pm#type  second-order type or more
  closed_exclusion:  pm#individual
  exclusion:  sumo#Attribute
  supertype:  pm#non_spatial_collection  sumo#abstract (sumo)
  subtype:  rdfs#class__clas  rdfs#class has pm#binary_relation_type as instance and hence is different from sumo#class
     subtype:  sumo#class__clas  classes differ from sets in three important respects: 1) classes are not assumed to be extensional, i.e. distinct classes might well have exactly the same instances, 2) classes typically have an associated `condition' that determines the instances of the class, e.g., the condition `human' determines the "class of humans" (note that some classes might satisfy their own condition (e.g., the "class of abstract things" is "abstract") and hence be instances of themselves), 3) the instances of a class may occur only once within the class, i.e. a class cannot contain duplicate instances
        subtype:  rdfs#datatype
        subtype:  owl#restriction
        subtype:  owl#all_different__alldifferent
        subtype:  owl#deprecated_class
        subtype:  dl#rigid__RG  "all" the instances of a rigid type must "necessarily" be of this type at all times; role types such as #student or pm#tired_person are "non-rigid" and even "anti-rigid" since it is always possible for "any" student or tired person to cease being student or tired without loosing its identity
        subtype:  dl#leaf_type__L  type without subtype
        subtype:  dl#non-empty__nonempty__NEP  such a type "necessarily" has at least one instance
        subtype:  pm#situation_class__situationclas  all situation types are instance of this class
        subtype:  pm#attribute_class__attributeclas  class that has for instances subclasses of sumo#Attribute
        subtype:  pm#substance_class__substanceclas  class that has for instances subclasses of sumo#substance
        subtype:  pm#virtual_class__virtualclas  class that should not be used directly: its subtypes should be used instead
        instance:  pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type (pm)
        instance:  pm#thing__something___T__t___3D_or_4D_thing_or_anything_else  any category (type or individual) is instance of this type; any type is also a subtype of this type
        instance:  pm#nothing (pm)
     instance:  pm#binary_relation_type  all binary relation types are instance of that object
        instance:  pm#binary_relation (?,?)  in WebKB, most relation types are binary and some have a variable number of arguments (as in KIF), hence this type is currently only specialized by types that I do not want to see as direct subtypes of pm#relation
        instance:  sumo#distributes__distribute (pm#binary_function_type,pm#binary_function_type)  a binary_function ?F1 is distributive over another binary_function ?F2 just in case (?F1 ?INST1 (?F2 ?INST2 ?INST3)) is equal to (?F2 (?F1 ?INST1 ?INST2) (?F1 ?INST1 ?INST3)), for all ?INST1, ?INST2, and ?INST3
        subtype:  pm#unary_function_type  class of functions requiring a single argument; if R is functional, then if R(x -> y) and P(x -> z) then y=z
        subtype:  pm#binary_predicate_type  the class of predicates relating two items - its valence is two
        subtype:  pm#injective_binary_relation_type  if P is injective, then if P(x,y) and P(z,y) then x=z; e.g., if nameOfMonth(m,"Feb") and nameOfMonth(n,"Feb") then m and n are the same month
        subtype:  pm#reflexive_relation_type  a relation is reflexive if (?REL ?INST ?INST) for all ?INST
        subtype:  pm#trichotomizing_relation_type  binary_relation such that all ordered pairs consisting of distinct individuals are element of this binary_relation
        subtype:  pm#irreflexive_relation_type  r is irreflexive if r(?i,?i) holds for no value of ?i
        subtype:  pm#symmetric_relation_type  when (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) implies (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1), for all ?INST1 and ?INST2
        subtype:  pm#antisymmetric_relation_type  when for distinct ?INST1 and ?INST2, (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) implies not (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1), that is, for all ?INST1 and ?INST2, (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) and (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) imply that ?INST1 and ?INST2 are identical; it is possible for an antisymmetric relation to be a reflexive relation
        subtype:  pm#transitive_relation_type  a binary_relation ?REL is transitive if (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) and (?REL ?INST2 ?INST3) imply (?REL ?INST1 ?INST3), for all ?INST1, ?INST2, and ?INST3
        subtype:  pm#intransitive_relation_type  a binary_relation ?REL is intransitive only if (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) and (?REL ?INST2 ?INST3) imply not (?REL ?INST1 ?INST3), for all ?INST1, ?INST2, and ?INST3
        subtype:  owl#annotation_property
        subtype:  owl#deprecated_property
        subtype:  owl#ontology_property
        subtype:  rdfs#constraint_property
        subtype:  rdfs#container_membership_property
        subtype:  owl#datatype_property
        subtype:  owl#object_property  if rel is an ObjectProperty, and rel(x,y), then y is an object
        instance:  pm#binary_relation  sumo#distributes__distribute
  subtype:  dolce#universal__UNIVERSAL
     subtype:  dolce#rigid_universal__rigiduniversal__X
        instance:  dolce#particular  a 0-order type
        instance:  dolce#entity  dolce#abstract  dolce#region  dolce#temporal_region  dolce#time_interval  dolce#physical_region  dolce#space_region__spaceregion  dolce#abstract_region  dolce#quality  dolce#temporal_quality  dolce#temporal_location  dolce#physical_quality  dolce#spatial_location__spatiallocation  dolce#abstract_quality  dolce#endurant  dolce#amount_of_matter  dolce#physical_endurant  dolce#feature  dolce#physical_object  dolce#agentive_physical_object  dolce#non-agentive_physical_object  dolce#non-physical_endurant  dolce#non-physical_object  dolce#mental_object  dolce#social_object  dolce#agentive_social_object  dolce#social_agent  dolce#society  dolce#non-agentive_social_object  dolce#arbitrary_sum__arbitrarysum  dolce#perdurant  dolce#event  dolce#achievement  dolce#accomplishment  dolce#stative  dolce#state  dolce#process__proces
  subtype:  pm#1st_order_type__1stordertype__type1  all 1st order types are implicitely or explicitely instance of that 2nd-order type
     subtype:  pm#relation_type  there are three kinds of relation(_types): pm#predicate_type, pm#function_type and sumo#list; both predicates and functions denote sets of ordered n-tuples; the difference between these two classes is that predicates cover formula-forming operators, while functions cover term-forming operators; a list, on the other hand, is a particular ordered n-tuple
        subtype:  pm#predicate_type__predicatetype  a sentence-forming relation with each tuple being a finite, ordered sequence of objects
        subtype:  sumo#list  a particular ordered n-tuple of items; generally speaking, lists are created by means of the list_fn function, which takes any number of items as arguments and returns a list with the items in the same order; anything, including other lists, may be an item in a list; note too that lists are extensional - two lists that have the same items in the same order are identical; note too that a list (the null_list) may contain no items
        subtype:  pm#single_valued_relation_type  when an assignment of values to every argument position except the last one determines at most one assignment for the last argument position; not all single_valued_relations are total_valued_relations
        subtype:  pm#total_valued_relation_type  when there exists an assignment for the last argument position of the relation given any assignment of values to every argument position except the last one; note that declaring a relation to be both a total_valued_relation and a single_valued_relation means that it is a total function
        subtype:  pm#partial_valued_relation_type  relation type that is not a total_valued_relation_type, i.e. just in case assigning values to every argument position except the last one does not necessarily mean that there is a value assignment for the last argument position; note that, if a sumo#relation is both a partial_valued_relation and a single_valued_relation, then it is a partial function
        subtype:  pm#binary_relation_type  all binary relation types are instance of that object
        subtype:  pm#ternary_relation_type  relates three items
        subtype:  pm#quaternary_relation_type  relates four items
        subtype:  pm#quintary_relation_type  relates five items
        subtype:  pm#variable_arity_relation_type  class of relations that do not have a fixed number of arguments
        subtype:  pm#many_to_many_relation_type
        subtype:  pm#many_to_one_relation_type
        subtype:  pm#one_to_many_relation_type
        subtype:  pm#type_of_relation_extended_to_quantities  relation that, when it is true on a sequence of arguments that are real_numbers, it is also true on a sequence of constant_quantites with those magnitudes in some unit of measure; for example, the less_than relation is extended to quantities; this means that for all pairs of quantities ?q1 and ?q2, [?q1,  sumo#less_than: ?q2] if and only if, for some numbers ?n1 and ?n2 and unit ?u, [q1 =  sumo#measure_fn(?n1,?u)], [q2 =  sumo#measure_fn(?n2,?u)] and [?n1, less_than: ?n2] for all units on which ?q1 and ?q2 can be measured; note that, when a relation_extended_to_quantities is extended from real_numbers to constant_quantities, the constant_quantities must be measured along the same physical dimension
        subtype:  pm#probability_relation_type  the class of relations that permit assessment of the probability of an event or situation
        subtype:  pm#spatial_relation_type  the class of relations that are spatial in a wide sense, e.g., mereological relations and topological relation
        subtype:  pm#temporal_relation_type  the class of temporal relations, e.g., notions of (temporal) topology of intervals, (temporal) schemata, and (temporal) extension
        subtype:  pm#intentional_relation_type  the class of relations between an agent and one or more entities, where the relation requires that the agent has awareness of the entity
        instance:  pm#relation__related_thing__relatedthing___related_with  type for any relation (unary, binary, ..., *-ary) and instance of pm#relation_type
  subtype:  pm#2nd_order_type__2ndordertype__type2  all 2nd order types are implicitely or explicitely instance of that 3rd order type
     subtype:  pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type  each instance RT of this class is a subclass of the 2nd-order_type pm#relation_type and the properties of RT can be inherited downward in the class hierarchy via the "subrelation" predicate
        instance:  pm#relation_type  there are three kinds of relation(_types): pm#predicate_type, pm#function_type and sumo#list; both predicates and functions denote sets of ordered n-tuples; the difference between these two classes is that predicates cover formula-forming operators, while functions cover term-forming operators; a list, on the other hand, is a particular ordered n-tuple
        instance:  pm#binary_relation_type  all binary relation types are instance of that object
        instance:  pm#ternary_relation_type  relates three items
        instance:  pm#quaternary_relation_type  relates four items
        instance:  pm#quintary_relation_type  relates five items
        instance:  pm#type_of_relation_extended_to_quantities
        instance:  pm#single_valued_relation_type  when an assignment of values to every argument position except the last one determines at most one assignment for the last argument position; not all single_valued_relations are total_valued_relations
        instance:  pm#total_valued_relation_type  pm#case_relation_type  pm#probability_relation_type  pm#spatial_relation_type  pm#temporal_relation_type
        instance:  pm#intentional_relation_type  the class of relations between an agent and one or more entities, where the relation requires that the agent has awareness of the entity
        instance:  pm#propositional_attitude__propositionalattitude  pm#object_attitude_relation_type
        instance:  pm#function_type  term-forming relation that maps from a n-tuple of arguments to a range and that associates this n-tuple with at most one range element; note that the range is a set_or_class, and each element of the range is an instance of the set_or_class
        instance:  pm#unary_function_type  class of functions requiring a single argument; if R is functional, then if R(x -> y) and P(x -> z) then y=z
        instance:  pm#binary_function_type  class of functions requiring two arguments
        instance:  pm#ternary_function_type  pm#quaternary_function_type
        instance:  pm#predicate_type__predicatetype  a sentence-forming relation with each tuple being a finite, ordered sequence of objects
        instance:  pm#binary_predicate_type  the class of predicates relating two items - its valence is two
        instance:  pm#ternary_predicate_type__ternarypredicatetype  pm#quaternary_predicate_type  pm#quintary_predicate_type

1 schema is about pm#type
     [any pm#type,
          may be pm#object of: (a #removal,
               pm#time: a pm#time_measure,
               pm#purpose: a pm#situation)]

No  statement uses a specialization of pm#type; click here to add a statement.

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