Relation pm#irreflexive_relation__irreflexiverelation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#irreflexive_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
  supertype:  pm#binary_relation_with_particular_mathematical_property
  instance of:  pm#irreflexive_relation_type
  subtype:  pm#asymmetric_relation (?,?)  this category only serves structuration purposes: it is instance of pm#asymmetric_relation_type which is not instance of pm#class_of_inheritable_relation_type
     subtype:  sumo#immediate_instance__immediateinstance (?,sumo#set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named immediate_instance_of; an object is an immediate_instance of a set_or_class if it is an instance of the set_or_class and there does not exist a subclass of set_or_class such that it is an instance of the subclass
     subtype:  sumo#immediate_subclass__immediate_subclass_of (sumo#set_or_class,sumo#set_or_class)  the 1st argument is a subclass of the 2nd argument and there is no other subclass of the 2nd argument such that the 1st is also a subclass of the 2nd; in WebKB, use the link '<'
     subtype:  sumo#range (pm#function_type,sumo#set_or_class)  gives the range of a function, i.e. all of the values assigned by the function are instances of sumo#class
     subtype:  sumo#range_subclass (pm#function_type,sumo#set_or_class)  all of the values assigned by the function in the 1st argument are subclasses of the 2nd argment
     subtype:  sumo#valence (pm#relation_type,sumo#positive_integer)  specifies the number of arguments that a relation can take; if a relation does not have a fixed number of arguments, it does not have a valence and it is an instance of variable_arity_relation, e.g., sumo#holds is a variable_arity_relation
     subtype:  sumo#documentation (?,pm#string)  a relation between objects in the domain of discourse and strings of natural language text; the domain of this relation is not constants (names), but the objects themselves; this means that one does not quote the names when associating them with their documentation
     subtype:  sumo#successor_attribute__successorattribute (sumo#Attribute,sumo#Attribute)  the second argument is the attribute that comes immediately after the first on the scale that they share
     subtype:  sumo#front_fn__frontfn (sumo#self_connected_object -> sumo#self_connected_object)  a function that maps an object to the side that generally receives the most attention or that typically faces the direction in which the object moves; note that this is a partial function, since some objects do not have sides, e.g., apples and spheres; note too that the range of this function is indefinite in much the way that immediate_future_fn and immediate_past_fn are indefinite; although this indefiniteness is undesirable from a theoretical standpoint, it does not have significant practical implications, since there is widespread intersubjective agreement about the most common cases
     subtype:  sumo#back_fn (sumo#self_connected_object -> sumo#self_connected_object)  a function that maps an object to the side that is opposite the front_fn of the object; note that this is a partial function, since some objects do not have sides, e.g., apples and spheres; note too that the range of this function is indefinite in much the way that immediate_future_fn and immediate_past_fn are indefinite; although this indefiniteness is undesirable from a theoretical standpoint, it does not have significant practical implications, since there is widespread intersubjective agreement about the most common cases
     subtype:  sumo#proper_part__proper_part_of (sumo#object,sumo#object)  the 1st argument is part of the 2nd but is not it; this is a transitive_relation and asymmetric_relation (hence an irreflexive_relation)
     subtype:  sumo#contains (sumo#self_connected_object,sumo#object)  the relation of spatial containment for two separable objects; when the two objects are not separable (e.g., an automobile and one of its seats), the relation of part should be used; (sumo#contains ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that the self_connected_object ?OBJ1 has a space (i.e. a hole) which is at least partially filled by ?OBJ2
     subtype:  sumo#member (sumo#self_connected_object,sumo#collection)  a specialized common sense notion of part for uniform parts of collections; for example, each sheep in a flock of sheep would have the relationship of member to the flock
     subtype:  sumo#contains_information (sumo#content_bearing_object,sumo#proposition)  relates a content_bearing_object to the proposition it expresses; examples include the relationships between a physical novel and its story and between a printed score and its musical content
     subtype:  sumo#leader__leader_of (sumo#human,dl#agentive_physical_object)  (sumo#leader ?INSTITUTION ?PERSON) means that the leader of ?INSTITUTION is ?PERSON
     subtype:  sumo#attribute (sumo#object,sumo#Attribute)  the 2nd argument is an attribute of the 1st
     subtype:  sumo#manner (sumo#process,sumo#Attribute)  the 1st argument is qualified by the 2nd (which is usually denoted by and adverb), e.g., the speed of the wind, the style of a dance, or the intensity of a sports competition
     subtype:  sumo#probability_fn__probabilityfn (sumo#formula -> sumo#real_number)  one of the basic probability_relations, probability_fn is used to state the a priori probability of a state of affairs represented by the given formula
     subtype:  sumo#in_list (?,sumo#list)  true if the 1st argument is in the list; analog of element and instance for lists
     subtype:  sumo#closed_on (pm#function_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_function is closed on a set_or_class if it is defined for all instances of the set_or_class and its value is always an instance of the set_or_class
     subtype:  sumo#reflexive_on__reflexiveon (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation is reflexive on a set_or_class only if every instance of the set_or_class bears the relation to itself
     subtype:  sumo#irreflexive_on__irreflexiveon (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation is irreflexive on a set_or_class only if no instance of the set_or_class bears the relation to itself
     subtype:  sumo#partial_ordering_on (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation is a partial ordering on a set_or_class only if the relation is reflexive_on the set_or_class, and it is both an antisymmetric_relation, and a transitive_relation
     subtype:  sumo#total_ordering_on (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation ?REL is a total ordering on a set_or_class only if it is a partial ordering for which either (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) or (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) for every ?INST1 and ?INST2 in the set_or_class
     subtype:  sumo#trichotomizing_on (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)
     subtype:  sumo#equivalence_relation_on (pm#binary_relation_type,sumo#set_or_class)  a binary_relation is an equivalence_relation_on a set_or_class only if the relation is reflexive_on the set_or_class and it is both a transitive_relation and a symmetric_relation
     subtype:  sumo#causes (sumo#process,sumo#process)  the process in the 1st argument brings about the process in the 2nd argument
     subtype:  sumo#causes_subclass (pm#sumo_process_class,pm#sumo_process_class)  the 1st argument brings about the 2nd, e.g., (causes_subclass killing death)
     subtype:  sumo#time (sumo#physical,sumo#time_position)  means that temporal lifespan of the 1st argument includes the time_position in the 2nd argument, i.e. the 1st argument existed or occurred at that time_position; sumo#time does for instances of physical what sumo#holds_during does for instances of sumo#formula; sumo#located and sumo#time are the basic spatial and temporal predicates, respectively
     subtype:  sumo#holds_during__holdsduring (sumo#time_position,sumo#formula)  means that the proposition denoted by is true at (every temporal_part of) the time_position
     subtype:  sumo#exploits (sumo#object,dl#agentive_physical_object)  the object is used by the agent as a resource in an unspecified instance of process
     subtype:  sumo#has_purpose__haspurpose (sumo#physical,sumo#formula)  the instance of physical has, as its purpose, the proposition expressed by the formula; note that there is an important difference in meaning between the predicates has_purpose and result; although the second argument of the latter can satisfy the second argument of the former, a conventional goal is an expected and desired outcome, while a result may be neither expected nor desired; for example, a machine process may have outcomes but no goals, aimless wandering may have an outcome but no goal; a learning process may have goals with no outcomes, and so on
     subtype:  sumo#has_skill__hasskill (pm#sumo_process_class,dl#agentive_physical_object)  similar to the capability predicate with the additional restriction that the ability be practised or demonstrated to some measurable degree
     subtype:  sumo#crosses__crosse (sumo#object,sumo#object)  the 1st object traverses the second without being connected to it
     subtype:  sumo#penetrates (sumo#object,sumo#object)  the 1st object is connected to the second along at least one whole dimension (length, width or depth)
     subtype:  sumo#possesses__possesse (dl#agentive_physical_object,sumo#object)  the agent has ownership of the object
     subtype:  sumo#precondition (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#realization (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#expressed_in_language (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#uses (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#identity_element (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#element (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#cardinality_fn__cardinalityfn (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#measure (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#duration (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#frequency (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#meets_temporally__meetstemporally (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#date (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#surface (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#interior_part (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#hole (sumo#object,*)
     subtype:  sumo#hole_host_fn (sumo#object,*)
     subtype:  sumo#partially_fills__partiallyfill (sumo#object,*)
     subtype:  sumo#properly_fills (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#completely_fills (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#fills__fill (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#hole_skin_fn (sumo#object,*)
     subtype:  sumo#geographic_subregion (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#geopolitical_subdivision (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#developmental_form__developmentalform (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#inhabits (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#authors__author (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#editor (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#publishes__publishe (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#version (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#parent (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#husband (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#wife (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#citizen (?,?)
     subtype:  sumo#modal_attribute__modalattribute (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#successor_attribute_closure__successorattributeclosure (sumo#Attribute,sumo#Attribute)  transitive closure of successor_attribute: there is a chain of sumo#successor_attribute assertions connecting the two arguments
  subtype:  pm#different__different_from__differentfrom (?,?)
     subtype:  owl#different_from__differentfrom (?,?)
     subtype:  pm#exclusive_class__exclusiveclas (rdfs#class,rdfs#class)  the 2 classes have no common subtype/instance; in WebKB, use the link '!'
        subtype:  pm#complement_class (rdfs#class -> rdfs#class)  if something is not in one of the classes, then it is in the other, and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '/'
  subtype:  pm#inverse__reverse (pm#binary_relation_type -> pm#binary_relation_type)  for inverseOf(R,S) read: R is the inverse of S; i.e. if R(x,y) then S(y,x) and vice versa; in WebKB, use the link '-'
  subtype:  sumo#less_than (sumo#quantity,sumo#quantity)
  subtype:  sumo#greater_than__greaterthan (sumo#quantity,sumo#quantity)
  subtype:  sumo#increases_likelihood__increaseslikelihood__increases_likelihood_of (sumo#formula,sumo#formula)  the 2nd formula is more likely to be true if the 1st is true
  subtype:  sumo#decreases_likelihood__decreaseslikelihood__decreases_likelihood_of (sumo#formula,sumo#formula)  the 2nd formula is less likely to be true if the 1st is true
  subtype:  sumo#inhibits (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#prevents (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#sub_proposition__subproposition (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#sub_plan__subplan (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#larger (sumo#object,*)
  subtype:  sumo#smaller (sumo#object,*)
  subtype:  sumo#starts (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#finishes (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#before (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#during (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#earlier (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#meets_spatially__meetsspatially (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#overlaps_partially (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#superficial_part__superficialpart (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#connected_engineering_components (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#ancestor (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#sibling (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#brother (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#sister (?,?)
  subtype:  sumo#spouse (?,?)

101 categories printed

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