#Indo-European_language__Indo-European__Indo-Hittite  the family of languages that by 1000 BC were spoken throughout Europe and in parts of southwestern and southern Asia
  supertype:  #natural_language__naturallanguage__tongue  a human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. a computer language
  subtype:  #Proto-Indo_European__PIE  a prehistoric unrecorded language that was the ancestor of all Indo-European languages
  subtype:  #Albanian  the Indo-European language spoken by the people of Albania
     subtype:  #Gheg_dialect__Gheg  the dialect of Albanian spoken in northern Albania and Yugoslavia
     subtype:  #Tosk_dialect__Tosk  the dialect of Albanian spoken in southern Albania and in areas of Greece and Italy
  subtype:  #Armenian_language__Armenian  the Indo-European language spoken predominantly in Armenia
  subtype:  #Illyrian  a minor and almost extinct branch of the Indo-European languages; spoken along the Dalmatian coast
  subtype:  #Thraco-Phrygian  an extinct branch of the Indo-European language family thought by some to be related to Armenian
     subtype:  #Thracian  a Thraco-Phrygian language spoken by the ancient people of Thrace but extinct by the early Middle Ages
     subtype:  #Phrygian  a Thraco-Phrygian language spoken by the ancient inhabitants of Phrygia and now extinct--preserved only in a few inscriptions
  subtype:  #Balto-Slavic_language__Balto-Slavic__Balto-Slavonic  a family of Indo-European languages including the Slavic and Baltic languages
     subtype:  #Slavic_language__Slavic__Slavonic__Slavonic_language  a branch of the Indo European family of language
        subtype:  #Old_Church_Slavonic__Old_Church_Slavic__Church_Slavic__Old_Bulgarian  the Slavic language into which the Bible was translated in the 9th Century
        subtype:  #Russian.Slavic_language__russian  the Slavic language that is the official language of Russia
        subtype:  #Belarusian__Byelorussian  the Slavic language spoken in Belarus
        subtype:  #Ukrainian  the Slavic language spoken in the Ukraine
        subtype:  #Polish  the Slavic language of Poland
        subtype:  #Slovak  the Slavic language spoken in Slovakia
        subtype:  #Czech  the Slavic language of the Czech people
        subtype:  #Slovene  the Slavic language of the Slovene people
        subtype:  #Serbo-Croat__Serbo-Croatian  the Slavic language of the Serbs and Croats; the Serbian dialect is usually written in the Cyrillic alphabet and the Croatian dialect is usually written in the Roman alphabet
        subtype:  #Lusatian__Sorbian  aa slavonic language spoken in rural area of southeastern Germany
        subtype:  #Macedonian.Slavic_language__macedonian  the Slavic language of modern Macedonia
        subtype:  #Bulgarian  a Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria
     subtype:  #Baltic_language__Baltic  a branch of the Indo-European family of languages related to the Slavonic languages; Baltic languages have preserved many archaic features that are believed to have existed in Proto-Indo European
        subtype:  #Old_Prussian  a dead language of the non-German Prussians (extinct after 1700); thought to belong to the Baltic branch of Indo-European
        subtype:  #Lithuanian  the official language of Lithuania; belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo European
        subtype:  #Lettish__Latvian  the official language of Latvia; belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo-European
  subtype:  #Germanic_language__Germanic  a branch of the Indo-European family of languages; members that are spoken currently fall into two major groups: Scandinavian and West Germanic
     subtype:  #West_Germanic_language__West_Germanic  a branch of the Germanic languages
        subtype:  #English_language__English  an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the US and most of the Commonwealth countries
           subtype:  #American_English__American_language__American  the English language as used in the United States
              subtype:  #Black_English_Vernacular__Black_English__Ebonics  a nonstandard form of American English spoken by some American Black people
           subtype:  #cockney  the nonstandard dialect of natives of the east end of London
           subtype:  #King's_English  standard southern British English
           subtype:  #Middle_English  English from about 1100 to 1450
              subtype:  #East_Midland  the dialect of Middle English that replaced West Saxon as the literary language and which developed into Modern English
              subtype:  #West_Midland  a dialect of Middle English
              subtype:  #Northern  a dialect of Middle English that developed into Scottish Lallans
              subtype:  #Kentish  a dialect of Middle English
              subtype:  #Southwestern__West_Saxon  a dialect of Middle English
           subtype:  #Modern_English  English since about 1450
           subtype:  #Old_English__Anglo-Saxon  English prior to about 1100
              subtype:  #West_Saxon  a literary dialect of Old English
              subtype:  #Anglian  one of the major dialects of Old English
              subtype:  #Jutish__Kentish  one of the major dialects of Old English
           subtype:  #Oxford_English  the dialect of English spoken at Oxford University and regarded by many as affected and pretentious
           subtype:  #Scottish__Scots__Scots_English  the dialect of English used in Scotland
              subtype:  #Scottish_Lallans__Lallans  a dialect of English spoken in the Lowlands of Scotland
        subtype:  #German_language__German__High_German  the standard German language; developed historically from West Germanic
           subtype:  #Old_High_German  High German prior to 1200
           subtype:  #Middle_High_German  High German from 1100 to 1500
           subtype:  #Yiddish  a dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words; spoken as a vernacular by European Jews
           subtype:  #Pennsylvania_Dutch  a dialect of High German spoken in parts of Pennsylvania and Maryland
        subtype:  #Low_German__Plattdeutsch  a German dialect spoken in northern Germany
           subtype:  #Old_Saxon  Low German prior to 1200
           subtype:  #Middle_Low_German  Low German from 1100 to 1500
        subtype:  #Dutch  the West Germanic language of the Netherlands
           subtype:  #Flemish_dialect__Flemish  one of two official languages of Belgium; closely related to Dutch
           subtype:  #Afrikaans__Taal__the_Taal__South_African_Dutch  an official language of the Republic of South Africa; closely related to Dutch and Flemish
        subtype:  #Frisian  a West Germanic language spoken in the northwestern Netherlands; a near relative of English
           subtype:  #Old_Frisian  the Frisian language until the 16th century
     subtype:  #Proto-Norse  the Germanic language of Scandinavia up until about 700
     subtype:  #Old_Norse  the extinct Germanic language of medieval Scandinavia and Iceland from about to 700 to 1350
        subtype:  #Old_Icelandic__oldicelandic  the extinct dialect of Old Norse that was spoken in Iceland up until about 1600
     subtype:  #Scandinavian_language__Scandinavian__Nordic__Norse__North_Germanic__North_Germanic_language  the northern family of Germanic languages that are spoken in Scandinavia and Iceland
        subtype:  #Danish  a Scandinavian language that is the official language of Denmark
        subtype:  #Icelandic  a Scandinavian language that is the official language of Iceland
        subtype:  #Norwegian  a Scandinavian language that is spoken in Norway
           subtype:  #Bokmal__Dano-Norwegian__Riksmal  one of two official languages of Norway; closely related to Danish
           subtype:  #New_Norwegian__Landsmal__Nynorsk  one of two official languages of Norway; based on rural dialects
        subtype:  #Swedish  a Scandinavian language that is the official language of Sweden and one of two official languages of Finland
        subtype:  #Faroese__Faeroese  a Scandinavian language (closely related to Icelandic) that is spoken on the Faroe Islands
     subtype:  #East_Germanic_language__East_Germanic  an extinct branch of the Germanic languages
        subtype:  #Gothic  extinct East Germanic language of the ancient Goths; the only surviving record being fragments of a 4th-century translation of the Bible by Bishop Ulfilas
  subtype:  #Celtic_language__Celtic  a branch of the Indo-European languages that (judging from inscriptions and place names) was spread widely over Europe in the pre-Christian era
     subtype:  #Gaelic__Goidelic__Erse  any of several related languages of the Celts in Ireland and Scotland
        subtype:  #Irish_Gaelic__Irish  the Celtic language of Ireland
           subtype:  #Old_Irish  Irish Gaelic up to about 1100
           subtype:  #Middle_Irish  Irish Gaelic from 1100 to 1500
        subtype:  #Scottish_Gaelic__Scots_Gaelic  the Gaelic language of Scotland
        subtype:  #Manx  the Gaelic language formerly spoken on the Isle of Man
     subtype:  #Brythonic__Brittanic  a southern group of Celtic languages
        subtype:  #Welsh  a Celtic language of Wales
        subtype:  #Cornish.Brythonic__cornish  a Celtic language formerly spoken in Cornwall
        subtype:  #Breton  a Celtic language of Brittany
  subtype:  #Italic_language__Italic  a branch of the Indo-European languages of which Latin is the chief representative
     subtype:  #Osco-Umbrian  a group of dead languages of ancient Italy; they were displace by Latin
        subtype:  #Umbrian  an extinct Italic language of ancient southern Italy
        subtype:  #Oscan  an extinct Italic language of ancient southern Italy
        subtype:  #Sabellian  an extinct Osco-Umbrian language of ancient Italy that survives only in a few inscriptions
     subtype:  #Latin  any dialect of the language of ancient Rome
        subtype:  #Old_Latin  the oldest recorded Latin (dating back at early as the 6th century B.C.)
        subtype:  #classical_Latin  the language of educated people in ancient Rome; "Latin is a language as dead as dead can be. It killed the ancient Romans--and now it's killing me"
        subtype:  #Low_Latin  any dialect of Latin other than the classical
           subtype:  #Vulgar_Latin  nonclassical Latin dialects spoken in the Roman Empire; source of Romance languages
           subtype:  #Medieval_Latin  Latin used for liturgical purposes during the Middle Ages
        subtype:  #Late_Latin__Biblical_Latin  the form of Latin written between the 3rd and 8th centuries
        subtype:  #Neo-Latin__New_Latin  Latin since the Renaissance; used for scientific nomenclature
        subtype:  #Romance_language__Romance__romance__Latinian_language  the group of languages derived from Latin
           subtype:  #bodice_ripper  a romantic novel containing scenes in which the heroine is sexually violated
           subtype:  #Italian.Romance_language__italian  the Romance language spoken in Italy
              subtype:  #Old_Italian  the Italian language up to the middle of the 16th century
              subtype:  #Tuscan  a dialect of Italian spoken in Tuscany (especially Florence)
           subtype:  #French  the Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by France
              subtype:  #Langue_d'oil_French__Langue_d'oil  medieval provincial dialects of French spoken in central and northern France
              subtype:  #Langue_d'oc_French__Langue_d'oc  medieval provincial dialects of French formerly spoken in the south of France
                 subtype:  #Provencal__Occitan__occitan  the medieval dialects of Langue d'oc
              subtype:  #Old_French  the earliest form of the French language; 9th to 15th century
              subtype:  #Norman-French__Old_North_French  the medieval Norman dialect of Old French
              subtype:  #Anglo-French__Anglo-Norman  the French (Norman) language used in medieval England
              subtype:  #Canadian_French__canadianfrench  the French language as spoken in Quebec, Canada
              subtype:  #Walloon  dialect of French spoken in Belgium and adjacent parts of France
           subtype:  #Portuguese  the Romance language spoken in Portugal and Brazil
              subtype:  #Galician  the dialect of Portuguese (sometimes regarded as a dialect of Spanish) spoken in Galicia northwestern Spain
           subtype:  #Spanish  the Romance language spoken in most of Spain and the countries colonized by Spain
              subtype:  #Mexican_Spanish  the dialect of Spanish spoken in Mexico
           subtype:  #Catalan  the Romance language spoken in Catalonia in eastern Spain (related to Spanish and Occitan)
           subtype:  #Rumanian  an eastern Romance language spoken in Rumania
  subtype:  #Tocharian  a branch of the Indo-European language family that originated in central Asia during the first millennium A.D.
     subtype:  #Turfan_dialect__Turfan__East_Tocharian  a dialect of Tocharian
     subtype:  #Kuchean_dialect__Kuchean__West_Tocharian  a dialect of Tocharian
  subtype:  #Indo-Iranian_language__Indo-Iranian  the branch of the Indo-European family of languages including the Indic and Iranian language groups
     subtype:  #Indic__Indo-Aryan  a branch of the Indo-Iranian family of languages
        subtype:  #Sanskrit__Sanskritic_language  an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism); an official language of India although it is now used only for religious purposes
           subtype:  #Sindhi  the Indic language of the Sindhi people
           subtype:  #Romany__Gypsy  the Indic language of the Gypsies
           subtype:  #Urdu  the official literary language of Pakistan, closely related to Hindi; widely used in India (mostly by Moslems); written in Arabic script
           subtype:  #Hindi  the most widely spoken of modern Indic vernaculars; spoken mostly in the north of India; along with English it is the official language of India; usually written in Devanagari script
              subtype:  #Hindoostani__Hindustani__Hindostani  a form of Hindi spoken around Delhi
           subtype:  #Bihari  the Indic language spoken in Bihar (and by some people in Pakistan and Bangladesh)
           subtype:  #Magadhan  a subfamily of Indic languages
              subtype:  #Asamiya__Assamese  the Magadhan language spoken by the Assamese people; closely related to Bengali
              subtype:  #Bengali  a Magadhan language spoken by the Bengali people; the official language of Bangladesh and West Bengal
              subtype:  #Oriya  a Magadhan language that is spoken by the Oriya people and is the official language of the Indian state of Orissa
           subtype:  #Marathi__Mahratti  an Indic language; the state language of Maharashtra in west central India; written in the Devanagari script
           subtype:  #Gujarati__Gujerati  the Indic language spoken by the people of India who live in Gujarat in western India
           subtype:  #Punjabi__Panjabi  the Indic language spoken by most people in Punjab in northwestern India
           subtype:  #Sinhala__Sinhalese__Singhalese  the Indic language spoken by the people of Sri Lanka
        subtype:  #Dard__Dardic__Dardic_language  any of a group of Indic languages spoken in Kashmir and eastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan
           subtype:  #Shina  a Dardic language spoken in northern Kashmir
           subtype:  #Khowar  a Dardic language spoken in northwestern Pakistan
           subtype:  #Kafiri  a Dardic language spoken by the Kafir people in northeastern Afghanistan
           subtype:  #Kashmiri  the official state language of Kashmir
        subtype:  #Nepali  the official state language of Nepal
     subtype:  #Iranian_language__Iranian  the modern Persian language spoken in Iran
        subtype:  #Zend__Avestan  an ancient Iranian language
        subtype:  #Gathic  an ancient Iranian language
        subtype:  #Persian__Farsi  the language of Persia (Iran) in any of its ancient forms
        subtype:  #Dari_Persian__Dari  an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan
        subtype:  #Tajiki  an Iranian language spoken in Iran and Russia
        subtype:  #Kurdish  an Iranian language spoken in Turkey and Iran and Iraq and Syria and Russia
        subtype:  #Balochi__Baluchi  an Iranian language spoken in Pakistan and Iran and Afghanistan and Russia and the Persian gulf
        subtype:  #Paxto__Pashto__Afghani__Afghan  an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan
        subtype:  #Ossete  a northeastern Iranian language spoken in Russia
        subtype:  #Scythian  the Iranian language spoken by the ancient Scythians
  subtype:  #Anatolian_language__Anatolian  an extinct branch of the Indo-European family of languages known from inscriptions and important in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo European
     subtype:  #Hittite  the principal language of the Anatolian group
     subtype:  #Lycian  an Anatolian language
     subtype:  #Luwian__Luvian  an Anatolian language
     subtype:  #Lydian  an Anatolian language
     subtype:  #Palaic  an Anatolian language
  subtype:  #Hellenic__Greek__Hellenic_language  the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European family of languages
     subtype:  #Modern_Greek  the Greek language as spoken and written today
        subtype:  #Romaic__Demotic  the modern Greek vernacular
        subtype:  #Katharevusa  literary style of Modern Greek containing features borrowed from Koine
     subtype:  #Late_Greek  the Greek language in the 3rd to 8th centuries
     subtype:  #Medieval_Greek__Middle_Greek__Byzantine_Greek  the Greek language from about 600 to 1200 AD
     subtype:  #Koine  a Greek dialect that flourished under the Roman Empire
     subtype:  #Ancient_Greek  the Greek language prior to the Roman Empire
        subtype:  #Attic__Classical_Greek  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken and written in Attica and Athens
        subtype:  #Aeolic__Eolic  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in Thessaly and Boeotia and Aeolis
        subtype:  #Arcadic  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken by Arcadians
        subtype:  #Doric  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in the Peloponnesus
        subtype:  #Ionic  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in Ionia

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