#basic_cognitive_process__basiccognitiveproces  cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge
  supertype:  #cognitive_process__cognitiveproces__process__proces__cognitive_operation__cognitiveoperation__act  the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents; "the process of thinking"; "the act of remembering"
  subtype:  #attending__attention  the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others
     subtype:  #heed__attentiveness__attentivenes__paying_attention  paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people); "his attentiveness to her wishes"; "he spends without heed to the consequences"
        subtype:  #advertence__advertency  the process of being heedful
     subtype:  #clock-watching__clockwatching  paying excessive attention to the clock (in anticipation of stopping work)
     subtype:  #ear.attending  attention to what is said; "he tried to get her ear"
     subtype:  #eye.attending  attention to what is seen; "he tried to catch her eye"
     subtype:  #observance__notice__observation  the act of noticing or paying attention; "he escaped the notice of the police"
        subtype:  #mind.observance  attention; "don't pay him any mind"
        subtype:  #remark__observation  explicit notice; "it passed without remark"
     subtype:  #notice.attending  polite or favorable attention; "his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice"
  subtype:  #inattention  lack of attention
     subtype:  #heedlessness__inattentiveness  a lack of attentiveness (as to children or helpless people)
     subtype:  #distraction.inattention  an obstacle to attention
     subtype:  #neglect__disregard  lack of attention and due care
        subtype:  #omission.neglect  neglecting to do something; leaving out or passing over something
           subtype:  #inadvertence__oversight  an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something
           subtype:  #pretermission__disregard  letting pass without notice
           subtype:  #exception.omission__elision  a deliberate act of omission; "with the exception of the children, everyone was told the news"
  subtype:  #intuition  instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)
     subtype:  #feeling.intuition  an intuitive understanding of something; "he had a great feeling for music"
     subtype:  #gnosis  intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths; said to have been possessed by ancient Gnostics
     subtype:  #sixth_sense__sixthsense__insight  grasping the inner nature of things intuitively
     subtype:  #immediate_apprehension__immediateapprehension__immediacy  immediate intuitive awareness
     subtype:  #inspiration.intuition  a sudden intuition as part of solving a problem
  subtype:  #perception  the process of perceiving
     subtype:  #constancy  the tendency for perceived objects to give rise to very similar perceptual experiences in spite of wide variations in the conditions of observation
        subtype:  #brightness_constancy  the tendency for a visual object to be perceived as having the same brightness under widely different conditions of illumination
        subtype:  #color_constancy__colour_constancy  the tendency for a color to look the same under widely different viewing conditions
        subtype:  #shape_constancy  the tendency to perceive the shape of a rigid object as constant despite differences in the viewing angle (and consequent differences in the shape of the pattern projected on the retina of the eye)
        subtype:  #size_constancy  the tendency to perceive the veridical size of a familiar object despite differences in their distance (and consequent differences in the size of the pattern projected on the retina of the eye)
     subtype:  #detection__sensing  the perception that something has occurred or some state exists; "early detection can often lead to a cure"
     subtype:  #visual_perception__beholding__seeing  perception by means of the eyes
        subtype:  #contrast.visual_perception  the perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors
        subtype:  #face_recognition  the visual perception of familiar faces
        subtype:  #object_recognition  the visual perception of familiar objects
        subtype:  #visual_space  the visual perception of space
        subtype:  #optical_fusion__opticalfusion__fusion  the combining of images from the two eyes to form a single visual percept
     subtype:  #auditory_perception__sound_perception__soundperception  the perception of sound as a meaningful phenomenon
        subtype:  #speech_perception  the auditory perception (and comprehension) of speech
        subtype:  #musical_perception__musicalperception  the auditory perception of musical sounds
           subtype:  #melody__tonal_pattern__tonalpattern  the perception of pleasant arrangements of musical notes
     subtype:  #somesthesia__somatesthesia__somatic_sensation  the perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations; "he relied on somesthesia to warn him of pressure changes"
        subtype:  #feeling.somesthesia  a physical sensation that you experience; "he had a queasy feeling"; "I had a strange feeling in my leg"; "he lost all feeling in his arm"
        subtype:  #prickling__tingle__tingling  a prickling somatic sensation as from many tiny pricks
           subtype:  #pins_and_needles  a sharp tingling sensation from lack of circulation
        subtype:  #pressure_sensation__pressure  the somatic sensation of pressure; "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal"
        subtype:  #painful_sensation__painfulsensation__pain  a somatic sensation of acute discomfort; "as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain"
           subtype:  #mittelschmerz  pain in the area of the ovary that is felt at the time of ovulation (usually midway through the menstrual cycle)
           subtype:  #phantom_limb_pain  pain felt by an amputee that seems to be located in the missing limb
           subtype:  #twinge  a sharp stab of pain
        subtype:  #temperature.somesthesia  the somatic sensation of cold or heat
           subtype:  #heat__warmth  the sensation caused by heat energy
           subtype:  #cold__coldness  the sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head"
           subtype:  #comfort_zone__comfortzone  the temperature range (between 28 and 30 degrees Centigrade) at which the naked human body is able to maintain a heat balance without shivering or sweating
     subtype:  #touch_sensation__touch__tactual_sensation__tactualsensation__tactile_sensation__tactilesensation__feeling  the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin; "she likes the touch of silk on her skin"; "the surface had a greasy feeling"
        subtype:  #cutaneous_sensation__cutaneoussensation__haptic_sensation__skin_sensation  a sensation localized on the skin
           subtype:  #tickle  a cutaneous sensation often resulting from light stroking
           subtype:  #itchiness__itchines__itching  an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch
              subtype:  #pruritus  an intense itching sensation that can have various causes (as by allergies or infection or lymphoma or jaundice etc.)
                 subtype:  #pruritus_ani  chronic itching of the skin around the anus
                 subtype:  #pruritus_vulvae  persistent itching of the external female genitalia
           subtype:  #topognosia__topognosis  recognition of the location of a stimulus on the skin
  subtype:  #apperception  the process whereby perceived qualities of an object are related to past experience
  subtype:  #believing  the cognitive process that leads to convictions; "seeing is believing"
     subtype:  #doublethink  believing two contradictory ideas at the same time
  subtype:  #classification.basic_cognitive_process__categorization__categorisation__sorting  the basic cognitive process of arranging into classes or categories
     subtype:  #appraisal__assessment  the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth
        subtype:  #critical_appraisal__critical_analysis  an appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation
           subtype:  #critique__criticism  a serious examination and judgment of something; "constructive criticism is always appreciated"
              subtype:  #examen  a critical study (as of a writer's work)
              subtype:  #knock.critique__roast  negative criticism
              subtype:  #self-criticism  criticism of yourself
        subtype:  #valuation__evaluation__rating  an appraisal of the value of something
           subtype:  #overvaluation  too high a value or price assigned to something
           subtype:  #undervaluation  too low a value or price assigned to something
           subtype:  #pricing  the evaluation of something in terms of its price
              subtype:  #price_gouging__pricegouging  pricing above the market when no alternative retailer is available
           subtype:  #reevaluation  the evaluation of something a second time (or more)
           subtype:  #mark.valuation__grade__score  a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance); "she made good marks in algebra"; "grade A milk"; "what was your score on your homework?"
              subtype:  #percentile__centile  (statistics) any of the 99 numbered points that divide an ordered set of scores into 100 parts each of which contains one-hundredth of the total
              subtype:  #decile  (statistics) any of nine points that divided a distribution of ranked scores into equal intervals where each interval contains one-tenth of the scores
              subtype:  #quartile  (statistics) any of three points that divide an ordered distribution into four parts each containing one quarter of the scores
           subtype:  #bond_rating  an evaluation by a rating company of the probability that a particular bond issue will default; bonds of the highest quality are said to have AAA ratings
        subtype:  #assay  an appraisal of the state of affairs; "they made an assay of the contents"; "a check on its dependability under stress"
           subtype:  #diagnostic_test__test__diagnostic_assay  an assay conducted for diagnostic purposes
              subtype:  #biopsy  examination of tissues or liquids from the living body to determine the existence or cause of a disease
                 subtype:  #blood_test__bloodtest  a serologic analysis of a sample of blood
                    subtype:  #agglutination_test__agglutinationtest  a blood test used to identify unknown antigens; blood with the unknown antigen is mixed with a known antibody and whether or not agglutination occurs helps to identify the antigen; used in tissue matching and blood grouping and diagnosis of infections
                       subtype:  #heterophil_test__heterophiltest  a blood test to detect heterophil antibodies that agglutinate sheep red blood cells; positive result indicates infectious mononucleosis
                       subtype:  #Widal_test__Widal's_test  a test for detecting typhoid fever and other salmonella infections
                    subtype:  #complement_fixation_test  a blood test in which a sample of serum is exposed to a particular antigen and complement in order to determine whether or not antibodies to that particular antigen are present; used as a diagnostic test
                       subtype:  #Wassermann_test__wassermanntest__Wasserman_reaction__Wassermann  a blood test to detect syphilis; a complement fixation test is used to detect antibodies to the syphilis organism treponema; a positive reaction indicates the presence of antibodies and therefore syphilis infection
                    subtype:  #PSA_blood_test  a blood test that measures levels of a protein called prostate specific antigen that is manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland; men with prostate problems usually have elevated levels of PSA
                 subtype:  #chorionic_villus_sampling__chorionic_villus_biopsy  a prenatal test to detect birth defects at an early stage of pregnancy; tissue from the chorionic villi is assayed
                 subtype:  #needle_biopsy  biopsy of deep tissue that is obtained through a hollow needle
              subtype:  #cloze_procedure__clozeprocedure__cloze_test__clozetest  a test for diagnosing reading ability; words are deleted from a prose passage and the reader is required to fill in the blanks
              subtype:  #fecal_occult_test__faecal_occult_test__stool_test__stooltest  a take-home test in which you collect specimens of your stool that are tested for traces of blood; used to detect colorectal cancers
              subtype:  #GI_series  diagnostic tests of the alimentary canal; usually involves inserting a contrast medium (such as barium sulfate) and taking an X-ray
              subtype:  #glucose_tolerance_test__glucosetolerancetest  test of the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates; used in the diagnosis of hypoglycemia and diabetes mellitus
              subtype:  #Pap_test__Papanicolaou_test__smear_test__smeartest  a method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancer
              subtype:  #PKU_test  a test of newborn infants for phenylketonuria
              subtype:  #Queckenstedt's_test  a test to determine whether there is a blockage of the spinal canal
              subtype:  #radioactive_iodine_test  test of thyroid function in which the patient is give an oral does of radioactive iodine-131
                 subtype:  #radioactive_iodine_excretion_test  radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine excreted in the urine
                 subtype:  #radioactive_iodine_uptake_test__RAIU  radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine taken up by the thyroid gland
              subtype:  #Rubin_test  test to determine the patency of the Fallopian tubes
              subtype:  #skin_test  any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the skin
                 subtype:  #Dick_test  a skin test to determine your susceptibility to scarlet fever
                 subtype:  #patch_test__patchtest  a test to determine allergic sensitivity by applying small pads soaked with allergen to the unbroken skin
                 subtype:  #Schick_test  a skin test for immunity to diphtheria
                 subtype:  #scratch_test__scratchtest  a test to determine allergic sensitivity to various substances by applying them to scratches in the skin
                 subtype:  #tuberculin_test__tuberculin_skin_test  a skin test to determine past or present infection with the tuberculosis bacterium; based on hypersensitivity of the skin to tuberculin
                    subtype:  #Mantoux_test  tuberculin (a derivative of tubercle bacillus) is injected intradermally; a red area appearing 1-3 days later signifies an exposure (past or present) to tubercle bacilli and the need for further testing
                    subtype:  #tine_test  a tuberculin test in which a disk with several tines bearing tuberculin antigen is used to puncture the skin; development of a hard red area indicates past or present exposure to tubercle bacilli and the need for further testing
                 subtype:  #intradermal_test__intradermaltest__subcutaneous_test  a form of skin test in which the suspected allergen is injected into the skin
              subtype:  #tissue_typing  a series of diagnostic tests before an organ transplant to determine whether the tissues of a donor and recipient are compatible
           subtype:  #Apgar_score  an assessment of the physical condition of a newborn infant; involves heart rate and muscle tone and respiratory effort and color and reflex responsiveness
           subtype:  #bioassay  appraisal of the biological activity of a substance by testing its effect on an organism and comparing the result with some agreed standard
              subtype:  #immunoassay__immunochemical_assay  identification of a substance (especially a protein) by its action as an antigen; "PSA in the blood can be measured with an immunochemical assay"
                 subtype:  #radioimmunoassay  immunoassay of a substance that has been radioactively labeled
           subtype:  #paternity_test__paternitytest  a test based on blood groups to determine whether a particular man could be the biological father of a particular child; negative results prove he was not the father but positive results show only that he could be
           subtype:  #pregnancy_test__pregnancytest  a physiological test to determine whether a person is pregnant
              subtype:  #Friedman_test__rabbit_test  pregnancy test that involves injecting some of the woman's urine into an unmated female rabbit and later examining the ovaries of the rabbit; presence of corpora lutea indicates that the woman is pregnant
           subtype:  #Snellen_test  a test of visual acuity using a Snellen chart
           subtype:  #stress_test  a test measuring how the system functions when subjected to controlled amounts of stress
              subtype:  #treadmill_test__treadmilltest  a stress test in which the patient walks on a moving treadmill while the heart and breathing rates are monitored
        subtype:  #acid_test  a rigorous or crucial appraisal
        subtype:  #reappraisal__revaluation__review__reassessment  a new appraisal or evaluation
           subtype:  #stocktaking  reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook
        subtype:  #underevaluation  an appraisal that underestimates the value of something
     subtype:  #attribution__ascription  assigning to a cause or source
        subtype:  #animatism  the attribution of consciousness and personality to natural phenomena such as thunderstorms and earthquakes and to objects such as plants and stones
        subtype:  #imputation  the attribution to a source or cause; "the imputation that my success was due to nepotism meant that I was not taken seriously"
        subtype:  #externalization__externalisation  attributing to outside causes
     subtype:  #cross-classification__crossclassification__cross-division__crossdivision  classification according to more than one attribute at the same time; "the cross-classification of cases was done by age and sex"
     subtype:  #subsumption  incorporating something under a more general category
  subtype:  #discrimination__secernment  the cognitive process whereby two or more stimuli are distinguished
     subtype:  #differentiation.discrimination__distinction  a discrimination between things as different and distinct; "it is necessary to make a distinction between love and infatuation"
        subtype:  #contradistinction  a distinction drawn on the basis of contrast; "sculpture in contradistinction to painting"
        subtype:  #dividing_line__line__demarcation  a conceptual separation or demarcation: "there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity"
           subtype:  #point_of_no_return__Rubicon  a line that when crossed permits of no return and typically results in irrevocable commitment
        subtype:  #hairsplitting__word-splitting  making too fine distinctions of little importance; "they didn't take his hairsplitting seriously"
     subtype:  #individualization__individuation  discriminating the individual from the generic group or species
     subtype:  #taste.discrimination__appreciation__discernment__perceptivenes  delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values); "arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success"; "to ask at that particular time was the ultimate in bad taste"
        subtype:  #connoisseurship__vertu  love of or taste for fine objects of art
        subtype:  #vogue__trend__style  the popular taste at a given time; "leather is the latest vogue"; "he followed current trends"; "the 1920s had a style of their own"
           subtype:  #fashion.vogue  the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior
              subtype:  #cult_of_personality  intense devotion to a particular person
              subtype:  #cut.fashion  the style in which a garment is cut; "a dress of traditional cut"
              subtype:  #haute_couture__hautecouture__high_fashion__high_style  trend-setting fashions
              subtype:  #fad__craze__furor__furore__cult__rage  an interest followed with exaggerated zeal: "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"
              subtype:  #retro  a fashion reminiscent of the past
           subtype:  #bandwagon.vogue  a popular trend that attracts growing support; "when they saw how things were going everybody jumped on the bandwagon"
        subtype:  #delicacy__discretion  refined taste; tact
        subtype:  #culture.taste  the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group
           subtype:  #counterculture  a culture with lifestyles and values opposed to those of the established culture
              subtype:  #flower_power  a counterculture of young people in the US during the 1960s and 70s
           subtype:  #mass_culture  the culture that is widely disseminated via the mass media
           subtype:  #letters__letter  the literary culture; "this book shows American letters at its best"
  subtype:  #learning__acquisition  the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge; "the child's acquisition of language"
     subtype:  #study__work  applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading); "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"; "no schools offer graduate study in interior design"
     subtype:  #internalization__internalisation__incorporation  learning (of values or attitudes etc.) that is incorporated within yourself
        subtype:  #introjection  (psychology) unconscious internalization of aspects of the world (especially aspects of persons) within the self in such a way that the internalized representation takes over the psychological functions of the external objects
        subtype:  #introjection.internalization  (psychoanalysis) the internalization of the parent figures and their values; leads to the formation of the superego
     subtype:  #imprinting  a learning process in early life whereby species specific patterns of behavior are established
     subtype:  #language_learning  learning to use a language
        subtype:  #audio_lingual_acquisition__audiolingualacquisition  system of language acquisition focusing intensively on listening and speaking
     subtype:  #memorization__memorisation__committal_to_memory  learning so as to be able to remember verbatim; "the actor's memorization of his lines"
        subtype:  #rote_learning__rote  memorization by repetition
     subtype:  #developmental_learning__developmentallearning  learning that takes place as a normal part of cognitive development
        subtype:  #accommodation.developmental_learning  in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality
        subtype:  #assimilation  in the theories of Jean Piaget: the application of a general schema to a particular instance
     subtype:  #transfer_of_training__transfer__carry-over__carryover__generalization__generalisation  generalization of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation
     subtype:  #education.learning  the gradual process of acquiring knowledge; "education is a preparation for life"; "a girl's education was less important than a boy's"
        subtype:  #acculturation__assimilation  the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure
        subtype:  #mastering.education  becoming proficient in the use of something; having mastery of; "his mastering the art of cooking took a long time"
        subtype:  #self-education__self-cultivation  the process of educating yourself
        subtype:  #school.education__schooling  the process of being formally educated at a school; "what will you do when you finish school?"
        subtype:  #special_education__specialeducation  education of physically or mentally handicapped children whose needs cannot be met in an ordinary classroom
        subtype:  #vocational_training__vocational_education  training for a specific vocation in industry or agriculture or trade
     subtype:  #conditioning  a learning process in which an organism's behavior becomes dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment
        subtype:  #aversive_conditioning  conditioning to avoid an aversive stimulus
        subtype:  #classical_conditioning__classicalconditioning  conditioning that pairs a neutral stimulus with a stimulus that evokes a reflex; the stimulus that evokes the reflex is given whether or not the conditioned response occurs until eventually the neutral stimulus comes to evoke the reflex
        subtype:  #operant_conditioning__operantconditioning  conditioning in which an operant response is brought under stimulus control by virtue of presenting reinforcement contingent upon the occurrence of the operant response
           subtype:  #instrumental_conditioning  operant conditioning that pairs a response with a reinforcement in discrete trials; reinforcement occurs only after the response is given
     subtype:  #experimental_extinction__extinction  a learning process in which the reinforcer is removed and a conditioned response becomes independent of the conditioned stimulus
     subtype:  pm#learning
        subtype:  pm#face-to-face_learning
        subtype:  pm#distance_learning
           subtype:  pm#e-learning__elearning__electronic_learning__electroniclearning
              subtype:  pm#web-based_learning__webbasedlearning
              subtype:  pm#e-learning_with_highly_embedded_devices
                 subtype:  pm#pervasive_learning__pervasivelearning
                 subtype:  pm#ubiquitous-learning
              subtype:  pm#e-learning_with_not_highly_embedded_devices
                 subtype:  pm#desktop_learning__desktoplearning
                 subtype:  pm#mobile_learning
              subtype:  pm#e-learning_with_highly_mobile_devices
                 subtype:  pm#mobile_learning
                 subtype:  pm#ubiquitous-learning
                 subtype:  pm#RTRP_e-learning__right_time_right_place_e-learning
                 subtype:  pm#ATAP_e-learning__any_time_any_place_e-learning
              subtype:  pm#e-learning_with_not_highly_mobile_devices
                 subtype:  pm#desktop_learning__desktoplearning
                 subtype:  pm#pervasive_learning__pervasivelearning
        subtype:  pm#blended_learning__blendedlearning
        subtype:  pm#adaptive_learning
  subtype:  #remembering__memory  the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered; "he can do it from memory"; "he enjoyed remembering his father"
     subtype:  #short-term_memory__STM__immediate_memory__immediatememory  what you can repeat immediately after perceiving it
     subtype:  #working_memory__workingmemory  memory for intermediate results that must be held during thinking
     subtype:  #long-term_memory__LTM  your general store of remembered information
        subtype:  #episodic_memory__personal_memory  memory for episodes in your own life
        subtype:  #semantic_memory  your memory for meanings and general (impersonal) facts
        subtype:  #motor_memory__motormemory__muscle_memory  your memory for motor skills
     subtype:  #retrieval  the cognitive operation of accessing information in memory; "my retrieval of people's names is very poor"
     subtype:  #recall.remembering__recollection__reminiscence  the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)
        subtype:  #mind.recall  recall or remembrance; "it came to mind"
        subtype:  #reconstruction.recall  recall via mental reconstruction
     subtype:  #recognition__identification  the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering
        subtype:  #identity  collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing is recognizable or known
        subtype:  #speaker_identification__speakeridentification__talker_identification  identification of a person from the sound of their voice
     subtype:  #association.remembering__connection__connexion  the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination; "conditioning is a form of learning by association"
        subtype:  #colligation  the connection of isolated facts by a general hypothesis
           subtype:  #inductive_reasoning__inductivereasoning__generalization__generalisation__induction  reasoning from detailed facts to general principles
     subtype:  #retrospection  memory for experiences that are past; "some psychologists tried to contrast retrospection and introspection"
  subtype:  #representational_process  any basic cognitive process in which some entity comes to stand for or represent something else
     subtype:  #typification__exemplification  a representational or typifying form or model
     subtype:  #depicting__depiction__portraying__portrayal  a representation by picture or portraiture
        subtype:  #mirror.depicting  a faithful depiction or reflection; "the best mirror is an old friend"
     subtype:  #anthropomorphism__theanthropism  the representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits
     subtype:  #imaging__imagination__mental_imagery  the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination"
        subtype:  #mind's_eye  the imaging of remembered or invented scenes; "I could see her clearly in my mind's eye"
        subtype:  #vision  a vivid mental image; "he had a vision of his own death"
           subtype:  #retrovision  a vision of events in the distant past
        subtype:  #picturing__envisioning  visual imagery
        subtype:  #dream  a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep; "I had a dream about you last night"
           subtype:  #nightmare  a terrifying or deeply upsetting dream
           subtype:  #wet_dream  an erotic dream (usually at night) accompanied by the (nocturnal) emission of semen
        subtype:  #chimera  a grotesque product of the imagination
        subtype:  #evocation  imaginative re-creation
        subtype:  #pretense__pretence__make-believe  imaginative intellectual play

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