#asterid_dicot_genus__asteriddicotgenu  genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs
  supertype:  dicot_genus__dicotgenu__magnoliopsidgenu  genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
  member of:  subclass_Asteridae
  subtype:  genus_Achillea  perennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions: yarrow; milfoil
  subtype:  genus_Acroclinium__Acroclinium  genus of herbs and shrubs of Australia and South Africa: everlasting flower; most species usually placed in genus Helipterum
  subtype:  genus_Ageratina__Ageratina  annual to perennial herbs or shrubs of eastern United States and Central and South America
  subtype:  genus_Ageratum  genus of tropical American herbs grown for their flowers
  subtype:  genus_Amberboa__Amberboa  herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia cultivated for their flowers
  subtype:  genus_Ambrosia  comprising the ragweeds; in some classification considered the type genus of a separate family Ambrosiaceae
  subtype:  genus_Ammobium  small genus of Australian herbs grown for their flowers
  subtype:  genus_Anacyclus__Anacyclus  Spanish pellitory
  subtype:  genus_Anaphalis__Anaphalis  genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves: pearly everlasting
  subtype:  genus_Andryala  genus of hardy hairy latex-producing perennials of Mediterranean area
  subtype:  genus_Antennaria__Antennaria  small woolly perennial herbs having small whitish discoid flowers surrounded by a ring of club-shaped bristles
  subtype:  genus_Anthemis__Anthemis  dog fennel
  subtype:  genus_Antheropeas__Antheropeas  small genus of North American herbs often included in genus Eriophyllum
  subtype:  genus_Arctium__Arctium  burdock
  subtype:  genus_Arctotis__Arctotis  herbs and subshrubs: African daisy
  subtype:  genus_Argyranthemum__Argyranthemum  comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum
  subtype:  genus_Argyroxiphium__Argyroxiphium  small genus of Hawaiian spreading and rosette-forming shrubs
  subtype:  genus_Arnica  large genus of herbs of north temperate and arctic regions
  subtype:  genus_Arnoseris__Arnoseris  lamb succory
  subtype:  genus_Artemisia  usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America: wormwood; sagebrush; mugwort; tarragon
  subtype:  genus_Aster  large genus of herbs widely cultivated for their daisylike flowers
  subtype:  genus_Baccharis__Baccharis  shrubs of western hemisphere often having honey-scented flowers followed by silky thistlelike heads of tiny fruits; often used for erosion control
  subtype:  genus_Balsamorhiza__Balsamorhiza  genus of coarse western American herbs with large roots containing an aromatic balsam
  subtype:  genus_Bellis__Bellis  daisy
  subtype:  genus_Bidens__Bidens  bur marigolds
  subtype:  genus_Boltonia__Boltonia  genus of tall leafy perennial herbs of eastern America and eastern Asia having flowers that resemble asters
  subtype:  genus_Brachycome__Brachycome  mostly Australian herbs having basal or alternate leaves and loosely corymbose flower heads
  subtype:  Brickellia__genus_Brickelia  genus of herbs of southwestern America having usually creamy florets followed by one-seeded fruits in a prominent bristly sheath
  subtype:  genus_Buphthalmum__Buphthalmum  oxeye
  subtype:  genus_Cacalia__Cacalia  genus of tall smooth herbs of forested mountains of Europe and Asia minor; in some classifications includes many plants usually placed in genus Emilia
  subtype:  genus_Calendula  marigold
  subtype:  genus_Callistephus__Callistephus  1 species: erect Asiatic herb with large flowers
  subtype:  genus_Carduus__Carduus  genus of annual or perennial Old World prickly thistles
  subtype:  genus_Carlina__Carlina  genus of Mediterranean thistles
  subtype:  genus_Carthamus__Carthamus  safflower
  subtype:  genus_Catananche  genus of Mediterranean herbs: cupid's dart
  subtype:  genus_Centaurea__Centaurea  knapweed; star thistle
  subtype:  genus_Chamaemelum__Chamaemelum  small genus of plants sometimes included in genus Anthemis: chamomile
  subtype:  genus_Chaenactis  genus of flowering herbs of western United States
  subtype:  genus_Chrysanthemum  in some classifications many plants usually assigned to the genus Chrysanthemum have been divided among other genera: e.g. Argyranthemum; Dendranthema; Leucanthemum; Tanacetum
  subtype:  genus_Chrysopsis__Chrysopsis  golden aster
  subtype:  genus_Chrysothamnus__Chrysothamnus  genus of low branching shrubs of western North America
  subtype:  genus_Cichorium__Cichorium  chicory
  subtype:  genus_Cirsium__Cirsium  plume thistles
  subtype:  genus_Cnicus__Cnicus  1 species: blessed thistle
  subtype:  genus_Conoclinium__Conoclinium  mistflower
  subtype:  genus_Conyza__Conyza  common American weed or wildflower
  subtype:  genus_Coreopsis  genus of American plants widely cultivated for their flowers
  subtype:  subgenus_Calliopsis  used in some classification systems for some plants of genus Coreopsis
  subtype:  genus_Cosmos  genus of tropical American plants cultivated for their colorful flowers
  subtype:  genus_Cotula__Cotula  cosmopolitan herbs especially southern hemisphere; many used as ground covers
  subtype:  genus_Craspedia__Craspedia  herbs of Australia and New Zealand
  subtype:  genus_Crepis__Crepis  hawk's beard; cosmopolitan in northern hemisphere
  subtype:  genus_Cynara__Cynara  artichoke; cardoon
  subtype:  genus_Dahlia  genus of perennial tuberous-rooted plants of Mexico and Central America
  subtype:  genus_Delairea__Delairea  1 species: German ivy
  subtype:  genus_Dendranthema__Dendranthema  comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum
  subtype:  genus_Dimorphotheca__Dimorphotheca  South African herbs or subshrubs with usually yellow flowers
  subtype:  genus_Doronicum__Doronicum  genus of Eurasian perennial tuberous or rhizomatous herbs: leopard's bane
  subtype:  genus_Echinacea__Echinacea  small genus of North American coarse perennial herbs
  subtype:  genus_Echinops__Echinops  genus of Mediterranean and Eurasian herbs: globe thistles
  subtype:  genus_Elephantopus__Elephantopus  perennial American herb
  subtype:  genus_Emilia__Emilia  tropical African herbs
  subtype:  genus_Encelia__Encelia  genus of shrubs of southwestern United States and Mexico: brittlebush
  subtype:  genus_Enceliopsis__Enceliopsis  small genus of xerophytic herbs of southwestern United States
  subtype:  genus_Engelmannia  one species: North American herbs that resemble sunflowers
  subtype:  genus_Erechtites  coarse herbs with whitish discoid flower heads and silky pappus
  subtype:  genus_Erigeron__Erigeron  cosmopolitan genus of usually perennial herbs with flowers that resemble asters; leaves occasionally (especially formerly) used medicinally
  subtype:  genus_Eriophyllum__Eriophyllum  genus of hairy herbs and shrubs of western North America
  subtype:  genus_Eupatorium__Eupatorium  large genus of chiefly tropical herbs having heads of white or purplish flowers
  subtype:  genus_Felicia__Felicia  genus of tropical African herbs or subshrubs with usually blue flowers
  subtype:  genus_Filago  genus of small woolly herbs
  subtype:  genus_Gaillardia  genus of western American hairy herbs with showy flowers
  subtype:  genus_Gazania  genus of tomentose tropical African herbs with milky sap
  subtype:  genus_Gerbera__Gerbera  genus of South African or Asiatic herbs: African daisies
  subtype:  genus_Gerea__Gerea  small genus of hairy herbs with yellow flowers
  subtype:  genus_Gnaphalium__Gnaphalium  large widely distributed genus of coarse hairy herbs with whitish involucres
  subtype:  genus_Grindelia__Grindelia  large genus of coarse gummy herbs of western North and Central America
  subtype:  genus_Gutierrezia__Gutierrezia  sticky perennial herbs and subshrubs of western North America and warm South America
  subtype:  genus_Gynura__Gynura  genus of Old World tropical herbs: velvet plants
  subtype:  genus_Haastia__Haastia  genus of New Zealand mat-forming herbs or subshrubs: vegetable sheep
  subtype:  genus_Haplopappus__Haplopappus  genus of North and South American perennial herbs or shrubs with yellow flowers; in some classifications include species placed in other genera especially Hazardia
  subtype:  genus_Hazardia__Hazardia  small genus of shrubs and subshrubs of western United States having flowers that change color as they mature
  subtype:  genus_Helenium__Helenium  genus of American herbs with yellow-rayed flowers: sneezeweeds
  subtype:  genus_Helianthus  genus of tall erect or branched American annual or perennial herbs with showy flowers: sunflowers
  subtype:  genus_Helichrysum__Helichrysum  large genus of mostly African and Australian herbs and shrubs: everlasting flowers; in some classifications includes genus Ozothamnus
  subtype:  genus_Heliopsis  oxeye
  subtype:  genus_Helipterum__Helipterum  genus of South African and Australian herbs or shrubs grown as everlastings; the various Helipterum species are currently in process of being assigned to other genera especially Pteropogon and Hyalosperma
  subtype:  genus_Heterotheca__Heterotheca  genus of yellow-flowered North American herbs
  subtype:  genus_Hieracium__Hieracium  large genus of perennial hairy herbs of Europe to western Asia to northwestern Africa and North America; few are ornamental; often considered congeneric with Pilosella
  subtype:  genus_Homogyne__Homogyne  small genus of low perennial herbs of montane Europe; in some classifications included in genus Tussilago
  subtype:  genus_Hulsea__Hulsea  small genus of erect balsam-scented herbs; United States Pacific NW
  subtype:  genus_Hyalosperma__Hyalosperma  genus of herbs of temperate Australia including some from genus Helipterum
  subtype:  genus_Hypochaeris__Hypochaeris__Hypochoeris__genus_Hypochoeris  widely distributed genus of herbs with milky juice; includes some cosmopolitan weeds
  subtype:  genus_Inula  genus of Old World herbs or subshrubs: elecampane
  subtype:  genus_Iva  small genus of American herbs or shrubs; in some classifications placed in a separate family Ambrosiaceae
  subtype:  genus_Krigia  small herbs closely related to chicory: dwarf dandelions
  subtype:  genus_Lactuca__Lactuca  an herb with milky juice: lettuce; prickly lettuce
  subtype:  genus_Lagenophera__Lagenophera  small genus of herbs of Australia and South America having small solitary white or purple flowers similar to true daisies of genus Bellis
  subtype:  genus_Lasthenia__Lasthenia  small genus of herbs of Pacific coast of North and South America
  subtype:  genus_Layia__Layia  genus of western United States annuals with showy yellow or white flowers
  subtype:  genus_Leontodon__Leontodon  hawkbit
  subtype:  genus_Leontopodium__Leontopodium  edelweiss
  subtype:  genus_Leucanthemum__Leucanthemum  comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum
  subtype:  genus_Leucogenes__Leucogenes  New Zealand edelweiss
  subtype:  genus_Liatris__Liatris  genus of perennial North American herbs with aromatic usually cormous roots
  subtype:  genus_Ligularia__Ligularia  genus of Old World herbs resembling groundsel: leopard plants
  subtype:  genus_Lindheimera__Lindheimera  1 species: Texas star
  subtype:  genus_Lonas__Lonas  1 species: yellow ageratum
  subtype:  genus_Machaeranthera__Machaeranthera  wildflowers of western North America
  subtype:  genus_Madia__Madia  genus of sticky herbs with yellow flowers open in morning or evening but closed in bright light
  subtype:  genus_Matricaria__Matricaria  chiefly Old World strong-smelling weedy herbs; comprises plants sometimes included in other genera: e.g. Tanacetum; Tripleurospermum
  subtype:  genus_Melampodium__Melampodium  herbs and subshrubs of warm North America
  subtype:  genus_Mikania__Mikania  large genus of evergreen lianas of tropical America
  subtype:  genus_Mutisia  genus of South American shrubs or lianas having large flower heads with feathery pappuses
  subtype:  genus_Nabalus__Nabalus  genus of North American and east Asian perennial herbs; sometimes included in genus Prenanthes
  subtype:  genus_Olearia__Olearia  large genus of Australian evergreen shrubs or small trees with large daisylike flowers
  subtype:  genus_Onopordum__Onopordum__Onopordon__genus_Onopordon  a genus of Eurasian herbs of the family Compositae with prickly foliage and large purplish flowers
  subtype:  genus_Othonna  genus of western African herbs or shrubs
  subtype:  genus_Ozothamnus__Ozothamnus  genus of Australian shrubs and perennial herbs; sometimes included in genus Helichrysum
  subtype:  genus_Packera__Packera  genus of American of east Asian perennial herbs with yellow to orange or red flower rays; sometimes included in genus Senecio
  subtype:  genus_Parthenium__Parthenium  small genus of North American herbs and shrubs with terminal panicles of small ray flowers
  subtype:  genus_Pericallis__Pericallis  cineraria
  subtype:  genus_Petasites__Petasites  genus of rhizomatous herbs of north temperate regions: butterbur; sweet coltsfoot
  subtype:  genus_Picris__Picris  genus of weedy Old World yellow-flowered herbs usually containing a bitter-tasting substance: bitterweed
  subtype:  genus_Pilosella__Pilosella  genus of hairy perennial herbs with horizontal rhizomes and leafy or underground stolons; Eurasia and North Africa; often considered congeneric with Hieracium
  subtype:  genus_Piqueria__Piqueria  small genus of tropical American perennial herbs or subshrubs with white to pale yellow flowers; often included in genus Stevia
  subtype:  genus_Prenanthes__Prenanthes  genus of North American and Asiatic perennial herbs having pinnatisect leaves small heads of drooping yellowish to purple flowers; sometimes includes species often placed in genus Nabalus
  subtype:  genus_Pteropogon  genus of Australian and South African herbs including some from genus Helipterum
  subtype:  genus_Pulicaria__Pulicaria  genus of temperate Old World herbs: fleabane
  subtype:  genus_Pyrethrum__Pyrethrum  used in former classifications for plants later placed in genus Chrysanthemum and now often included in genus Tanacetum
  subtype:  genus_Raoulia__Raoulia  genus of low-growing mat-forming New Zealand plants; in some classifications includes species placed in genus Haastia
  subtype:  genus_Ratibida__Ratibida  genus of perennial wildflowers of North American plains and prairies; often cultivated for their showy flower heads
  subtype:  genus_Rhodanthe  genus of xerophytic herbs and shrubs of South Africa and Australia; sometimes included in genus Helipterum
  subtype:  genus_Rudbeckia__Rudbeckia  North American perennial herbs with showy cone-shaped flower heads
  subtype:  genus_Santolina__Santolina  genus of Mediterranean subshrubs with rayless flower heads
  subtype:  genus_Sanvitalia__Sanvitalia  small genus of tropical American annual herbs: creeping zinnia
  subtype:  genus_Saussurea__Saussurea  genus of herbs of temperate and cool regions of Eurasia
  subtype:  genus_Scolymus__Scolymus  small genus of thistlelike herbs of the Mediterranean region
  subtype:  genus_Senecio__Senecio  enormous and diverse cosmopolitan genus of trees and shrubs and vines and herbs including many weeds
  subtype:  genus_Scorzonera  genus of narrow-leaved European herbs
  subtype:  genus_Sericocarpus__Sericocarpus  small genus of herbs of the eastern United States: white-topped asters
  subtype:  genus_Seriphidium__Seriphidium  woody plants grown chiefly for their silver or gray and often aromatic foliage; formerly included in the genus Artemisia
  subtype:  genus_Serratula__Serratula  genus of Old World perennial herbs with spirally arranged toothed leaves
  subtype:  genus_Silphium__Silphium  tall North American perennial herbs
  subtype:  genus_Silybum__Silybum  small genus of east African herbs
  subtype:  genus_Solidago__Solidago  goldenrod
  subtype:  genus_Sonchus__Sonchus  sow thistles
  subtype:  genus_Stenotus__Stenotus  genus of western North American low evergreen shrubs growing in dense tufts
  subtype:  genus_Stevia  genus of shrubs and herbs of tropical and warm Americas
  subtype:  genus_Stokesia__Stokesia  1 species: stokes' aster
  subtype:  Tageteste__genus_Tagetes  marigolds
  subtype:  genus_Tanacetum__Tanacetum  a large genus of plants resembling chrysanthemums; comprises some plants often included in other genera especially genus Chrysanthemum
  subtype:  genus_Taraxacum__Taraxacum  an asterid dicot genus of the family Compositae including dandelions
  subtype:  genus_Tetraneuris__Tetraneuris  genus of hairy yellow-flowered plants of the western United States
  subtype:  genus_Tithonia  genus of robust herbs of Mexico and Central America: Mexican sunflower
  subtype:  genus_Townsendia__Townsendia  genus of western American low tufted herbs: Easter daisy
  subtype:  genus_Tragopogon__Tragopogon  genus of Old World herbs with linear entire leaves and yellow or purple flower heads
  subtype:  genus_Trilisa__Trilisa  genus of herbs of southern United States
  subtype:  genus_Tripleurospermum__Tripleurospermum  small genus comprising plants often included in genus Matricaria
  subtype:  genus_Tussilago__Tussilago  genus of low creeping yellow-flowered perennial herbs of north temperate regions: coltsfoots; in some classifications includes species often placed in other genera especially Homogyne and Petasites
  subtype:  genus_Ursinia  genus of South African herbs and shrubs cultivated as ornamentals
  subtype:  genus_Verbesina__Verbesina  herbs and shrubs of warm North America to Mexico; includes plants formerly placed in genus Actinomeris
  subtype:  genus_Actinomeris__Actinomeris  used in some classification systems for plants now included in genus Verbesina
  subtype:  genus_Vernonia  genus of New World tropical herbs or shrubs with terminal cymose heads of tubular flowers
  subtype:  genus_Wyethia  coarse leafy perennial plants resembling sunflowers found especially in the United States
  subtype:  genus_Xanthium__Xanthium  coarse herbs having small heads of greenish flowers followed by burrs with hooked bristles
  subtype:  genus_Xeranthemum  genus of annual densely hairy herbs of Mediterranean to southwestern Asia
  subtype:  genus_Zinnia  genus of annual or perennial plants of tropical America having solitary heads of brightly colored flowers
  subtype:  genus_Rubia__Rubia  type genus of the Rubiaceae; Old World herbs and subshrubs grown for their medicinal properties and for dye substances extracted from their roots
  subtype:  genus_Asperula__Asperula  woodruff
  subtype:  genus_Calycophyllum__Calycophyllum  medium to large tropical American trees having shiny reddish-brown shredding bark
  subtype:  genus_Chiococca__Chiococca  shrubs of tropical and subtropical New World
  subtype:  genus_Coffea__Coffea  coffee trees
  subtype:  genus_Cinchona__genus_Chinchona  large genus of trees of Andean region of South America having medicinal bark
  subtype:  genus_Galium__Galium  annual or perennial herbs: bedstraw; cleavers
  subtype:  genus_Gardenia  large genus of attractive Old World tropical shrubs and small trees
  subtype:  genus_Genipa  tropical American evergreen trees or shrubs bearing yellow flowers and succulent edible fruit with a thick rind
  subtype:  genus_Hamelia  evergreen tropical American shrubs or small trees
  subtype:  genus_Mitchella__Mitchella  creeping evergreen herbs of North America
  subtype:  genus_Nauclea__Nauclea  small genus of evergreen tropical shrubs or trees with smooth leathery leaves
  subtype:  genus_Pinckneya__Pinckneya  small genus of shrubs or small trees of southeastern United States and northern South America
  subtype:  genus_Psychotria__Psychotria  tropical chiefly South American shrubs and trees
  subtype:  genus_Sarcocephalus__Sarcocephalus  genus of tropical African trees and shrubs
  subtype:  genus_Vangueria__Vangueria  tropical African and Asiatic trees and shrubs having one-seeded fruit
  subtype:  genus_Abelia  chiefly east Asian shrubs
  subtype:  genus_Diervilla__Diervilla  small genus of low deciduous shrubs: bush honeysuckles
  subtype:  genus_Kolkwitzia__Kolkwitzia  Chinese genus of 1 species: beauty bush
  subtype:  genus_Leycesteria__Leycesteria  small species of shrubs of western Himalayas to China
  subtype:  genus_Linnaea__Linnaea  1 species: twinflower
  subtype:  genus_Lonicera__Lonicera  woodbine
  subtype:  genus_Symphoricarpos__Symphoricarpos  deciduous shrubs of North America and Central America and China
  subtype:  genus_Sambucus__Sambucus  elder; elderberry
  subtype:  genus_Triostium__Triostium  genus of Asiatic and North American herbs: feverroot
  subtype:  genus_Viburnum__Viburnum  deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees: arrow-wood; wayfaring tree
  subtype:  genus_Weigela  east Asian flowering shrubs
  subtype:  genus_Dipsacus__Dipsacus  type genus of the Dipsacaceae: teasel
  subtype:  genus_Scabiosa  annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs; mainly Mediterranean
  subtype:  genus_Polemonium  type genus of the Polemoniaceae
  subtype:  genus_Acanthus  bear's breeches
  subtype:  genus_Graptophyllum__Graptophyllum  caricature plant
  subtype:  genus_Thunbergia__Thunbergia  a genus of herbs or vines of the family Acanthaceae
  subtype:  genus_Bignonia__Bignonia  1 species: cross vine
  subtype:  genus_Catalpa  a dicotyledonous genus of plants belonging to the family Bignoniaceae; has large flowers (white or mottled) and long terete pods
  subtype:  genus_Chilopsis__Chilopsis  one species: desert willow
  subtype:  genus_Crescentia__Crescentia  a genus of tropical American trees of the family Bignoniaceae; has a short trunk and crooked limbs and drooping branches
  subtype:  genus_Gesneria  large genus of tropical American herbs having showy tubular flowers
  subtype:  genus_Achimenes  genus of tropical perennial American herbs
  subtype:  genus_Aeschynanthus  large genus of East Indian ornamental woody epiphytic plants
  subtype:  genus_Alsobia__Alsobia  tropical American herbs sometimes included in genus Episcia
  subtype:  genus_Columnea  genus of tropical American subshrubs and lianas
  subtype:  genus_Episcia  genus of tropical American herbs having soft hairy foliage
  subtype:  genus_Gloxinia  small genus of tropical American herbs with leafy stems and axillary flowers
  subtype:  genus_Kohleria  genus of tropical American shrubs
  subtype:  genus_Saintpaulia__Saintpaulia  east African herb with nodding flowers; widely cultivated
  subtype:  genus_Sinningia__Sinningia  genus of perennial tuberous herbs and shrubs of Central and South America
  subtype:  genus_Streptocarpus  large genus of usually stemless African or Asian herbs: Cape primrose
  subtype:  genus_Hydrophyllum__Hydrophyllum  waterleaf
  subtype:  genus_Emmanthe__Emmanthe  1 species: yellow bells
  subtype:  genus_Eriodictyon__Eriodictyon  small genus of evergreen shrubs of southwestern United States and Mexico
  subtype:  genus_Nemophila  genus of ornamental chiefly California herbs: baby blue-eyes
  subtype:  genus_Phacelia  American herbs with usually pinnatifid leaves and blue or purple or white flowers in scorpioid cymes
  subtype:  genus_Pholistoma__Pholistoma  straggling herbs of southwestern United States
  subtype:  genus_Acinos__Acinos  plants closely allied to the genera Satureja and Calamintha
  subtype:  genus_Agastache__Agastache  giant hyssop; Mexican hyssop
  subtype:  genus_Ajuga__Ajuga  bugle
  subtype:  genus_Ballota__Ballota  perennial herbs or subshrubs of especially Mediterranean area: black horehound
  subtype:  genus_Blephilia__Blephilia  small genus of North American herbs: wood mints
  subtype:  genus_Calamintha__Calamintha  calamint
  subtype:  genus_Clinopodium__Clinopodium  wild basil
  subtype:  genus_Collinsonia__Collinsonia  small genus of perennial erect or spreading aromatic herbs; United States
  subtype:  genus_Coleus  genus of Old World tropical plants cultivated for their variegated leaves; various plants sometimes placed in genera Plectranthus or Solenostemon
  subtype:  genus_Conradina__Conradina  small genus of low aromatic shrubs of southeastern United States
  subtype:  genus_Dracocephalum__Dracocephalum  genus of American herbs and dwarf shrubs of the mind family: dragonheads
  subtype:  genus_Elsholtzia  genus of Asiatic and African aromatic herbs
  subtype:  genus_Galeopsis__Galeopsis  erect annual European herbs
  subtype:  genus_Glechoma__Glechoma  ground ivy
  subtype:  genus_Hedeoma__Hedeoma  small genus of American herbs (American pennyroyal)
  subtype:  genus_Hyssopus__Hyssopus  Eurasian genus of perennial herbs or subshrubs
  subtype:  genus_Lamium__Lamium  genus of Old World herbs: dead nettles; henbits
  subtype:  genus_Lavandula__Lavandula  lavender
  subtype:  genus_Leonotis__Leonotis  small genus of tropical herbs and subshrubs of South Africa
  subtype:  genus_Leonurus__Leonurus  genus of stout Old World herbs having cut-lobed leaves and flowers in whorls
  subtype:  genus_Lepechinia__Lepechinia__Sphacele__genus_Sphacele  a dicotyledonous genus of the family Labiatae
  subtype:  genus_Lycopus__Lycopus  small genus of herbs of the mint family
  subtype:  genus_Origanum  a genus of aromatic mints of the family Labiatae
  subtype:  genus_Majorana__Majorana  small genus of herbs usually included in the genus Origanum
  subtype:  genus_Marrubium__Marrubium  Old World aromatic herbs: horehound
  subtype:  genus_Melissa__Melissa  a genus of Old World mints of the family Labiatae
  subtype:  genus_Mentha__Mentha  mint plants
  subtype:  genus_Micromeria__Micromeria  large genus of fragrant chiefly Old World herbs
  subtype:  genus_Molucella__Molucella  small genus of aromatic herbs of Mediterranean regions; widely cultivated
  subtype:  genus_Monarda  wild bergamot, horsemint, beebalm
  subtype:  genus_Nepeta__Nepeta  catmint
  subtype:  genus_Ocimum__Ocimum  basil
  subtype:  genus_Perilla__Perilla  small genus of Asiatic herbs
  subtype:  genus_Phlomis  large genus of Old World aromatic herbs or subshrubs or shrubs having often woolly leaves
  subtype:  genus_Physostegia  genus of North American perennial herbs
  subtype:  genus_Plectranthus  large genus of ornamental flowering plants; includes some plants often placed in the genus Coleus
  subtype:  genus_Pogostemon__Pogostemon  genus of Asiatic shrubs or trees whose leaves yield a fragrant oil
  subtype:  Prunella__genus_Prunella  small genus of perennial mostly Eurasian having terminal spikes of small purplish or white flowers
  subtype:  genus_Pycnanthemum__Pycnanthemum__Koellia__genus_Koellia  American mountain mint
  subtype:  genus_Rosmarinus__Rosmarinus  rosemary
  subtype:  genus_Salvia  large genus of shrubs and subshrubs of the mint family varying greatly in habit: sage
  subtype:  genus_Satureja__Satureja__Satureia__genus_Satureia  savory
  subtype:  genus_Scutellaria__Scutellaria  skullcap; helmet flower
  subtype:  genus_Sideritis__Sideritis  genus of woolly aromatic herbs or subshrubs or shrubs of Mediterranean region
  subtype:  genus_Solenostemon__Solenostemon  genus of shrubby often succulent herbs of tropical Africa and Asia; includes some plants often placed in genus Coleus
  subtype:  genus_Stachys__Stachys  large genus of usually woolly or hairy herbs or subshrubs or shrubs; temperate eastern hemisphere; tropical Australasia
  subtype:  genus_Teucrium__Teucrium  large widely distributed genus of perennial herbs or shrubs or subshrubs; native to Mediterranean region to western Asia
  subtype:  genus_Thymus__Thymus  large genus of Old World mints: thyme
  subtype:  genus_Trichostema__Trichostema  genus of North American aromatic herbs or subshrubs: blue curls
  subtype:  genus_Scrophularia__Scrophularia  type genus of Scrophulariaceae; named for the plants' supposed ability to cure scrofula: figworts
  subtype:  genus_Antirrhinum__Antirrhinum  a genus of herbs of the family Scrophulariaceae with brightly colored irregular flowers
  subtype:  genus_Besseya__Besseya  genus of North American spring wildflowers
  subtype:  genus_Aureolaria__Aureolaria  small genus of North American herbs often root-parasitic and bearing golden-yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Gerardia
  subtype:  genus_Calceolaria  large genus of tropical American herbs and shrubs with showy cymose flowers
  subtype:  genus_Castilleja__Castilleja__Castilleia__genus_Castilleia  genus of western North and South American perennials often partially parasitic on roots of grasses
  subtype:  genus_Chelone__Chelone  herbaceous perennials: shellflower
  subtype:  genus_Collinsia__Collinsia  genus of hardy annual herbs of western United States
  subtype:  Culver's_root__Culvers_root__Culver's_physic__Culvers_physic__whorlywort__Veronicastrum_virginicum  a tall perennial herb having spikes of small white or purple flowers; common in eastern North America
  subtype:  genus_Digitalis  genus of Eurasian herbs having alternate leaves and racemes of showy bell-shaped flowers
  subtype:  genus_Gerardia  genus of annual or perennial herbs with showy pink or purple or yellow flowers; plants often assigned to genera Aureolaria or Agalinis
  subtype:  genus_Agalinis__Agalinis  semi-parasitic herb with purple or white or pink flowers; grows in the United States and West Indies
  subtype:  genus_Linaria__Linaria  genus of herbs and subshrubs having showy flowers: spurred snapdragon
  subtype:  genus_Penstemon__Penstemon  large genus of subshrubs or herbs having showy blue or purple or red or yellow or white flowers; mostly western North America
  subtype:  genus_Verbascum__Verbascum  genus of coarse herbs and subshrubs mostly with woolly leaves
  subtype:  genus_Veronica  widespread genus of herbs with pink or white or blue or purple flowers: speedwell
  subtype:  genus_Solanum__Solanum  type genus of the Solanaceae: nightshade; potato; eggplant; bittersweet
  subtype:  genus_Atropa__Atropa  belladonna
  subtype:  genus_Browallia  small genus of tropical South American annuals
  subtype:  genus_Brunfelsia__Brunfelsia  genus of tropical American shrubs grown for their flowers followed by fleshy berrylike fruits
  subtype:  genus_Brugmansia__Brugmansia  includes some plants often placed in the genus Datura: angel's trumpets
  subtype:  genus_Capsicum  chiefly tropical perennial shrubby plants having many-seeded fruits: sweet and hot peppers
  subtype:  genus_Cestrum__Cestrum  genus of fragrant tropical American shrubs
  subtype:  genus_Cyphomandra__Cyphomandra  tree tomato
  subtype:  genus_Datura__Datura  thorn apple
  subtype:  genus_Fabiana__Fabiana  genus of South and Central American heathlike evergreen shrubs
  subtype:  genus_Hyoscyamus__Hyoscyamus  genus of poisonous herbs: henbane
  subtype:  genus_Lycium__Lycium  deciduous and evergreen shrubs often spiny; cosmopolitan in temperate and subtropical regions
  subtype:  genus_Lycopersicon__Lycopersicon__Lycopersicum__genus_Lycopersicum  tomatoes
  subtype:  genus_Mandragora__Mandragora  a genus of stemless herbs of the family Solanaceae
  subtype:  genus_Nicandra__Nicandra  sturdy annual of Peru
  subtype:  genus_Nicotiana__Nicotiana  American and Asiatic aromatic herbs and shrubs with viscid foliage
  subtype:  genus_Nierembergia  genus of tropical American erect or creeping herbs with solitary flowers
  subtype:  genus_Petunia  annual or perennial herbs or shrubs of tropical South America
  subtype:  genus_Physalis__Physalis  ground cherries
  subtype:  genus_Salpichroa__Salpichroa  herbs of temperate North and South America: cock's eggs
  subtype:  genus_Salpiglossis  small genus of herbs of the southern Andes having large showy flowers
  subtype:  genus_Schizanthus  Chilean herbs with orchidlike flowers
  subtype:  genus_Scopolia__Scopolia  genus of European perennial herbs yielding medicinal alkaloids
  subtype:  genus_Solandra__Solandra  shrubby climbers of tropical America
  subtype:  genus_Streptosolen__Streptosolen  1 species: marmalade bush
  subtype:  genus_Verbena  type genus of the Verbenaceae; genus of herbaceous perennials and subshrubs
  subtype:  genus_Avicennia__Avicennia  small genus of tropical shrubs or trees
  subtype:  genus_Aegiceras__Aegiceras  a genus of herbs of the family Verbenaceae
  subtype:  genus_Tectona__Tectona  small genus of southeastern Asian tropics: teak
  subtype:  genus_Valeriana__Valeriana  genus of widely distributed perennial herbs and some shrubs
  subtype:  genus_Valerianella__Valerianella  genus of Old World annual herbs widely naturalized
  subtype:  genus_Centranthus__Centranthus  genus of southern European herbs and subshrubs

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