnos  mountain goats
           subtype:  genus_Naemorhedus__Naemorhedus  gorals
           subtype:  genus_Capricornis__Capricornis  serows
           subtype:  genus_Rupicapra__Rupicapra  chamois
           subtype:  genus_Budorcas__Budorcas  gnu goats
           subtype:  genus_Antilope__Antilope  blackbucks
           subtype:  genus_Litocranius__Litocranius  E African antelopes: gerenuks
           subtype:  genus_Addax  genus of antelopes of North African deserts
           subtype:  genus_Connochaetes__Connochaetes  African antelopes: gnus
           subtype:  genus_Madoqua__Madoqua  genus comprising some small antelopes of eastern and northeastern Africa
           subtype:  genus_Alcelaphus__Alcelaphus  African antelopes: hartebeests
           subtype:  genus_Damaliscus__Damaliscus  African antelopes: sassabies
           subtype:  genus_Aepyceros__Aepyceros  African antelopes: impalas
           subtype:  genus_Gazella__Gazella  typical gazelles
           subtype:  genus_Antidorcas__Antidorcas  springboks
           subtype:  genus_Tragelaphus__Tragelaphus__Strepsiceros__genus_Strepsiceros  African antelopes: kudus; bongos; nyalas; bushbucks
           subtype:  genus_Boselaphus__Boselaphus  Indian antelopes: nilgais
           subtype:  genus_Hippotragus__Hippotragus  sable antelopes
           subtype:  genus_Saiga  Eurasian antelopes: saigas
           subtype:  genus_Raphicerus__Raphicerus  African antelopes: steenboks
           subtype:  genus_Taurotragus__Taurotragus  African antelopes: elands
           subtype:  genus_Kobus__Kobus  African antelopes: waterbucks
           subtype:  genus_Adenota__Adenota  African antelopes: puku
           subtype:  genus_Oryx  African antelopes: oryxes
           subtype:  genus_Pseudoryx__Pseudoryx  species of large cow-like mammals of Vietnam discovered by scientists in 1992
           subtype:  genus_Antilocapra__Antilocapra  type and sole genus of the Antilocapridae comprising one species
           subtype:  genus_Cervus__Cervus  type genus of the Cervidae
           subtype:  genus_Odocoileus__Odocoileus  North American deer
           subtype:  genus_Alces__Alces  elk or moose
           subtype:  genus_Dama__Dama  fallow deer
           subtype:  genus_Capreolus__Capreolus  roe deer
           subtype:  genus_Rangifer__Rangifer  reindeer or caribou
           subtype:  genus_Mazama__Mazama  brockets
           subtype:  genus_Muntiacus__Muntiacus  muntjacs
           subtype:  genus_Moschus__Moschus  musk deer
           subtype:  genus_Elaphurus__Elaphurus  a genus of Cervidae
           subtype:  genus_Tragulus__Tragulus  type genus of the Tragulidae
           subtype:  genus_Hyemoschus__Hyemoschus  water chevrotains
           subtype:  genus_Camelus__Camelus  type genus of the Camelidae: camels
           subtype:  genus_Lama__Lama  llamas
           subtype:  genus_Vicugna__Vicugna  a genus of Camelidae
           subtype:  genus_Giraffa__Giraffa  type genus of the Giraffidae
           subtype:  genus_Okapia__Okapia  okapis
           subtype:  genus_Mustela__Mustela  type genus of the family Mustelidae: minks and weasels
           subtype:  genus_Poecilogale__Poecilogale  muishonds
           subtype:  genus_Ictonyx__Ictonyx  a genus of Mustelidae
           subtype:  genus_Lutra__Lutra  in some classifications considered a genus of the subfamily Lutrinae
           subtype:  genus_Enhydra__Enhydra  sea otters
           subtype:  genus_Mephitis__Mephitis  in some classifications: type genus of the subfamily Mephitinae
           subtype:  genus_Conepatus__Conepatus  a genus of Mustelidae
           subtype:  genus_Spilogale__Spilogale  a genus of Mustelidae
           subtype:  genus_Taxidea__Taxidea  in some classifications considered a genus of subfamily Melinae
           subtype:  genus_Meles__Meles  in some classifications: type genus of the subfamily Melinae
           subtype:  genus_Mellivora__Mellivora  ratels
           subtype:  genus_Melogale__Melogale  a genus of Mustelidae
           subtype:  genus_Arctonyx__Arctonyx  a genus of Mustelidae
           subtype:  genus_Gulo__Gulo  a genus of Mustelidae
           subtype:  genus_Grison  a genus of Mustelidae
           subtype:  genus_Galictis  alternative name for the genus Grison
           subtype:  genus_Martes__Martes  martens
           subtype:  genus_Charronia__Charronia  a genus of Mustelidae
           subtype:  genus_Eira__Eira  a genus of Mustelidae
           subtype:  genus_Dasypus__Dasypus__dasypu  type genus of the Dasypodidae
           subtype:  genus_Tolypeutes__Tolypeutes  a genus of Dasypodidae
           subtype:  genus_Cabassous  solely the tatouay
           subtype:  genus_Euphractus__Euphractus  a genus of Dasypodidae
           subtype:  genus_Priodontes__Priodontes  solely the giant armadillo
           subtype:  genus_Chlamyphorus__Chlamyphorus  pichiciago
           subtype:  genus_Burmeisteria__Burmeisteria  a genus of Dasypodidae
           subtype:  genus_Bradypus__Bradypus  type genus of the Bradypodidae: three-toed sloths
           subtype:  genus_Choloepus__Choloepus  a genus of Megalonychidae
           subtype:  genus_Megatherium__Megatherium  type genus of the Megatheriidae
           subtype:  genus_Mylodon  type genus of the Mylodontidae; sometimes included in family Megatheriidae
           subtype:  genus_Myrmecophaga__Myrmecophaga  type genus of the Myrmecophagidae; South American ant bear
           subtype:  genus_Cyclopes__Cyclopes  only the silky anteater
           subtype:  genus_Tamandua  lesser anteater
           subtype:  genus_Manis__Manis  type genus of the Manidae
           subtype:  genus_Homo  type genus of the family Hominidae
           subtype:  genus_Australopithecus__Australopithecus  extinct genus of African hominid
           subtype:  genus_Plesianthropus__Plesianthropus  former name for the genus Australopithecus
           subtype:  genus_Sivapithecus  extinct primates; lower Pliocene
           subtype:  genus_Dryopithecus__Dryopithecus  genus of Old World hominoids; Miocene and Pliocene
           subtype:  genus_Ouranopithecus__Ouranopithecus  a genus of Hominidae
           subtype:  genus_Lufengpithecus__Lufengpithecus  a genus of Hominidae
           subtype:  genus_Proconsul  genus of extinct primitive African Miocene primates; sometimes considered a subgenus of Dryopithecus
           subtype:  genus_Kenyapithecus__Kenyapithecus  extinct primate having powerful chewing muscles along with large molars and small incisors; fossils found in Kenya
           subtype:  genus_Aegyptopithecus  a genus of Hominoidea
           subtype:  genus_Algeripithecus__Algeripithecus  an extinct genus of Hominoidea
           subtype:  genus_Pongo__Pongo  type genus of the family Pongidae: orangutans
           subtype:  genus_Gorilla  gorillas
           subtype:  genus_Pan__Pan  chimpanzees; more closely related to Australopithecus than to other pongids
           subtype:  genus_Hylobates__Hylobates  gibbons
           subtype:  genus_Symphalangus__Symphalangus  used in some classifications for the siamangs
           subtype:  genus_Cercopithecus__Cercopithecus  type genus of the Cercopithecidae: guenons
           subtype:  genus_Cercocebus__Cercocebus  mangabeys
           subtype:  genus_Erythrocebus__Erythrocebus  patas
           subtype:  genus_Papio__Papio  baboons
           subtype:  genus_Mandrillus__Mandrillus  baboons
           subtype:  genus_Macaca__Macaca  macaques; rhesus monkeys
           subtype:  genus_Presbytes__Presbytes__mammal_Semnopithecus  langurs
           subtype:  genus_Colobus  a genus of Cercopithecidae
           subtype:  genus_Nasalis__Nasalis__nasali  proboscis monkeys
           subtype:  genus_Callithrix__Callithrix  type genus of the Callithricidae: true marmosets
           subtype:  genus_Cebuella__Cebuella  pygmy marmosets
           subtype:  genus_Leontocebus__Leontocebus__genus_Leontideus  tamarins
           subtype:  genus_Cebus__Cebus  type genus of the Cebidae
           subtype:  genus_Aotus__Aotus  douroucoulis
           subtype:  genus_Alouatta__Alouatta  howler monkeys
           subtype:  genus_Pithecia__Pithecia  sakis
           subtype:  genus_Cacajao__Cacajao  uakaris
           subtype:  genus_Callicebus__Callicebus  titis
           subtype:  genus_Ateles__Ateles  spider monkeys
           subtype:  genus_Saimiri__Saimiri  squirrel monkeys
           subtype:  genus_Lagothrix__Lagothrix  woolly monkeys
           subtype:  genus_Tupaia__Tupaia  type genus of the Tupaia: chief genus of tree shrews
           subtype:  genus_Ptilocercus__Ptilocercus  pentails
           subtype:  genus_Lemur  type genus of the Lemuridae
           subtype:  genus_Daubentonia__Daubentonia  type genus; coextensive with the family Daubentoniidae
           subtype:  genus_Loris  type genus of the Lorisidae
           subtype:  genus_Nycticebus__Nycticebus  a genus of Lorisidae
           subtype:  genus_Perodicticus__Perodicticus  a genus of Lorisidae
           subtype:  genus_Arctocebus__Arctocebus  a genus of Lorisidae
           subtype:  genus_Galago  bush babies
           subtype:  genus_Indri  type genus of the Indriidae
           subtype:  genus_Avahi__Avahi  a genus of Indriidae
           subtype:  genus_Tarsius__Tarsius  type and sole genus of the family Tarsiidae
           subtype:  genus_Cynocephalus__Cynocephalus  type genus of the family Cynocephalidae
           subtype:  genus_Elephas__Elephas  type genus of the family Elephantidae
           subtype:  genus_Loxodonta__Loxodonta  a genus of Elephantidae
           subtype:  genus_Mammuthus__Mammuthus  extinct genus: mammoths
           subtype:  genus_Archidiskidon__Archidiskidon  a genus of Elephantidae
           subtype:  genus_Mammut__Mammut__genus_Mastodon  extinct type genus of the Mammutidae: mastodons
           subtype:  genus_Gomphotherium__Gomphotherium  type genus of the Gomphotheriidae
           subtype:  genus_Procyon__Procyon  type genus of the family Procyonidae: raccoons
           subtype:  genus_Bassariscus__Bassariscus  cacomistles
           subtype:  genus_Potos__Potos  a genus of Procyonidae
           subtype:  genus_Nasua__Nasua  coatis
           subtype:  genus_Ailurus__Ailurus  lesser pandas
           subtype:  genus_Ailuropoda__Ailuropoda  only the giant panda: in some classifications considered a genus of the separate family Ailuropodidae
        subtype:  sponge_genus  a genus of Porifera
           subtype:  genus_Euplectella__Euplectella  a genus of Hyalospongiae
        subtype:  coelenterate_genus  a genus of coelenterates
           subtype:  genus_Chrysaora__Chrysaora  a genus of Scyphozoa
           subtype:  genus_Hydra  hydras
           subtype:  genus_Nanomia  a genus of Siphonophora
           subtype:  genus_Physalia__Physalia  Portuguese man-of-war
           subtype:  genus_Sertularia__Sertularia  sessile hydroid that forms feathery colonies
           subtype:  genus_Actinia__Actinia  a genus of sea anemone common in rock pools
           subtype:  genus_Pennatula__Pennatula  type genus of the family Pennatulidae: sea pens
           subtype:  genus_Maeandra__Maeandra  brain corals
           subtype:  genus_Acropora__Acropora  coelenterate genus of order Madreporaria, including staghorn corals
           subtype:  genus_Fungia__Fungia  mushroom corals
        subtype:  ctenophore_genus  a genus of ctenophores
           subtype:  genus_Beroe  coextensive with the class Nuda
           subtype:  genus_Pleurobrachia__Pleurobrachia  sea gooseberries
           subtype:  genus_Cestum__Cestum  Venus's girdle
        subtype:  worm_genus  a genus of worms
           subtype:  genus_Sagitta  chief genus of Chaetognatha including the largest arrowworms
           subtype:  genus_Spadella  marine worms resembling the sagittas but with a broader body and only one pair of lateral fins
           subtype:  genus_Fasciola__Fasciola  a genus of Fasciolidae
           subtype:  genus_Fasciolopsis__Fasciolopsis  a genus of Fasciolidae
           subtype:  genus_Schistosoma__Schistosoma  type genus of the family Schistosomatidae: blood flukes
           subtype:  genus_Echinococcus  tapeworms
           subtype:  genus_Taenia  type genus of the family Taeniidae: tapeworms
           subtype:  genus_Ascaris__Ascaris  type genus of the family Ascaridae: roundworms with a three-lipped mouth
           subtype:  genus_Ascaridia__Ascaridia  roundworm having a preanal sucker
           subtype:  genus_Enterobius__Enterobius  pinworms
           subtype:  genus_Anguillula__Anguillula__Turbatrix__genus_Turbatrix  a genus of Cephalobidae
           subtype:  genus_Tylenchus__Tylenchus  type genus of the family Tylenchidae
           subtype:  genus_Dracunculus__Dracunculus  type genus of the family Dracunculidae
           subtype:  genus_Branchiobdella__Branchiobdella  type genus of the Branchiobdellidae: a small worm that lives on the gills or surface of a crayfish attached by a sucker
           subtype:  genus_Terebella__Terebella  type genus of Terebellidae; tube-forming marine polychete worms with many filamentous tentacles
           subtype:  genus_Polycirrus__Polycirrus  genus of soft-bodied polychete marine worms
           subtype:  genus_Hirudo__Hirudo  type genus of the family Hirudinidae
           subtype:  genus_Haemopis__Haemopis  leeches
        subtype:  mollusk_genus__molluskgenu  a genus of mollusks
           subtype:  genus_Haliotis__Haliotis  type genus of the family Haliotidae
           subtype:  genus_Lambis__Lambis  scorpion shells of shallow tropical waters of the eastern hemisphere
           subtype:  genus_Strombus__Strombus  type genus of the family Strombidae
           subtype:  genus_Helix__Helix  type genus of the family Helicidae
           subtype:  genus_Limax__Limax  a genus of Limacidae
           subtype:  genus_Nerita  type genus of the Neritidae
           subtype:  genus_Neritina  a genus of Neritidae
           subtype:  genus_Littorina__Littorina  type genus of the family Littorinidae: periwinkles
           subtype:  genus_Patella__Patella  type genus of the family Patellidae: common European limpets
           subtype:  genus_Fissurella__Fissurella  type genus of the family Fissurellidae: keyhole limpets
           subtype:  genus_Ancylus__Ancylus  type genus of the family Ancylidae: river limpet
           subtype:  genus_Aplysia__Aplysia__Tethys__genus_Tethus  type genus of the family Aplysiidae
           subtype:  genus_Hermissenda__Hermissenda  genus of marine sea slugs
           subtype:  genus_Haminoea__Haminoea  common genus of marine bubble shells of the Pacific coast of North America
           subtype:  genus_Physa  type genus of the physidae; freshwater air-breathing snails
           subtype:  genus_Cypraea__Cypraea  type genus of the family Cypraeidae: the typical cowries
           subtype:  genus_Chiton  a genus of Polyplacophora
           subtype:  genus_Mya__Mya  type genus of the family Myacidae
           subtype:  genus_Venus__Venus  type genus of the family Veneridae: genus of edible clams with thick oval shells
           subtype:  genus_Mercenaria__Mercenaria  a genus of Veneridae
           subtype:  genus_Ensis__Ensis  razor clams
           subtype:  genus_Tridacna__Tridacna  type genus of the family Tridacnidae: giant clams
           subtype:  genus_Cardium__Cardium  type genus of the family Cardiidae: cockles
           subtype:  genus_Ostrea__Ostrea  type genus of the family Ostreidae
           subtype:  genus_Crassostrea__Crassostrea  Virginia oysters
           subtype:  genus_Pinctada__Pinctada  pearl oysters
           subtype:  genus_Anomia__Anomia  type genus of the family Anomiidae: saddle oysters
           subtype:  genus_Placuna__Placuna  windowpane oysters
           subtype:  genus_Arca__Arca  type genus of the family Arcidae: ark shells and blood clams
           subtype:  genus_Mytilus__Mytilus  type genus of the family Mytilidae: smooth-shelled marine mussels
           subtype:  genus_Unio__Unio  type genus of the family Unionidae
           subtype:  genus_Anodonta__Anodonta  thin-shelled freshwater mussels
           subtype:  genus_Dreissena__Dreissena  zebra mussels
           subtype:  genus_Pecten  type genus of the family Pectinidae: sea and bay scallops
           subtype:  genus_Teredo  type genus of the family Teredinidae
           subtype:  genus_Bankia__Bankia  giant shipworms
           subtype:  genus_Pholas__Pholas  type genus of the family Pholadidae: piddocks
           subtype:  genus_Nautilus  type genus and sole recent representative of the family Nautilidae
           subtype:  genus_Octopus  type genus of the family Octopodidae
           subtype:  genus_Argonauta__Argonauta  type genus of the family Argonautidae: paper nautilus
           subtype:  genus_Loligo  squids
           subtype:  genus_Ommastrephes  a genus of Decapoda
           subtype:  genus_Sepia__Sepia  type genus of the Sepiidae
           subtype:  genus_Spirula  genus of small cephalopods with many-chambered spiral shells resembling those of the extinct belemnites
        subtype:  echinoderm_genus  a genus of echinoderms
           subtype:  genus_Euryale__Euryale  basket stars
           subtype:  genus_Astrophyton__Astrophyton  includes many of the basket stars
           subtype:  genus_Gorgonocephalus__Gorgonocephalus  basket stars
           subtype:  genus_Ptilocrinus__Ptilocrinus  sea lilies
           subtype:  genus_Antedon__Antedon  a genus of echinoderms of the family Antedonidae
              subtype:  genus_Comatula__Comatula  former usage synonymous with Antedon
           subtype:  genus_Holothuria__Holothuria  type genus of the Holothuridae
        subtype:  type_genus  (biology) genus from which the name of a family or subfamily is formed; it is not necessarily the most representative genus by often the largest or best known or earliest described
        subtype:  form_genus.genus__formgenu  (biology) an artificial taxonomic category for organisms of which the true relationships are obscure
        subtype:  moss_genus  a genus of mosses
           subtype:  genus_Anthoceros__Anthoceros  hornworts
           subtype:  genus_Andreaea__Andreaea  brown or blackish Alpine mosses having a dehiscent capsule with 4 longitudinal slits
           subtype:  genus_Dicranum__Dicranum  type genus of Dicranaceae
           subtype:  genus_Bryum__Bryum  type genus of the Bryaceae: mosses distinguished by mostly erect and tufted gametophytes and symmetrical short-necked capsules
           subtype:  genus_Mnium__Mnium  mosses similar to those of genus Bryum but larger
           subtype:  genus_Sphagnum  a large genus constituting the order Sphagnales: atypical mosses of temperate bogs with leaves that can hold much water
           subtype:  genus_Marchantia__Marchantia  type genus of Marchantiaceae; liverworts that reproduce asexually by gemmae and have stalked antheridiophores
           subtype:  genus_Sphaerocarpus__Sphaerocarpus__Sphaerocarpos__genus_Sphaerocarpos  type genus of Sphaerocarpaceae; liverworts with small many-lobed usually orbicular thallus
        subtype:  gymnosperm_genus  a genus of gymnosperms
           subtype:  genus_Gnetum  type genus of the Gnetaceae; small trees or shrubs usually with climbing jointed stems and terminal spikes of flowers with orange-red seeds clustered in rough cones
           subtype:  genus_Ephedra  type and sole genus of Ephedraceae: tropical and subtropical evergreen shrubby or creeping plants native to dry and inhospitable regions
           subtype:  genus_Welwitschia__genus_Welwitchia  type and sole genus of Welwitschiaceae
           subtype:  genus_Cycas__Cycas  type genus of Cycadaceae: genus of widely distributed Old World evergreen tropical trees having pinnate leaves and columnar stems covered with persistent bases of old leaves
           subtype:  genus_Zamia  genus of small evergreen tropical and subtropical American cycads
           subtype:  genus_Ceratozamia  small genus of Mexican cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae
           subtype:  genus_Dioon  small genus of arborescent cycads of Mexico and Central America; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae
           subtype:  genus_Encephalartos  genus of arborescent African cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae
           subtype:  genus_Macrozamia  genus of large evergreen Australian cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae
           subtype:  genus_Bennettitis__Bennettitis  type of the Bennettitales
           subtype:  genus_Lyginopteris__Lyginopteris  genus of fossil seed ferns of the Carboniferous
           subtype:  genus_Cordaites__Cordaites  tall Paleozoic trees superficially resembling modern screw pines; structurally intermediate in some ways between cycads and conifers
           subtype:  genus_Pinus__Pinus  type genus of the Pinaceae: large genus of true pines
           subtype:  genus_Larix__Larix  larches
           subtype:  genus_Pseudolarix__Pseudolarix  one species: golden larch
           subtype:  genus_Abies__Abies  true firs
           subtype:  genus_Cedrus__Cedrus  true cedars
           subtype:  genus_Picea__Picea  a genus of temperate and arctic evergreen trees (see spruce)
           subtype:  genus_Tsuga__Tsuga  hemlock; hemlock fir; hemlock spruce
           subtype:  genus_Pseudotsuga__Pseudotsuga  douglas fir; closely related to genera Larix and Cathaya
           subtype:  genus_Cathaya  one species; related to Pseudotsuga and Larix
           subtype:  genus_Cupressus__Cupressus  type genus of Cupressaceae
           subtype:  genus_Athrotaxis__Athrotaxis  a genus of gymnosperm
           subtype:  genus_Austrocedrus__Austrocedrus  one species; formerly included in genus Libocedrus
           subtype:  genus_Callitris__Callitris  evergreen monoecious coniferous trees or shrubs: cypress pines
           subtype:  genus_Calocedrus__Calocedrus  tall evergreens of western North America and eastern Asia; formerly included in genus Libocedrus
           subtype:  genus_Chamaecyparis__Chamaecyparis  a genus of Chamaecyparis
           subtype:  genus_Cryptomeria__Cryptomeria  Japanese cedar; sugi
           subtype:  genus_Juniperus__Juniperus  junipers
           subtype:  genus_Libocedrus__Libocedrus  cypresses that resemble cedars
           subtype:  genus_Metasequoia  genus of deciduous conifers comprising both living and fossil forms; 1 extant species: dawn redwood of China; variously classified as member of Pinaceae or Taxodiaceae
           subtype:  genus_Sequoia  redwoods; until recently considered a genus of a separate family Taxodiaceae
           subtype:  genus_Taxodium__Taxodium  bald cypress; swamp cypress
           subtype:  genus_Tetraclinis__Tetraclinis  sandarac tree
           subtype:  genus_Thuja__Thuja  red cedar
           subtype:  genus_Thujopsis__Thujopsis  one species; has close similarity to genus Thuja
           subtype:  genus_Keteleeria  a genus of Keteleeria
           subtype:  genus_Araucaria  a genus of Araucaria
           subtype:  genus_Agathis__Agathis  kauri pine
           subtype:  genus_Cephalotaxus__Cephalotaxus  the genus of Cephalotaxus (see plum-yews)
           subtype:  genus_Torreya__Torreya  nutmeg-yews
           subtype:  genus_Phyllocladus__Phyllocladus  celery pine
           subtype:  genus_Podocarpus__Podocarpus  evergreen trees or shrubs; sometimes classified as member of the family Taxaceae
           subtype:  genus_Afrocarpus__Afrocarpus  dioecious evergreen trees or shrubs; equatorial to southern and southeastern Africa: yellowwood; similar to trees or genus Podocarpus
           subtype:  genus_Dacrycarpus__Dacrycarpus  evergreen coniferous shrubs or trees of New Zealand to Malaysia and Philippines
           subtype:  genus_Dacrydium__Dacrydium  Australasian evergreen trees or shrubs
           subtype:  genus_Falcatifolium__Falcatifolium  sickle pines: dioecious evergreen tropical trees and shrubs having sickle-shaped leaves; similar to Dacrycarpus in habit; Malaysia and Philippines to New Guinea and New Caledonia
           subtype:  genus_Halocarpus__Halocarpus  dioecious trees or shrubs of New Zealand; similar in habit to Dacrydium
           subtype:  genus_Lagarostrobus__Lagarostrobus  genus of dioecious evergreen trees of New Zealand and Tasmania; similar to genus Dacrydium
           subtype:  genus_Lepidothamnus__Lepidothamnus  small usually shrubby conifers
           subtype:  genus_Microstrobos__Microstrobos  2 species of small evergreen shrubs of Australia and Tasmania
           subtype:  genus_Nageia__Nageia  small genus of Asian evergreen trees having columnar crowns and distinguished by leaves lacking a midrib; eastern Asia including India and Philippines and New Guinea
           subtype:  genus_Parasitaxus__Parasitaxus  1 species: parasite yew
           subtype:  genus_Prumnopitys__Prumnopitys  mostly dioecious evergreen conifers; leaves are softer than in Podocarpus
           subtype:  genus_Retrophyllum__Retrophyllum  small genus of tropical evergreen dioecious shrubs or trees of Oceania and tropical South America
           subtype:  genus_Saxe-gothea__Saxe-gothea__Saxegothea__genus_Saxegothea  1 species: Prince Albert's yew
           subtype:  genus_Sundacarpus__Sundacarpus  1 species
           subtype:  genus_Sciadopitys__Sciadopitys  type and sole genus of Sciadopityaceae; Japanese umbrella pines
           subtype:  genus_Taxus__Taxus  yews
           subtype:  genus_Austrotaxus__Austrotaxus  a gymnosperm genus having one species: New Caledonian yew
           subtype:  genus_Pseudotaxus__Pseudotaxus  one species
           subtype:  genus_Ginkgo  sole surviving genus of the Ginkgoaceae
        subtype:  monocot_genus__monocotgenu__liliopsid_genus  genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed
           subtype:  liliid_monocot_genus  genus of monocotyledonous plants comprising mostly herbs having usually petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistils
              subtype:  genus_Iris  large genus of perennials that develop from bulbs or rhizomes
              subtype:  genus_Belamcanda__Belamcanda  a monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae
              subtype:  genus_Crocus  a monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae
              subtype:  genus_Freesia  cormous perennial herbs; native to South Africa
              subtype:  genus_Gladiolus  gladiolas
              subtype:  genus_Ixia__Ixia  a monocotyledonous genus of the family Iridaceae
              subtype:  genus_Sisyrinchium__Sisyrinchium  chiefly North American grasslike herbs
              subtype:  genus_Sparaxis__Sparaxis  deciduous perennial herbs of South Africa
              subtype:  genus_Amaryllis  type genus of the Amaryllidaceae; bulbous flowering plants of southern Africa
              subtype:  genus_Bomarea__Bomarea  large genus of tropical American vines having showy often spotted umbellate flowers; sometimes placed in family Liliaceae especially subfamily Alstroemeriaceae
              subtype:  genus_Haemanthus__Haemanthus  genus of African deciduous or evergreen bulbous herbs: blood lilies
              subtype:  genus_Hippeastrum  bulbous flowering plants of tropical America
              subtype:  genus_Narcissus  Old World perennial bulbous herbs
              subtype:  genus_Strekelia__Strekelia  a monocotyledonous genus of the amaryllis family
              subtype:  genus_Hypoxis__Hypoxis  small plants that resemble Amaryllis and that grow from a corm and bear flowers on a leafless stalk; sometimes classified as member of the family Amaryllidaceae: star grass
              subtype:  genus_Lilium__Lilium  type genus of Liliaceae
              subtype:  genus_Agapanthus  small genus of South African evergreen or deciduous plants; sometimes placed in the family or subfamily Alliaceae
              subtype:  genus_Albuca  genus of bulbous plants of South Africa; sometimes placed in subfamily Hyacinthaceae
              subtype:  genus_Aletris__Aletris  small genus of bitter-rooted herbs of eastern North America and Asia; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae
              subtype:  genus_Allium__Allium  large genus of perennial and biennial pungent bulbous plants: garlic; leek; onion; chive; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae as the type genus
              subtype:  genus_Aloe  large genus of chiefly African liliaceous plants; in some systems placed in family Aloeaceae
              subtype:  genus_Kniphofia  genus of showy clump-forming African herbs with grasslike leaves; sometimes placed in family Aloeaceae
              subtype:  genus_Alstroemeria  genus of showy South American herbs with leafy stems; sometimes placed in family Alstroemeriaceae or in family Amaryllidaceae
              subtype:  genus_Amianthum__Amianthum  1 species: fly poison; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae
              subtype:  genus_Anthericum__Anthericum  genus of Old World (mainly African) perennial herbs; sometimes placed in family Asphodelaceae
              subtype:  genus_Aphyllanthes__Aphyllanthes  1 species; small fibrous-rooted perennial with rushlike foliage and deep blue flowers; sometimes placed in its own family Aphyllanthaceae
              subtype:  genus_Asparagus  large genus of Old World perennial herbs with erect or spreading or climbing stems and small scalelike leaves and inconspicuous flowers; sometimes placed in family Asparagaceae
              subtype:  genus_Asphodeline__Asphodeline  genus of rhizomatous perennial or biennial herbs with numerous sometimes fragrant flowers in long cylindrical racemes; Mediterranean region to Caucasus; sometimes placed in family Asphodelaceae
              subtype:  genus_Asphodelus__Asphodelus  small genus of tall striking annuals or perennials with grasslike foliage and flowers in dense racemes or panicles; Mediterranean to Himalayas; sometimes placed in family Asphodelaceae
              subtype:  genus_Aspidistra  genus of eastern Asiatic herbs; sometimes placed in the family Convallariaceae
              subtype:  genus_Bessera__Bessera  small genus of cormous perennials of Mexico; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae
              subtype:  genus_Blandfordia__Blandfordia  small species of tuberous-rooted Australian perennial herbs
              subtype:  genus_Bloomeria__Bloomeria  small genus of bulbous perennial herbs of southwestern United States and Mexico; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae
              subtype:  genus_Bowiea__Bowiea  small genus of tropical African perennial bulbous herbs with deciduous twining stems; sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae
              subtype:  genus_Brodiaea  genus of western United States bulbous plants with basal leaves and variously colored flowers; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae
              subtype:  genus_Calochortus__Calochortus  large genus of western North American leafy-stemmed bulbous herbs
              subtype:  genus_Camassia__Camassia__Quamassia__genus_Quamassia  genus of scapose herbs of North and South America having large edible bulbs
              subtype:  genus_Erythronium__Erythronium  perennial bulbous herbs most of northern United States: dogtooth violet; adder's tongue; trout lily; fawn lily
              subtype:  genus_Fritillaria__Fritillaria  fritillary
              subtype:  genus_Tulipa__Tulipa  Eurasian perennial bulbous herbs
              subtype:  genus_Colchicum__Colchicum  chiefly fall-blooming perennial cormous herbs; sometimes placed in family Colchicaceae
              subtype:  genus_Gloriosa  sometimes placed in family Colchicaceae; one species: glory lily
              subtype:  genus_Hemerocallis__Hemerocallis  east Asian rhizomatous clump-forming perennial herbs having flowers on long leafless stalks; cosmopolitan in cultivation: day lilies; sometimes placed in subfamily Hemerocallidaceae
              subtype:  genus_Hosta__Hosta__Funka__genus_Funka  robust east Asian clump-forming perennial herbs having racemose flowers: plantain lilies; sometimes placed in family Hostaceae
              subtype:  genus_Hyacinthus  sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae as the type genus
              subtype:  genus_Hyacinthoides__Hyacinthoides  small genus of perennial bulbs of western Europe and North Africa; sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae
              subtype:  genus_Ornithogalum__Ornithogalum  sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae
              subtype:  genus_Muscari__Muscari  sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae
              subtype:  genus_Scilla  sometimes placed in subfamily Hyacinthaceae
              subtype:  genus_Tofieldia__Tofieldia  genus of perennial herbs of cool temperate regions; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae
              subtype:  genus_Urginea__Urginea  Mediterranean liliaceous plants; sometimes placed in family Hyacinthaceae
              subtype:  genus_Ruscus__Ruscus  a genus of European evergreen shrubs; sometimes placed in family Asparagaceae
              subtype:  genus_Narthecium__Narthecium  bog asphodels; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae
              subtype:  genus_Veratrum__Veratrum  a genus of coarse poisonous perennial herbs; sometimes placed in subfamily Melanthiaceae
              subtype:  genus_Xerophyllum__Xerophyllum  small genus of North American herbs having grasslike basal leaves: squaw grass; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae
              subtype:  genus_Xanthorroea__Xanthorroea  grass trees; sometimes placed in family Xanthorrhoeaceae
              subtype:  genus_Zigadenus__Zigadenus  genus of mostly North American poisonous plants; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae
              subtype:  genus_Trillium  deciduous perennial herbs; sometimes placed in family Liliaceae
              subtype:  genus_Smilax__Smilax  sometimes placed in Smilacaceae
              subtype:  genus_Convallaria__Convallaria  sometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: lily of the valley
              subtype:  genus_Clintonia  sometimes placed in family Convallariaceae
              subtype:  genus_Liriope__Liriope  sometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: lilyturf
              subtype:  genus_Maianthemum__Maianthemum  sometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: false lily of the valley
              subtype:  genus_Polygonatum__Polygonatum  sometimes placed in subfamily Convallariaceae
              subtype:  genus_Uvularia__Uvularia  genus of perennial rhizomatous herb of southern and southeastern United States
              subtype:  genus_Tacca__Tacca  genus of tropical plants with creeping rootstocks and small umbellate flowers
              subtype:  genus_Agave  type genus of the Agavaceae; in some classifications considered a genus of Amaryllidaceae
              subtype:  genus_Cordyline__Cordyline  Asiatic and Pacific trees or shrubs; fragments of the trunk will regrow to form whole plants
              subtype:  genus_Dracaena  Old World tropical plants with branches ending in tufts of sword-shaped leaves; in some classifications considered a genus of Liliaceae
              subtype:  genus_Nolina__Nolina  perennial plants resembling yucca; found in southern United States and Mexico
              subtype:  genus_Polianthes__Polianthes  genus of perennial tuberous herbs having lilylike flowers; Mexico; sometimes placed in family Amaryllidaceae
              subtype:  genus_Sansevieria  Old World tropical herbaceous perennial of the agave family; in some classifications considered a genus of Liliaceae
              subtype:  genus_Yucca  tropical American plants with stiff lancelike leaves and spikes of white blossoms; sometimes considered a genus of Amaryllidaceae
           subtype:  genus_Juncus__Juncus  type genus of the Juncaceae; perennial tufted glabrous marsh plants of temperate regions: rushes
           subtype:  genus_Arum  type genus of the Araceae: tuberous perennial herbs of Europe and Asia with usually heart-shaped leaves
           subtype:  genus_Acorus__Acorus  sweet flags; sometimes placed in subfamily Acoraceae
           subtype:  genus_Aglaonema__Aglaonema  climbing herbs of southeastern Asia having thick fleshy oblong leaves and naked unisexual flowers: Chinese evergreen
           subtype:  genus_Alocasia  tropical Asiatic herbs similar to Colocasia but distinguished by a large sterile spadix
           subtype:  genus_Amorphophallus  genus of large tropical east Asian cormous aroids: devil's tongue; snake palm
           subtype:  genus_Anthurium  large genus of often epiphytic evergreen tropical American plants often cultivated as houseplants
           subtype:  genus_Arisaema__Arisaema  tuberous or rhizomatous herbaceous perennials
           subtype:  genus_Arisarum__Arisarum  tuberous or rhizomatous perennial herbs; mainly Mediterranean area
           subtype:  genus_Caladium  small genus of tropical South American tuberous perennials with large variously colored leaves
           subtype:  genus_Calla__Calla  water arum
           subtype:  genus_Colocasia__Colocasia  small genus of perennial tuberous herbs of tropical Asia: taro
           subtype:  genus_Cryptocoryne  water trumpet; aquatic herbs having broad leaves and long slender spathes; often used as aquarium plants
           subtype:  genus_Dieffenbachia__Dieffenbachia  evergreen perennial herbs of tropical America with lush foliage and poisonous sap; often cultivated as houseplants
           subtype:  genus_Dracontium  small genus of tropical American cormous herbs
           subtype:  Dracunculus__genus_Dracunculus  tuberous herbaceous perennials: dragon arum
           subtype:  genus_Epipremnum__Epipremnum  small genus of evergreen lianas of southeastern Asia to western Pacific areas
           subtype:  genus_Lysichiton__Lysichiton__Lysichitum__genus_Lysichitum  skunk cabbage
           subtype:  genus_Monstera  tropical American climbing plant with deeply incised leaves
           subtype:  genus_Nephthytis  small genus of tropical western African creeping or twining herbs
           subtype:  genus_Orontium__Orontium  1 species of aquatic plant: golden club
           subtype:  genus_Peltandra__Peltandra  small genus of North American marsh or aquatic herbs
           subtype:  genus_Philodendron  any of several tropical American climbing plants with smooth shiny evergreen leaves
           subtype:  genus_Pistia  1 species: water lettuce
           subtype:  genus_Scindapsus__Scindapsus__genus_Pothos  evergreen climbers with adhesive adventitious roots; southeastern Asia and Brazil
           subtype:  genus_Spathiphyllum  evergreen rhizomatous perennials of tropical America and Philippines and Indonesia
           subtype:  genus_Symplocarpus__Symplocarpus  one species: skunk cabbage
           subtype:  genus_Syngonium__Syngonium  epiphytic or terrestrial climbing shrubs of Central and South America; used as ornamental houseplants for their velvety foliage
           subtype:  genus_Xanthosoma__Xanthosoma  tropical American tuberous perennials
           subtype:  genus_Zantedeschia__Zantedeschia  calla lily
           subtype:  genus_Lemna__Lemna  minute aquatic herbs floating on or below the water surface of still water consisting of a leaflike frond or plant body and single root
           subtype:  genus_Spirodela__Spirodela  minute aquatic herbs floating on the water surface consisting of a shiny leaflike frond and 2-21 roots
           subtype:  genus_Wolffia__Wolffia  minute rootless aquatic herbs having globular fronds floating on or near the water surface and bearing one flower per frond
           subtype:  genus_Wolffiella__Wolffiella  minute rootless aquatic herbs having flat fronds floating on or below the water surface and bearing 1-2 flowers per frond; America and Africa
           subtype:  genus_Orchis  type genus of the orchid family; hardy terrestrial orchids of the temperate the northern hemisphere
           subtype:  genus_Aerides  epiphytic orchids of tropical Asia having stiff 2-ranked leaves and fragrant white flowers in arching racemes
           subtype:  genus_Angrecum__Angraecum__genus_Angraecum  genus of tropical Old World epiphytic orchids with showy flowers sometimes grotesque
           subtype:  genus_Anoectochilus__Anoectochilus  genus of delicate Asiatic orchids
           subtype:  genus_Aplectrum__Aplectrum  a monocotyledonous genus of the family Orchidaceae
           subtype:  genus_Arethusa  genus of bog orchids of North America and Japan
           subtype:  genus_Bletia  genus of tropical American terrestrial orchids with large purple or pink flowers
           subtype:  genus_Bletilla__Bletilla  small genus of chiefly east Asiatic hardy terrestrial orchids similar to genus Bletia
           subtype:  genus_Brassavola  genus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic rhizomatous orchids
           subtype:  genus_Brassia__Brassia  genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids having striking axillary racemes of yellow to green spiderlike flowers with long slender sepals and warty lips: spider orchids
           subtype:  genus_Caladenia  terrestrial orchids of Australia to New Caledonia
           subtype:  genus_Calanthe  large and widely distributed genus of terrestrial orchids
           subtype:  genus_Calopogon__Calopogon  terrestrial orchids of North America
           subtype:  genus_Calypso  1 species found throughout much of northern North America and Eurasia
           subtype:  genus_Catasetum__Catasetum  genus of tropical American orchids having showy male and female flowers usually on separate inflorescences
           subtype:  genus_Cattleya  large and highly valued genus of beautiful tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic orchids; the typical orchids; known in many varieties
           subtype:  genus_Cephalanthera__Cephalanthera  small genus of temperate Old World terrestrial orchids
           subtype:  genus_Cleistes__Cleistes  terrestrial orchids of North and South America having slender fibrous roots; allied to genus Pogonia
           subtype:  genus_Coeloglossum__Coeloglossum  terrestrial orchids of cooler parts of North America and Europe: satyr orchid
           subtype:  genus_Coelogyne  large diverse genus of tropical Asiatic epiphytic orchids
           subtype:  genus_Corallorhiza__Corallorhiza  genus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips; widely distributed in temperate regions
           subtype:  genus_Coryanthes__Coryanthes  small genus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic orchids
           subtype:  genus_Cycnoches__Cycnoches  genus of epiphytic or terrestrial tropical American orchids
           subtype:  genus_Cymbidium  genus of tropical epiphytic or terrestrial Old World orchids; one of the most popular orchid genera
           subtype:  genus_Cypripedium__Cypripedium  genus of chiefly American perennial leafy-stemmed orchids: lady's slippers; sometimes includes species of genus Paphiopedilum
           subtype:  genus_Dactylorhiza__Dactylorhiza  genus of terrestrial orchids of Europe and Asia and North Africa
           subtype:  genus_Dendrobium  large genus and variable genus of chiefly epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Asia and Australasia
           subtype:  genus_Disa  genus of showy tropical African terrestrial orchids
           subtype:  genus_Dracula__Dracula  comprises tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: diminutive plants having bizarre and often sinister-looking flowers with pendulous scapes and motile lips
           subtype:  genus_Dryadella__Dryadella  comprises tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: very dwarf plants having short tufted and usually unifoliate stems with usually solitary flowers
           subtype:  genus_Eburophyton__Eburophyton  a monocotyledonous genus of the family Orchidaceae
           subtype:  genus_Encyclia__Encyclia  large genus of epiphytic and lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas and West Indies; formerly included in genus Epidendrum
           subtype:  genus_Epidendrum__Epidendrum  large and variable genus of terrestrial or epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas; some native to United States
           subtype:  genus_Epipactis__Epipactis  genus of hardy orchids with leafy-bracted racemes of greenish or purplish irregular flowers
           subtype:  genus_Glossodia__Glossodia  small genus of Australian orchids
           subtype:  genus_Goodyera__Goodyera  genus of small orchids of the northern hemisphere with creeping rhizomes and stalked ovate leaves and small flowers
           subtype:  genus_Grammatophyllum__Grammatophyllum  small genus of large epiphytic or terrestrial orchids of southeastern Asia to Polynesia; the giants of the Orchidaceae having long narrow leaves and drooping flower clusters often 6 feet long
           subtype:  genus_Gymnadenia__Gymnadenia  small genus of terrestrial orchids of North America and temperate Eurasia
           subtype:  genus_Gymnadeniopsis__Gymnadeniopsis  genus of North American terrestrial orchids usually included in genus Habenaria
           subtype:  genus_Habenaria__Habenaria  chiefly terrestrial orchids with tubers or fleshy roots often having long slender spurs and petals and lip lobes; includes species formerly placed in genus Gymnadeniopsis
           subtype:  genus_Hexalectris__Hexalectris  a monocotyledonous genus of the family Orchidaceae
           subtype:  genus_Himantoglossum__Himantoglossum  small genus of terrestrial orchids of Europe and Mediterranean region
           subtype:  genus_Laelia  large genus of mostly epiphytic or lithophytic Central and South American orchids of various sizes
           subtype:  genus_Liparis  genus of terrestrial and epiphytic orchids; pantropical to temperate
           subtype:  genus_Listera__Listera__listera  genus of terrestrial orchids having usually a single pair of broad shining leaves near the middle of the stem; found in temperate Asia and North America and Europe
           subtype:  genus_Malaxis__Malaxis  large genus of largely terrestrial orchids with one or a few plicate leaves and slender spikes or tiny mostly green flowers; cosmopolitan
           subtype:  genus_Masdevallia  large genus of tropical American mostly epiphytic orchids whose flowers have sepals fused at the base forming a tube; includes orchids sometimes placed in genera Dracula and Dryadella and Scaphosepalum
           subtype:  genus_Maxillaria  large genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids with persistent leathery leaves and single-flowered scapes
           subtype:  genus_Miltonia__Miltonia  genus of tropical American orchids
           subtype:  genus_Odontoglossum  large and important genus of tropical American mostly epiphytic orchids; some of the most widely grown species are often placed in other genera
           subtype:  genus_Oncidium  large genus of showy epiphytic or lithophytic or terrestrial orchids of tropical and subtropical America
           subtype:  genus_Ophrys__Ophrys  a hardy genus of terrestrial orchids of Europe and northern Africa and western Asia
           subtype:  genus_Paphiopedilum__Paphiopedilum  horticulturally important genus of mainly terrestrial orchids including many hybrids; southeastern Asia and Indonesia to Philippines and Solomon Islands; Paphiopedilum species sometimes included in genus Cypripedium
           subtype:  genus_Phaius  genus of Asiatic ans Australian terrestrial orchids
           subtype:  genus_Phalaenopsis__Phalaenopsis  genus of ornamental epiphytic orchids of Asia and Australia
           subtype:  genus_Pholidota__Pholidota  genus of mostly epiphytic orchids of Indonesia and the western Pacific
           subtype:  genus_Phragmipedium__Phragmipedium  genus of tropical American orchid species often included in genus Cypripedium or Paphiopedilum and Selenipedium: lady slippers
           subtype:  genus_Platanthera__Platanthera  herbaceous terrestrial orchids of temperate northern and southern hemispheres
           subtype:  genus_Plectorrhiza__Plectorrhiza  small genus of Australian orchids
           subtype:  genus_Pleione__Pleione  small genus of dwarf orchids; India to Thailand and Taiwan
           subtype:  genus_Pleurothallis  large genus of epiphytic or lithophytic orchids of tropical America
           subtype:  genus_Pogonia  small but widely distributed genus of orchids closely related to genus Cleistes;: of damp or boggy areas of north temperate zone
           subtype:  genus_Psychopsis__Psychopsis  epiphytic orchids of Central and South America formerly included in genus Oncidium
           subtype:  genus_Pterostylis__Pterostylis  genus of terrestrial orchids of Australia and New Zealand and western Pacific
           subtype:  genus_Rhyncostylis__Rhyncostylis  genus of epiphytic orchids of tropical Asia
           subtype:  genus_Sarcochilus__Sarcochilus  diminutive epiphytic or lithophytic orchids with clumped short-stemmed foliage and arching racemes of colorful flowers; Australia and Polynesia to southeastern Asia
           subtype:  genus_Scaphosepalum__Scaphosepalum  comprises some tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: diminutive plants with small flowers carried on one scape
           subtype:  genus_Schomburgkia__Schomburgkia  genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids with showy racemose flowers
           subtype:  genus_Selenipedium__Selenipedium  genus of tall reedlike tropical American orchids; includes species with pods used locally as a substitute for vanilla
           subtype:  genus_Sobralia  genus of tropical American orchids
           subtype:  genus_Spiranthes__Spiranthes  large cosmopolitan genus of white-flowered terrestrial orchids
           subtype:  genus_Stanhopea  genus of tropical American epiphytic orchids
           subtype:  genus_Stelis  genus of small caespitose orchids of tropical America
           subtype:  genus_Trichoceros__Trichoceros  small genus of small epiphytic or terrestrial orchids of tropical South America
           subtype:  genus_Vanda  genus of showy epiphytic orchids of Himalayas to Malaysia
           subtype:  genus_Vanilla  large genus of tropical climbing orchids; Old and New Worlds
           subtype:  genus_Burmannia__Burmannia  type genus of the Burmanniaceae; slender herbs of warm regions with leaves resembling scales and flowers with a 3-angled or 3-winged perianth
           subtype:  genus_Aegilops__Aegilops  goat grass
           subtype:  genus_Agropyron__Agropyron  perennial grasses of temperate and cool regions: wheatgrass; dog grass
           subtype:  genus_Alopecurus__Alopecurus  annual or perennial grasses including decorative and meadow species as well as notorious agricultural weeds
           subtype:  genus_Andropogon__Andropogon  tall annual or perennial grasses with spikelike racemes; warm regions
           subtype:  genus_Arundo__Arundo  any of several coarse tall perennial grasses of most warm areas: reeds
           subtype:  genus_Bromus__Bromus  a genus of grasses of the family Gramineae
           subtype:  genus_Bouteloua__Bouteloua  forage grasses
           subtype:  genus_Buchloe__Buchloe  buffalo grass
           subtype:  genus_Calamagrostis__Calamagrostis  reed grass
           subtype:  genus_Cenchrus__Cenchrus  a genus of grasses of the family Gramineae that have burs
           subtype:  genus_Chloris__Chloris  tufted or perennial or annual grasses having runners: finger grass; windmill grass
           subtype:  genus_Cortaderia__Cortaderia  tall ornamental grasses of South America and New Zealand and New Guinea: pampas grass
           subtype:  genus_Cynodon__Cynodon  creeping perennial grasses of tropical and southern Africa
           subtype:  genus_Dactylis__Dactylis  a monocotyledonous grass of the family Gramineae (has only one species)
           subtype:  genus_Dactyloctenium__Dactyloctenium  a monocotyledonous genus of the family Gramineae
           subtype:  genus_Digitaria__Digitaria  crab grass; finger grass
           subtype:  genus_Echinochloa__Echinochloa  annual or perennial succulent grasses of warm regions
           subtype:  genus_Eleusine__Eleusine  annual and perennial grasses of savannas and upland grasslands
           subtype:  genus_Elymus__Elymus  tall tufted perennial grasses (such as lyme grass or wild rye)
           subtype:  genus_Eragrostis__Eragrostis  annual or perennial grasses of tropics and subtropics
           subtype:  genus_Erianthus__Erianthus  genus of reedlike grasses having spikes crowded in a panicle covered with long silky hairs
           subtype:  genus_Festuca__Festuca  a genus of tufted perennial grasses of the family Gramineae
           subtype:  genus_Glyceria__Glyceria  manna grass
           subtype:  genus_Holcus__Holcus  a genus of Old World grasses widely cultivated in America
           subtype:  genus_Hordeum__Hordeum  annual to perennial grasses of temperate northern hemisphere and South America: barley
           subtype:  genus_Leymus__Leymus  genus that in some classifications overlaps the genus Elymus
           subtype:  genus_Lolium__Lolium  darnel; ryegrass
           subtype:  genus_Muhlenbergia__Muhlenbergia  a genus of grasses of the family Gramineae grown in America and Asia
           subtype:  genus_Oryza__Oryza  rice
           subtype:  genus_Oryzopsis__Oryzopsis  rice grass
           subtype:  genus_Panicum__Panicum  panic grass
           subtype:  genus_Paspalum  a genus of perennial grasses of warm regions
           subtype:  genus_Pennisetum__Pennisetum  a genus of Old World grasses
           subtype:  genus_Phalaris__Phalaris  a genus of grasses with broad leaves and a dense spike of flowers
           subtype:  genus_Phleum__Phleum  grasses native to temperate regions
           subtype:  genus_Phragmites__Phragmites  reeds of marshes and riversides in tropical or temperate regions
           subtype:  genus_Poa__Poa  chiefly perennial grasses of cool temperate regions
           subtype:  genus_Saccharum__Saccharum  tall perennial reedlike grass originally of southeastern Asia: sugarcane
           subtype:  genus_Schizachyrium__Schizachyrium  overlaps the genus Andropogon
           subtype:  genus_Secale__Secale  cereal grass widely cultivated for its grain: rye
           subtype:  genus_Setaria__Setaria  annual or perennial grasses of warm regions: bristlegrasses
           subtype:  genus_Sorghum  annual or perennial tropical and subtropical cereal grasses: sorghum
           subtype:  genus_Spartina__Spartina  grass of freshwater swamps and salt marshes of Europe, Africa, America, and South Atlantic islands
           subtype:  genus_Sporobolus__Sporobolus  cosmopolitan annual and perennial grasses (as dropseed or rushgrass)
           subtype:  genus_Stenotaphrum__Stenotaphrum  lawn grasses
           subtype:  genus_Triticum__Triticum  annual cereal grasses from Mediterranean area; widely cultivated in temperate regions
           subtype:  genus_Zea__Zea  corn
           subtype:  genus_Zizania__Zizania  wild rice
           subtype:  genus_Zoysia__Zoisia__genus_Zoisia  lawn grasses native to southeastern Asia and New Zealand; grown especially in warm regions
           subtype:  genus_Bambusa__Bambusa  tall tender clumping bamboos
           subtype:  genus_Arundinaria__Arundinaria  North American bamboo
           subtype:  genus_Dendrocalamus__Dendrocalamus  giant clump-forming bamboos
           subtype:  genus_Phyllostachys__Phyllostachys  medium and large bamboos
           subtype:  genus_Cyperus__Cyperus  type genus of Cyperaceae; grasslike rhizomatous herbs; cosmopolitan except very cold regions
           subtype:  genus_Carex__Carex  large genus of plants found in damp woodlands and bogs and ditches or at water margins: sedges
           subtype:  genus_Eriophorum__Eriophorum  cotton grass
           subtype:  genus_Scirpus__Scirpus  rhizomatous perennial grasslike herbs
           subtype:  genus_Eleocharis__Eleocharis  sedges having dense spikes of flowers and leaves reduced to basal sheaths
           subtype:  genus_Pandanus  type genus of the Pandanaceae (as screw pines)
           subtype:  genus_Typha__Typha  reed maces; cattails
           subtype:  genus_Sparganium__Sparganium  type and sole genus of Sparganiaceae; marsh or aquatic herbs of temperate regions
           subtype:  genus_Haemodorum__Haemodorum  type genus of family Haemodoraceae
           subtype:  genus_Anigozanthus__Anigozanthus  genus of monocotyledonous plants with curious woolly flowers on sturdy stems above a fan of sword-shaped leaves; includes kangaroo's paw and cat's paw and Australian sword lily; sometimes placed in family Amaryllidaceae
           subtype:  genus_Canna  type and sole genus of the Cannaceae: perennial lilylike herbs of New World tropics
           subtype:  genus_Maranta  herbs of tropical America
           subtype:  genus_Musa__Musa  type genus of the Musaceae: bananas
           subtype:  genus_Ensete__Ensete  Old World tropical herbs: Abyssinian bananas
           subtype:  genus_Strelitzia__Strelitzia  small genus of large perennial evergreen herbs having leaves resembling those of banana plants; sometimes placed in family Musaceae
           subtype:  genus_Ravenala  woody tropical plants with tall trunks; sometimes placed in family Musaceae
           subtype:  genus_Zingiber__Zingiber  tropical Asiatic and Polynesian perennial plants: ginger
           subtype:  genus_Curcuma__Curcuma  tropical Asiatic perennial herbs
           subtype:  genus_Elettaria__Elettaria  cardamom
           subtype:  genus_Acrocomia__Acrocomia  Central and South American feather palms
           subtype:  genus_Areca  a monocotyledonous genus of palm trees
           subtype:  genus_Attalea__Attalea  unarmed feather palms of central and northern South America
           subtype:  genus_Borassus__Borassus  palmyra
           subtype:  genus_Calamus  distinctive often spiny-stemmed palms found as climbers in tropical and subtropical forest
           subtype:  genus_Caryota__Caryota  fishtail palms
           subtype:  Ceroxylon__genus_ceroxylon__genusceroxylon  wax palms
           subtype:  genus_Cocos__Cocos  coconut palms
           subtype:  genus_Copernicia__Copernicia  slow-growing tropical fan palms
           subtype:  genus_Corozo  a monocotyledonous genus of tropical American palm trees
           subtype:  genus_Corypha__Corypha  large fan palms of tropical Asia to Australia
           subtype:  genus_Elaeis__Elaeis  oil palms
           subtype:  genus_Euterpe__Euterpe  a monocotyledonous genus of graceful palm trees in tropical America
           subtype:  genus_Metroxylon__Metroxylon  a genus of Malayan pinnate-leaved palm trees that flower and fruit once and then die
           subtype:  genus_Nipa__Nipa__Nypa__genus_Nypa  monotypic genus of palms of Australasia
           subtype:  genus_Orbignya__Orbignya  palms of southern Mexico to northern South America: babassu palm
           subtype:  genus_Phoenicophorium__Phoenicophorium  latanier palm
           subtype:  genus_Phoenix__Phoenix  a large monocotyledonous genus of pinnate-leaved palms found in Asia and Africa
           subtype:  genus_Raffia__Raffia__Raphia__genus_Raphia  feather palm of tropical Africa and Madagascar and Central and South America widely grown for commercial purposes
           subtype:  genus_Rhapis__Rhapis  genus of small clump-forming fan palms of China and Japan
           subtype:  genus_Roystonea__Roystonea  a monocotyledonous genus of West Indian feather palms
           subtype:  genus_Sabal__Sabal  American dwarf fan palms
           subtype:  genus_Serenoa__Serenoa  one species: saw palmetto
           subtype:  genus_Thrinax__Thrinax  small to medium-sized fan palms
           subtype:  genus_Xyris__Xyris  chiefly American marsh plants, having usually yellow flowers
           subtype:  genus_Commelina  type genus of the Commelinaceae; large genus of herbs of branching or creeping habit: day flower; widow's tears
           subtype:  genus_Tradescantia__Tradescantia  spiderworts
           subtype:  genus_Ananas__Ananas  a genus of tropical American plants have sword-shaped leaves and a fleshy compound fruits composed of the fruits of several flowers (such as pineapples)
           subtype:  Bromelia  the type genus of the family Bromeliaceae which includes tropical American plants with deeply cleft calyx
           subtype:  genus_Tillandsia__Tillandsia  large genus of epiphytic or terrestrial sparse-rooting tropical plants usually forming dense clumps or pendant masses
           subtype:  genus_Mayaca__Mayaca  small genus of delicate mossy bog plants having white or violet flowers
           subtype:  genus_Eriocaulon__Eriocaulon  type genus of the Eriocaulaceae: rushlike aquatic or marginal perennials usually found in shallow waters of acid lakes and pools and bogs
           subtype:  genus_Pontederia__Pontederia  pickerelweed
           subtype:  genus_Eichhornia__Eichhornia  water hyacinth; water orchid
           subtype:  genus_Heteranthera__Heteranthera  mud plantains
           subtype:  genus_Naias__Naias__Najas__genus_Najas  sole genus of the family Naiadaceae
           subtype:  genus_Alisma__Alisma  small genus of aquatic or semiaquatic plants
           subtype:  genus_Sagittaria__Sagittaria  genus of aquatic herbs of temperate and tropical regions having sagittate or hastate leaves and white scapose flowers
              subtype:  common_arrowhead  a weed
           subtype:  genus_Hydrocharis__Hydrocharis  frogbit
           subtype:  genus_Hydrilla  1 species
           subtype:  genus_Limnobium__Limnobium  American frogbit
           subtype:  genus_Elodea__Elodea__pondweed__ditchmoss__ditchmos  submerged freshwater perennials
           subtype:  genus_Egeria__Egeria  small genus of dioecious tropical aquatic plants
           subtype:  genus_Vallisneria__Vallisneria  eelgrass; eel grass
           subtype:  genus_Potamogeton__Potamogeton  a large genus of aquatic herbs found in quiet waters in temperate regions; leaves usually float on the water
           subtype:  genus_Groenlandia__Groenlandia  a monocotyledonous genus of the family Potamogetonaceae
           subtype:  genus_Triglochin__Triglochin  perennial or annual bog or marsh plants; includes arrow grass
           subtype:  genus_Zannichellia__Zannichellia  horned pondweed: completely submerged herbs; in some classifications included in Potamogetonaceae
           subtype:  genus_Zostera__Zostera  (or in some classifications family Zosteraceae) small genus of widely distributed marine plants
        subtype:  dicot_genus__dicotgenu__magnoliopsidgenu  genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
        subtype:  fungus_genus  includes lichen genera
        subtype:  plant_genus__plantgenu  a genus of plants
        subtype:  fern_genus  genera of ferns and fern allies
     subtype:  subgenus  (biology) taxonomic group between a genus and a species
     subtype:  monotype.taxonomic_group  (biology) a taxonomic group with a single member (a single species or genus)
     subtype:  species__specie  (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed
     subtype:  subspecies__race  (biology) a taxonomic group that is a division of a species; usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a species
     subtype:  var.__form__variant  (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups; "a new strain of microorganisms"
     subtype:  type.taxonomic_group  (biology) the taxonomic group whose characteristics are used to define the next higher taxon
     subtype:  group_Pteridospermae__Pteridospermae__Pteridospermaphyta__group_Pteridospermaphyta  used in some classification systems: a group of extinct fossil gymnosperms coextensive with the order Cycadofilicales
     subtype:  group_Centrospermae__Centrospermae  used in former classification systems; approximately synonymous with order Caryophyllales
     subtype:  group_Amentiferae__Amentiferae  used in some classification systems for plants that bear catkins
     subtype:  Phycomycetes_group__Phycomycetes  a large and probably unnatural group of fungi and funguslike organisms comprising the Mastigomycota (including the Oomycetes) and Zygomycota subdivisions of the division Eumycota; a category not used in all systems
  subtype:  animal_group  a group of animals
  subtype:  division.biological_group  (biology) a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category
  subtype:  generation  group of genetically related organisms constituting a single step in the line of descent
  subtype:  descendants__posterity  all of the offspring of a given progenitor; "we must secure the benefits of freedom for ourselves and our posterity"

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