#aquatic_bird__aquaticbird  wading and swimming and diving birds of either fresh or salt water
  supertype:  bird  warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
  subtype:  waterfowl__water_bird__waterbird__waterbird  freshwater aquatic bird
     subtype:  anseriform_bird  chiefly web-footed swimming birds
        subtype:  duck  small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs
           subtype:  drake  adult male of a wild or domestic duck
           subtype:  quack-quack  child's word for a duck
           subtype:  duckling  young duck
           subtype:  diving_duck  any of various ducks of especially bays and estuaries that dive for their food
           subtype:  dabbling_duck__dabbler  any of numerous shallow-water ducks that feed by upending and dabbling
           subtype:  mallard__Anas_platyrhynchos  wild dabbling duck from which domestic ducks are descended; widely distributed
           subtype:  black_duck__blackduck__Anas_rubripes  dusky black duck of northeastern United States and Canada
           subtype:  teal  any of various small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America
              subtype:  greenwing__green-winged_teal__Anas_crecca  common teal of Eurasia and North America
              subtype:  bluewing__blue-winged_teal__Anas_discors  American teal
              subtype:  garganey__Anas_querquedula  small Eurasian teal
           subtype:  widgeon__wigeon__Anas_penelope  freshwater duck of Eurasia and North Africa related to mallards and teals
              subtype:  American_widgeon__baldpate__Anas_americana  American widgeon the male of which has a white crown
           subtype:  Anas_clypeata__shoveler__shoveller__broadbill  freshwater duck of the northern hemisphere having a broad flat bill
           subtype:  pintail__pin-tailed_duck__Anas_acuta  long-necked river duck of the Old and New Worlds having elongated central tail feathers
           subtype:  sheldrake  Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill
              subtype:  shelduck  female sheldrake
           subtype:  ruddy_duck__ruddyduck__oxyurajamaicensi  reddish-brown stiff-tailed duck of North America and and northern South America
           subtype:  bufflehead__butterball__dipper__Bucephela_albeola  small North American diving duck; males have bushy head plumage
           subtype:  goldeneye__whistler__Bucephela_clangula  large-headed swift-flying diving duck of arctic regions
              subtype:  Barrow's_goldeneye__Bucephala_islandica  North American goldeneye diving duck
           subtype:  canvasback_duck__canvasback__Aythya_valisineria  North American wild duck valued for sport and food
           subtype:  pochard__Aythya_ferina  heavy-bodied Old World diving duck having a gray-and-black body and reddish head
           subtype:  Aythya_americana__redhead  North American diving duck with a gray-and-black body and reddish-brown head
           subtype:  scaup_duck__scaupduck__bluebill__broadbill  diving ducks of North America having a bluish-gray bill
              subtype:  greater_scaup__greaterscaup__Aythya_marila  large scaup of North America having a greenish iridescence on the head of the male
              subtype:  lesser_scaup_duck__lesser_scaup__lake_duck__Aythya_affinis  common scaup of North America; males have purplish heads
           subtype:  wild_duck  an undomesticated duck (especially a mallard)
           subtype:  wood_duck__summer_duck__wood_widgeon__Aix_sponsa  showy North American duck that nests in hollow trees
              subtype:  wood_drake  male wood duck
           subtype:  mandarin_duck__Aix_galericulata  showy crested Asiatic duck; often domesticated
           subtype:  muscovy_duck__muscovyduck__muskduck__Cairina_moschata  large crested wild duck of Central and South America; widely domesticated
           subtype:  sea_duck__seaduck  any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; scoter; merganser
              subtype:  eider_duck__eiderduck  duck of the northern hemisphere much valued for the fine soft down of the females
              subtype:  scoter__scooter  large black diving duck of northern parts of the northern hemisphere
                 subtype:  common_scoter__Melanitta_nigra  a variety of scoter
              subtype:  old_squaw__oldsquaw__oldwife__clangulahyemali  a common long-tailed sea duck of the northern parts of the United States
              subtype:  merganser__fish_duck__sawbill  large crested fish-eating diving duck having a slender hooked bill with serrated edges
                 subtype:  goosander__Mergus_merganser  common merganser of Europe and North America
                 subtype:  American_merganser__Mergus_merganser_americanus  common North American diving duck considered a variety of the European goosander
                 subtype:  red-breasted_merganser__Mergus_serrator  widely distributed merganser of America and Europe
                 subtype:  smew__Mergus_albellus  smallest merganser and most expert diver; found in northern Eurasia
                 subtype:  hooded_merganser__hooded_sheldrake__Lophodytes_cucullatus  small North American duck with a high circular crest on the male's head
        subtype:  goose  web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks
           subtype:  gosling  young goose
           subtype:  gander  mature male goose
           subtype:  Chinese_goose__Anser_cygnoides  very large wild goose of northeast Asia; interbreeds freely with the graylag
           subtype:  graylag__greylag__greylag_goose__greylaggoose__Anser_anser  common gray wild goose of Europe; ancestor of many domestic breeds
           subtype:  blue_goose__Chen_caerulescens  North American wild goose having dark plumage in summer but white in winter
              subtype:  snow_goose  blue goose in the white color phase
           subtype:  brant_goose__brantgoose__brant__brent__brent_goose__brentgoose  small dark geese that breed in the north and migrate southward
              subtype:  common_brant_goose__Branta_bernicla  the best known variety of brant goose
           subtype:  Canada_goose__honker__Canadian_goose__Branta_canadensis  common grayish-brown wild goose of North America
           subtype:  barnacle_goose__barnacle__Branta_leucopsis  European goose smaller than the brant; breeds in the far north
     subtype:  screamer  gooselike aquatic bird of South America having a harsh trumpeting call
        subtype:  horned_screamer__Anhima_cornuta  screamer having a hornlike process projecting from the forehead
        subtype:  crested_screamer__crestedscreamer  distinguished from the horned screamer by a feathery crest on the back of the head
           subtype:  chaja__Chauna_torquata  largest crested screamer; naive to southern Brazil and Argentina
  subtype:  swan  stately heavy-bodied aquatic bird with very long neck and usually white plumage as adult
     subtype:  coscoroba  large white South American bird intermediate in some respects between ducks and swans
     subtype:  cob  adult male swan
     subtype:  pen.swan  female swan
     subtype:  cygnet  a young swan
     subtype:  mute_swan__Cygnus_olor  soundless Eurasian swan; commonly domesticated
     subtype:  whooper_swan__whooperswan__whooper__Cygnus_cygnus  common Old World swan noted for its whooping call
     subtype:  tundra_swan__Cygnus_columbianus  swan that nests in tundra regions of the New and Old Worlds
        subtype:  whistling_swan__whistlingswan__cygnuscolumbianuscolumbianu  North American subspecies of tundra swan having a soft whistling note
        subtype:  Bewick's_swan__Cygnus_columbianus_bewickii  Eurasian subspecies of tundra swan; smaller than the whooper
     subtype:  trumpeter_swan__trumpeterswan__trumpeter__Cygnus_buccinator  large pure white wild swan of western North America having a sonorous cry
     subtype:  black_swan__blackswan__Cygnus_atratus  large Australian swan having black plumage and a red bill
  subtype:  wading_bird__wader  any of many long-legged birds that wade in water in search of food
     subtype:  stork  large mostly Old World wading birds typically having white-and-black plumage
        subtype:  white_stork__whitestork__Ciconia_ciconia  the common stork of Europe; white with black wing feathers and a red bill
        subtype:  black_stork__blackstork__Ciconia_nigra  Old World stork that is glossy black above and white below
        subtype:  adjutant_bird__adjutant__adjutant_stork__Leptoptilus_dubius  large Indian stork with a military gait
        subtype:  marabou_stork__maraboustork__marabou__marabout__Leptoptilus_crumeniferus  large African black-and-white carrion-eating stork; downy under-wing feathers are used to trim garments
        subtype:  openbill  stork with a grooved bill whose upper and lower parts touch only at the base and tip
        subtype:  jabiru__Jabiru_mycteria  large white stork of warm regions of the world especially America
        subtype:  saddlebill__jabiru__Ephippiorhynchus_senegalensis  large black-and-white stork of tropical Africa; its red bill has a black band around the middle
        subtype:  policeman_bird__policemanbird__black-necked_stork__jabiru__Xenorhyncus_asiaticus  large mostly white Australian stork
        subtype:  Mycteria_americana__wood_ibis__wood_stork  American stork resembling the true ibises in having a downward-curved bill; inhabits wooded swamps of New World tropics
     subtype:  shoebill__shoebird__Balaeniceps_rex  large stork-like bird of the valley of the White Nile with a broad bill suggesting a wooden shoe
     subtype:  ibis  wading birds of warm regions having long slender down-curved bills
        subtype:  wood_ibis__wood_stork__Ibis_ibis  Old World wood ibis
        subtype:  sacred_ibis__Threskiornis_aethiopica  African ibis venerated by ancient Egyptians
     subtype:  spoonbill  wading birds having a long flat bill with a tip like a spoon
        subtype:  common_spoonbill__Platalea_leucorodia  pure white crested spoonbill of southern Eurasia and northeastern Africa
        subtype:  roseate_spoonbill__roseatespoonbill__Ajaia_ajaja  tropical rose-colored New World spoonbill
     subtype:  flamingo  large pink to scarlet web-footed wading bird with down-bent bill; inhabits brackish lakes
     subtype:  heron  gray or white wading bird with long neck and long legs and (usually) long bill
        subtype:  great_blue_heron__Ardea_herodius  large American heron having bluish-gray plumage
        subtype:  Ardea_occidentalis__great_white_heron__greatwhiteheron  large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys
        subtype:  egret  any of various usually white herons having long plumes during breeding season
           subtype:  snowy_egret__snowyegret__snowy_heron__snowyheron__Egretta_thula  small New World egret
           subtype:  little_egret__Egretta_garzetta  Old World egret
           subtype:  great_white_heron__greatwhiteheron__Casmerodius_albus  widely distributed Old World white egret
           subtype:  American_egret__great_white_heron__greatwhiteheron__Egretta_albus  the common American egret; a variety of the Old World Casmerodius albus
           subtype:  cattle_egret__Bubulcus_ibis  small white egret widely distributed in warm regions often found around grazing animals
        subtype:  little_blue_heron__Egretta_caerulea  small bluish gray heron of the western hemisphere
        subtype:  night_heron__nightheron__night_raven__nightraven  nocturnal or crepuscular herons
           subtype:  black-crowned_night_heron__blackcrownednightheron__Nycticorax_nycticorax  night heron of both Old and New Worlds
           subtype:  yellow-crowned_night_heron__Nyctanassa_violacea  North American night heron
        subtype:  boatbill__boat-billed_heron__broadbill__Cochlearius_cochlearius  tropical American heron related to night herons
        subtype:  bittern  relatively small compact tawny-brown heron with nocturnal habits and a booming cry; found in marshes
           subtype:  American_bittern__stake_driver__stakedriver__Botaurus_lentiginosus  a kind of bittern
           subtype:  European_bittern__Botaurus_stellaris  a kind of bittern
           subtype:  least_bittern__leastbittern__Ixobrychus_exilis  small American bittern
     subtype:  crane  large long-necked wading bird of marshes and plains in many parts of the world
        subtype:  whooping_crane__whooper__Grus_americana  rare North American crane having black-and-white plumage and a trumpeting call
     subtype:  courlan__Aramus_guarauna  wading bird of South and Central America
     subtype:  limpkin__Aramus_pictus  wading bird of Florida, Cuba and Jamaica having a drooping bill and a distinctive wailing call
     subtype:  crested_cariama__crestedcariama__seriema__Cariama_cristata  Brazilian cariama; sole representative of the genus Cariama
     subtype:  chunga__seriema__Chunga_burmeisteri  Argentinian cariama
     subtype:  rail.wading_bird  any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud
        subtype:  weka__maori_hen__maorihen__wood_hen  flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting
        subtype:  crake  any of several short-billed Old World rails
           subtype:  corncrake__land_rail__Crex_crex  common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
           subtype:  spotted_crake__spottedcrake__Porzana_porzana  Eurasian rail of swamps and marshes
        subtype:  notornis__takahe__Notornis_mantelli  flightless New Zealand birds similar to gallinules
        subtype:  coot  slaty-black slow-flying birds somewhat resembling ducks
           subtype:  American_coot__marsh_hen__marshhen__mud_hen__mudhen__water_hen__waterhen__Fulica_americana  North American coot
           subtype:  Old_World_coot__Fulica_atra  Eurasian coot
     subtype:  bustard  large heavy-bodied chiefly terrestrial game bird capable of powerful swift flight; classified with wading birds but frequents grassy steppes
        subtype:  great_bustard__greatbustard__Otis_tarda  largest European land bird
        subtype:  plain_turkey__plainturkey__Choriotis_australis  popular Australian game bird
     subtype:  button_quail__bustard_quail__bustardquail__hemipode  small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and North Africa that lacks a hind toe; classified with wading birds but inhabits grassy plains
        subtype:  striped_button_quail__Turnix_sylvatica  a variety of button quail having stripes
     subtype:  ortygan  any of several East Indian birds
     subtype:  plain_wanderer__plainwanderer__pedionomustorquatu  small Australian bird related to the button quail; classified as wading bird but inhabits plains
     subtype:  trumpeter  large gregarious forest-dwelling cranelike bird of South America having glossy black plumage and a loud prolonged cry; easily domesticated
        subtype:  Brazilian_trumpeter__Psophia_crepitans  trumpeter of Brazil and Guiana; often kept to protect poultry in Brazil
     subtype:  shorebird__shore_bird__shorebird__limicoline_bird__limicolinebird  any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries
        subtype:  plover  any of numerous chiefly shorebirds of relatively compact build having straight bills and large pointed wings; closely related to the sandpipers
           subtype:  piping_plover__Charadrius_melodus  small plover of eastern North America
           subtype:  killdeer_plover__killdeer__kildeer__Charadrius_vociferus  American plover of inland waters and fields having a distinctive cry
           subtype:  dotterel__dotrel__Charadrius_morinellus__Eudromias_morinellus  rare plover of upland areas of Eurasia
           subtype:  golden_plover  plovers of Europe and America having the backs marked with golden-yellow spots
           subtype:  lapwing__green_plover__greenplover__peewit__pewit  large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs
           subtype:  turnstone  migratory shorebirds of the plover family that turn over stones in searching for food
              subtype:  ruddy_turnstone__ruddyturnstone__Arenaria_interpres  common arctic turnstone that winters south to South America and Australia
              subtype:  black_turnstone__blackturnstone__Arenaria-Melanocephala  common turnstone of North American Pacific coast
        subtype:  sandpiper  any of numerous usually small wading birds having a slender bill and piping call; closely related to the plovers
           subtype:  European_sandpiper__Actitis_hypoleucos  a variety of sandpiper
           subtype:  spotted_sandpiper__spottedsandpiper__Actitis_macularia  common North American sandpiper
           subtype:  least_sandpiper__leastsandpiper__stint__Erolia_minutilla  smallest American sandpiper
           subtype:  red-backed_sandpiper__dunlin__Erolia_alpina  small common sandpiper that breeds in northern or arctic regions and winters in southern United States or Mediterranean regions
           subtype:  greenshank__Tringa_nebularia  large European sandpiper with greenish legs
           subtype:  redshank__Tringa_totanus  a common Old World wading bird with long red legs
           subtype:  yellowlegs  either of two North American shorebird with yellow legs
              subtype:  greater_yellowlegs__Tringa_melanoleuca  a variety of yellowlegs
              subtype:  lesser_yellowlegs__Tringa_flavipes  a variety of yellowlegs
           subtype:  pectoral_sandpiper__jacksnipe__Calidris_melanotos  American sandpiper that inflates its chest when courting
           subtype:  grayback__knot__Calidris_canutus  sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and winters in the S hemisphere
           subtype:  curlew_sandpiper__Calidris_Ferruginea  Old World sandpiper with a curved bill like a curlew
           subtype:  sanderling__Crocethia_alba  small sandpiper that breeds in the arctic and migrates south along sandy coasts in most of world
           subtype:  upland_sandpiper__upland_plover__Bartramian_sandpiper__Bartramia_longicauda  large plover-like sandpiper of North American fields and uplands
           subtype:  Philomachus_pugnax__ruff  common Eurasian sandpiper; male has an erectile ruff in breeding season
              subtype:  reeve  female ruff
           subtype:  tattler  any of several long-legged shorebirds having a loud whistling cry
              subtype:  Polynesian_tattler__Heteroscelus_incanus  tattler of Pacific coastal regions
              subtype:  willet__Catoptrophorus_semipalmatus  large North American shorebird of eastern and Gulf coasts
        subtype:  surfbird__Aphriza_virgata  sandpiper-like shorebird of Pacific coasts of North and South America
        subtype:  woodcock  game bird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe
           subtype:  Eurasian_woodcock__Scolopax_rusticola  short-legged long-billed migratory Old World woodcock
           subtype:  American_woodcock__woodcock_snipe__Philohela_minor  small long-billed American woodcock; prized as a game bird
        subtype:  snipe  Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family; of marshy areas; similar to the woodcocks
           subtype:  whole_snipe__wholesnipe__common_snipe__Gallinago_gallinago  common snipe of Eurasia and Africa
           subtype:  Wilson's_snipe__Gallinago_gallinago_delicata  American snipe
           subtype:  great_snipe__greatsnipe__woodcock_snipe__Gallinago_media  Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe
           subtype:  jacksnipe__half_snipe__Limnocryptes_minima  a small short-billed Old World snipe
           subtype:  dowitcher  shorebird of the sandpiper family that resembles a snipe
              subtype:  Limnodromus_griseus__grayback  a dowitcher with a gray back
              subtype:  red-breasted_snipe__Limnodromus_scolopaceus  a dowitcher with a red breast
        subtype:  curlew  large migratory shorebirds of the sandpiper family; closely related to woodcocks but having a down-curved bill
           subtype:  European_curlew__Numenius_arquata  common Eurasian curlew
           subtype:  Eskimo_curlew__Numenius_borealis  New World curlew that breeds in northern North America
        subtype:  godwit  large wading bird that resembles a curlew; has a long slightly upturned bill
           subtype:  Hudsonian_godwit__Limosa_haemastica  New World godwit
        subtype:  Himantopus_stilt__stilt__stiltbird__longlegs__stilt_plover__stiltplover  long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons
           subtype:  black-necked_stilt__Himantopus_mexicanus  stilt of southwestern United States to northern South America having black plumage extending from the head down the back of the neck
           subtype:  black-winged_stilt__Himantopus_himantopus  stilt of Europe and Africa and Asia having mostly white plumage but with black wings
           subtype:  white-headed_stilt__Himantopus_himantopus_leucocephalus__himantopushimantopusleucocephalu  stilt of the southwest Pacific including Australia and New Zealand having mostly white plumage but with black wings and nape of neck
           subtype:  kaki__Himantopus_novae-zelandiae  blackish stilt of New Zealand sometimes considered a color phase of the white-headed stilt
        subtype:  Australian_stilt__stilt  long-legged three-toed wading bird of brackish marshes of Australia
           subtype:  banded_stilt__Cladorhyncus_leucocephalum  web-footed Australian stilt with reddish-brown pectoral markings
        subtype:  avocet  long-legged web-footed black-and-white shorebird with slender upward-curving bill
        subtype:  oystercatcher__oyster_catcher  black-and-white shorebird with stout legs and bill; feed on oysters etc.
        subtype:  phalarope  small sandpiper-like shorebird having lobate toes and being good swimmers; breed in the arctic and winter in the tropics
           subtype:  red_phalarope__redphalarope__Phalaropus_fulicarius  phalarope of northern oceans and lakes
           subtype:  northern_phalarope__Lobipes_lobatus  breeds in arctic regions of Old and New worlds; large flocks often seen far out at sea
           subtype:  Wilson's_phalarope__Steganopus_tricolor  breeds on the northern great plains of Canada
        subtype:  pratincole__glareole  Old World shorebird with long pointed wings and short legs; closely related to the coursers
        subtype:  courser  swift-footed terrestrial plover-like bird of southern Asia and Africa
           subtype:  cream-colored_courser__creamcoloredcourser__Cursorius_cursor  courser of desert and semidesert regions of the Old World
           subtype:  crocodile_bird__crocodilebird__Pluvianus_aegyptius  African courser that feeds on insect parasites on crocodiles
        subtype:  stone_curlew__stonecurlew__thick-knee__thickknee__Burhinus_oedicnemus  large-headed large-eyed crepuscular or nocturnal shorebird of the Old World and tropical America having a thickened knee joint
  subtype:  gallinule__marsh_hen__marshhen__water_hen__waterhen__swamphen  any of various small aquatic birds of the genus Gallinula distinguished from rails by a frontal shield and a resemblance to domestic hens
     subtype:  Florida_gallinule__Gallinula_chloropus_cachinnans  North American dark bluish-gray gallinule
     subtype:  Gallinula_chloropus__moorhen  black gallinule that inhabits ponds and lakes
     subtype:  purple_gallinule  gallinules with showy purplish plumage
        subtype:  European_gallinule__Porphyrio_porphyrio__porphyrioporphyrio  purple gallinule of southern Europe
        subtype:  American_gallinule__Porphyrula_martinica  American purple gallinule
  subtype:  seabird__sea_bird__seabird__seafowl  a bird that frequents coastal waters and the open ocean: gulls; pelicans; gannets; cormorants; albatrosses; petrels; etc.
     subtype:  coastal_diving_bird  gull family; skimmer family; jaeger family; auk family
        subtype:  larid  long-winged web-footed aquatic bird of the gull family
           subtype:  sea_gull__seagull__seagull  mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs
              subtype:  mew_gull__mewgull__sea_mew__Larus_canus  the common gull of Eurasia and northeastern North America
              subtype:  great_black-backed_gull__black-backed_gull__cob__larusmarinu  white gull having a black back and wings
              subtype:  herring_gull__herringgull__Larus_argentatus  large gull of the northern hemisphere
              subtype:  laughing_gull__blackcap__pewit__pewit_gull__pewitgull__Larus_ridibundus  small black-headed European gull
              subtype:  ivory_gull__ivorygull__Pagophila_eburnea  white arctic gull; migrates as far south as England and New Brunswick
              subtype:  kittiwake  small pearl-gray gull of northern regions; nests on cliffs and has a rudimentary hind toe
           subtype:  tern  small slender gull having narrow wings and a forked tail
              subtype:  sea_swallow__seaswallow__Sterna_hirundo  common tern of Eurasia and America having white black and gray plumage
        subtype:  skimmer  gull-like seabird that flies along the surface of the water with an elongated lower mandible immersed to skim out food
        subtype:  jaeger  rapacious seabird that pursues weaker birds to make them drop their prey
           subtype:  parasitic_jaeger__parasiticjaeger__arctic_skua__Stercorarius_parasiticus  a variety of jaeger
           subtype:  skua__bonxie  gull-like jaeger of northern seas
              subtype:  great_skua__greatskua__catharactaskua  large brown skua of the North Atlantic
     subtype:  auk  black-and-white short-necked web-footed diving bird of northern seas
        subtype:  auklet  any of several small auks of north Pacific coasts
        subtype:  razorbill__razor-billed_auk__Alca_torda  black-and-white North Atlantic auk having a compressed sharp-edged bill
        subtype:  little_auk__dovekie__plautusalle  small short-billed auk abundant in arctic regions
        subtype:  great_auk__greatauk__Pinguinus_impennis  large large flightless auk of rocky islands off North Atlantic coast; extinct
        subtype:  guillemot  small black or brown speckled auks of northern seas
           subtype:  black_guillemot__blackguillemot__Cepphus_grylle  North Atlantic guillemot
           subtype:  pigeon_guillemot__Cepphus_columba  North Pacific guillemot
           subtype:  murre  black-and-white diving bird of northern seas
              subtype:  common_murre__Uria_aalge  the most frequent variety of murre
              subtype:  thick-billed_murre__Uria_lomvia  a variety of murre
     subtype:  puffin  any of two genera of northern seabirds having short necks and brightly colored compressed bills
        subtype:  Atlantic_puffin__Fratercula_arctica  common puffin of the North Atlantic
        subtype:  horned_puffin__Fratercula_corniculata  N Pacific puffin
        subtype:  tufted_puffin__Lunda_cirrhata  N Pacific puffin having a large yellow plume over each eye
     subtype:  gaviiform_seabird__gaviiformseabird  seabirds of the order Gaviiformes
        subtype:  loon.gaviiform_seabird__diver  large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having webbed feet placed far back; related to the grebes
     subtype:  podicipitiform_seabird  aquatic birds related to the loons
        subtype:  grebe  small compact-bodied almost completely aquatic bird that builds floating nests; similar to loons but smaller and with lobate rather than webbed feet
           subtype:  great_crested_grebe__greatcrestedgrebe__Podiceps_cristatus  large Old World grebe with black ear tufts
           subtype:  red-necked_grebe__Podiceps_grisegena  large stocky grebe of circumpolar regions having a dark neck
           subtype:  black-necked_grebe__eared_grebe__Podiceps_nigricollis  small grebe with yellow ear tufts and a black neck; found in Eurasia and southern Africa as well as western United States
           subtype:  dabchick__little_grebe__Podiceps_ruficollis  small European grebe
           subtype:  pied-billed_grebe__Podilymbus_podiceps  American grebe having a black-banded whitish bill
     subtype:  pelecaniform_seabird  large fish-eating seabird with four-toed webbed feet
        subtype:  pelican  large long-winged warm-water seabird having a large bill with a distensible pouch for fish
           subtype:  white_pelican__whitepelican__Pelecanus_erythrorhynchos  large American pelican; white with black wing feathers
           subtype:  Old_world_white_pelican__Pelecanus_onocrotalus  similar to American white pelican
        subtype:  frigate_bird__frigatebird__manofwarbird  long-billed warm-water seabird with wide wingspan and forked tail
        subtype:  gannet  large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill noted for its plunging dives for fish
           subtype:  solan_goose__solangoose__solan__solant_goose__Sula_bassana  very large white gannet with black wing tips
           subtype:  booby  small tropical gannet having a bright bill or bright feet or both
        subtype:  cormorant__phalacrocoraxcarbo  large voracious dark-colored long-necked seabird with a distensible pouch for holding fish; used in Asia to catch fish
        subtype:  snakebird__anhinga__darter  fish-eating bird of warm inland waters having a long flexible neck and slender sharp-pointed bill
           subtype:  water_turkey__waterturkey__Anhinga_anhinga  blackish New World snakebird of swampy regions
        subtype:  tropic_bird__boatswain_bird__boatswainbird  mostly white web-footed tropical seabird often found far from land
     subtype:  sphenisciform_seabird__sphenisciformseabird  flightless cold-water seabirds: penguins
        subtype:  penguin  short-legged flightless birds of cold southern especially Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers
           subtype:  Adelie_penguin__Adelie__Pygoscelis_adeliae  medium-sized penguins occurring in large colonies on the Adelie coast of Antarctica
           subtype:  king_penguin__Aptenodytes_patagonica  large penguin on islands bordering the Antarctic Circle
           subtype:  emperor_penguin__emperorpenguin__Aptenodytes_forsteri  the largest penguin; an Antarctic penguin
           subtype:  jackass_penguin__jackasspenguin__Spheniscus_demersus  small penguin of South America and southern Africa with a braying call
           subtype:  rock_hopper__crested_penguin__crestedpenguin  small penguin of the Falkland Islands and New Zealand
     subtype:  pelagic_bird__pelagicbird__oceanic_bird__oceanicbird  bird of the open seas
        subtype:  procellariiform_seabird__procellariiformseabird  large long-winged bird with hooked bill and tubular nostrils that wanders the open seas
        subtype:  mollymawk__albatross__albatros  large web-footed birds of the southern hemisphere having long narrow wings; noted for powerful gliding flight
           subtype:  wandering_albatross__wanderingalbatros__Diomedea_exulans  very large albatross; white with wide black wings
           subtype:  black-footed_albatross__gooney__gooney_bird__goonie__goony__Diomedea_nigripes  a variety of albatross with black feet
        subtype:  petrel  relatively small long-winged tube-nosed bird that flies far from land
           subtype:  white-chinned_petrel__whitechinnedpetrel__Procellaria_aequinoctialis  large black petrel of southern seas having a white mark on the chin
           subtype:  giant_petrel__giantpetrel__giantfulmar__macronectesgiganteu  large brownish petrel chiefly of Antarctic seas
           subtype:  fulmar_petrel__fulmar__Fulmarus_glacialis  heavy short-tailed oceanic bird of polar regions
           subtype:  shearwater  long-winged oceanic bird that in flight skims close to the waves
              subtype:  Manx_shearwater__Puffinus_puffinus  small black-and-white shearwater common in the eastern North Atlantic
           subtype:  storm_petrel__stormpetrel  any of various small petrels having dark plumage with paler underparts
              subtype:  stormy_petrel__northern_storm_petrel__Hydrobates_pelagicus  sooty black petrel with white markings; of the north Atlantic and Mediterranean
              subtype:  Mother_Carey's_chicken__Mother_Carey's_hen__Oceanites_oceanicus  medium-sized storm petrel
        subtype:  diving_petrel  any of several small diving birds of S hemisphere seas; somewhat resemble auks

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