pm#description_medium__descriptionmedium  e.g., a syntax, a language, a script, a structure
  supertype:  description  description (content/medium) of an entity or a situation
  subtype:  content_bearing_object__contentbearingobject  a self_connected_object that expresses content; this content may be a sumo#proposition, e.g., when the content_bearing_object is a sentence or text, or it may be a representation of an abstract or physical object, as with an icon, a word or a phrase
     subtype:  icon  content bearing objects that are not languages and which have some sort of similarity with the objects that they represent, e.g., symbolic roadway signs, representational art works, photographs, etc
     subtype:  linguistic_expression  content bearing objects which are language-related, i.e. both languages and the elements of languages, e.g., words
        subtype:  word
        subtype:  sentence  syntactically well-formed formula of a language; it includes, at minimum, a predicate and a subject (which may be explicit or implicit), and it expresses a proposition
           subtype:  formula  syntactically well-formed formula in the SUO-KIF knowledge representation language
        subtype:  language  system of signs for expressing thought; the system can be either natural or artificial, i.e. something that emerges gradually as a cultural artifact or something that is intentionally created by a person or group of people
           subtype:  animal_language  language used by animals other than humans
           subtype:  non_animal_language
              subtype:  human_language__humanlanguage  language used by humans
                 subtype:  natural_language__naturallanguage
                 subtype:  constructed_language__constructedlanguage
                 subtype:  spoken_human_language
                 subtype:  manual_human_language
              subtype:  artificial_language  designed language
                 subtype:  constructed_language__constructedlanguage
                 subtype:  computer_language  languages designed for and interpreted by a computer
           subtype:  linguistic_communication__language  a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols; "he taught foreign languages"; "the language introduced is standard throughout the text"; "the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the language in which it is written"
              subtype:  words.linguistic_communication__word  language that is spoken or written; "he has a gift for words"; "she put her thoughts into words"
              subtype:  source_language  a language that is to be translated into another language
                 subtype:  application-oriented_language__problem-oriented_language  a language whose statements resemble terminology of the user
                    subtype:  high-level_language  a problem-oriented language requiring little knowledge of the computer on which it will be run
                    subtype:  job-control_language__jobcontrollanguage  a problem-oriented language used to describe job requirements to an operating system
                 subtype:  command_language__commandlanguage__query_language__querylanguage__search_language  a source language consisting of procedural operators that invoke functions to be executed
              subtype:  object_language__target_language  the language into which a text written in another language is to be translated
              subtype:  sign_language__signing  language expressed by visible hand gestures
                 subtype:  fingerspelling  an alphabet of manual signs
                 subtype:  ASL__American_sign_language  the sign language used in the United States
              subtype:  artificial_language  a language that is deliberately created for a specific purpose
                 subtype:  Antido  an artificial language related to Ido
                 subtype:  Arulo  an artificial language intended for international use as an auxiliary language
                 subtype:  Basic_English  a simplified form of English proposed for use as an auxiliary language for international communication; devised by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards
                 subtype:  Blaia_Zimondal  an artificial language
                 subtype:  Esperantido  an artificial language based on Esperanto and Ido
                 subtype:  Esperanto  an artificial language based as far as possible on words common to all the European languages
                 subtype:  Europan  an artificial language proposed as an auxiliary European language
                 subtype:  Idiom_Neutral  an artificial language proposed for use as an auxiliary international language; based on Volapuk but with a vocabulary selected on the basis of the maximum internationality of the roots
                 subtype:  Interlingua  an artificial language proposed for use as an auxiliary international language; based on words common to English and the Romance language
                 subtype:  Ido  an artificial language that is a revision and simplification of Esperanto
                 subtype:  Latinesce  an artificial language based on Latin
                 subtype:  Latino  an artificial language based on words common to the Romance languages
                    subtype:  Latino_sine_flexione  Latino without inflectional morphology
                 subtype:  Lingualumina  an artificial language
                 subtype:  Lingvo_Kosmopolita  an artificial language
                 subtype:  Monario  an artificial language
                 subtype:  Nov-Esperanto  an artificial language based on Esperanto
                 subtype:  Novial  an artificial language
                 subtype:  Nov-Latin  an artificial language based on Latin
                 subtype:  Occidental.artificial_language__occidental  an artificial language
                 subtype:  Optez  an artificial language
                 subtype:  Pasigraphy  an artificial international language using characters (as mathematical symbols) instead of words to express ideas
                 subtype:  Ro  an artificial language for international use that rejects rejects all existing words and is based instead on an abstract analysis of ideas
                 subtype:  Romanal  an artificial language
                 subtype:  Solresol  an artificial language
                 subtype:  Volapuk  one of the first artificial language constructed for use as an auxiliary international language; based largely on English but with some German and French and Latin roots
                 subtype:  programming_language__programminglanguage__programing_language  (computer science) a language designed for programming computers
                    subtype:  algorithmic_language__algorithmiclanguage  an artificial language designed to express algorithms
                       subtype:  algebraic_language__algebraiclanguage  an algorithmic language having statements that resemble algebraic expressions
                          subtype:  ALGOL  ALGOrithmic Language; a programming language used to express computer programs as algorithms
                          subtype:  FORTRAN  FORmula TRANslation; high-level programing language for mathematical and scientific purposes
                       subtype:  procedural_language
                          subtype:  procedural_compiled_language
                             subtype:  Java_language__Java  a simple platform-independent object-oriented programming language used for writing applets that are downloaded from the World Wide Web by a client and run on the client's machine
                                subtype:  Java_1.0
                                subtype:  Java_2.0
                             subtype:  COBOL  COmmon Business Oriented Language
                             subtype:  C  a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
                             subtype:  Pascal  a programing language designed to teach programming through a top-down modular approach
                          subtype:  procedural_scripting_language
                             subtype:  procedural_Web-scripting_language
                                subtype:  Javascript
                                   subtype:  Javascript_1.0
                                   subtype:  Javascript_2.0
                             subtype:  LISP__list-processing_language  a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists
                             subtype:  BASIC  a popular programming language that is relatively easy to learn (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code); no longer in general use
                       subtype:  C++
                       subtype:  ADA
                    subtype:  assembly_language  a low-level programing language; close approximation to machine language
                    subtype:  computer_language__computer-oriented_language__machine_language__machinelanguage__machine-oriented_language  a programming language designed for use on a specific class of computers
                    subtype:  multidimensional_language  a programming language whose expressions are assembled in more than one dimension
                       subtype:  decision_table  a table or matrix of all contingencies and the actions to be taken for each
                       subtype:  flow_chart__flow_diagram  a diagram of the sequence of operations in a computer program
                       subtype:  logic_diagram__logicdiagram__logical_diagram__logicaldiagram  a graphical representation of a program using formal logic
                    subtype:  target_language__object_language  a computer language into which something written in another computer language is to be translated
                    subtype:  object-oriented_programming_language__object-oriented_programing_language  (computer science) a programming language that enables the programmer to associate a set of procedures with each type of data structure; "C++ is an object-oriented programming language that is an extension of C"
                       subtype:  Java_language__Java  a simple platform-independent object-oriented programming language used for writing applets that are downloaded from the World Wide Web by a client and run on the client's machine
                    subtype:  one-dimensional_language__onedimensionallanguage  a programming language whose expressions are represented by strings of characters
                    subtype:  stratified_language  a language that cannot be used as its own metalanguage
                    subtype:  unstratified_language  a programming language that (like natural language) can be used as its own metalanguage
                    subtype:  Prolog__logic_programing__logicprograming__logic_programming__logicprogramming  a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing
                    subtype:  declarative_language__declarativelanguage
                       subtype:  rule_based_language
                          subtype:  purely_declarative_rule_based_language  rule-based language without implicit instructions, e.g., the order between the rules is not important
                       subtype:  file_formatting_language
                       subtype:  declarative_Web-scripting_language
                          subtype:  style_sheet_language__stylesheetlanguage
                    subtype:  Web-scripting_language__language_interpreted_by_Web_browsers
                       subtype:  procedural_Web-scripting_language
                       subtype:  declarative_Web-scripting_language
                 subtype:  pidgin  an artificial language used for trade between speakers of different languages
                    subtype:  Chinook_Jargon__Oregon_Jargon  a pidgin incorporating Chinook and French and English words; formerly used as a lingua franca in northwestern North America
              subtype:  metalanguage  a language that can be used to describe languages
                 subtype:  syntax_language__syntaxlanguage  a language used to describe the syntax of another language
              subtype:  natural_language__naturallanguage__tongue  a human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. a computer language
                 subtype:  interlanguage__interlingua  a language used for international communication
                    subtype:  lingua_franca__koine  a common language used by speakers of different languages
                 subtype:  mother_tongue__maternal_language__first_language__firstlanguage  one's native language; the language learned by children and passed from one generation to the next
                 subtype:  tone_language__tonal_language__tonallanguage  a language in which different tones distinguish different meanings
                    subtype:  contour_language__contourlanguage  a tone language that uses pitch changes
                    subtype:  register_language  a tone language that uses different voice registers
                 subtype:  creole  a mother tongue that originates from contact between two languages
                 subtype:  Amerind__Amerindian_language__American-Indian_language__American_Indian__Indian  any of the languages spoken by Amerindians
                    subtype:  Algonquian_language__Algonquian__Algonquin  family of North American Indian languages spoken from Labrador to South Carolina and west to the Great Plains
                       subtype:  Abnaki  the Algonquian language spoken by the Abnaki and Penobscot peoples
                       subtype:  Algonkian__Algonkin  the Algonquian language spoken by the Algonkian people
                       subtype:  Arapaho__Arapahoe  the Algonquian language spoken by the Arapaho people
                       subtype:  Blackfoot  any of the Algonquian languages spoken by the Blackfoot people
                       subtype:  Cheyenne  the Algonquian language spoken by the Cheyenne people
                       subtype:  Cree  the Algonquian language spoken by the Cree people
                       subtype:  Delaware.Algonquian_language__delaware  the Algonquian language spoken by the Delaware people
                       subtype:  Fox  the Algonquian language of the Fox people
                       subtype:  Illinois.Algonquian_language__illinoi  the Algonquian language of the Illinois and Miami peoples
                       subtype:  Kickapoo  the Algonquian language of the Kickapoo people
                       subtype:  Maleseet__Malecite  the Algonquian language of the Malecite and Passamaquody peoples
                       subtype:  Massachuset__Massachusetts  the Algonquian language of the Massachuset people
                       subtype:  Menomini  the Algonquian language spoken by the Menomini people
                       subtype:  Micmac  the Algonquian language of the Micmac people
                       subtype:  Mohican__Mahican  the Algonquian language spoken by the Mohican people
                       subtype:  Nanticoke  the Algonquian language spoken by the Nanticoke and Conoy people
                       subtype:  Ojibwa__Ojibway__Chippewa  the Algonquian language spoken by the Ojibwa people
                       subtype:  Pamlico  the Algonquian language of the Pamlico people
                       subtype:  Potawatomi  the Algonquian language spoken by the Potawatomi people
                       subtype:  Powhatan  the Algonquian language of the Powhatan people
                       subtype:  Shawnee  the Algonquian language spoken by the Shawnee people
                    subtype:  Atakapan__Atakapa__Attacapa__Attacapan  a language spoken by the Atakapa people of the Gulf coast of Louisiana and Texas
                    subtype:  Athapaskan_language__Athapaskan__Athapascan__Athabaskan__Athabascan  a group of Amerindian languages (the name coined by an American anthropologist, Edward Sapir)
                       subtype:  Apache.Athapaskan_language__apache  the language of the Apache people
                          subtype:  Chiricahua_Apache  an Apache language
                          subtype:  San_Carlos_Apache  an Apache language
                       subtype:  Navaho__Navajo  the Athapaskan language spoken by the Navaho people
                       subtype:  Hupa  the Athapaskan language spoken by the Hupa people
                       subtype:  Mattole  the Athapaskan language spoken by the Mattole people
                       subtype:  Chippewyan__Chipewyan__Chippewaian  the language spoken by the Chipewyan people
                    subtype:  Muskhogean_language__Muskhogean__Muskogean__Muskogean_language  a family of North American Indian languages spoken in the southeastern United States
                       subtype:  Alabama.Muskhogean_language__alabama  the Muskhogean language of the Alabama people
                       subtype:  Chickasaw  the Muskhogean language of the Chickasaw people
                       subtype:  Chahta__Choctaw  the Muskhogean language of the Choctaw people
                       subtype:  Hitchiti  the Muskhogean language spoken by the Hitchiti people
                       subtype:  Koasati  the Muskhogean language spoken by the Koasati people
                       subtype:  Muskogee  the Muskhogean language spoken by the Muskogee people
                       subtype:  Seminole  the Muskhogean language of the Seminole people
                    subtype:  Na-Dene  a family of North American Indian languages
                       subtype:  Haida  the Na-Dene language of the Haida people
                       subtype:  Tlingit  the Na-Dene language spoken by the Tlingit people
                    subtype:  Mosan  a family of Amerindian languages spoken in Washington and British Columbia
                       subtype:  Chemakuan  a group of Mosan languages spoken in Washington
                          subtype:  Chemakum  a Chemakuan language spoken by the Chemakum people
                       subtype:  Salishan__Salish  a family of Mosan language spoken in northwestern United States and western Canada
                          subtype:  Skagit  a Salishan dialect spoken by the Skagit people
                       subtype:  Wakashan_language__Wakashan  a family of North American Indian languages of British Columbia and Washington
                          subtype:  Kwakiutl  a Wakashan language spoken by the Kwakiutl people
                          subtype:  Nootka  a Wakashan language spoken by the Nootka people
                    subtype:  Caddoan__Caddo__Caddoan_language  a family of North American Indian languages spoken widely in the midwest by Caddo peoples
                       subtype:  Arikara__Aricara  the Caddoan language spoken by the Arikara people
                       subtype:  Pawnee  the Caddoan language spoken by the Pawnee people
                       subtype:  Wichita  the Caddoan language spoken by the Wichita people
                    subtype:  Iroquoian_language__Iroquoian__Iroquois  a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Iroquois peoples
                       subtype:  Cherokee  the Iroquoian language spoken by the Cherokee people
                       subtype:  Cayuga  the Iroquoian language spoken by the Cayuga people
                       subtype:  Mohawk  the Iroquoian language spoken by the Mohawk people
                       subtype:  Seneca  the Iroquoian language spoken by the Seneca people
                       subtype:  Oneida  the Iroquoian language spoken by the Oneida people
                       subtype:  Onondaga  the Iroquoian language spoken by the Onondaga people
                       subtype:  Tuscarora  the Iroquoian language spoken by the Tuscarora people
                    subtype:  Quechuan__Quechua__Quechuan_language__Kechua__Kechuan  the language of the Quechua which was spoken by the Incas
                    subtype:  Maracan_language__Maraco  the language spoken by the Maraco people
                    subtype:  Tupi-Guarani_language__Tupi-Guarani  a family of South American Indian languages
                       subtype:  Guarani  the language spoken by the Guarani people of Paraguay and Bolivia
                       subtype:  Tupi  the language spoken by the Tupi people of Brazil and Paraguay
                    subtype:  Arawak__Arawakan  a family of South American Indian languages spoken in northeastern South America
                    subtype:  Carib__Caribbean_language  the family of languages spoken by the Carib people
                    subtype:  Uto-Aztecan_language__Uto-Aztecan  a family of American Indian languages
                       subtype:  Shoshonean_language__Shoshonean__Shoshonian__Shoshonian_language  a subfamily of Uto-Aztecan languages spoken mainly in the southwestern United States
                          subtype:  Shoshone  the language spoken by the Shoshone people (belonging to the Uto-Aztecan family)
                          subtype:  Comanche  the Shoshonean language spoken by the Comanche people
                          subtype:  Hopi  the Shoshonean language spoken by the Hopi people
                          subtype:  Paiute  the Shoshonean language spoken by the Paiute people
                          subtype:  Ute  the Shoshonean language spoken by the Ute people
                       subtype:  Pima  the Uto-Aztecan language spoken by the Pima people
                       subtype:  Aztecan  the Uto-Aztecan language spoken by the Aztec people
                       subtype:  Nahuatl  the Uto-Aztecan language spoken by the Nahuatl people
                       subtype:  Cahita  the Uto-Aztecan language of the Cahita people
                       subtype:  Tatahumara  the Uto-Aztecan language of the Tatahumara people
                    subtype:  Mayan_language__Maya__Mayan  a family of American Indian languages spoken by Mayan peoples
                       subtype:  Kekchi  a Mayan language spoken by the Kekchi people
                       subtype:  Mam  a Mayan language spoken by the Mam people
                       subtype:  Yucatec__Yucateco  a Mayan language spoken by the Yucatec people
                       subtype:  Quiche  the Mayan language spoken by the Quiche people
                       subtype:  Cakchiquel  the Mayan language spoken by the Cakchiquel people
                    subtype:  Siouan_language__Siouan  a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux
                       subtype:  Biloxi  the Siouan language spoken by the Biloxi people
                       subtype:  Catawba  the Siouan language spoken by the Catawba people
                       subtype:  Chiwere  the Siouan language spoken by the Iowa and Oto and Missouri people
                          subtype:  Iowa.Chiwere__iowa__Ioway  a dialect of the Chiwere language spoken by the Iowa people
                          subtype:  Missouri.Chiwere__missouri  a dialect of the Chiwere language spoken by the Missouri people
                          subtype:  Oto__oto__Otoe  a dialect of the Chiwere language spoken by the Oto people
                       subtype:  Crow  a Siouan language spoken by the Crow people
                       subtype:  Dakota  the Siouan language spoken by the Dakota people
                       subtype:  Dhegiha  a branch of the Siouan languages
                          subtype:  Kansa__Kansas  the Dhegiha dialect spoken by the Kansa people
                          subtype:  Omaha  the Dhegiha dialect spoken by the Omaha people
                          subtype:  Osage  the Dhegiha dialect spoken by the Osage people
                          subtype:  Ponca__Ponka  the Dhegiha dialect spoken by the Ponca people
                          subtype:  Quapaw  the Dhegiha dialect spoken by the Quapaw people
                       subtype:  Hidatsa__Gros_Ventre  a Siouan language spoken by the Hidatsa people
                       subtype:  Hunkpapa  a Siouan language spoken by the Hunkpapa people
                       subtype:  Ofo  a Siouan language spoken by the Ofo people
                       subtype:  Oglala__Ogalala  a Siouan language spoken by the Oglala people
                       subtype:  Santee  the Siouan language spoken by the Santee people
                       subtype:  Tutelo  the Siouan language spoken by the Tutelo people
                       subtype:  Winnebago  the Siouan language spoken by the Winnebago people
                    subtype:  Tanoan_language__Tanoan  a family of North American Indian language spoken in southwestern United States
                       subtype:  Kiowa  the Tanoan language spoken by the Kiowa people
                    subtype:  Hoka__Hokan  a family of Amerindian languages spoken in California
                       subtype:  Chimariko  the Hokan language spoken by the Chimariko people
                       subtype:  Esselen  the Hokan language spoken by the Esselen people
                       subtype:  Kulanapan  a group of languages of the Hokan family
                          subtype:  Pomo  the Kulanapan language spoken by the Pomo
                       subtype:  Quoratean  a group of languages of the Hokan family
                          subtype:  Karok  the Quoratean language of the Karok people
                       subtype:  Shastan  a group of languages of the Hokan family in California
                          subtype:  Achomawi  the Shastan language spoken by the Achomawi people
                          subtype:  Atsugewi  the Shastan language spoken by the Atsugewi people
                          subtype:  Shasta  the Shastan language spoken by the Shasta people
                       subtype:  Yuman  a group of language of the Hokan family in Arizona and California and Mexico
                          subtype:  Akwa'ala  the Yuman language spoken by the Akwa'ala people
                          subtype:  Cochimi  the Yuman language spoken by the Cochimi people
                          subtype:  Cocopa__Cocopah  the Yuman language spoken by the Cocopa people
                          subtype:  Diegueno  the Yuman language spoken by the Diegueno people
                          subtype:  Havasupai  the Yuman language spoken by the Havasupai people
                          subtype:  Kamia  the Yuman language spoken by the Kamia people
                          subtype:  Kiliwa__Kiliwi  the Yuman language spoken by the Kiliwa people
                          subtype:  Maricopa  the Yuman language spoken by the Maricopa and the Halchidhoma peoples
                          subtype:  Mohave__Mojave  the Yuman language spoken by the Mohave people
                          subtype:  Walapai__Hualapai__Hualpai  the Yuman language spoken by the Walapai people
                          subtype:  Yavapai  the Yuman language spoken by the Yavapai people
                          subtype:  Yuma  the Yuman language spoken by the Yuma people
                       subtype:  Yanan  a language group of the Hokan family
                          subtype:  Yahi  the Yanan language spoken by the Yahi people
                          subtype:  Yana  the Yanan language spoken by the Yana people
                    subtype:  Penutian  a family of Amerindian language spoken in the great interior valley of California
                       subtype:  Copehan  a group of Penutian languages spoken to the west of the Sacramento river
                          subtype:  Patwin  a Copehan language spoken by the Patwin people
                          subtype:  Wintun  a Copehan language spoken by the Wintun people
                       subtype:  Costanoan  a Penutian language spoken by the Costanoan people
                       subtype:  Mariposan__Yokuts  a Penutian language spoken by the Yokuts people in the San Joaquin valley
                       subtype:  Moquelumnan__Miwok  a Penutian language spoken by the Miwok people
                       subtype:  Pujunan__Maidu  a Penutian language spoken by the Maidu people
                       subtype:  Chinookan__Chinook  a Penutian language spoken by the Chinook people
                       subtype:  Kalapooian__Kalapuyan  a Penutian language spoken by the Kalapuya people
                       subtype:  Kusan  a Penutian language spoken by the Kusan people
                       subtype:  Shahaptian__Sahaptin  a Penutian language spoken by the Shahaptian people
                          subtype:  Nez_Perce  the Shahaptian language spoken by the Nez Perce people
                       subtype:  Takilman__Takelma  a Penutian language spoken by the Takelma people
                       subtype:  Tsimshian  a Penutian language spoken by the Tsimshian people
                 subtype:  Eskimo-Aleut_language__Eskimo-Aleut  the family of languages that includes Eskimo and Aleut
                    subtype:  Eskimo__Esquimau  the language spoken by the Eskimo people
                    subtype:  Aleut  the language spoken by the Aleut people
                 subtype:  Sino-Tibetan_language__Sino-Tibetan  the family of tonal languages spoken in eastern Asia (in China and Tibet and Burma and Thai)
                    subtype:  Sinitic_language__Sinitic  a group of Sino-Tibetan languages
                       subtype:  Chinese  any of the Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in China (regarded as dialects of a single language (even though they are mutually unintelligible) because they share an ideographic writing system)
                          subtype:  Mandarin_Chinese__Mandarin__Mandarin_dialect__Beijing_dialect  the dialect of Chinese spoken in Beijing and adopted as the official language for all of China
                          subtype:  Wu_dialect__Wu__Shanghai_dialect  a dialect of Chinese spoken in the Yangtze delta
                          subtype:  Yue_dialect__Yue__Cantonese__Cantonese_dialect  the dialect of Chinese spoken in Canton and neighboring provinces and in Hong Kong and elsewhere outside China
                          subtype:  Min_dialect__Min__Fukien__Fukkianese__Hokkianese__Amoy__Taiwanese  any of the forms of Chinese spoken in Fukien province
                          subtype:  Hakka_dialect__Hakka  a dialect of Chinese spoken in southeastern China; this form of Chinese is not well known outside China because few of the Hakka people have migrated
                    subtype:  Tibeto-Burman_language__Tibeto-Burman  a branch of the Sino-Tibetan family of languages spoken from Tibet to the Malay peninsula
                       subtype:  Qiang__Qiangic  the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Sichuan
                       subtype:  Bai__Baic  the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the Dali region of Yunnan
                       subtype:  Himalayish  the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Tibet and Nepal and Bhutan and Sikkim
                          subtype:  Tibetan  Himalayish language spoken in Tibet
                          subtype:  Newari  Himalayish language spoken in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal
                       subtype:  Kamarupan  the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in northeastern India and adjacent regions of western Burma
                          subtype:  Kuki-Chin__Kuki__Chin  Kamarupan languages spoken in western Burma and Bangladesh and easternmost India
                          subtype:  Naga  Kamarupan languages spoken in northeastern India and western Burma
                          subtype:  Mikir-Meithei  Kamarupan languages spoken in the states of Manipur and Assam in northeastern India
                          subtype:  Bodo-Garo__Barish  Kamarupan languages spoken in the state of Assam in northeastern India
                          subtype:  Miri__Mirish__Abor__Dafla  little known Kamarupan languages
                       subtype:  Karen__Karenic  the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the Thailand and Burmese borderlands
                       subtype:  Lolo-Burmese__Burmese-Yi  the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in northern Burma and Yunnan
                          subtype:  Burmese  the official language of Burma
                          subtype:  Loloish  languages spoken by hill tribes in northern Burma and neighboring areas
                             subtype:  Lisu  a Loloish language
                             subtype:  Hani__Akha  a Loloish language
                             subtype:  Lahu  a Loloish language
                             subtype:  Lolo__Yi  a Loloish language
                       subtype:  Kachin__Kachinic  Tibeto-Burman languages spoken in northernmost Burma and adjacent China and India
                          subtype:  Jinghpo__Jinghpaw__Chingpo  a Kachinic language
                    subtype:  Kadai_language__Kadai__Kam-Tai  a family of Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in southeastern Asia
                       subtype:  Kam-Sui  a group of Kadai languages
                       subtype:  Tai  the most widespread and best known of the Kadai family of languages
                          subtype:  White_Tai  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Red_Tai  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Tai_Dam__Black_Tai  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Tai_Nuea__Chinese_Shan__Dehong_Dai  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Tai_Long__Shan  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Tai_Lue__Xishuangbanna_Dai__xishuangbannadai  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Tai_Yuan__Kam_Muang  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Khuen  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Lao  the Tai language of a Buddhist people living in the area of the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos
                          subtype:  Khamti  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Southern_Tai  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Tay  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Nung  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Tho  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Central_Thai__Thai__Siamese  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Bouyei__Buyi  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Zhuang  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Yay  a branch of the Tai languages
                          subtype:  Saek  a branch of the Tai languages
                 subtype:  Austro-Asiatic__Munda-Mon-Khmer  a family of languages spoken in southn and southeastern Asia
                    subtype:  Munda  a family of languages spoken by people scattered throughout central India
                    subtype:  Mon-Khmer  a branch of the Austro-Asiatic languages
                       subtype:  Annamite__Vietnamese__Annamese  the Mon-Khmer language spoken in Vietnam
                       subtype:  Khmer  the Mon-Khmer language spoken in Cambodia
                 subtype:  Austronesian_language__Austronesian  the family of languages spoken in Australia and Formosa and Malaysia and Polynesia
                    subtype:  Malayo-Polynesian  the branch of the Austronesian languages spoken from Madagascar to the central Pacific
                       subtype:  Oceanic__Eastern_Malayo-Polynesian  an eastern subfamily of Malayo-Polynesian languages
                          subtype:  Tahitian  the Oceanic language spoken on Tahiti
                          subtype:  Maori  the Oceanic language spoken by the Maori people in New Zealand
                          subtype:  Hawaiian  the Oceanic languages spoken on Hawaii
                          subtype:  Fijian  the Oceanic language spoken on Fiji
                       subtype:  Western_Malayo-Polynesian  a western subfamily of Malayo-Polynesian languages
                          subtype:  Malay  a western subfamily of Western Malayo-Polynesian languages
                             subtype:  Bahasa_Malaysia__Malaysian__Bahasa_Melayu__Bahasa_Kebangsaan  the Malay language spoken in Malaysia
                             subtype:  Bahasa_Indonesia__Indonesian__Bahasa  the dialect of Malay used as the national language of the Republic of Indonesia or of Malaysia
                                subtype:  Javanese  the Indonesian language spoken on Java
                                subtype:  Sundanese  the Indonesian language spoken in the Lesser Sunda Islands
                                subtype:  Balinese  the Indonesian language of the people of Bali
                          subtype:  Philippine__Filipino  official language of the Philippines; based on Tagalog; draws its lexicon from other Philippine languages
                             subtype:  Tagalog  language of the Tagalog people on which Filipino is based
                             subtype:  Cebuano__Cebuan  language of the people of Cebu in the Philippines; its lexicon contributes to the official language of the Philippines
                    subtype:  Aboriginal_Australian__Australian  the Austronesian languages spoken by Australian aborigines
                       subtype:  Dyirbal__Jirrbal  a language of Australian aborigines
                       subtype:  Walbiri__Warlpiri  a language of Australian aborigines
                    subtype:  Formosan  the Austronesian languages spoken on Formosa
                       subtype:  Tayalic__Atayalic  a language spoken by a Malaysian people on Formosa
                       subtype:  Tsouic  a Formosan language
                       subtype:  Paiwanic  a Formosan language
                 subtype:  Papuan_language__Papuan  any of the indigenous languages spoken in Papua New Guinea or New Britain or the Solomon Islands that are not Malayo-Polynesian languages
                 subtype:  Khoisan_language__Khoisan  a family of languages spoken in southern Africa
                    subtype:  Khoikhoin__Khoikhoi__Hottentot  any of the Khoisan languages spoken by the pastoral people of Namibia and South Africa
                 subtype:  Indo-European_language__Indo-European__Indo-Hittite  the family of languages that by 1000 BC were spoken throughout Europe and in parts of southwestern and southern Asia
                    subtype:  Proto-Indo_European__PIE  a prehistoric unrecorded language that was the ancestor of all Indo-European languages
                    subtype:  Albanian  the Indo-European language spoken by the people of Albania
                       subtype:  Gheg_dialect__Gheg  the dialect of Albanian spoken in northern Albania and Yugoslavia
                       subtype:  Tosk_dialect__Tosk  the dialect of Albanian spoken in southern Albania and in areas of Greece and Italy
                    subtype:  Armenian_language__Armenian  the Indo-European language spoken predominantly in Armenia
                    subtype:  Illyrian  a minor and almost extinct branch of the Indo-European languages; spoken along the Dalmatian coast
                    subtype:  Thraco-Phrygian  an extinct branch of the Indo-European language family thought by some to be related to Armenian
                       subtype:  Thracian  a Thraco-Phrygian language spoken by the ancient people of Thrace but extinct by the early Middle Ages
                       subtype:  Phrygian  a Thraco-Phrygian language spoken by the ancient inhabitants of Phrygia and now extinct--preserved only in a few inscriptions
                    subtype:  Balto-Slavic_language__Balto-Slavic__Balto-Slavonic  a family of Indo-European languages including the Slavic and Baltic languages
                       subtype:  Slavic_language__Slavic__Slavonic__Slavonic_language  a branch of the Indo European family of language
                          subtype:  Old_Church_Slavonic__Old_Church_Slavic__Church_Slavic__Old_Bulgarian  the Slavic language into which the Bible was translated in the 9th Century
                          subtype:  Russian.Slavic_language__russian  the Slavic language that is the official language of Russia
                          subtype:  Belarusian__Byelorussian  the Slavic language spoken in Belarus
                          subtype:  Ukrainian  the Slavic language spoken in the Ukraine
                          subtype:  Polish  the Slavic language of Poland
                          subtype:  Slovak  the Slavic language spoken in Slovakia
                          subtype:  Czech  the Slavic language of the Czech people
                          subtype:  Slovene  the Slavic language of the Slovene people
                          subtype:  Serbo-Croat__Serbo-Croatian  the Slavic language of the Serbs and Croats; the Serbian dialect is usually written in the Cyrillic alphabet and the Croatian dialect is usually written in the Roman alphabet
                          subtype:  Lusatian__Sorbian  aa slavonic language spoken in rural area of southeastern Germany
                          subtype:  Macedonian.Slavic_language__macedonian  the Slavic language of modern Macedonia
                          subtype:  Bulgarian  a Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria
                       subtype:  Baltic_language__Baltic  a branch of the Indo-European family of languages related to the Slavonic languages; Baltic languages have preserved many archaic features that are believed to have existed in Proto-Indo European
                          subtype:  Old_Prussian  a dead language of the non-German Prussians (extinct after 1700); thought to belong to the Baltic branch of Indo-European
                          subtype:  Lithuanian  the official language of Lithuania; belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo European
                          subtype:  Lettish__Latvian  the official language of Latvia; belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo-European
                    subtype:  Germanic_language__Germanic  a branch of the Indo-European family of languages; members that are spoken currently fall into two major groups: Scandinavian and West Germanic
                       subtype:  West_Germanic_language__West_Germanic  a branch of the Germanic languages
                          subtype:  English_language__English  an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the US and most of the Commonwealth countries
                             subtype:  American_English__American_language__American  the English language as used in the United States
                                subtype:  Black_English_Vernacular__Black_English__Ebonics  a nonstandard form of American English spoken by some American Black people
                             subtype:  cockney  the nonstandard dialect of natives of the east end of London
                             subtype:  King's_English  standard southern British English
                             subtype:  Middle_English  English from about 1100 to 1450
                                subtype:  East_Midland  the dialect of Middle English that replaced West Saxon as the literary language and which developed into Modern English
                                subtype:  West_Midland  a dialect of Middle English
                                subtype:  Northern  a dialect of Middle English that developed into Scottish Lallans
                                subtype:  Kentish  a dialect of Middle English
                                subtype:  Southwestern__West_Saxon  a dialect of Middle English
                             subtype:  Modern_English  English since about 1450
                             subtype:  Old_English__Anglo-Saxon  English prior to about 1100
                                subtype:  West_Saxon  a literary dialect of Old English
                                subtype:  Anglian  one of the major dialects of Old English
                                subtype:  Jutish__Kentish  one of the major dialects of Old English
                             subtype:  Oxford_English  the dialect of English spoken at Oxford University and regarded by many as affected and pretentious
                             subtype:  Scottish__Scots__Scots_English  the dialect of English used in Scotland
                                subtype:  Scottish_Lallans__Lallans  a dialect of English spoken in the Lowlands of Scotland
                          subtype:  German_language__German__High_German  the standard German language; developed historically from West Germanic
                             subtype:  Old_High_German  High German prior to 1200
                             subtype:  Middle_High_German  High German from 1100 to 1500
                             subtype:  Yiddish  a dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words; spoken as a vernacular by European Jews
                             subtype:  Pennsylvania_Dutch  a dialect of High German spoken in parts of Pennsylvania and Maryland
                          subtype:  Low_German__Plattdeutsch  a German dialect spoken in northern Germany
                             subtype:  Old_Saxon  Low German prior to 1200
                             subtype:  Middle_Low_German  Low German from 1100 to 1500
                          subtype:  Dutch  the West Germanic language of the Netherlands
                             subtype:  Flemish_dialect__Flemish  one of two official languages of Belgium; closely related to Dutch
                             subtype:  Afrikaans__Taal__the_Taal__South_African_Dutch  an official language of the Republic of South Africa; closely related to Dutch and Flemish
                          subtype:  Frisian  a West Germanic language spoken in the northwestern Netherlands; a near relative of English
                             subtype:  Old_Frisian  the Frisian language until the 16th century
                       subtype:  Proto-Norse  the Germanic language of Scandinavia up until about 700
                       subtype:  Old_Norse  the extinct Germanic language of medieval Scandinavia and Iceland from about to 700 to 1350
                          subtype:  Old_Icelandic__oldicelandic  the extinct dialect of Old Norse that was spoken in Iceland up until about 1600
                       subtype:  Scandinavian_language__Scandinavian__Nordic__Norse__North_Germanic__North_Germanic_language  the northern family of Germanic languages that are spoken in Scandinavia and Iceland
                          subtype:  Danish  a Scandinavian language that is the official language of Denmark
                          subtype:  Icelandic  a Scandinavian language that is the official language of Iceland
                          subtype:  Norwegian  a Scandinavian language that is spoken in Norway
                             subtype:  Bokmal__Dano-Norwegian__Riksmal  one of two official languages of Norway; closely related to Danish
                             subtype:  New_Norwegian__Landsmal__Nynorsk  one of two official languages of Norway; based on rural dialects
                          subtype:  Swedish  a Scandinavian language that is the official language of Sweden and one of two official languages of Finland
                          subtype:  Faroese__Faeroese  a Scandinavian language (closely related to Icelandic) that is spoken on the Faroe Islands
                       subtype:  East_Germanic_language__East_Germanic  an extinct branch of the Germanic languages
                          subtype:  Gothic  extinct East Germanic language of the ancient Goths; the only surviving record being fragments of a 4th-century translation of the Bible by Bishop Ulfilas
                    subtype:  Celtic_language__Celtic  a branch of the Indo-European languages that (judging from inscriptions and place names) was spread widely over Europe in the pre-Christian era
                       subtype:  Gaelic__Goidelic__Erse  any of several related languages of the Celts in Ireland and Scotland
                          subtype:  Irish_Gaelic__Irish  the Celtic language of Ireland
                             subtype:  Old_Irish  Irish Gaelic up to about 1100
                             subtype:  Middle_Irish  Irish Gaelic from 1100 to 1500
                          subtype:  Scottish_Gaelic__Scots_Gaelic  the Gaelic language of Scotland
                          subtype:  Manx  the Gaelic language formerly spoken on the Isle of Man
                       subtype:  Brythonic__Brittanic  a southern group of Celtic languages
                          subtype:  Welsh  a Celtic language of Wales
                          subtype:  Cornish.Brythonic__cornish  a Celtic language formerly spoken in Cornwall
                          subtype:  Breton  a Celtic language of Brittany
                    subtype:  Italic_language__Italic  a branch of the Indo-European languages of which Latin is the chief representative
                       subtype:  Osco-Umbrian  a group of dead languages of ancient Italy; they were displace by Latin
                          subtype:  Umbrian  an extinct Italic language of ancient southern Italy
                          subtype:  Oscan  an extinct Italic language of ancient southern Italy
                          subtype:  Sabellian  an extinct Osco-Umbrian language of ancient Italy that survives only in a few inscriptions
                       subtype:  Latin  any dialect of the language of ancient Rome
                          subtype:  Old_Latin  the oldest recorded Latin (dating back at early as the 6th century B.C.)
                          subtype:  classical_Latin  the language of educated people in ancient Rome; "Latin is a language as dead as dead can be. It killed the ancient Romans--and now it's killing me"
                          subtype:  Low_Latin  any dialect of Latin other than the classical
                             subtype:  Vulgar_Latin  nonclassical Latin dialects spoken in the Roman Empire; source of Romance languages
                             subtype:  Medieval_Latin  Latin used for liturgical purposes during the Middle Ages
                          subtype:  Late_Latin__Biblical_Latin  the form of Latin written between the 3rd and 8th centuries
                          subtype:  Neo-Latin__New_Latin  Latin since the Renaissance; used for scientific nomenclature
                          subtype:  Romance_language__Romance__romance__Latinian_language  the group of languages derived from Latin
                             subtype:  bodice_ripper  a romantic novel containing scenes in which the heroine is sexually violated
                             subtype:  Italian.Romance_language__italian  the Romance language spoken in Italy
                                subtype:  Old_Italian  the Italian language up to the middle of the 16th century
                                subtype:  Tuscan  a dialect of Italian spoken in Tuscany (especially Florence)
                             subtype:  French  the Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by France
                                subtype:  Langue_d'oil_French__Langue_d'oil  medieval provincial dialects of French spoken in central and northern France
                                subtype:  Langue_d'oc_French__Langue_d'oc  medieval provincial dialects of French formerly spoken in the south of France
                                   subtype:  Provencal__Occitan__occitan  the medieval dialects of Langue d'oc
                                subtype:  Old_French  the earliest form of the French language; 9th to 15th century
                                subtype:  Norman-French__Old_North_French  the medieval Norman dialect of Old French
                                subtype:  Anglo-French__Anglo-Norman  the French (Norman) language used in medieval England
                                subtype:  Canadian_French__canadianfrench  the French language as spoken in Quebec, Canada
                                subtype:  Walloon  dialect of French spoken in Belgium and adjacent parts of France
                             subtype:  Portuguese  the Romance language spoken in Portugal and Brazil
                                subtype:  Galician  the dialect of Portuguese (sometimes regarded as a dialect of Spanish) spoken in Galicia northwestern Spain
                             subtype:  Spanish  the Romance language spoken in most of Spain and the countries colonized by Spain
                                subtype:  Mexican_Spanish  the dialect of Spanish spoken in Mexico
                             subtype:  Catalan  the Romance language spoken in Catalonia in eastern Spain (related to Spanish and Occitan)
                             subtype:  Rumanian  an eastern Romance language spoken in Rumania
                    subtype:  Tocharian  a branch of the Indo-European language family that originated in central Asia during the first millennium A.D.
                       subtype:  Turfan_dialect__Turfan__East_Tocharian  a dialect of Tocharian
                       subtype:  Kuchean_dialect__Kuchean__West_Tocharian  a dialect of Tocharian
                    subtype:  Indo-Iranian_language__Indo-Iranian  the branch of the Indo-European family of languages including the Indic and Iranian language groups
                       subtype:  Indic__Indo-Aryan  a branch of the Indo-Iranian family of languages
                          subtype:  Sanskrit__Sanskritic_language  an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism); an official language of India although it is now used only for religious purposes
                             subtype:  Sindhi  the Indic language of the Sindhi people
                             subtype:  Romany__Gypsy  the Indic language of the Gypsies
                             subtype:  Urdu  the official literary language of Pakistan, closely related to Hindi; widely used in India (mostly by Moslems); written in Arabic script
                             subtype:  Hindi  the most widely spoken of modern Indic vernaculars; spoken mostly in the north of India; along with English it is the official language of India; usually written in Devanagari script
                                subtype:  Hindoostani__Hindustani__Hindostani  a form of Hindi spoken around Delhi
                             subtype:  Bihari  the Indic language spoken in Bihar (and by some people in Pakistan and Bangladesh)
                             subtype:  Magadhan  a subfamily of Indic languages
                                subtype:  Asamiya__Assamese  the Magadhan language spoken by the Assamese people; closely related to Bengali
                                subtype:  Bengali  a Magadhan language spoken by the Bengali people; the official language of Bangladesh and West Bengal
                                subtype:  Oriya  a Magadhan language that is spoken by the Oriya people and is the official language of the Indian state of Orissa
                             subtype:  Marathi__Mahratti  an Indic language; the state language of Maharashtra in west central India; written in the Devanagari script
                             subtype:  Gujarati__Gujerati  the Indic language spoken by the people of India who live in Gujarat in western India
                             subtype:  Punjabi__Panjabi  the Indic language spoken by most people in Punjab in northwestern India
                             subtype:  Sinhala__Sinhalese__Singhalese  the Indic language spoken by the people of Sri Lanka
                          subtype:  Dard__Dardic__Dardic_language  any of a group of Indic languages spoken in Kashmir and eastern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan
                             subtype:  Shina  a Dardic language spoken in northern Kashmir
                             subtype:  Khowar  a Dardic language spoken in northwestern Pakistan
                             subtype:  Kafiri  a Dardic language spoken by the Kafir people in northeastern Afghanistan
                             subtype:  Kashmiri  the official state language of Kashmir
                          subtype:  Nepali  the official state language of Nepal
                       subtype:  Iranian_language__Iranian  the modern Persian language spoken in Iran
                          subtype:  Zend__Avestan  an ancient Iranian language
                          subtype:  Gathic  an ancient Iranian language
                          subtype:  Persian__Farsi  the language of Persia (Iran) in any of its ancient forms
                          subtype:  Dari_Persian__Dari  an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan
                          subtype:  Tajiki  an Iranian language spoken in Iran and Russia
                          subtype:  Kurdish  an Iranian language spoken in Turkey and Iran and Iraq and Syria and Russia
                          subtype:  Balochi__Baluchi  an Iranian language spoken in Pakistan and Iran and Afghanistan and Russia and the Persian gulf
                          subtype:  Paxto__Pashto__Afghani__Afghan  an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan
                          subtype:  Ossete  a northeastern Iranian language spoken in Russia
                          subtype:  Scythian  the Iranian language spoken by the ancient Scythians
                    subtype:  Anatolian_language__Anatolian  an extinct branch of the Indo-European family of languages known from inscriptions and important in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo European
                       subtype:  Hittite  the principal language of the Anatolian group
                       subtype:  Lycian  an Anatolian language
                       subtype:  Luwian__Luvian  an Anatolian language
                       subtype:  Lydian  an Anatolian language
                       subtype:  Palaic  an Anatolian language
                    subtype:  Hellenic__Greek__Hellenic_language  the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European family of languages
                       subtype:  Modern_Greek  the Greek language as spoken and written today
                          subtype:  Romaic__Demotic  the modern Greek vernacular
                          subtype:  Katharevusa  literary style of Modern Greek containing features borrowed from Koine
                       subtype:  Late_Greek  the Greek language in the 3rd to 8th centuries
                       subtype:  Medieval_Greek__Middle_Greek__Byzantine_Greek  the Greek language from about 600 to 1200 AD
                       subtype:  Koine  a Greek dialect that flourished under the Roman Empire
                       subtype:  Ancient_Greek  the Greek language prior to the Roman Empire
                          subtype:  Attic__Classical_Greek  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken and written in Attica and Athens
                          subtype:  Aeolic__Eolic  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in Thessaly and Boeotia and Aeolis
                          subtype:  Arcadic  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken by Arcadians
                          subtype:  Doric  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in the Peloponnesus
                          subtype:  Ionic  the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in Ionia
                 subtype:  Ural-Altaic  a (postulated) group of languages including many of the indigenous languages of Russia (but not Russian)
                    subtype:  Altaic_language__Altaic  a group of related languages spoken in Asia and southeastern Europe
                       subtype:  Turkic__Turki__Turko-Tatar__Turkic_language  a subfamily of Altaic languages
                          subtype:  Turkish  a Turkic language spoken by the Turks
                          subtype:  Turkmen__Turkoman__Turcoman  the Turkic language spoken by the Turkoman people
                          subtype:  Azerbaijani  the Turkic language spoken by the Azerbaijani people
                          subtype:  Kazak__Kazakh  the Turkic language spoken by the Kazak people
                          subtype:  Tatar  the Turkic language spoken by the Tatar people living from the Volga to the Ural Mountains
                          subtype:  Uzbek__Uzbeg__Uzbak__Usbek__Usbeg  the Turkic language spoken by the Uzbek people
                          subtype:  Uigur__Uighur  the Turkic language spoken by the Uigur people
                          subtype:  Yakut  the Turkic language spoken by the Yakut people
                          subtype:  Kirghiz__Kirgiz__Khirghiz  the Turkic language spoken by the Kirghiz people
                          subtype:  Karakalpak  the Turkic language spoken by the Karakalpak people
                          subtype:  Chuvash  the Turkic language spoken by the Chuvash people
                          subtype:  Chagatai__Jagatai__Jaghatai__Eastern_Turki  a literary language of Chinese Turkestan (named for one of the sons of Genghis Khan)
                       subtype:  Tungusic_language__Tungusic  a family of Altaic languages spoken in Mongolia and neighboring areas
                          subtype:  Tunguz__Tungus__Evenki__Ewenki  the Tungusic language of the Evenki people in eastern Siberia
                          subtype:  Manchu  the Tungusic language spoken by the Manchu people
                       subtype:  Mongolian__Mongolic__Mongolic_language  a family of Altaic language spoken in Mongolia
                          subtype:  Khalkha__Khalka__Kalka  the language of the Khalkha people that is the official language of the Mongolian People's Republic
                       subtype:  Korean.Altaic_language__korean  the Altaic language spoken by the Korean people
                       subtype:  Japanese  the language (usually considered to be Altaic) spoken by the Japanese people
                          subtype:  Ryukyuan  the language (related to Japanese) that is spoken by the people of the Ryukyu Islands
                    subtype:  Uralic_language__Uralic  a family of Ural-Altaic languages
                       subtype:  Finno-Ugric__Finno-Ugrian  a family of Uralic languages indigenous to Scandinavia and Hungary and Russia and western Siberia (prior to the Slavic expansion into those regions)
                          subtype:  Fennic__Finnic__Non-Ugric  one of two branches of the Finno-Ugric languages; a family of languages including Finnish and Estonian (but not Hungarian)
                             subtype:  Permic  a group of Finnic languages spoken in the northwest Urals
                                subtype:  Udmurt__Votyak  the Finnic language spoken by the Votyak people
                                subtype:  Zyrian__Komi  the Finnic language spoken by the Komi people
                             subtype:  Volgaic  a group of Finnic languages spoken around the Volga river
                                subtype:  Cheremis__Cheremiss__Mari  the Finnic language spoken by the Cheremis people
                                subtype:  Mordva__Mordvin__Mordvinian  the Finnic language spoken by the Mordvin people
                             subtype:  Baltic-Finnic  a group of Finnic languages including Finnish and Estonian
                                subtype:  Livonian  the Finnic language spoken by the people of Livonia in Estonia and Latvia
                                subtype:  Estonian__Esthonian  the official language of Estonia; belongs to the Baltic-Finnic family of languages
                                subtype:  Karelian__Carelian  a Finnic language spoken by the people of Karelia
                                subtype:  Ludian  a Baltic-Finnic language
                                subtype:  Finnish__Suomi  the official language of Finland; belongs to the Baltic Finnic family of languages
                                subtype:  Veps__Vepse__Vepsian  a Finnic language spoken by the Veps people
                                subtype:  Ingrian  a Finnic language spoken by the Ingrian people
                          subtype:  Ugric__Ugrian  one of the two branches of the Finno-Ugric family of languages; spoken in Hungary and northwestern Siberia
                             subtype:  Hungarian__Magyar  the official language of Hungary (also spoken in Rumania); belongs to the Ugric family of languages
                             subtype:  Khanty__Ostyak  a Ugric language (related to Hungarian) spoken by the Ostyak people
                             subtype:  Mansi__Vogul  the Ugric language (related to Hungarian) spoken by the Vogul people
                       subtype:  Lappic__Lappish  any of the languages spoken by the Lapp people and generally assumed to be Uralic languages
                          subtype:  Sami__Lapp  the language of the nomadic Lapp people in northern Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula
                       subtype:  Samoyedic__Samoyed  the Uralic languages spoken by the Samoyed people in northwestern Siberia
                          subtype:  Nenets__Nentsi__Nentsy__Yurak-Samoyed  a Uralic language spoken by a Samoyed people of northern Siberia
                          subtype:  Enets__Entsi__Entsy__Yenisei__Yenisei-Samoyed__Yeniseian  the Uralic language spoken by the Yeniseian people
                          subtype:  Nganasan  the Uralic language spoken by the Nganasan people
                          subtype:  Selkup__Ostyak-Samoyed  the Uralic language spoken by the Ostyak-Samoyed people
                 subtype:  Basque  the language of the Basque people; of no known relation to any other language
                 subtype:  Elamitic__Elamite__Susian  an extinct ancient language of unknown affinities; spoken by the Elamites
                 subtype:  Kassite__Cassite  an ancient language spoken by the Kassite people
                 subtype:  Caucasian_language__Caucasian  a number of language spoken in the Caucasus that have no known affiliations to languages spoken elsewhere
                    subtype:  Georgian.Caucasian_language__georgian  a southern Caucasian language with 3 million speakers and a long literary tradition
                    subtype:  Circassian  a northern Caucasian language spoken by the Circassian people
                       subtype:  Abkhazian__Abkhasian  a Circassian language spoken by the Abkhaz people
                    subtype:  Ubykh  a virtually extinct Caucasian language spoken exclusively in Turkey
                 subtype:  Dravidian_language__Dravidian__Dravidic  a large family of languages spoken in south and central India and Sri Lanka
                    subtype:  South_Dravidian  a Dravidian language spoken primarily in southern India
                       subtype:  Irula  a Dravidian language closely related to Tamil that is spoken in a hilly section of southwestern India
                       subtype:  Kodagu  a Dravidian language spoken by the Kodagu people
                       subtype:  Kota__Kotar  a Dravidian language spoken by the Kota people
                       subtype:  Toda  the Dravidian language spoken by the Toda people in southern India
                       subtype:  Kannada__Kanarese  a Dravidian language spoken in southern India
                          subtype:  Badaga  the dialect of Kannada that is spoken by the Badaga people
                       subtype:  Tulu  a Dravidian language spoken by the Tulu people
                       subtype:  Malayalam  a Dravidian language (closely related to Tamil) that is spoken in southwestern India
                       subtype:  Tamil  the Dravidian language spoken since prehistoric times by the Tamil people in southern India and Sri Lanka
                    subtype:  South-Central_Dravidian  a Dravidian language spoken primarily in south central India
                       subtype:  Telugu  a Dravidian language spoken by the Telugu people in southeastern India
                       subtype:  Savara  a Dravidian language spoke by the Savara people in southeastern India (north of Madras)
                       subtype:  Gondi  a Dravidian language spoken by the Gond people in south central India
                       subtype:  Pengo  a Dravidian language spoken in south central India
                       subtype:  Manda  a Dravidian language spoken in south central India
                       subtype:  Kui  the Dravidian language spoken by the Kui people in southeastern India
                       subtype:  Kuvi  a Dravidian language spoken in southeast India
                    subtype:  Central_Dravidian  a Dravidian language spoken primarily in central India
                       subtype:  Kolami  the Dravidian language spoken by the Kolam people in central India
                       subtype:  Naiki  a Dravidian language spoken in south central India
                       subtype:  Parji  a Dravidian language spoken in south central India
                       subtype:  Ollari  a Dravidian language spoken in south central India
                       subtype:  Gadaba  the Dravidian language spoken by the Gadaba people
                    subtype:  North_Dravidian  a Dravidian language spoken primarily in eastern India
                       subtype:  Kurux  a Dravidian language spoken in eastern India
                       subtype:  Malto  the Dravidian language spoken by the Malto people
                       subtype:  Brahui  an isolated Dravidian language spoken by the Brahui people in Pakistan
                 subtype:  Afroasiatic_language__Afroasiatic__Afrasian__Afrasian_language__Hamito-Semitic  a large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and Africa
                    subtype:  Chad__Chadic__Chadic_language  a family of Afroasiatic tonal languages (mostly two tones) spoken in the regions west and south of Lake Chad in north central Africa
                       subtype:  West_Chadic  a group of Chadic languages spoken in northern Nigeria; Hausa in the most important member
                          subtype:  Hausa__Haussa  the chief member of the Chadic family of Afroasiatic languages; widely used as a trading language
                          subtype:  Bole__Bolanci  a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria and closely related to Hausa
                          subtype:  Angas  a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria and closely related to Hausa
                          subtype:  Ron__Bokkos__Daffo  a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria
                          subtype:  Bade  a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria
                          subtype:  Warji  a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria
                          subtype:  Zaar__Sayanci  a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria
                       subtype:  Biu-Mandara  a group of Chadic languages spoken in the border area between Cameroon and Nigeria south of Lake Chad
                          subtype:  Tera__Pidlimdi__Yamaltu  a three-tone Chadic language
                          subtype:  Bura__Pabir  a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad
                          subtype:  Higi__Kapsiki  a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad
                          subtype:  Mandara__Wandala  a Chadic language spoken in the Mandara mountains in Cameroon; has only two vowels
                          subtype:  Matakam__Mafa  a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad
                          subtype:  Sukur  a Chadic language spoke south of Lake Chad
                          subtype:  Daba__Kola__Musgoi  a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad
                          subtype:  Bata  a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad
                          subtype:  Kotoko  a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad
                          subtype:  Musgu__Munjuk__Mulwi  a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad
                          subtype:  Gidar  a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad
                       subtype:  East_Chadic  a group of Chadic languages spoken in Chad
                          subtype:  Somrai__Sibine  a Chadic language spoken in Chad
                          subtype:  Nancere  a Chadic language spoken in Chad
                          subtype:  Kera  a Chadic language spoken in Chad
                          subtype:  Dangla__Dangaleat  a Chadic language spoken in Chad; uses seven vowels plus differences in vowel length
                          subtype:  Mokulu  a Chadic language spoken in Chad
                          subtype:  Sokoro  a Chadic language spoken in Chad
                       subtype:  Masa  an independent group of closely related Chadic languages spoken in the area between the Biu-Mandara and East Chadic languages
                    subtype:  Semitic  a major branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family
                       subtype:  Akkadian  an ancient branch of the Semitic languages
                          subtype:  Assyrian  an extinct language of the Assyrians regarded as a dialect of Akkadian
                       subtype:  Amharic__Ethiopian_language  the dominant and official language of Ethiopia; a semitic language much influenced by the Cushitic language with which Amhara people have been in close contact
                       subtype:  Arabic_language__Arabic  the Semitic language of the Arabs; spoken in a variety of dialects
                       subtype:  Aramaic  an ancient group of related Semitic dialects some of which are still spoken in Syria
                          subtype:  Biblical_Aramaic  the form of Aramaic that was spoken in Palestine in the time of the New Testament
                       subtype:  Canaanitic_language__Canaanitic  a group of Semitic languages
                          subtype:  Hebrew  the ancient Canaanitic language of the Hebrews that has been revived as the official language of Israel
                             subtype:  Modern_Hebrew  Hebrew used in Israel today; revived from ancient Hebrew
                          subtype:  Canaanite  the extinct language of the Semitic people who occupied Canaan before the Israelite conquest
                          subtype:  Phoenician  the extinct language of an ancient Semitic people who dominated trade in the ancient world
                             subtype:  Punic  the Phoenician dialect of ancient Carthage
                          subtype:  Ugaritic  an extinct Semitic language of northern Syria
                    subtype:  Hamitic_language__Hamitic  a group of North African languages related to Semitic
                    subtype:  Egyptian  the ancient and now extinct language of Pharaonic Egypt; written records date back to 3000 BC
                       subtype:  Coptic  the liturgical language of the Coptic Church of Egypt and Ethiopia; written in the Greek alphabet
                    subtype:  Berber  a cluster of related dialects that were once the major language of North Africa west of Egypt; now spoken mostly in Morocco
                       subtype:  Tuareg  the dialect of Berber spoken by the Tuareg people
                    subtype:  Cushitic  a group of languages spoken in Ethiopia and Somalia and northwestern Kenya and adjacent regions
                       subtype:  Somali  the Cushitic language spoken by the Somali people
                    subtype:  Omotic  a group of related languages spoken in a valley of southern Ethiopia; closely related to Cushitic languages
                 subtype:  Niger-Kordofanian_language__Niger-Kordofanian  the family of languages that includes most of the languages spoken in sub-Saharan Africa; the majority of them are tonal languages but there are important exceptions (e.g., Swahili or Fula)
                    subtype:  Kordofanian  a group of languages spoken in the relatively small Kordofan area of the south Sudan
                    subtype:  Niger-Congo  a family of African language spoken in west Africa
                       subtype:  Sango  a trade language widely used in Chad
                       subtype:  Bantoid_language__Bantu  a family of languages widely spoken in the southern half of the African continent
                          subtype:  Chichewa  the Bantu language of the Chewa people of east central Africa
                          subtype:  ChiMwini  a Bantu language spoken in southern Somalia
                          subtype:  Chishona  a Bantu language that is one of the two major languages of Zimbabwe
                          subtype:  Fang  a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon
                          subtype:  Gikuyu  a Bantu language spoken in western Kenya
                          subtype:  Giriama  a Bantu language spoken in the coastal regions of eastern Kenya
                          subtype:  Kamba  a Bantu language spoken by the Kamba people in Kenya
                          subtype:  Kichaga__Chaga__Chagga  a Bantu language spoken by the Chaga people in northern Tanzania
                          subtype:  Kinyarwanda  a Bantu language
                          subtype:  Kiswahili  a Bantu language
                          subtype:  Kongo  the Bantu language spoken by the Kongo people living in the tropical forests of Zaire and Congo and Angola
                          subtype:  Luba  a Bantu language spoken in southern Zaire
                          subtype:  LuGanda  the Bantu language of the Buganda people; spoken in Uganda
                          subtype:  Luyia  a Bantu language
                          subtype:  Mashi  a Bantu language
                          subtype:  Mwera  a Bantu language spoken in southern coastal Tanzania
                          subtype:  Nguni  a group of southern Bantu languages
                             subtype:  Ndebele__Matabele  a Bantu language sometimes considered a dialect of Zulu
                             subtype:  Swazi  a Bantu language closely related to Zulu
                             subtype:  Xhosa  a Bantu language closely related to Zulu
                             subtype:  Zulu  a Bantu language of considerable literary importance in southeastern Africa
                          subtype:  Nyamwezi  a Bantu language spoken in central Tanzania
                          subtype:  Pokomo  a Bantu language spoken in the Kenyan coastal areas of East Africa
                          subtype:  Sotho  any of the mutually intelligible southern Bantu languages of the Sotho people in Botswana and South Africa and Lesotho
                             subtype:  Sesotho__Basuto  the dialect of Sotho spoken by the Basotho; an official language of Lesotho
                             subtype:  Setswana__Tswana__Sechuana  the dialect of Sotho spoken by the Tswana people in Botswana
                          subtype:  Umbundu  a Bantu language spoken in Angola
                          subtype:  Swahili  the most widely spoken Bantu languages; the official language of Kenya and Tanzania and widely used as a lingua franca in east and central Africa
                          subtype:  Tonga  the language of the Tonga people of south central Africa (Zambia and Rhodesia)
                       subtype:  Gur__Voltaic  a group of Niger-Congo languages spoken primarily in southeastern Mali and northern Ghana
                       subtype:  West_African  a group of languages spoken in the extreme western part of West Africa
                          subtype:  Fula__Fulah__Fulani  a family of languages of the Fula people of west Africa in the sub-Sahara regions from Senegal to Chad; the best known of the West African Niger-Congo languages
                          subtype:  Serer  a West African language closely related to Fula; spoken primarily in Senegal and Gambia
                          subtype:  Wolof  the West AFrican language of the Wolof people in Senegal
                       subtype:  Mande  a group of African languages in the Niger-Congo group spoken from Senegal east as far as the Ivory Coast
                       subtype:  Kwa  a group of African language in the Niger-Congo group spoken from the Ivory Coast east to Nigeria
                          subtype:  Aku__Yoruba  a Kwa language spoken by the Yoruba people in southwestern Nigeria
                          subtype:  Akan  a Kwa language spoken in Ghana and the Ivory Coast
                          subtype:  Ewe  a Kwa language spoken by the Ewe people in Ghana and Togo and Benin
                 subtype:  Nilo-Saharan_language__Nilo-Saharan  a family of East African languages spoken by Nilotic peoples from the Sahara south to Kenya and Tanzania
                    subtype:  Chari-Nile  a group of Nilo-Saharan language spoken in parts of the Sudan and Zaire and Uganda and Tanzania
                       subtype:  Nilotic_language__Nilotic  a group of languages of East Africa belonging to the Chari-Nile group
                          subtype:  Dinka  a Nilotic language
                          subtype:  Luo  a Nilotic language
                          subtype:  Masai  a Nilotic language
                    subtype:  Saharan  a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in parts of Chad
                    subtype:  Songhai  a Nilo-Saharan language spoken by the Songhai people in Mali and Niger
              subtype:  linguistic_string__string__string_of_words__word_string  a linear sequence of words as spoken or written
                 subtype:  sentence  a string of words satisfying the grammatical rules of a language; "he always spoke in grammatical sentences"
                    subtype:  complex_sentence__complexsentence  a sentence composed of at least one main clause and one subordinate clause
                       subtype:  loose_sentence__loosesentence  a complex sentence in which the main clause comes first and the subordinate clause follows
                       subtype:  periodic_sentence  a complex sentence in which the main clause comes last and is preceded by the subordinate clause
                    subtype:  compound_sentence  a sentence composed of at least two coordinate independent clauses
                    subtype:  declarative_sentence__declarativesentence__declaratory_sentence__declaratorysentence  a sentence (in the indicative mood) that makes a declaration
                    subtype:  run-on_sentence  an ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction
                    subtype:  topic_sentence__topicsentence  a sentence that states the topic of its paragraph
                    subtype:  interrogative__question__interrogation__interrogative_sentence__interrogativesentence  a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"
                       subtype:  cross-question__crossquestion  a question asked in cross-examination
                       subtype:  leading_question__leadingquestion  a question phrased in such a way as to suggest the desired answer; a lawyer may ask leading questions on cross-examination
                       subtype:  yes-no_question  a question that can be answered by yes or no
                 subtype:  syntagma__syntagm  a syntactic string that forms a part of some larger syntactic unit
                    subtype:  grammatical_constituent__grammaticalconstituent__constituent  a word or phrase or clause forming part of a larger grammatical construction
                       subtype:  subject.grammatical_constituent  (linguistics) one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the grammatical constituent about which something is predicated
                       subtype:  object  a grammatical constituent that is acted upon; "the object of the verb"
                          subtype:  prepositional_object__prepositionalobject__object_of_a_preposition  the object governed by a preposition
                          subtype:  direct_object__object_of_the_verb  the object that receives the direct action of the verb
                          subtype:  indirect_object  the object that is the recipient or beneficiary of the action of the verb
                          subtype:  retained_object  an object in a passive construction
                       subtype:  ablative_absolute  a constituent in Latin grammar; a noun and its modifier can function as a sentence modifier
                       subtype:  immediate_constituent__immediateconstituent  a constituent of a sentence at the first step in an analysis: e.g., subject and predicate
                       subtype:  grammatical_construction__grammaticalconstruction__construction__expression  a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit; "I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner"
                          subtype:  clause  (grammar) an expression including a subject and predicate but not constituting a complete sentence
                             subtype:  main_clause__independent_clause__independentclause  a clause in a complex sentence that can stand alone as a complete sentence
                             subtype:  subordinate_clause__subordinateclause__dependent_clause__dependentclause  a clause in a complex sentence that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and that functions within the sentence as a noun or adjective or adverb
                                subtype:  restrictive_clause__restrictiveclause  a subordinate clause that limits or restricts the meaning of the noun phrase it modifies
                                subtype:  nonrestrictive_clause__descriptive_clause__descriptiveclause  a subordinate clause that does not limit or restrict the meaning of the noun phrase it modifies
                             subtype:  relative_clause  a clause introduced by a relative pronoun; "`who visits frequently' is a relative clause in the sentence `John, who visits frequently, is ill'"
                          subtype:  complement  a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction
                          subtype:  involution  a long and intricate and complicated grammatical construction
                          subtype:  phrase  an expression forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence but not containing a finite verb
                             subtype:  noun_phrase  (linguistics) a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb
                             subtype:  verb_phrase__predicate  (linguistics) one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the predicate contains the verb and its complements
                             subtype:  prepositional_phrase__prepositionalphrase  a phrase beginning with a preposition
                             subtype:  response.phrase  a phrase recited or sung by the congregation following a versicle by the priest or minister
                             subtype:  advice_and_consent  a legal phrase in the US Constitution that allows the Senate to constrain the President's powers of appointment and treaty-making
                             subtype:  catchphrase__catch_phrase__catchphrase  a phrase that has become a catchword
                          subtype:  predicator  an expression that predicates
                       subtype:  misconstruction  an ungrammatical constituent
                       subtype:  term.grammatical_constituent  one of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition; "the major term of a syllogism must occur twice"
                          subtype:  subject.term  (logic) the first term of a proposition
                          subtype:  predicate  (logic) what is predicated of the subject of a proposition; the second term in a proposition is predicated of the first term by means of the copula; "`Socrates is a man' predicates manhood of Socrates"
                          subtype:  grammatical_referent__grammaticalreferent__referent  the first term in a proposition; the term to which other terms relate
                          subtype:  relatum  a term in a proposition that is related to the referent of the proposition
                          subtype:  major_term__majorterm  the term in a syllogism that is the predicate of the conclusion
                          subtype:  minor_term__minorterm  the term in a syllogism that is the subject of the conclusion
                          subtype:  middle_term  the term in a syllogism that is common to both premises and excluded from the conclusion
              subtype:  barrage__outpouring__onslaught  the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)
     subtype:  string  a string of characters
        subtype:  XML_literal
           subtype:  Literal
              subtype:  name_string
        subtype:  character  element of an alphabet, a set of numerals, etc.; sumo#character is a subclass of sumo#symbolic_string, because every instance of sumo#character is an alphanumeric sequence consisting of a single element
  subtype:  atomic_ADT__atomic_abstract_data_type
     subtype:  number
        subtype:  real_number  a number that can be expressed as a (possibly infinite) decimal, i.e. a number that has a position on the number line
           subtype:  rational_number  real_number that is the product of dividing two integers
              subtype:  integer  a negative or nonnegative whole number
                 subtype:  nonnegative_integer__nonnegativeinteger  integer >= 0
                    subtype:  positive_integer  integer > 0
                    subtype:  zero  class containing only 0
                 subtype:  negative_integer  integer < 0
                 subtype:  even_integer  integer that is evenly divisible by 2
                 subtype:  odd_integer__oddinteger  integer that is not evenly divisible by 2
                 subtype:  prime_number__primenumber
           subtype:  irrational_number
           subtype:  nonnegative_real_number  real_number >= 0
              subtype:  nonnegative_integer__nonnegativeinteger  integer >= 0
              subtype:  positive_real_number  real_number > 0
                 subtype:  positive_integer  integer > 0
           subtype:  negative_real_number  real_number < 0
              subtype:  negative_integer  integer < 0
           subtype:  binary_number  elements from the number system with base 2; every binary_number is expressed as a sequence of the digits 1 and 0
           subtype:  decimal
        subtype:  imaginary_number__imaginarynumber  a number that is the result of multiplying a real_number by the square root of -1
        subtype:  complex_number__complexnumber  a number that has the form: x + yi, where x and y are real_numbers and i is the square root of -1
     subtype:  boolean  two instances: true and false
        instance:  true  false
  subtype:  structured_ADT__structured_abstract_data_type
     subtype:  list  a particular ordered n-tuple of items; generally speaking, lists are created by means of the list_fn function, which takes any number of items as arguments and returns a list with the items in the same order; anything, including other lists, may be an item in a list; note too that lists are extensional - two lists that have the same items in the same order are identical; note too that a list (the null_list) may contain no items
        subtype:  unique_list  a list in which no item appears more than once, i.e. a list for which there are no distinct numbers ?n1 and ?n2 such that (sumo#list_order_fn ?list ?n1) and (sumo#list_order_fn ?list ?n2) return the same value
           subtype:  null__null_list  type of empty lists
              instance:  null_list
           subtype:  single__list_with_1_element  list of length 1
        subtype:  double__list_with_2_elements  list of length 2
        subtype:  triple__list_with_3_elements  list of length 3
        subtype:  container
           subtype:  bag
           subtype:  seq
              subtype:  list
                 subtype:  disjoint__disjoint_list_of_classes  classes in such a list are pairwise disjoint
           subtype:  alt  alternatives (exclusive or inclusive?)
              subtype:  or_bag  bag of OR-ed elements
              subtype:  xor_bag__xorbag  bag of XOR-ed elements
        subtype:  multidimensional_object  ordered list of thing; click here for details
           subtype:  multidimensional_property_space
           subtype:  multidimensional_number
           subtype:  multidimensional_property
           subtype:  multidimensional_number_space
           subtype:  multidimensional_scale
     subtype:  set  ADT where duplicate elements are not allowed
        subtype:  or_set  set of OR-ed elements
        subtype:  xor_set__xorset  set of XOR-ed elements
     subtype:  number_container
     subtype:  array
        subtype:  string  a string of characters
     subtype:  queue
     subtype:  stack
     subtype:  keyed_collection_ADT
     subtype:  graph_ADT
        subtype:  graph__connected_graph__connectedgraph  every graph is assumed to contain at least two arcs and three nodes
     subtype:  lattice  an arrangement of points or particles or objects in a regular periodic pattern in 2 or 3 dimensions
        subtype:  space_lattice__spacelattice__crystal_lattice__crystallattice__Bravais_lattice  a 3-dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms or molecules or ions composing a crystal
     subtype:  statement
     subtype:  ontology  a set of categories, and definitions or axioms about these categories
        subtype:  Dolce_version__Dolce  a version of the Dolce ontology
           subtype:  dolce_full__dolcefull__Dolce  a full version of Dolce
           subtype:  Dolce_lite__dl  a restricted version of Dolce that can be expressed in OWL DL
     subtype:  block_set__blockset
     subtype:  data_range
  subtype:  structure  the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations; "his lectures have no structure"
     subtype:  organisation__arrangement__organization__system  an organized structure for arranging or classifying; "he changed the arrangement of the topics"; "the facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original"; "he tried to understand their system of classification"
        subtype:  classification_system  a system for classifying things
           subtype:  hierarchical_classification_system  a classification system where entries are arranged based on some hierarchical structure
           subtype:  rating_system__scoring_system__scoringsystem  a system of classifying according to quality or merit or amount
           subtype:  file_system__filing_system  a system of classifying into files (usually arranged alphabetically)
           subtype:  pigeonholing__grouping  a system for classifying things into groups
              subtype:  ABO_blood_group_system__ABO_system__ABO_group  a classification system for the antigens of human blood; used in blood transfusion therapy; four groups are A and B and AB and O
        subtype:  contrivance.organisation  an artificial or unnatural or obviously contrived arrangement of details or parts etc.; "the plot contained too many improbable contrivances to be believable"
        subtype:  coordinate_system__frame_of_reference__reference_system__referencesystem__reference_frame__referenceframe  a system that uses coordinates to establish position
           subtype:  inertial_reference_frame__inertial_frame  a coordinate system in which Newton's first law of motion is valid
           subtype:  space-time_continuum__space-time__spacetime  the 4-dimensional coordinate system (3 dimensions of space and 1 of time) in which physical events are located
        subtype:  data_structure  the organization of data (and its storage allocations in a computer)
           subtype:  hierarchical_structure__hierarchical_data_structure  a structure of data having several levels arranged in a tree-like structure
        subtype:  design.organisation__plan  an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests"
           subtype:  a plan or design of something that is laid out
           subtype:  trap.design__snare  something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares; "the exam was full of trap questions"; "it was all a snare and delusion"
              subtype:  iron_trap  a trap from which there is no escape
              subtype:  speed_trap__speedtrap  a trap arranged on a roadway for catching speeders
           subtype:  hotel_plan__hotelplan__meal_plan  a plan and a room rate for providing meals to guests at a hotel
              subtype:  American_plan  a hotel plan that includes three meals daily
                 subtype:  modified_American_plan  a hotel plan that includes breakfast and dinner (but not lunch)
              subtype:  Bermuda_plan  a hotel plan that provides a full breakfast daily
              subtype:  European_plan__continental_plan__continentalplan  a hotel plan that provides a continental breakfast daily
        subtype:  statistical_distribution__statisticaldistribution__distribution  an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence
           subtype:  frequency_distribution__frequencydistribution  a distribution of observed frequencies of occurrence of the values of a variable
           subtype:  normal_distribution__Gaussian_distribution  a theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance
           subtype:  Poisson_distribution  a theoretical distribution that is a good approximation to the binomial distribution when the probability is small and the number of trials is large
           subtype:  sample_distribution__sample  items selected from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population
              subtype:  random_sample  a sample in which every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
              subtype:  stratified_sample__representative_sample__proportional_sample  the population is divided into strata and a random sample is taken from each stratum
           subtype:  binomial_distribution__Bernoulli_distribution  a theoretical distribution of the number of successes in a finite set of independent trials with a constant probability of success
        subtype:  genetic_map__geneticmap  graphical representation of the arrangement of genes on a chromosome
        subtype:  lattice  an arrangement of points or particles or objects in a regular periodic pattern in 2 or 3 dimensions
        subtype:  living_arrangement  an arrangement to allow people (or ideas) to co-exist
        subtype:  calendar.organisation  a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the year
           subtype:  lunar_calendar__lunarcalendar  a calendar based on lunar cycles
              subtype:  Muhammadan_calendar__Mohammedan_calendar__Moslem_calendar__Muslim_calendar  the lunar calendar used by Moslems; dates from 622 AD (the year of the Hegira); the beginning of the Moslem year retrogresses through the solar year completing the cycle every 32 years
              instance:  Roman_calendar
           subtype:  lunisolar_calendar__lunisolarcalendar  a calendar based on both lunar and solar cycles
              subtype:  Jewish_calendar__Hebrew_calendar__hebrewcalendar  (Judaism) the calendar used by the Jews; dates from 3761 BC (the assumed date of the creation of the world); a lunar year of 354 days is adjusted to the solar year by periodic leap years
              subtype:  Hindu_calendar  the lunisolar calendar governing the religious life of Hindus; an extra month is inserted after every month in which there are two new moons (once every three years)
           subtype:  solar_calendar__solarcalendar  a calendar based on solar cycles
              subtype:  Gregorian_calendar__New_Style  the solar calendar now in general use, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 AD to correct an error in the Julian calendar by suppressing 10 days, making Oct 5 be called Oct 15, and providing that only centenary years divisible by 400 should be leap years; it was adopted by Great Britain and the American colonies in 1752
                 subtype:  church_calendar__ecclesiastical_calendar  a calendar of the Christian year indicating the dates of fasts and festivals
              subtype:  Julian_calendar__Old_Style  the solar calendar introduced in Rome in 46 b.c. by Julius Caesar and slightly modified by Augustus, establishing the 12-month year of 365 days with each 4th year having 366 days and the months having 31 or 30 days except for February
              subtype:  Revolutionary_calendar  the calendar adopted by The French First Republic in 1793 and abandoned in 1805; dates were calculated from Sept. 22, 1792
     subtype:  configuration__constellation  an arrangement of parts or elements; "the outcome depends on the configuration of influences at the time"
        subtype:  unitization  the configuration of smaller units of information into large coordinated units
        subtype:  redundancy.configuration  (electronics) a system design that duplicates components to provide alternatives in case one component fails
     subtype:  form.structure__shape__pattern  a perceptual structure; "the composition presents problems for students of musical form"; "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them"
        subtype:  fractal  a geometric pattern that is repeated at every scale and so cannot be represented by classical geometry
        subtype:  gestalt  a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts
        subtype:  mosaic.form  a pattern resembling a mosaic
        subtype:  strand.form  a pattern forming a unity within a larger structural whole; "he tried to pick up the strands of his former life"; "I could hear several melodic strands simultaneously"
     subtype:  syntax__sentence_structure__phrase_structure  the grammatical arrangement of words in sentences
     subtype:  sound_structure__soundstructure__morphology__syllable_structure__word_structure  the admissible arrangement of sounds in words
        subtype:  affixation  the result of adding an affix to a root word
  subtype:  language_unit__linguistic_unit  one of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analyzed
     subtype:  discourse  extended verbal expression in speech or writing
        subtype:  linguistic_context__context__context_of_use  discourse that surrounds a language unit and helps to determine its interpretation
     subtype:  word  a unit of language that native speakers can identify; "words are the blocks from which sentences are made"; "he hardly said ten words all morning"
        subtype:  anagram  a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase
           subtype:  antigram  an anagram that means the opposite of the original word or phrase; "`restful' is the antigram of `fluster'"
        subtype:  anaphor  a word (such as a pronoun) used to avoid repetition; the referent of an anaphor is determined by its antecedent
        subtype:  antonym__opposite_word__opposite  two words that express opposing concepts; "to him the opposite of gay was depressed"
           subtype:  direct_antonym  antonyms that are commonly associated (e.g., `wet' and `dry')
           subtype:  indirect_antonym  antonyms whose opposition is mediated (e.g., the antonymy of `wet' and `parched' is mediated by the similarity of `parched' to `dry')
        subtype:  back-formation  a word invented (usually unwittingly by subtracting an affix) on the assumption that a familiar word derives from it
        subtype:  portmanteau_word__portmanteauword__blend__portmanteau  a word formed by joining two others (e.g., `smog' is a blend of `smoke' and `fog')
        subtype:  charade  a word acted out in an episode of the game of charades
        subtype:  cognate_word__cognateword__cognate  a word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language
        subtype:  content_word__contentword__open-class_word  a word to which an independent meaning can be assigned
           subtype:  headword.content_word__head_word  a word that is qualified by a modifier
           subtype:  noun  a word that can be used to refer to a person or place or thing
              subtype:  mass_noun  a noun that does not form plurals
              subtype:  count_noun__countnoun  a noun that forms plurals
              subtype:  proper_noun__proper_name  a noun that denotes a particular thing; usually capitalized
              subtype:  common_noun  a noun that denotes any or all members of a class
                 subtype:  verbal_noun__deverbal_noun  a noun that is derived from a verb
                    subtype:  gerund  a noun formed from a verb (such as the `-ing' form of an English verb when used as a noun)
                 subtype:  adnoun  an adjective used as a noun; "`meek' in `blessed are the meek' is an adnoun"
           subtype:  verb.content_word  a content word that denotes an action or a state
              subtype:  copula__copulative__linking_verb__linkingverb  an equating verb (such as `be' or `become') that links the subject with the complement of a sentence
           subtype:  modifier.content_word__qualifier  a content word that qualifies the meaning of a noun or verb
              subtype:  intensifier__intensive  a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies; "`up' in `finished up' is an intensifier"; "`honestly' in `I honestly don't know' is an intensifier"
              subtype:  adjective  a word that expresses an attribute of something
                 subtype:  descriptive_adjective__descriptiveadjective__qualifying_adjective  an adjective that ascribes to its noun the value of an attribute of that noun (e.g., `a nervous person' or `a musical speaking voice')
                 subtype:  relational_adjective__classifying_adjective__classifyingadjective  an adjective that classifies its noun (e.g., `a nervous disease' or `a musical instrument')
                    subtype:  pertainym  (informal) meaning relating to or pertaining to
                 subtype:  comparative  the comparative form of an adjective; "`better' is the comparative of `good'"
                 subtype:  superlative.adjective  the superlative form of an adjective; "`best' is the superlative form of `good'"
              subtype:  adverb.modifier  a word that modifies something other than a noun
                 subtype:  adverbial  a word or group of words function as an adverb
              subtype:  dangling_modifier__misplaced_modifier__misplacedmodifier  a word or phrase apparently modifying an unintended word because of its placement in a sentence: e.g., `when young' in `when young, circuses appeal to all of us'
                 subtype:  dangling_participle  a participle (usually at the beginning of a sentence) apparently modifying a word other than the word intended: e.g., `flying across the country' in `flying across the country the Rockies came into view'
        subtype:  contraction  a word formed from two or more words by omitting or combining some sounds: "won't" from "will not"; "o'clock" from "of the clock"
        subtype:  deictic_word__deicticword__deictic  a word specifying identity or spacial or temporal location from the perspective of a speaker or hearer in the context in which the communication occurs: "words that introduce particulars of the speaker's and hearer's shared cognitive field into the message"- R.Rommetveit
        subtype:  derivative  (linguistics) a word that is derived from another word; "`electricity' is a derivative of `electric'"
        subtype:  diminutive  a word that is formed with a suffix (such as -let or -kin) to indicate smallness
        subtype:  disyllable__dissyllable  a word having two syllables
        subtype:  word_form__form__signifier  the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word; "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached"
           subtype:  plural_form__plural  the form of a word that is used to denote more than one
           subtype:  singular_form__singular  the form of a word that is used to denote a singleton
           subtype:  ghost_word__ghostword  a word form that has entered the language through the perpetuation of an error
           subtype:  root_word__root__base__stem__theme__radical  (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed; "thematic vowels are part of the stem"
           subtype:  etymon__root  a simple form inferred as the common basis from which related words in several languages can be derived by linguistic processes
           subtype:  citation_form__main_entry_word__entry_word__entryword  the form of a word that heads a lexical entry and is alphabetized in a dictionary
           subtype:  abbreviation.word_form  a shortened form of a word or phrase
              subtype:  apocope  abbreviation of a word by omitting the final sound or sounds; "the British get `pud' from `pudding' by apocope"
           subtype:  acronym  a word formed from the initial letters of a multi-word name
        subtype:  four-letter_word__four-letter_Anglo-Saxon_word  any of several short English words (often having 4 letters) generally regarded as obscene or offensive
        subtype:  function_word__closed-class_word  a word that serves a grammatical function but has no identifiable meaning
           subtype:  determiner__determinative  one of a limited class of noun modifiers that determine the referents of noun phrases
              subtype:  article.determiner  (Grammar) a determiner that may indicate the specificity of reference of a noun phrase
                 subtype:  definite_article  a determiner (as `the' in English) that indicates specificity of reference
                 subtype:  indefinite_article  a determiner (as `a' or `some' in English) that indicates non-specificity of reference
           subtype:  preposition  a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word
           subtype:  pronoun  a function word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase
              subtype:  anaphoric_pronoun__anaphoricpronoun  a pronoun that refers to an antecedent
              subtype:  demonstrative_pronoun__demonstrative  a pronoun that points out an intended referent
              subtype:  personal_pronoun  a pronoun expressing a distinction of person
                 subtype:  reflexive_pronoun__reflexivepronoun__reflexive  a personal pronoun compounded with -self to show the agent's action affects itself
              subtype:  relative_pronoun  a pronoun (as `that' or `which' or `who') that introduces a relative clause referring to some antecedent
           subtype:  conjunctive__conjunction__connective  an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences
              subtype:  coordinating_conjunction  a conjunction (like `and' or `or') that connects two identically constructed grammatical constituents
              subtype:  subordinate_conjunction__subordinateconjunction__subordinating_conjunction__subordinatingconjunction  a conjunction (like `since' or `that' or `who') that introduces a dependent clause
           subtype:  particle.function_word  a function word having different uses in different languages
        subtype:  head_word__head  (linguistics) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent
        subtype:  headword  a word placed at the beginning of a line or paragraph (as in a dictionary entry)
        subtype:  heteronym  two words are heteronyms if they are spelled the same way but differ in pronunciation (e.g. `bow')
        subtype:  holonym__wholename  a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part; "`hat' is a holonym for `brim' and `crown'"
        subtype:  homonym  two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings
           subtype:  homograph  two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning (e.g. fair)
           subtype:  homophone  two words are homophones if they are pronounced the same way but differ in meaning or spelling or both (e.g. bare and bear)
        subtype:  hypernym__superordinate__superordinate_word__superordinateword  a word that is more generic than a given word
        subtype:  hyponym__subordinate_word__subordinateword  a word that is more specific than a given word
        subtype:  key_word__keyword  a significant word used in indexing or cataloging
        subtype:  loanblend__hybrid  a word that is composed of parts from different languages (e.g., `monolingual' has a Greek prefix and a Latin root)
        subtype:  loanword__loan  a word borrowed from another language; e.g. `blitz' is a German word borrowed into modern English
           subtype:  Gallicism  a word or phrase borrowed from French
        subtype:  meronym__part_name  a word that names a part of a larger whole; "`brim' and `crown' are meronyms of `hat'"
        subtype:  metonym  a word that is used metonymically; a word that denotes one thing but refers to a related thing
        subtype:  monosyllable__monosyllabic_word  a word or utterance of one syllable
        subtype:  neology__neologism__coinage  a newly invented word or phrase
        subtype:  nonce_word__nonceword__hapax_legomenon__hapaxlegomenon  a word with a special meaning used for a special occasion
        subtype:  oxytone  word having stress or an acute accent on the last syllable
        subtype:  palindrome  a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward
        subtype:  primitive  a word serving as the basis for inflected or derived forms; "`pick' is the primitive from which `picket' is derived"
        subtype:  paroxytone  word having stress or acute accent on the next to last syllable
        subtype:  partitive  word (such a `some' or `less') that is used to indicate a part as distinct from a whole
        subtype:  polysemant__polysemantic_word__polysemous_word  a word having more than one meaning
        subtype:  polysyllable__polysyllabic_word  a word of more than three syllables
           subtype:  jawbreaker  a word that is hard to pronounce
           subtype:  sesquipedalian__sesquipedalia  a very long word (a foot and a half long)
        subtype:  proparoxytone  word having stress or acute accent on the antepenult
        subtype:  quantifier  (grammar) a word that expresses a quantity (as `fifteen' or `many')
           subtype:  universal_quantifier__universalquantifier  a logical quantifier of a proposition that asserts that the proposition is true for all members of a class of things
        subtype:  logical_quantifier__logicalquantifier__quantifier  (logic) a word (such as `some' or `all` or `no') that binds the variables in a logical proposition
           subtype:  existential_quantifier__existentialquantifier__existential_operator__existentialoperator  a logical quantifier of a proposition that asserts the existence of at least one thing for which the proposition is true
        subtype:  substantive  a noun or a pronoun that is used in place of a noun
           subtype:  noun  a word that can be used to refer to a person or place or thing
        subtype:  syncategorem  (logic) a term that cannot be used meaningfully in isolation
        subtype:  synonym__equivalent_word  two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context
        subtype:  term  a word or expression used for some particular thing; "he learned many medical terms"
           subtype:  referent.term  something that refers; a term that refers to another term
        subtype:  terminology__nomenclature__language  a system of words used in a particular discipline; "legal terminology"; "the language of sociology"
           subtype:  markup_language  a set of symbols and rules for their use when doing a markup of a document
              subtype:  standard_generalized_markup_language__SGML  (computer science) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents; a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted
              subtype:  HTML__hypertext_markup_language  a set of tags and rules (conforming to SGML) for using them in developing hypertext documents
              subtype:  XML  the language for describing XML-based languages; see
              subtype:  XML_based_language__XML_based_notation  any notation following an XML schema; see
                 subtype:  XHTML  description in
                 subtype:  SVG  Scalable Vector Graphics; description in
                 subtype:  RDF/XML  XML notation for the RDF model
                    instance:  RDF_syntax_of_22-02-1999
                 subtype:  PNML  the PNML language
                    subtype:  EPNML
                    subtype:  PNK
        subtype:  trisyllable  a word having three syllables
        subtype:  troponym__manner_name  a word that denotes a manner of doing something; "`march' is a troponym of `walk'"
        subtype:  vocable__spokenword  a word that is spoken aloud
        subtype:  classifier.word  a word or morpheme used in some languages in certain contexts (such as counting) to indicate the semantic class in which an item belongs
        subtype:  written_word__writtenword  the written form of a word
           subtype:  bigram  a word that is written with two letters in an alphabetic writing system
           subtype:  trigram  a word that is written with three letters in an alphabetic writing system
           subtype:  tetragram  a word that is written with four letters in an alphabetic writing system
              instance:  Tetragrammaton
     subtype:  syllable  a unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme; "the word `pocket' has two syllables"
        subtype:  penult__penultima__penultimate  the next to last syllable in a word
        subtype:  antepenult__antepenultimate  the 3rd syllable of a word counting back from the end
        subtype:  solfa_syllable__solfasyllable  one of the names for notes of a musical scale in solmization
           subtype:  doh__ut  the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization
           subtype:  re__ray  the syllable naming the second (supertonic) note of any major scale in solmization
           subtype:  mi  the syllable naming the third (mediant) note of any major scale in solmization
           subtype:  fa  the syllable naming the fourth (subdominant) note of the diatonic scale in solmization
           subtype:  soh__so  the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization
           subtype:  la__lah  the syllable naming the sixth (submediant) note of a major or minor scale in solmization
           subtype:  te__ti__si  the syllable naming the the seventh (subtonic) note of any musical scale in solmization
     subtype:  lexeme  a minimal unit (as a word or stem) in the lexicon of a language; `go' and `went' and `gone' and `going' are all members of the English lexeme `go'
     subtype:  morpheme  minimal meaningful language unit; it cannot be divided into smaller meaningful units
        subtype:  allomorph  a variant phonological representation of a morpheme: "the final sounds of `bets' and `beds' and `horses' and `oxen' are allomorphs of the English plural morpheme"
           subtype:  morphophoneme  (linguistics) the phonemes (or strings of phonemes) that constitute the various allomorphs of a morpheme
        subtype:  free_morpheme__free_form  a morpheme that can occur alone
        subtype:  bound_morpheme__boundmorpheme__bound_form__boundform  a morpheme that occurs only as part of a larger construction; eg an -s at the end of plural nouns
           subtype:  combining_form__combiningform  a bound form used only in compounds; "`hemato-' is a combining form in words like `hematology'"
           subtype:  affix  a linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form
              subtype:  prefix  an affix that added in front of the word
                 subtype:  alpha_privative__alphaprivative  the negative prefix a- or un-
              subtype:  suffix__ending  an affix that is added at the end of the word
                 subtype:  inflectional_suffix  an inflection that is added at the end of a root word
              subtype:  infix  an affix that is inserted inside the word
        subtype:  classifier.word  a word or morpheme used in some languages in certain contexts (such as counting) to indicate the semantic class in which an item belongs
     subtype:  formative  minimal language unit that has a syntactic (or morphological) function
     subtype:  name  a language unit by which a person or thing is known; "his name really is George Washington"; "those are two names for the same thing"
        subtype:  eponym  a name derived from the name of person (real or imaginary) as the name of Alexandria is derived from the name of its founder: Alexander the Great
        subtype:  the name of a person for whom something is supposedly named; "Constantine I is the eponym for Constantinople"
        subtype:  patronymic  a name derived with an affix (such as -son in English or O'- in Irish) from the name of your father or a paternal ancestor
        subtype:  matronymic__metronymic  a name derived from the name of your mother or a maternal ancestor
        subtype:  surname__family_name__cognomen__last_name  the name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished from each member's given name)
           subtype:  maiden_name  a woman's surname before marriage
        subtype:  middle_name  a name between your first name and your surname
        subtype:  first_name__firstname__given_name__givenname__forename  the name that precedes the surname
           subtype:  Christian_name__baptismal_name__baptismalname  the first name given to Christians at birth or christening
           subtype:  praenomen  the first name of a citizen of ancient Rome
        subtype:  alias__alia__assumed_name__assumedname__false_name__falsename  a name that has been assumed temporarily
        subtype:  pseudonym__anonym__nom_de_guerre  a fictitious name used when the person performs a particular social role
           subtype:  stage_name__stagename  the pseudonym of an actor
           subtype:  pen_name__penname__nom_de_plume  an author's pseudonym
        subtype:  misnomer  an incorrect or unsuitable name
        subtype:  writer's_name__author's_name  the name that appears on the by-line to identify the author of a work
        subtype:  appellation__denomination__designation__appellative  identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others
           subtype:  nickname__moniker__cognomen__sobriquet__soubriquet  a familiar name (often a shortened version of a person's given name); "Joe's mother would not use his nickname and always called him Joseph"
           subtype:  title.appellation  an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. Mr. or General; "the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title"
              subtype:  Aga__Agha  title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey)
              subtype:  Reverend  a title of respect for a clergyman
              subtype:  Very_Reverend  a title of respect for various ecclesiastical officials (as cathedral deans and canons and others)
           subtype:  nobility_title__title  an appellation signifying nobility; "`your majesty' is the appropriate title to use in addressing a king"
              subtype:  Lordship  a title used to address any British peer except a duke and extended to a bishop or a judge: "Your Lordship" or "His Lordship"
              subtype:  Ladyship  a title used to address any peeress except a duchess; "Your Ladyship" or "Her Ladyship"
              subtype:  baronetcy  the title of a baron
              subtype:  viscountcy  the title of a viscount
        subtype:  pet_name__petname__hypocorism  a name of endearment (especially one using a diminutive suffix); "`Billy' is a hypocorism for `William'"
        subtype:  title  the name of a work of art or literary composition etc.; "he looked for books with the word `jazz' in the title"; "he refused to give titles to his paintings"; "I can never remember movie titles"
           subtype:  rubric.heading  a title or heading that is printed in red or in a special type
        subtype:  place_name__placename__toponym  the name by which a geographical place is known
        subtype:  signature  your name written in your own handwriting
           subtype:  allograph  a signature made by one person for another
           subtype:  John_Hancock__autograph  a person's own signature
           subtype:  countersignature__countersign  a second confirming signature endorsing a document already signed
           subtype:  endorsement.signature  a signature that endorses something
              subtype:  blank_endorsement__blankendorsement__endorsement_in_blank  an endorsement on commercial paper naming no payee and so payable to the bearer
           subtype:  sign_manual  the signature of a sovereign on an official document
        subtype:  company_name__companyname  the name by which a corporation is identified
        subtype:  domain_name  (computer science) strings of letters used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet; "domain names are organized hierarchically with the more generic parts to the right"
        subtype:  trade_name__tradename__brand_name__brandname__brand__marque  a name given to a product or service
           subtype:  recording_label__label  trade name of a company that produces musical recordings; "the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent"
        subtype:  previous_surname
        subtype:  middle_name
     subtype:  collocation  a grouping of words in a sentence
     subtype:  speech_sound__phone__sound  (linguistics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language
        subtype:  phoneme  (linguistics) one of a small set of speech sounds that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language
           subtype:  allophone  (linguistics) any of various acoustically different forms of the same phoneme
        subtype:  vowel_sound__vowelsound__vowel  a speech sound made with the vocal tract open
           subtype:  ablaut__gradation  a vowel whose quality or length is changed to indicate linguistic distinctions (such as sing sang sung song)
           subtype:  diphthong  a vowel sound that starts near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves toward the position for another
           subtype:  schwa__shwa  a neutral middle vowel; occurs in unstressed syllables
              subtype:  murmur_vowel__murmur  a schwa that is incidental to the pronunciation of a consonant
           subtype:  stem_vowel__thematic_vowel  a vowel that ends a stem and precedes an inflection
        subtype:  semivowel__glide  a vowel-like sound that serves as a consonant
           subtype:  palatal  a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate (like the initial sound in the English word `yeast')
        subtype:  consonant  a speech sound that is not a vowel
           subtype:  alveolar_consonant__dental_consonant__alveolar  a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge
           subtype:  stop_consonant__stop__occlusive__plosive_consonant__plosiveconsonant__plosive_speech_sound__plosive  a consonant produced by stopping air at some point and suddenly releasing it; "his stop consonants are too aspirated"
              subtype:  labial_stop  a stop consonant that is produced with the lips
              subtype:  glottal_stop__glottalstop__glottal_plosive__glottalplosive__glottal_catch__glottalcatch  a stop consonant articulated by releasing pressure at the glottis; as in the sudden onset of a vowel
              subtype:  suction_stop__suctionstop  a stop consonant made by the suction of air into the mouth (as in Bantu)
           subtype:  aspirate  a consonant pronounced with aspiration
           subtype:  labial_consonant__labial  a consonant whose articulation involves movement of the lips
              subtype:  bilabial  a consonant that is articulated using both lips; /p/ or /b/ or /w/
              subtype:  labial_stop  a stop consonant that is produced with the lips
           subtype:  continuant_consonant__continuant  consonant articulated by constricting (but not closing) the vocal tract
              subtype:  fricative_consonant__fricative  a continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the vocal tract
              subtype:  nasal_consonant__nasal  a continuant consonant produced through the nose with the mouth closed
              subtype:  liquid.continuant_consonant  a frictionless non-nasal continuant (especially `l' and `r')
           subtype:  sibilant_consonant__sibilant  a consonant characterized by a hissing sound (like s or sh)
           subtype:  affricate_consonant__affricateconsonant__affricate__affricative  a composite speech sound consisting of a stop and a fricative articulated at the same point (as `ch' in `chair' and `j' in `joy')
           subtype:  surd__voiceless_consonant__voicelessconsonant  a consonant produced without sound from the vocal cords
           subtype:  guttural_consonant__guttural  a consonant articulated in the back of the mouth or throat
        subtype:  orinasal_phone__orinasal  a speech sound produced with both the oral and nasal passages open (as French nasal vowels)
        subtype:  sonant__voiced_sound  a speech sound accompanied by sound from the vocal cords
     subtype:  sign.language_unit  (linguistics) a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified; "The bond between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary"--de Saussure
     subtype:  category_identifier__formal_term
  subtype:  symbolic_representation__symbol__symbolization__symbolisation  something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible; "the eagle is a symbol of the United States"
     subtype:  crossbones  two crossed bones (or a representation of two crossed bones) used as a symbol danger or death
     subtype:  death's_head__death'shead  a human skull (or a representation of a human skull) used as a symbol of death
     subtype:  white_feather__whitefeather  a symbol of cowardice
     subtype:  emblem.symbolic_representation__allegory  a visible symbol representing an abstract idea
        subtype:  scarlet_letter__scarletletter  the letter A in red; Puritans required adulterers to wear it
        subtype:  donkey  the symbol of the Democratic Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874
        subtype:  dove.emblem  an emblem of peace
        subtype:  eagle  an emblem representing power; "the Roman eagle"
        subtype:  elephant.emblem  the symbol of the Republican Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874
        subtype:  fasces  bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade protruding; in ancient Rome it was a symbol of a magistrate's power; in modern Italy it is a symbol of Fascism
        subtype:  national_flag__flag__ensign  an emblem flown as a symbol of nationality
           subtype:  American_flag__Stars_and_Stripes__Star-Spangled_Banner__Old_Glory  the national flag of the United States of America
           subtype:  Stars_and_Bars__Confederate_flag  the first flag of the Confederate States of American
        subtype:  hammer_and_sickle  the emblem on the flag of the Soviet Union
        subtype:  Star_of_David__Magen_David__Mogen_David  an emblem symbolizing Judaism; hexagram
        subtype:  badge  an emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc.); "they checked everyone's badge before letting them in"
           subtype:  merit_badge__meritbadge  a badge award to Boy Scouts in recognition of special projects
           subtype:  insignia  a badge worn to show official position
              subtype:  caduceus  an insignia used by the medical profession; modeled after the staff of Hermes
              subtype:  insignia_of_rank  an insignia worn on a military uniform
              subtype:  shoulder_flash  (British) something worn on the shoulder of a military uniform as an emblem of a division etc.
              subtype:  service_stripe__servicestripe__hashmark__hash_mark  an insignia worn to indicate years of service
              subtype:  cordon.insignia  cord or ribbon worn as an insignia of honor or rank
              subtype:  wings.insignia__wing  stylized bird wings worn as an insignia by qualified pilots or air crew members
           subtype:  ID__I.D.  a card or badge used to identify the bearer
           subtype:  black_belt__blackbelt  a black sash worn to show expert standards in the martial arts (judo or karate)
           subtype:  blue_ribbon__cordon_bleu  an honor or award gained for excellence
           subtype:  stripes__chevron__grade_insignia__gradeinsignia  V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service
           subtype:  stripe  a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military rank or length of service
        subtype:  Paschal_Lamb__Agnus_Dei  figure of a lamb; emblematic of Christ
        subtype:  maple-leaf__mapleleaf  the emblem of Canada
        subtype:  medallion  an emblem indicating that a taxicab is registered
        subtype:  spread_eagle.emblem__spreadeagle  an emblem (an eagle with wings and legs spread) on the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States
        subtype:  swastika__Hakenkreuz  the official emblem of the Nazi Party and the German Third Reich; a cross with the arms bent at right angles in a clockwise direction
  subtype:  IS_structure
     subtype:  symbolic_structure
        subtype:  mathematical_symbolic_structure
           subtype:  mathematical_KM_structure
              subtype:  FCA_structure
                 subtype:  FCA_formal_context
                    subtype:  FCA_simple_formal_context
                    subtype:  FCA_many_valued_context
                       subtype:  FCA_incomplete_context
                 subtype:  FCA_formal_concept
                 subtype:  FCA_graph
                    subtype:  FCA_concept_graph
                       subtype:  FCA_existential_concept_graph
                       subtype:  FCA_concept_graph_with_negation
                          subtype:  FCA_semiconcept_graph
                             subtype:  FCA_semiconcept_graph_with_variables
                          subtype:  FCA_protoconcept_graph
                          subtype:  FCA_concept_graph_with_cuts
                    subtype:  FCA_relation_graph
                 subtype:  FCA_ontology
        subtype:  symbolic_structure_not_fully_mathematically_defined
        subtype:  KM_structure
           subtype:  KB__knowledge_base__knowledgebase
           subtype:  base_of_facts/beliefs
           subtype:  ontology__set_of_category_definitions/constraints
              subtype:  lexical_ontology__lexicalontology
              subtype:  language_ontology
              subtype:  domain_ontology
              subtype:  top_level_ontology__toplevelontology
                 subtype:  DOLCE_light
                 subtype:  SUMO
                 subtype:  top_level_of_ontology_of_John_Sowa
              subtype:  concept_ontology__conceptontology
              subtype:  relation_ontology
              subtype:  multi_source_ontology  ontology where the creator of each category and statement is recorded and represented via a category
                 subtype:  default_MSO_of_WebKB-2  an ontology provided as default by a version of WebKB-2
              subtype:  CG_ontology
           subtype:  KB_category  if a category has an identifier, this identifier is a "formal term"
              subtype:  individual  if an individual has an identifier, this identifier may be named a "constant"
                 subtype:  context
                    subtype:  module/namespace
              subtype:  type
                 subtype:  concept_type__concepttype
                 subtype:  relation_type
                    subtype:  lexical_link__lexicallink
                    subtype:  link_to_document_element
                    subtype:  link_to_creator
           subtype:  KB_statement
              subtype:  category_definition
              subtype:  fact_or_belief
           subtype:  data_to_model
           subtype:  KA_model__knowledge_acquisition_model__knowledgeacquisitionmodel
              subtype:  generic_KA_model
              subtype:  instantiated_KA_model
              subtype:  task_model
                 subtype:  generic_task_model
                 subtype:  instantiated_task_model
                 subtype:  task_model
              subtype:  CommonKADS_model
                 subtype:  organisation_model
                 subtype:  task_model
                 subtype:  agent_model
                 subtype:  communication_model__communicationmodel
                 subtype:  expertise_model__expertisemodel
                 subtype:  design_model
              subtype:  KB_conceptual_model
              subtype:  KBS_design_model
                 subtype:  design_model
           subtype:  KR_language__KRL__KR_model_or_notation
              subtype:  KR_model/structure
              subtype:  KR_notation
                 subtype:  linear_notation__text_based_notation
                 subtype:  CG_notation
                    subtype:  CGIF__Conceptual_Graph_Interchange_Format
                    subtype:  CGLF__Conceptual_Graph_Linear_Format
                    subtype:  CGDF__Conceptual_Graph_Display_Format
                    subtype:  CGPro__Conceptual_Graph_Prolog
                    subtype:  XCG
                    subtype:  FCG__Frame-CG
                    subtype:  FE__Formalized-English
                    subtype:  FT__For_taxonomy
              subtype:  predicate_logic_oriented_language
                 subtype:  KIF
                 subtype:  CYCL
              subtype:  frame_oriented_language
                 subtype:  terminological_logic
                 subtype:  Frame-Logic
              subtype:  graph_oriented_language
                 subtype:  Peirce_existential_graphs__EGs
                 subtype:  CGs
                 subtype:  RDF
                 subtype:  concept_maps_language
                 subtype:  FCA_graph
                 subtype:  CG_language__Conceptual_Graph
                    subtype:  existential_CG
                    subtype:  CG_with_context__cgwithcontext
                       subtype:  existential_CG_plus_context
                    subtype:  existential_CG_plus_if-then_connector
                    subtype:  CG_model
                    subtype:  CG_notation
              subtype:  KR_language_with_query_commands
              subtype:  KR_language_with_scripting_capabilities
           subtype:  mathematical_KM_structure
           subtype:  language_specific_structure
              subtype:  CG_structure
                 subtype:  CG_statement
                 subtype:  CG_language__Conceptual_Graph
                 subtype:  CG_ontology
     subtype:  connexionist_structure
        subtype:  neural_network

1 schema is about description_medium
     [any description_medium (^$(no inheritance)$^),
          description_instrument of: a description,
          may have for url: a URL,
          may have for relation_from_description_content/medium/container (^$(explore)$^): a thing]

1 statement is about a direct instance of description_medium: graph1_on_description

20 statements are about indirect instances of description_medium: graph1_on_ontology, graph3_on_article, graph7_on_article, graph8_on_article, graph27_on_article, graph29_on_article, graph30_on_article, graph3_on_PhD_thesis, graph32_on_article, graph33_on_article, graph1_on_conference, graph1_on_file, graph1_on_written_material, graph1_on_publication, graph1_on_report, graph35_on_article, graph1_on_address, graph1_on_housing, graph1_on_meal_shop, graph1_on_person click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

1275 categories printed

Another search (with same display options)?