  supertype:  dolce#particular  a 0-order type
  subtype:  pm#Higgins_Relationship
     subtype:  higgins#ContextRelationship
     subtype:  higgins#SubjectRelationship
        subtype:  pwa#Person
  subtype:  pm#Higgins_ContextObject_or_DigitalSubject
     subtype:  higgins#ContextObject  There should only be one instance of this class within a given Context. This instance represents the containing Context itself.
     subtype:  higgins#DigitalSubject
        subtype:  xsd#boolean
        subtype:  xsd#date
        subtype:  xsd#dateTime
        subtype:  xsd#normalizedString
        subtype:  pm#string  a string of characters
           subtype:  rdfs#XML_literal
              subtype:  rdfs#Literal
                 subtype:  pm#name_string
           subtype:  sumo#character  element of an alphabet, a set of numerals, etc.; sumo#character is a subclass of sumo#symbolic_string, because every instance of sumo#character is an alphanumeric sequence consisting of a single element
        subtype:  xsd#base64Binary
        subtype:  sumo#integer  a negative or nonnegative whole number
           subtype:  sumo#nonnegative_integer__nonnegativeinteger  integer >= 0
              subtype:  sumo#positive_integer  integer > 0
              subtype:  kif#zero  class containing only 0
           subtype:  sumo#negative_integer  integer < 0
           subtype:  sumo#even_integer  integer that is evenly divisible by 2
           subtype:  sumo#odd_integer__oddinteger  integer that is not evenly divisible by 2
           subtype:  sumo#prime_number__primenumber
        subtype:  xsd#decimal
        subtype:  sumo#nonnegative_integer__nonnegativeinteger  integer >= 0
        subtype:  xsd#positiveInteger
        subtype:  xsd#nonPositiveInteger__nonpositiveinteger
        subtype:  xsd#negativeInteger
        subtype:  xsd#float
        subtype:  xsd#double
        subtype:  xsd#long
        subtype:  xsd#int
        subtype:  xsd#short
        subtype:  xsd#byte
        subtype:  xsd#unsignedLong
        subtype:  xsd#unsignedInt
        subtype:  xsd#unsignedShort
        subtype:  xsd#unsignedByte
        subtype:  xsd#hexBinary__hexbinary
        subtype:  xsd#time
        subtype:  xsd#gYear__gyear
        subtype:  xsd#gYearMonth__gyearmonth
        subtype:  xsd#gMonthDay
        subtype:  xsd#gDay__gday
        subtype:  xsd#gMonth__gmonth
        subtype:  xsd#anyURI
        subtype:  xsd#token
        subtype:  xsd#NMTOKEN
        subtype:  xsd#language
        subtype:  xsd#Name
        subtype:  xsd#NCName
        subtype:  pwa#Person
     subtype:  higgins#ComplexAttribute
        subtype:  pwa#PostalAddress
  subtype:  higgins#ContextId  URI that uniquely identifies a Context (earlier refered to as a ContextRef or ContextURI
  subtype:  pm#Higgins_DigitalSubject_or_Value
     subtype:  higgins#DigitalSubject
     subtype:  higgins#Value
        subtype:  higgins#SimpleValue
           subtype:  higgins#String
           subtype:  higgins#Base64Binary
           subtype:  higgins#NormalizedString
           subtype:  higgins#DateTime
           subtype:  higgins#Boolean
           subtype:  higgins#Decimal
           subtype:  higgins#Integer
           subtype:  higgins#NegativeInteger
           subtype:  higgins#NonNegativeInteger
           subtype:  higgins#PositiveInteger
           subtype:  higgins#NonPositiveInteger
           subtype:  higgins#Float
           subtype:  higgins#Double
           subtype:  higgins#Long
           subtype:  higgins#Int
           subtype:  higgins#Short
           subtype:  higgins#Byte
           subtype:  higgins#UnsignedLong
           subtype:  higgins#UnsignedInt
           subtype:  higgins#UnsignedShort
           subtype:  higgins#UnsignedByte
           subtype:  higgins#HexBinary
           subtype:  higgins#Time
           subtype:  higgins#Date
           subtype:  higgins#GYear
           subtype:  higgins#GYearMonth
           subtype:  higgins#GMonthDay
           subtype:  higgins#GDay
           subtype:  higgins#GMonth
           subtype:  higgins#AnyURI
           subtype:  higgins#Token
           subtype:  higgins#Language
           subtype:  higgins#NMTOKEN
           subtype:  higgins#Name
           subtype:  higgins#NCName
        subtype:  higgins#ComplexValue
           subtype:  higgins#SubjectRelationship
        subtype:  higgins#TimeSpan
  subtype:  pm#Higgins_Attribute_or_Value
     subtype:  higgins#Value
     subtype:  higgins#Attribute  Instances of this class are used as the domain of higgins:metadata properties that, taken together, are considered to be the metadata about a higgins:attribute sub-property.
        subtype:  higgins#ComplexAttribute
        subtype:  higgins#NormalizedStringAttribute
           subtype:  higgins#NormalizedStringSimpleAttribute

1 statement is about an indirect instance of pm#Higgins_object (pwa#Person): pm#graph1_on_Person click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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